APAALLUP Variance Referral Information APA LOG # LV 2021-0101 TOWN VARIANCE #AV58-2021 APPLICANT West NOTES Tear down rebuild w/ attached garage - Property setbacks, access from adjoining lot, stormwater device <100ft from SL Tax#226.15-1-16 Tax#.--. Date Received** 2022-03-01 Date of Pre-Ap 2021-10-05 Date Additonal Info Date Response OTHER APA TRANSACTIONS LV2010-18, LV2021-0056, LV2021- 0100 Date Response Due* Thursday, March 31, 2022 Status/Action pending SHORELINE DENSITY OTHER TOWN REQUIREMENTS USEAPA STATUTE PROVISION HA MI LI RU RM IU UNKAPA Land Use Area NEEDS AN APA PERMIT *Please note the Agency's 30-day review period begins upon receipt of the complete variance record. (Additional information may be required by staff in order to complete review) ATF – After The Fact BLA – Boundary Line Adjustment NC – Non-conforming OSWTS - On-site Wastewater Treatment System PB – Principal Building SFD – Single Family Dwelling SL – shoreline SEPTIC Warren County TOWN Queensbury Town Town of Queen ** Note referrals received by the Agency after 3pm will be date stamped for the next business day. Town of Queensbury - Variance Referral to APA Agency-approved Local Land Use Program Referral Please use this form as a cover sheet for any correspondence associated with a variance referral to the Adirondack Park Agency as provided for in the Town's Agency-approved Local Land Use Program. Send this cover sheet& variance referral record to: Adirondack Park Agency,`/o Local Government Services,PO Box 99,Ray Brook,NY 12977 or fax to: (518) 891-3938 or email*to: LocalGovernment@apa.ny.gov From: /YCUG 3Tvwll. _ Title: Date Sent: --3 1 Ob } The Adirondack Park Agency is hereby notified of the receipt of a variance referral record. Applicant(s): 7ye14- 4- pCc melt Par.Application #:Al 58-<9aP,)L Parcel(s) A2 6, /S=-1 - /(,:, (tax map#) For: N Area Variance ❑ Use Variance ❑ Septic Variance Local Zoning District(s): APA Land Use Areals): ❑ Unknown 1 ❑ Hamlet ❑ Moderate Intensity Use ❑ Low Intensity Use (�lJ ❑ Rural Use ❑ Resource Management ❑ Industrial Use The variance involves (check all that apply): ❑ Shoreline Setback ❑ Density ® Front/Rear/Side/Road Setbacks ❑ Shoreline Lot Width ❑ Lot Size ❑ Road Frontage ❑ Dock/Boathouse ❑ Structure Height ❑ Maximum Lot Coverage ❑-Other Shoreline Requirements ❑ Other:A ceP5q-4-o,,-, (ess +1,—, Id o fit. The attached correspondence contains: 12"Notice of Application 2"Applicatijon Materials 2'Meeting Minutes L/Record of Decision/Decision Date: !'Granted ❑Denied Denied variances do not need to ❑ Postponed/Tabled (until: ) be referred to the Agency Thank you for your assistance in helping to keep the variance decision record complete. For Agency Use: Agency Date Stamp—Received: Log#: LV Cross References: *Note referrals submitted via email may require follow-up with paper copies. Revised:8/2017