Application Area Variance Revised June 2000 General Information Tax Parcel ID Number: .R8 9 • iS• i - 7 Zoning District: Pr Detailed Description of•Project [Includes current & propose use]; SLl it 4a Om��y rear �ST.�► #1-144 Eliarvern Location of pro]ggl: • 742 3 164y Koctoi Applicant Name: M,«o, I a 6 r r Address: • LYU^J 7G3 2Aita Home Phone Cell: !$;743.7900 fl S -.bo -1c7/ Work Phone Fax c C - c14-rr/c E Mell: M ri<< Lynn y a @m, • Agent's Name: Address: Home Phone Cell: Work Phone Fax E-mail • Owners Name Address SPPMZM Agave_ Home Phone Cell Work Phone Fax E-mail •Town of Queensbury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•Queensbury, NY 12804•518-781-8238 1 Area Variance Revised June 2009 Site Development Data • Area/Type Existing sq. ft. Proposed Total sq.ft Addition sq.ft. A. Building footprint fd+of '� 114/0 t ' 4'L� 25 Q B. Detached Garage — C. Accessory Structure(s) K /bo 0 160 D. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area r wl* I I y$ 16 1769 • E. Porches/Decks 1 l / Ga. 700 F. Other G. Total Non-Permeable sl;\4Add A-F] 9 l n I �, O l 52i 0 •H. Parcel Area (43,580 sq.ft./acre] ' i5' 76.9 4. It7%4.4 197614 I. Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [I■G/H] D. 7-If 0. ;5 1 a. z4,3 Setback Reaulrements Area Required Existing Proposed • Front[1] ?S `11 , 6 9,. ca, Front[2] Shoreline Side Yard [1] • No r4-1, 2S 16, 0 /l, 6 Sid rd[2] .2 S Z Rear Yard(1] 9 Z .2 t / 06 /0G • Rear Yard [2] Travel Corridor Height[max] y O it Permeability SO XI No. of parking spaces Town of Queensbury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•Queensbury, NY 12804.518-781-8238 2 • Area Variance Revised June 2009 4. • Additional Protect Information • WiII the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? tOo 2. If the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): nU/A 3. Does this project require coverage under the NYS DEC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program? N/A 4. Estimated project duration: Start Date Pte r \ 2,.12. End Date 4,:c. zo� 5. Estimated total cost of project: * .521/ova.co 6. Total area of land disturbance for project: 7)i J-lo • "f. Floor Area Ratio Worksheet LOOR AREA RATIO(FAR)—The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by •Ividing the total bulldingS floor area by the lot size In square feet, yielding a percentage. 1 ' •— Wate •nt Residential WR ••.22 • Commercia oderate CM 0.3 •Commercial ante - ye Cl 0.3 A. The combined area of a quarto footage,as menu - •m exterior walls of all structures on the property,Including all floors of the structures, •- -•es, basements an• ice with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches. Building square •• p does not in •de: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage a - • of one •red twenty (120) square feet or less. My additional sheds will be =. Included. (See"FLOOR AREA - 0"). • sif. Commercial or industrial:the total : n square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building r. or structure, and when applicable, • - s'• total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site. -'Parcel Area sq.ft. . Existing Floor Are sq. ft. [see above definition] *'Proposed Ad• onal Floor Area sq. ft. Propose• otal Floor Area so. ft. T• Allowable Floor Area (Area x ) [see above table] • Town of Oueenebury•Zoning Oita•742 Bay Road•Queensbury,NY 12804.818-781-8238 3 • Area Variance Revised June 2009 Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Requesting relief from SECTION: / 79-3- U 410 Need relief from theIqluirement(s)listed below which can not be met by the projeecct as proposed. 'ono ena,.r.p y/ 0-Setback 0 Buffer Zone 0 Lot Width GiOther SO AIL ?TttC.7LiR./= The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them;use additional sheets If needed. 1. 'Whether an undesirable change will be produced In the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property be crested the granting offh area variance? • szecy N ,� � a J�I�B, .ryt 2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method,feasible for the applicant to 1.