MAY 8, 1984
Mrs. Frances Walter-Supervisor
Mr. Daniel Olson-Councilman
Dr. Charles Eisenhart-Councilman
Mr. Daniel Morrell-Councilman
Mrs. Betty Monahan-Councilman
Mr. Wilson Mathias-Town Counsel
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE-led by Councilman Olson
Meeting Opened 7:34 P.M.
PRESS: G.F. Post Star
GUESTS: Residents of Meadowbrook Road, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Turnbull
TOWN OFFICIALS: Mr. Mack Dean, Mr. Richard Bolton Jr., Mr. Paul Naylor
Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance-Notice Shown-Hearing Opened 7:34 P.M.
Supervisor Walter-the Public Hearing is in regard to the amending of the Zoning Ordinance
Sections 12.070, 2.020, 7.074, 9.020 and 10.050...we are adding the word structures and
defining what structure means, in regard to 10.050 we are adding the wording "when
requested". The Zoning Board of Appeals at its discretion, may refer any completed
variance application to the Planning Board. It used to be you always went there and
now we are trying very hard to relieve the Planning Board of some of their very long
meetings. Section 9.020 refers to conversions of certain uses, we are changing the
wording. ...resort hotels, rental cottages, and group camps may be allowed to be converted,
it used to read, will be allowed...under previous use "individual single family residence
use through Site Plan Review" and also added "Further, said conversion will be reviewed
under the Town Subdivision Regulations, recognizing that the said subdivision regulations
as provided in Article 8 of said subdivision regulations and in Article 9 of the Zoning
Ordinance.", that is all new wording...Section 7.074 Deals with minimum yard regulations
we are looking at "structures of less than 100 square feet may be erected at a minimum
of five (5) feet from side and rear lot lines, provided that: 1. May not be located closer
to the street than the required setback line of the principal structure, and; 2. May not
be located closer to a principal structure than ten (10) feet. (b) Accessory structures
greater than 100 squre feet must comply with the setback requirements applicable to
the principal structure." that is all new wording... These changes have been brought
to the Town Board as a request from the Planning Board. They felt that with our Ordinance
in effect now for several years these are areas that need to be amended. We have had
some problems with intrepretation in the past and they have assured the Board that with
inclusion of these new phrases and words that they will not have these problems.
Asked for public input...
Councilman Monahan- Are the disk antenna for TV considered a structure?
Mr. Dean- That is not being addressed in the changes...There was a great deal of discussion
about the disk with the Planning Board. It was the feeling that with talking with people
in the market that these will become smaller and smaller and will be 18-24" disks...
In regard to the proposed amendments, the staff has found some problems in the field
work and have discussed it with the Planning Board and found the changes to be a solution,
to be problem.
Councilman Monahan- I do not feel comfortable with the minimum yard regulation.
I am looking at SFR-10 which is 10,000 square feet lot, which is 1001x1001. That means
that an accessory structure has to come back from the rear line 20' and back from the
side line 151, by the time you get a house on there you�are getting the lot chopped up.
If they want to place a pool how will they do it?
Mr. Dean- That size lot is small to begin with...the SFR zone is our most protected zone
for single family dwellings. Noted that there is always the option for a variance.
Councilman Monahan- I do not think that an ordinance is very good if you have to have
a lot of variances.
Mr. Dean- You do not need a lot of variances because most of our zones provide for a
ten foot setback from the side lot line. The problem has arisen where the people take
advantage of the five foot seback for structures as large as a house. This is creating
an adverse effect on the neighborhood and a real problem for adjacent property owners.
If it was a normal storage building, that the planning board had in mind when they originally
created that setback, then you really would not have a problem. Someone can walk in
a get a building permit for a 24' x 40' garage and with a five foot setback from the property
line is really creating a problem. The SFR-10 zone is not a large zone within the Town
most are SFR-20 or 30.
