SITE PLANSUG E S W GAS 320.00'UG EUG EUG ESUG EWUG ESW W W WWWSU G E U G E U G ES SUG E UG E UG E UG EUG EGASGASGASGAS129' FRONTSETBACK143' SI D E SETBA C K 468' SI D E SET B A C K 21 4 ' R E A R S E T B A C K 491' FRONTSETBACK430' SI D E SETB A C K 210' SIDESETBACK-7 7 ' R E A R S E T B A C K - 3 3 7 ' SHOR E L IN E S E T B AC K 70' FRONTSETBACK294' SI D E SETB A C K 257' SI D E SETBA C K 30 2 ' R E A R S E T B A C K 5 4 ' S H O R E L I N E S E T B A C K LEGEND LAND UNDERWATER 4± ACRES FLOOD BOUNDARY LINE TAX MAP NO. 240.-1-23.1 HARRIS BAY YACHT CLUB 17.16 ACRES TAX MAP NO. 240.-1-23.1 HARRIS BAY YACHT CLUB 17.16 ACRES TAX MAP NO. 240.9-1-1 KRAFT, RAYMOND H 4.42 ACRES TAX MAP NO. 240.-1-23.1 HARRIS BAY YACHT CLUB 17.16 ACRES MEAN HIGH WATER LEVEL (MHWL), 320.20' DRIVEW A Y DRIVEW A Y STORAGE BUILDING TO BE RECONSTRUCTED IN THE SAME FOOTPRINTNORTH SHT. OF REV. DRAWING TITLE CLIENT NAME SCALE: DATE: PROJ. NO: DRAWN BY: ENG. BY: CHK'D BY: REVISIONS REV.DATE DESCRIPTION (518) 761-0417, FAX: (518) 761-0513 DRAWING NO. Evergreen Professional Park 453 Dixon Road, Suite 7, Bldg. 3 Queensbury, New York 12804 AS SHOWN 12/26/2021 21-807 SRA AMD ES HARRIS BAY YACHT CLUB 2712 STATE ROUTE 9L CLEVERDALE, NY 12820 SP-1 1 1 - HARRIS BAY YACHT CLUB CLEVERDALE, NY 12820 BUILDING SETBACK SKETCH PLAN 1" = 40' SITE PLAN 200 40 80 UNITS: FEET 120 RIDGE R O A D / S T A T E R O U T E 9 L EXIS TI N G CLU B H O U S E TO R E M AI N LAKE GEORGE CASHIER BUILDING TO BE RECONSTRUCTED IN SAME FOOTPRINT DOC K A DOC K B DOC K C E DOC K C DOC K D DOC K E DOC K F EDGE OF GRAVEL PARKING LOT TURBIDITY CURTAIN OR COFFER DAM SILT FENCE UNDERGROUND GASOLINE FUEL LINE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UNDERGROUND SEWER LINE UNDERGROUND WATER LINE EDGE OF GRAVEL PROPERTY LINE EDGE OF FLAGGED WETLANDS EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION EXISTING WET AREA/ WETLAND UTILITY POLE HARR I S B A Y Y A C H T C L U B MAINT E N A N C E / S T O R A G E FACIL I T Y SPIKE IN UTILITY POLE 320.31' BM PROJECT LOCATION FUEL PUMP TO BE REPLACED APPROX. LOCATION OF NEW UTILITY POLE TO BE SET BY NATIONAL GRID APPROX. LOCATION OF PROPOSED CAR CHARGING STATION (TYP.) 0' SHORELINE SETBACK NEW FLOATING DOCK SYSTEM (SAME FOOTPRINT AS EXISTING) SITE STATISTICS ZONING CLASSIFICATION: [WR] WATERFRONT RESIDENTIAL (NORTH LOT) [LC-42A] LAND CONSERVATION 42 ACRES (SOUTH LOT) TAX MAP NO. 240.-1-23.1 LOT SIZE: 7.38 ACRES (NORTH LOT) 10.58 ACRES (SOUTH LOT) DISTURBED AREA: 0.12 ACRES (5,224 SQ. FT.) BUILDING AREA: 3,481 SQ. FT. PERMEABILITY: 79% DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS (CASHIER BUILDING) DIMENSION REQUIRED EXISTING PROPOSED FRONT [SOUTH] 30 FT. 491 FT. 491 FT. SIDE YARD [EAST] 25 FT. 430 FT. 430 FT. SIDE YARD [WEST] 25 FT. 210 FT. 210 FT. REAR YARD [NORTH] 30 FT. -77 FT. -77 FT. SHORELINE [NORTH] 50 FT. -337 FT. -337 FT. HEIGHT (MAX) 28 FT. 9 FT. 9 FT. SITE STATISTICS CONT. DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS (CLUB HOUSE) DIMENSION REQUIRED EXISTING PROPOSED FRONT [SOUTH] 30 FT. 70 FT. 70 FT. SIDE YARD [EAST] 25 FT.294 FT. 294 FT. SIDE YARD [WEST] 25 FT.257 FT. 257 FT. REAR YARD [NORTH] 30 FT.302 FT. 302 FT. SHORELINE [NORTH] 50 FT. 54 FT. 54 FT. HEIGHT (MAX) 28 FT.±25 FT. ±25 FT. 1.BASE MAP DERIVED FROM "ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY MADE FOR HARRIS BAY YACHT CLUB, INC., TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK.", BY VAN DUSEN & STEVES LAND SURVEYORS, DATED SEPTEMBER 26, 2001 (REVISED 9/19/2003). 