- onus,other than ap area = nce? I f )i e. 5 d,Q �, is ", . Cvn�� a�Drr -� - It S. Whe rthe • requested area variance le -ubstantlal? ✓ Vanani e, It . %.e k. N oocc, — tip hag 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or Impact on the physical or e n'"""++yg���ntal 111/co/ritlons in the�nelt ibbo hhood qr district? , / Jo . �' 1' / tritio 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created?, N o o 94/154 'Pro le 40 °usef trr l/ a l O h au a arc44 a • Town of Queenebury•Zoning Office•742 Bey Road•Queenebury,NY 12804.818-7818298 4 Area Variance R�ed June 2009 Submittal of a stamped and eland SURVEY MAP depleting existing and proposed conditions shall Include the Items as noted below. • 1 lie, , dress app an person ra pro a 2 Deed 3 North arrow,Tax Map ID,date prepared and scale 14 le(minimum I In.•40 .1)..." D 4 Boundaries of the s—1 Property plotted to sale,zoning boundary 5.. Principal structures,accessory structures with etderlor dimensions a Site Improvements Ind.outdoor storage area,ddwways,palling arms,eta: Sating 6 Proposed • 7 Setbacks for W structures and Improvements: Soling A Proposed 6 Elevations and floor plans oral proposed and rooted structures sot sewage posit mise,and num P 2 Water supply(la walla septic on adjctning lots with separation distances to seeing or proposed on site water supply and 4 Separation distances for proposed sewage dlepoedl system to well and water bodies 4 Existing pubic or private water supply[well, Me,eta(. Method of securing pubic or private water, location, design and construction°water aunty krdudna dale wetly we 6 Percolation test location and results --I umber spaces raqu p a a rag -2.. No.of existing arldng SPUN,number to be removed number to maintain and Woe of surfacing materiel hag.,crawl,paved] 3 Provision for pedestrian and handicap access and parking: Sating A ProPmeld 4 Design details of Ingress,egress,loading areas and cutting: seeing A proposed >s Location and diameter of green areas Mating and proposed( modification to green area,buffer zone to remain undisturbed -6 Lighting,location and design of all existing and proposed outdoor lighting male adjacent rcoumes,s O 6.0 Ulty hery distribution system(gas,eleoblo,solar,telephone]: etd dproPaed 4/9.t.V3 . 9 Location,design and construction details of all esletlng and proposed site Improvements Including: drains,°inverts,reWdng walls,fences,fire&emergency zones and hydrants,etc. Square footage of bld area pproroposed bldg. proposed for office manufacturing, retell sales or other commercial activities: exiling A 4 t Slgaae: Location,size,type,design and setback: exiling 3 proposed 4.• Waiver Request provide letter with application requeatlng any welvars: pieces rehrona apedll c Items r,. p rCommercial/Industrial Development requires submission of Landscaping,Stannwater Management,Grading a Lighting Plans h Identilatlon of Federal,State or County permits required for the project together with a record°application for all necessary permits Town of Queenebury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•Queenebury, NY 12804.618-781.8238 5 • Area Variance Revised June 2009 ProSubmission_Conference Form t1794.0401 . 1. Tax Map ID 29Q. /S"'/'" 7 2. Zoning Classification 0 ENE 3. Reason for Review: de Q Vat/, - a 4. Zoning Section 0: 17 c' 3.•O ,Q ' tac,F,c- 8. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes;Outstanding Items to Be Addressed Include: ",• Deed No 1 General Information complete fee No • v - Site Development Data Complete Yes No Setback Requirements Complete Yes _No Additional Project Information Complete Yee No FAR addressed Yes o Compliance with Zoning Ordinance _Yea o Checklist Items addressed Ma Yes No • Environmental Form completed Yes No Signature Page completed Yee No A 6/LL CU/ 04,04,c fircN TO €€E-c7 of 46,4o Y -.' PALrJ I/ 1-S - P�vd_T Z or' EK/J� T/ /c/6, ¶. maxi,/ * _S'O U7,/ fLFU.41T/0/h(ad= Ath/740/U . 