SurveyHOUSESHED1.4'Remains of Old DockIron Pipe Found Iron Pipe FoundIron Pipe FoundIron Pipe FoundIron Pipe FoundIron Rod FoundBathey Marker FoundIron Pipe Found1.5' North of Property LineArea = 0.4± acresS77°25'00"E243.29'S02°26'10"E 25.20'S84°31'20"W243.66'(Tie Line Only)Shoreline Located 10-17-14Scale: 1" = 20 feet Date: 24 October 2014Surveyors EngineersosLAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK 12845D.ASSOCIATESL.nikciDnSurvey and Map byAntonio & Maria CivitellaTown of Queensbury County of WarrenMapof a survey forSituate inState of New YorkCINIKTENGACID.L.MD1969NAIDIREMS ETAICOSSANOSnorthLake GeorgeQU: 7_1_1 (old)QU: 239.07_1_20 (new)Deed ReferenceGlen S. Harrington, trusteeHarrington Family TrusttoGlen S. HarringtonBook: 1022Page: 108Date: 20 May 1997 Survey of a portion of lands ofDr. Donald G. mac ElroyBy: C.T. Male AssociatesDate: 10 October 1969(unfiled)Map Referenceother than embossed-seal copies may containembossed seal should be relied upon sinceunauthorized and undetectable modifications,Note: Only title surveys bearing the maker'sdeletions, additions, and changes.Education Law.of section 7209, sub-division2, of the New York State bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is a violationUnauthorized alteration or addition to a survey mapMapping NotesTogether with a 25' wide right of way to Knox RoadInset Map: 25' Right of Way to Knox RoadScale: 1" = 100'±KNOXROAD25' ROW25' RO W14.5'10.6'Paved DrivePaved Drive Gravel DriveLands N/F of Vaccaro (4858/14)Lands N/F of Mac Elroy, et al (4258/53)Lands N/F of Pensel (1391/47)Ca p p e d R o d S e tCa p p e d R o d S e tCapped Rod SetCa p p e d R o d S e t HOUSERevised: 27 October 2014Drive, house on south lot.13'±13'±325320330 335330325Capped Rod SetIron Pipe Found 334.6335.1Cap p e d R o d S e t Iron P i p e F o u n d Cap p e d R o d S e t Capped Rod Se t N02°16'30"E 101.52'Revised: 28 Sept. 2020Topography & Tree LocationDockApproximate Mean High Water (320.20')