2001-214 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY fltorN 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY _: = Permit Number::_ P20010214 Date Issued:. Friday, December 31, 2004 -_- _ = =__ _: .-This is to-certify that work requested to be-done as shown by Permit Number P20010214 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-290-000-0001-022-015-0000 Location: 164 CHESTNUT RIDGE Rd - .- Owner: _. . . DANIEL J LOWELL SR Applicant: DANIEL J LOWELL SR This structure may be occupied as a: By Order of Town Board Residential Alteration TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Building&Code Enforcement 1 ��` TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 VW Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20010214 . Application Number:. A20010214 Tax Map No: 523400-290-000-0001-022-015-0000 Permission is hereby granted to' DANTET,TT,OWF,T,T, SR For property located at: 164 CHESTNUT RIDGE Rd . in the Town of Queensbury,to.construct or place ' at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with die NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: DANIEL J LOWELL SR 164 CHESTNUT RIDGE Rd Residential Alteration $5,000.00 Total Value $5,000.00 QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 - i Contractor or Builder's Name /Address . Electrical Inspection Agency COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL A ` ' PO BOX 706 I. . HAGIJE_NY Plans&Specifications " 2001-214 . 1600 SQ FT RESIDENTIAL ALTERATION :. AS PER APPLICATIONRsfc QQ,LU $160.00 PERMIT FEE PAID THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: onday, May 09, 2005 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the cod Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) �� Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Wednesday,May 09,.2001 SIGNED BY3 f„/` ' -- for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building& 0i e E`'1.rcement . --- BuildingPermit Application . Town of Queensbuly - Dept. of Community Development, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 /761-8256/ -O • BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT NOTICERequirements prior to issuance A permit must be obtained before of this permit: PERMIT FILE N�( beginning construction. No inspections CAD PERMIT FEE PAID$ , will be made until applicant has received 0 Zoning Board Action 19 a VALID IIUILDINa PERMIT. All Area /Use RECREATION FEE AI I—applicants' Qpaaea on this application MUST be completed and.the signature n Planning Board Action REVIEWED BY. __ of the applicant must appear on the _SPR / Subdivision /Other tTrdl /ng ,rrlrrtynr _--- lication form. nmx you. Recreation Fee Payment / � �/ ". �� 4% 1 �-6-�-tom-- Applicant: An,/ Address: ��� � j � � Address: �� 7:44& Ake:, Phone # ($18 _) 2,3 - _y/ 23 Phone # (S/8 ) 7%S - 9 r73 . Property Location: AY r �� �/ Subdivision Namc:• Tax Map Number J / / 7?7 Section Block Jul NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE New Building: CONSTRUCTION: $ Sono ` residence / commercial Addition to Building: residence / commercial OCCUPANCY INFORMATION: Alterat,.i:-a-n—to uilding: Primary Building - esidence / commercial Single Family fy , p1\Jj Resi enc ommercial —Two Famiily .Dwelling no change to exterior size . Family Dwetg 1 ZOO1 Office Other Work (describe below) Mercantile TOV� OFC3iIEENS 11s't',: Manufacturing BUILDING Al�t0 CODE Other �---- --aw GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: ' If ADDITION, what will use 1st Floor ei(s sq. ft. of new additio be? : 2nd ,F1'ovr. . ., i,l0 sq. ft. .4/.4 Other Flouts eq. ft. (not unfinished cellar or basement) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS: • A Detached Garage 1, 2 car TOTAL FLOOR AREA: SQ. FT. Attached Garage 1, 2 car Private Storage Building SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE: Commercial Storage Building Other - ' FEET X 4' FEET �// Foundation Type: CjC/5j/AJC. ^`1 Will any second-hand or ungraded ' Number of Stories : C, / lumber be used? If so, for what? &I (habitable space onily) Height (grade e) • -. • -'feet TYPE 00 HEATING SYSTEM: Number o re a and/or woodstove ( circle all whic lies) to be ' _ s_ .f2,vy Electric / Oil od Forced Hot Air / Baseboar / Other Person responsible for supervision of work as regards to building codes is : Name Addresss Phone Builder: 'q�wn • `.e • Plumber: 4 Mason: Electrician: tb DECLARATION: Please sign below