2009-004 Freestanding Sign--5 Guys/Supercuts/Game Stop ..4111 '` TOWN OFQ UE E NSBURY 742 BayRoad,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 Qu ury, (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building &Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number. P20090004 Date Issued: Friday, January 16, 2009 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20090004 has been completed. Tax Map Number. 523400-302-006-0001-022-000-0000 Location: 735 UPPER GLEN St Owner. UPPER GLEN STREET ASSOCIATES, LLC Applicant: UPPER GLEN STREET ASSOCIATES, LLC This structure may be occupied as a: Sign By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, r.aj4 Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building& .de E�oncement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEEN BUR ` 0 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 `� Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761.8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20090004 Application Number. A20090004 Tax Map No: 523400-302-006-0001-022-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: UPPER GLEN STREET ASSOCIATES, LLC For property located at: 735 UPPER GLEN St in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: UPPER GLEN STREET ASSOCIAT C/O NIGRO COMPANIES Sign 20 CORPORATE WOODS Blvd Total Value ALBANY, NY 12211-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans &Specifications 2009-004 50 sq ft freestanding sign to read " 5 Guys, Supercuts, Game Stop" $100.00 PERMIT FEE PAID- THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,January 16, 2010 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of bury be . the expire Zriday,' da .) Dated at th To o s 4 Ans4ry; January 16, 2009 SIGNED BY ��� for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement • • Building&Codes Office-Department of Community Development-Town of Queensbury PERMIT NUMBER 07-1(k) D6 742 Bay Rood,Queensbury, NY 12804 Dove Hatln,Director rndes®nueensburv.ne t A n Q 2 09 FEE PAID PA Phone: (518)761.6256 MX: (518)745-4437 le Sign Permit Application Application & plans are sublect to review before issuance of a valid permit for placement of a si¢n. instructions: A permit must be obtained before Installation of your permanent sign. All applicants' spaces on this application must be completed and must appear on the application form. Applicant/Business /J4A/ IYy S 1 n Owner: AJW6 C /r4 5j 5oc/43-- Address: 7 to Sick-rd' Rcl Address: . . I 0 ,to Co L.A+faA..0 N)rgtI/o c.......)r n Hems P hone: 7&3 -(4cl ( Home Phone: 41,an y y /z2// Email Address: P °1A�Qf/nn.,4 c7 ,rv-ra Email Address: 3f` ( f, '/Z/ Cell Phone: 3/0 2Dkr Cell Phone: FAX Phone: 713 /z K FAX Phone: 4�g(o 8.-4(29 Person responsible fgc4upervision of work with respect to Sign Code compliance: Name: ,I 'el Tr W)'ly Address: 1. srctort J� /2 L, v Phone 7223-G1 k3 Email Address: pf)i A y Q /-/u n 7y s�,-i cb .-v ��� � LS Location of proposed installation: Legal /Address: -1 .Cl/PF`Z(2-/c��Suite No. Business Complex/Plaza/Mall Name:X /*:r r- `/`r -c- !7r a3LL_ Business Name: U 1)/9 E-74 ( r✓7 Sr uf•&c• L1r. Tax Map Number: / Type of sign proposed: freestandingy/ wall _awning _projecting If sign is to be illuminated, please Indicate: `H/ Internal _ External _Incandescent _Neon Other. / Do signs currently exist on the property? yYes / _No If YES, list all existing signage:OLd Noltjww>L �'°r0 5- The application creates a change in the following existing site conditions: fill in all applicable spaces New Change in number of signs from ' to _Change in setback for sign from to Change in size of sign from to Change in height of sign from ?( j . s" ' to q Pr Change of wording/copy from /491131.401 ✓7 a'D to C70 y SI yeperc✓{s/J4me Sign Wording/Copy: Sec Rrt m-crnrel b/z.5w"el y Sign size: Length Sx Width / ) ,=, Total Sq. ft. 5-0 /p// Sign Height (freestanding sign) `7 / Color and Material to be used: 4) + -L.c,)(4,1 f-Pr(//A&tk/ ( e74 .t,1 Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with the following information: location of sign (walls signs: drawing of the facade the sign will be located on, indicate sign on facade) height of freestanding sign depth of projecting sign distances from front and side property lines. Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design, Provide Applicant and Owner's signature (permission for placement of sign on the property or building). 12/31/08 MS 11:24 FAX %IOUS Sdfl I ceder once-QcMltn ant ormnnuntiy Dov.bPm.nl-town at auaanrbw PEBMR NUMMI V 4 bay aaad,Quantalry,NY t PE PAID D:21t Oeeex eller Sign Permit Application Spnficefnn a Sees are only!to revue�pr Suns of a veld oermhN for claimant of a&Br 1NIB C A permit Mit be•obtaked before installation of your permanent sign. Al applicants'spaces on+his application must be completed and mutt appear on the application torn, Applicant/Business - b Sr' . Chvrlen - Addresr, - '1T21x, Address: Homo Phone: r:J-L Home Phone: ! ITS` ' so trail Address: ' riv- '! l , . finical Address: L7 t:,77 Cod Phone: Cell Phone: FAX Phone; '7 S @' Phone: — Ferran respawbte iq.. ipervidon of work with respect to Sign Code compliance: Name: ``'/))`rive *My Address: 2yy sear raft ant At ,�, Phone email Address: 9�rid v sI n.e Location of proposed installation; Legal Address:X 9''S.1 ff ter GA Q r.5. Suite No. Business Complex/Plata/Moll Nome$ 9 r .Ca_ n-. W3 Pk c. , • Business Name:f'.J or tru...... 5k L\Acts,aspc. 'IL ' Tax Map Number. . Type of sign proposed' .treestandho _wall , awning projecting . it sign Is to be Illuminated,eddy Indcate AIntemal _Bdemal _Incandescent _Neon Other` Do signs amenity east on the property? , Yes / _4o N YES.Rat eN dating signor, The application creates a change In the following existing site conditions: fill in all applicable spaces Change in number of slats from ' to ,-_Change In setback for sign from, to Change in sire of sl n from to Change In height of sign from '' ,to r Change of wording/Copy from elf i .4 tIJt'o to Prey,. *wipers-06bl Me Sign Woiaing/Copyr aaa arrmciwrl 'aawu,.pIy • Sign sloe: Length rx Width lam Total Sq.ft. St" / sign Height(freestanding sign( iv' Color and Material to be used: Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or su veyed pot plan with the following information: location of sign(wogs signs drawing of the fogade the sign..INbl located on.indicate sign on facade) height of freestanding sign depth of pluieeting Ilan distances from front and side property Ones. Provide 2 drawings of photos of sign design- • Provide Applicant and Owner's signature(permission for placement of sign on the Property or building), • DKIetIta t Please sign below after you have carefully read the statement: To the beet of my knowledge,the statements contained in the application,together with the plans and specifications submitted,are a hue and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that es *Ions of the Zoning Ordnance.and all other laws perfointng Ns the proposed work shdl be Complied with, Cher specified or noted,and that such work Is cuthorked by the owner. APPUCANr ioNAThet .-wN.. DAT& /Tili IMmb*aulhako xy to na on my proeiN et bulking. .. ownueofutuaa: "1 one 1 =1"O\ 889-d t00/Z00'd H1-1 Ong-90-819 S3INY&107 OBOIN-MOed 14281 coat-to-NYV I ' ' i , `.I i ; r \... , i .. ,, N, ,,. 4,i It. lite\r7. .14, ,, ,,,v. f #,_,,,,_:,. ._ , '�t j rfw'i�,i� p� f �4^ ! 1� Vrf±o: t tae 1 ? _ , .. - - -. -ri.-- 1 n MP-:. , 1. .a- 1N, .I yr I,, t �l n + pi . aL . � I i 7� fY,^ • f k ♦M^ Ib,SI} i existing sign cabinet to be lowered to 9' top of sign to grade / -.. : = '6 _t-- -,..-- -rn I 1 11-eA • i- < . ■--I . rn " Fri -n ), ;,;,•;:'- F, 1 , — itt z , F-- -- - Ti in C vt .E, , , ( - .1 9 ft. 00 in, LI li , > — r , 4 ft. 00 in. 5 ft. 00 in. --; it, n-I 7 - , .,.. r-- `■ -1 il 73 3.) -, 1 1 -7-, ( '■ > Z ■ 1 :--- 1 1 1 711 (5) .-, V. 11•1011 C.) , .. c ci NJ r CI tille 0 r T 1 3 H still o 1 matinill 74 0 Mir co n ai POP , 4 C C ro 1... ,,...... ......1 ---.---30 in. 30 in. . , Code Compliance and Informational Sheet for Permit Use Queensbury Dept..off Community Development Project for: iff-bit1-4 )-i Permit No. 2009-Cc , - r.:-• r lJ Applicant Name:l0 Liv), ut pt C LJ t'1 tMC Zoning Administrator Tax Map No. 30,�—f U(c' ..l .)„ / ��C11 1 Lot # House # 1 , . L (/ 1 6`6b Y%1 E, ' road, street ) I i r v ?009 Lot Size:,i Mobile Home Par �-� Business Plaza: N ∎cc c K k hJc; Z!''✓ Planned Unit Dev. Subdivision: - Phase/Section 1 Effective Year Zoning Designation Zoning Ordinance Prior to 1967, July 10 Subject to current setback requirements at time of development. Section 179-20-10,B Subsequent to Development of lots within subdivisions subsequent to July 10, 1967 July 10, 1967 shall use the setback requirements in place at the time of the a•"royal of the subdivision. _ 1967 1982, June 11 1988, September 19 --- _ Corner lot rule Prior to Nov. 23, 1992 approved subdivisions * (see note on bock of form) 2002, April 9 Road Name Setbacks Existing Required Pf9Qcj d Difference Front 1 i- Front 2 - Side 1 Side 2 Rear 1 Rear 2 i 1 Shoreline i Travel Cooridor jOverlay Zone Buffer Yes No meets depth, width, & square footage requirements preexisting, nonconforming lot with proper setbacks required frontage on public road has required off-street parking permeable area is adequate (Requirement is %) building does not exceed maximum height (Max. ft.) _ Is lot in a Flood Zone? Floor Area Ratio worksheet required? Zone WR-1 A Town of Queensbury Cods and Informational Shut for Permit U e Dept of Community Development • Cant lathhamileabflooddsadidathaantaan $sctton 17940.1 wNchnguIres OJ bn for a aorror lot was not eneossa 4 ere November*1992.Th nfor ,priortoNow r 23, 1992parcNsv*1ln approved . abdtvblore have one (1)front yard,two(21 Me yards.and one It)rear yard Stack. tt fay r IF LAS IFL N . . _F—.7::147777- 11111111111111111111M .,,. _•_.its_ , Appkallon appears to conform to the requirements et Seedon(s)of the h> dprrl z Biwa Code: Application'squirm oddlilonal review for Molokai .j. Zoning Board of Appeals _. Nanning Board Town Board of Health Town Board for Mobile Home Outside of a Mobile H Other ■ Err"-_ it r11111.11.111.111111111ral ? • .�.:iy Town of QurNnbury