04-20-2022Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda Meeting: April 20, 2022 Time: 7:00- 11:00 pm Queensbury Activities Center – 742 Bay Road Agenda subject to change and may be found at: www.queensbury.net Administrative Items: Approval of Meeting Minutes for March 16, 2022 and March 23, 2022 OLD BUSINESS: Applicant(s) Cerrone Land Holdings Area Variance No. AV 5-2022 Owner(s) City of Glens Falls SEQRA Type Type I Coordinated Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering Lot Size 49.98 acres Location Ward No. Sherman Avenue Ward 3 Zoning MDR Tax Id No 301.18-2-1 Section 179-3-040 Cross Ref SUB 2-2022; SUB 7-2021 Warren County Planning n/a Public Hearing January 26, 2022; February 23, 2022; March 16, 2022; March 23, 2022; April 20, 2022 Adirondack Park Agency n/a Project Description: Applicant proposes a 45 residential subdivision of a 49.5 acre parcel. The lots range in size from 0.47 ac. to 1.57 acres. The project includes a homeowners association property. There are to be two access points to Sherman Avenue. The sites would have on site septic and be connected to municipal water supply. Projec t includes a 20 ft. no cut buffer on the north property lines. Planning Board review for a subdivision. Relief requested for lot size and setbacks. NEW BUSINESS: Applicant(s) Queensbury Square LLC Area Variance No AV 13-2022 Owner(s) Queensbury Square LLC SEQRA Type Type II Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering PLLC Lot Size 1.41 acres Location Ward No. 909 State Route 9 Ward 2 Zoning CI Tax Id No 296.17-1-38 Section 179-3-040; 179-13-010; 179- 4-090 Cross Ref SP 23-2022; AV 1-2020; SP 1-2020; AV 78-2017; SP 76-2017; SP 8-2015; AV 59-2010; SP 70-2010 Warren County Planning April 2022 Public Hearing April 20, 2022 Adirondack Park Agency n/a Project Description: Applicant proposes a 9,220 sq. ft. addition to the existing 7,000 sq. ft. liquor store where a 5,460 sq. ft. foundation has been constructed. The total building to be 16,220 sq. ft. The façade has been updated to reflect one building entrance for the addition. The main building to remain the same. Project includes site work for lighting, landscaping, and stormwater. Site plan review for commercial construction in the Commercial Intensive zone. Relief requested for setbacks , expansion of nonconforming structure, and parking. Applicant(s) Hoffman Development Corp. Sign Variance No. SV 3-2022 Owner(s) 919 State Route 9, LLC SEQRA Type Unlisted Agent(s) Frank Palumbo (CT Male) Lot Size 2.01 acres Location Ward No. 919 State Route 9 Ward 2 Zoning CI Tax Id No 296.17-1-42 Section 140 Cross Ref SP 71-2021; PZ-DISC-0005-2021; P-SSE- 0008-2017; PZ-0189-2016; SP 53-2011; SP 57-95; SP 38-90 Warren County Planning April 2022 Public Hearing April 20, 2022 Adirondack Park Agency n/a Project Description: Applicant proposes a 138 sq. ft. freestanding sign. Relief requested for freestanding sign greater than 45 sq. ft. Any further business that the Chairman determines may be properly brought before the Zoning Board of Appeals L:\Karen Dwyre - Zoning Office\ZBA Monthly 2022\April 20, 2022\ZBA Final Agenda April 20, 2022.docx