Deedp »* I WARRKK COMMWARCLERK MWORDING COV=SIMET N y ADM„FES TOMe TRANSFER IQd SAX 'T.I MORTGAG9 ANTI. IMORTGAQE TAX TRANSRM-';OUGAGETAX STAMP n d LL Pie a I d As# finW%an a o w a w m ax ar a w wmwPwa' m'I 'w PAM OF THE J9RU PART*, ARTY OF TUB SECOND PAR,, RECORDED MMMlNTO.AJxyRVt(.'Mq.is Saiai„ 'p d Rmick&W 1,500Wa rd Sheat'P138 Vloar I REC'wolMING STAMP 61, Eatm,S' West PhIWIMiAlm.PA 1.9102 Upon,wwrilng,this pnIga i a 'm N FA Roll,I Y qi PPPNJ'd Nl' EGAORDIE e I' Ma v " °LLn.,„ 4 I I 7 m A-'.. . I,. 1a haeaipuro,made as of tW 2.0 day pf- w t7 is het T'H nuswaw that Ge'rWn 1 "W+6b"Ti of EMM 9' +L , a,JsIid,Y'uly26, 1995.6Ain- 17314 0.,1 VWmshhonaD.C. 3f,(lus mGramtot)apd"k"I , herindlfui;u,h 2"M ,ea sCd a al al s17P.SIrTMn N.'k,W atmgC rD. 7r l'IY7 ETUF that Grantor,for and In aomsiaferalion or titre snrn Oro 0 Mhar s Do tawkl monay'of the UnNim d Slate ofAnterta,UnIb leer well and truly, Id by t1ae,;, °.of, 1 9 or befoit Idae sealer and delivery hereof,the 37804la1 Whereof "h hy'nal led' a p a, granted,baa'gained and.sold,olpeai d,enfoeffeda released and confer tnecl,and by these docsAM Assigns, i ( gain two se Wase and eann ni Unto,fi a her hued r. and °iia aiaea,.aml ^,re in lues or arceli Offarad SIM01 ;I la aalil Wing in ft 7,Vwn F f iiue ,County of''' arten and State or New Yor gid. sbm Of a of orge„ bounded and described as follows.to mut: P!I C!'l „ BEEINNING of low water mark mti 9eid Lake at emarr of Leant H a lNo.6.and arunning,southerly st6q the east line of said Loi No,6,one,hundred snd o1gfijeen W W to a Connex'thence r10 to re'aenty degrees east sixty feeet to a Corner.thence nor& lw"ty rim de a difleen,MIMUIM east amla y-siX loRt tO low Witt=Fk am MW ft r them west aloins said Lake as it winds au iurats to iffie pfacae of l egirra4 ft the same I=*N !. ox lees except sww a right or fnteresta If jay,in tem feat on the amt aide as may ttawr he vested im others'Ibecau a of a reservation by a tpriiorgnnlox fru M04 and i BR IN, on flue Lite at n la stoneaage' mark lh a S 'frdeen l",Wrt of a pointof rocks;running thme Southeity and on a line WwPoet and four Inelm west or ft house it stand In 1,8827 staaadigg,on the pre ilses hemby aorw ,myw,one and one ltalr 109TCos east OW hundred rind f"-four feet to a White•birch tease marked for a ter;theme Bouth forty degrees eat nineteen fit to the eentef of a.chesinnut Areae madwd%theme south' d- sixty seven deg,mees catfid-foiwr:l et l ttLe eemger aif,a a iot,dtluer a asinaut tree Marlmd for. a Cu=;thence north one half Of one degree east Up'hundred sWy eel ht.feet to a lacer ureter`" mark;ffience westerly along the Uke xlnore aS it windi anti turns to the pisve of hegitorina,, men uring Fill eight&9t at right angtes'.wh.lhe V'mt'linue, t;aflfl 0 at a stalue and Stones on the dinars or Lake acurge standing south. oame dggmee,Moen minutes east twaerity-four firths ft=low nw=r Mark;running dMEC south I r:'one degree[ifw ra nflnutes east One cMO Sevemtyrdne and o newbalf limits lo,a hainlo&M— nairW fon^a oornen",standing on the sotwth sWo ofthe mvaarf,theme rxwttln eighty- degieaes iii'teen MnUtos Wag ad -one llrft Along the north bounds oftli roadway to a hemIDLIL w stake;thence naarth coff fttmool fifteman ininuies,wrest omme chain and 6i -seven links law y m a aa ar yk'" a II o. 6v ywow mark