Councilman Monahan- You are almost asking them to do an impossible thing. If you
scale out a lot 100' wide and leave 20' on each side and put a 24' garage across and you
have to have 10' between that and the principal structure, a 24' wide house and another
20' if my math is any good we have 98' used already in a 100' lot, that is ridiculous. They
might as well have some room for green area and have their garage closer to the line.
Mr. Dean- At the expense of the adjoining lot owner?
Councilman Monahan-I do not think that is an expense, I think you are going to have
chopped up looking things. I do not think that this was scaled out in lots and really looked
at, I think it was looked at in theory but not scaled down on a plan.
Supervisor Walter- I think we are looking at a situation where it has happened and there
was quite a bit of conversation with that builder in front of the Planning Board.
Mr. Dean-...people have been taking advantage of this particular setback of 51. They
are complying with the setback with very large structures.
Councilman Monahan-A 100' structure is not a large structure, I might see this if it was
greater... >
Mr. Dean-The Planning Board basically had in mind, when they created that setback,
was tool sheds. They were not envisioning someone taking advantage by putting up a
two or three car garage with a five foot setback. It is possible that maybe an 81x12'
building would be more feasible.
Councilman Monahan- Perhaps you should not have this apply to every zone.
Supervisor Walter- Asked for further comments, hearing none the Public Hearing was
closed. 7:51 P.M.
RESOLUTION NO. 107, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board Minutes of April 24, 1984 be and hereby are approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
t :
Ayes: Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Mr. Olson
RESOLUTION NO. 108, Introduced by Mr. Daneil Olson who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Dr. Charles Eisenhart:
WHEREAS, a proposed Local Law to establish parking and no parking zones on Town
property off Glen Lake Road and designated as Section 18 Block 4 Lot 1, a copy of which
is hereto annexed, has been prepared, and
WHEREAS, the proposed Local Law is worthy of consideration for legislative action,
RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held concerning the proposed adoption of a Local
Law and that said public hearing be held at 7:30 P.M. in the Meeting Room of the Town
of Queensbury Office Building, Bay & Haviland Rds. in the Town of Queensbury, Warren
County, New York on the 22nd day of May, 1984 at which all persons interested in the
subject thereof will be heard, and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be hereby directed and authorized to publish and provide
notice of said public hearing as may be required by law.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
i— Absent: None
Supervisor Walter- This is a piece of property that the Town has which is public access
to Glen Lake, we have had a problem with encroachment on the property, that has discouraged
the public from using the property. The Town aecquired this property as an access and
we will to continue to use i t as such. We are designating a 201x20' area in the northeast
section of the property forparking. The remainder of the property will be no parking.
RESOLUTION NO. 109, Introduced by Mrs. Frances Walter who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury finds that in order to support
the role of parents in preventing young minds from being adversely affected by sexually
explicit material a Local Law is necessary baring the display to minors of obscene materials,
WHEREAS, a.proposed Local Law to prohibit the display of obscene material to minors,
a copy of which is hereto annexed, has been prepared, and
WHEREAS, the proposed Local Law is worthy of consideration for legislative action,
RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held concerning the proposed adoption of said Local
Law and that said public hearing be held at 7:30 P.M. in the Meeting Room of the Town
of Queensbury Office Building, Bay & Haviland Rds.in the Town of Queensbury, Warren
County, New York on the 22nd day of May, 1984 at which all persons interested in the
subject thereof will be heard, and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be hereby directed and authorized to publish and provide
notice of said public hearing as may be required by law.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilman Monahan- Requested that in Section 1 of the proposed Local Law the word
"calendar" be added. (Agreed to by the entire Town Board)
Supervisor Walter-As the resolution to set the public hearing said, the Town is really
trying to cooperate in assisting parents, whereas having these things on display, we have
had a lot of parents that are concerned, that this kind of thing, obscene material, is very
Councilman Olson- Has any thought been given to having this kind of local law being
brought to the County level, and making it County wide?