2. VERTICAL BENCHMARKS SET BY VAN DUSEN & STEVES LAND SURVEYORS ON NOVEMBER 9, 2021. SURVEY BASE MAPPING SITE STATISTICS CONT. DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS (STORAGE BUILDING) DIMENSION REQUIRED EXISTING PROPOSED FRONT [SOUTH] 30 FT.129 FT. 129 FT. SIDE YARD [EAST] 25 FT.468 FT. 468 FT. SIDE YARD [WEST] 25 FT. 143 FT. 143 FT. REAR YARD [NORTH] 30 FT.214 FT. 214 FT. SHORELINE [NORTH] 50 FT. 0 FT. 0 FT. HEIGHT (MAX) 28 FT. ±10 FT. ±10 FT. SITE STATISTICS CONT. NEW UTILITY TRENCHES TO NEW DOCK SYSTEM (TYP.)S:\Drawings\Harris Bay Yacht Club\21-807_Civil_Base.dwg, 2/2/2022 9:25:35 AM, AutoCAD PDF (High Quality Print).pc3 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/2"=1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION 1/2"=1'-0" EAST ELEVATION 1/2"=1'-0" WEST ELEVATION 1/2"=1'-0"9'-1"7'-0"T/DOCK DECK OWNER SELECTED DOOR.~"CEDAR SHAKE" VINYL SIDING, (TYP.) VINYL VENT, (TYP. EAST & WEST END) GUTTER. OWNER SELECTED WINDOW, (TYP.)~ASPHALT SHINGLES, (TYP.) ~ 4X4 POST. GENERATION LIGHTING 8592-12 (COMPARABLE TO EXISTING) GENERATION LIGHTING 89806-12 (TYP.) (COMPARABLE TO EXISTING)3"DOWNSPOUT. 3"3"3"1"GUTTER.~SHT. OF REV. DRAWING TITLE CLIENT NAME SCALE: DATE: PROJ. NO: DRAWN BY: ENG. BY: CHK'D BY: REVISIONS REV.DATE DESCRIPTION (518) 761-0417, FAX: (518) 761-0513 DRAWING NO. Evergreen Professional Park 453 Dixon Road, Suite 7, Bldg. 3 Queensbury, New York 12804 AS NOTED 2/9/2022 21-807 ACB MPK SMR HARRIS BAY YACHT CLUB 2712 STATE ROUTE 9L CLEVERDALE, NY 12820 S-200 2 4 - HARRIS BAY YACHT CLUB CLEVERDALE, NY 12820 OFFICE BUILDING ELEVATIONS S:\Drawings\Harris Bay Yacht Club\Structural\21-807 BASE.dwg, 2/18/2022 2:17:16 PM, _AutoCAD PDF (High Quality Print).pc3 WEST ELEVATION 1/2"=1'-0" EAST ELEVATION 1/2"=1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION 1/2"=1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION 1/2"=1'-0"9'-10 1/2"7'-7 1/2"9'-10 1/2"16'-3 1/2"16'-3 1/2" 12'-3"12'-3" HINKLEY LIGHTING 2206GM, (TYP.) (COMPARABLE TO EXISTING) SHT. OF REV. DRAWING TITLE CLIENT NAME SCALE: DATE: PROJ. NO: DRAWN BY: ENG. BY: CHK'D BY: REVISIONS REV.DATE DESCRIPTION (518) 761-0417, FAX: (518) 761-0513 DRAWING NO. Evergreen Professional Park 453 Dixon Road, Suite 7, Bldg. 3 Queensbury, New York 12804 AS NOTED 2/9/2022 21-807 ACB AMD SMR HARRIS BAY YACHT CLUB 2712 STATE ROUTE 9L CLEVERDALE, NY 12820 S-201 3 4 - HARRIS BAY YACHT CLUB CLEVERDALE, NY 12820 OFFICE BUILDING SHED ELEVATIONS S:\Drawings\Harris Bay Yacht Club\Structural\21-807 BASE.dwg, 2/18/2022 2:17:17 PM, _AutoCAD PDF (High Quality Print).pc3  89806-12: One Light Outdoor Wall Lantern Collection:  Bayside  Featured in the decorative Bayside collection 1 A19 Medium 60 watt light bulb frosted ribbed polycarbonate diffuser Meets American with Disabilities Act standard extension requirements Easily converts to LED with optional replacement lamps UPC #:785652040498 Finish:   Black (12)  Dimensions: Width:10'' Height:5'' Weight:1.3 lbs. Extends:4'' Wire:6 1/2'' (color/Black/White) Mounting Proc.:Single Cap Nut Connection:Mounted To Box Bulbs: 1 - Medium A19 60w Max. 120v - Not included Features: Meets American with Disabilities Act standard extension requirements Easily converts to LED with optional replacement lamps Fixture may be mounted horizontal or vertical Fixture may be mounted in the up or down position Meets Title 24 energy efficiency standards Title 24 compliant if used with Joint Appendix (JA8) approved light bulbs listed in the California Energy Commission Appliance database. Material List: 1 Body - Polycarbonate - Black  Safety Listing: Safety Listed