2003-834 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 BayRoad,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 CERT IFICATE OF, OCCUPANCY Permit Number: P20030834 Date Issued: Monday,March.01,2004 .This is tocertify that work requested to be done as'shown-by Permit-Number -:. n y P20030834 has beetcompleted. Tax Map Number: 523400-308-008.0001=064-000-0000 Location: 4 KYLIANS,Way Owner: BURNT HILLS LLC Applicant: CLUTE ENTERPRISES INC. This structure may be occupied'as a: By Otdet of Town Boatd Garage-2-Cars Attached TOWN of QUEENSBURY Single Family Dwelling Duector of Building&Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20030834 Application Number: A20030834 Tax Map No: 523400-308-008-0001-064-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: CT,I TTF,FNTF.RPRTSF,S TNC. For property located at: 4 KYLIANS Way in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Constructi value Owner Address: BURNT HILLS LLC 15 F BIRDIE Dr Garage-2 Cars Attached QUEENSBURY NY 12804-0000 Single Family Dwelling $110,000 00 Total Value $110,000.00 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency CLUTE ENTERPRISES INC. 13 DAWN Rd OTTEENSBTTRY_ NY 12804 Plans&Specifications 2003-834 LOT#10 HSE#4 KYLIAN'S WAY 1232 SQ FT SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH 2'CAR ATTACBED GARAGE AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS $205.44 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday, October 07, 2004 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the T Queens ury; Tuesday, October 07,2003 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Buildin o Enforcement Building Permit A,pp1 cat1on. Town of Queensbury—Dept of Community be'velopnW,nt,742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY (SI8)761=8 56, I A permit must be obtained before beginning construction.,' ! Permit File No.�O 3- No inspection will be made until applicant has received a.' Fee Paid $ S.1-4valid building permit. All applicants' spaces on this : "' ' Rea.Fee Paid $ application must be completed and must appear on the Reviewed By: application form. Applicant: �.�-V- I r=-,� Address: %11�!, C:>V` .. -. loch Address: $4 Phone#(ta)323 - —t:)-r-7 Phone#(_) - � PAID Property Location: Lot Number: LAC>'/ House Number L-f 26� Subdivision Name: Tax Map Number: Iar New Buildin residdeenc commercial 'Estimated Market Value of Construction:$ L t�f 0.0 0 Addition: residence/ commercial ff*114 Addition,what will use of new addition be? 0 Alteration: residence/ commercial 0 No change to exterior size: residence/com'l, 0 Other work{describe Check Occupancylnformation 1` Floor_ :;,Z'a Floor Other floor Total Below sq,ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. Square Feet Single family dwelling';•', 0 Two family dwelling 0 Townhouse ! 0 Multifamily dwelling #of units C i 0 1 2003 0 Office 0 Mercantile TOWN OF QUEE 51:5ur 0 Maaufactutin PLIM A U 0 1 car detached garage 0 2 oar detached garage 0 3 car detached garage 0 1 car attached garage ! ' 2 car attached garage - '0 3 car attached garage 0 Storage building- i. commercial 0 Storage building- residential 0 Other What is the proposed height of the stricture feet inches Will any second-hand or ungraded.lumber be used? If so;for what? Type of Ideating System electric/ of as/ ood /forced hot air! baseboard I other: Number of Ftrenlaces to be installed :Number'of Woodstoves to be installed List below the person(s)responsible for supervision of work as regards to building codes: Name f Atidress Phone Number Builder Plumber F .f Mason Y Electrician Declaration: please sign below after you have carefully lead the statement To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and specifications submitted,are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code,the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether spe ' d,and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further,it is understood that I/we shall submit,prior ertificate of c Compliance being issued,as requested by the Zoning Adrtlinistr r or Director of g and Cod s t v by a licensed surveyor;drawn to scale,showing actual locati f all new cons Si tore:' owner,owner's agent,architect,contractor Application for Permit— S;epilc Disposal System .Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road,Queerisbury,My 12804 (518) 761-8256 1. OWNER INFORMATION: � . ' : :• ,f ' Location of insta Office Use -.............................3 File Permit i tv Tax Map No. !cm � { `i.� � � j Owner's Name: �� ; C- Fee Paid _.............................. ........................wN................ Address: 2. INSTALLER'S NAME : t�,' �1-..L— �4--�o---`` - PHONE NO. t3 —7a 77 ' 3. RESIDENCE INFORMATION: (circle year of dwelling,indicate#bedroom(s) and multiply#.of bedrooms with Applicable'.:galions per bedroom to equal total daily flow) , 3 . Year of House: No of Bedrooms x Computation — Total Daily Flow 1980 or older x 156'gal/bdrm = 1980— 1991 x 130 gal/bdrm = 1991—present 7z'.. x 110 gal/bdrm = Garbage Grinder Installed yes / no Spa or Hot Tub Installed yes_ / no=5 4. PARCEL INFORMATION: (circle applicable informatidn&indicate measurements) Too a h a Ground Water ' Bedrock r Im envious Materialteshc a u 1 san atwhat'depth at what deptho ing oam feet feet Steep slope clay ll; water supply/o slope other any septic-system depth: absorption is ft. other Percolation Test: (To be completed by licensed pro"cssonal engineer or architect) Rate: minute per inch 5. PROPOSED SYSTEM: For New Construction: All individual sewage disposal systems must be designed by a licensed professional engineer or architect(unless installed in a Planning Board approved subdivision). Add 250 gallons to the size of the septic tank and leach field for each Garbage Grinder;Spa or Whirlpool Tub. Septic Tank: t IO gallon(min. size 1,000 gal.) Tile Field: each trench `cl ft. Total System Length: --C�Z) ft. Seepage Pit(s): number of size;of each: ft. by ft. Size of Stone to be used: # / depth or thickness feet Bed System Size: ,x Alternative System: length and/or size 6. HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) T'. Number of tanks: / Size of each: gallons /TOTAL Capacity: gallons Note: Alarm System and associated electrical York must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency. 7. SIGNATURE &INFORMATION FOR RESPQNSIBLE PERSON(please read) For your protection,please note that p*-tiiant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queensbury, any permit or`approyal'.gra�tcd which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or ehalf of ati applicant, shall be void. I have rea a regulati n respe, this an `lication and agree to abide by these and all requir ents of the o f Queens Sanit Sewage Disposal Ordinance. ANarreiture of responsible person Date ENERGY CODE COWLIANCE-APPLICAT'ION . TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY . 9000 BEAT ING DEGREE DAYS 9 Compliance Methods:Part'5 Acceptable Practice Method- l&2 Family Dwellings(oy 2003 Part 6*-Thermal.Rating—Component trade Offs 1&2 Family LYwe ling, ,Multi=Family Dwellings(3 Stories or less) o n E+,5 Part 4*-Design by Component Performance,Commercial Bdings Rise Residential *Requires submission of worksheets , APPLICANT'S NAME: PROPS LOCATION: � PART 5 METHOD OF COMPLIANCE BY ACCEPTABLE PRACTICE; 1. Gross Floor Area DL�Z) square feet 2. Type of heat- Electric . Oi< Other 3. is building mechanically cooled? No Percentage ofarea of windows and doors = Over 17% LL Under-17% _ 5. R=VALUES FOR INSULATION GIVEN BELOW MUST CORRESPOND TO R VALUES AS ` SHOWN ON PLANS SUBMITTED: a: Roof R 3C) b. Exterior walls R 9 C. Glazed areas R d. Exterior doors R e. Floors over unheated spaces . R -- f. Edge of slab on grade.(Heated building) R g. Basement/cellar walls(above grade) R t '� h. Basement/cellar walls(below grade) . R i i i. Heatinglcooling-ducts-piping in unheated space R 6. Service(domestic)hot water heating device Conforms to minimum efficiency per code_ Yes No Mp CQ MUM SETTING 140—WILL NOT BE EXEEDED plie is a Date Phone Namber INSP CTOR'S MARKS: IT APPLICATION FOR-PUBLIC ACCESS TO RECORDS lt ° TO: TOWN OF'QUEENSBURY RECORDS ACCESS OFFICE 6`5= 742 BAY ROAD ` f�":., :�� ;{� v n� QUEENSBURY, N.Y. 12804 y.