Supervisor Walter- It has not been done, we are prohibiting display. There is a state law
that prohibits the selling of. I will bring this up at the legislative committee in Warren
DISCUSSION- Discussion held in regard to the passage of the proposed Zoning Amendment,
Councilman Monahan requested that section 7.074 be voted on seperately. (Agreed to
by the Entire Town Board)
RESOLUTION NO. 110, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell:
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Planning Board presented the Town Board with several amendments
to the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance and
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board set a public hearing on May 8, 1984 at 7:30 P.M.
on the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, and
WHEREAS, the Public Hearing was held at the specified time and place and all interested
parties were heard on the proposed amendments to the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance,
RESOLVED, that the following amendments be added to the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance:
a) Permits Required. No building, structure, or sign shall be erected, added to or structurally
altered until a permit therefor has been issued by the 'Zoning Administrator. No new
use of a building or structure shall be undertaken until a permit therefor has been isued
by the Zoning Administrator. No building permit, or where applicable, certificate of
occupancy shall be issued for any building, structure, use, or sign where said construction,
addition, alteration, or use would be in violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance,
or of any other Ordinance or Local Law for the Town of Queensbury.
a) 14. "Building Height" means the vertical distance measured from the average level
of the highest and lowest portion of the building site covered by the building or structure,
to the uppermost portion of the structure.
102. "Structure" means any object constructed, installed or permanently place on land
to facilitate land use and development or subdivision of land, including, but not limited
to, buildings, sheds, single family dwellings,mobile homes, signs, service station pumps,
drive-in or drive through islands with or without canopies, all above ground tanks, and
any fixtures, additions and alterations hereto. (Se Definition #12 "Building")
Those structures existing on the effective date of this Ordinance (6-11-82) that are associated
with resort hotels, rental cottages, and group camps may be allowed to be converted
from their previous use to individual single family residence use through Site Plan Review.
Said conversion can be made notwithstanding the fact that such structures, as converted,
may not conform to all the provisions of this Ordinance or the Shoreline Restrictions.
Further, said conversion will be reviewed under the Town Subdivision Regulations, recognizing
that the Planning Board may waive certain requirements of said subdivision regulations
as provided in Article 8 of said subdivision regulations and in Article 9 of the 'Zoning
a) The Zoning Board of Appeals, at its discretion, may refer any completed variance
application to the Planning Board for its report and recommendation when it is determined
that further planning concept review is needed regarding said application, and where
required by Section 239-m of the General Municipal Law, to the County Planning Agency
having jurisdiction for its report and recommendation. In no case shall final action be
taken until said Planning Board, when requested, and County Planning Agency (if appropriate)
have submitted their reports, or until thirty (30) days have passed since the date of referral,
whichever occurs first.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson , Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 111, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell:
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Planning Board presented the Town Board with several amendments
to the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, and
WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board set a public hearing on May 8, 1984 at 7:30 P.M.
on the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, and
WHEREAS, the public hearing was held at the specified time and place and all interested
parties were heard on the proposed amendments to the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance,
RESOLVED, that the following amendment be added to the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance:
A. Minimum yard regulations
1) Unattached Accessory Structures in LC-42A, LC-10A, RR-3A, RR-5A, LR-1A, LR-3A,
UR-10 UR-5, SR-1 A, SR-30, SR-30„ SFR-10, SFR-20, SFR-30 and SF1A zones.
Accessory structures, which are not attached to a principal structure, may be erected
in accordance with the following restrictions.
a). Accessory structures of less than 100 square feet may be erected at a minimum of
five (5) feet from side and rear lot lines, provided that:
1) May not be located closer to the street than the required setback line of the principal
structure, and:
2) May not be located closer to a principal structure than ten (10) feet.
b) Accessory structures greater than 100 square feet must comply with the setback
requirements applicable to the principal structure.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Walter
Noes: Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan
Absent: None
-MOBILE HOME APPLICATION-Clifford and Lucy A. Reed of Ogden Rd. to place a mobile
home on Ogden Rd.-Owner of property Clifford and Lucy Reed- 1978 Champion Double
wide mobile home
Councilman Morrell- Questioned the nearest cross street being Pinello Road.
