Warren County Planning Board Staff NotesWarren County Planning Board Project Review and Referral Form Reviewed by Board on November 12, 2003 Project Name: Galena Associates, LLC Owner: Roaring Brook LLC ID Number: QBY-03-AV-87 County Project#: Nov03-28 Current Zoning: HC-Int Community: Queensbury Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 125 sq ft addition to the southeast comer of the existing Valvoline Instant Oil Change Building's Car Wash Bay. Relief requested from side setback requirements. Site Location: 717 Upper Glen Street Tax Map Number(s): 302.06-1-52 Staff Notes: Area Variance: The applicant proposes a 126 +/- sq ft addition to and existing Valvoline Instant Oil Change/Carwash facility. The building is to be located 10 ft from the Southside property line where a minimum of 20 It is required sum of 50ft. The building is pre-existing non -conforming. The applicant proposes no other changes to site in reference to lighting landscaping or parking arrangements. Staff does not identify an impact on county resources. Staff recommends no county impact. Local actions to date (if any): County Planning Board Recommendation: No County Impact Local Action:/Final Dispensation (Provide reason if local action is contrary to Warren County Planning Board recommendation): 0 T Warren County Planning Board Date Signed Local Official Date Signed PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO THE WARREN COUNTY PLANNING BOARD WITHIN 30 DAYS OF FINAL ACTION.