` C�" CE I, hereby apply to inspect the following records. t EXPLAIN PURPOSE: -mco� -1 Lack— APPLICANTS NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: i AGENCY USE APPROVED DENIED Record of which this agency is legal Custodian cannot be found: Signature/Title Date: rwwrrrrwrrrrrrwrrww rrrrAwrwrrwwrrrwrwrnwwrrr..rrrrrrrrr ' N13ME, You have a right to appeala denfal of this applfcatfon to the Head of the Agency,who must fullyeuplain hfs reasons forsuch denlalln writing seven days ofrecelpt of an appeal. Iherebyappeal.• Signature TOWN OF QUEENSOURY,TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 742 DAY ROAD,QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12804 E-MAIL townclerk(Mqueensbunr.net Fax No. (5181745-4474 Phone No.(518)761-8234 Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement - Residential Final Inspection Office No. (518)761-8256 Arrive: rt: Date Inspection request received: Inspector's Initia NAME: RMIT M LOCATION: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Chimney Ht./"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake 16� 3 inch Plumb Vent through roof minimum 6" Roof Complete/Exterior Finish Complete Guard 30 in. or more @ stairs,decks,patios Guard at stairwell at 34 in. or more Guard at deck,porches 36 in,or more Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railings 34 in.to 38 in. Platform at all exterior doors Interior Handrails stairs 2 or more risers Enclosed Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum V2" Gnsum Grade away from foundation 6 in. with 10 ft. Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall 6 inch clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18"above grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 ft. or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating Low water shut-off boiler Relief Valve(s)installed/Heat Trap/Water Temp 110 Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36 in. Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safety glazing/Window in stairwells safety glazing Interior Smoke Detectors: Every level: _ / Every Bedroom: 411 Outside every bedroom area: Inter Connected: — / Battery backup: Carbon Monoxide Detector Bathroom Fans,if no window Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation Floor truss, draft stopping finished basement 1,000 sf Emergency egress below grade Basement stairs closed rise>4 inches Garage Floor Pitched Garage fireproofing/'/4 hour fire door/door closer Duct work Sealed properly Gas Logs in Sealed or Glass Enclosure Attic access 30 in.x 22 in.x 30 in.(ht.)In accessible area Crawl Spaces 18"x 24"access, I sq. ft.-150 sq.ft. vents Building No./Address visible from road Final Electrical Site Plan /Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System/Sewer Dept.Inspection Sticker Flood Plain Certification, if required Oka to issue C/C orC/0 (Temporary/Permanent] L:\PamWlBuildiniz&Codes\lnsvection Forms\Res. Final Insm form 2.docLast minted 2/12/04 I / Queensbury Building & Code EnfoI cement - Residential Final Inspection Office No. 518 761-8256 /t - Arrive: a n D rt- _ am/ Date Inspection request received: Inspector's Initials: _ r NAME: ==���� -% IT#: LOCATION: FATE: v, _— -- TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N NlA Chimney Ht./"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake 3 inch Plumb Vent through roof minimum 6" Roof Complete/Exterior Finish Com fete Guard 30 in.or more @ stairs,decks,patios Guard at stairwell at 34 in.or more Guard at deck,porches 36 in. or more Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railin s 34 in. to 38 in. Platform at all exterior doors Interior Handrails stairs 2 or more risers Enclosed Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum %Z" G sum Grade awa •from foundation 6 in. with 10 ft. �f ` ` Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall � — C_ -7iVVT� lj 6 inch clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18"above grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 ft. or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating Low water shut-aff boiler Relief Valves installed/Heat Trap/Water Temp 110 Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36 in. Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safety glazing/Window in stairwells sa ty glazing Interior Smoke Dete ors: / Every level: / EveryBedrgetm: V Outside every bedroom aria: ✓ / Inter Connected: c/ 1 Battery backu v/ Carbon Monoxide Detector Bathroom Fans, if no window Plumbing,fixtures Foundation insulation Floor truss,draft stopping finished basement 1,000 sf X �i_� 1v Emer enc a ress below grade Basement stairs closed rise>4 inches g Garage Floor Pitched Garage fireproofing/1/4 hour fire door/door closer Duct work Sealed properly Gas Logs in Sealed or Glass Enclosure Attic access 30 in.x 22 in.x 30 in.(ht.)In accessible area Crawl Spaces I8"x 24"access, 1 s . ft.-150 s .ft. vents Building No./Address visible from road Final Electrical Site Plan /Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System/Sewer Dept.Inspection Sticker Flood Plain Certification, if required Okay to issue C/C or C/C} Temporary/Permanent] L:1PamW\Building&Codes\Inspection FormslRes. Final Insr,.form 2.docLast printed 2/12/04 Residential Final Inspection Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection reque - ei Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: pra D art: 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initi s. NAME: T#: LOCATION: ia Y:)N x--%A.t�6 t� ATE: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Chimney Ht./"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake 3 inch Plumb Vent through roof V. Roof lete Guard 30 in.or more @ stairs,decks,patios Guard at stairwell at 34 in. or more Guard at deck,porches 36 in.or more Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railings 34 in.to 38 in. Platform at all exterior doors Interior Handrails stairs 2 or more risers Grade away from foundation 6 in.with 10 fte Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall 8 inch clearance to sill plate e-;3z'� Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18"above grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 ft. or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating -Low water shut-off boiler Relief Valve s)installed V Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36 in. Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safety glazing A, Window in stairwells safety glazing Interior Smoke Dete rs: 1-11 Every level: E�y�Bed _M: Outside every bedroom Inter Conned: 7/* Batter ybackup: Bathroom Fans,if no window V/1 Carbon Monoxide detector Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation A Floor truss,draft stopping finished basement 1,000 sf / Emergency egress below grade Basement stairs closed rise>4 inches %hour fire door/door closer Garage fireproofing Duct work Sealed properly Attic access 30 in.x 24 in.x 30 in.(ht.)In accessible ar:ei::� Crawl Spaces 18"x 24"access, I sq.ft.-150 sq. ft.vents Building No./Address visible from road Final Electrical Site Plan /Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System/Sewer Dept.Inspection Sticker Flood Plain Certification, if required Okay to issue C/C(Cert. Of Compliance) Okay to issue Temporary C 0(Cert. Of Occupancy) Okay to issue Permanent C I 0(Cert.Of Occupan y) L:\SueHen-dngNvayABuilding.