after you have carefully read the statement. To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, arc a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further, it is understood that I/we shall submit prior to a • Certificate of Occupancy'or Certificate of Compliance being issued, an AS BUILT PLOT PLAN by a licensed surveyor; dr wn to cale, showi actual location of pro' ct of premises. / i Signature: . "" '/ 7 `� (owner, owner` agent, architect, contractor) as -� ly iv„r�Ar -�� ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCAPPLICATION -1 200 f ��� _ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, W_�,RREN COUNT - ' _ 9000 HEATING DEGREE DAYS �Vli OFou ,. D1 0 AND C l'' Comoliance Methods: PART 5 - Acceptable Practice Method - - 1&2 Family Dwellings (only) - PART 6* - Thermal Rating - Component Trade Offs 1&2 Family Dwellings; Multi-Fa. ily Dwellings (3 stories or less) - PART 4* Design by Component Performance • Commercial Buildings-Ei Rise Residential *Recuires submission of worksheets APPLICANT' S NAME: PROPERTY LOCATION: ,,, 4.,,,Aiii ,,Z„.07- - A'-/ zitki ,6 ,•• Zile/ PART 5 METHOD OF COMPLIANCE BY ACCEPTABLE PRACTICE: I . Gross Floor Area - /6oc sc_La=e feet • 2 . T- e of Heat - El=r--1 c O 1 1 t/ Gas Other 3 . _s building mec_ani daliv cooled? Yes tio . L. A . P e= a centce of area of windows and doors Over 17"3/4un.aer 17-s 5 . R-7:--.•u E S FOR INSULATION GIVEN BELOW MUST CORRESPOND TO R-ALt E S AS S=0'rTN ON. PL? S STJ M_T'T_D: a . Roof R b . Exterior Walls R - Glazed areas R _ g Exterior doors R e . Floors over unheated soaces d7/25 J ct:irie-A''-a•-.4'�- R / - grr . �dce of slab on_ g awe (heated bu_ldi ng) R c . Basement/cellar walls (above grade) R __ . 3as event/cellar wails (below cr ade) R . _earl nc/coc__ g-duc_s-pi pi:c in unheated space R 6 . Service (domestic) hot water heat.i c device Cc•n=o=ms to minimum e=_ ciency per code i Yes No TEMPERATURE CON ROL MAXIMUM SETTING 140° - WILL NOT BE EXCEEDED gip__ A' ; - / �_ Phcze Nuri:ce- .4/ ;:;- =NS=_ ' S REMARKS: Inspector's No. Date COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE INC. (Consulting and Fire Inspection Services) (Incorporated in the states of Maryland,New York,Pennsylvania,Delaware and West Virginia) Desiring Certification of Approval, application is made for inspection of electrical installation in the premises described below. On demand,applicant agrees to pay for inspection service in accord with schedule of charges. PLEASE PRINT s Owner Type Bldg. DWG ❑Other -,t A ",--1 t ia;f Occupant Building Permit No., _-- -- Job Location City State County Twp. M/C# Swimming Pool—New❑Old❑. Directions to Job Site Application For Rough Wiring❑ Fixtures❑ Service❑ or Work—New ❑ Additional❑ Bldg: —New❑ Old❑ Ready for Inspection APPLICANTS SIGNATURE LICENSE M PERMIT 0 - PLEASE PNONEN PRINT NAME - - ` APPLICANT'S NAME OF ADDRESS UTILITY OFFICE TO CITY STATE ZIP CODE BE NOTIFIED ROUGH WIRING SPACE BELOW FOR USE OF INSPECTORS ONLY AMP OUTLETS EQUIPMENT SERVICE PUMP SWITCHES HEAT OVEN PUMP RECEPTACLES SURFACE GARBAGE UNIT DISPOSAL UNIT MEDIUM BASE RANGE FIXTURES MOGUL BASE WATER DRYER FIXTURES HEATER FLUORESCENT AIR AMP. RECEPTACLES FIXTURES CONDITIONER MERCURY VAPOR OR WIRING&CONTROLS FOR BURNER FRAC.H.P. QUARTZ FIXTURES _ VENT FANS MOTORS aH.P. 1/20 1/12 1110 1/8 1/6 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 5 7.1/2 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 MARK NUMBER OF EACH SIZE I Inspector's Comments: OFFICE USE ONLY WORK INSPECTED REPOR- ¢ o NOTIFIED TED ¢ 9 FEE PAID U SERVICE DATE CON- TOTAL $ Date Received: TRACTOR R.W.DATE OWNER CHECK NO. FINAL DATE OCCUPANT CHARGE Certificate No.: CERTIFICATE NEEDED AGENT CASH Date Sent: D YES 0 DUP ELEC. LT.CO. INSPECTOR Progress ❑ THIS OPLICATION EXPIRES ONE YEAR FROM DATE MAKE ALL FEES PAYABLE TO C.E.I.S.INC. WHITE/OFFICE PINK/INSPECTOR CANERY/OFFICER GOLD/CUSTOMER / Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement - Residential Final Inspection -Office No.(518)761-8256 Arrive: am/pm eep�t: /. amipm Date Inspection request received: - Inspector's Initials: NAME: - ")LJ i . PERMIT#: . -010 I - al it LOCATION: ,L<,_. DATE: 40,,__-_-_-113 -Q TYPE OF STRUCTU E: INN\ _�__ Comments Yf N/A Chimney Ht./"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location // Fresh Air Intake P rn 3 inch Plumb Vent through roof minimum 6" i `_ Roof Complete/Exterior Finish Complete --- 3 Guard 30 in.or more Cad stairs,decks,patios Guard at stairwell at 34 in. or more Guard at deck,porches 36 in. or more / Exterior Finish Complete 7 Interior/Exterior Railings 34 in.to 38 in. Platform at all exterior doors Interior Handrails stairs 2 or more risers Enclosed Stairs Sheetrock Underside minimum %" Gypsum Grade away from foundation 6 in. with 10 ft. Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall 6 inch clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18"above grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 ft.or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating Low water shut-off boiler Relief Valve(s)installed/Heat Trap/Water Temp 110 Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36 in. 7 Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safety glazing/Window in stairwells safety glazing . • Interior Smoke Detectors: �— Every level: / Every Bedroom: `// Outside every bedroom area: Inter Connected: / Battery backup: Carbon Monoxide Detector Bathroom Fans, if no window 1/7/ / Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation Floor truss,draft stopping finished basement 1,000 sf t",/ Emergency egress below grade Basement stairs closed rise>4 inches Garage Floor Pitched / Garage fireproofing/'/4 hour fire door/door closer ,/ 7 Duct work Sealed properly Gas Logs in Sealed or Glass Enclosure Attic access 30 in.x 22 in.x 30 in.(ht.)In accessible area Crawl Spaces 18"x 24"access, 1 sq. ft.-150 sq. ft. vents Building No./Add visi e fr m rf d Final Electrical / 'fi D �(✓C Lf Site Plan /Varian requi d Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System/Sewer Dept.Inspection Sticker Flood Plain Certification, if required Okay to issue C/C or C/0[Temporary/Permanent] L:\PamW\Building&Codes\Inspection Forms\Res. Final Insp. form 2.docLast printed 2/12/04 NIL //,/,2 Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspection Keport Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection requ r:ceive� Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: a w /pm De,z 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's j / 1 NAME: p uP , PERMIT#: ` L 0"--) L( LOCATION: Lo(� (_t` `1 l )'� INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: v Y N N/A PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R-4 Drain/Vents Cast Iron, Copper Drain/Vent/Comm. Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing/Nail Plates \b� Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 ft. above highest Connection for 15 minutes Water Supply Piping • ' Copper Commercial Copper15VC,Pex One&Two Family /Residential Check/Commercial Check Vistrlion roper Vent, Attic Vent 013j‘ Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation \UL3 pnv If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct Work Sealed Properly COMMENTS: \ • L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc January 28,2003 7� Office Use GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Inspector: Town of Queensbury Ready at time: Dept. of Community Development Request received: Meet: Building& Code Enforcement At time: 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 ARRIVE am/pm: DEPAR ;( cim/pm wigNotes• L.jAik W (518) 761-8256 Inspector's Initials l� NAME: c\ o\iS� PERT # I �� n LOCATION: gS V\ 1� INSPECT ON(date): 1(r,1 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: ,.___ ____c) RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS • Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/D ampproofing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Pluinb'ng ent/Vents in Place / Rough Pl,umbing" //(/�/_ 4-A-0,-(' `'`Dearing Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Du t work or piping in unheated spaces R- Pr per Vent,-A c Vent raYrun --- . Jack Studs/Headers 41-r 57q-G� �J,Bracing/Bridging / J,Joist Hangers �-L Ale- �lG� tq�- Jack Posts/Main Beam / �A - -41 5 r"> ltration a_riier / Fire Separation 1,2,3,hour Penetration Sealed 1/149-M-66- t-/2AA.i/06 i,R t rt00 &.ti0� Fire Wall 2,3,4 hour �-� 6dil� r�'akt •�� rrestopl�ing� ��' ��D�J� O / L0c," L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\ ENERAL INSPECTION REPORT.doc Office Use GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Inspector: Town of Queensbury Ready at time: Dept. of Community Development Request received: Meet: Building do Code Enforcement At time: 742 Bay Road ;;''���� q# Queensbury, NY 12804 ARRIVE am/pm: DEPAR1 ' G' n/pm Notess.L y- (518) 761-8256 Inspector's Initials���L/ NAME: LL PERMIT# O f- 2-1 — LOCATION: CI1 j nJ U 1- i 1 (a C INSPECT ON(date): _ I d v TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS . Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is respo i• ble•or providing protection fro freeing for 48 hours following t,e plac: ent of the concrete. Materials for this purpose in site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/D amppro offing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Ven ' 1 ce Ih Plumbing ng Rough-I /� aion � —L ✓ oundation Walls Interio R- Foundation Walls Exteridr R- Floors I Walls I - Ceiling 1 Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R-k Proper Vent,Attic Vent Framing f Jack Studs/Headers 1 Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire eparation 1,2,3,hour P etration Sealed ire 11 2,3 411 r� Fireslepping ' , .,I< Cam(Ail& ii.__ L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\GENERAL,INSPECTION REPORT.doc , . . ....) , . 8r ` Off ce Use GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Inspector: r rt Town of Queensbury Ready at time: Dept. of Community Development Request received: Meet: Building& Code Enforcement At time: 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 ARRIVE e 6 a . I 'T2 2,�j am/j Notes: i (518) 761-8256 Inspector's Initia . NAME: Loc6Le PERMIT# 0 ( 2-I 4 LOCATION:164 4 Ck (/()U( P 1 t--- INSPECT ON(date): -5/g(a 2.-- TYPE OF STRUCTURE: 60k 11`,& ,k-tE L 4-Q p d R -6. (d D • RECHECK j\ N/A 1 YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers d N 1 �- Monolithic Pour Form \ ��(; + (� U Reinforcement in Place — �"- The contractor is responsible for KEG CHC t)UDC 1 Ills / / �� providing protection from freezing / a� for 48 hours following the placeme't _ of the concrete. I �C 126— c5t= i 1 C..-C_ L Materials for this purpose on site Q Foundation/Wallpour 7‘)() D� �G�(C— /�-a-f7G v . Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofmg �/IQC Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent,Attic Vent Framing . Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers - Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2,3,hour P netration Sealed 4ire Wall 2,3,4 hour irestopping L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\GENERAI,INSPECTION REPORT.doc - 1 . GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT ( 518 ) 761-8256 Town of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building& Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Arrive am/pm Depart Inspector's Initials �1 (� NAME: C (, PERMIT# Cl —� LOCATION: Q—t�c--c(NUi 1 R. �6 DATE: cu TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES-NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in !la ; The contractor i. re ••nsible for providing protec ion •m freezing for 48 hours foil•wing m e placement of the concrete. Materials for this pump•se •n site Foundation/Wallpou Reinforcement in Plam e Foundation/Damppro• m g Backfill Approval Plumbing . •b Plumbing Vent/Vents n Place / Ro gh Plumbing ting Rough sulation ,(i A- Foundation Walls I tenor R- Foundation Walls xterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or pipin t+in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent,Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2,3,hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping • _i GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT 'w ( 518 ) 761-8256 Town of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building& Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Arrive am/pm Depart-- �gym_ Inspector's Initials , l' NAME: (_c5 GJ Ci G6- PERMIT# 9 LOCATION: ��itJc`r E DATE: /.376 i TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is respo isible for providing protection fr a m ing for 48 hours following e pl:cement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose.'n s te Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/D pproofin Backfill Appro f Plumbing Under Slab P umbin Vent/Vents in P . e ✓✓ ''oug .Plumbtngr 7(A.1 f 4'L C 441 t- it C Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior '- Foundation Walls Exterior '- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in nheated spaces R- per Vent, c Vent7 bra r �i� l \/�c L-- CC—t L( '3 Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2,3,hour Penetration Sealed _ Fire Wall 2,3 4 hour / /., o C 6 5 '�Firestopping ; 56/- `oFF-1 r