JANUARY 22, 1985
A Proposed Local Law reducing the amount of exemption by Section 458-a of the
Real Property Tax Law
Section 1. Pursuant to the authority of paragraph (d) of subdivision 2 of Section
458-a of the Real Proeprty Tax Law, the amount of exemption provided by paragraphs
(a), (b), and (c)
(a) $9,000. (b) $6,000 (c) $30,000
Section 2. This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing in the Office
of the Secretary of State.
SUPERVISOR WALTER- The purpose of the law is to grant exemptions to a
segment of our population, the veterans. In order
to give anyone an exemption it creates a shift in the
payment of taxes to another segment of the population
and the Town Board has had an analysis done as to
the impact of the laws of the State of New York on
the local taxpayers. Arriving at the levels of the proposed
local law that we are here to discuss tonight, the Board
has determined that these levels do give a benefit
to the veterans while not hurting other groups.
Asked that Mr. LaRose address the issue...
ASSESSOR- (The following was read by Mr. LaRose)
Computed exemption for three varied assessments
for war veterans and combat veterans:ASSESSMENT
OF $15,000. War Veteran exemption 15% $15,000.
x .15 = $21,250.00 Combat Veteran exemption 10%
$15,000. x .10 = $1,500.00 Both are below all three
equalized maximum - veteran would receive the same
exemption under all three options. ASSESSMENT
$25,000. War Veteran exemption 15% $25,000. x .15
_ $3,750.00 Combat Veteran exemption 10% $25,000.
x .10 = $2,500.00 Both are below options 1 & 2 equalized
maximums. Veteran would receive the same exemption
under options 1 & Z. Under Option 3 a war veteran
would receive an exemption of $1.45/year (1985) less
than Options 1 & 2. A combat veteran's exemption
would be $.46/year (1985) less than under Options
1&2. ASSESSMENT $40,000. War Veteran exemption
15% $40,000 x .15 = $6,000.00 Combat Veteran exemption
10% $40,000. x .10 = $4,000.00 Both computed exemptions
exceed the ec+ualizea .:.aximums for all three options.
In this case the veteran would receive the equalized
maximum under each option. Under Option #1 the
veteran would receive the maximum exemption. Under
Option #2 The war veteran would receive an exemption
of $2.14/year (1985) less than Option #1. The combat
veteran would receive an exemption of $1.38/year
(1985) less than Option #1 If both, it would be an
exemption of $3.52/year (1985) less than Option #1
Under Option #3 The War veteran would receive an
exemption of $4.21/year (1985) less than Option #1
The combat veteran would receive an exemption of
$2.83/year (1985) less than Option #1 If both it would
be an exemption of $7.04/year (1985) less than Option
#1. The War veteran would receive an exemption
of $2.07/year (1985) less than Option #2 The combat
veteran would receive an exemption of $1.45/year
(1985) less than Option #2 If both, it would be an
exemption of $3.52/year (1985) less than Option #2
(entire text of handout on file)
MR. JOSEPH DAIRE - South Queensbury- My property is assessed at $10,400.00
would I be eligible for this?
SUPERVISOR WALTER- We are only dealing with the property tax of the Town,
which this year is a $1.53 a thousand. The County
is a different ball game, we are not the jurisdiction
that deals with that. This is set by the State Legislature
it does not effect School Taxes, you will pay the full
shot nor any special district taxes such as those you
pay if you are in a Water District in the Town of Queensbury,
a Sewer District, a Drainage Dist. or Lighting Dist.
In its wisdom, the State Legislature said this only
applies to property taxes, we hardly pay any property
tax in the Town of Queensbury, last year it was $2.09
a thousand, this year it dropped to $1.53 a thousand,
hopfully next year it will drop some more and you
will find you are not getting any particular benefit
from this law at all.
MR. HEISS- 13 Wincrest Dr.-You are talking in terms of assessment
reduction and I appreciate that, but in terms of dollars
this is very small. ...
SUPERVISOR WALTER- Since we cut the taxes by 23% we are talking about
less than $5.00 per year.
HAROLD LAROSE- The question we have to address here is what would
the long term effect be on the taxpayers, no one knows
that. We do not know how many veterans we have
in the Town of Queensbury, we have 514 veterans
who are receiving benefits under the old system, how
many of these people are going to w nt !o stay on
that and not change, there will be sore . Some people
have it on businesses, some on vacant land, under the
new law it must be your primary residence. I like
to look at the long look at something, it doesn't make
any difference where you go as long as you do not
go with the maximum, because you can always raise
it. I do not believe that anyone here would like to
have such an impact on the tax burden that the Town —�
Board would feel that they would have to lower it.
MR. HEISS- How many taxpayers in the Town?
HAROLD LAROSE- There are 10,600 parcels in the Town.
PAUL BAIRD- RD4-With an assessment of 14,600 what would that
mean to me?
HAROLD LAROSE- 25% of your assessment is subtracted....a reduction
on your assessment of $3,650.00...$4.05 less on your
tax bill...
MR. SCHUFF- 20 Westland-In your opening remarks you made a statement
that research had been done.How many of the 900
plus towns in the State of New York have opted for
1,2, or 3...I am sure that throughout the State of New
York there are many towns smaller and larger than
the Town of Queensbury and I think I would like to
have you explain to us why the Town Board opted for
number 2.
SUPERVISOR WALTER- First, it does not matter what any other towns are
...how many towns in the State of New York have
a tax rate of $1.09, what we did was ask our assessor
to do some calculations for us, of what the impact
would be on the various rates, the maximum the middle
and the lower that we are authorized by the State
of New York Legislation and how it would impact
on our Town. We are not interested in what is happening
in Buffalo and you should not be. You are paying the
taxes here and that is what we asked Mr. LaRose to
do. We did research, the Town Board agreed that
the middle amount would be the amount we would
go forward with, with our proposed law. Once you
give an exemption to anyone other people have to
pick up the burden, so you are not paying $5.00 so
that will be split throughout the Town to someone
else, maybe someone who is just hanging on to their
house, we do have those people also. What we tried
to do in setting those amounts was to be able to give
the veteran an exemption and it is not any great shakes
gentlemen, the State Legislature made you believe
that you were going to get some real dollars off your
tax bill. They would have done a much better job
for you and you might want to take this us with your
State Representatives if they had given you some
kind of deduction over all for all veterans, not just
property owners on their income tax. I would think
would be a little more equitable and fair to all veterans
of our country. To get back to this, it is a little to
you, but what ever you are not paying is going to be
shifted for the aggregate amount of everyone not
paying that to the rest of the taxpayers who we also
have an obligation to. As far as the research is concerned,
it was a recommendation as to the impact on the rest
of the Town where it would not hurt because most
of the veterans were falling within option 1 and 2.
