STRECKS, INC. SUB 9-2021 (P); SUB 10-2021 (F) AM' 'Q W-- R -g- -011 g 0117 ­M. E �g M Awzg W, M 02111- 2 111; 0�1 W M x Vk, MOM ML==IL IL v "M ME A#PW via, n, WL RE Loll a, %URY M "N, Q�I`L;� ig� gv Mimi g, MAW 0W& IF" Z 0 N, H&'Ir G 1wm-wX& E%4U1REMEN`qS %Now AL.S T r K NU X R d DRAW1 LIS RR_12A _ RUML nV %Jis"& 4XV&SIDENTIAL 3�AURXZEI SURVEY MINIMUM LOT SIZE: 3-ACRES U FRONT SETBACK.- 1000 own of ..Queensb r. S1 SIDE SETBACKS: 75 E-N.G I N E MR`,I J NLV GP'F A MS Mr AV IS "A71LA I REAR S ETBACK: 100 OVERALL SUBDIVISIONPT AN BUILDING HEIGHT: 40 4 S2 LOTWIDTH.- 400" 11! Nqu""" W `.L1ffJ' U1 _k Staa",Ltce PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL ROAD FRONTAGE.- 400 PERCENT PERMEABLE.- 7S% APPROVED UNDER AUTHORITY OF A RESOLUTION ADOP7`ED OCTOBER 26, 2021 BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE s 2` 5 3% 3 2' 1 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK. Area Variance & Planning Board vinal AppLroval "AlanSL for Signatures & Filinev: Submissions: 5% 2 r Novembe 4, 20% 21 September 15, 2021 L DATE SIGNED SEQR NEGAT'rVE DECLARAT'ON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPROVAL PRELIMINARY STAGE SZD APPROVAL FINAL STAGE SUBDIVISION APPROVAL Town of Queensberry Town of Queensbury Community Development Office Zoning Board of Appeals-Record of Resolution 4. There is not an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district, Community Development Office 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Page I of2 Town ofQueensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 (518)761-8238 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12SO4 Town ofQueensbury Community Development Office 5; The alleged 4iffioulty can beconsidercri self-created,but again 9L is there. It's not really them. Town of Quernsbury Planning Board 7. The applicant must maintain on their project site,for review by staff: 742 Bay Road,Queens I bury,NY 12804 6.L In addition,the Board finds that the benefit to the applicant from granting the requested variance would a) The approved final that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Administrator. These plans must Area Variance Resolution To- Approve outweigh (approval) the resulting detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood or Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION-A rove include the project SWPPP(Stom Water Pollution Prevention Plan)when such a plan was prepared 1 community; M_ and approved;and ApplicaurtVame: Streck's Inc. Subdivision Final Stage 10-2021 STRECVS INC. RESOLUTION-Approve Tax Map ID:253.3-1-32.I/Proparty address:1903 Ridge Road/Zoning:RR3A/RR5A Town of Queensbury Planning Board File Number: AV 70-2021 7. The Board also finds that the variance request under consideration is the minimum necessary; Subdivision Preliminary Stage 9-2021 STRECK�S INC. b) The project NOI and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit,or an Location: 1903 Ridge Road also proposes the f Subdivision Tax Map JD:253.3-1-32.1/Property Address:1903 Ridge Road/Zoning:P R3A/RRM A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following:Applicant individual S.PDES permit issued for the project. SEQR RESOLUTION-Grant Negative Declaration Tax Map Number. 253.3-1-311 S. The Board ollowing conditions: ZBA Meeting Date: October 2 20,2021 a) Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. proposes to subdivide a 19.36 acre parcel into 2 lots as the parcel is naturally divided by Ridge Rd.The west S. Final approved plans, in compliance with r the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Community lot is to be 1.59 acres and to maintain the existing home and out buildings.The out lot is to be 17.77 acres Subdivision Preliminary Stage 9-2021 STRECK'SINC. A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following.Applicant Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes Subdivision Tax Map ID.253.3-1-32.1/Property Address;1903 Ridge Road/Zoning� The,Zoning Board olAppeals ofthe Town ofQacensbury has received an application from Streck's Inc. and will maintain the bun buildings, Lot I is in an RR3A zone where lot conditions (setbacks)are Applicant proposes to subdivide a 19,36-acre parcel into two lots as the parcel is naturally divided by Ridge proposes to subdivide a 19.36 acre parcel into 2 lots as the parcei is naturally divided by Ridge Rd.The wo.st preexisting.Lot 2 is in an RRSA zone where lot conditions are preexisting.Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the personnel. RR3A/RR5A Road.The west lot is to be 1.,59 acres and-to maintain the e BASED ON THE ABQVE FINDINGS.I MAKE A MOTION TO AEP-ROVE AREA VARIANCE NO.70. lot is to be 1.59 acres and to maintain the oxisting home and out buildings.The east lot is to be 17.77 acres Zoning Ordinance,subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. xisting home and out-buildings;the east lot is to be by 9. The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: 17.77 acres and to maintain the bam buildings. Lot I is in RR-3A zone where lot conditions,(i.e.setbacks)are 2021.Introduced Jackson LaSarso,who moved for its adoption,seconded by Ronald Kuhl: and will maintain the barin buildings. Lot I is in an RR3.A zone where,lot conditions (setbacks) are beginning of any site work, Applicant proposes to subdivide a 19.36 acre parcel into 2 lots as the parcel is natur preexisting.Lot 2 is in RR-5A zone where lot conditions are existing. Nochanges to the lots or buildings. Duly adopted this 201h Day of October 2021 by the following vote: preexisting.Lot 2 is in an RR5A zone where lot conditions are preexisting.Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter A-183,the Planning Board �dly divided Zoning Ordinance,subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. by Ridge Rd.The west lot is to be 1.59 acres and to maintain the existing home and out buildings. Subdivision review for creating two lots. Reliefrequested for lot size and lot width,setbacks,andrenovating has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; 10.Subsequent issuance of further permits,including building permits is dependent on compliance with this The cast lot is to be 17.77 acres and will maintain the bam.building.Lot I is in an RR3A zone the existing home with no expansion. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter A-1 83,the Planning Board This application is supported with all documentation,public comment and application mate al in the file of and all other conditions of this resolution, where lot conditions(setbacks)are preexisting.r Lot 2 is in an RR5A zone where lot conditions are AYES: Mr.I Henkel,Mrs.Himilin,Mr.Kuhl,Mr.Urrico,Mr.Underwood,Mr.LaSarso,Mr.McCabe has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the ZoningL Code; record, ri preexisting.Pursuaritto Chapter 193 of the,Zoning Ordinance,subdivision ofland shall be subject NOES: NONE 11.As-built plans to certify that the subdivision is developed according to the approved plans to be provided to Planning Board review and approval. The applicant requests relieffor a 2 lot subdivision needing relief for lot size and lotmidth,setbacks,and The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning MOTION TO APPROVE SUBDIVISION FINAL&TAGE 10-2021 STRECKIS INC. Introduced by mior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy; MOTION LO_GRANT A NE A IVE SEOR DECLARATIONYOR SULD_IVISION NO. renovating the existing home with no expansion. Ile parcel is in a split zone with a poriton in Rural ABSENT: Mr.McDevitt Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration David Deco who moved for its adoption. Motion seconded by John Shafer. Duly adopted this 261 day ofOctober 2021 by the following vote: �G T Residential 3 acres and the other is Rural Residential 5 acres. The parcel is 1936 acres. 9-2021 LRELIMINARY S AGE STRECK'S ID[C.,Introduced by David Deeb who moved A public hearing was scheduled and held on October 26,2021; 1. The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning for it uradoption,seconded by Section 179-3-040 dimensional Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration; and if the application is a modification, the AYES: Mr.Valentine,Mr.Deeb,Ms.White,Mr.Shafer,Mr.Hunsinger,Mr.Magowan,Mr.Traver ne west lot is Lot I at 1.59 acres and is located in the RR3A zone.The project proposes some work on the This application is supported with all documentation,public comment,and application material in the file of requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered,and the proposed NOES: NONE As per the resolution prepared by staff, existing home but will maintain the existing home footprint and out buildings.,Reliefis for lot size where 5 ac record; modification[s]do riot result in any new or significantly different environmental impacts,and,therefore, is required;lot width where 400 ft.is required and 234 ft.is proposed;-setbacks front is 265 ft.where 100 ft. no further SEQRA review is necessary; I. Part 11 of the Long EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board, setback is Fquired;-east side is 50 fi.where 75 ft.is required.The east lot is Lot 2 at 17.77 acres and is located MOTION TQ APLRO D�v E SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY RE W I _)L_ - STAGE 9.2o2l ST C S NC. ia Deeb who Ic in the RR5A zone.The project will maintain the bam buildings on Lot 2. Introduced by moved for its adoption. 2. Waiver requests mrited: sketch plan stage,stormwater and grading. The waivers requested am 2.Par,III ofthe Long EAF is not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially reasonable as there are no physical changes to the site and all buildings are to remain in their current moderate to large impacts. SEQR Type 11-no further review required; Motion seconded by Brad Magowan. Duly adopted this 261 day ofOctober 2021 by the following vote: location. Duly adopted this 26'day ofOctober,2021,by the following vote: A public hearing was advertised and held on Wednesday,October20,2021. AYES: Mr.Magawan,Mr.Valentine,Mr.Deeb,Ms.White,Mr.Shafer,Mr.Hunsinger,Mr.Traver 3. The approval is valid for one(1)year from the date ofapprovid. Applicant is responsible for requesting NOES. NONE an extension ofairproval before the one(1)year time frame has expired ifyou have not yet applied for a AYES: Mr.Hunsigger,Mr.Magowan,Mr.Valentine,Mr.Deeb,Ms.White,Mr.Shafer, Upon review of the application materials, information supplied during the; public hearing, and upon building pennit-or commenced significant site work. Mr.Traver consideration ofthe.criteria specified in Section 179-14-089(A)ofthe Queensbury Town Code and Chapter 267 ofNYS Town Law and after discussion and deliberation,we find as follows: 4. The limits of clearing will constitute a no-cut buffer zone,orange construction fencing shall be installed NOES: NONE around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff 1. There is not an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood nor a detriment to nearby properties because it's pretty much already subdivided. 5. Engineering sign-offrequiredprior to signatureofPlanning Board Chairman. 2. Feasible alternatives have been considered by the Board but are not necessary. 6. The applicant must submit a copy of the following to the Town: a) The project NOI(Notice of Intent)for coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit 3. The requested variance is not substantial because again it is pretty much already subdivided by 9L. or for coverage under an individual SPDES prior to the,a=ofany site work. Page 2 of2 b) The project NOT(Notice ofTermination)upon completion ofthe project;and Phoxio.518.761.8220IFax: 519.745,44371742 Bay Road,Quemsbury,NY 128041wwwquwnsbury.nct Phone:518.761.8220IFax:518-745.44371742 Bay Road,Queonsbury,NY 128041�.quoembury.net Phom: SM7,51.82201Fax:519.745.44371742 Bay Road,Quccnsbory,NY 12804!�w.quecnsburyoet 0918,9109---0 1 Ar A :)pfication 2021545769 SibivnCk'S Inc. Instr#2021-3000097 19003 Ridge 1922 Road 1111012021 03:34:54 PM 1 Pages % MAP 169 Haviland Road BARDIN LAND SURVEYING, P.C. ) ' QUEENSBURY Queensbury, NY 12804 T� ry Pamela J.Vogel,Warren Co Clerk FILED S 97 WOODCHUCK HILL ROAD LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. 12845 �518) 745-0307 Phone Hutchins Engineering PLLC (518) 745-0308 Fax �o 4 N N �� N Q4334j2> y RMk q � � w 3„901.80S ci ,oVLLZi 3.60,64.LQS ' 19'8£Z O tq N W O O tia ~Z o � � WW � NoWEC-� ------- -�_�-- ado o titO � titiW - _` - � WWIW Aq�C qA -- -- W �05 W N o ,4oti rn ww wwh qE�, as W >A �q a o "+CA w�t2 k::R 8 rn o o W h �Iq q O ghWO�� \\ \\ co3 e QGjWo W~ o �,RW�A N rn m �WQ Sao �WWwU ce co g , hqc� i �� o oWco'",� �oW w� r^ o� �wW ��� Uwa � 6o �No w� z 11 s8t W h "I�� 04 W �� 5 Nq wxpN, I &Z ry .,W �7 by W� AISNE E.4 CA 4 ss a ��� �cn u c i o�� a4 U U ,L8'tL8 M„i9,80.84N lip, `J - �� i1gy(Qy(aw,}ay t�Q(wy� wQ aoo ,a ao �• ul , i o i �R,AQA'�+ R. wow i _ 4.LA:(i 4� � ,�j N ��s��lp �.' 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STUMVOLL ! , ' JAMES BROWN BOOK'5363 PAGE 139 .�E�O BOOK 041 PAGE 220 S.B.I. 253-E-4 east / S.B.L#253-1-24 I.P.F. na2os'n"e PROPOSE LOT ' _� ZONING REQUIREMENTS - WEST Off` 9L ZONING REQUIREMENTS - EAST OF 9L AVERAGE LOT WIDTHS AREA 1.g t ACRES 75' SIDE 75 S E RR-3A - RURAL RESIDENTIAL 3—ACRE RR-5A — RURAL RESIDENTIAL 5—ACRE a RE UIRED CALCULATED MINIMUM LOT SIZE — 3—ACRES MINIMUM LOT SIZE — 5—ACRES LOT WIDTH FRONT SETBACK — 100' FRONT SETBACK — 100' LOT 1 400' 234` KLANDS LE1�°ND V` / _ � SIDE SETBACKS - 7U SIDE SETBACKS - 76 LOT2 400' 6587 AND GINGER CLEVELAND 203 L/BER 1072 PAGE 152 j j 26.5' REAR SETBACK — IOU REAR SETBACK 100' SAL#2513-1-31 � �j �j �j 50' I °� �� �a8°q. SHORELINE SETBACK 75' SHORELINE SETBACK 757 j o _ $d # 9 BUILDING HEIGHT — 35' BUILDING HEIGHT — 35_ SAP i LOT WIDTH - ' 400' LOT WIDTH ` 400' rPF .� ` fI ROAD FRONTAGE - 400' ROAD FRONTAGE - 400' ROAD FRONTAGE / Ci C PERCENT PERMEABLE 757 PERCENT PERMEABLE - 757 RE UIRED CALCULATED --�-- ROAD FRONTAGE LOT 1 'Vol 475' LOT2 'Vol 971` I 7t ! I I r 1 Q PROPOSED LOT 2 / 137' IAREA = 17.77* ACRES SITE SETBACKS - LOT 1 SITE SETBACKS - LOT 2 f f REQUIRED FOR EXISTING REQUIRED FOR EXISTING AREA VARIANCES RR-3A ZONE HOUSE RR-5A ZONE BUILDINGS REQUESTED • L §179-3-040-ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING DISTRICTS N.F. ---_-j i ` FRONT 100' 26.5'(Pt?RCH) FRONT 100' 137' S� NORTH SIDE 75' 202`(PORCH) NORTH SIDE 75' 481' LOT ? '`- 1) -A. (2)-LOT SIZE EAST SIDE 751 50' (HOUSE) SOUTH p SIDE 75 11p2er RR-3A LOT SIZE REQUIRED=3 AC REAR 100, 488' PROPOSED.LOT 2- 1.59 AC r aMA % I LOT? - 1.49-AC OF RELIEF REQUESTED J e / j m 2) -A. (2)(b)[61-LOT WIDTH / �{{ RR-3A LOT WIDTH REQUIRED=400-FT i PROPOSED,LOT 1-234-FT LANDS N/F OF LOT? 166-FT OF RELIEF REQUESTED RICHARD A. COMBS V/RGINIA E. COMBS ROBERT WALTER LANDS N/F OF KATHRYN E. WALTER NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT `` R. TRUMAN INGALSBE f S. TERRY INGALSBE [� / STRUCTURES&LOTS OF 1RANSPORTAnON I SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA ,§?79-?3-0?0-NONCONFORMING USES, I VOLUME 3528 PAGE 256 ( i' LISER 1212 PAGE 6 I IIII # 3) -F-'A LAWFUL EX/STING, NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE MAY BE RECONSTRUCTED B s L#253 3-1-32 z S.B. 2a3-,_25 LOT 1 - WEST OF 9L LOT 2 ® EAST OF 9L OR RENOVATED ONLY BYA VARIANCE GRANTED BY THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. l � SITE AREA: SITEARE NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE,FURTHER,A LAWFUL EXISTING, , WHICH VIOLATES ONLY 1.59 AC(69,260 SF) 17.77 AC(774,D61 SF) THE AREA REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CHAPTER,MAY BE ENLARGED OR EXTENDED WITHOUT THE NEED FOR A VARIANCE SO LONG AS THE PROPOSED ENLARGEMENT OR EXTENSION EXISTING CHANGE IN PROPOSED EXISTING CHANGE IN PROPOSED ` i� � � b IMPERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS DOES NOT VIOLATEANYAREA REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CHAPTER." i COVERAGE COVERAGE COVERAGE COVERAGE COVERAGE COVERAGE RELIEF REQUESTED TO RENOVATE EXISTING HOUSE ON 3 i HOUSE 1,442 SF ---- 1,442 SF GARAGE/WORKSHOP 3,663 SF ---- 3,663 SF LOT? WITH NO PROPOSED EXPANSION OF FOOTPRINT PORCH 282 SF ---- 282 SF BARNS 3,007 SF ---- 3,007 SF DRIVEWAY 1,017 SF ---- 1,017 SF ---- - SHED 54 SF 54 SF I SHED 110 SF ---- 110 SF ___ DRIVEWAY 18,896 SF ---- 18,896 SF WALKWAYS&STEPS 257 SF 257 SF TOTAL IMPERVIOUS 25,620 SF __-_ 25,620 SF i TOTAL IMPERVIOUS 3,108 SF ---- 3,108 SF PERCENT IMPERVIOUS 3.3% ---- 3.3% PERCENT IMPERVIOUS 4.5% ---- 4.5016 PERMEABILITY 96,7946 --- 96.7% TAX MAP#253.3-1-32.1 S i ALTERATION OF THIS DOCUMENT EXCEPT BY A LICENSED PERMEABILITY 9 95.5016 --- 95.5% PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IS A VIOLATION OF NYS EDUCATION LAW. 75' SIDE 0f NEW -- -582-22'48"wLR.R .. . ".f3 i APPROVAL- PLANS FOR TOWN SIGNATURE AND FILING i i/4/202i 0 ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY AND FINAL SUBDIVISION & AREA VARIANCE 9/15/2021 OVERALL SUBDIVISION PLAN h N o. Revisions Date SCALE: 1"-100' -��t� 09662.E ��� OVERALL SUBDIVISION PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE oPprw° CURRENT LANDS OF STRECK'S INC. & CONTRACTED LANDS OF CLEVELAND � .. --- — � prepared for 2�2,545758 50 0 25 50 100 200 Strecks Instr#2021-3000097 Inc.: ®' ����� e 11/10/2021 03:34:54 PM MAP REFERENCE 1903 Ridge Road n �`. Y ( IN FEET 1 Pages ��li6 ®� ,/ MAP BASE SURVEY INFORMATION TAKEN FROM: "MAP OF PROPOSED SUBD1VtS10N Town ofQueensbUry, Warren County, NY lri6 Pamela J.Vogel,Warren Co Clerk FILED MADE FOR STRECKS, INC. DATED SEPTEMBER 4, 2021, PREPARED BY. Drawn: JRS Checked: GTH Scale: NOTED Date: 9/8/2021 Call Before You Dig ®Wait The Required Time ®Confirm utility Response 169 Haviland Road ®Respect The Marks Queensbury, NY 12804 Dig with care B A R D I N LAND SURVEYING, P. C. 29� 895-01-S2 $®®•thrare 96'1 97 WOODCHUCK HILL ROAD LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. 12845 (518) 745—D307 Phone www.digsafely2wyo96 Hutchins Engineering PLLC 518 745-0308 Fax