t'hrenciaalong the shince eestifty ss ft Lake winds and turas to rlaa place or The obove•dekrIbed prralmrty is bound on the east by For I lirst above described anis On wast by m elft of war noi#ir lbi n wrlyr'eslsttng l shin the sutd Meet 2 andpropmrcy l"ta y owrW by Giiorbe 1 lss. Excepting,,h ewer,such Jai or lratci tbepein;il'sny,as May have,been acqulmdbi COVt1W of Warran In i eertilnyarbueerlla 'larraat&by tk Board nl"Snpiarwisrnrs dr iald county to=tv the guildtie" w of y "dw,erarastrctlon Mid lmprove wm the Ftr«rt Giyrtam abatanlyr 11thway°,bwaatlt of the Vemiamy of wwhith action was dell Jm 5, 19301 and was'filed aml reearrrded In the Offlee of fire LVUIIIY Cklik of said Crraurtt n June S, 1930,In ll koQ 7 s Pendens At pie 178. y W kk , 01)wSLJMECT firs all,other nugmum arlls,eowmts,Hans,,reservationgg,a ptArr M restrletloras and adhar aataeu tbrarn es of reerard,to ft extent stltt walld,satbsistlr ent' laJe„ BMG the some,premr'ses whichillwyn B.&WA11,by Deed fted September X22, 1995 and,t mccirdaJ In the lvlr iptalrraVClark's ll'tee on Otober 30.1995 to ILllsar 961,lPsSe 125 j Srafated and released tlpe Um aautra Katharine Q,Seelya,as Trustee wander that eeraaym Revocable Trusl tel'Elwes1l.Ayre,ll,In dei. M rhe 311111 Flawym U.SeeJ'yre 11,heing sea salzad therci In he,departed this 11h:oft d° kiiabu 21, 1,995,havipi first made end p0i:hes' ill In wcl ,rag dated July 2d,19951 wherein and whereby sold Testalar did.Orawvdde,1=db,ss tol s 1 give.ft'wlse and bquealthi ell the Gdwe Of MYestala,of w hatewar nature and wberever aJtriated, Tmolee runner may Dead,dated today,but a eeuied beppre this,will,for adlmisdslratlem grad distribarotlmm as!cart of said trust, n, as the warn may bdmaftar be anoanded or grated. AND,Ile Dead of Tru;1 dated July 26, 1995,napnp letting JtlettUulFlu Q.Seetye as Trustee provld %Wa au,as folloi as " I M=1 a After may,Oath, 1C this trwist shall ttlsMate the ps6aaelrpotl of this trust,together with t ABY Oihrwr rat wWA may lea od hereplrllty teas to may dmtntGhter, Ketharhre QSiulya,it she sorylves ire by thirty rays,"" i the:sold Knthadrae Q.Seelywe,die"J"rruis'tee under fire Deed or Trust dater!July 26,1995, o did s+urmrlve Elwyn H.gedye„11 by IhIrty days, p rrw,w,o Na l r eta Y, o , I TOGkTfiER with the pplS amd all ie&Ufteaid mh "of the G r two and FamIsa. V bayp indlo hold lfs preumd !s h teWgmatcrd ItuuA ih4 dtee„fret Wim uua4' UNDFA,AND SMECr m aforrld, AND,said Giantorc6vomnts as foRows, Rats No olmplo und9 has good rkpla Ian coli Bey am sem;Samad,thit ow aianko SbA quietly ipjo y tthe sm9d pn'imises;" hW',That dw. said piamism amm Pr> man"ra nc ,p"oau'*dlit.1he cimlo will a7 "Ie or pr++umam s further n siu tll' SW(uw mu 5, pi ,Wt Wd Gra r,will forayer''uuwtnmant the tette Ian said prem"Los. EFR w cand w e d M A V. g7YJ1%L1 IN%PPrHGI' F i' yyy ° w w rY G -1 WHEREOF,dw,Grater'has he linin sci, find and awl ft day and ydar first above wrIlften, STATE OF Lh 9 S" OFr p a' On,the 29—d' 1 7,befare sae persanaliy came Kadwkw Q,Stalyr,Biu rusll=,to me awn( Q s fe mi9 a ,rY n''undd'w l i:p described In nod who mewed the fomplog instrament,and acknowleldged that,she Cgeouled a the:A'M ", u w, MWITNESS WHEREOF, ficr unto at my luind nnd nffinial seal. imy Mile y"ro=lsden nxpffr , i'.rs"r'net a'q,o' ' i aaaaaw a aa'iaa d 9