1978-07-31 ¡.; .(..::h ":.\~.. /1ri~:tjt1"~;~~ Minute~ 0& Meeting July 31,1978 ¡ j I I I I 1 I Minuze~ 06 the ~egula~ meeting 06 the Ree~eation Commi~~ion 06 the Town 06 queen~~u~~ held Monday, July 31, 1978, in the Queen~bu~y Town 066~ee Bu~ld~ng, Queen~bu~y, New.Yo~k. Chai~man Lyon ealled the meeting to o~de~ at 7:47 P. M. ,I I I ¡ ¡ ¡ i 1 I I ¡ '. P~e~ent: Commi~~ione~~ Bly, Howe, Lyon, Roop, Ya~ko; Vi~eeto~ Han~en, Aeting Vi~eeto~ LaBomba~d Ab~ent: Commi~~ione~~ Champagne, Lavigne Vi~ito~~: Je66 Wilkin~ (Po~t Sta~) App40val 06 Minute~ - none Int40du~tion 06 New Vi~eeto~: Chai~man Lyon 60~mally int~odueed the new Ree4eation Vi~e~t04, Ha401d R. 'Han~en to all tho~e p~e~ent. Vi~eeto~ Han~en exp~e~~ed hi~ g~atitude to the Commi~~ion and vowed that he would do what- eve4 ne~e~~a4y to meet the ehallenge 0& imp~oving the Queen~bu~y Ree~eation Vepa~tment. ' P40g~am Statu~ Repo~t: A~ting Vi~e¿to~ LaBomba~d gave a ve~bal ~epo~t on the ~tatu~ 06 the 4e~4eation p~og~am~ whieh a~e p~e~ently being eondueted. Attenden~e at both the Queen~bu~y Sehool Pool Swim P~og~am, and the Tenni~ Se~~ion P~og~am a4e good. All ela~~e~ whieh have been o66e~ed we4e 6illed and daily pa~tieipation i~ exeellent. The A4t~ & C4a6t~ P~og~am 6o~ ehild~en, whieh i~ held at the Middle Sehoðl, ha~ al~o been ~ueee~~6ul. It wa~ 6u~the~ explained that ~egi~:t;4ation 60~ the 6inal two week ~ e~.6io-n 06 tenni~ and ~wim le~~on~ would again be taken by phone, beginning at 5:30 P. M., on Thu~~day, Augu~t 3, a~ pe~ the ~umme~ ~ehedule. It'wa~ anti~- ipated that le~~on ~egi~t~ation would be .6u66ieient.to 6ilL both p~og~am~. The maximum ~eg,Ü t~ation 60~ .6wim le.6~ on~ i~ eighty, and 60~ tenni~ le~~on~ i~ twenty. It wa.6 explained that all ~umme~ p~og~am~, with the exeeption 06 6~ee .6wimming at Gu~ney Lane Pool (end~ LabQ~ Vay), would end an Augu.6t 18. Chai~man Lyon thanked A~tin,9Vi~eeto~ LaBomba~d 60~ the ~epo~t and 6o~ hi~ 6ine w04k a~ the Aeting V~~eeto~. Co~mi.6~ione~ Roop moved to ~eque~t that Vi~eeto~tfan~en initiate a ~e~olution 6~om tHe Ree~eation Commi~~ion to the Town Boa~d eonee~ning the out~tanding jab Ja~k LaBomba4d ha~ done, and that the Town Boa~d ~eeognize the Aeting Vi4e~to~'~ pe~60~man~e th~ough .6ome 6o~m 06 ~emune~ation. Commi~~ione4 Howe ~eeonded the motion, whieh wa.6 polled. Alje~: Commi~~ione~~ Bly~ Howe, Lyon, Roop, Ya.6ko. Nay~: None .. Po~~ible Pu~eha~e 06 Land~: Vi~e~to~ Han~en ei~eulated a eopy 06 the July 12 memo 6~om Town Supe4vi~0~ B4andt to the Ree~eation Commi.6~ion eonee~ning a li~t 06 p~ope~tie~ whieh the eonn.ty p~opo.6e.6 to ~ell at' a publie ~ale. -~í'''''~ ,;,.t-;"';¡¡;';'JW'._:,,,,,,,", . ¡ I , L .,: \ "", "T,'h."',"'" ~\"'~~: .+('~~' ( 2) In addition, the pu~eha.6e 06 additional p~ope~ty along the Hud~on Rive~ wa~ al.6o di~eu.6~ed and Vi~eeto~ lIan.6en ~eque~ted that 6u~the~ di~eu~~ion be tabled until a late~ date. Vi~e~to~ Han~en p4opo~ed that he be pe~mitted to plot on a map 06 Queen~bu~y, all pa4~el~ 06.1andwhieh a~e available 60~ ~ale. A6te~ pe~onally in~pe~ting the ~ite~ and p~io~itize them aeeo~ding to ~uitability 60~ ~e~4eational u~e, Vi~eeto~ Han~en.would ~epo~t baek to the Commi~~ion at the next meeting in Augu.6t. It wa.6 al~o ~ugge~ted that the Commi~~ion'~ Septembe~ meeting eould be a 6ield t~ip to tho~e ~ite~ whieh we~e deemed to have ~ee~eational value. The eommi~~ion ae~epted the Vi~eeto~'.6 .6ugge.6tion and in~titued him to begin hi~ inve~tigation. Budget P~epa4ation: Vi4e~t04 Han~en in60~med the Commi~~ion that a tentative Re~4eation Budget wa~ due to the Supe~vi~o~ by Augu~t 4, 1978. In-a~-mueh a~ the Vi~eeto~ ha~ had no time to be~ome aequainted with the Ree~eation Budget, P~e.6ident Lyon ~ugge~ted that the Vi~e~to~ 4eque~t additional time to p~epa~e budget 6igu~e~. The Vi~e~t04 anti~ipated that p~elimina~y budget 6igu~e~ would be available 6o~ the Commi~~ion to pe4u~e at the next meeting. New Vi~e~to~'~ Comment.6: -.",... Vi4e~to~ Han~en di~~u~~ed a va~iety 06 a~ea~, ineluding: Re~4eation Vepa~tment o~ganization, p~og~am 6ee~ & ~ha~ge~, depa~tment 604m~ and p~o~eeding.6, p~og~am~, goal~ and obje~tive~ On the Vi~e~to~, Re~~eation philo~ophy, the ~ommunity, pe~~onnel, and the Re~4eation Vepa~tment Budget. Vi~e~to~ Han~en in60~med the Commi~~ion that minute~ an all Re~~eation Commi.6~ion meeting~ ~hould be ~e~o~ded and kept on nile in the Ree~eation 066iee. In addition, an agenda ~hould be p4epa~ed by the Vi~eeto~ and mailed with the minute~ 06 the p4evi~u~ meeting to ea~h ~ommi.6.6ion membe~' p~io~ to the next meeting. Vi~eet04 Han.6en al.6o in60~med the Commi.6.6ion that in the 6utu~e, the Commi.6~ion would ~eeeive a w~itten monthly ~epo~t, (Vi~e~to~'~ ~epo~t) and a monthly Re~~eation Budget update. Thi.6 in60~mation would be benenieial in keeping ~ommi.6.6ione~.6 up-to-date on all Ree~eation matte~~. The Vi~e~tolt..wa.6 in~t~u~ted to eheek on the nollowing and ~ep04t ba~k at the ~ext meeting: 1. Pa4t-~ime .6ala~ie.6 & ove~time pay 2. La.6t yea~'.6 budget 3. Publie .6ale 06 Land 4. Applieation 60~ Youth Se~viee.6 Fund.6 5. Joint pu~eha.6ing 06 .6upplie.6 6. Fall p~og~am.6 7. Coo~dination with neighbo~ing Ree~eation Vepa~tment~ 8. Tentative budget p~epa~ation The~e being no 6u~the~ bu~ine~.6, the meeting adjou~ned at 9:59 P. M. The next meeting will be held at 7:30 P. M. Monday, Augu.6t 28, 1978. . ~'.FFì::: .,~~:q¡r,.,~.;~~-~"""T'~:---'-~ -~-~. ;"·""'··:;:~~'r:~l7Mr~ff"Jiti,i:~':.