2002-336 (2) El Co RF—CFIVED mAY 01 2002 TOWN OF OUEENBBURY CODE c D 10' 3' €3 a 12 1 L TOWN OF 3 3 " m WN BUILDING & C D EPT. REVIEWED BY N DATE OF�.UEEN",�URY BUILDING DEPARTMENT 8a,e:d on our limited examination, compliance wAth our comments shall pY not be construed as indicating the plans and specifications are in full ILE i liance v�th the co4E. , CGiii� 267 ♦ W 5.9b lot -- -KK 9d 6 ki r j auwlua W r I'V "6 silt 9,bL i, I Aprili25, 2002 To: David Hatin Town of Queensbury Office of Building& Codes 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 From: Christopher Jones 21 Wincrest Drive Queensbury,NY 12804 (518)792-5549 Re: Application for a Building Permit Dear Mr. Hatin, This is a summary of the details to accompany a building permit application for alterations to the basement of my dwelling. The purpose of the construction is to divide the basement into separate rooms. The current drawing is attached as figure 1. Note that the basement is currently one large room,with approximate measurements of 25x 46'. In order to make the basement more usable,the space will be divided into 5 rooms. Reference fikure2. As noted on the figure,the"addition" is of partitions to separate the space into these rooms:.- These partitions are noted by the shaded walls. The main purpose of the alterations is to. provide an additional "family room",as noted by the large room with the approximate dimensions of.34'x 12'. This room will have finished sheetrock walls and a drop ceiling. L In order to provide a means of egress,I will install a double hung window in the Southeast comer of the basement. The new window will replace an existing basement window. The window will have the following dimensions and will be located from the ceiling down: 32"w x 54%. The currently installed window meets the "sill plate" 82 1/2 inches from the floor. The bottom section'of the new window will be 32"w x 26%,or greater than the required 2 square feet of opening. The bottom of the window will be less than 48" from the floor. The window well will be made out of pressure treated timbers,and will be 36"w x 60"d. The timbers will be atleast 6"-below the bottom of the window,and the top of the crushed stone in the bottom of the window well will beat least 4"below the bottom of the window. For drainage, I will install flashing under the crushed stone angled away from the foundation of the house. The window well may be stepped near the top,but the closest dimension perpendicular to the window will be 36". Please indicate any other details that you need regarding this modification. During the week of April 24 th.please forward any questions to me through my wife,Ginelle, at(761-6583). r , S.ristopher J nes