for Wet Locations    Safety Listed for Wet Locations    Shade / Glass / Diffuser Details: Part Material Finish Quantity Item Number Length Width Height Diameter Fitter Diameter Shade Top Length Shade Top Width Shade Top Diameter Diffuser Polycarbonate Frosted Ribbed 1           Backplate / Canopy Details: Type Height / Length Width Depth Diameter Outlet Box Up Outlet Box Down Back Plate     2 1/2   Shipping Information: Package Type Product #Quantity UPC Length Width Height Cube Weight Frt. Class UPS Ship Individual 89806-12 1 785652040498 9.75 8.5 8.5 0.408 1.5 250 Yes Master Pack 89806-12 6 10785652040495 25.75 17.5 10.75 2.803 10.7 250 Yes NJ Pallet   288  48 40 77 85.556 513.6 No NV Pallet   210  48 40 77 85.556 374.5 No Generation Lighting reserves the right to revise the design of components of any product due to parts availability or change in safety listing standards without assuming any obligation or liability to modify any products previously manufactured and without notice. This literature depicts a product design that is the sole and exclusive property of Generation Lighting . In compliance with U.S copyright and patent requirements, notification is hereby presented in this form that this literature, or the product it depicts, is not to be copied, altered or used in any manner without the express written consent of, or contrary to the best interests of Generation Lighting, a Visual Comfort & Co brand.   8592-12: One Light Outdoor Wall Lantern Collection:  New Castle  Simple Details Create Stylish Outdoor Wall Lantern. Black Finish and Clear Glass. Simple details create a stylish outdoor lantern. Black finish and clear glass. Supplied with 6.5-inches of wire  For an eco-friendly lighting design, convert to LED bulbs to offer savings and reduce energy  Designed for damp and wet environments allowing for direct water contact 1-year manufacturer warranty The sensibly styled proportions and accents of New Castle make it a versatile selection for your home. Clear bulbs are recommended to use for the best aesthetics.  UPC #:785652859236 Finish:   Black (12)  Dimensions: Width:4 1/4'' Height:8 1/4'' Weight:1.4 lbs. Extends:5 1/2'' Wire:6 1/2'' (color/Black/White) Mounting Proc.:Cap Nuts Connection:Mounted To Box Bulb Appearance:Clear  Bulbs: 1 - Medium A19 75w Max. 120v - Not included Features: Clear bulb(s) recommended for this fixture Easily converts to LED with optional replacement lamps Meets Title 24 energy efficiency standards Title 24 compliant if used with Joint Appendix (JA8) approved light bulbs listed in the California Energy Commission Appliance database. Material List: 1 Body - Aluminum - Black  1 Canopy - Aluminum - Black  Safety Listing: Safety Listed for Wet Locations    Safety Listed for Wet Locations    Instruction Sheets: English (HC-231) French (F-009) Shade / Glass / Diffuser Details: Part Material Finish Quantity Item Number Length Width Height Diameter Fitter Diameter Shade Top Length Shade Top Width Shade Top Diameter Panel Glass Clear 4 G500052-32  3 3/8 4 5/16       Backplate / Canopy Details: Type Height / Length Width Depth Diameter Outlet Box Up Outlet Box Down Back Plate   2 1/16 4 1/2 2 3/4 5 1/2  Shipping Information: Package Type Product #Quantity UPC Length Width Height Cube Weight Frt. Class UPS Ship Individual 8592-12 1 785652859236 6.75 5.75 9 0.202 1.75 100 Yes Master Pack   6 10785652859233 18 14.5 9.75 1.473 11.7 100 Yes NJ Pallet   378  48 40 74.5 82.778 642.6 No Generation Lighting reserves the right to revise the design of components of any product due to