Option Number 1 being the maximum amount and
Option Number 2 which is what we decided to go with
and there would not be much difference at all at this
particular time.
MR. SCHUFF- How much potential growth has been added in to your
projection figures. How far down the road are we
SUPERVISOR WALTER- We are trying to look at the long term...10 years. We
do know that Queensbury is growing, but we also know
that as the Town grows more services are required
and our expenses go up. What has been happening
over the years is that we had to extend services in
the Town and the assessed value is not cutting your
taxes back as much, it really ought to be zero with
the amount of sales tax we take in.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-This exemption is only benefiting those veterans that
own property. Property tax is a very narrow tax base
and when we as a Town Board remove any portion
of a tax burden from one segment we must place it
on another. This is a question that I am going to ask
everyone of you gentlemen and ladies. Mr. LaRose
has stated that lowering the maximum from 12,000
to 9,000 would only effect those veterans who have
a house with a market value of $80,000. are you willing
to take that burden from someone who can afford
an $80,000. house and place it on someone who has
a fixed income or a young mother who has no husband
to help, who is trying to keep a home for herself and
her children...this is what you are asking and you might
as well realize it, or a family who is trying to maintain
a home with a low market value and have one or two
incomes at the minimum wage rate and can afford
housing at an assessment of $4 or $5 thousand dollars.You !
might as well realize and not kid yourself of what
you are asking. If this is what you want to do admit
it, but this is the question you are going to be asked.
Are you willing to shift this burden on to these people
in the Town of Queensbury, everybody in the Town?
(Vocal Crowd Response) Let the record note it please...
My husband is also a veteran, who had overseas service
and was out of this country for several years.
FLOYD PICKETT- I would like to ask the Town Board, you are always
thinking about taxes hurting someplace else, what
does the Town Board think about raising their wages?
They raise their wages but they do not think about
the taxpayers there but they want to take it away
from veterans.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN- Mr. Pickett, we are not taking it away from most
veterans, because most veterans will have an assessed
valuation that will put their market value under $80,000.
The only ones we are asking for a little consideration
are the ones that have a market value over $80,000.
You are not going to be effected. We are asking that
you guys are willing to share some of this benefit and
the only ones that are going to have to share it are
the ones with a house of a market value of over $80,000.
This is what I do not think you realize.
DAVID REICHENBACH- Gurney Lane-We are still first class citizens and we
are first class vets, because someone goes out and
has a little bit better job and better property I am
not condemning him, he should get the same as I get
and maybe more.
UNKNOWN- Sunset Drive-Does this change the exemption that
we already have, and if it does do we have to go through
a new process?
HAROLD LAROSE- If you desire, you can leave it as you now have it and
you may change at any time you desire but you cannot
change back to eligible funds unless you move to another
municipality that did not accept this new law?
UNKNOWN- What if our present exemtion is greater than the law
you will pass?
HAROLD LAROSE- Then you can stay with what you have.
UNKNOWN- And it will not be limited to the ten years?
SUPERVISOR WALTER- It is called the grandfathered clause...
JOSEPH FIORE- Arberger Drive-1 wear several hats for this evening
I am a service officer for the Queensbury VFW, also
for G.F. Post 233 American Legion, The Warren County
Post of the American Legion that represents five towns
that have legion posts, and also the Memorial Detatchment
of the Marine Corp. League-As your assessor and you
have stated that your long range plans are for ten
years, I hope you realize that this law finishes in ten
.years at the same time, so that anyone that takes
this new law looks at losing it in ten years, keep that
in mind when you vote. I would like to say to you
Mrs. Monahan, you are going to ask me a question,
then I am going to have to ask the Town Board a question.
When this Town Board votes, whether you vote yes
or no, I would like to see you make a statement why.
We already know your statement because you have
already stated it. My statement is that the Queensbury
Town Board has had the material concerning Veterans
tax exemption since last September, certainly four
months is sufficient time to afford us due process.
Here we are nine days before the mandated deadline
concerning this legislation. Many maximum levels
of exemption have been thrown out. The only figures
we should consider are the State Law Figures of $12,000.
for war veteran, $8,000. for duty in a combat zone
and $40,000. for disability. These are the maximum.
They must be lowered by the latest equalization rate.
For this purpose I will use the equalization of 50%
which is higher than the Queensbury rate. With a
50% rate immediately lowers our maximum rate to
$6,000. for war veterans $4,000. for duty in a combat
zone and $20,000. for disabled veterans I am still dealing
with State mandates. I used the reduced maximum
with $9,000. $6,000. and $30,000. the maximum goes
to $4,500. $3,000. and $15,000. and if you use the $6,000.
$4,000. and $20,000 reduced maximum the figures
go to $3,000. $2,000. and 10,000. When our friends
and neighbors selected us for military service there
were no reduced service provisions.Some of us had
better duty than others and most of us endured the
emptyness of the seperation from our families. Those
who were more fortunate should not think in personal
terms but of the majority of rank and file servicemen.
How do you put a monitary value on the time we spent
away from home? How do you measure the hardships
of military life and sacrifice of family life this shrinkage
of job opportunity, the delayed education and career
ladders. The State put a value of military service
for WWII veterans with a bonus a veteran with five
years service got 134 a day if he went overseas and
8¢ a day if he did not. The Korean and VietNam Veterans
did not get anything. Perhaps the State is making amends
with this exemption law, which you are considering
lowering. The elderly get a tax break, a tax exemption
from 20-50% which we support. The Elderly income
limitation for tax exemption seems to be raised regularly
by the State and Local Governments seem to rush
to keep up with the state maximum. We are only asking
for the same consideration from our Local Governments.
We too would like the maximum allowed under the
State Law, all we ask that our friends and neighbors
give us the same treatment now as they did when they
sent us away to give our maximum.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN- Are you willing for the poor people in the Town of
Queensbury to take over part of the veterans benefits,
- the burden that the veterans with an $80,000. house
are going to not have when shifted to the poor people?
MR. FIORE- I would have to say yes, how many people in the Town
of Queensbury own an $80,000. house and how many
are veterans?
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-This is what I am saying. This only effect veterans
of $80,000. If the State really wanted to make amends
to veterans, why did they not take it off State Tax
that would help all veterans, why did they bring this
on local property taxes. Why aren't you people down
in Albany lobbying for an exemption from your State
Income Tax that would effect all veterans and not
just some?
MR. FIORE- You asked a question why don't we lobby down there,
we do. We have been after a State bonus for the Korean
Veterans, since the end of the Korean War. We have
lobbied. We have a list through the Veterans Committee
of the Legislature, every year it is put in and every
year it is turned down. ...They do not want to listen
to us no more than they want to listen to Supervisor
Walter when she goes down and askes for a re-imbursement
for the Town......I made some comparison examples,
there are only two figures that we should consider,
the maximum level, the exemption made by law or R;
the percentage of the assessed valuation allowed by
law if it is less than the maximum. A veteran gets
15% of the asssessed valuation plus 10%...25% is the
assumed for the three examples I would like to give
you. The State maximum of $12,000. for war service,
$8,000. for combat with a 50% equalization rate these
maximums become $6,000. $4,000. and $10,000. exemption,
because of the equalization rate. For property assessed
at $60,000. at 25% exemption rate the exemption
would be $15,000. which is over the maximum ....allowed
by law so the veteran would get ten which is the lowest.
The property assessed at $30,000. with 25% exemption
rate the exemption would be $7,500. which is less
than the maximum of $10,000. which is allowed by
law, so the veteran would get $7,500. exemption.
For a property assessed at $15,000. at 25% exemption
rate the exemption would be $3,750. which is less
than the maximum $10,000. allowed by law so the
veteran would get $3,750. exemption. Those are my
calculations on comparing the full assessment against
the 50% ...
MR. PISCITELLI- I represent the American Legion Council 233 of Glens
Falls-Dear Mrs. Walter and Members of the Town
Council, The Glens Falls Post Number 233 of the American
Legion met on January 16, 1985 at its headquarters,
48 Warren St. Glens Falls, N.Y. Post Number 233
has a membership of 540 people and 145 live in the
Town of Queensbury. It is on their behalf that that
following resolution was presented and unamimously
passed by the membership. Request that the Town
Board of Queensbury to enact the new veterans tax
exemption law which was passed by the State Legislature
and signed into law by Governor Cuomo as was written.
Respectfully submitted to the public hearing at the
Town Hall, Bay Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. January 22,
1985. Sincerely, Joseph McGuirk, Commander
MR. FORREST ROBINSON- 40 Homestead Village-I am representing the VFW Post
6196 in Queensbury-Dear Mrs. Walter and Members
of the Town Council-On Monday, January 21, 1985
the VFW Post 6196 of the Town of Queensbury held
its regular monthly meeting at 32 Luzerne Road, Town
of Queensbury. The following resolution was presented
to the membership and passed unamimously. Request
that the Town Board of Queensbury to enact the new
veterans tax exemption law that was passed by the
New York State Legislature and signed into law by
Governor Cuomo as it is written. The majority of
our members live and work in the Town of Queensbury, --`
your consideration for this request would be greatly
appreciated by our entire membership. Very truly,
Melvin Welch, Commander
I would like to speak to you on my own...I am a veteran,
I am a VietNam War Veteran, I went there freely,
of my own free will because my country needed me.
I did not ask why, I went and I served, when I came
back I sat down with my father and discussed it. He
told me about all the things that happened to him
at the end of the WWII and all the benefits he got,
I turned around a looked and said where are mine?
When I got into the veterans organizations, the American
Legion and VFW I began to realize the fact that the
veteran has become a second class citizen and it is
continuing to be so. What we have here is not a real
lot of money, but we are talking about a matter of
principle. You take this from the veteran this year
and tell him next year maybe we will give it back.
Once you take it away it is gone forever. I have yet
to see them raise an exemption, never. I defy any
here to go back and find somewhere, where you raise
an exemption, it is always being taken away. In answer
to your question (Mrs. Monahan) the answer is yes,
divided among the others. I served and plenty of people
in this room served so that their sons and daughters
would not have to and we are proud of it. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR WALTER- We have raised the exemption for the Senior Citizens
over the years.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-At the same time we have lowered the tax rate for
all the citizens of the Town of Queensbury, that is
what is the most important thing for you people.
MR. OLSHAK- 9 Second St.-U.S. Army retired-I have 23 years active
Army service I wear four hats, American Legion Hat,
Army retiree hat and most of all a private citizen.
We ask you to put any personal judgements or decisions
that you have made prior to this hearing. The first
thought I wish to express ...you are here because I
have elected you. When I first joined the Army in
1956 they gave me a manual the first page told me,
You are a soldier...You will not find a typical American
Soldier in height, weight or color wise, hair, family
origon, education, wealth, intelligence or similiar
characteristics. The Soldiers you have met and will
meet are from all walks of life and all parts of our
Country but all of you have two things in common.
You are all serving the United States of America and
believe in the principles that make it a free Country.
This not only gives you a common bond as fellow soldiers
but also guarantees him the same chances as the next
man to get ahead. The American tradition is cherished
in your Army as it is in all phases of American Life.
Second the responsibility of all Americans is outstanding
in the World today, the spirit of team work instilled
in your homes, school, church at work and play ...cooperation
added for you to meet any and all tasks...quoting page
9, I got $78.00 per month and I paid Federal Income
Taxes of $2.83 and I paid Town Taxes of $44.00 Now
my County taxes are $149.00 ....I believe in the United
States of America as a Government of the People
By the People and For the People. Whose just powers
are derived by the consent of the governed. Democracy
and a Republic a Sovern Nation of many sovern States,
a perfect Union one inseperable established upon these
principals of freedom, equality, justice and humanity
through which American Patriots sacrificed their lives.
I believe it is my duty to my Country to love it and
support its constitution and obey its laws, to respect
it's flag and defend it against all enemies. Members
- of the Board, I lost many buddies...
MR. EWARD BANTA - Cronin Road- American Legion -The American Legion
of the State of New York is pleased that the Veterans
Real Property Tax Bill was passed in the Legislature
and the Governor recognized the inequity that the
Korean and VietNam Veterans had experienced. We
are disappointed with the absence of funding however,
improvements will be encouraged and pursued by the
American Legion, We urge Veterans to attend their
legislative meeting and urge legislators to support
passage real property exemption law. I answered
your question earlier on the phone (Mrs. Monahan)
again I will say yes.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Don't forget that this is only going to effect that part
of the assessment that is over $2500 and anything
over that assessment would be affected and that burden
would be shared by some of the poor people in the
Town. We also have to think of the people who cannot
bear this burden quite so well.
MR. BANTA- The small amount of money that you have brought
to light, that this actually amounts to will not pose
a problem to anyone, because we do not know how
many veterans who will take advantage of this, it
is supposition on your part. The small amount of dollars
you are telling us, when that is spread over the amount
of residences in the Town of Queensbury it will not
change it enough to hurt anything, that is my opinion.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-If it is a small amount of dollars as far as our poor
people are concerned, why is it so important?
MR. BANTA- It is spread over everyone, rich, poor and everyone.
It is a small amount of money, that is why I say, yes
it should be, the idea is we lobbied for this and as
the American Legion State of New York said it was
an inequity as far as a lot of veterans, we are trying
to rectify this, we are only asking for what the state
said us veterans should have, that is all we are asking
SUPERVISOR WALTER- It is nice for the State to say that since it is not anything
out of their pockets...what the State is saying to the
local communities, we think the veterans deserve
something, now local community you do something...
MR. BANTA But they did and now we are asking you as people that
have supported you in the past when you wanted to
sit where you are now, we are asking you to support
us on this small amount of money that we feel due
MR. THOMAS HAMMOND- VietNam Veteran, Upper Sherman Ave.-The only people
that are here that seem to be against this is the Board,
where are these poor people? They had a chance to
show up tonight to. Like you have said, it is so little
for us. When we first started this meeting we said
the Pledge of Allegiance. If it was not for a lot of
these Gentlemen here there would be a swastika or
rising sun over there. We deserve a little bit, I am
sorry that it had to come down to this local level but
I think that if we all band together we can go to the
State Level but right now this is all we have, I hate
to have someone make me feel that I am taking out
of someones elses mouth.
MR. JOSEPH WHALEN- 198 Aviation Road-Dear Mrs. Walter and Members
At our Regular monthly meeting of the Warren County
Voitures 1186 of Lake George American Legion Home,
on Monday night January 14, 1985 the following resolution ._.t
was presented to the members and unanimously passed
that the Town Board of Queensbury is requested that
the new Veterans Tax Exemption Law which was passed
by the New York State Legislature and signed into
law by Governor Cuomo on August 18, 1984 be implemented
in the Town of Queensbury as it was written. Many
of our members live in the Town of Queensbury, having
served honorably in all the branches of the United
State Military Service in WWII, Korea and VietNam.
We request fair treatment by the Town of Queensbury
Officials. Thank you very much.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Since we are only discussing what would effect assessments
over $28,500. , do you believe that portion should be
shifted to the poor people in the Town of Queensbury?
MR. WHALEN- For one thing I do believe it should. Not only that
you are saying just strictly the poor people...
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-I am saying part of it.
MR. WHALEN- I imagine somewhere in the Town of Queensbury there
are people who went to Canada who went somewhere
else and did not go to VietNam or Korea or WWII who
are still on our tax rolls here and they are paying the
same amount of taxes that I am, so therefore I will
say yes.
MR. ONEIL BROWN- 10 NewPine Street-I have lived in the Town of Queensbury
since the end of the war, but I have seen the Town
grow and I have never yet seen a tax reduction...I
waited for thirtysix years and two years ago I put
in for an exemption...
MRS. PAT JAMESON- 293 Ridge Road-I am a veteran, when I came in tonight
and sat down somebody came over to me and said
oh, are you here to take notes? Later the Supervisor
said Gentlemen, there are some lady veterans, by
marrying a veteran, I lost my exemption because you
can only have one on a piece of property. ...before
the holidays at the home of a military family this
sailor came in he had a bag of grogeries on the bag
it said Navy wife the toughest job in the world, I just
want to say if you do not think these veterans are
worth a 100% don't you think their wives are worth
the difference to make it a 100%. I watched the inaugural
parade in 1953 in Washington on Pennsylvania Avenue
on a cold day and yesterday I was planning to watch
it on TV but the parade was canceled. I did listen
to the President speech and at the end of his speech
he said, and I think it applies here tonight, "we have
come to a time of hard decision, it is time to ask if
not for us, who, if not now, when" Thank you.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-I think Mrs. Jameson, just now brought out, how the
laws of this country discriminate against women, why
should she lose her veterans exemption, that family
should have two.
MR. THOMAS QUINN- Carlton Drive-Just listening to this business tonight,
from what I understand we are talking about pennies,
they are not giving us a real steal they are giving us
something. Mr. LaRose is worried about the future.
He does not know how many people this will effect
five or six or maybe one or two years later or something
like that. He does not have all the facts...Mrs. Monahan
is worried about the poor people. How much would
the amount effect the poor people if we got the 1001/6.
Do you have any facts on that?
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Again I want to reverse and ask how many veterans...
— MR. THOMAS QUINN- You are worried about the poor people, if we get the
100%, what is it going to cost these poor people?
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-When you do not have much money...shifting the tax
burden on people who can least afford it...
MR. THOMAS QUINN- The poor people are effected by raises, expenses of
all of the Town. This exemption is just a little bit.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Again, I think it is a matter of principle. We are shifting
it on to the people who can least afford it, which is
happening too much in this country.
MR. THOMAS QUINN- I think that you are overly concerned about the amount
you are talking about...
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-In dollars and cents you are probably right, but it is
also shifting...
MR. THOMAS QUINN- You want to be different, is that it, you want to just
say well we are not going to give them this we will
give them a little bit of it and maybe they will be
happy and later on when Mr. LaRose finds out that
there will not be that many people involved, then we
will give them this.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-The majority of veterans will end up with all the exemptions
that they are entitled to. If when we see how this
actually operates, we do have the option of raising
this exemption. We have done this for the senior citizens
after we had done our research and homework on it,
we have done it twice since I have been here. ...Since
we have raised the Senior Citizens, why do you feel
that once this goes through and we find out how it
works that if it is not disadvantageous to the other
taxpayers of the Town, why do you feel we will not
raise you to the full amount?
MR. THOMAS QUINN- Listening to you, I would be very doubtful.
MR. FLOYD PICKETT- What did the Town Board think when they raised their
SUPERVISOR WALTER- This is something that we are constantly hit with,
we do spend our time here and that is more than the
rest of you have except for this issue. I work at it
full time and it is a job. It is not germain to the issue,
it has not effected you only to tell you that your taxes
have gone down if our salaries have gone up, however
minimal the percentage. Do you wish to have your
elected people work for nothing. I will tell you that
the pool of people who wish to run for office is getting
smaller and smaller because Gentlemen, if you think
you are second class citizens, I would like to have
you tell me what you think elected officials are.
MR. FLOYD PICKETT- I have called up for Mrs. Fran Walter she is not here,
I do not know how many times I called and asked for
Mrs. Walter...
SUPERVISOR WALTER- Mr. Pickett, I would like to have you tell me when
you called, we have a log, I have not heard from you
since three months ago when you had a dog issue and
the DCO arrived at your steps. You are right Gentlemen
and Ladies I am not here a lot. I divide my time between
the County and the Town. I do not think that, that
is the issue here this evening. If you wish to take
that up with me or any of the members of the Board ._.
at another time I would be most happy to entertain
MR. BILL TORAN- Chestnut Ridge-I moved into Queensbury eleven years
ago, after serving in the United State Navy for thirty --�
one years in all three wars WWII, Korea and VietNam.
I asked what the advantages were if you were a veteran,
I got the full exemption based on the bonus payments
on my insurance and pension. I got the full exemption
but I never got the benefits because that year you
changed the assessment rate three times to what I
expected to believe what it was. My full exemption
3 5
at that time would have been a significant savings
for this veteran. When you changed the assessment
you did not porportionally change my exemption.
The poor people got the benefit from my loss. I do
not think it is the poor people but all the taxpayers.
I think it is a shame that these United States this community,
this town cannot acknowledge our VietNam Veterans.
You have talked about the hardships of war, things
we gave up, I never thought about that throughout
my service. I went voluntarily, I enjoyed it, I would
do it again if I could. I think it is a shame that VietNam
Veterans cannot get this token acknowledgement,
it is not a monetary thing, it is a token, we should
be proud to acknowledge all of our VietNam Veterans.
There are a lot of things that we pay for in our taxes,
lets take a good hard look at the causes that we are
going to be asked to fund, especially the Cultural Center.
I am dead set against that, no one will ask me if I
want to pick that up...Here you have a meeting tonight
for people to make themselves heard ...you have made
up your mind before you came in here.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-If you are so concerned over the Cultural Center and
I think you should be, have you attended a meeting
of the County Board of Supervisors and spoke your
MR. MIKE PADARO- Sunset Drive-In the same way that you are entitled
to your raise it is a matter of principal that you do
a good job, you spend a lot of time at it, you think
that you deserve it, everyone here thinks that they
deserve the same. It is a matter of principle. The
right to get their 100%. Mrs. Monahan was talking
about that we are going to take money away from
the poor people, I ask how much? I think that the
question was raised how much in real numbers, it only
applies to the people with the $80,000. home and up.
I think I heard someone say 1000 veterans total in
the Town of Queensbury. Of that 1000 how many have
an $80,000. home? Fifty a Hundred an extra $2.00
they will save an extra $200. that the entire ten thousand
taxpayers will have to absorb what is that 2¢/5it the
poor will have to pay. Is the real concern about the
long term effect, the change in the rate, what happened
if we go to full assessment five years from now. Will
this $10,000 or $12,000. maximum then cut in half,
and our savings instead of being $5.00 is now $2.50?
If your dollar amount stays but the percentage, if
they have a maximum limit to it and the equalization
rate goes up, does that cut our benefits down?
HAROLD LAROSE- ...increases closer to 100% then your exemption increases
at the same time...
MIKE PADARO- What if the rate goes up to 100% and the average
that was quoted was $22500. goes to $40,000/$50,000.
average but the cap is $30,000. now you have homes
higher than the ceiling, who is losing then?
HAROLD LAROSE- Eventually if the Town gets to 100% one cannot predict
what the effect the exemptions would be at that time,
...right now the difference between Option 1 and Option
2, to 95% of the people in the room it would make
no difference which way we go you will get the same
benefits, however down the road if we go to 100%,
what effect will that have on the tax burden in the
Town, I do not know.
MIKE PADARO- This law is only in effect ten years, if five years from
now you go to 100% and change what everyone else
is getting we have lost out for five years, unless it
is retro-active. Unless you have an $80,000. home...you
are still not taking about a lot of money it is the principle.
You folks deserve a raise because you are doing a
good job, the principle is there, you deserve the money.You
think you are putting in the time, everyone here put
in time to. It is the principle of the thing, you are
talking about pennies, why make such a big deal about
SUPERVISOR WALTER- With the State passing the legislation, with the Town
Board taking a look at it, one of the things that we
have considered, and we have already started is the
re-valuation of the Town. We are going ahead to go
onto a computer system where our equalization rate
can be brought up. Had we had a revaluation a year
or so ago we would have had a better indication of
just where we are going.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN- When we go to 100% valuation the rate will go down.
Don't think that you will take 100% valuation and
mutiply times the rate you are doing today. If it does,
the Town is doing something very wrong. Your rate
should be going down, hopefully with the revaluation
the people that are under assessed and there are a
lot of them, will be paying their fair share and the
people that are over assessed will have their burden
MIKE PADARO- When will that take effect?
HAROLD LAROSE- Taxable status day 1987•
MIKE PADARO- In the meantime for a few cents you are making a
big deal over a few people that are not going to get
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-What we are saying is, we have no idea what effect
this will have when we go to 100%, it might have a
very detrimental effect when we go to 100% valuation,
we can alway raise this... i
MIKE PADARO- You are still talking about a few people that are over
the $80,000. and it is going to be the same number
of people, then the rate will be lower.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-But there will be more people with a higher valuation.
Asked Mr. LaRose to explain what will happen to those
veterans that also have an over 65 exemption...
HAROLD LAROSE- You will still receive both exemptions under the new
MR. CLIFF HARTMAN- West Mountain Road- I moved to Queensbury in 1956.
I would like to see the VietNam and Korean veterans
brought somewhere into alignment. They deserve
every bit that the State gave them ...plus a lot more
that the State should give them. I am dissolusioned
with the Board when I here minute figures...
SUPERVISOR WALTER- The Board has not taken any action at all, you have
the prerogative to state whether you think the proposed
law is a good one or is not. It is overwhelmingly the
opinion of the people in the room that this law is not
what you would hope that the Town of Queensbury
would do. The Board is listening to you this evening,
do not be dissolusioned until they take a vote. --
MR. CLIFF HARTMAN- They have already stated that they opted for Option
2, all the statements are in alignment with Option
2. Number one is the opitamy.
SUPERVISOR WALTER- That is what the State said should be number I...this
is what was said. We are giving you the option depending
on how you will think it will go in your community
to do Option 2 or 3.
COUNCILMAN MORRELL- Mr. Hartman, I have been sitting here trying to get
all the input so that I can feel that I can make a jus
decision. I talked last night to Mr. Fiore and told
him that I am going to keep an open mind. That is
one of the reasons that I have been sitting back here
and not saying a word, I do not like to be pre-judged,
criticize me if you disagree with me after the thing
is all over but until then allow me the opportunity
to listen to all these fine people out here give their
input that I as one of the five people who are going
to make the decision on this can make a just decision.
MR. HARTMAN- I have not personnally judged you or anyone. All I know
is the responses...I am asking you when you vote to
give these Korean Veterans and VietNam Veterans
and any other Veterans the maximum that the State
will allow regardless of how small it is.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN- What I have been trying to get over, that when we
take a tax off from one segment of the population
we have to put it on another, that is the point I have
been trying to make and I want you Gentlemen and
Ladies to realize this.
MR. FORREST ROBINSON- I am appreciative of the fact that we have a chance
to speak in an open forum and that the Board is in
a receptive mood, that they are not coming here with
pre-conceived decisions. Rather than get up on a
soap box and say about all the veterans did this and
how they did that, it is a matter of principle, we are
talking not a lot of dollars and the other communities
are watching Queensbury and taking a look at what
is going on up here. They are taking a look at what
the veterans are doing and how the Town Board will
react. Questioned what Glens Falls did? (100%) I
rest my case...
MR. THOMAS QUINN- Mrs. Monahan, would you please tell us how this effects
the poor people?
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-I think that the greatest problem we have right now
is that we do not know how this will effect when we
go to revaluation. Is it better to go with $9,000. now
and $12,000. after we revaluate?
MR. THOMAS QUINN- $12,000. now. The way you sound we are really taking
the money away from the poor people, and we are
only taking about pennies.
MR. HEISS- Mrs. Monahan, I appreciate where you are coming
from, as a practical matter the taxes are spread proportionaly
by high assessed lot and low assessed lots and commercial
assessed property...you make it sound like the few
cents that the veterans are going to get are going
to be thrown onto the poor people's back, it will be
thrown onto the entire town tax base, porportionate
to what they are paying at this time.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-This is actually going to be spead throughout the Town,
but we are also talking again about a matter of principle
because when we shift it is going to all the segments
but there is one segment that we are bringing out,
that maybe cannot afford it.
MR. HEISS- If a poor person is paying a $10.00 tax they might
pay a $10.10 tax. A person that is paying a $100,000.
tax might might pay $100,001. it is prorata. You are
not going to see any great shift one way or the other.
I do not have an $80,000. valuation but the fellow
that does and was in combat had the same chances
of dying then the guy with a three cent pup tent today.
The bottom line is the fellow took the same chance,
if you were talking 20%/30% of the persons taxes
I would listen to you all night, you are the difference
between $19.00 and $15.00 it is a joke.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-We are right now. We don't know what will be down
the road.
MR. BAIRD- This small amount of tax, I do not know if I want to
bother with it anymore, I thought when I came up
here I was going to get a lot off my back now I have
nothing, 1 do not think that the poor people should
be brought into this either...I am sure you will do the
right thing which ever way it goes.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN- When you actually saw the amount that would be taken
off your taxes, did this surprise you, did you think
it would be a lot more than that? (no, voiced throughout
the audience) I respect the veterans for everthing
they have done, I am the first one to salute our Flag
to cry at the National Anthem, so do not missunderstand
where I am coming from.
MR. FIORE- I got a call from Mayor Bartholomew ...The American
Legion went to the Council meeting last week and
we disputed the figures the assessor had throughout
on the floor and when he got back from Washington
he talked to Mayor Jones in Saratoga and he said if
those figures were right you got to have a lot of veterans
in the City. I think someone made a mistake. He stated
that for two days they have been working on it and
they have come up with new figures that are in line...I
will poll the council by phone and he did. The only
one he could not reach was Mary Coffey...He called
me at 4:00 and stated that the Council, by phone,
had voted for the City to adopt the full shot...
HAROLD LAROSE- At the present time in the Town of Queensbury we
have 514 veterans getting exemptions the amount
of the assessments effected $1,182,582. this computes
to a tax loss today of $1,809.34, this is under the old
law....Mr. Fiore tells me in Warren Co. there are over
7,000 veterans probably we got 2,000 in the Town
of Queensbury, they are not all property owners I am
MR. FIORE- ...I would say there are 1100 veterans living in the
Town of Queensbury but not all property owners.
JOSEPH DAIRE- Questioned if Warren County was going to give the
SUPERVISOR WALTER- I believe Warren Co. will be giving the exemption.
MR. FIORE- Warren County like the City of Glens Falls did not
do anything with the law so it becomes effective the
1st. of February at the full shot.
SUPERVISOR WALTER- I sit on the Warren County Tax Committee and quite
frankly it was not even discussed.
MRS. JAMESON - I am one of a five member Board Selective Service ^-f
Board of Appeals Draft Board and hopefully it will
never be activated again, with luck it will not be and
we will never have any more war veterans, there will
just be veterans. The eighteen year olds, the boys
in highschool now read the paper...and I am sure they
are the ones that are ready to register for the draft.
By reading the papers and looking to see what their
town is doing for them, that they should ever go to
war. I would just like to finish with what I asked before,
if not us, who, if not now, when.
