NOVEMBER 7, 1985 7:30 P.M.
Mrs. Frances Walter-Supervisor \
Mr. Daniel Olson-Councilman
Dr. Charles Eisenhart-Councilman
Mr. Daniel Morrell-Councilman
Mrs. Betty Monahan-Councilman
Mr. Wilson Mathias-Town Counsel
PRESS: G.F. Post Star
�- GUESTS: Representatives of the Crandall Library, Mr. Anthony Palangi,
Mr. George Kurosaka
TOWN OFFICIALS: Mr. Paul Naylor, Mr. Peter Brault
Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilman Eisenhart
1986 Town Budget Notice Shown 7:34 P.M.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-The appropriations for the General Funds $5,119,335.
revenues in that category $4,600,455. in the special districts we have
a total appropriation of $1,937,229. and revenues of $924,180. in both
of those categories you see that the revenues do not equal the appropriation
and therefore there is an amount to be raised by taxes. That amount
can be adjusted by applying a fund balance which will be determined by
the middle of December, to help alleviate the tax burden on the people.
In the budget we have looked at a new maintenance position in the recreation
dept. because of the expansion of recreation facilities, we are looking
for a full time position in the Building & Zoning Dept. because of the
growth in the Town of Queensbury and we are looking for a full time position
in the assessment dept. We also have a line for Town Historian with
a small budget and this is not a new position but one that has not been
filled for the past eight or nine years. We are increasing our building
and grounds budget because of a lighting project at the town office and
we are providing for maintenance for off premises signs around the Town.
Our highway budget has increased by seven percent, that is a modest increase
considering that the Town is adding to its road inventory all the time.
I have noted before that, in our insurance premiums, we will have some
kind of specific word in mid November, we are looking at least double
and perhaps more than that. We have projected our sales tax at two million
dollars, that is based on the fact that it has been going up substantially
for the past two years I would assume that with the economy the way it
is, it would be equal to what we have received this year. I have looked
at our mortgage tax which has doubled, that is again due to the building
boom. Asked for Public Input. . .
MR. RICHARD HOPKINS-Representative from Crandall Library-Lynnfield Drive-Requested
that each municipality, Glens Falls, Moreau and Queensbury raise its
donation to $6.00 per capita which is half the most recent statewide
average. . .there are a few things we would like to do with the extra money,
keep Sunday hours 1 to 5 P.M. , we have spent the same dollar amount every
` - year but each year the number of books that can be purchased is reduced
due to cost of books we would like to increase the budget by $15,000
to buy more books. . .put in audio visual aids and equipment $12,000 . . .
deferred maintenance that needs to be taken care of, we are also under
an edict that we have to automate all the records, we are trying to put
aside a reserve for that $5,000. . .We are asking for a total from the
Town of Queensbury of $113,868.
COUNCILMAN OLSON-Regarding Sunday opening, $16,000. ?
MR. RICHARD HOPKINS-That is a total for lights, heat, salaries, insurance. . .
that would be from September to June. . .
COUNCILMAN OLSON-Are there other hours that you might shave off from?
MS. MCDONALD-I have looked at the hours and they have been that way for
thirty-forty years and we would like to keep them that way. . .the only
thing we can do if we do not get our request is reduce the number of
Sundays. . .We are required to be open 55 hours a week and we are open
64 hours. . .
MR. MIKE GINSBURG-The key issue is how to maintain our institution, our
collection at a level of excellence. . .we are talking about $6.00 per
capita. . .
Ms. ANN (UNKNOWN)-Town of Moreau-We would like to make this a three community
effort, each community contributing the same amount per capita, G.F.
has given us practically the dollars per capita, the Town of Moreau is
reconsidering its amount we would like the Town of Queensbury to join
COUNCILMAN MORRELL-There was a building on South Street referred to as
the Crandall Block, the revenues from the rent were to be turned over
to the Library, questioned if that was still happening?
MR. HOPKINS-Reviewed the history of the Crandall Trust—the Crandall
Trust has divested itself of all real property except Crandall Library—the
Crandall Library is the sole beneficiary of the Crandall Trust. . .
COUNCILMAN EISENHART-We have a budget figure of 29%increase, I think
that, this is enough in my opinion. I think that 29% over last year is
a good solid increase over what we have been doing, we have to have some
responsibility to the taxpayers of the area, I am not willing to go any
MR. GINSBURG-. . .We re trying hard to play catch up from a very bad position
in a time of non-inflation. . .we are asking for 40% of the average municipal
support for libraries, this is a very rich town right now. . .