parts availability or change in safety listing standards without assuming any obligation or liability to modify any products previously manufactured and without notice. This literature depicts a product design that is the sole and exclusive property of Generation Lighting . In compliance with U.S copyright and patent requirements, notification is hereby presented in this form that this literature, or the product it depicts, is not to be copied, altered or used in any manner without the express written consent of, or contrary to the best interests of Generation Lighting, a Visual Comfort & Co brand.  NV Pallet   300  48 40 73 81.111 525 No Generation Lighting reserves the right to revise the design of components of any product due to parts availability or change in safety listing standards without assuming any obligation or liability to modify any products previously manufactured and without notice. This literature depicts a product design that is the sole and exclusive property of Generation Lighting . In compliance with U.S copyright and patent requirements, notification is hereby presented in this form that this literature, or the product it depicts, is not to be copied, altered or used in any manner without the express written consent of, or contrary to the best interests of Generation Lighting, a Visual Comfort & Co brand.  2206GM in Gun Metal from the Cape Cod family Width: 7.25" Height: 13.5" Weight: 3 lbs. Material: Solid Brass Glass: Clear Seedy Glass Bulb: One 60w Medium Base Voltage: 120v TTO: 9.25" Extension: 8" Back Plate Height: 5.5" Back Plate Width: 4.25" Certification: c-UL-us Wet UPC: 640665220629 NOTES: Sunlite 41416-SU CFL Spiral Colored Bulb, 13 Watt (40W Equivalent), Medium Base (E26), 8,000 Hour Life Span, UL Listed, Yellow lfiSunlitten lcorldCSeFlLfLdl nSsnelLnFfuSpfalsSsS l itteblctidfvSiflti,l.mlgFuudltplninef,lgySnlCfuuSifl tfulFdlvfiylSfyulFdlFl13lgFuulLfLaluyn,ltppneldSfiSwhiFiul ninef,ldFsSifdltsnelSiiFi ndiniulFi lyFtfnilLfLdbl 4yn,lFdtlenvFSilittnelutluynlutfiylgynilSubl0 nFlptel CFeuSndaldCniSFlnsniudalFi lytS F,l niteFuStidbl4yn,l pnFufenlFlvn SfvlLFdnlTI(E2lFi lwhulSilvtdulduFi Fe l wh6ufendbl)SuylFlFvClSpnltplxa333lytfedluyn,lFdulvtenl uyFilEluSvndltifneluyFilSiiFi ndiniulLfLdblWrlrSdun bl 8080UlcVrVDlOl4ySdllfiSunl,ntgldCSeFlitvCFiulR-ftendiniul LfLlpnFufendluynlvtdulsSsS litteltfuCfublluFi Fe lvn Sfvl LFdnlTI(E2lvnFidluyn,lwhulSilutlFlgS nlsFeSnu,ltplwh6ufendbl rFvCdalCni FiudalgFlwh6ufendal SdCF,dalFi lvtenb oIl408Ilr0GH40NGlOllnuluynlvtt lL,ldSvC,ldgFCCSifltful uynlLfLdlFi lF Sifldtvnlittebl0 nFlptelCFeuSndaldCniSFl nsniudalFi lytS F,l niteFuStidblGenFulpteldytgSifl,tfel dfCCteulpteldCniSFliFfdndlteljfdulF Sifldtvnlittelutlnsne,l F,bl INIDGYlIoo0c0IN4lOlctidfvSiflti,l.mlgFuudltplnniueSiSu,al uyndnlitvCFiulR-ftendiniulLfLdlCfultfulFdlvfiylSfyulFdlFl 13lgFuulSiiFi ndiniulLfLbl4yn,lyFsnlFilnduSvFun lninef,l itdultpl$.b57lFl,nFelLFdn ltilmlytfedlfdnlCnel F,lFul$3b../ k)yb rVNGlr0oIlOl4yndnlittlutluynlutfiylLfLdlyFsnlFilFsneFfnl SpnltplfClutlxa333lytfedluyn,lFdulvtenluyFilEluSvndltifnel uyFilSiiFi ndiniulLfLdb Wrlr0l4IUlOl4ndun lutlvnnulWr'dldueSiul ndSfilFi ldFpnu,l enqfSenvniudbl General Characteristics Lamp Life Hours 8000 Hours Life (based on 3hr/day)7.3000000000 Years Electrical Characteristics Watts 13 Light Characteristics Light Appearance Yellow Product Data Item Number 41416-SU Case Quantity 6.000000 Pack Size 1 Pack Barcode on SKU 653703414164 Brand Sunlite Description SM13 Item: 41416-SU SM13 744 Clinton St. Brooklyn, NY 11231 | 718.768.7000 www.sunlite.com