2003-300 f TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804.5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761.8256 nrDT C'j AIT.L I F" 1, E rC 0 M ANu Pem itNumber. P20030300 Date Issued: Monday, September 17,2007 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20030300 has been completed, Tax Map Number: 523400-290.000-0001-066-000-0000- Location: 21 BROOKFIELD Run Owner. ANTHONY&JAMIE METIVIER Applicant: ANTHONY&JAMIE METIVIER This structure may be occupied as a: Above Ground Pool By 0rderof Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT , Permit Number: P20030300 Application Number: A20030300 Tax Map No: 523400-290-000-0001-066-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to- " ANTHONY&JAMIE MF,TIVIF,R For property located at: 21 BROOKFIELD Run in the Town of Queensbury,to-construct or place at the above location in accordance-with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance-with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: ANTHONY& JAMIE METIVIER 21 BROOKFIELD Run Above Ground Pool Total Value QUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency. Plans&Specifications 2003-300 ABOVE-GROUND POOL AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS $25,00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES:' Friday,May 21,2004 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury-before the expiration date.) Dated at a To. . of Q e ns ury; Wednesday,May 21,2003 SIGNED BY = for the.Town of Queensbury. 9 Director of B 'din & ode Enforcement Application for Swimming Pool Permit PermitNt3 _ADO Building&Codes Office—Town,of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury',NY 12804 (518)761-8256 Fee PaidC>4t.-) Instructions and requirements are attached. Notes: 1. Applicant 1 Owner Contractor or Installer Information: r-7 Vbc)is e+ L Address, I k JE3rA6 -dA U h 21 Ix-66WIR cA A v, Sul .Quc(f Phone —1 2T5 2. Person Responsible for Code Requirements: Z2W24r�� 1 1.41 3. Pool Location Address:Zk Taix Mao No. 4. Swimming Pool Information: (check whichever applies and fill in the blanks) RECEIVED A. �;,V�p %Above ground pool Ellnground Pool MAY -1 9 2003 B. Size of3Focal Length ft., / width. ft. diameter 2"7 ft."'I delItOWNUGUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODE C. Jksteel/vinyl; Ofiberglass; Ogunite; E]poured concrete;Elother- 5. Fencing Requirements for above-ground & inground swimming pools: A. If an above-ground,indicate height from ground-grade to top of pool height, S 2- inches Note: If your above-ground pool is less than 48-inches above-grade;a fence must be installed within the area of the pool. If your above-ground pool is exactly 48 inches above-grade or mare,'a lift-up ladder with lock must be installed. B. If an inground pool,.a fence must be installed within the area of the pool regardless if your yard is fenced. 6. Final Inspection Information: You are responsible for scheduling the following: A) Electrical Inspection; B) Final Certificate of Compliance Inspection, An electrical inspection is required before the Certificate of Compliance is issued. See attached sheet listing,electrical,inspectors. The inspectors are contracted through the Town.of Queensbury and you are responsible for payment to them directly. Their fee is not part,of this application. A final inspection by the Queensbury Building&Codes Office is required before use of the pool is authorized, The Code Officers will look for an approved electrical inspection(sticker on the panel box)and proper fencing around the pool or lift-up ladder. 2� Signature of Applicant_ � Date: lZk)6 Date: �D Signature of Ownep--: r. far.. •. Code"Interpretations -Department of State Page 6 of 16 DATE OFBWE: (Signed 1/11/99) Code Section 720.1 If an entire residential:parcel having amoutdoor.swimming pool is fenced, does section 720.1 require an additional fenced enclosure fort} e swimming pool? INTERPRETATION r I'es. Whrfe section 720.1(g)permits:a wallof a dwelling to serve as:part of the enclosure, it does`nof permit the entire l uild'I g to be located within the enclosure..However section 72011 does not specify haw far back from apool afence-is requrrecl'to be l'ocated,.nor does.it limit the;enclosure.to.enclosing the pool,`and associated equipment only. This,Code-.Interpretation.is issued ja accordancA with.Executive Law,section 376(4.) Subsequent enforcerri.ent of the New York State Uniform Ftre Prevention grid Buildrrig Code shall be consistent with this:if terpretation fflexandet,->F,.>Tread,Lvell, Seeretary of State Dater January 11, 1999 Pca c�l Ir�sp E:cti c►-x�. Queerisbury Building 8'c Cvde Enforcernsnt Off ce N©_ {5 18)� 76 I-8256 742 Bair Road, Quaensbury NY I2804 L"�ate r+�c+�ived: P�rzrr _ e=277 IZ 1Z�T��`ECT�:�► OT�� amlpMrn Arrive. a=nI rri art: � arrj/prrz Inspector's Iriitials: IF Above. + rounds Ixn.-tsro��.x�d: Y l� l�lA Pool enclosure around poo3 o►r yarAl �- feet above grads 2 inch ma�c.in-ium. ci�:arai-Yce t© grade fr-orrx underside of fence 4 iricl� rr�axirrnum clearance 7�►Tall or IE2*-4c c�►rs him vc self closirig device or a�a1=•-�-�s {3� _ second Alarr�� time} _ Ladder secured-in place and . I3+�cic gate -= 5 6" to late rYo more tliari ,S" iri ate o eniri s Gate c�►pen outward, self closin �"adlocic provided on gates aid Sadder indoor pc3oi all doors self closing or alarmed per AG l o5_2 Itcrrx 9 '�'irra+�-r on pool pump �rxo lu in tirriei- allowed dual electrical �T �icle access gate ci©sed Cfl� to issut:. C/ F000c�l 11aspoctioll-I Qu(--C--r1sbIjry 131AUCH"g &- Cede �rxfiarcexnent - (DEf-Ioc-- Ncp- (518) 761-8256 742 13a-v 1;,1c3acl, Queerzsbtirv, -P-T-V' 12804 a:t-iVpx-xi Pool enclosure around pool or yar-cl 4 feet zLlDc>-vf-- grade 2 iri(--Ii =u3scirriLiryi cleararace tc:> grade Erc>rri -urich--i-sicle <>f- 01� 4 inch maximum clearance in fencepic-A-cets - Wall or ]E>(:3<:>-rs Ii.-a-ve self closing devicec>jr -tIoLrm-ris C30 soc-c>11cl Alarm tirile) I-acicle-r secured iin place-- and latched. _ OrC: than vz"' - Spacing In 0000 Gate u ard, self closin Padlock provided on gates arid JoLcIcler Indoor- pocld all CIC>C),I-s self C--IoPsir3Lg-, or alai-rriecl p e-r ,ACilos.2 Item 9 -rir-raer on p-c:)c3,1 p"rrija Ciac) 21tiF, in timer ally d Final electrical access gate closed .&-- locj<e-cI C>I< to issue 4CA-' i COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC. (0 Main'.Offlee 176 Doe Run Road fi Manhelm, PA 17545 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE x ELECTRICAL APPOVAL NO� #{!!1!!!!!llfiliulfliflflnlenip{##ll i*R 9 12 0 2 Cut-in sward Not f/iillir#ire{ltlriilrlliiliffRfff ! re{M@luflf f#bflufIomffff11111r##9191111!!!!#plizsmoflllNifflf####H#flUlll#tt##Rtfm#04#offmtfaaf#a#feem otmfeetbe#feetHftif #**###!# Location,,601#11 Iff#*fool fell IofffllNi#sfR i Itself fffssflrrllt{ffef#tilf###f*l*r#111s#1111ti#lllifi#tti#iittf 6##***600446006#40*14#1111111#4tf#t# If#####!###4#r#11# .j i t1 Installaflon Consisting of, HtiNlt 1ll/filff10 lf!!#lfflHir**rq# I1/#rtf###ttluf*«g1rNMttfi####lit#f#ti#iffffifififf###4R#t1itfi#@i#iN#ifi#illiti#f off Itself Wiese I food@@#ffiif#f li{{il lii#!#ftf##itfttiftfft#ii*f lrti#fN1#NiftRfq/#U#Jf#itiR Dill!*601I0f140#1#e1011#919II#11f@lrf000ff##116 I toffee 6*191#605#11 off teliee!*tiffffflifUlf#lN•!!#rlItf#ilell!#itR11##i##RI/#lIIHINlt#!###1tt#####f#i#RFi RR#H!i*l1####ft l#1911*lose @@Jeff s@#J#lf@J 1#Joel#Isles I@filmI InstalledBy,44,2&o! ###**####0 Moo 0tole#oMotoffi@R H#slf fee feet off Ito fool @l#f Lic. No. *ssf @@/clef@iffiff Jl@Iifflflolss#If@fissRfffifsffl The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate, and any certificate previously issued is cancelled - This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Capon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall he promptly made,for inspection, Inspectors of this Company shall have the privd, mak.in, n ections at any time, and if its rules are violated, the Company shall have the right tthis rti ate.Dater#*##rt####f#l##i!I# it#I##li/iifl#IHtlf##i*#fffi INSPECTORRul.fiffffff@f� 1#el#!INlI#1R •I##ltffil/it111llitti!!fl#if#* Mpmhpr N.R.P.A. T.A F-1. op Pc.>oI Ilaspectic3zz. Queerisbury F3uilding c'S'c Code Enfc�rcerr;en.t `"'�:'�"'� ���``'` '� �` ©ffce No_ (5 1 8) 76 1 -8256 742 Bay R©ad, Queerisbury, 1�Y 12804 Date rc.ceived.� I�FAME: _- LOCATI©N= _ PEI2Mi`Z` ##: �s�'�CT:�.I�► tJN� ��, . Arrive_ airlfprn Depart: azz�lprr� Inspector's Iriitials_ Abov+� Ground� 4 In.-Grox.�.nd Y N N/A Pa©1 enclosure ar©arid paoi or and �€- fcet abcrv+� grade 2 in+cl� rrxax.im.txn-i clearance to grade from ur2derside of ferice 4 irzcri rrnain�urr� cleararice iri fen.c� . . iciccts _ Nall . +c+r I�c�ors h:a. crc� self closing device or a.la - - s IC30 secor�d Alar-n-i tune) - Ladder secured-in place grid latched Y3►eck gate -: 5 6" to La tcl i rio mere tl=ian %2" spacing ate o eni rt s Gate open outward, self closirx l�'acllocic �►rovided orx gates ar;.d ladder Iridoor pool all dcaors self cI©sirng or alarrraed per A 1 Q 5.2 Iterri. 9 Timer on pool - pump ono lu in tuner- allowed Final electrical ` Ve�-iicle access gate cl©sed � ioclked tic te► �.s�u+� CfC �c�ol Iri�p�:ctiox-i Queensbury Building 8z Code Erifc�rcement ©ffce 1,4a- 4r,518} 761 -8256 742 Bay R©ad, Queensbury, NY 12804 Date received_ IZ�TSPEGTED ON. a.r�/pm Arrive= arai/pm Depart- 't ��� az��fprn Inspector's Iriitials: Above Ground: Ir;-Ground: Pool eaaclosxxre arourid pc►oi or yarcl 4 feet above grad: 2 iuclz max imurn cteara�ce to grade from uriderszde of _ _ ferice 4 inci-i maxirr�urr� cieararicc ir3 fen_c_a icicts LTa.Il or D<Iicws h ve s If cloyir�g d vice or alartzxs +(30 secor�.d A1arx=�.z tim.� . adder sc�circd ix� place arYd iatcbed Deck gate 5 6" to late rio more than %Z" spacing iri ate o eni rt s mate open outward, self closin _ Padlock provided on gates grid IadCICE r Isidoor pool ell doors Self, closirzzg or alarr :d per A+G 105_2 Itt:nz 9 "I`imer on pool pump tu© lu in tirriei- ail©wed Finial electricai Vehicie access gate dosed 8z locked Qk to issue C/C - [ r I --�—'Attention-Mome-Owner- Please!assurr�youu_are-familiar_-with the-�.- -- ----r - 1 r I 4 i Pool Enclosure requirements specific to — You!-pool VV6 will-be-happYl t xeo plain — a wha#Requirements-you-will-have-to -- - meet per Appendix G Qf_the - New York State Residential Gale. - -- II t -- 11 R I I _ � � 0 i I '2 1- I I I� I -Y L I 1 LF� —L..]_ --4- -BUILDa� I c, OA - _ REV}EWED-BY -� WriC,t- _i F-Qut {— FL INSSURY I 4 I --T� CDtNG,gfVD DATE��1- I — —� -.. r I- Cep 1 i l TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, IVY. 12804-5902 www.queensbury.net Permit Applicant Property Owner ANTHONY &JAMIE METIVIER 21 BROOKFIELD Run QUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 (3f 0, Prft Y __ 1 st Notice 2nd Notice The permit listed below expired on : 05/21/2004 _3rd Notice 4th Notice Application Number Permit Number Permit Tyne A20030300 P20030300 Above Ground Pool Our office needs to inspect your pool for compliance to the New York State Pool Enclosure Regulations. Please call our office at 761-8207 or 761-8256 to set up.an inspection. The following items need to be verified for compliance:` _Pool Enclosure Self-closing, self-latching,padlock gate and/or ladder electrical Inspection Doors which are part of enclosure need alarm or self-closing, self-latching device. Pool Timer Sincerelv Charles Dyer Code Enforcement Officer Town of Queensbury Building and Codes Department 07/28/2006 "Home of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " A d id L Ul Ul r Wy -.4 A U U q4uv jo; apvxu iaunS v jo dlelq 0*7 M Sll %3A31S 'O IA3HILVM -Atl MUM SEW fUrISNI ML NVOIN3"Y"HU sv uo/aw swm3oorr.sm SY IVNOLLVN 'ANYS 00ISnU1 JAM 'd 31MVP V *3 ANOHLNV :01(13WILM cz iolO -LO 1 'saWAO IN3W3S8ns NO SNOlLnLLLSNI OL 31WN34WHL iON 3W SNOILYOULLM .No3a3H ausn NOLLrtLLLSNI Mom aw NRINMOO 'AWdMW TULL 3HL 01 JWH38 iw 'a3wd3ad svm AmurtS 3KL now wd O N-I 3HI 01 AINO Nnu TIVHS NOILVOUtLHM SIRL *A3Nsns 013U*?YnLoy Nv NOW Md SVtA clYm SIHL IVRL"LLMO AMIGH I 3WdDHd S380Y C97 LZ 101 V so OD 6 t 101 0) .9 Ln