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Res.Final Insp.form 2.doc edited January 28,2003 0ro0111 Z t M M ' 1 0 N N 'MHNN iron HroadrzU H H r k k H M H H a z 0 x z 0 p 0 a z z z Z p H H H "� 0 H C 0 r a 0 C H (A0 ro H n a a M > U 0 U H H a M r M M n M z 0 H g M ro x Cy H 0 r H H H I H x 0 , M H H , z rH , H c ro nnn0u� ddza0PH � v� N ZHxH z0 H H l� Hmr � a000 00a 000za ao � .0 z N c r ro ro ro 0 0 z 0 P H c G� H fA z rn N z ro ro H b H x o x = 0 to ro CC nm z r0ro Ctp x H � ' m c a a a a r �) x `� t� �) c q H l� _ H z z C 0 0 0r + anaH Wa rOmC ax I nC zm 0zrxxm0r m0 Ha x m 0 a . n H N N ;a N P 01 C t� z N ro H H x H M HH a H ro 0 H C m r 1 10 zi m :C. r 0 z Hz nx m x � x Nlr � � zza i z a �ai.a�z H CDC40 0 ON z a c�cH L'Z0C .. pmm H 0zz cF+rM z Nda(n ~MO ro o n� t� m �rh Csl o � x1 0 x Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request ec ived: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: p D 1 a p 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initial NAME: Q-�-ud� PERMIT #: 03 3 LOCATION: ` INSPECT ON: 1 . �-� TYPE OF STRUC Y N NIA PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R4 Drain/Vents Cast rou,Copper Drain/Vent/Comm. _Pl_ bin Vent/Vents in Place ,96en u Piumbi i I Nail Pl"ates-p tJ 1 h inch min. Drain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch min. Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 feet above highest .connection for 15 minutes Cleanout every 100 feet/change of direction Water Supply Piping Cooper Commercial (4Coo er,CPVC,Pex One and Two-Famil //'Insulation/Residential Check/Commercial Check Proper Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properl /No duct tape COMMENTS: LASueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORM s\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc November l7,2003 P/I-( l Rough Plumbing Insulation Inspection Report Office No.,(518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/pm. Dep art:k, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: PERMIT #: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: D7 TYPE OF ST Y IN N/A PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R4 Drain/Vents I t Iran, Copper Drain/Vent/Comm. 41umbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough--, -lumb -Nail Plates _T -jpg/ , Draj' Size m Washing Machine Drain 2 inch win. Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 feet above highest connection for 15 minutes Cleanout every 100 feet/change of direction Water.Supply Piping Cooper Commercial Cp-Qp_.er,-CPVC,Pex One and Two-Family I 6-sulqtfioWjN0sjdehtial Check/Commercial Check I/ ki6jWiVent,Attic-Ve"pt Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properlyl No duct tape , COMMENTS: L:\SueHei-ningway\Building.Codes.higpection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc November]7,2003 Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspection Report zj Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received:, Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive:-am/pr Danart:& :f)am/pm 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: PERMIT .ERMIT LOCATION: La1 i U o_/oT INSPECT ON: id 0 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R-4 Drain Vents Cast Iron,Copper Drain/Vent Comm. Plumbing Vent Vents in Place Ro Plumbing/Nail Plates ead or Air Supply Test Dfain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 ft. above highest Connection for 15 minutes Water Supply Piping Copper Commercial Copper, CPVC,Pex One&Two Family Insulation Residential Check/Commercial Check -Proper Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct Work Sealed Properly COMMENTS: �L-.\SucHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doe January 28,2003 Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: ISO am/pm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: PERMIT#: 6 LOCATION: -INSPECT ON: )/Z 3,lei TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Framing Y JN/A COMMENTS Jack Studs 1 Headers Bracing Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate I V2(w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3,4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. /4, (0 14 X& Garage Fire Separation House side V2 'inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade I.ASueH emingway\B u i Id in&Codes.Inspection.FORM STrarnin g Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 5- 1-03; 10:3OAM;CL.B DC GIUEENSBURY ;518 8-85 0504 # 8/ 18 Job Mark Quan Type Span ' Pl-H1 Left OH Right OH Engineering T03011565 245212T 520 4.3 - 240000 5 1- 0- 0 1- 0- 0 - U#0225 J#STOCK60 sxs= .._._. NO 4-1 B HO 4-1 2x4:•. 2x4: 5 F G 5-4-1 5x6= Sxs A C iSl E Sl D 3x4= 4x4- 3x4c W:500 W:509 crR:2064 R:206A 198 U: 19$ 0 0 TC -6-9-3 5-2-13 5-2-13 6-9-3 ' BC-._.-_ -• 8-3-11 --- �4=4=l0 .-- ------ 24-6-0ALL PLATES ARE LOCK20 Scale:0.260"-1' Robbil:5 Engineerina, Inc./Online Plus- APPRD)(. TRUSS WEIGRT: 133.0 Lss Online-Plus -- Version 13.5.028 PLATING CONFORMS TO TPI REVIEWED BY: RUN DATE: 1-16-03 VERIFY PLATE VALUES WITH Robbins Engineering, Inc. BOBBINS ENGINEERING. PO Box 280055 CSI SIZE LUMBER 1.15FB GRIP BASED ON SYP/SPF LUMBER Tampa, FL '33682 TOP p.94 2X 4 1656fii.S 1897 USING GROSS AREA TEST METHOD. BTM 0.76 ZX 4 165OF1.5,1097 PLATES - 20 GAUGE LOCK REFER-TO ROBBINS ENG. GENERAL Was 0.60 BX 4 SPFS-STU 7S9 GRIPPING 514-250 PSZ.PER PAIR NOTES AND SYMBOLS SHEET FOR REPETITIVE MEMBER INCREASES: - INCLUDES 15.0% INCREASE ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS. FB 15.06 FT O.D$ FC 0.0� TENSION 1339- 465 PLZ PER PAIR _ .. SHEAR 784- 5D6 PLZ-PER PAIR NOTES: LATERAL BRACING: 1. TRUSSES MANUFACTURED BY - t. TOP CHORD - CONTINUOUS JT TYPE PLATE SIZE X Y SARATOGA LUMBER TRADERS BTM CHORD - CONTINUOUS A 2001 5,00 X 6,00 5.4 3.5 2. EMPIRICAL ANALOG ZS USED. TRUSS SPACING - 24.0 IN, B 3010 5,00 X 5.00 CTR CTR 3. WIND LOADS - ANSI/ASCE 7-98 C 2001 5.00 X 6.00 5.4 3.5 TRUSS IS DESIGNED AS A ' STANDARD LOADING D 1010 3.00 X 4.00 1,5 1.5 -LUMBMAIN WIND-FORCE RES SYSTEM PLATER STRESS INCREASE: 15.0� E 1010 3.00 X 4.00 2..5 1.5 FOR EXTERIOR ZONE LOCATION PLATE STRESS INCREASE: 15.OB F 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR WIND SPEED - 90 MPH LOADING LIVE DEAD (PSF) G 1D01 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR - MEAN ROOF HEIGHT - 25' TOP CHD 60.0 10.0 Sl 1100 4.00 X 4.00 CTR 0,0 EXPOSURE CATEGORY - C BIM COD 0.0 10.0 OCCUPANCY FACTOR - 1.00 TOTAL 60.0 20.0 80.0 ENCLOSED BUILDING. SUPPORT CRITERIA TC DEAD LOAD = 6.0 PSF JT REACT WIDTH JT REACT WIDTH BC DEAD LOAD = 6.0 PSF LES IN-SX LBS IN-SX 4. PREVENT TRUSS ROTATION AT A 2004 5- B C 2064 5- 8 ALL BEARING LOCATIONS, S. FASTEN TRUSS TO 13RO A LEFT RIGHT FOR 198 LBS OF UPLIFT, HEEL DIN -- 9SX 02N - 4SX ,WHILE PERMITTING NO UPWARD -- MOVEMENT OF.WALL OR BRG. MEMSR CSI. P(LBSI MIST M@2ND 6. FASTEN TRUSS TO BRG C TOP CHORDS FOR 197 LBS OF UPLIFT, A-F 0.94 3518 C 3396 -5004 2285 -5004 WHILE PERMITTING NO UPWARD B-G 0,87 3133 C 285 F-H 0.87 3133 C -2285 MOVEMENT OF WALL OR BRG. ' G-C 0.94 3518 C 5004 -3396 BOTTOM CHORDS A-E 0.76. 3255 T -471 -1210 ' E-Sl 0.54 2214 T 1210 426 Sl-D 0.54 2214 T -425 -1210 D-C 0.76 3255 T 1210 471 �� NEE- WEBS F-E = 791 C E-B = 1094 T g A B-D = 1094 T D-G = 797 C CA DL+LL DEFL = 0.3en IN G-C G' LL DEFL = 0.201, < BRG-SPAN/240 SPAN/DEFL (DL+LL) = 763 f (�M.6+\ 1 Robbins Engineering.Inc,ocnline Plusom!r 1996.2003 Version 13.S.026 Engineering-Pontalt 01/16/03 1:01:20 PM Page 1 ' tim 1 7'9t1n Job Mark Quan Type 'Span P1-H1 Left OH Right OH 17En_8ineering T03011565 2452GT 100 TR 2400'00 5 2- 0- 0 2'- 0- 0 tT#0225 J#STOCK60 4x4 HO 4-1 2x4 B 2x4 NO 4-1 --- . J M 2x4 I 2x4 s H 1 0 2x4 2x4 F Q 5-4-1 2x4 2x4 D� S i 3x4= i 3x4- A C E G S K L N P R T 2x4 2x4. 2x4. 2x4 5x5_. 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 �T�/TT 7 7 Z T1 SPL TC 2-0-0 4-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 4-0-0 2-0-0 �. BC ----_-� - 4 -0-0 ---` --_ --- - ------- 24-0-0--._.-.