1985-03-12 60
MARCH 12, 1985
Mrs. Frances Walter-Supervisor
Mr. Daniel Olson-Councilman
Dr. Charles Eisenhart-Councilman
Mr. Daniel Morrell-Councilman
Mrs. Betty Monahan-Councilman
Mr. Wilson Mathias-Town Counsel
PRESS: G.F. Post Star
GUESTS: Ms. Howard, Rev. Storms, Mr. Wm. Threw, Mr. Williams,
TOWN OFFICIALS: Mr. Paul Naylor, Mr. Mack Dean, Mr. Rick Bolton
to locate a moible home on Luzerne Road Tax Map No. 125-1-15, owner of property
M. Robert A. Nelson ... Hearing Opened 7:38 P.M. Mr. Williams was present
(A letter was read by the Supervisor from Mr. Charles A. Trombley...on file)
Queensbury Town Board
To whom it may concern. I live approximately 250 feet north west of this proposed
trailor site. Due to my work schedule I am unable to attend this public hearing
so I am sending this letter to inform you that I am opposed to this trailor site as
I believe it will tend to decrease the value of my home. When I bought my land
I was informed by the seller that I would not be permitted to place a trailor on
this land. Thank you. ss Charles A. Trombley
MR. RALPH KNICKERBOCKER-I adjoin this proposed mobile home site...I am
opposed to a trailer going there. When I bought the property, you could not put
a trailer on the property, we are building our property up and trying to upgrade
it and make it better than before, I feel that a trailer put there would bring down
my property.
MR. ROBERT WIMETTE- I live east of the proposed mobile home site...Opposed
to the mobile home...when I purchased the property mobile homes were not allowed.
COUNCILMAN EISENHART-Noted that he had visited the site...there is a mobile
home 200 yards one way and another on the corner of Luzerne and Burch a quarter
of a mile away, so I cannot say that there are no mobile homes in the area. The
staking of the mobile home is back in the woods to some degree but not enough
to cut off the site of the home. The site does not have the mobile home environment
there are some but it is mostly individual residences.
COUNCILMAN OLSON-I have visited the site, 1 feel that it would be a better use
of the lot to put a residence there instead of a mobile home.
COUNCILMAN EISENHART-Does Mr. Williams own the land?
MR. WILLIAMS- No, Mr. Robert A. Nelson—letter of agreement to sell, submitted
with application. ..
MR. WM. THREW-Noted that in his deed it is stated that you cannot place a mobile
home on the property....the mobile home on the corner will be moved this month
it is only a temporary placement...
TOWN COUNSEL-In a subdivision that covenant would be intended to apply to
a group of lots. Anybody else to whom that covenant or restriction applied could
bring an action, in that sense a private right, I think that the Board should give
some consideration, it should show some weight, I do not think that you should
ignore the fact...
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Once a restriction has been placed on a lot, that restriction
stays forever...
TOWN COUNSEL- As long as there has not be an affirmative action to say that
it is no longer valid because of a change in character...
COUNCILMAN EISENHART-It does not matter how many people own the property
in between?
TOWN-COUNSEL-That is right.
SUPERVISOR WALTER- Mr. Williams, were you aware of a restriction in the deed?
MR. WILLIAMS- No...Mr. Nelson did know I had plans to place a mobile home on
the lot and did not say there were any deed restrictions...
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Who was the previous owner to Mr. Nelson?
MR. WILLIAMS- I believe Mr. Bennett.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Who originally owned your property and put in the
deed restrictions?
UNKNOWN-Wayne Herald
MR. WILLIAMS- If I put my mobile home on this piece of property it will not look
any worse than anything else that is there, Mr. Threw has a business there, my
property is not going to hurt him any. I plan on having a nice place there, I am
trying to get my wife out of the trailor court for health reasons. He is there making
a living, I just want to live there.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN- Mr. Williams, what kind of siding do you have on your
MR. WILLIAMS-Aluminum siding...(showed photos of mobile home)
MR. KNICKERBOCKER-Noted that he had spoke to Mr. Clements and was told
that Mr. Greeno was allowed to place a mobile home on a temporary basis only
in this area...a permanent house should be there to blend in with the rest of the
SUPERVISOR WALTER-asked for further comments hearing none the public hearing
was closed....7:54 P.M.