4: Le2G en ro,U O/= 07/1-076( ON if,7676,42 rtitc Sot/SF ,. the .3./ 7.5" At,s4 14t'- - ,bek At GF�rryP acm as N'9f47/uE • '':Staff Representative' i/aSan._ Or Applicant/Agent: • / Date: / /3 /Z • • Town of Cueensbury'Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•O 6 uesnabury,NY 12804 Area Valiance Revised June 2009 Signature Page • ThIs page Includes the 1.)Authorization to Act as Agent Form:2.) Engineering Fee Disclosure; 9.)Authorization for Site Visits; 4.) Other Permit Responsibilities; 6.) Official Meeting Disclosure and 6,) Agreement to provide documentation required. OWNER•s AGENT FORM: Complete the following if the OWNER of the property Is not the earns as the applicant Owner. Designates: As agent regarding: _Variance_Sits Plan_Subdivision For Tax Map No.: _Section __Block ___Lot Deed Reference: _Book Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: APPLICANT's AGENT FORM: Complete the following If the APPLICANT Is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party: Owner. Designates: As agent regarding: _Variance_Site Plan_Subdivision For Tax Map No.: _Section _Block _Lot Deed Reference: _Book _Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: ENGINEERING FEE DISCLOSURE: Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, i storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant Fees for engineering review will not exceed$1,000 without notification to the applicant. s 3.) AUTHORIZATION FOR SITE VISITS; By signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein, the Owner, Applicant, and hie/her/their agent(s) hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. 4.1 OTHER PERMITRESPONEIBILITIES; Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approve, by the Zoning Board or Planning Board. It Is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. • 6A OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLOBUf,,g: It is the practice of the Community Development Department to have a designated ;stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application,and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official record of all proceedings. a.) AGREEMENT TOJrROVIDE DOCUMW4TATION REQUIRED: I, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the s instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements, I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit I certify that the application, plans and supporting materiels are a true and complete L ment/descripton of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed In accordance with the roved plans and In conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed,I or �yente,will obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary. I also understand that I/we may be required to provide an as-built survey by tlicensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to Issuance of a certificate of occupancy I have read and agree to the above. Signature [Applicant A4 it Ors*I l.,rnn; 7da., h t. t ni t 1 Print Name[Applicant] Date signed Signature[Agent] Print Name[Agent] Date signed • Town of Queenebury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•Queensbury,NY 12804.618.7814238 9 g Area Variance Reveled June 2009 14164 HULe—Tnt tr, • I PROJECT LC.NUMBER 1 817.20 BEAR Appendix 0 tale EIIVIr•MINIr1Ul Quality Review • SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM PMT 1—PROJECT INFORMATION be completed For UNLISTED ACTIONS Ongt (T• P by Applicant or Project sponsor) I. APPLICANT WOMAN I S. MOAN NAME e, PROJECT LOCATION; MunIelpallly County s, PANNE LOCATION peat MM.and mad JntrwNMns,ptomMent INmuM,Ma,ar unit RIM • .9 ,' .11. IS MOPOelD ACnOIt ONNR, OawMMlen CIMNINEHIaNallonllan S. DSSOMM PROJICT MISPLYI . • 7. AMOUNT OPLANDAMtJt@ l ,.n I. WILD Morons ACTION COMPLY WRN WSI)NS ZONING on OTHER SMITING LAND use MSTRICTIONST On, Os II Ns.dawae MINT I. WHAT IS PRSSe1T LAND UM IN VOMIT OP PROJECT l • iesidallat OInMWnM Oosnmwhw CI A93031313 OPUS ' JOONlw.ee Ooarr 10. DOSS ACTION INVOLVE A MUM'APPROVAL OR FUNDING,NOW OR ULTIMATELY PROM ANY OTHER SOVERNMENTAL AOIIOY STAn OR LOOAL71 pea1MAL r� OYa Oft NM wt__OgInsyM w ROMMaMrorw II. DOER ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A OUMINTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL} • O n. O NN II ru,Mt sway none and prmlEappreTal la. Ai A RESULT OP PROPOU D ACTION WILL CSSnns MMODAPPROVAL IygNM MOCIPICATIDN} CI Y.. OW •I MRTIPY THAT TNt INFORMATION PROVIDED AIM N TMR TO THE OUT OP MY KNOWLEDGE Applloantpmuet nine DEN •IDn.Iurm I II the action is In the Coastal Ana,and you are ■state agency,complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER i 1 • To of Queenebury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•Queenebury,NY 12804.81 8-7814238 7 Area Variance Revised June 2009 • •PART 1I,—ENVIRONMIN TAL Al/llllYtffy(To be committed by Agency) ' A. DOS ACTION ECM MY TYPE I THaOHaLD IN a NYORR PART WS II yae,raronala Ih roan prang as sea aw RILL MP. Ora ON. S. WILL ACnola SCSV5000 0INATIO REVIEW As PROVIDED Pon UNLNITS ACTIONS IN.NYORR,PART MRM If Ns,•nsnlwa rebhtlan m•Y be aupan ds b erwhr InysMd slew. Ora Os 0. COULD DA ACTION RESULT IwnwADVERSE ger quality WIN THE FOLLOWING'answers may a ISMwnlhly II MSG lama la swan,IraVMSI a Rowans Italian SrslaM bdsfly1�MaeM,aletlnp trans mina, son weer Pledwtlen a IlpasaL 01.Anthills gnrf•ILL arenolog5a,Airman,or other natural M sulMal 1•••prq or community or napaahea shaman?INASM fly, • OE VssMran or huna,IIM,sMVIMII or wka1M sp olos,aq,INrnt hehy a evrtansd or••anaerad 1Prlrt bone briny Ca. A samrnlhh sarong air Of pain anion adopted.a•awns hi ass a yyresWef use et land or ether netting lrrsrtCain Bristly • OE Growth,aubagrnt NwCplwhL or fared NUgln nay ton Indian M to McK•M Mint WIW Molly. • ' CL lane rant,son tam,ewv11mmM,or snit Ors not IUnt1Md M OI-01?bash bristly. Cl.• Ora Mlpats(Madleo awpss M um at man gunny a type a anagyft E•p.M airy. • D,WILL THE PROJECT NAVE AN I I ACT ON NI ENVIRONMENTAL ONARACIMSnC THAT CAUSED THE IITAIUINMENT ORA GEM Orr On. L Is TNSL OR IS MW USLY TO SR CONTROVERSY MATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE EMRONMINTAL IMPACTS? OYos ONe It Yr,as$ln Mat. PART III—DITIRMINATION OP IIONIPIQAN011(To be completed by Agency) • INeTIlUOT10N0 Raeeeh adverse affect pamlkad EDpya,ttgnnOr whit.,It Is'ubstantlal,large,important orothuwlss agnikrtt. lash effect should be armed In aenneeten with Its DO selling ere.when or:urea;(0)wobsblmy of.eeamMgl(e)dtwa lets ARE Inerralbnllp(0 gePEroplde seeps;and(4 magnitude.If near., ,add stlrknMnts or Stan,.supporting eaters&Men that Mplanakone son in eumgent detail to thaw that all rsMe1M advaM.lmperil&bays been fdMtlflsd.and.adsawdeyaddraaed.lf-v--- question I significance must evaluate the potential impact of to prop0ed MINI the environmental chamotjdetlof e 011A. O Cheek this box If you have Identified one or mot potentially large or significant adverse Impacts'which MAY • occur,Then proceed directly to the PULL LAP and/or prepare a positive declaration. O Check this box If you have determined,'baud on the Information and analysis above and'any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result In any significant adverse environmental Impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary,the reasons supporting this determination; • MIN a lad Ap,lay row or nom N.me of nwpweww Misr Si had AMC,' Title of nalcalse•Omer stain lit nwPrnN.Hama in WI Am y aMAaY1N M rlep.l.l or anima flrll 1111/10111111110/011014 D.M 2 Town of Queenebury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road•Queensbury,NY 12804.818-781-8238 • 8 `p � TOWN OF QUEENSBURY • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804.5902 518.761.8201 January 24,2012 Michael&Oerri Lyons 763 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 RE: 763 Bay Road • 840 of SFD addtdols Tat Map No: 28915-1-7 Dear Mr. &Mrs. Lyons: • I am writing to you in response to my review of your proposed plans for the project referenced above and to document the conversations between your son Mike and Keith Obome of this office. Upon review of your application and the applicable sections of the Town Zoning Ordinance, I find that an Area Variance will be needed for your proposed project. Specifically, the proposed addition does not meet the minimum front, side, and Travel Corridor setback • requirements of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Additionally, as your current structure is considered to be non-conforming(doesn't meet the current setback requirements) additional relief for the expansion of a non-conforming structure will be necessary as well. I understand that you are in the process of completing the necessary Area Variance application for this project. Please note our established submittal deadlines when compiling your application materials. • Should you have any questions regarding the above comments, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, • Town of Queensbury g Brown Zoning Administrator CB/sh • L CraIs Brown12012 LXtas\Danlal Lyon 1}I 12.doc "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 Geraldine and Michael Lyons Narrative Letter for Addition 763 Bay Rd Queensbury,NY 12804-5903 To whom It may concern, We are seeking a variance in the Setback requirement from 25 feet to 11Feet in order to build an addition on the Northwest side of our property at our existing home at 763 Bay Rd. The proposed addition will be approximately 21X40 feet in size with a 6X 27 sitting porch. It will consist of three rooms;one master bedroom with closet,a bathroom and living room with a separate entrance and will be used as a mother—In-Law suite to house Mr.and Mrs.Joseph Blair. Their health is deteriorating and we believe strongly in keeping family together. We also feel that we would be better situated to help with their daily needs N they were with us at our home.We have spoken with Ron Stewart the President of the Cedar Court association regarding the addition and he stated that he and the other'board members of the association were comfortable with our addition and are happy that it was bordering the buffer zone of the association. Since I am being mobilized with the LIS Navy at the end of March,we would like to complete as much of the project as possible prior to my departure. Thank you in advance for expediting the process to the best of your ability. Respectfully Submitted, Michael Lyons 04111"+ Geraldine Lyons ADIRONDACK DENTAL ' IMPLANT CENTER ROBERT E. SHARP , D. D. S. , M. S. D. 16 HUNTER BROOK LANE, QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 A D I C Telephone:(518) 793-5995 or 5908 Fax:(518) 793-5908 www . adirondackdentalimplanteenter. com January 29,2012 Re: Geraldine and Michael Lyons' application for house addition To Whom It May Concern: I have personally reviewed the plans for the proposed house addition of Geraldine and Michael Lyons. They are my next door neighbors, immediately to the north. I have no objections to the proposed addition. The addition should have no adverse effect on the neighborhood. I am in favor of the addition to Lyons' house. Yours�trful ,, -�y a E gituied7R4 r M l5P Robert E. Sharp, D.D.S., M.S.D. • • • a.• rte.,. • sly 3?• -. • • Jf► .. •-. ♦mil. R' .M .p� � w.._.�....• *Ala u tl . e .---41047.4 . a . ` x a ._ • -.blereite D ' ` !F A Air, N Deed WARRANTY` NOOK!FORM riding at 763 Bay Road, LIII Geraldine Lyons,sole owner and Michael Lyons My of the first part,and II 0Q. To , N �M W tiernitlinc Lyons and Michael Lyons :arty of the second part % x w n `"` , ID 00/100 DOLLARS (S.00),paid by the party of the k:iK R mill ated,December 17,2003 y of the second part,thehei s or successors and assigns OM . p w STATE OF NEW YORK • n of Que�abury.County of worn,..um state of New County Of Warren as. ipe driven in the ground on the wesi'erry boundary of r Glens Falls to Dunhnn's Bay at Lake George; said RECORDED ON THE lmer Fowler on the south,and lands now or.€i ly w.on saiddivisioa line 200 feet to a ezeirs driven in Day of en in the ground fora comer;.thence$1.!=0:L200 D D o'clock M undary of said Bay Rood;fhettcr northerly*nog the at in Libor of Deeds at Page and examined utor's Deed dated01/21194 and Recorded 01:2 4 in -Clerk the party.ofthe first pert in and to sa PLEASE RECORD AND RETURN TO: ?arty of the second pan,the hens x snecessers and. /�^+ "partiee" whenever the sense of tile' . 1Gl'MI., ear V t,n.l 1,n e- "^.s � * executed this deed the deft and �t i r :e Cie", Ie.,r ', \ 1 J U i 4 I�� l 4ildi,the Litt4. t , Lyons F/K/A c, 1 State of New York,County of Warren as.: Acktio 1REDOMawrRPLa09.ataoasuse 0001Witlysting10,4 4' i :- On December 17,2003 before me,the undersi 0 gned,Perso>ally appeared Geraldine Lyons BiKl.+a,Geri/dine ,, ,,,� Personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the indivisistal whose aasipa, ' l subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he execu • the satin in:_ .. eta .: signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf o •hick the c ` instrument. � ' err aurntnshatr suPaitvukr�ai�, t e fsAG • THIS 1NDENPURE, made on December 17,2003 BETWEEN • Geraldine Lyons F/K/A Geraldine M. Blair, Sole Owner, Residing at 763 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY party of the first part,and Geraldine Lyons and Michael Lyons,Husband and Wife Residing at 763 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 party of the second past: • WiTNEa3ETg, that the fast pact, in consideration of NO AND 00/100 DOLLARS (S.03), paid by the party of the second part does h by remise,release and quitclaim unto the party of the second pet,the heirs successors and assigns of the party of tha second part,forever, • All that certain piece or parcel of land,lying and being in the Town of Queensbmie,County of Warra,a�i State of New York bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe driven is the gmtn ti:on the why boundary of County Road No: 7, commonly called the Bay Road leading from Glens Falls to Dunha n't Bay on Lake,huge; said point of beginning also on the division line between lands of D.Elmer Fowler.on the.south,and Iagde c formerly owned byMinn Thornton on the north;running thence N 84°20'W.on sad Hvisiori line 200 feet iii a stakes driven in the ground fora comer;thence S 14°05'W. 100 feet to a stake driven in the ground fora coma,tltedce S S4°2T F,200 f e e t t o a s t a k e in the ground fora comer in the westerly boundary of said Bay Road,'.t4nence tlortnesrg nips she westerly boundary of said Bay Road 100+fat to the place of beginning.} Being the same premises as conveyed to Geraldine M.Blair by Executor's Deed dated 01.21'94 and Recorded vll .'f R-4 ` Taber 906 page 274 in the Warren County Clerk's Office. TOGETHER wills the appurtenance and,all the estate and tights of the party.of the first pert in'andto ter, ises. . TO HAVE'AND'TO'HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,.the heirs€+r ac4 assigns forever. The word "patty" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of?:thts " • requires. This deed is subject to the trust provisions of Section 13 of the Lien Law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the days and yens. to anur ,. written. In presence of I . t.j. dine Lyons F/K/A,. l7 .' State of New York,County of Warren in.: ACXNOWLEDOMtNT RPL 300•a0nar e'is an.aa st■sst On December 17,2003 before me,the undersigned,personally appeared Geraldine Lyons F/KIA peril* e dtL iii Y proved tory evidence to be the tndit as*ann '` personally known to me or roved to me on the basis of eatisfac subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he ex- l-• the ui: raswitispt r signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf o ' hich the sari ,.777,,, maiti,. ,,IL.:1:;::::-.."„,-7-,HT:717:1_,:- instrument. J 1 task,�. n s V % N.'t' 44?: *, P, " , ' : s!.y�'�NAR G b.a..s+Ye'fdie-- ip..sVs 3�1e'ee ♦ ♦ e' t le 't4E,•dpep, , ' vo 'Z" 7 westerly boundary of said Bay Road 100+ places o beginning of afrs li Being the same premises as conveyed to Geraldine M.Blair by Executor's Deed dated Ola21: 4 and - -y Liiber 906 page 274 in the Warren County Clerles Office. I TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights,of the party of the first part in ail to sail pre s. 1 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto tie party of the second part,the heirs or stsalssors aut assigns forever. The word"party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this Indus so f " requires. This deed is subject to the trust provisions of Section 13 of the Lien Law. ill IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part his duly executed this deed the day and year first above written 1 in presence of �.f(I / M al • e-I dine Lyons F/K/A .4 ., . . :lair, i 1 � State of New York,County of Warren a: ACKNOWLIDOMENT RPL 300-a(Do not us*outside New York Stat.) • On December 17,2003 before me,the undersigned,personally appeared Geraldine Lyons F/K/A Geraldine M.Blair personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he*recut-• the same in •' L..achy and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf o hick the indivi`"'lI II acted,. executed-the.., instrument. 1 • (ac -• an4 office of 7-7." , g errbtosvledginen(t �k Worn Itotiri ; t. • ozasausion Esp.Jura Id, •