Zoning Board Debrief 01 26 2022ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DEBRIEFING NOTES January 26, 2022 Members Present- McCabe, Urrico, Underwood, Henkel, Hamlin, Stark, McDevitt Members Absent- Khul Administrative AV 62-2021 ANTONIO & MARIA CIVITELLA, 104 Knox Road 7:01-7:08 Ward 1. Public comment letters from January 19th read into the record on January 26th. (Revised) Applicant proposes to demo an existing home and to construct a new home with a footprint of 2,477 sq. ft. and a floor area of 4,091 sq. ft. The project includes installation of a permeable paver for patio and driveway areas, new steps to future sun-deck and dock, new septic, well, site plantings and shoreline plantings. Site plan for new floor area in a CEA, hard surfacing within 50 ft. of the shoreline, shoreline planting plan for vegetation removal, stormwater measures steep slopes within 50 ft. of new home, and work within 100 ft. of wetland. Relief requested for setbacks, floor area, permeability, and infiltration. Status: The Board secretary read into the record letters from January 19th so the letters would be part of the record. The board voted to reaffirm the decision of January 19th 2022. Reaffirmed 7-0.Application approved with a condition the permeable be increased to 71.5% this includes a reduction in the shoreline patio, the k-turn of the driveway area, and the driveway width. Approved 4-3 Hamlin, Urrico, Underwood. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board February 15th. AV 5-2022 CERRONE LAND HOLDINGS, Sherman Avenue 7:09-7:19 Ward 3. Applicant proposes a 45 residential subdivision of a 49.5 acre parcel. The lots range in size from 0.47 ac. to 1.57 acres. The project includes a homeowners association property. There is to be two access points to Sherman Avenue. The sites would have on site septic and be connected to municipal water supply. Project includes a 20 ft. no cut buffer on the north property lines. Planning Board review for a subdivision. Relief requested for lot size and setbacks. Status: Application tabled to February 23, 2022 Tabled 7-0. Zoning Board consented to Planning Board Lead Agency 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the ZBA February 23rd pending Planning Board February 22. Note Public hearing open and left open. Old Business AV3-2022 PATRICK CONNORS, 95 Rockhurst Road 7:20-7:36 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to remove an existing deck of 644 sq. ft. to construct a 644 sq. ft. deck in the same location. The deck is attached to the existing house and has a patio area underneath. The steps from the deck to the lower patio area are to be in the same place. The existing home is 1,890 sq. ft. footprint minus the deck. There is additional work on the boat house structure. Relief is requested for setbacks. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board February 15, 2022. New Business: AV 1-2022 DAVID HATIN, 17 Zenas Drive 7:37-7:43 Ward 2. Applicant proposes to construct a 720 sq. ft. second garage with an existing home of 936 sq. ft. that has an attached garage. Project includes additional driveway area to the new garage. Relief requested for second garage. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 6-1, McCabe Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature. AV 4-2022 STEVE DEMPSEY, 3239 State Route 9L 7:44-7:54 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to modify an approved addition and alteration to an existing 1,905 sq. ft. (footprint) home. The first floor addition of 104 sq. ft. and second floor 358 sq. ft. allows it to align with the first floor. The project includes a new deck of 444 sq. ft. and to convert a screen porch to 123 sq. ft. for a bathroom addition. Relief requested for setbacks. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signatures. SV 1-2022 AYZO RIDGE, 863 State Route 9 7:55-8:10 Ward 2. Applicant proposes to install a 124.5 sq. ft. Town Fair Tire sign on a proposed building. The project includes the installation of a freestanding sign that is to be 42.5 sq. ft. The signs are to be red, black, and white; the wall sign is to be red lettering. The signs are to be internally lit. The proposed building is to be 7,269 sq. ft. Relief is requested for size of sign. Status: Application approved with condition the sign is to be no greater than 92.5 sq ft with 36 inch letters. Approved 5-2, Urrico, Hamlin Follow Up: Applicant to provide final plans for Zoning Administrator signature. Chairman McCabe comments for 2022 • Looking for training opportunities -to discuss making motions, project review for consistency, • Will need an alternate for 2nd meeting in February and March. Adjourn: 8:12