1978-09-25 " QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 1978 Minute~ on the ~egula4 meeting On the Re~4eation commi~~ion 06 the Town 06 Queen~bu~y, held Monday, Septembe4 25, 1978, azthe Queen~bu4Y Town 066i~e Building, Queen~bu4y, New Yo~k. Chài~m4n Lyon ~alled the meeting to o~de~ at 7:34 PM. P4e~ent: commi~~ione~~' Bly, ch4mpagne, Lavigne, Lyon S Ya~ko 1Ji4e~zo~ H4n~en Ab~ent: Commi~~ione4~' Howe S Roop Vi~ito~: Je6n Wilkin~, Po~t Sta4 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Following 4eview, Commi~~ione4 Lavigne moved to app~ove the minu~e~ 06 the Aug~t 28, 7978 meeting 4~ ~ubmizted. commi~~ione~ Va~ko ~e~onded the mo~ion whi~h W4~ unanimou~ly 4þpJi.oved. cORRESPON1JENCE/COMMUNIcATI0NS - The 1Ji4e~t04 4eviewed the Glen~ Fall~ Coun~il ~e~olution, wki~h wa~ di~t4ibuted to all ~ommi~~ion membe~ 6~om Joy~e Thomp~on, P~e~iden~-F4iend~ 06 Cole~' Wood~ ~on~e4ning the 6a~z ~kaz zhe Cole~' Wood~ a~ea, ~hough in Queen~bu~y, i~ exemJ?t q40m ~axation and ~e4vi~e ~ka4ge~. 140 a~zion by ~he ~o"'m"~~"on wa~ ne~e~~a4Y. The next item 06 ~ommuni~4tion~ wa~ a le~te~ n40m Chai4man Lyon ~o Town Supe~vi~04 Mike 8~and~ on behal6 06 the ~ommi~~ion ~eque~ting tha~ the amount ,$8,000.00 in the Re~4eazion 1Jepa~tmen~ 8udget,A~~ounz ~A7310.300 be en~umbe~ed 604 ~he yea4 7978 and pla~ed in a ~epa~a~e a~~ount 60~ the pu~po~e 06 land a~qui~ition az a la~e~ d4~e. 1Ji~~u~~ion ~án~e~ning ~he 1Ji~e~zo~'~ ~onve4~ation with J. Fa~nan wa~ de6e44ed until ex~utive ~e~~ion a~ the matte4 dealz with po~~ible land a~qui~ition. RECREATION BUVGET REVIEW Copie~ 06 the 1978 Re~~eation 1Jepa4tment p~elimina~y budge~ we~e di~~4ibu~ed and the ~ommi~~ion ~eviéwed all 4evenue and expenditu~e ~atego~ie~. The 1Ji~e~t04 explained zhaz a budget 4eview ~ommittee ~on~i~ting 06 3 ~e~4e4tion ~ommi~~ione~ had 4eviewed the budget p~evio~ly and had in e~~en~e app~oved the 6igu4e~ ~ubje~t ~o ~omple~e ~eview and a~~eptan~e by ~he en- ti4e ~ommi~~ion. Mino~ ~hange~ in ~he numbe4 06 li6egua~d~ P ag e 2 ne~e~~a4y (ba~ed on Staze pool 4equi~emen~) and i~e ~kating ~upe4vi4ion (~e~on lengthened) we~e made and have been in- ~0~p04ated in the·p4e~ent pe4~onnel expend~tu~e 6igu~e~. Add- ~t¡onal ~hange~ in~luding ~o~t On T-~hi~t~ and ~on~e~~ion ~e- venue we4e al~o made by the V~~e~t04. The ~on~e~~ion ope~ation wa~ d~~~U4~ed in detail and ba~ed on zhe ~omm~4'ion'~ ~omment~ the V~~e~to~ will evaluate th¡~ ope4ation ~n depzh, az a late4 date, be604e a 6inal de~i~ion on the type 06 ~on~e~~ion (~on- t4a~zual v~ ¡n-hou~e) i~ made. Que~tion~ ~on~e4n¡ng util¡ty u~age, mileage allawan~e and pa~z z¡me ~ala4ie~ we~e al~Q di~- ~u~~ed and zhe ~ommi~~¡on ~eque~zed 6u~the~ in604mation on the 4evenue a~~ount H A3801 Re~4eation F04 Elde~ly in the a- mounz 06 $1,550.00. The Vi4e~zo~ explained that zhi~ wa~ ~eve- na~ ~e~eived by zhe Town 60~ z~an~po~zation 06 the elde~l~ how- eve4 addiz¡onal in604maz¡on w~ ~eque~ted and w¡ll be p~e~ented at the next meeting. comm¡~4ione~ Lavigne moved to a~~ept the budget, with mino~ ~hange~, a~ p~e~ented. Commi~~¡one~ Champagne ~e~onded the motion wh~~h wa~ unanimou~ly app40ved. POSSIBLE LANV ACQUISITION Vi~ ~u~~ion 06 the Vi~e~t04' ~ ~epo~z "Po~~ible pu~~h~ e 0 6 p~o- pe4ty 60~ Re~~eational 1'u4po~e~" dazed 9-27-78 wa~ de6eILILed until exe~uz~ve ~e~~¡on. FALL/WINTER PROGRAMS The V~4e~zo~ b4ie6ly 4ev¡ewed zhe ~epo~t "Re~lLeation p~og~am ph¡lo~ophy 8 po~~¡ble 6all plLog~am4" dated 9-22-78 and the4e wa~ d¡~~U4~~on ~on~e4n~ng zhe Re~4eation Vepa~tment'~ philo- ~ophy ~ ¡t pe4Zain~ zo p~og~am 6ee~ and ~ha~ge~. The Vi~e~zo~ expla~ned h¡~ ph¡lo~ophy ~on~elLn¡ng p40g~am 6ee~ and zhelLe wa~ 6u4Zhe4 di~~U4~¡on ~ega~ding zhe Vepa~zment'~ ~~Op& 8 pu~po~e and whezhe~ o~ aoz a p~06¡z 60~ p40v¡ding zh~~e ~e~vi~e~ ~hould be made. It wa~ the ~ommu~.lon'~ 6eeLing tkaz ~/..plLÐ,6Lt pe4 ~e ~hould not be the end ~e~ult 06 any p~og~am but zhaz p~ovid¡ng a ~e~v¡~e wa~ zhe Vepa~tment'~ main obJe~tive . The Comm¡~~¡on cU~~u..6.~td the p~opo~ed ~ala4ie~ 60~ zhe 6all p40g4am pe~~onnel and ~eque~ted thaz the V.l~e~to~ p~epa~e, 604 the nexz meez¡ng,~ ~ala~y ~~ale to ~ove~ all employee~ whi~h the Vepa4zm¢nz plan~ ZO h¡4e ¡n 7979. Comm¡~~¡onelL Ya~ko moved to a~~ept the 4epo~t and zhe V¡~e~zo4'~ ~e~ommendation ~on~e~n- ing the p~opo~ed ~.lx 6all p~og~am~ and 6u~zhe~ cU~e~ted thaz a 4e~olut¡on, 4eque~ting pe4mi~~.lon 6~om the Town Boa4d to adve~- ti~e and ~ondu~t the~e p~og4am~, be w4¡tzen and ~ubmitzed. commi~~¡one~ Bly ~e~onded zhe motion wh.l~h wa~ unanimoU4ly ap- p40ved. SALARY COMPARISON - ACTUAL v~ BUVGET The comm.l~~ion~ev¡ewed and d¡~~U4~ed the Vi~e~zo~'~ ~epoAz "Analy~i~ 06 1978 Pe~onnel - Budget v~ A~tual" dated 9-15-78. Thi~ 4epo~z ~ompa~ed 1978 pe~onnel budget 6iga~e~ by Job pó- ~¡tion with a~taal expendizu~e~ to date 60~ ea~h ~atego4Y 06 employee (linegua~d, ump¡~e, ez~.). The ~ep04t wa~ a~~epted a~ Page 3 ¡n60~mat¡on and no 6u~the~ a~tion wa~ ne~e~~a~y. ÐIREcTOR'S REPORT The ~ommi~~ion ~ev¡ewed the С~e~to~r~ ~epo~t and it wa~ ex- plained that the ~eque~t 60~ 7978 Re~4eation a~ well ~ You~h Se~vi~e 6und~ 6~om ~he New Y04k State Vivi~¡on 60~ Youth have been ~ubmitted and zhat the 7978 Re~~eation Ðepa~tment Annual Rep04~ a~ ~eque~zed by the Ðivi~¡on wa~ ~till being w04ked on. Weekend ~age 06 the GU4ney Lane Re~4eation Fa~ilitie~ wa~ di~- ~~~ed and ~z wa~ pointed out thaz app40x~mately $70.00 wo~zh 06 damage (b40ken teete~-tot~e4 8 2 window~) had o~~u~ed in Septembe4. Th¡~ damage ha~ been 4epa¡4ed and the 6a~ilizy will ~lo~e 604 zhe ~ea~on on Sunday, O~tobe~ 1, 7978: EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon zhe V~~e~t04r~ ~ugge~tion, zhe commi~~¡on adjou4ned to exe~utive ~e~~ion at 9:05 P.M. to d¡~~u~~ po~~~ble land a~- q~~¡tion. Rezu4n~ng to open ~e~~ion and the4e be¡ng no 6u~the~ b~~ne~~, zhe meeting adjou~ned at 9:44 P.M. The next meeting w¡ll be held on Monday, O~tobe~ 23, 7978 at 7:30P.M.