RESOLUTION NO. 5T, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board Minutes of February 26, 1985 be and hereby are
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 58, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart:
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury is in the process of undertaking a re-appraisal
of the values of the real property situate within the Town, and
WHEREAS, the appraisal firm of Cole-Layer-Trumble Company of Dayton, Ohio
has submitted a proposal for the cost of re-appraising commercial and industrial
property in the Town, and
WHEREAS, prior to the completion of the re-valuation of commercial and industrial
properties it is in the interest of the Town of Queensbury to obtain appraisals of
specific properties within the commercial and industrial classification,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is authorized to execute
letter agreements with Cole-Layer-Trumble Company for appraisals of real property
located within the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote: ,
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
COUNCILMAN EISENHART- Have we had other quotes?
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Mr. LaRose did go out and talk with several companies
and he felt this company had the best reputation...
Discussion was held regarding the billing for preparation of the the re-valuation...
SUPERVISOR WALTER-There was $100,000 budgeted for this project and the ball
park cost has come in at less than three quarters...
Application of Faith Bible Church to operate a Stump Dump...Public Hearing was
held on February 26, 1985 ... We had asked that the developer prepare a map of
the proposal and this has now been submitted...
TOWN COUNSEL-There is no question that the SEQRA applies in an instance like
this. ... In reviewing the application, particularly when I looked at the map that
was submitted by the applicant on March 6th you can see that this project is part
of a larger scale development. I think that the Board has to consider even this
application for a disposal facility, you can't treat that in a vacuum, you have to
be aware of the other aspects of the project that are going on. As Reverend Storms
has explained to me many of the items that are set forth in the plans are projects
that if they are to occur are going to happen eight to ten years from now. I think
he is concerned that we do not hold up this application until we can get a better
handle on it. I think that for purposes of applying to SEQRA at the very least I'
feel the Board should determine that they are the lead agency on this application.
I think that the next step would be to meet with the applicant to get a better handle
on exactly the scope of the project. I think you have to come to grip with the fact
that there may be a significant impact on the environment such that it would require
an Environmental Impact Statement. The proposed resolution would comply with
the SEQRA time table procedure in establishing yourself as the lead agency and
I think that is beneficial to the applicant, dealing with you locally than opposed
to DEC, Dept. of Health and DOT or other State Agencies...
COUNCILMAN EISEN HART-Looked over the proposed site...it looks to me like
an excellent place to dump stumps, it looks like a good move to dump, of course
to be done with restrictions garbage and whatnot should not be allowed. I can see
no reason in my own mind for saying no.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN- I think we should go through the paper work, we have
to make sure there will be no environmental repercussion.
COUNCILMAN OLSON-Noted that the Stump dump is a small area of the proposed
TOWN COUNSEL-I think that you have to have more information in front of you
before you can say that there is a finding of nor significance, you could have what
is called a conditional negative declaration where you say if you comply with the
following rules we are going to find that there is no significant impact.
REVEREND STORMS-If the Town becomes the lead agency what kind of relationship
does that place us in with the Town and how might that effect the seperation of
Church and State?
TOWN COUNSEL-I would not attempt off the top of my head...it would seem to
me there is no built-in exemption in the SEQRA process for an applicant that happens
to be a church, I think it will either be the Town or some representative of State
government, that is going to be there, it is just begging the question. I would suggest
that we are going to require this applicant to obtain a permit...
REVEREND STORMS-The reasons I am asking this is because all over the country..churches
are saying our first amendment right supercedes zoning laws...I wonder if we are
putting ourselves-in a compromising position if we say we allow the Town Board
— of the Town of Queensbury to be Lead Agency and determine if we can practice
our religion a very sacred part of which is placing the dead on sacred ground. ..�
SUPERVISOR WALTER-My own thought would be that it would be stretching the
point because we have an application on hand for a stump dump which means that
you would be in effect disposing of organic material. I do not understand the connection
with practicing religion?
REVEREND STORMS-It does relate to the use of our Cemetery ... our plan is to
be able to drive into the Cemetery without having to back out. ..similiar points
have been made across the country, the Church has the right to determine the
use of their properties as they feel God leads them to do this, rather than a government
agency telling them how to use their properties. ...
TOWN COUNSEL-This is a very good question, but I do not think anybody provided
any kind of hard clear answer to it, if there is I do not know of one...at this point,
it is my recommendation to the Board that they proceed under the assumption
that they do have the authority to permit this particular application...
COUNCILMAN OLSON-With the Town being lead agency you can move things faster
on a local level than I think you would find the State government moving to make
a determination.
COUNCILMAN MORRELL-If we follow this procedure and we get the determination
from Encon and DEC that there is no problem, do we cease to become the lead
agency, do we ever sever our ties?
TOWN COUNSEL-One of the reasons that we are doing this is to speed things up.
What SEQRA said if you do not notify the Commissioner of these other Agencies
that you are lead agency, even though you give them a permit, anyone else has
the right to come on in and say we have some jurisdiction over this project you
have to give us ... you have to go through the hoops all over again. What this resolution
does is put ENCON on notice that you as the Town Board are going to be the lead
agency and they have 15 or 30 days to object to it. The benefit of this is that you
have one reviewing agency instead of several.
MR. THREW-What is triggering this with SEQRA?
TOWN COUNSEL-Your permit.
RESOLUTION NO. 5 Introduced rodu t ced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS, Faith Bible Church has made application to the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury for approval of a permit for a facility for the disposal of rubbish
in accordance with Ordinance Number 6, and
WHEREAS, on January 29, 1985, a permit application was filed with the Town,
which application included a long form environmental assessment form, and
WHEREAS, on February 26, 1985, a public hearing was held on the aforesaid application,
WHEREAS, on March 6, 1985, a map of the area for the proposed facility was filed
by the applicant in order to provide the Town Board with additional necessary information,
WHEREAS, it appears that the proposed facility, when considered as a part of the
plan for the development of Faith Bible Church Ministries Center may have a significant
effect on the environment, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, as permit issuing agency,
and because of the local significance of the proposed project is the appropriate
lead agency,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is determined to be
the lead agency for purposes of compliance with SEQRA in the review of the application
of Faith Bible Church for a rubbish disposal facility, and it is further resolved that,
notice of this determination be forwarded to the applicant, the Commissioners
of Environmental Conservation and the DEC Region 5 Office in Warrensburg.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Discussion held on the application of Darwin Williams to locate a mobile home
on Luzerne Road...it was the consensus to table the application until further information
regarding deed restrictions can be brought forth..
RESOLUTION NO. 60, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved or its adoption,
seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan:
RESOLVED, that the Mobile Home Application of Mr. Darwin Williams Jr. to locate
a mobile home on Luzerne Road be tabled until further information can be obtained
regarding deed restrictions.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Morrell
-Mobile Home Application of Michael and Shelly Gale-resubmitted from last meeting-location
of proposed mobile home Leo Street...
RESOLUTION NO. 61, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell:
WHEREAS, MicMwl and Shelly Gale have made application in accordance with
paragraph 2 (c) Section 4 of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE
mobile home outside at property situated at Leo Street, and j
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements
of said ordinance, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application
are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance,
the Town Board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on March 26,
1985 at 7:30 P.M. in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay Road, and that
the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of said
public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
5, 1985
LeValley McLeod, Inc.
Schenectady, N.Y. Non Col. attached $8,347.51
Vellano Bros. Inc.
Latham, N.Y. Non Col. attached $7,249.88
L&C Municipal Sales
Johnstown, N.Y. Non Col. attached $7,326.13
Robert E. Spence
Syracuse, N.Y. Non Col. attached $8,438.59
-Ltr. Water Dept. requesting that the low bid of Vellano Bros. be accepted.
RESOLUTION NO. 62, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell:
WHEREAS, Mr. Thomas Flaherty, Water Supt. for the Town of Queensbury did
recommend that we advertise for bids for Water Connection Materials and
WHEREAS, four bids were submitted and received and opened at the specified
time and place by the Director of Purchasing/Town Clerk Donald A. Chase and
such bids were then turned over to Mr. Flaherty for his recommendation and
WHEREAS, Mr. Flaherty by letter has recommended that Vellano Brothers Inc.
of Latham, N.Y. be awarded the bid in the amount of $7,249.88, NOW, THEREFORE
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queenbury hereby accepts the
bids as mentioned above and be it further
RESOLVED, that the financing for such materials is in the 1985 Water Department
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
-The Office of Kenneally and Tarantino delivered a rezoning request on property
on Sherman Avenue and Luzerne Road to be zoned SR20 (Ltr. read and placed on
L MR. DENNIS DICKINSON-Gave a presentation of the proposed project (used map
of the area) The property in question is approximately 56 acres running between
Sherman Avenue and Luzerne Road. The property is split between LI-lA and SR-20.
Across the Luzerne Read from our property is a UR-10 zone. We request that
the property be rezoned residential either ten or twenty.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Have ypu looked to see if that is in the Water District?
MR. DICKINSON-The Northeasterly corner of the property is in the Sherman Avenue
Water District, the Queensbury Water District is not located on this property.
COUNCILMAN OLSON-You are talking single family dwellings?
COUNCILMAN EISENHART-You are going to run a road between Sherman Avenue
and Luzerne Road?
MR. DICKINSON-That is what we would like to do, we would like to do it in phases
with the intention that finally you will be able to go from Sherman Avenue to Luzerne
COUNCILMAN M•ORRELL-Will you have problems with the Niagara Mohawk right
of way?
COUNCILMAN OLSON-Are you familiar with our requirements with regard to
accepting roads?
MR. DICKINSON-Some of your requirements yes, to standard and paved.
COUNCILMAN OLSON-The utilities will be place first.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-If that all goes residential, and then when we have
a chance to bring in light industrial on each side, you guys are going to come in
and say hey, we do not want that there, it is ruining our residential character.
MR. DICKINSON-You have it zoned light industry, we are asking to have this residential
knowing fully well that light industry is allowed on either side.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-In the future are you going to come in and try to say
we think you ought to rezone that because we do not want light industry, we do
have to leave places in the Town of Queensbury for light industry and I think you
should be aware of it.
MR. DICKINSON-Our intention is to develop this if we can get it rezoned and our
assumption is that this will remain light industrial. Obviously you felt that there
was a need for it and I am sure you are not going to eradicate it because we want
a portion of it.
COUNCILMAN MORRELL-Once it is developed and your obligation ceases because
it is all new owners on individual parcels of land and industry wants to go in beside
this, you do not have an obligation to anyone because it ceased the new homeowners
would now complain that there property values we be degraded because light industry
would be beside it.
MR. DICKINSON-I think you are approaching this backwards, if this is rezoned
residential and people come in to purchase, are going to purchase lots in here knowing
fully well that this is zoned light industry.
COUNCILMAN OLSON-They should know it, but they will not until someone goes
COUNCILMAN EISENHART-Would this be spot zoning?
SUPERVISOR WALTER-No, because what you would be doing would be extending
either the UR-10 or SR-20.
MR. DICKINSON-This is a high intensity residential area already, as you can see.
MR. PAUL NAYLOR,HIGHWAY SUPT.-How many roads will you be putting in
MR. DICKINSON-Probably a street going from Sherman Avenue to Luzerne Road
with a couple of streets with loops...
SUPERVISOR WALTER-It is the consensus of the Town Board to turn this project
over to the Planning Board for their recommendation...
-Ltr. Thomas Flaherty to attend the Spring Meeting of the AWWC at Guilderland,
March 28, 1985... the request is for the Water Supt., Deputy Supt., Maintenance
Supervisor, and One Operator...
Discussion held-A discussion was held in regard to establishing a policy on how
many key personnel from a department can attend meetings at the same time...the
aspect of safety and emergencies was brought out...a policy will be discussed at
the water committee level...
RESOLUTION NO. 63, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Morrell who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to the Water Superintendent, Deputy
Superintendent, Maintenance Supervisor and One Operator to attend the Spring
Meeting of the Adirondack Water Works Conference at Guilderland, New York
March 28, 1985, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes payment of all reasonable and necessary
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: Dr. Eisenhart
Absent:None ,
-Ltr. Mohican Grange-(on file) requesting a "No-Smoking Policy" at Public Meetings
held at the Queensbury Town Office...
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-I will abstain from any action on the proposed bidding
on a roof project due to my affiliation with roofing contractors...
(Bid forthcoming on Water Dept. Roof, bid opening on March 19, 1985)
-TOWN CLERK-Month of February
-BUILDING & ZONING-Month of February
REVEREND STORMS-I would like to continue the discussion on the Stump Dump,
making a couple of comments-1. If we were to fill that ravine with materials from
our own property we would not be required a permit, is that correct?
REVEREND STORMS-If we use materials that may be of the exact same nature
brought in from other properties, we are required to make an impact study.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Because it is a different kind of operation, and the Town
has jurisdiction over the operation of dumps, which is essentially for public use.
REVEREND STORMS-I hope you can see the point I am making, the exact same
thing would be done in one case e as the other, but in one case there is a lot more
involved. 2. I think I heard somebody say that whenthe Town of Queenbury becomes
the lead agency they are required to pay any fee involved, like application fees,
is that correct?
SUPERVISOR WALTER-No. When we wish to engage somebody in as far as making
a determination we will pay for it, if we ask you to do something, we are not going
to pay for it.
REVEREND STORMS-My comment is, we as a congregation have never taken one
penny of government money and we never intend to take one...we do not want taxpayers
money to be used on our projects...
SUPERVISOR WALTER-If the determination is made that you are required to make
an environmental impact statement then you will have to pay for it, the government
does not. If it is determined that you have to do that, and you submit it to us,
and we wished to have some engineers or scientists look at it then that is our expense.
REVEREND STORMS-How long might this drag on?
TOWN COUNSEL-At this point there is a time limit in which the Board has to tell
you whether they think that this project is going to have a significant environmental
impact, from the time they decide that the application is complete, it is 15 days.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-1 think we have determined that we are going to have a
meeting of the parties, to supply certain information that we would make a determination.
SUSAN HOWARD-22 Main Street-Spoke to the Town Board about a persistant problem
with rats on her property, and complainted about Mr. Lee moving his business totally
on the corner...
DISCUSSION HELD-Mr. Dean-stated that he had looked at the situation at Lee's,
they had mentioned that they had not had a rat problem since they used an extermination
process...noted that this may be a specific problem not a Town problem in terms
of the general neighborhood...the Building & Zoning Dept. has exhausted its time
limits, we do not have the expertise in this area...Supervisor Walter-has your department
had any other calls on this problem...Mr. Dean, not since last fall...Councilman
Olson requested that Town Counsel look into the problem of the increase in business
at the Lee's property...
MR. JAMES TROY-Is is legal to run a bulldozer on Town pavement with steel cleats?
MR. JAMES TROY-This was done, ...I am a taxpayer and this concerns me...(speaking
about Lee's business)
DISCUSSION HELD-Supervisor Walter- requested the Building Dept. to check into
the special use permit regarding Mr. Lee's operations...Mr. Dean-the permit did
not specify how many trucks or vehicles could be on the property at any one time...the
permit requested the use of the garage for repairs and the yard for equipment storage...
there is no way that I can tell these people they are in violation because there
was no specific enumeration of how many vehicles could be there...Supervisor Walter-noted
in regard to the Health Problem, the Town Board acting as the Board of Health
could investigate the situation and then meet as a Board of Health and determine
if there is a health problem and how it will be handled...also asked that if any other
neighbors have this problem to notify the Town Board...if the problem is just on
Mrs. Howard's property this Town Board does not have any jurisdiction to do anything
it has to be a public health problem...questioned was raised about rats on Fourth
Street, this could be a possible source of the rats...cars loaded with garbage...Supervisor
Walter that will be checked out...
MR. GALLUCCI-Asked if there was any further information in regard to the Water
System request on Luzerne Road...
SUPERVISOR WALTER-I spoke with Mr. Flaherty at noon, he has done some preliminary
work, his ball park figure at this point is $20.00 + per thousand of assessed evaluation...
noted that an engineer must be hired to do the proper engineering workup and cost
estimates...noted that this is the highest the Town has ever had...this is a problem
as far as Audit and Control is concerned..(reviewed the process of establishing
a district, time limits and the role of Audit and Control)...the next step is for a
recommendation from the Water Committee...
MR. GALLUCCI-If you can give us a cost estimate, we will contact the residents
on the petition and see if they are willing to go along with the costs...
COUNCILMAN OLSON-Within the next two weeks we should have an answer to
make a recommendation on...
MR. BILL THREW-With the new filtration plant, the more water lines placed, the
more money placed into the Town's pocket too...better utilize what we have.
MR. GALLUCCI-Suggested that maybe, that proposed district should be expanded
in order for it to be successful...
RESOLUTION NO. 64, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell:
RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as appears on Abstract No. 85-3B and numbered
322 through 528 and totaling $211,811.37 be and hereby is approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
! Absent: None
Abstain: Mr. Olson abstained on voting Audit Number 483. N
-Ltr. Mr. Brault, Building & Grounds Supt.-requesting permission to repair storage
building...(on file)
Discussion held-The Board requested that the storage building be repaired...
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk