Debriefing Notes for 1/18/2022 PLANNING BOARD DEBRIEFING NOTES January 18, 2022 Members Present -Traver,Deeb,Dixon,Magowan, Molloy, Longacker, LaSarso Members Absent- Valentine Planning Board Bylaws update7:05-7:10 Chair of Planning Board proposed amendment to Bylaws to include a formal orientation language where a new Planning Board member would be provided with the appropriate orientation information and have a meeting with Planning Staff, in additionthe Chair of the Planning Board be notified of the new member orientation Status : Planning Board adopted bylaw update. Approved 7-0. Follow-up : Bylaws to be updated and redistributed to board. Also updated on website. Recommendations: SP 55-2021 & FWW 1-2021ANTONIO & MARIC CIVITELLA, 104 Knox Road7:11-7:20 Ward 1. (Revised) Applicant proposes a tear-down of an existing home to construct a new home with a footprint of 2,477 sq. ft. and a floor area of 4,091 sq. ft. The project includes installation of a patio area on the lake side, new driveway area of permeable patio product, new steps to future sundeck and dock, retaining walls for patio and driveway, new septic, new well, new site plantings and new shoreline plantings. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 & 179-6-065 of the Zoning Ordinance, new floor area in a CEA, hard-surfacing within 50 ft. of shoreline, shoreline vegetation removal, steep slopes within 50 ft. and work within 100 ft. of wetland shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for setbacks, floor area, permeability and infiltration practice setback. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Status: Planning Board recommended to the ZBA no significant adverse impacts with the current project proposal. Recommended 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the ZBA 1/19/2022then the Planning Board 1/25/2022pending ZBA. SPDES: N SP 1-2022DAN SLOTE, 20 Burnt Ridge Road7:21-7:38 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to construct a 1,200sq ft bunkhouse, two new septic tanks sharing a leach field area, retaining wall, and newstormwater management for bunk house area. The existing home is 804 sq ft. Pursuant to Chapter 179-5-020, 179-3-040, 179-6-060, site plan review for a new floor area in a CEA and a new building within 50 feet of 15% slopes shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief sought for an accessory structure size. Status: Planning Board recommended to the ZBA no significant adverse impacts with the current project proposal. Recommended 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the ZBA 1/19/2022then the Planning Board 1/25/2022pending ZBA. SPDES: N SP 2-2022PATRICK CONNORS, 95 Rockhurst Road7:39-7:47 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to remove an existing deck of 644 sq ft to construct a 644 sq ft deck in the same location. The deck is attached to the existing house and has a patio area underneath. The steps from the deck to the lower patio area will remain in the same place. The existing home is 1,890 sq ft minus the deck. There is additional work on the boat house structure. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040, 179-13-010, 179-4-080, construction of a new deck shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for setbacks. Status: Planning Board recommended to the ZBA no significant adverse impacts with the current project proposal. Recommended 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the ZBA 1/26/2022. SPDES: N SP 3-2022& FWW 1-2022GREAT ESCAPE THEME PARK, 1172 State Route 97:48-8:06 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to remove the existing ticket entrance structure and alter the access area. The project includes construction of a 1,150 sq ft ticket building and a 2,750 entrance staging building. The project improves the green space of the project area. There will not be any changes to the park rides or parking area. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040, 179-6-050, site plan review for new developments/structures and are in the recreation commercial zone, hard surfacing within 50 feet of a shoreline, and freshwater wetlands permit for work within 100 feet of a shoreline shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for setbacks and light pole height. Status: Planning Board recommended to the ZBA no significant adverse impacts with the current project proposal. Recommended 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the ZBA 1/19/2022then the Planning Board 1/25/2022pending ZBA. SPDES: N Old Business: SP 35-2021MOUNTAIN VISTA PROPERTIES (Chris Racicot), 20 Newcomb St8:07-8:14 Ward 4. Applicant proposes construction of 14 units consisting of three buildings where two buildings will have six units and one building will have two units. The buildings are to be two-story with garage and exterior patios. Project includes sewer connection. Project site work includes lighting, landscaping and stormwater controls. Pursuant to Chapter179-3-040, 179-5-090, 179-5-100, 179-7-070 & 179-8-050 of the Zoning Ordinance new construction shall be subject to Planning Board and other department reviews. th Status: Application tabled to February 15, 2022 pending Town Board.Tabled 7-0. Follow Up: No additional information required. SPDES: Y SUB (M) 13-2021DAVID HOWARD/BRENNAN ESTATES, 23 Elsies Way8:15-8:24 Ward 4. Applicant proposes to modifya 16 lot subdivision to include removal of the boulevard entrance and revision of the stormwater management plan. There is no change to the number or arrangement of the lots. Subdivision modification required for the update to the subdivision entrance roadway and stormwater plan. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance, SEQR review for the updated project shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Status: Application approved with condition engineering sign-off is received.Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit associatedplans for engineering then final plans/mylar for signature. SPDES: Y New Business: SP 66-2021, FWW 3-2021, & SUP 4-2021CVE NORTH AMERICA, INC8:25-8:52 Ward 2. Applicant proposes a solar farm on site 303.11-1-4.1, with access by right of way through parcel 303.15-1-25.2. The project will include over 13,000 panels on a 30 plus acre portion of the site. The project work includes panel placement, drive areas, equipment boxes and stormwater management. The project involves a petition of zone change for parcel 303.15-1-25.2 from CI to CLI. Project subject to site plan, special use permit and freshwater wetlands permit. Pursuant to Chapter 179-15-050, Town Board referred to the Planning Board to review for SEQR and recommendation. Site plan, special use permit, and freshwater wetlands review after the Town Board completes Petition of Zone change. th Status: Planning Board acknowledge Lead Agency.Application tabled to March 15due to engineering with any revisions due by February 15, 2022.Tabled 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit updated informationby February 15. SPDES: Y Adjourn:8:55