---- ALL PLATES ARE LOCK20 Robbins Engineering, Ins../Online Plus, APPROX. TRUSS WEIGHT: 152.9 LBS Online Plus -- Version 13.5.028 DL+LL DEFL = 0.03" IN S-C REVIEWED BY: RUN DATE: 1-16-03 LL DEFL = 0.01" < BRG-SPAN/240 Robbins Engineering, Inc. SPAN/DEFL (DL+LL) = 999 PO Box 280055 CSI SIZE LUMBER 1.15FB Tampa, FL 33682 TOP 0.31 2X 4 SPF-#2 1510 PLATING CONFORMS'TO TPI ' BTM 0.25 2X 4 SPF-#2 1510 VERIFY PLATE VALUES WITH REFER TO ROBBINS ENG. GENERAL WBS 0.15 2X 4 SPFS-STU 759 ROBBINS ENGINEERING. NOTES AND SYMBOLS SHEET FOR REPETITIVE MEMBER INCREASES: GRIP BASED ON SYP/SPF LUMBER ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS. FB 15.0% FT 0.0% FC 0.0% USING GROSS AREA TEST METHOD. PLATES - 20 GAUGE LOCK NOTES: LATERAL BRACING: GRIPPING 514-250 PSI PER PAIR 1. TRUSSES MANUFACTURED BY - TOP CHORD - CONTINUOUS INCLUDES 15.0% INCREASE SARATOGA LUMBER TRADERS - BTM CHORD - CONTINUOUS TENSION 1339- 465 PLI PER PAIR 2. EMPIRICAL ANALOG IS USED. TRUSS SPACING - 24.0 IN. SHEAR 784- 506 PLI PER PAIR 3. WIND LOADS - ANSI/ASCE 7-98 TRUSS IS DESIGNED AS A STANDARD LOADING JT TYPE PLATE SIZE X Y MAIN WIND-FORCE RES SYSTEM LUMBER STRESS INCREASE: 15.0% A 2001 3.00 X 4.00 5.9 3.1 FOR EXTERIOR ZONE LOCATION PLATE STRESS INCREASE: 15.0% B '3001 4.00 X 4.00 CTR 2.2 WIND SPEED - 90 MPH LOADING LIVE DEAD (PSF) - C 2001 3.00 X 4.00 5.9 3.1 MEAN ROOF HEIGHT - 25' TOP CUD 60.0 10.0 D 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR EXPOSURE CATEGORY - C BTM CAD 0.0 10.0 E 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR OCCUPANCY FACTOR - 1.00 TOTAL 60.0 20.0 80.0 F 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR ENCLOSED�BUILDING. SUPPORT CRITERIA G 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR TC DEAD LOAD = 6.0 PSF CONTINUOUS BETWEEN JNTS A 6 C B 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR BC DEAD LOAD = 6.0 PSF I 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR 4. ANCHOR '.TRUSS FOR A TOTAL LEFT RIGHT J 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR HORIZONTAL LOAD OF 103 LBS. HEEL GIN - 4SX DIN - 4SX K 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR 5_ FASTEN TRUSS TO BRG'A L 1102 5.00 X 5.00 CTR 3-0 FOR 130 LBS OF UPLIFT, MEMBR CSI P(LBS) M@1ST M@2ND M 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR WHILE PERMITTING NO UPWARD TOP CHORDS N 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR MOVEMENT OF WALL OR ERG. A-D 0.31 82 C 538 -1667 0 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR G. FASTEN TRUSS TO BRG C D-F 0.31 115 C 1667 -300 P 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR FOR 140 LBS OF UPLIFT, F-H 0.11 Ill T -38 75 Q 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR WHILE PERMITTING NO UPWARD H-J 0.12 134 T -75 25 R 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR MOVEMENT OF WALL OR BRG. J-B 0.11 153 T -25 98 S 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR 7. FASTEN TRUSS TO BRG E B-M 0.11 147 T -83 lie T 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR FOR 150 LBS OF UPLIFT, M-O 0.12 110 T -118 167 WHILE PERMITTING NO UPWARD O-Q 0.11 Be C 611 -300 MOVEMENT OF WALL OR BRG. Q-S G.31 115 C 300 -1667 The transfer of loads to the roof B. FASTEN TRUSS TO BRG I S-C 0.31 82 C 1667 -538 Diaphragm and bracing for FOR 82 LBS OF UPLIFT, BOTTOM CHORDS horizontal wind loads is the 'w"""""`` WHILE PERMITTING NO UPWA.'4D A-E 0.25 87 T 63 24 se'�s �� NT OF WALL OR BRG. Responsibility Of the Building 1-�� 1_ E-G -0.11 87 T -24 -6 Designer. ;'`•,?ky.4';,. •P� TRUSS TO ERG K G-I 0.04 87 T 6 1 c A �w LBS OF UPLIFT, I-K 0.03 87 T -1 0 !l�;`.% (•'' KNITTING NO UPWARD i K-L 0.02 87 T 0 0 j��: �� "�:-:u�{ tab OF WALL OR BRG. !Y ! 1 L-N 0.02 87 T 0 -2JilA`1.FAST ) SS TO ERG N N-P 0.03 87 T 2 9 *'•- S OF UPLIFT�:,. P-R 0.04 87 T -9 -36 � WHI ITTING NO UPWARD R-T .0.11 87 T 36 138 11 ; �`il�s_, 1 F WALL OR'BRG. T-C 0.25 87 T -138 -355 jJ4 AS SS TO BRG P WEBS '. �ar°-F0 HS OF UPLIFT, :. r E-D = 464 C G-F = 211 C �-1`' '/� '� RMITTING NO UPWARD I-H = 295 C K-J = 288 C OF WALL OR BRG. L-8 = 191 C N-M = 288 C `i� r~ d�y TRUSS TO BRG T P-O = 295 C R-Q = 211 C r 242 LBS OF UPLIFT, T-S = 464 C WHILE PERMITTING NO UPWARD Robbins Engineering.Inc./Online Plus'",-P 1996-2003 Version 13.5.028 Engineering-Portrait 01/16103 1:01:21 PM Pace 1 MOVEMENT OF WALL OR BRG. Intl I , ry Inns' DISPATCH 18887677245 05/05 '03 1618 N0.940 03/04 Mark Quern Type 'Span P1-H1 Wt OK Rigk>lt,6# - �»gineering T03011565 2852�T �oo � 2aoo�c� s a- o- a z- o- o' U#0225 J#STOCK60 _-. RO 4a1 2x4 19 2x4 RO 4-1 3x6� 2x4 L O 2x4-- 2x4 y"---ZYM K S 52 2x4, 6-2-1 2x4 . F 2x4- ,�- A G E Gr x 2C M X. P R T. Y x' 2x4. 2x4 2x4• 2x4 2x4 5n6= 2x4 2x4 2x4 2:W ' 2xA TC 2-0-0 4-0-0, ,„•,2-O-, 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0 2-0-0;_2-0-0-2-0-0 2-0_0 2-0-0 +�-0-0 =0�G =t5=0 •2=0=fit 2�13- 2=U iS-2=0=t5--a=d-4--" ALL PLATES-ARE LOCK20 scale:0 2101=1' Robbins Enaineerinq, Etc./Online Plus" APPROX= T�USs wEIGiT: 188:4 LBS Oniina PS'na -- Version 13.5.028 M4a0IR CSi P(LSS} b1Q1ST MR2ND RvN AATts 1-16-03 X-W -464 C REVIF.D4ED BY. Robbins Engineering, Ine., CSI 8%3x LTl%ZR 1115m DL+LL DEFL'a 0:03" IN,W-C Po Bak 2300Bs TOP 0.32 2X 4 0Ak'-#2 1510 LL DEFL ■ 0..01" { mr.-SPAW/240 a7 FL "32602 ATM 0.23 2X 4 SPE'-#2 1510. SPAN/DF.A7. mt,+LL} - 999 was 0.21 2x 4 SPFS-8TU 759 REFER TO R4SSiN9 ENG, GgNE n Am 7G'4m MJIDOkA irPtCAMES: PLATING CONFORMS TO'Tex NOTES AND SYMBOLS SHEET FOR, FA 15.0% 8T1 0.09 ' gC 0.08 vim rx M.TR 4ALVE$,,wxT$ROAR A>7AITION1tx 9RECIfi1CAT24>tt>1. 'GAI%'*Z 1}RACIN#: GRIP ZMUSED P/SPF LUMSE1% NOTES: TOP cam - CONTINUOUS USING GROSS =A TEST MEMEI. 1. TRUSSES MANUFAC1URM BY - ATM CHORD - CONTINUOUS PLATES - 20 GA= LOCK ' _ SARATOGA LUMBER TRADERS. TRUB$ SPACING - 24.0 IN., GRT$PING-$14-250 PSI,PXR PATR- 2`.'"XXIM ANALOG,I$ USED. INCLUDES 15.9% INCREASE 3. WIND LOADA - ANSI/AS(MF 7-90 GTANDARD LOADING TENSION 1339- 465-P41 PER PAIR TRUSS SS DESIGNED AS�4A 1AWE.R STRESS INCREASE: 15.0% SPEAR 7047 "0 PL% ).PM-PAIR MAIN WIND-FORCE RE.SM: SYSTEM PLATE. STRESS INCREASE: 15.0$ FOR UMTOR 911m wmTION LOAOSNG LYVE .DEAD (PSF') JT TXPE PmTZ $IZE X T 9Pm SPEW - 90 Mitts# TOP coo 00101 10.0 A 2001 3.00 X 4:00 5.g 3,1 Mw ROOF imICAT - 25, BTU CBD 0.0 10-0 B 3001 d.00.X 4.00, CTR 2.2 EXPOSURE CATEGORY C TOTAL 60.0 20.0 ' 60.0 C 2001 3.00'X 4.00 5.9 2.2. OCCUPANCY FACTOR - 1.00 SUPPORT CRITERIA D 1001 2.00 X 4.00 4'T'R C:TR - ENCLOSED BUzzvzt;m. CONTINUOUS BETWEEN JNTS A 6 C E 1001 2.00 X.A.00. CTR = TO DEAD LOAD ,a 6.0 PSF $' 1001 2.00 X 4.00.;' CTR =A be Tam LOAD, ■ 0.0 pop ' LEFT RIGHT a 1001 2.06 x 4.00 cTR cTR 4. ANCHOR TRUSS FOR A =AZ HEEL ()IN - 49X OIN 42x E 1061 2.00 x 4.00. CTR CTR HORIZONTAL LOAD OF ,110 LA6. ' I .1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTA 5: FASTEN TRU$8 TO BR¢ A kIROR COI P(LB3) WIST Me= J 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTx FOR.111 LBO OF UPLIFT, TOP Coms X 1001 2,00 X 4.00 CTR CTR "Its PERMITTING No UPWARD A•-D 0,3x 06 t -20 483 to 1001 2.00 X•4.00 .CTR CM MOV A* or WAt.L OP SAO. D-F ' 0.32 106 C. 1009 -299 M '1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR 6. FASTEN TAUS$ 'CO ORO C F-S1 0.07 110 T - -40 -36 N 1102 5.00 a 6.00 CTR 3.0 FOR 133 Las or UPLIFT, $1-H 0.12 114 T 36 63 O 100% 2,00 X 4,00 CTR CTR WHILE PERMITTING NO UPWARD 11-0 O.x2 133 T -63 70 P 1001 2.00 X 4,00 CTR CTR, MOVEMENT OF WALL OR BAG. d'-L 0.111 156 T -70 16 Q 1001 2.00 x 4.06 Cm CTR 7, PAS%", TRUSS TO BRG E L-8 0.11 174 T .-1S 110 R 1001 '2.00 X 4.06' CTR CTR FOR 152 m OF uPi.xl*r, D-O 0.21 .140 T. -95 110 S 1002 , 2,00 X 4.00 On CTR WHILE PERMITTINO.NO UPWARD 0-0 ' 0.11 132 'r -110 Is% x 7.00% 2.00 X.4.00 CTR CTR MO7=Q= OF WALL OR AUG. Q-S 0.12 94 T -%5% .160 it ZOOS 2100 x 4.00 CTR CTR $. MOTEN TRUSS To BRG I 5-52 0.12 66 If -67 -37 V 1002 2.00 x 4.00 cm `CTR FOR 81 zas OF UPLIFT, S2-U 0.07 101 C -32B -299 W 1001 2.00 x 4.00 CTR CTR MILE PICAM TTZM NO t:FGi m U-w 0.32 106 C 299 -10s9 x 1001 2.00 x 4.00 'mt cTR niovwam OF WALL OR BRG. W-C 0.31 13 C Z669 -533 S1 1100 3.00.x 4,00, CTR o.2. S. FASTEN TAV89 TO AR4 X BOTTOM "4RORSis 32 1100 3.00 X 4.00' cim 0.$ FOR -73 LAS OF UPLIFT, -.....•�,:...,„ A-E 0.25 X02 T 56 21 WHILE P=edTTnm Nb E-G 0.11 102 T -2% -3 '1`he an GF of loads TO tk1C roof MO T OF WALL o e-S 0.04 102 T 5 T 10. FASTEN TRUSS TO I-K 0.02 102 T -1 0 Diaphragm emd.bracing for AOii 73 Las_OF f� ev A. A4 E-M 0.02 102 T o 0 horm, ntal wind Ioads is the WHIL2 PZINZTT M-N 0.02 102 T 0 0 i :S Ori8lbi�i MOVEMENT OF 7� N-'P 0:02 102 T 0 6 P �y Of the BulldiAg 1x. FAsx r.rRvss "P P-R 0.02 102 T 0 -2, Designer. FOR 72 t,$s O xFT R-T 0,02 102 T 2 10 WHILE PSRMI !7C T-V 0.04 102 T -SO -38 TIUVEIkIIENp OF V-X .0.1% 102 T 38 142 12: EhB N TBS P.-C 0,23 102T -342 -366 14. FASTEN 2`ts 0 TO BRG X " FOR 74 ASS 0 t 4y Q• WEBEas . WaT= Pr4mTT X-D = 464 C rO-8 '• 210 C rog 143 Zza OF UPLIFT, r I-H i. 297 CK-0' ■ �.7f C . - WEIAiI PERMZT°rZNG NO vttWAAD MOVEMENT OF 13; 171.STEN TRU9 . '4 M-L 292 t N-S ■ 141 C MOV£t NT OF W7t2,L OR ARfr. FOR 00 Xa PL I P-o a 292 c R-4 * .276 C. . WHILE'PEGMZRS+YN6 N0 T-S = 207 C V-U m 210 C WHILMPJ9'J OF WALL N. ARE, FlOW-OnOnantlng,lnc./0nllne true^'C 1PP6.2003 Ve:dlen 13.6.028 Engfnennn9•Portrait 4Tl7M3 1:01:24 PM Papa 7 a72 ,BAN -7 Z003 •ROBBINS ENG . GENERAL NOTES & SYMBOLS ' PLATE LOCATION PLATE SIZE LATERAL BRACING --1 1-- 108 Center plates on joints 6.3 x 8.8 The first dimension is the ix4 continuous Lateral bracing unless otherwise noted in widdi measured perpen- attached.%vith(2)8d nails each plate list or on drawing, dicular to slots. The second member where indicated or 2x4 Dimensions are given in dimension is the length "T"or'U brace stiffener if inches(i.e.1 1/2"or 1.5")or measured parallel to slots. applicable nailed flat to edge of IN-16ths(i.e.108). web with 12d nails spaced 8"o.c. "T"or"L"brace must be extended at least 90%of web length. PLATE ORIENTATION DIMENSIONS BEARING When shown,indicates 6-08-08 All dimensions are shown in When truss is designed to direction of slots in FT-IN-SX (i.e.6'8 112"or bear on multiple supports. connector plate. 708 6-08-08). Dimensions less interior bearing locations � 8. than one foot are shown in should be marked on the IN-SX only(i.e.'08). 0 truss. Interior support or temporary shoring must be in place before erecting this. truss. If necessary,shim bearings to assure solid contact with truss.. ROBBINS LOCK connector plates (20 ga.galv. steel Trussed Rafters. Robbins Eng. Co. bears no ASTM A653 SS Grade 40) shall be•applied on both responsibility for the erection of trusses;field bracing faces of truss at each joint. Center the plates, unless. or permanent truss bracing. Refer to HIB-91 as shown otherwise by circles (o) or dimensions. No published by the Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio loose knots or wanes in plate contact area. Splice Drive, Suite 200, Madison,Wisconsin 53719. Persons only where shown. Overall spans assume 4" bearings erecting trusses are cautioned to seek professional at each end, unless indicated otherwise. Cutting and advice concerning proper erection bracing to prevent fabrication shall be performed on equipment which toppling and "dominoing". Care should be taken to produces snug-fitting joints and plates. Unless prevent damage during fabrication, storage,shipping otherwise noted, moisture content of lumber shall' and erection. 'Top and bottom chords shall be not exceed 19%at time of fabrication and these adequately braced in the absence of sheathing or rigid designs are not applicable for use with fire retardant ceiling, respectively. It is the responsibility of others lumber. This design was prepared in accordance with to ascertain that the design loads utilized on this "National Design Specifications for Stress - Grade drawing meet or exceed the actual dead loads Lumber and Its Fastenings"* (AFPA), "Design imposed by the structure and the live loads imposed Specifications for Light Metal Plate Connected Wood by the local building code or historical climatic records. Trusses" (TPI), and HUD Design Criteria for FURNISH A COPY OF THIS DESIGN TO ERECTION CONTRACTOR. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF BUILDING DESIGNER AND TRUSS FAB.TO REVIEW THIS DRWG. &VERIFY THAT DATA INCLUDING DIM.&LOADS CONFORM TO ARCH-PLAN/SPECS &FAB. TRUSS LAYOUTS. t is+G• CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS REGIONAL OFFICES P.O.$ox 280055 P3616 South Road • Suite C-2 1131 Rockingham Lane • .Suite 128 Tampa;FL 33682-0055 Mulkiteo, WA 98275 Richardson,TX 75080 800-282-1299 • Fax: 813-971-6117 800-532-9404 • Fax: 425-347 5928 972-238-9609 Fax: 972-669-9472 Job Mark Quan Type Span P1-H1 Left OH Right OH Engineering T0301�5�5�2852T 520 4.3 280000 5 2- 0- 0 2- 0- 0' ' • U#0225 J#STOCK60 ' • sxs= _ HQ 4-1 B HO 4-1 3x10-:. ! 3xlo- Sl S2 _- 2x4-: 2x4.%, 5 F G 6-2-1 5xl2= A Sx12' C -- E S3 D \\- 3x4 3x6:: 3x4 W:508 R:2528 W:508 U: 272 R:2528 U: 271 TC 2-0-0 BC_ _ 6-9-2 _ _ 7�2�14_ 7-2-14 _ 6-9-2 2-0--0 -- - ------- - -28-0-0 ----- --- - -- - - ---ALL PLATES ARE LOCK20 ' Scale:0.213"=1' Robbins Engineering, Inc:?Crline Plus", APPROX.- TRUSS WEIGHT: 160.4 LBS Online Plus -- Version 13.5.028 PLATING CONFORMS TO TPI REVIEWED-BY: RUN DATE: 1-16-03 VERIFY PLATE VALUES WITH Robbins Engineering, Inc. ROBBINS ENGINEERING. PO Box 280055 CSI SIZE LUMBER 1.15FB GRIP BASED ON SYP/SPF LUMBER Tampa, FL 33682 TOP 0:96 2X 4 2104F1.8 2400 USING GROSS AREA TEST METHOD. BTM 0.87 2X 4 1650F1.5 1897 PLATES - 20 GAUGE LOCK REFER TO ROBBINS ENG. GENERAL WES 0:60 2X 4 SPFS-STU 759 GRIPPING 514-250 PSI PER PAIR NOTES AND SYMBOLS SHEET FOR REPETITIVE MEMBER INCREASES: INCLUDES 15.0% INCREASE ADDITIONAL' SPECIFICATIONS: ' PH 15:0% FT 0.0% FC 0.0% TENSION,1339- 465 PLI PER PAIR SHEAR 784- 506 PLI PER PAIR NOTES: LATERAL BRACING: 1. TRUSSES MANUFACTURED BY - TOP CHORD - CONTINUOUS JT TYPE PLATE SIZE 'X Y SARATOGA LUMBER TRADERS " BTM CHORD- CONTINUOUS A 2016 5.00 X12.00 5.4 3.0 2. EMPIRICAL ANALOG IS USED. TRUSS SPACING - 24.0 IN. ** JOINT A ** REQUIRES WEDGE 3. WIND LOADS - ANSI/ASCE 7-98 H 3010 5.00 X 5.00 CTR CTR - TRUSS IS DESIGNED AS A _ STANDARD LOADING C 2016 5.00 X12.00 5.4 3.0 MAIN WIND-FORCE RES SYSTEM LUMBER STRESS INCREASE: 15.0 ** JOINT C ** REQUIRES WEDGE FOR EXTERIOR ZONE LOCATION PLATE'STRESS INCREASE: 15.0% D 1010R 3.00 X 4.00 1.7 CTR WIND SPEED - 90 MPH . LOADING LIVE DEAD (PSF) E 101OR 3.00 X 4.00 1.7 CTR MEAN ROOF HEIGHT 2S' TOP CHD 60.0 10.0 F 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR EXPOSURE CATEGORY - C BTM CBD 0.0 10.0 G 1001 2.00 X 4.00 CTR CTR OCCUPANCY FACTOR' - 1.00 TOTAL', 60.0 20.0 80.0 S1 1100 3.00 X10.00 CTR 0.2 ENCLOSED BUILDING. SUPPORT CRITERIA S2 1100 3.00 X10.00 CTR 0.2 TC DEAD LOAD = 6.0 PSF JT REACT WIDTH JT REACT WIDTH S3 1100 3.00 X 6.00 CTR 0.2 BC DEAD LOAD = 6.0 PSF LBS IN-SX LBS IN-SX 4. PREVENT TRUSS ROTATION AT A .2528 5- 8 C 2528 5- 8 R = PLATE IS ROTATED BY 90 DEG ALL BEARING LOCATIONS. S. ANCHOR TRUSS FOR A TOTAL LEFT RIGHT HORIZONTAL LOAD OF 117 LBS. HEEL 0IN - 4SX OIN - 45X 6. FASTEN TRUSS TO ERG A MEMSR CSI P(LBS) M@1ST M@2N4 FOR 272 LHS OF UPLIFT,WHILE PERMITTING NO UPWARD TOP CHORDS MOVEMENT-OF WALL OR BRG. A-F 0.92 3754 C 6682 -6682 7. FASTEN TRUSS TO BRG C F-S1 0.92 3754 C 6682 -5435 FOR 271 LBS OF UPLIFT, . S1-B- 0.92 3562 C 5435 -4255 WHILE.PERMITTING NO UPWARD B-S2 0.92 3562 C 4255 -6692 MOVEMENT OF WALL OR BRG. S2-G 0:96 3754 C d255 -66$2 G-Cs 0.96, 4335 C 6682 -3211 BOTTOM CHORDS A-E: 0.87 4018 T 883 -144D _ E-S3 0.64 2639 T 1440 726 S3-D 0•64 2639 T -726 -1440 N E 1M D-C; 0.87 4018 T 1440 -883 WEBS F� �A A. F-E = 1003 C E-B = 1091 T B-D = 1091 T D-G = 1003 C ; . DL+LL DEFL = 0.63" IN B-S2 '�'_ !'�'• "" c!r''tit� LG LL DEFL = 0.29" < BRG-SPAN/240 SPAN/DEFL (DL+LL) = 530 r'r/' • 1'ix1':�'- " '1 lid 1 Robbins Engineering.Ina/Online Pius"g t,•ge.vnni VPrci"".,c rno�....;.,e.,.,..__o...,._.. _.- _ - ob: IGULUIUI ULUIL/LUI45 / 1-1 COMMON* THIS DWG, PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LORDS & DIMENSIONS)SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MYR, Top chord 20 SP 2700E-2.2E :T2 2x4 SPF 210OF-l.BE: 90 mph wind, 25.00 Ft mean h9t ASCE 7-93 CLOSED bldgg, located anywhere in ' Sot chord 2x4 SPF 2100f-I.BE :82 2x4 SPF 1650E-1.5E: roof, 100 mi From coast, CAT If, EXP 0, wind TC DL=5.0 psF, wind BC DL=5.0 ps�. Webs 20 SPF Stud (A) Continuous lateral bracing equally spaced on member. Roof overhang supports 2.00 psF soffit load. Deflection meets L/240 live and L/180 total load. Plates sized For a minimum of 2.40 sq.ln./piece. T2 5X7 12 4X6 T2 X6 5 3X6 4X6 tr) N 2X4 (R) (R) 2X4 N N 4X10(93) 4X10(63) r1 4X4 B25X8 HS2512 - S HS2512 O 4X4 33 Rv=3109# U�4 0# W=5"8 33' Rv=3109# U=440#� W=5"8 LEFT RAKE = 1'1" RIGHT RAKE = 1'l" DESC. = T-1 COMMON* SEO = 210850 PLT. TYP.-WAVE TPI1995(STD) OTY= 14 TOTAL= 14 REV. 6.33,0716.23 SCALE =0.1875 This Is a Preliminary drowing that can be used TO LL 60.OpRe REF only For trusses Fabricated 6y S.R. Sloon,Ino. TO DL 10.0 RS DATE 12-17-2003 000� It represents loading, span and pitch. P S.R. 5loan,Ino. reserves the right to adjust BC DL 10.Op�f DRWG S.R.SLORNINC materials and design at the time of Production. The structural integrity will not be O.Op DL ROOF & FLOOR TRUSSES CUSTOM STAIRS & STAIR PARTS,compromised, Sealed drawings will be TOT.LD. 80.0 e O/A LEN, 33 NEW HARTFORD, NY - ORWIGSBURG, PA Furnished upon request. DUR.FAC. 1.15 Seneoo Turnpike P.O. Box 560 Now HortFordf NY 13413 1.800.366-7562 (315) 732.7855 Fox (315) 732-5315 SPACING 24.0" TYPE coon oo. icucoioi uuuitiuuM / bt-1 GABLE THIS DWG. PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT (LORDS & DIMENSIONS)SUBMITTED BY TRUSS h;,, Top chard 2x4 SP 2700E 2.2E :T2 20 SPF 2100E 1.8E: 90 mph wind, 25,00 Pt mean hgt ASCE 7-93, CLOSED b l dgg, located anyywhere In Bot chord 2x4 SPF 2100E-1.8E :B2 2x4 SPF 1650E-1.5E: raaF, 100 m I Prom coast, CAT I f, EXP D, wind TC DLm5.0 psF, wind BG DL-5.0 psF. Webs 2x4 SPF Stud All plates are 2X4 except as noted. RooF overhang supports 2.00 psF soFPIt load. Deflection meets L1240 live and L/180 total load, See DWG GBLLETINIDOI Par more requirements. Plates sized For, a minimum of 2.40 sq.ln./plece. 16'6" _7 T2 5X6 12 T2 3X6 3X6 In N 3X4(Al) 3X4 MI) 3X6 2 3X6 f 33' 33' " Rv=169pIF U=100 I W=33' LEFT RAKE = 1'l" RIGHT RAKE = 1'l" DESC. = GE-1 GABLE SEO = 210859 PLT. TYP.-WAVE TPI1995(STO) OTY= 2 TOTAL= 2 REV. 6,33.0716.23 SCALE =0.1875 This Is a Preliminary drowing that can be used TC ILL 60.OpF& REF only For trusses fabricated 6y S,R. Sloon,Ino. TC DL 10.0 b� DATE 12-17-2003 It reppresents loading, span and pitch. p S.R. 5loan,Inc. reserves the right to adjust BC DL 10.0p� F DRWG 50R'5fL0 NINC materials and design at the time of production. The structural integrity will not be 0.OPT DL ROOF & FLOOR TRUSSES - CUSTOM STAIRS & STAIR PARTS compromised. Sealed drawings will be TOT.LD. 80.0 O/A LEN. 33 NEW HARTFORD, NY - ORWIGSBURG, PA Furnished upon request. DUR.FAC. 1.15 Seneoo Turnpike P.O.Box 560 New NortFord,NY 13413 1-800.388-7582 (315) 732-7855 Fox (315) 732.5315 SPACING 24.0" TYPE ab Rough Plumbint! / Insulation Inspection Report Office Na. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection reqiuest,Ireived- o e �art Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: p 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initi NAME: PERMIT #: ............. LOCATION: INSPECT TYPE OF STRUCTURt) Y N N/A. RVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R4 Drain/Vents M C A ast Iron, Copper Drain/Vent/Comm. Mlumbing Vent/Vents in Place ough Plumbing/Nail Plates C':&A I % inch min. Drain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch min. Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 feet above highest connection for 15 minutes Cleanout every 100 feet/change of direction Water Supply Piping Cooper Commercial Coo per,CPVC,Pex One and Two-Family -,],G-Vu"lmiiilo"�e'�4ResidentiaI Check/Commercial Check -Yr—op—er Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properly No duct tape COMMENTS: L.\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc Novemberl7,2003 Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received:�t Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: AU>Yd-an/pm Depart: amtpm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: PERMIT#: — LOCATION: RCS INSPECT ON: txr44-!�f- TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N :N/A COMMENTS ,_,,Framri Jack Studs 1 Headers Bracing 1 Bridging Joist hangers a•� �dff 41`/J/ g �"` Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly J`l/F 1 j"Vj 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. ,� J///� �,-r� r J-1 d - Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 `12(w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft, floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1,2, 3 hour Fire wall,2, 3,4 hour �-IFE�TPOTr , xkl/ Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side 1/2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade LAStiellemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Framing Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Framing /Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection,request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: firam/pm part: am/pm. 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials. NAME: k PERMIT#: LOCATION: W-)n INSPECT ON: =o q TYPE OF STRUJCWZ: 6 Y N—'N/A Framing COMMENTS Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in: Stairwells 3 6 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 V2(w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq.,ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center z V,-rce and snow shield 24 inches from wall V/ Fire separation 1, 2,3 hour Fire wall.2,3,4 hour Firestopping Penetration scaled 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side V2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7.sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade LASueHerningway\Buiiding.Codes.Inspection.FORMSTraming Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 1ST Rough Plumbing Insulation Inspection Repor6 Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Irispection request received, ��Co# Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: & (am/pm Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initial§FV- NAME: PERMIT #: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: .. f TYPE OF STRUCTURE: 0 Y N N/A PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R4 Drain/Vents Cast Iron,Copper Drain/Vent/Comm. Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place g-�Nail Plates All, -f1/-2 -inch-m-mv-.-Vrain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch min. Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 feet above highest connection for 15 minutes Cleanout eve Lry 100 feet/change of direction Water Supply Piping Cooper Commercial Cooper,CPVC,Pex One and Two-Family Insulation/Residential Check/Commercial Check Proper Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properly No duct tape COMMENTS: L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Repoitdoc November l7,2003 Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/P Depa ft 4m/pm 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: yz1 PERMIT#: LOCATION: ('k INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Q Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly,for wet areas under slab Backfill pproval V j>f6Bing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6.inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Suelleming�vay\Building.Codes.Inspectioii.FORMS\Foundation Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 169 Haviland Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Phone'-518-7454400! Fax -518-792-8511 November 14,2003 , Job,9,46145 Mr. Glenn Bruso New York State Dept. of Health 77 Mahican Street Glens Falls,NY 12801 � RE: Burnt Hills Subdivision- Queensbury(T) -Lot# 10 Septic System(Revised)- -- _- - - Dear Glenn: This letter is to .inform ,you that Iinspected the completed septic-system for the house at 4 Killians Way(Lot#10) in the Burnt Hills Subdivision on November 4 , 2003. The septic system as installed was fora three,,bedroom house and consisted of a 1,250 gallon septic tank,and 200 lineal feet of absorption trench constructed with stone and perforated pipe. The system conforms to the requirements of the,approved subdivision design drawings.: Please disregard the letter of.l lnI03 which incorrectly stated the.address of Lot 10 as 54-Burnt Hills Road. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns Sincerely, Thomas R. Center Jr.,EIT cc: (Dave�Hatin;Tawn-oLQueensbuury Larry Clute, Clute Enterprises NACE ENGINEERING, P.C. 169 Haviland Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone-518-745-44.00 Fax 518-792-8511 . UILE nn EIVED November'7, 2003 NOV 1 2 2QQ Job W 46145 Mr. Glenn Bruso New York State Dept. of Health TOWN OF QUEE URY p BUILDINGAND C 77 Mohican Street Glens Falls, NY 12801 RE: Burnt Hills Subdivision - Queensbury(T) Lot # 10 Septic SystemZ, �f Dear Glenn: G. This letter is to inform you that I inspected the completed septic system for the house at 54 Burnt Hills Drive (Lot#10) in the Burnt Hills Subdivision on November 4 , 2003. The septic system as installed was for a three bedroom house and consisted,of a 1,250 gallon septic tank and 200 lineal feet of absorption trench constructed with stone and perforated pipe. The system conforms to the requirements of the approved subdivision design drawings. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Thomas R.: Center Jr., EIT , cc: Dave-1`atin;Town-of Queensbury-, Larry Clute, Clute Enterprises Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: j Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: a p Depart: am/ 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initialgjw� NAME: PERMIT NO.: LOCATION: Lllr INSPECT ON: AA RECHECK: , r Comments and/or diagram Soil Typ Sand m a Type of Water: Municipa ell Water Waterline separation istance ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches ft. Size of Stone See a e Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Sizie Type Building to tank G Tank to Distribution Box K u Distribution Box ield/Pit it i 4 Opening Seale . Yj N/Partial Location 1 Separations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan Y_N Location of System on P!pqnTtK 1 Front Re Left S' Right Side Middle Front Middle-Rear System Use 8tat s: Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected,please call the Building&Codes Office Disapproved L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection,FORMSISeptic Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 I• i t i I l j I I .. i l l y iY I '� I j l i x I hiuo coolor{Oso orbolij'uo j sad ovidoko�f, . wf __ �� all ojajec ..suchs hpus ,ti�lis,'f�e�s,fdnc6, c FYI ! I i I �.i i.. ., •��howjoo��hi�doco oo�I�r�aiso•�pres�on��fhs��l�h��uo� . � ,.. .; ..��..,_ : .�. ,.; ��. . ..., .", I . pally m'osured!tho disf oc J,fo h po the di gram;'. �►;4 .210s I � � � I 1o1 �d��f�l� 51I 'SIGNMRE. .,_{_... . .. .I pAiE ; ' .,�; ., ... �..w i I iJ1 i ! •; �' ; I j i ; � .�., •i.. ..l• � �. .�.. 11 � 1 i ; ; � j i i 'I �� I I I ::�w` vl "I I ' I it6W� . I„ ..' i. '.. ,.,I � { I �� �'{y ..i I i I I ( I j ( f I ' I� � ' I .�... .�• 001 IJJ ..,.....' '.,..� I ( •i I j.. .I ..1.. I I ,L. .I_ ..) ,I. .". � i ,...'.. I I ,I � i If,. .I �i i I 'i I j L,....I , ..I i"_i,^...... j .' L. j• '. _i. I I i ..{. .,.) '• I i I I .i I�~I ..I .... . I. I i.. (, I i !'. ,�I. I ! � i j• ,I I ; i �.• i• I `_. I._..I. ..I I" i ! I 1 I � 1 I I i I' ��'. .� j j i.• I .,�..,,�. L.„.I.. I ," I I "'j �I I I .:.._'. .i i .,. .I.. .I«-I i, .I � i.,...' .' I I. ..I, I. .i. ,.,. -' I •I .'. ,.'. I. I .,......,i. ,i. L. .I I `"i I i' I' I' I ..i. I .{,• ( � I .j ..„.I•...I L. .�. "� I ( I I . . I„ I I „I .I. i ! I _.I ..1. I i.MI _I i, ,I ,I ,•f.. 1 � �M i ' 1 I t j i ! '• ! I I I ! � I � I � j I ; I I � ' .I l i { I I i ; i i I I I 1 { ( i i � I ( i I � �i�^i�-�.•�, h..,.,rv..�,,,,�.y.�••rr..,...�. I _L.....I . I � ! i I I ' j I i I i r •i ' � i � � , � I �' I Ir ,,,�:, -.�. I _.L_..�. � ..,, •I. ._,., ,� ,i ..i,� I,. .., I .e.w,.l I. i;poll, ,�I . ..i •�. I � 1 � i ,I I I !^ i I 'I � � ., 'I i' _.f.. ; ,I •' r. I , , I I Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (S 18)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Ep Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/ De m 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspect o 's Initials: . 22 NAME: PERMIT#: LOCATION: 11 MV INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A ' Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump, Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing _6-mZpoly for wet areas under slab ackfil. pproval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Sueixemingway\Building,Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Foundation Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (51-8)761-8256 Date Inspection request received�epart: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/ Iam/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: PERMIT#: LOCATION: WA INSPECT ON: /d1i 716 3 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. VFoundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil of for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval 4P Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Fotindadon Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/%� Departuam/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initial 2 NAME: N PERMIT#: INSPECT ON:LOCATION: I - / Co= 03 TYPE OF STRUCTLAE: Comments Y N N/A o-otings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible fo V/ providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Darapproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump. Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil of for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\SucHemingway\Building.Codes.hispection.FORMS\Foundafion Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: 1 oc3 Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/T Depart:J;�-�am/pm 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: n!�� NAME: PERMIT#: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: -10 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Fdatil V/ Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump. Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil of for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. LASueHcrningway\BuiIding.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Foundation Inspection Report doc January 28,2003 Job Site Address; �C� S Date. -71 1[gS Owner; � .� t.��,� u,-c A Iication No, i'i� Fa.le No. ZN— WINDOW SCHEDULE aOtr • .. �u t q ..q.•�i:+,u:� J� ,�tm'N..';mJsc'.�:, Window Window Mfg, Window Unit or p Number or � � �� Ie�r Czar . Special Hardware or Name Model Stock1assPsrb ` t Letter on 4r Tory e ' , ,a , ,� '� �a�,a ^�f ,b �ll�at � g �lht instructions Plan Type NUmberV l CpC� ��4 C4aS ���i p 4s�a d 9 lC 57CCG �. 3G!� S 'V 4a (alie$, Call Size ..w , � 4 t C 4 ��,p��°C �a �,t ,, n w ��C r��j G� �+44rC G GCV C S, h Et ;rf r Y P"�4�iVgi4"C y 11 1 Cat i 0 tS P� 7 CCC�kip V r CCC V t, 4 ,r Y CC��t Y 4tlC 1,47.�SC .. G Y v 7„ � i r- p y ..wt &1"yCC C'� t'' •, gl„ Ga 4 1� V7{ � a{ 1 Ja J .- 'HIS LINE HASELIA'A MIP'LES OF SAMPLE ENTRIES , <w `•t N r, ,� 'A�n e�,• ,�a d t� .tW, vx.,�. ,{ ��.yV[„ t � I� '� Zi4 ' � •'�,Y.l�".dJ. Tempered gyp +wrier .x4 1. Mi► , 'S t x gu. !�3 i`h�.�Y �x. 4 p �.7 { Y tCa� oe,.47" �" r�4Y , ft �•'F; '6, ' � Gla2ia,,"�,i•�tAr. ti���. �+' x�t1 '"X �,. t'� t �p,,C i� � N ti• { ' i� � ;i t�fh 14 �,i f+ "14y'��, ze �i, �� ,, � a,°y 'X 4'fa'.,iiC�. � . +��i: M i"y��„tr� t� ,>;• f�jY. ,� ..�, �;.fl�t�J�it1" "aY i L;\SueHetningway\Building,Permit,FORMS\Window Schedule,doc IA-" y° Job Site Address: W'� S Date: 'owner., ���. �- �� �..�. �. Application No, File No. Building Permit-- Calculation Sheet Natural Light, Ventilation & Emergency Egress Requirements Habitable Area of Req,Light Actual Req.Vent. Actual Sq.Ft. Remarks Room Room 8%of Room Light . 4%of Room Vent I Opening for in Area Square Area Square x Egress Square Footage Footage Feet i �L( L;1SueHemingwaylBuilding,PermitFORMSiNatLight,Vendl,Calculation,Sheetdoe Check Residential Plan Review: One&Two Family Dwellings Y/N/N/A '2)Full sets of plans Over 1,500 sq. ft.—Stamped Design Loads On Plans: 90 Wind Floor Loads 40 psf 70 Ground Snow Load Sleeping Areas and Attics 30 psf Calculations: V /Wi Wow Schedule With Glass Size V'Door Schedule/Main Entrance 36"Door Emergency Escape Or Bedrooms and Habitable Space Above/Below grade,5.7 sq.ft. Grade,5.0 sq.ft. 24"(h)x 20"(w)min.I A"Max.Height above floor V'Residential Check Paperwork Compliance and Inspectors Checklist: OK /Pampproofing/Waterproofing Materials On Plans Foundation Drainage On Plans,if required 6"Drop in 10' Exterior Grade taming Cross Section For Each Roof Line,Vertical Fire Stopping Every 10' Where V R9quired wcp and Snow shield 24"Inside Exterior Wall/24"Inside Knee Walls "Pr"n's At Exterior Doors A96irway Headroom 6' 8' All Stairs 36"Width 41 Stair Run and Rise Winder Run and Rise Af+,Xiral Not Allowed From 251 Story Detectors Battery Backup and Proper Location, Bathroom Fixtures Proper Clearance all Width,369 min. /7 41 drails More Than One Riser On Open Sides g and Guards>30"/Basement Stairs Included Closed Risers More Than 47 in fft7-7 C/ Glazing Notes For Required Areas age Fire Separation Garage Floor Sloped �Attic Access tl Roof over 30"—22"x 30"/Crawl Spaces 18"x 24"Access Carbon Monoxide Detector Lowest Sleeping Level Soil Test Results, if required Septic To Well Or Water Line Separation All Paperwork Signed ~� r Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Bufldbg & Code Enforcement nforcement Building Permit# phone:(518)761-8256 Date: Fax: (518)745-4437 Email codes@n queensbwy net Dear Your building permit application has been reviewed and found to be deficient in the following area f, These details need to be added to or noted on both sets ofplans. Please fee}free to contact ft office with any questions regarding this matter. _ Sincerely, BUILDING&CODES OFFICE L 1SueHemingmylButlding.'Pcnt iLFORMSMcficient building Pcnnvthn 2003 d0c Permit Number MECcheck Compliance Report Checked By/Date Proposed New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code NECcheck Software Version 3.3 Release lb Data filename:AALot# 10.cck TITLE: 1232 28 x 44 COUNTY:Warren 0 1 2003 STATE:New York HDD:7635 U SY CONSTRUCTION TYPE:Detached I or 2 Family ��O1LvO1�`aC .`��'!� CO2F- ()r-OU"ZE , BEATING TYPE:Non-Electric DATE:09/30/03 DATE OF PLANS:09/30/03 PROJECT INFORMATION: Lot# 10 4 Kylian's Way Qudensbury,NY 12804 COMPANY INFORMATION: Clute Enterprises,Inc. 13 Dawn Road Queensbury,NY 12804 COMPLIANCE:Passes Maximum UA=261 Your Home=246 5.7%Better Than Code Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont' or Door Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1232 30.0 0.0 43 Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 1152 19.0 0.0 57 Window 1:Vinyl Frame,Double Pane 138 0.490 68 Door 1:Solid 42 0.230 10 Door 2:Glass 21 0.490 10 Floor 1:All-Wood Joist/Truss,Over Unconditioned Space 1232 19.0 0.0 58 .Furnace 1:Forced Hot Air,90 AFUE COMPLIANCE STATE ME`b� e posed b ild'u ingtepresented in this document is consistent with the building P-1 plans,specifications or rc submitte ith s permit application. The proposed systems have been designed to me e pose N ork Stat E n ervation Construction Code requirements. Build i CZ Date lc /D a MECcheck Inspection Checklist Proposed New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code MECcheck Software Version 3.3 Release lb DATE:09/30/03 TITLE: 1232 28 x 44 Bldg. I Dept. Use I Ceilings: [ ] I 1. Ceiling l:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss,R-30.0 cavity insulation Comments: I Above-Grade Walls: [ ] I 1. Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"o.c.,R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: I , Windows: C ] I 1. Window 1:Vinyl Frame,Double Pane,U-factor:OA90 For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break?[ ]Yes[ ]No Comments: I Doors: [ ] I I. Door 1: Solid,U-factor:0.230 Comments: ( ] 2. Door 2:Glass,U-factor:0.490 #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break?[ ]Yes[ ]No Comments: Floors: [ ] I 1. Floor 1:All-Wood Joist/Truss,Over Unconditioned Space,R-19.0 cavity insulation I Comments: Heating and Cooling Equipment: C ] I 1. Furnace 1:Forced Hot Air,90 AFUE or higher Make and Model Number I Air Leakage: [ ] I Joints,penetrations,and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage must be sealed. [ ] I Recessed lights must be Type IC rated and installed with no penetrations,or Type IC or non-IC rated installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5"clearance from combustible materials and 3"clearance from insulation. Vapor Retarder: [ I Required on the warni-in-winter side of all non-vented framed ceilings,walls,and floors. Materials Identification: [ I Materials and equipment must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. [ ] I Materials and equipment must be identified so that compliance can be determined. [ ] I Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water-heating equipment must be provided. a [ ] I Insulation R values,glazing U-factors,and heating equipment efficiency must be clearly marked on the building plans or specifications. I Duct Insulation: [ ] I Supply ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building must be insulated to R-11. [ ] I Return ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building must be insulated to R 6. [ ] I Supply ducts in unconditioned spaces must be insulated to R-11. [ ] I Return ducts in unconditioned spaces(except basements)must be insulated to R 2. Insulation is not required on return ducts in basements. I I Duct Construction: [ ] I All joints,seams,and connections must be securely fastened with welds,gaskets,mastics (adhesives),mastic-plus-embedded-fabric,or tapes. Duct tape is not permitted. I .Exception:Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts I operating at less than 2 in.w.g.(500 Pa). [ ] I Ducts shall be supported every 10 feet or in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. [ ] I Cooling ducts with exterior insulation must be covered with a vapor retarder. [ ] I Air filters are required in the return air system. [ ] The HVAC system must provide a means for balancing air and water systems. I Temperature Controls: [ ] Each dwelling unit has at lesat one thermostat capable of automatically adjusting the space temperature set point of the largest zone. I Electric Systems: [ ] I Separate electric meters are required for each dwelling unit. I Fireplaces: [ ] Fireplaces must be installed with tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doors. [ ] I Fireplaces must be provided with a source of combustion air,as required by the Fireplace construction provisions of the Building Code of New York State,the Residential Code.ofNew York State or ( the New York City Building Code,as applicable. I Service Water Heating: [ ] I Water heaters with vertical pipe risers must have a heat trap on both the inlet and outlet unless the I water heater has an integral heat trap or is part of a circulating system. [ ] I Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. I Circulating Hot Water Systems: [ ] ( Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. I Swimming Pools: [ ] ( All heated swimming pools must have an on/off heater switch and require a cover unless over 20% I of the heating energy is from non-depletable sources. Pool pumps require a time clock. I I Heating and Cooling Piping Insulation: [ ] I HVAC piping conveying fluids above 105°F or chilled fluids below 55 V must be insulated to the levels in Table 2. s Table 1: Minimum Insulation Thickness for Circulating Hot Water Pipes Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Heated Water Non-Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains and Runouts Temperature(F) U try 01" Up to 1.25" 1.5"to 2.0" Over 2" 170-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 14.0-160 0.5 0.5 1.0- 1.5 100-130 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2: Minimum Insulation Thickness for HVAC Pipes Fluid Temp, Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Piping System Types Range F 2"Runouts 1"and Less 1.25"to 2" 2.5"to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature 201-250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0, Low Temperature 120-200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Steam Condensate(for feed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water,Refrigerant, 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 and Brine Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD(Building Department Use Only) r I i or gbsorued,or boh�ua sad svid6co 0 0 Pc such as hoos�,woils, rms,foccs,e�,, .I, ; �ersonaljy measiirod tho;distaoces sit fort Qo the diagram --- - ---, U1G Ifi A A, . ...,?,...,�...�Iq , I Ig 4 I I. ; {{gg MMMLLL t 00 I 1 , 1 I I 1 I I I I i I r i T ; h I j .`I L. , 1 I i 1 I I i I