1978-11-27 " QUEENS BURY RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of Meeting November 27, 1978 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Monday, November 27, 1978, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Que en sbury, New York. Chairman Lyon called the meeting to order at 7:39 PM. Present: Commissioners Bly, Champagne, Howe, Lavigne, Lyon, Roop, Yasko. Absent: none Visitor: Jeff Wilkins, Post Star reporter Approval of Milnutes Following review, Commissioner Lavigne moved to approve the minutes of the October 23, 1978 meeting as submitted. Commissioner Bly seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Correspondence/Communications The Commission discussed the letter to the Chairman of the Warren County Board of Supervisors and the Director ex- plained that positive action had resulted. The Director advised the Commission that Queensbury would be eligible for additional recreation funds in 1979 (approx. $3500.00) from the New York State Division for Youth. It was anticipated that more information concening these funds would be forth coming smon and that Queensbury would make application for its share. The Director briefly relayed information concerning the joint cODlDission meeting~~and it was explained that the meet- ing has been tentatively re-scheduled for Monday, January 8, 1979. The CODlDission was receptive to this date and instructed the Director to work wmth D. Neely on an agenda. Youth Conservation Corp Request The Director briefly reviewed the Recreation Department's Youth Conservation Corp request for 1979 and it was explained that the Department has submitted its application for 10 individuals to perform manual labor for 8 weeks during the su:mmer. The request is for'8Ø%.reimbursement (approx. $8600.00) and is tentatively earmarked for work to be done at Gurney Lane. -2- Master Plan & Timetable Report The Commission reviewed the report "Recreation Department Master Plan Analysis & Timetable" dated 11-21-78 and there was considerable discussion concerning the 1974-75 lecreation Co11lDission Survey and the recent Town Mini Meetings. It was the concensus that the Surlrey should be ana lysed in that much of the information gathered was still pertinent. The Mini Meetings, though more recent, did not address the topic of recreation per se and therefore it was felt that a new series of Recreation Sped-Up meetings should be held. The Commission requested that the Director collate the results of the 1974-75 Survey and make this available to all Commission members as soon as possible. It was also suggested that the Speak-Up meetings begin laterfti~' January and that a total of 5 meet- ings be held ( South QUeehsbury, West Glens Falls, Aviation/ School Area, Bay Ridge and North Queensbury). P~.~..~leg's'~ation aDd Refund Policy Report The Director briefly explained the Program Registration & Refund Policy Report, 11-16-78 and there was considerable discussion over the number of participants one individual could register for. The possibility of registering by mail was also discussed however the Di~ector pointed out his exper- ience with this type of system. Commissioner Champagne moved to approve the report with reco-.ndations as presented and it was seconded by Co_issiïoner Howe. Ayes: Co_is sioner Bly, Champagne, Howe, Lavigne, Lyon, Tasko. Nays: C01mDissioner Roop. Winter Program Schedule Report The report Proposed Winter Program Schedule, 11-20-78 was explained and the Co_ission reviewed the Open/Family Swim, Recreational Basketball, Ice Skating and Ski Trip programs. The Director next explained the 3 new programs; swim lessons, one day ski trips , and tennis lessons, and discussion followed. The majority of Commission __ers were in fovor of a minimal fee to cover expenditures for the swim lesson program however there was concern expressed over the possibility that some Queensbury residents might, because of class limit, be excluded from the program. The Director assured the Commission that he would make every effort to insure that no Queensbury resident would be excluded from this program. Comadssioner Howe moved to approve the report with recommendations as presented and it was seconded by Commissioner Champagne. Ayes: Co_issioner Bly, ChaDlpagne, Howe, Lavigne, Lyon, Roop, Nays: Commissioner Yasko. Ice Maintenance Agreement The Director explained that he had been in contact with Myron J. Watkins concerning the ice skating area and its main- tenance. The CODDDission was apprised of last year's expenditures -3- and the specifics concerning this year's program and author- ized that the Director make all the necessary arrangements concerning the ice skating area. The Director will also check into the PA system and will attempt to have it opera- tional at the aœa. Director's Report The Commission reviewed the Director's Report including the status of the fall programs which are presently being conducted. An update on the Winter Carnival was also given and though nothing has been firmed up, the group is working towards a February date which will include a nUlDber of special events. the u~eo~~:;~h~r:;s~or:~:::~::et~c~~s:;::;~:e~~·!~::ts. It was the consensus that a brochure for this winter's programs was not feasible at this time, however in the future a brochure for summer & winter programs was excellent. Executive Session Upon the Chairman's suggestion the Co1ll'lission adjourned to Executive Session at 9:25 PM to discuss possible land acquisition. Returning to open session and there being no further bu.iness the meeting was adjourned at 9:52 PM. The next meeting will be held on Monday, December 18, 1978 at 7: 30 PM.