Mr. Dean- It should be Corinth Road.
Councilman Olson- This mobile home has been there?
Mr. Dean- Yes, Five to Six Years. History of the placement of the mobile home...
At the time they order the new home there was some confusion as to the difference
between a double wide and a modular home, that is the basis of the problem. They were
granted a building permit based on code requirements for a modular and it turned out
that it was a mobile home, it was double wide. They went through other entanglements
and as I understand the building department has been trying to clarify the situation for
a number of years. The Reeds have recently applied for a mobile home permit. In order
for the assessor to reassess it, it needs an official mobile home permit.
RESOLUTION NO. 112 , Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for
its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan:
WHEREAS, Clifford and Lucy A. Reed have made application in accordance with
paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE
home outside at property situated at Ogden Road, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements
of said ordinance, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application
are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance,
the Town Board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on May 22, 1984
at 7:30 P.M. P.M. in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay Road, and that
the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of said
public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
-Ltr. D.O.T. - NOTICE OF ORDER- area speed limit 30 mph. West of I87 on file...
-Ltr. N.W. Bodenweiser to attend school on Fire Extinguishers on May 10, 1984 in Bellville,
New Jersey
RESOLUTION NO. 113, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted Mr. Mr. N.W. Bodenweiser, Fire Marshal
to attend a Fire Extinguisher School on May 10, 1984 in Bellville, New Jersey and be
it further
RESOLVED, that there will no cost to the Town.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
Ltr- Kiwanis Club- requesting that the building fee for the project at the Prospect School
be refunded...on file...
RESOLUTION NO. 114, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan:
RESOLVED, that the building permit fee of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) paid by the Kiwanis
Club of Glens Falls for the pavillion at the Prospect School on Aviation Road, Queensbury,
be hereby refunded.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Esienhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
The following reports were placed on file- Town Clerk's month report for the month
of April.....Building & Zoning monthly report for the month of April...
Councilman Eisenhart- Hoped to have final details about the change in voting districts
by the next meeting...West Mountain Community Church...
Councilman Monahan-I believe you all received a letter concerning the Gurney Lane
Pool, the Recreation Commission is in favor of the proposal and are requesting that the
Town get some figures together regarding the proposal. The Commission is in favor
of going ahead with the project whether we receive a grant or not. The Commision would
like to have a meeting with the Town Board to discuss the Gurney Lane project. The
neighborhood Park in West Glens Falls is well underway with their permanent structures
with more to be added.
Member of the Recreation Commission
Town Clerk- Announced that Mr. Dale Granger was at the meeting tonight but has now
left, he is in support of the Gurney Lane Project.
Supervisor Walter- We have sent the grant off approximately two weeks ago, we will
know whether we have the grant monies by September for the Gurney Lane Project...
Spoke on the possibility of bonding for the project...
We have had some parties interested in water service on Stewart Road in Queensbury,
we have looked at the figures, it appears that the cost will be approximately $8.17 per
thousand...cost of the district being $27,000.00. Requested that Councilman Morrell
contact the interested party and project the proposed costs.
Councilman Morrell- For a number of people that water situation is critical right now...
Joseph Daire-So. Queensbury-Questioned why the Town does not take over the pavillion
at Lake Sunnyside for a recreation area?
Supervisor Walter-The recreation commission has looked at the property on several different
Joseph Daire- Requested that the roads be lined on Quaker and Dix...and also on Warren
Supervisor Walter- Because of the Accidents at Highland and Quaker Rds. I have already
gotten a letter off to the State D.O.T. and I will also take this up at the traffic safety
board meeting at Warren County.
Arthur Turnbull-Sunnyside Rd.-Questioned when the street light will be placed at Western
Supervisor Walter-We are contacting Niagara Mohawk about that location.
Arthur Turnbull-Questioned if Hovey House was going to be repaired for the Senior Citizens?
Supervisor Walter - The question is what are we going to do with it, we have it, we talked
about it, the Senior's wanted it, they didn't want it, they wanted it. There are two sides,
I do not want you to stand up at a Board meeting and say,"what is the Town Board doing,"
when in fact part of that time was the indecision on the part of the Senior Citizens. You
know, Art, you are not in agreement all the time with the other seniors, so the Town
Board has talked about it, we brought in professionals to take a look at it. What really
happened was the fact there was a length of time that went by, we are now under the
New York State Fire Code and to bring that building into code for use at public assembly,
the cost would be prohibitive. We are looking in other directions. We met two months
ago looking at senior housing that included a hall with outside developers. We are working
on it.
Councilman Monahan- We met with the Senior Citizens Executive Board and they were
going to get back to us with information about their exact needs and the number of hours
they would use a building, I do not believe that we hav(Neen that information.
Supervisor Walter- We have not gotten the Senior Citizens Activity Report for last year.
Mrs. Tyminski - Meadowbrook Road- Has the Board made a decision regarding making
Meadowbrook Road one-way?
Councilman Eisenhart- Our discussion last night came to the consensus that we have
the signs up to keep trucks off...
UNKNOWN-- That is doing no good. Described the trucks that were using the road...
46 Supervisor Walter- I have spoken with the Sheriff's Dept., I have asked that the deputies
that work in Queensbury be placed in that area for a concentrated time and let the truckers
know who have been using it, that there is a weight limit and that they will be arrested
for using it.
Councilman Olson- The question was, what are we going to do with Meadowbrook Road?
The Board toured the roads the other evening, it was the general opinion of the Board
that we have our Highway Supt. make some more estimates in repairing the road, looking
at widening it in spots and getting back to us with a report.
Mrs. Bott- Questioned if the main problem with the road was that the bed of the road
was not made to withstand the traffic?
Mr. Naylor- The road is narrow, but is built like any other road in the Town of Queensbury,
it was built with oil and stone, in the last few years we have gone to hot mix.
Supervisor Walter- Your road is not a high traveled road, we placed the counters out
there. It is a moderate and some days bordering light. It is not a heavily traveled road.
We are still awaiting information from the County Highway Supt.,We have not decided
whether or not to make it a one way street but that it is an open issue until all the information
is put together.
Mrs. Bott- Did you get a lot of letters opposing making Meadowbrook a one-way?
Supervisor Walter- We received a petition (on file) 27 signatures opposing the one-way...
Councilman Olson- I had four phone calls, I do not know if they were the same people
who signed the petition.
Councilman Eisenhart-I had one call but that was a question whether it was one-way
north of Quaker Road...
Councilman Monahan- I had two calls...
Supervisor Walter- I will let Mrs. Bott, or Mrs. Tyminski know when this will be on the
agenda again.
Mr. Pliney Tucker-Complained about the dumping on Divison Road, presented the Town
Board with pictures of the dumping site. A week ago Friday I contacted George Stec,
he looked at the site and contacted Bill Threw and Saturday afternoon he bulldozed it
off. Noted that the photos showed dumping from a week ago Saturday. Noted that some
material was dropped by the Queensbury Highway Dept., yesterday and today. Pointed
out in one photo where there is a cable strung between two trees, voiced his concern
over youngsters riding their bikes through that area...
Councilman Monahan- What action did Mr. Stec take?
Mr. Tucker- The only action he took was to tell Mr. Threw, the stuff had to be pushed
over and covered, they pushed it over but never covered it.