MS. SUE MORRIS-Resident of Glens Falls-I think it is time for the Town
of Queensbury to start paying its own way, I feel that you are expecting
other communities to subsidize you, Queensbury happens to be the wealthiest
and fastest growing community around here. I do not think you are doing y
your moral duty.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-I think that what we have heard here is the lack of
good management, that the library is now coming back and we are being
told that we are not meeting our moral responsibilities, I do not think
that is fair. A 29% increase, double digit over 1983, we have been generous,
we have to serve a lot of other accounts. . .
COUNCILMAN OLSON-I do not think it is fair for people of other communities
to compare their communities with us. . .
MS. JEAN DAVIS-Crandall Library-Glens Falls Resident-We are grateful to
the Board for the services that they have given Crandall Library. . .we
would like to expand services. . .we need your support. . .we would like
it raised to $6.00 per capita. . .
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Recommended that the Board review the Library Budget
at a workshop session. . .
MR. FRED FISHER-Hyde Museum-We as the library provide a quality of life
for our region and not just our community, I would hope that the Town "J
recognizes what the Hyde Collection does for your community. Our goal
is to enlarge upon the visibility of our institution to bring people
to this region that is one of the most important things that we can do.
Reviewed the basic programs offered by the Hyde. . .
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Thanked Mr. Fisher for the work that you have been
doing, which is more visible than it used to be. . .the children have been
very well received there.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked for public comments. . .noted that budgets were
available in the Town Clerk's Office. . .
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Page 12 of the Preliminary Budget, I would like to
put in an item for evaluation and testing of the landfill for $20,000
it is a possibility that we might get some of this for free. I think
it is time that this problem is addressed and we start providing for
SUPERVISOR WALTER-I want to correct your grammar, do you know that there
is a problem? I think you are looking at a situation rather than a problem,I
think it is important that we clarify the reasoning, that there is no
known problem there, you are interested in doing further testing as far
as the town is concerned for our records.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-I am really asking for a evaluation of what is in
there, an evaluation of whether we should be doing any further testing.
I want to clarify the situation that we have at the landfill.
COUNCILMAN OLSON-The landfill wells are tested by Environment One. . .
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-But the thing is that those tests were set up by the
State several years ago, the state has never taken any further position
in the light of new technology, in the light of new chemicals in the
market place and the light of things that are being done in other industries
that you have to declare what you have on site. You have to report to
the fire companies, your common carriers have to declare what they have
on board. I think we have to get into 1985 and start doing more evaluation.
I think we must be a leader, we are concerned, while we may find nothing
more than we have to test for, but at least we are going to know.. .
COUNCILMAN OLSON-Are you suggesting more wells?
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-No, I am suggesting that we have an outside firm who
has an expertise in this type of operation come in an evaluate what is
there and whether they think we need further test wells, whether or not
they think we need different types of testing, in otherwords none of
us have any experise in this field. This is an area that is over the
national average in cancer and in heart, I feel not only just for those
reasons but when people are concerned whether they can open their taps
_ and whether or not the water they put in their mouths is safe for them
to do so, perhaps to do our jobs to alay those fears, I feel we are not
doing our job.
COUNCILMAN EISENHART-I am opposed, because through the years we have
had impacts from the State at various times, I do not know what they
will come up with next year. .
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-In the form of a motion, I would like to add $20,000
to the landfill budget as a line item for evaluation and testing by a
firm that has expertise in this field. (under .440) Seconded by Councilman
Morrell. . .
COUNCILMAN OLSON-Are you asking that the monies be in a fund if it is
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-At least the evaluation, we may get this free, I think
E it is time that we expend the money and find out what the situation is
SUPERVISOR WALTER-I would add, I would prefer to see what it would cost
to get further information, to find out through a scope of services what
the cost would be, I say that, because an additional dollars will be
raised by taxes. . .they will be shared by the City of Glens Falls, the
— city thorugh its mayor has looked the budget over (joint landfill budget)
and has given its approval based upon a fact that we are looking to raise
less money than last year.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-We talk about the share of the City of Glens Falls,
but what about the people with the inconvenience on Ridge Road, we have
our land that is being used, we have our people who's health may be on
the line and we are worrying that it might cost Glens Falls a few more
SUPERVISOR WALTER-I am not worried, I am saying that we should have them
take a look at any changes that we make in the budget.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-My point in putting this in now, is to make sure that
it is done. I want some guarantee from this Town Board that this situation
is going to go forward.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-$20,000 would be for someone to look at the landfill
to do a study of it and construction of any wells would be in addition
to that.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-How do you want to handle this so it is done in 1986
not 1987. The problem is that we have not faced our responsibility
for that landfill. --�
SUPERVISOR WALTER- I disagree wholeheartedly. . .We were the only permitted
landfill in the whole territory, leads me to believe that we have met
the testing and found that there is nothing wrong, with the testing that
has been done on a quarterly basis.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-We are no longer a permitted landfill. . .
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Because no landfills are permitted. The Town landfill
does not accept hazardous materials, and the Landfill Supt. when he is
asked to take materials that are not familiar to him, checks with ENCON
to find out what is going in and at times has turned materials away from
the Landfill. . . I think that we are not going to adopt the budget this
evening, that between now and the time we adopt it, we should look into
what it will cost and only add those dollars in if this Board sees fit
to add any dollars.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-I think we should get a firm with the expertise to
come in here and look the whole situation over, are we posting it correctly,
are we doing a lot of things correctly, are we testing for the right
things, are we testing where we should be testing?
COUNCILMAN OLSON-This would be in addition to ENCON?
COUNCILMAN OLSON-Asked if Mrs. Monahan could get some figures together
before the Budget is adopted. . .
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-I can try. . .this is something the landfill committee
should have been doing. What we need is the history of the landfill
as much as we can get.
COUNCILMAN EISENHART-I move that the matter be tabled for further information.seconded
by Mrs. Frances Walter-no vote taken. . .
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-I will withdraw my original motion and rephrase it
this way, when the budget comes in front of us for adoption, there will
be a line item in this budget for evaluation and testing at the landfill.
COUNCILMAN MORRELL-I will withdraw my second from the previous motion. . .
SUPERVISOR WALTER- I wished that you would have come forward instead
of just a figure, you would have indicated the scope of services as to
what you would like to have done.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-I have indicated it in private conversations several
times in the past. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 243, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
RESOLVED, that there will be line item or an addition to the contractual
line for money for evaluation of the landfill and further testing if
required after an evaluation is done before the adoption of the 1986
The following vote was taken:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mrs. Monahan
Noes: Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Walter
Absent: None
MR. ANTHONY PALANGI-I would like to suggest that Town Water be extended
to the landfill area . . .
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Reviewed the procedure of extending Town Water. . .they
cannot afford it and the State Comptroller would never approve what it
would cost. . .what we have to do is to keep extending the water, so it
is closer and closer. . .
COUNCILMAN OLSON-I have spoken to the Board about a capital fund for
South Queensbury under A9955.9 increasing the preliminary to a total
of $30,000. . . .$10,000 would not complete the project but would be a
start. . .neighborhood park. . .
COUNCILMAN EISENHART-I do not like to earmark those funds, we do not
know what will come up next year. . .we could put the capital in and use
it as needed.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-We should make this known to the public that the South
Queensbury Recreation Area is not just for the youth but for all ages. . .
RESOLUTION NO.' 244, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan:
RESOLVED, that A9955.9 Capital Project Youth Programs be increase by
$10,000 to be earmarked for South Queensbury Recreation Area, total for
A9955.9 to be listed as $30,000.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
COUNCILMAN ELECT KUROSAKA-I am in favor of earmarking $10,000 for South
Queensbury Recreation Area. . .
COUNCILMAN ELECT MONTESI-I am also in favor of that. . .
SUPERVISOR WALTER-There will be a special Town Board Meeting at 7:30
P.M. on November 19th 1985. . . .adopt Town Board Budget.. .
F The following changes are to be noted in the Preliminary Budget. . .
A1010.100 - $19,600.
A1220.100 - $78,925.
A1440.440 - $45,000.
A1620.445 - $ 3,500.
A7520.440 - $ 3,000.
A71�'0.440 - $ 2,500.
A9955.9 - $30,000.
A3005 -$150,000.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN- What is the landfill split between Qsby. and G.F.
SUPERVISOR WALTER- 52/48 . . .in the 1985 budget revenues you see a big
difference because the $25,000. that they pay to us because they are
there, has no relationship to the contract. . .
Asked for further input, hearing none the Public Hearing on the 1986
Budget is Closed. 9:06 P.M.
Notice Shown
SUPERVISOR WALTER-As the Budget Officer I have decreased FRS based on
approximately 3/4 of what we will receive this year. That reasoning
is that FRS there is no where that appears in legislation at this point
and that the Federal Budget ends on September 30th of 1986, unless there
is a change of heart with Congress we will see no more revenue sharing
funds, for 1987. We have looked at building equipment for $20,000 mostly
for additional computer outlets in the various dept. (Town Clerk's Office,
Highway Supt. Office and one other office that we will designate next
year) the other dollars would go to Highway Repair $86,100. the third
area where FRS appear, would be in drainage $30,000. Asked for public
input. . .hearing none the public hearing was closed. . .9:10 P.M.
RESOLUTION NO. 245, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Morrell who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury wishes to enter into an agreement with
the Greater Glens Falls Transit System under the sponsorship of the City
of Glens Falls to allow the City of Glens Falls to provide and erect
bus stop shelters along the transit system bus routes upon property owned
by the Town of Queensbury, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to enter into
such agreement with the City of Glens Falls, copy of such agreement attached.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
(Copy of agreement on file in Town Clerk's Office)
DISCUSSION-Held before vote:Councilman Monahan-I see that the City is
responsible for this but our Highway Dept. has done the work. . .Supervisor
we will bill the City of Glens Falls for the work that we did. . .add to
the contract the following (E. The City shall reimburse the Town for
any of the activities heretofore agreed to by the City that the Town
performs. )Councilman Morrell-questioned the use of the shelters for signs. . .
Supervisor Walter-they will have to conform to our sign ordinance. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 246, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for
its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell:
WHEREAS, the City of Glens Falls has recently submitted to the Town Board
of the Town of Queensbury, for its consideration, a Transportation Agreement
which provides for the delivery of regular, public service transportation
to, through, and among the corporate limits and locations of the Town
of Queensbury, City of Glens Falls and five adjacent municipalities,
WHEREAS, the Transportation Agreement is for a period commencing on May
1, 1985 and shall end on December 31, 1986 and provides for the initial
payment by the Town of Queensbury of $14,142. towards anticipated operation
and maintenance general expenses for the period May 1, 1985 through December
31, 1986, as set forth in the attached APPENDIX A. The Town of Queensbury 2 61
shall thereafter pay to the City its proportionate share of the local
budget in an amount not exceeding amount stated as per Article IV of
the contract addendum.
WHEREAS, the Town has negotiated an Addendum to the said Transportation
Agreement further clarifying and specifying the town's rights and obligations
under the said Transportation Agreement, which addendum provides for
the creation of a City-Queensbury Transportion Committee, the specific
limitation on Town of Queensbury further expenditures under the said
Transportation Agreement, and the provision of a financial statement
by the City of the Town of Queensbury on a semi-annual basis, the limitation
on Queensbury expenditures, and
WHEREAS, the Transportation Agreement as amended establishes public service
transportation through the Town of Queensbury and which public service
transportation will be beneficial to the people of the Town of Queensbury,
now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury is hereby authorized
to execute the aforesaid Transportation Agreements and addendum to Transportation
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
(Appendix A on file in Town Clerk's Office. )
-Ltr. Building Inspector-Mack Dean-request permission to attend Building
Codes School
RESOLUTION NO. 247, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for
its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan:
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to the Building Inspector
Mr. Mack Dean to attend the State of N.Y. Dept. of State Codes School
at the Town of Bethlehem on November 12, 1985 from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00
P.M.and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authoirzes all reasonable and necessary
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
9:20 P.M.
Mr. Paul Naylor-Noted that the Town has four new roads to look at. . .
Town Clerk-Donald Chase: Reviewed the roads as follows:
No deeds on file. . .
VanCourt and Pinion Pine Lane-Ltr. from Mr. Naylor and Town Counsel
no mileage report. . .no report from Water Dept.
Pincroft Drive-Stonehurst Dr. and Thistlewood Drive--Ltr. from Counsel,
Water Dept. and Highway and no mileage report
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk