210 OFFICE OF THE ZONING INSPECTOR Building PERMIT NO.- 21Q August 26, 1968 Date Date Denied M Glenstone Associates Inc. Owner L a is, N.Y. e Glens Fa Addr P.O. Box 181+ l ss ca West side of Whipporwill Drivej ca . 'Queens 0 Location M Type of Construction Wood frume, 11 0 1, Proposed Use Dwe4j;j& (q6 �eL ,-fa1,J,1 _y Glenstone Assoc tes �' �' 1-1 a1� 11 . 0 �' ) 0 ; 1 11 11 1 � ' 11 1 o "! 1 a o 1, ,, I o ", . s c r, , n . . - Box 181+ Glens Address 1 0 1 1 C 0 :, a P.O.} "�. I I " I .' � ' n .' 0 Glens Same as above Bua'..1det Q 1 11 1 1 0 0 . 1, a 4 0 Addrl,ss P14ns and Specifications ro., -kpplication PERMISSION is hereby grant-(id to the above. owner for the construc- tion of a building in ar.,cardance to application Noa together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved, and in compliance wi;i..'h the Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance., Date Building Permit StAall Expire August 31 Permit Fee 10.00 Zoning lospec r Form # 4 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Warren Co.;nty, New York Office of the Zoning Inspector ADPLICATION FOR A BUILLIN T ?ERMIT Location of Property •��,��pOY.�lr'!5'•. . . . a•�.r:�i�'ie�a�, S�`Ce+t, or le Application ado; . . . . . .. « . .... .. a-. . .• .•.. .. .Liled� a.. .. . . .�3.9e• . .• Plan Noe'w •o •ease . .. .. .. .•. ..... e. , .. .. ♦. .. . .e ...PermitrQaweae• a• ra•••• Owner ;,,.��e � T4 �°. ..(��.r�S?r .e•. .iT, aeee .• •a.a1 goo ae.e,a *wa.r••• 4 �� of �;. . Archit:eCt w� •.41: e��R•a •• •• • •••a, �i,aA`ve•.• • ►• 006e6 •► a00ar• •o •aeesglssae••e Builder .•as.•�.�•.� •}•�• o ••.•e •„.4 ►.a,� � � • ► i C • e% • . ��Sf'ie'•iT�Y�e"e'+cq Type of Bui l.dirg ..1..:�43':�.�T. .::;°+�•. �, .a;u:+P s.. . ...... . . .•.. .... .>.. .. ... Building t,o b8e ,. .{. ..Feet jilo- . aY.YrFeet Long. • . Stories °'high Estimated Cost of Building ,. • ' �: q "Oe'.� e e •e� �e• •► • •1e:� t.4.. a q ..�M fie.;•• •a•e• Propoey ed 17s a o.f., Building e.1..Lam+ . 0 a. .. n.q .. ... Are e Ahy Other uuildings on the;; ►emisea? .,.. Q► ►,,'w . ,�•.. , .... Is any Exis'tin . .building to be reins ]. a edY . ...j o. a e., a .. ,• . ...:... . .. .. . Is the; Work New;: Cons truction,R RApA%--x4, or Remodeling?;;,. ' Late Buildi ig ?ermit Shall Expire4D . .e 9e •... Three aooies';of a plot plan dra�tx� ' scale.: showing the actu&1V dimen- sions of the lot to be built up4ny � eaeat `siaa and location pn the lot af` tha builping .and accessor' b -dings to be erected stet ached to tf�i� apv'l fiction, . e , � 'The undersi gr eci hereby agrees' to aomr�l� in the said conisuruat on with all tha p�av `d'ions of the. `.oning Ordnance s�� adopted,: of the. Tp�n oP Queensbu �4a; ( f perms t is granted it Will by on ccnuition that bulldIng al- terl ton be completed aft;}dat.s: to.; be 'fixad by honing lneator, ana .npt so completed permitlall be revoked by hiYn..� [l.'.Jl'-iilil,Y Ul,' A,• W 4t ••_• • •• r • . • •! •a• a,it•.•1:6 x• .'a e . w • • a e a a a a •a e A!•�16 4 P E'w.•t`•• • ,r••• .• a • • R.•:• a..•.}.!.a ••f A • • •• . r• • • • • •• • ••• • a;r;:••{4•a •• • • •,• • • a••. • 6 •O • M • • ►J•4k t;• a • a w •• ••r••'•1%a.11..,*RA q .*0.•..a •a•• •e • •a •• ••• • •e • ••• • •• • •• • I :bereby aree that all work and .materials will be in . striat con- fromit;r wi1:.h he Taws governing building in -this Town, and further agree to poet conspicuously a copy Of the' tiding Permit, protected.- from the we�attier, on the pre/arises affected, 6d. U.L .A. • • e•e • •. I ee ea••• � 4 `L S i gnatur e ,;k t• • •r •j �i .�•Y�TTiTi•Yi iY•,i "br'j"e rli�r stern Arahiteat of Agent "Ile 3t tke out fnanb*booriate Pro-vision)