Supervisor Walter- Mr. Tucker, you are right. Our Ordinance says that you cannot dump
in the Town of Queensbury anywhere you darn well please, we do have a landfill that
refuse, vegetation, other materials should be dumped in an approved landfill and an individual
does not have the authority to start his own landfill. 1 spoke with our Attorney, he indicated
that he would be writing a letter to the gentlemen who owns the property to say that
this is in violation of our Town Ordinances.
Mr. Tucker- What other action will the Town take? This is a fire hazard.
Supervisor Walter- In other situations we have asked the party to remove it...
Mr. Tucker- You would not put up with that situation around your house.
Supervisor Walter- I agree with you, the Town quite frankly has been lax and I think we
should get ourselves in gear and take some action.
Mr. Tucker- In my conversation with Mr. Stec, I was told that Encon was involved so
I got ahold of Bud Colden. , The information I got from him was that this was for only
less than a year with only stumps being dumped...
Supervisor Walter- But, our ordinances says you do not dump stumps and trees...
Mr. Tucker- I asked does his agency supercede an ordinance and he said no, he referred
me to Regulatory Affairs, a Mr. Tom Hall and both these men told me these kinds of
things are low priority. I did mention that they are within thirty feet of a spring which
goes into a trout stream and flows into the Hudson River. This area is a natural runoff
to the Hudson River Mr. Hall said he would take a look. We want this shut down.
For the public record, thr, more I get into the t, the more merky it gets, the more information
I get this becomes more of a commercial venture of the principals involved. Again,
just for the record, so that if it comes up later it will not be a surprise to somebody,
the Town Attorney represents one of the principals involved in this and if the Town does
what they say they are going to do I am satisfied with him being there, but we want it
removed. if we get to the point where it is being removed I know the Town Board will
appoint someone to oversee this, Mr. (unknown) and myself wish to be on this board.
Councilman Eisenhart- What do you want to be removed?
Mr. Tucker-The whole thing, there is plastic, old buildings, let me point out where some
of this stuff comes from, Bedford Close, Northern Homes, Mr. Dombeck, the stuff from
Stephanie Lane, McDonald's, Adirondack Tree Surgeons, they are the ones we are having
problems with. Mr. Threw has not been in there in a week and a half, but Adirondack
Tree Sergeons, every time we stop him, he tells us Mr. Threw said we could dump there.
The stuff that was dumped last night, Mr. Threw was talking with the guy, with tires
and tar buckets and old wood.
Mr. Naylor-As a resident of Division Road just for the record, are you talking for you
and your partner or for all of us?
Mr. Tucker- No, For our end of the street where we can see it.
Councilman Olson- You said the Town trucks dumped some stuff in there?
Mr. Naylor- Yes, they had been cleaning the shoulders, they have dumped there for years.
Ever since I have been in office to cover up the wood, we bring our dirt over there.
Mr. Tucker- To give the devil his due, what Paul has been bring in there would be considered
normal cover what he brought in today involved brush...if this had been run properly
I would not have gone into the Town Clerk's Office and asked for the ordinance governing
dumping, I would not have known that, that was there. We have had trucks tip over
on the street...
lo c k
Councilman Morrell- Has that cable a Nikon it?
Unknown-a cable clamp...
Councilman Morrell- Is it used to keep trail bikes off?
Mr. Tucker- To keep people out of the dump.
Supervisor Walter- Asked for further comments, hearing none the open forum was closed.
RESOLUTION NO. 115, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as appears on Abstract No. 84-5A and Numbered 814
through 942 and totaling $66,727.13 be and hereby is approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 116, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its
adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby moves into executive session to discuss
personnel matters.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 117, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan:
RESOLVED, that Mr. Ted Turner of Meadowbrook Road is hereby appointed Chairman
of the Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals, term to expire on May 17, 1986.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Mr. Morrell
RESOLUTION NO. 118, Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell:
RESOVED, that Mr. Gustave Behr of Roberts Gardens Queensbury is hereby appointed
a member of the Queensbury Zoning Board to fill a vacancy, term to expire on September
14, 1985.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter
Noes: None
Absent: None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk