Minutes AV 38-2022 (West) 7.20.22(Queensbury ZBA Meeting 07/20/2022) 1 AREA VARIANCE NO. 38-2022 SEQRA TYPE TYPE II BRETT & PAMELA WEST AGENT(S) ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERS (GAVIN VUILLAUME) OWNER(S) BRETT & PAMELA WEST ZONING WR LOCATION 106 BAY PARKWAY APPLICANT PROPOSES TO DEMO EXISTING HOME PLUS SHED AND CONSTRUCT A NEW 2 STORY HOME WITH A 5,436 SQ. FT. FOOTPRINT WITH A GARAGE. ALSO INCLUDED IS INSTALLATION OF PERMEABLE PAVERS FOR PATIO AND DRIVEWAY AREAS AND A COVERED WALKWAY BETWEEN THE TWO PROPERTIES. THE NEW FLOOR AREA WILL BE 8,670 SQ. FT. WHERE THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED IS 8,687 SQ. FT. THE PROJECT INCLUDES SITE WORK FOR NEW LANDSCAPING, SHORELINE AND RESIDENTIAL HOUSE, SEPTIC, AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT BUT NO CHANGE TO LOT SIZE. AREA VARIANCE GRANTED 3/23/2022 FOR SETBACKS, NUMBER OF GARAGES, AND STORMWATER DEVICE SETBACKS. REVISION TO SITE PLAN TO INCLUDE FRESHWATER WETLANDS WORK WITHIN 100 FT. OF A DESIGNATED WETLAND. RELIEF REQUESTED FOR WETLAND SETBACK. CROSS REF FWW 10-2022; AV 38-2022; AV 57-2021; SP 51-2021; PZ 210-2016; PZ 95-2016; PZ 89-2016; SP 37-2009; AV 47-2007, SP 39-2007 WARREN COUNTY PLANNING JULY 2022 ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY ALD LOT SIZE 0.96 AC. TAX MAP NO. 226.15-1-17 SECTION 179-3-040; CHAPTER 94; CHAPTER 147 MR. MC CABE-So if there’s anybody here the West, the Bay Parkway issue, the applicant has asked to postpone his meeting until sometime in August, but we advertised a public hearing. So we will open the public hearing which I’m doing right now, and if you’d like to speak now you can, or you can wait until the actual meeting. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED MR. HENKEL-Okay. So when do we table this to, Laura? MRS. MOORE-I’m going to tell you, I had a conversation with the representative today, and he asked to be tabled to the second August meeting. MR. HENKEL-So August 24th. MRS. MOORE-Correct. MR. HENKEL-Okay, with any new information due by July 15th? MRS. MOORE-He’s already. MR. HENKEL-Okay. So no new information. MRS. MOORE-Correct. The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Queensbury has received an application from Brett & Pamela West. Applicant proposes to demo existing home plus shed and construct a new 2 story home with a 5,436 sq. ft. footprint with a garage. Also included is installation of permeable pavers for patio and driveway areas and a covered walkway between the two properties. The new floor area will be 8,670 sq. ft. where the maximum allowed is 8,687 sq. ft. The project includes site work for new landscaping shoreline and residential house, septic, and stormwater management. Lot line adjustment but no change to lot size. Area variance granted 3/23/2022 for setbacks, number of garages, and stormwater device setbacks. Revision to Site Plan to include Freshwater wetlands work within 100 ft. of a designated wetland. Relief requested for wetland setback. MOTION TO TABLE AREA VARIANCE NO. 38-2022 BRETT & PAMELA WEST (MAIN HOUSE), Introduced by John Henkel who moved for its adoption, seconded by Ronald Kuhl: Tabled to the August 24th, 2022 Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals meeting. Duly adopted this 20th day of July 2022, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Cipperly, Mr. Henkel, Mr. Urrico, Mr. Kuhl, Mr. Underwood, Mr. McCabe NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. McDevitt MR. LAPPER-Thank you for tabling that. I apologize. I didn’t realize you had started the meeting. MR. MC CABE-That’s okay.