COUNCILMAN EISENHARTI do not know whether it is appropriate or not but
I did my homework. I hope on the tax base of my own
I am one of the fortunate people because the taxpayers
in the State of New York supported me very handsomely
at the College for many years. I have one the houses
that runs over the $80,000. level and what I found
out if my figures are correct, I found that if we took
option 2 instead of option 1 as the town law proposal
is, it would cost me 88� less. By going to option 2.
my tax would come down from $643.55 down 884t it
is not a large amount.
COUNCILMAN OLSON- I have been quiet this evening to listen to the comments
and ideas from the veterans that are out this evening,
I want to thank you for coming out and appreciate
your comments and ideas, I am a veteran also. Because
of my age I was fortunate to serve as a peace time
veteran but I still volunteered and was there. In the
discussions that have been in the local papers and
radio and advertisements I have just received one
call, one person in opposition to any plan, they thought
we should not give any exemption. I have had several
calls and letters and calls at work, I appreciate their
interest. The one call I did get, was from a veteran
he was a disabled veteran he did tell me he was getting
100% disability he felt that as long as the government
was taking care of him that he was not entitled to
any other exemption. That was the only call in opposition.
We are talking about a small amount of money but
I think it is not the money but the fact that you people
want us to remember you and you want our support...it
is difficult in the Town of Queensbury as the Supervisor
pointed out with our low tax rate you do not recover
very much money, you are not going to see a great
reduction. In some towns or the City of Glens Falls
where you have a higher tax rate it will amount to
a more sufficient amount. Over and above the amount
of money we are talking about I think it is the fact
that we would recognize the veterans and give you
the support you are asking for. I thank you for your
comments and it helps me make my decision, because
I have not decided in my own mind what my exact
feelings are.
COUNCILMAN MORRELL- I want to echo a little bit what Dan said, Dan being
a veteran but by the time of birth he happens to be
the exclusions I am sorry that this exemption could
not be to all veterans. I also feel with the increased
growth of this town I do not feel that the maximum
exemption would have any adverse effect on the revenue
of this town. I think it will be more than gobbled up
by the growth. I also want to add I have the highest
respect for all of you who gave the full measure of
devotion of duty to your County, when you served
or where you served so that Democracy has been preserved
and because of that we are able to have this local
community, and I think it is only fitting and proper
that those that enjoy these freedoms should be able
to make a small sacrifice for you who so nobly served.
MR. FLOYD PICKETT- We have had quite a growth in business in the Town
of Queensbury, will this hurt that, why can't the growth
of business take care of the tax burden?
SUPERVISOR WALTER- They do pick up their share...Asked for further comments
hearing none the Public Hearing was Closed: 9:30
Short Recess - Reopened 9:40 P.M.
RESOLUTION NO. 28, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board Minutes of January 8th and 14th, 1985 be and
hereby is approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote: j
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Mrs. Monahan on meeting of the January 14, 1985
RESOLUTION NO. 29, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan:
RESOLVED, that Bingo License No. 17045 be and hereby is approved allowing West
Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Co. to hold Bingo occasions from January 26, 1985 through
April 27, 1985 and be it further
RESOLVED, that this includes three Sunday Bingo Occasions.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: Dr. Eisenhart
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 30, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart:
WHEREAS, after due publication and advertisement on December 12, 1984, the
Town Board of the Town of Queensbury opened bids for the Gurney Lane Swimming
Pool, and
WHEREAS, the apparent low bid was greater than the estimated cost of the project,
WHEREAS, the bid specifications and the General Municipal Law expressly permit
the Town Board to reject all bids, and
WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interest of the taxpayers and residents
of the Town of Queensbury to reject all bids,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby rejects all
bids for the Gurney Lane Swimming Pool.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
COUNCILMAN OLSON- I think it is very clearly stated in the resolution the
reasons that it is coming up for a vote this evening,
the forty-five days are just about up, it is very clear
that the bids came in I feel so much over what the
estimates were from our engineer.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-It was a great percentage, we could have lived with
a small percentage...
SUPERVISOR WALTER- I believe that the Town Board will be having on -going
discussions as to how to proceed with the Gurney Lane
COUNCILMAN MORRELL- Suggested that the next time this project is bid that
the bids be also advertised outside this area...
RESOLUTION NO. 31, Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconded by
Mrs. Betty Monahan:
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 274 of 1984, duly adopted by the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury on November 27, 1984, the Town Supervisor of the Town of
Queensbury was authorized to execute a special contract for snow and ice control
in the Pilot Knob area, and
WHEREAS, at the request of the Warren County Attorney the aforesaid contract
has been amended, and
WHEREAS, the proposed amendments have been reviewed by Wilson S. Mathias,
Counsel to the Town Board, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury is hereby authorized
to execute the intermunicipal agreement for snow and ice control in the Pilot Knob
area, a copy of which is annexed hereto, and
RESOLVED, that any work performed within Washington County and the Town
of Fort Ann, pursuant to the special contract for snow and ice control in the Pilot
Knob area, is hereby ratified and confirmed, with the understanding that compensation
for such work shall be made in accordance with the prior special contract for snow
and ice control in the Pilot Knob area.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
SUPERVISOR WALTER- This will reflect the new rates that came into effect
after the first resolution...
RESOLUTION NO. 32, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Morrell who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan:
(Text read by Clerk) Page 47
TN COUNSEL MATHIAS- Because of the nature of the Top O' The World Development
because there will be a great deal of common property,
common ownership in a variety of facilities the developers
will be retain a certain amount of ownership pipe lines
for the swimming pools for the greens and golf course.
In order to legally supply water to the various condominiums
and have them link up when they purchase a unit, what
they have to do is form a Water Works Company.
To do that there are provisions under the Transportation
Corp. Laws to set up this system of distribution. They
need your consent they also need the consent of the
Town Supt. of Highways. That is the purpose of this
resolution, in otherwords in order to get water up
to the Top O' The World and pass it out to the different
condominimum owners they have got to have this.
COUNCILMAN EISENHART They are going to use Queensbury Water?
TN COUNSEL MATHIAS- No, they will use their own, they will have their own
source of water supply from their own wells. The
water rates will be set by the public service commission
and they will control how much the company charges
to the various condominiums owners. The catch is
there is one in the terms of the liability of the Town
is that Transportation Corp. Law provides, although
the Certificate of Incorporation says it is perpetual
but the corporation could only last five years. There
was a situation in Clifton Park where the Town had
to take over the sewage system, so there is a potential
liability to the Town that five years from now if the
Developers abandon the project someone will have
to handle the water supply system for the units, that
is if there is any kind of complex development such
as proposed for Top O' The World. The positive side
is simply that, should that occur it would be simple
for the Town to create a water district, a self contained
water district, and add the cost directly on to the
owners of the units. There is no real exposure both
the Dept. of Health and Dept. of Environmental Conseration
and APA have reviewed the detailed Engineering Spec.
and looked at the reports on the water quantity and
quality and have given their approval, so it seems
to me that the liability is small.
COUNCILMAN OLSON- They are not ready to sell water, this month or next
TN COUNSEL MATHIAS- Because of the timing in terms of ...once they get
the corporation in place they have to go before the
public service commission and get their rates approved,
this takes several months.
COUNCILMAN OLSON- I have some strong reservations about handling this,
this evening. 1. Can we demand or do we have any
kind of a certificate or bond from the Company saying
they will provide the service and finish it up?
TN COUNSEL MATHIAS- But if you do, you pass the cost on to the home owner
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN- What if there are not enough home owners to pass
it on to?
TN COUNSEL MATHIAS- This is something the Planning Board approved, you
approved it when you gave them the planned unit development
approval and rezoned them, they obtained a permit
from Encon in 1983, this is not a new proposal that
anyone is making, this is the only way they could legally
do it. We have a $50,000. bond as part of the performance
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-That would not go very far in putting in a Water Dist.
TN COUNSEL MATHIAS- It is tough at this point to shift the rules in terms...
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Suspose something happens to the water quality ...will
the Town become a party to that liability?
TN COUNSEL MATHIAS- No. You are just saying that you have no objection
to this corporation being formed.
SUPERVISOR WALTER- The resolution states that we have reviewed the engineering
plan and report of the consulting engineer and the
well testing report and the permit issued by the Dept.
of Environmental Conservation and as Supervisor I
have not read any of that...this information just arrived...
I think that the Town should have someone with some
expertise look at the plans...
Discussion held and it was noted that Mr. Flaherty
and Mr. Dean would review the project as submitted
and report to the Board...
RESOLUTION NO. 33, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
RESOLVED, that Resolution No. 32 of 1985 entitled "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING
FORMATION OF TOP O-WORLD WATER CO., INC." be and hereby is tabled, for
further investigation.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
COUNCILMAN OLSON- Questioned the paragraph regarding the signature
of the Highway Supt...those are not Town Roads...
TN COUNSEL MATHIAS- The State Law says to get a certificate of incorporation
filed you have to have a signature...they can not file
without a signature...
RESOLUTION NO.34, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan:
WHEREAS, a public hearing duly published in accordance with the law by the Town
Clerk was held on January 22, 1985 at 7:30 P.M. at the Queensbury Town Office
Building at which all persons were heard both in favor of an opposed to a Local
Law reducing the amount of exemption by Section 458-a of the Real Property Tax
RESOLVED that the Local Law be established as follows:
A local law reducing the amount of exemption by Section 458-a of the Real Property
Tax Law.
SECTION 1. Pursuant to the authority of paragraph (d) of subdivision 2 of Section
458-a of the Real Property Tax Law, the amount of exemption provided by paragraphs
(a), (b), and (c) of such subdivision 2 is hereby reduced as follows:
°----- (a) $9,000.00 (b) $6,000.00 (c) $30,000.00
SECTION 2. This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing in the Office
of the Secretary of State.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: None
Noes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Absent: None
COUNCILMAN MORRELL- Noted that upon the defeat of this Local Law proposal
the State maximum exemption will take place on February
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-I think that if the State had done this properly they
would have done it in a way to honor the veterans
through the income tax and all veterans could have
taken advantage of it...I also want to make my point
that when we take the tax burden from one person
we have to put it on other...We all are appreciative
of what the veterans have done, but I think the State
should have been a little bit more appreciative.
SUPERVISOR WALTER- I feel that the veterans that came out here this evening
I think after the Public Hearing have a different idea
as to how much dollars they are going to realize in
their pockets after Option 1 the State Maximum or
Option 2 which we discussed here as a proposed Local
Law, the fact is that there are not too many dollars
that are involved. I regret that, I feel if the State
really wished to give any kind of a benefit to veterans
of any of our wars that they would have done a lot
better than this exemption on real property tax.
MR. FIORE- Board Members, on behalf of the veterans that appeared
here tonight and the American Legion of Queensbury
and Glens Falls and VFW of Queensbury and Glens
Falls and the Marine Corp. League we want to thank
you from the botton of our hearts for a job I know
was difficult...Thank you very much...
-Ltr. -from Water Supt. Flaherty-on file in Supervisor's office-requesting attendance
at Chlorination Equipment Seminar-February 2nd and 8th Belville, New Jersey
RESOLUTION NO. 35, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell:
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Mr. Thomas Flaherty, Water Superintendent
to attend a Chlorination Equipment Seminar on February 2nd and 8th 1985 in Belville,
New Jersey and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes payment of all reasonable and necessary
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
-Ltr. Building & Zoning Dept. -on file in Supervisor's Office- requesting permission
to attend The Capital Dist. Chapter of the New York State Building Officials Conference
on Friday January 215, 1985. -------
RESOLUTION NO. 36, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell:
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Mr. Mack Dean, Building Inspector
and Mr. Rick Bolton, Assistant Building Inspector to attend a meeting of the Capital
Dist. Chapter of the New York State Building Officials Conference on Friday, January
25, 1985, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes payment of all reasonable and necessary
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
-The 1984 Annual Report from the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments on file...
MR. JOSEPH DAIRE- Spoke to the Town Board in regard to a flat bed being
parked on the Highway at night....
PAUL NAYLOR- Noted that he had spoken to the owner and would again...
RESOLUTION NO. 37, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Morrell who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as appears on abstract No. 85-1B and numbered
78 through 80 and totaling $22,736.00 be and hereby is approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
RESOLUTION NO. 38, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Morrell who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves into executive session to discuss
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk