2003-489 Dunkin Donuts TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20030489 - Application Number: A20030489 Tax Map No: 523400-302-006-0001-010"000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: DUNKIN DONUTS, For property located at: 713 GLEN St in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: CEDAR HOLDING ASSOCIATES Sign 222 GRAND Ave Total Value ENGLEWOOD,NJ 07631 Contractor or Builder's Name Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2003-489 DUNKIN DONUTS 40 SQ FT WALL SIGN AS PER APPLICATION $80.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday,July 08,2004 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the SIGNED By �(Quee ury, July 08,2003 SIGN for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement t. Fee Paid: U. 0o TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Approved By: (518) 761-8256 Permit #: y SIGN PER14IT APPLICATION THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED: 1. Detailed drawing or photo of sign. 2. Plot plan of location of sign. 3. Written consent of the owner of the building or land. OWNER OF PROPERTY Jeremiah Burke ADDRESS 5 Jenee Way, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 TEL. 899-4231 NAME OF APPLICANT S & S Construction Co. , Inc. ADDRESS 303 Spraguetown Road Greenwich, NY 12834 . TEL. 518-692-2221 BUSINESS NAME IF DIFFERENT: -- TYPE AND LOCATION Check What Applies: Existing Permanent X Projecting Sign Temporary Nan-conforming Existing Free-Standing — Wall X_ New Location: Tax Map Number 36a-040 Address Street (Dunkin' Donuts) Proposed Setbacks from Property Line (front) (side) J-ts If sign is to be illuminated, please check appropriate box: Internal (0 , External Incadescent Neon Other Size of Sign: Width . 41-3% ft. Length 9'-3 3/4 ft. Total Square Footage: _ 40 Sign Copy: Dunkin' Donuts w/ Coffee Cup Logo - Color and Material To Be Used: see attached sheen. . . Signature: Cfrcle One: li nt — w'nef t�r�tdr r agent. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE AP L NET TO P 'Ar'J_ASI R BUILDING. Signature of Property Owner. ORIGINAL-Offi e Copy COPY-Applicant a NOTE U T HIS FACE-'�D�SIGN OR, I.TALI. t FAS0A .SIsE GNS ► �'Yl�fON S:-IGN,S IF [�R1U THRQIH ER1/I aE IS :11JCaT':A VAILAB�E'. . a ss to be pans ormed and 0bbo SSE d char alar Grade-:polycarbonate LQ�r t4 be mbc a ed and silk§creen`ed 0n second surgac Bac round to 9 b� whIte 0abn6ts acid Poles to be Roye) ,Tam; PMS 222 DUNKIN', C®ffee_Gup;: Border & Steam t6;beUS #165, VT:279a 3M:vinyl, DG#`�JU7'S, u� sacfc round artd;R to 'be as f _ rrY, #21 VT.25?7 3'M v yI. �D.RI;VE , .. R pbb THR,U fio::be whlteo . PMS r .. .. , n �range��� d. -. ackgraun . to in Itoe ti Y applied.: the Seo nd si�aac y. E i!!Y 12'0 2" SQUARE CONCRETE SN" R5• ` O 3000 PSI OOTING °s ` a°'♦ ( _.� / LIGHT Fl>(ITURE PROPOSED 2 — 3" LAG SCREWS • \ '�� ` 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK ... •• � PROPOSED 6' PAVED `\ \\\ )ITCH WING CURB _ 89 \ �,\ �� GUARDRAIL DETAIL (ALTERNATE PLAN ONLY) Scale: Nona \\\ \ \ PROPOSE WE ALT-- NATE PARKING DETAIL l�r ,; / Nl CR �ETE,a6 � ` ` R,5' �y Typ- \ PROPOSED Scale: 1"=10'-0" �' y% ONE WAY DUT SIGN r,e cGGe BITTU"MOUS PAVEM�NT EXISTI9 SIGN To •o� s;L�\ \\, �,�\�\� �. URELOCATED / ,• / REMAIN!POLE PLANTING �W R8' PROPOSED \ �. UNDERGROUND ? a \ \ ELECTRIC SERVICE // / �•{P PROPOSED 0. 9 VCON(�TE CURB v \ PROPOSED \ /� / d CONCRETE WALK \.o h1 / . . 100 / /I / j% i HANDICAP PARKING \ � Z� -' �/' SIGN PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEIE N' o Existing MH Rim 99.7 (EG) 3 PROPOSED \ k R15, DUNKIN DONUTS v; !� (2244 SF) to / S-1 ►GSED LIGHT FIXTURE PROPOSED S-1 ESCAPED %i MAHDrJF ACCESS LIGHT FVrRW RIB! S'01 �O. (`aE3.LON ) i \ s + t sting E 9. G UI* 975 (E� � 1xIfT Fp('RJtE 0H1iE-7FI1U �• I S�EAPED womm 5PROPOSED / R5' - PROTECTION SOLLAND BOARD b TYP. OF 5 5t FT CONCREI WALK ,��, R5' 3 FT DROP IN 5 FT 30' WADE PO'ENITIAL FUTURE SHARED \ min PROPOSED / ACCESS LOCATION TO BE SHARED - /o� 00,LANDSCAPED AREA 12 WITH THE PROPERTY TO THE SOUTH CENTER LINE OF GUARD RAIL 8"t o/ �'• \ O+� SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET 205- ---PAVED WING TO ��, DIVERT WATER O *22&r 2" MIN r Oi R15' ( PUSSY WILL W SHRUB \� — i �j (TYP. OF 10� / 9114'5r 4"-6' TOPSOIL, PLACE SLOPE PAVEMENT 'PO- STABILIZATION FABRIC AT S-1 CONSTRUCTION GRASS ASAP ` LIGHT FIXTURE �� STANDARD CLEAN FILL `r" 10� GRAVEL BASE PROPOSED ♦O / COMPACTED STRIPING �j� R5 RIO! _---z= zr-_ COMPACTED SUBBASE - z: NOTE: PAVEMENT AND GUARDRAIL FOR ALTERNATE PLAN ONLY EXISTING STREAM FABRIC �•2� a' 12' R40' / Lands n/f of S-2 / Frank J.FIXTU P Parillo / LIGHT RE Book 815 age 241 EDGE Of PAVEMENT DETAIL GRASSED DEPRESSION / Scale: None / TO FILTER RUNOFF I FT LOW IN TER SLOPE M t� w 8^• / APPROX 8'x30' / \ GRASSED STSLOPE MS BW 9' �a• 8�1� � i ZTE DUNKI N DONUTS / RENOVATION OF UPPER GLEN RTI POT ()f NEI a.Ro