1978-08-28 , . ~., ,:·~~~~;.:~~,T~:~f}t~. Minute.6 06 Meeting Au g U.6 ,t 2 8 , 1 9 7 8 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION " ^ <i' , ",':: \, ..,,.:,:/i' :_<~',:,'~~~~~~.:~ , .', . 06 -the 4egula4 meeting 0 ~ the Re~4eation Commi~~.ion,.o.¿:;,'t,),';~;:¡~}:lf~::I the Town o~ Qu~en~bu~y held Mondall, Augu.6t 28, 1978 in the Q.tLe:e~4brilty.,~:?1'iir~ Town 066'¿ee Bu~ld~ng, ().u.een.6buJt!!, New YOJtk. Chai~man Lyon ~à.lte.dt#eé\¡~:¿;?i~ mee.t,ing to 04de4 at 7: 37 P. M. ., '~,?,,~¡):~;i:~~t ::::::~: :::::~:::::::e~::~, c~:::~gne, Lævlgne, Lyon, Y4Akò; ):'!'0~ None ,:,Jt~ . ';\~;~~ '¡¡" ¡:r~~;7;'" ,r""','~" Following ~eview, Commi&&~one~ Ch~mpagne moved to app40ve minute.6 06 the July 31, 1979 meeting a.6".6ubmitted. Commi~~ione4 Lav'¿gne .6eeonded the motion, whieh IM.6 u.nanimou.61y app~oved. COJt4e.6pondenee The ViJteeto~ ~ead ~e.601ution.6 06 appJteeiation 604 both Pa4t, .V'¿~eeto4 Ceda~.6t~om and Aeting V~Jteeto~ LaBombaJtd. The ReeJte~tÆ.on Commi~~ion' ~ ~ ehedule 06 meeting.6 60Jtthe ~emainde~ 06 19 ¡--8 wa~, al~o p~e.6ented. The Commi.6.6ion .6ugge.6~ed that theVi~e~to~att~mpt: s ,to .initiate a publie pJte.6 entation 60Jt Pa~t Vi~eeto~ CedaJt.6t~oi'n, at ,,' wh.i~h time h~.6 ~e.601ution 06 appJteeiat~on eould be p~e.6ented. 'Re~~ea,tion Budget & PO.6.6ible Land PUJteha.6e.6 ,The Vi~eet04 ~eque~ted that the planned di.6 ~u~~ion and ~ev.i,"ew the Re~~ea.:tionVepalt.tment'.6 Budget wLth the pO.6~ibility 06 land" puJt~ha.6e.6, be debeJt~eduntLe.. tJte Septembe~ meeting. La~k on ~u66ieient.time to eomplete the.6e p~ojeet~ we~~ given a~ the ~ea.6on.6 60~ the 4elay. The Vi~eeto~ .6ugge.6ted that two 04 membe~.6 06 the Comm.i.6~ion meet with the Vi~e~to~ to ~eview h.i~ , tentative budget be60~e it i~ p~e.6 ented to the enti1te Commi~~lon.: The Commi~~ion ag~eed with thi~ p~opo~al and Commi~~ione~'~ ' Champag ne, Lavigne '& Lyo n vo.e..untee~ed _ to ~eview the budget ~ometbrie in Septembe~. The Vi~eeto~ will eall the.6e Commi.6~ione~& when .the tentative budget i~ eompleted. Ði.6eu~~ion on the po~~ible pu~~ha.6e 06 land [..04 ~e~4eat~onal pU~ Jo.6e.6 wa.6 a.t~o de6e~~ed until the Septembe~ meeting a6te~ the Vi~eeto~ ha~ a ~han~e to óamilia.ltlze h.im.6el6 with the, aJtea. Vi.6eu.6.6ion on the Commi~~ion'~ Sep-tembe4 6ield t~ip to~the Niag~a Mohawk p~ope~ty wa~ pO.6tponed until O~to The Vi~e~to~ eM.6 inMt~ue.tedto ~o ntaet M~. Fa~num 0 6 Niag~a Moh4Wk, ~e~a~cUng..~;th~~(I;~J?"-ope~~y to dete~mine whethe~ o~ not the po~~ibilÆ,.ty .6 t~ll·:f.'X~i:~eä ~o. lfe eJtn~ng .6 ueh a .6 al e . Winte~ P~og~am~ ;.\ .^"" ,. . ". ;;;'¡}~'~~'i~~\ Vi~eeto~ ~eviewed the ().u.een~ bu~y Ree4eatio n Vepa~tment ',~, . ';'''~),:~ 9~977 6all/winte~ p~og~am .6ehedu~e, and the~e wa~ di~~(L.6~:tol't:¡;\,:i't':!¡~;ì¡~ n~e~n~ng what eould be p~og~ammed th-t.6 .6ea.6on. A numbe~ On new,';,~; it~,~; g~am idea~ welLe bILie6ly explained by the Vi~e~to~ and di~ ~u~~ion;;'i;\;,:";h;~: llowed. It wa.6 dec.ided :tha.t .the, Ði~eeto~ .6 ho uld eo~t out .6 ome'~;'3'i'~ 06 the.6e p~og~am~ and then give the Commi.6.6ion a c.hanee to ~ea~t' '. ~~ to eaeh. The budget wa.6 al.6o analU.6ed (in ~ega~d to 6al"l/winte~ p~og~am~) and it wa.6 explained that ba.6ed an the Vi~eeto~'~ p~o- Je~t:ton.6 th~ough Veeembe~ 31, 1978, the pe~.6onal .6e~viee.6 po~tion ' 06 the Re~~eation Vepa~tment~ Budget would .6llOW a de6ieit 06 " , app~ox:tmately $900.00. Comm:t.6.6ione~ Champagne moved to ~eque.6:t theVi~ec.to~ inve.6tigate in depth a ¡1u.mbe~ 06 naif.. plLog~am idea~, c.o~t· them out and ~epo~t bac.k a.6 .6oon a.6 pO.6.6ible. Commi.6.6ione~ Lyon ~eeonded the motion whieh wa.6 unanimou.6ly apP40ved. ..N. Y. S. Youth Se~viee.6 (; rec.~e.a;tional Fund.6 Youth Se~vic.e.6 and Pec.~eational Fund.6 whieh aILe available6lt.om' the New YOILk. State Vivi.6ion {,OIL Vocdfl welLe expla:¿ned by the Vi~e~toÌt.¡ and di.6eu.6~ed b(! the Commi.6.6lon. The 1978 ILeque.6t ðOIL 25% 06 the total You.th Se~v:tee.6 Fund.6 whieh ()ueen.6bu~y i.6 eligible 604, ha~ "J, been ~ubmitted and the ViILec.;f:o~ ex'plained that the 19 79 ~eque~t 60'1Ï." bath type.6 06 6und.6 wou.ld be .to the ttfpi.6t by next weef¿. P4og4am / Fa~ility Vi.6 eU.6.6ion The Commi.6.6ion ~eviewed .6ome o~ the new 60~m.6 (appli~ation, ~ont~aet, ~ta66 & pa~tieipan;f: p~ogILam evaluation and p~ogILa~ ~eg:t.6tlt.ation) whieh the ViILeetolL ha.6 implemented 60~ the Ree4eation . Vepa~tment. Additional depa~tment 60~m.6 will 60110w in the nutu4e. . The Commi.6~ion al.6o di.6eu.6.6.ed the u..6e 0.6 ~ee~eation 6aeil:ttie~, a ~egi.&t~ation poliey, an alva~d.6 polic.!f,· a ~e6und poliey, 6ee~, , ~ha~ge.6 and paILt-time .6alaILie.6. The Vi~eetolt. intJ{.odu~ed a ~eque.6t. by Will T~ombley, Woodmanofl the WOILld, to Ube the naeilitie4 at Gu~ney Lane on SeptembeIL 10 6~om 10 AM to 6 PM 6o~ a pILivatecg~oup pa~ty. The Commi.6.6ion di~eu.6.6ed the 6all hou~.6 06 ope~ation 60~ GU4ney Lane, whieh have been adheILed to in the pa~t and the4e wa~ 6u4the4 di~eu.6.6ion an g~oup ~ental.6. Commi.6.6ione~ Champagne moved to ~e~ommend that the Vi~eeto~ be given the autho~ity to U.6e hi~ dið~lt.etion in dete~mining the date~ and hou~.6 06 ope~ation 6o~ publie U.6e 06 GUILney Lane a~t~IL the c.lo.6e 06 the pool .6ea.6on. ' : Commi.6.6ione·~ Lyon .6 eeonded the motion whieh wa~ unanimou.61y a.pp~oved~,:; The Vi~eetolL wa.6 in~t~u~ted to eontaet M~. T~ombley, on~e a de~i~lon haa been ~ea~hed and ~elay thi.6 in60~mation. Vi4eeto~'~ Repo~t The Comml~~i~n ~eviewed the Vi~eeto~'.6 ~epo~t and di~~u~~ed the p~opo~ed Teen V~op-In Cente~. The. Commi.6.6ion exp~e~~ed ~ome 4e~e~vation~ ~onee~ning thi.6 tupe 06 pILog~am and the Vi~eeto~wa~ in.6t~ueted to inve.6ûgate the rO~.6ibi.titlJ 0 -6 ehanging thi~ p40g~am " without lO.6ing the 6und.6. IÆ .the p~ogILam i.6 to be attempted, the . Vi~eeto~ wa.6 in.6t~ueted to p~epaILe a ~epolLt detailing the d~oþ-in ~ente~;in~lud:trt:.g: .6elteduling, c.o~t, tupe.6 06 p~og~am and pe4.60nn,et whieh·lffo:,q.:g,d'bë\~e.6 ented at the next meeting. i.'~~ ij' The Commi~~ion It.eque.6ted to know the -6tatu.6 a ß the ~owboat and ., ...,<\',;[~.'>¡ -6 nqw blowe~ wh'¿~h weJte palt.t 0 -6 the Ree~eat'¿o n Vepa~tment~ inventoJt.Ý~;f\;;;'· :TheVi~ec.to~ will ~heek on the-6 e item.6 and will have a eomple.te, ',:,:;;?~t;' invento~y 06 all Reelt.eation ~upplie.6 and equipment -6ometime ,¿~ ~he.;J~~ -6 utu~e. .' The Vi~eeto~ initiated di-6eu.6.6ion on the pO.6.6ibility 06 ðome 06 ~enume~ation by th.e TOr/)Il ßoa~d ,ta ,the Vi~eeto~ 60lt. mo"ving expen.6e-6. Following 6u~theJt di.6eu.6.6ion, Commi.6.6ione~ Lavigne moved to ~eeommend to the Town Boa~d that thq¡ expend 6und~ toc.ovelt the null ~eimbu~.6ement 60Jt moving expen.6e.6 inc.u~Jted by the ViJt.e~t04 in moving to queen.6bu~y. Commi.6~ione~ Ya~ko .6eeonded the motion whi~h wa.6 unanimou.6ly app~oved. Thelt.e being no 6uJtthelt. bu~ine.6.6, the meeting adjou4ned at The next meeting will be held at 7:30 PM, Monday, Septembe4 .. ,--' - '0', . ";;"~~ ,,~:'.... ....~I,,-.." .t':"/" ..,"'. ;·;~~j~IIt~!:~1m"!~~~,qm&mr.~f'~r~~!1~~~~~~~,~·J·~::~~F~T:~1,,~(:\~,:,"-'~:ff1,~(:~:ro¡~ 'f:,'>rr~77~~~fl1:·~1~_:Sf:~:~r~jf:~~~~~mmttr;r~mt~~~IJ1~:i~~1frdFJZ~:r~~~