CC-0491-2021 it H_, A Office Use Only _ ADDITION/ALTERATION PERMIT Permit#: CC-"V4011- 2d24 APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ Z(�0 Town of Queem wy 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 O Invoice#: P:518-761-8256 www.gueensbury.net Flood Zone? Y N Reviewed By: Project Location: 696 Upper Glen St. Tax Map ID#: 302.7-1-21 Subdivision Name: PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE: Residential X Commercial, Proposed Use: BANK Single-Family _Two-Family _Multi-Family(#of units ) _Townhouse _Business Office _Retail _Industrial/Warehouse _Garage (#of cars_) Other(describe ) ADDITION SQUARE FOOTAGE: ALTERATION SQUARE FOOTAGE: 1st floor: 1st floor: 2nd floor: 2nd floor: 3rd floor: 3rd floor: Basement(habitable space): Basement (habitable space): Total sq ft: 0 Total sq ft: 0 Scope of work to be done: -Asbestos abatement at selection roof areas - New roof - Replace metal soffit at underside of drive-through canopy FD Vc . 2021 t �� TOWN OF QUEENSF';URY BUILDING& COGIE:S Addition/Alteration Application Revised January 2021 f ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction: $ 2. Source of Heat(circle one):_Gas _Oil _Propane Solar Other n/a Fireplaces/inserts need a separate Fuel Burning Appliances &Chimney Application 3. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? _YES x NO Explain: 4. Are there any easements on the property? _YES x NO SITE INFORMATION: • Is this a corner lot? x YES NO • Will the grade be changed as a result of the construction? _YES x NO • What is the water source? x PUBLIC _PRIVATE WELL • What type of wastewater system is on the parcel? x SEWER _PRIVATE SEPTIC DECLARATION: l. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to the issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period.Any changes to the approved plans prior to/during construction will require the submittal of amended plans,additional reviews and re-approval. 2. If,for any reason,the building permit application is withdrawn,30%of the fee is retained by the Town of Queensbury.After 1 year from the initial application date, 100%of the fee is retained. 3. Ifthework is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 4. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and a complete statement and/or description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 5. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 6. 1 also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: �- Addition/Alteration Application Revised January 2021 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): Arrow Financial Corporation, Attention Gregory Moore, vice-president Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 250 Glen Street, Queensbury, NY 12804 Cell Phone: ( Land Line: 518 )793-4121 Email: gmoore@arrowbank.com • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone:�_) Land Line: Email: ❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor(s): (List all additional contractors on the back of this form) Contact Name(s): Contractor Trade: P�neti� Cw,-f►� � Mailing Address, C/S/Z: / n brr�,o-a__ 4L N n t4.-,�-f to Cell Phone: ) 31,S- 7i,;5 Land Line: f -, 28'9- 13 Email: .J kt) ® aLR 14,f`1> , L, **Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application** • Arch itect(s)/Engineer(s): Business Name: Oldenquist Design, Architecture & Planning Contact Name(s): Nina Oldenquist, AIA, Principal Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 15 Dixon Ct. Queensbury, NY 12804 Cell Phone: ( 518 ) 726-6557 Land Line: Email: Nina@OldenquistDesign.com Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: Nina Oldenquist. AIA Cell Phone: ( 518 ) 726-6557 Land Line: Email: Nina@OldenquistDesign.com Addition/Alteration Application Revised January 2021 • r Ai Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REPORT OF LIMITED ASBESTOS INSPECTION Location of Inspection: 696 Upper Glen Street Queensbury, New York 12804 r, y Drive Th.ATM O ��� � V Drive Thru Lanes r i Drive Thru Tellers i .i Client/Building Owner: Glens Falls National Bank 250 Glen Street Glens Falls, New York 12801 Alpine Project#: 21-26706-A Material or Area Inspected: Roofs over Drive Thru Tellers Drive Thru Lanes, and Drive Thr s�ATM J -- Asbestos Material Tested or Assumed: Roof over Drive Thru Tellers: Flashing Tar on Metal Counter Flashing' Roof over Drive Thru Lanes: Roof Tar Debris (loose) Roof over Drive Thru ATM: None Non-Asbestos Containing Materials Tested: Roof over Drive Thru Tellers: Foam Board Adhesive, Tar on Concrete Roof Deck, Flashing Caulk Roof over Drive Thru Lanes: Roofing, Flashing May 2021 696 Upper Glen Street Queensbury,New York Roof over Drive Thru ATM: Fiberboard Date of Inspection: May 17, 2021 Date of Report: May 24, 2021 Inspection Performed By: Alpine Environmental Services, Inc. 438 New Karner Road Albany, New York 12205 Phone(518)250-4047 Inspector(s): Brian Gould AH 95-02582 NYS Department of Labor Certified Asbestos Inspector 1.0 Asbestos Inspection: 1.1 Scope and Purpose This report is intended to document the pre-renovation asbestos inspection of the roofs over the Drive Thru Tellers, Drive Thru Lanes, and Drive Thru ATM of the bank building located at 696 Upper Glen Street in Queensbury, New York. "Asbestos containing materials", as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is any material containing more than 1% asbestos as determined using the method specified in Appendix E, Subpart E, 40 CFR Part 763, Section 1, Polarized Light Microscopy. Bulk samples were collected in accordance with USEPA ASHARA protocols for number and types of samples. Materials easily crushed or pulverized by hand pressure are considered friable. Materials with a bituminous or resinous binder that are not easily crushed or pulverized by hand pressure are considered Non-friable Organically Bound (NOB). Friable and non-friable materials, excluding organically bound materials were analyzed using Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). Non-Friable Organically Bound samples were analyzed using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). All samples were analyzed by EMSL Analytical (ELAP 11506: Manhattan Lab). 1.2 Description The roof systems inspected for this survey include a single,ply rubber membrane on fiberboard on the plywood roof deck over the Drive Thru ATM, a built up roof system with stone ballast on plywood deck over the Drive Thru Lanes, and a single ply rubber membrane over foam insulation on a concrete roof deck over the Drive Thru Tellers. 1.3 Limitation This inspection was limited to the three roof systems described above only. 1.4 Results of Inspection Bulk samples as prescribed by US EPA ASHARA protocols for the numbers and types of samples. See the sample results section for all samples collected and the results of analysis. 1.5 Conclusion and Recommendations The following asbestos containing materials were found on the above described roofs of the bank building located at 696 Upper Glen Street in Queensbury, New York: Page 2 438 New Karner Road Albany, New York 12205 Phone: (518)250-4047 May 2021 696 Upper Glen Street Queensbury,New York Table 1: Asbestos Containing Materials Tested or Assumed Homogeneous Location Substrate& Approx. Friability Condition Material Accessibility Quantity Flashing Tar Roof Over Drive On Metal (4-01, 4-02) Thru Tellers Counter < 1 sf Non-Friable Good Flashing Roofing/Flashing Roof Over Drive Top of Tar Debris Thru Lanes Asphalt Roof < 1 sf Non-Friable Good 8-01, 8-02 adjacent Building Please note these quantities are only estimates and the user should field verify all quantities. The following materials were sampled by Alpine Environmental Services and determined not to contain asbestos: Table 2: Non-Asbestos Containing Materials Tested Non- Asbestos Material Locations Sample Vs Fiberboard Roof Over Drive Thru ATM 1-01, 1-02 Foam Board Adhesive Roof Over Drive Thru Tellers 2-01, 2-02 Tar on Concrete Roof Roof Over Drive Thru Tellers 3-01, 3-02 Deck Flashing Caulk Roof Over Drive Thru Tellers, at Metal 5-01, 5-02 Counter Flashing Roofing and Flashing Roof Over Drive Thru Lanes 6-01, 6-02, 6-03, 6-04, 7-01, 7-02, 7-03, 7-04 Any materials not sampled during this inspection should be considered-suspect unless sampled and determined to be non-asbestos. All asbestos containing materials must be abated prior to the demolition/renovation of any part of the structure unless performed under a variance issued by the NYS Department of Labor. Disturbance/Abatement of any asbestos containing materials, as well as necessary air monitoring, must be performed by a NYS DOL licensed contractor, in accordance with state and federal regulations (NYS DOL ICR 56 and US EPA 40 CFR). If Alpine Environmental Services can be of further assistance on this matter, please contact Craig Petreikis at either(518)250-4047 ext. 313 or craigp(a)algineenv.com. Sincerely, Alpine Environmental Services, Inc. Brian Gould NYS Dept. of Labor Asbestos Inspector Enclosures: Results, NYSDOL Handling License(s), NYSDOL Handling Certificate(s), NYSDOH ELAP License(s) Page 3 438 New Karner Road Albany, New York 12205 Phone: (518)250-4047 EMSLAnalytical, Inc. EMSLOrder: 032108353 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 Customer ID: ALP150 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: http://www.EMSL.com/manhattanlab@emsi.com Project ID: Attention: Alpine Environmental Services Phone: (518)250-4047 438 New Karner Road Fax: Albany, NY 12205 Received Date: 05/18/2021 10:36 AM Analysis Date: 05/21/2021 Collected Date: 05/17/2021 Project: 21-26706-A/696 UPPER GLEN STREET/QUEENSBURY NEW YORK Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Material Non-Asbestos Analyzed Test Date Color Fibrous Non-Fibrous Asbestos Sample lD 1-01 Description DRIVE THRU ATM ROOF UNDER EPDM-FIBERBOARD 032108353-0001 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 05/21/2021 Brown 90.00%Cellulose 10.00% Non-fibrous(other) None Detected PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 1-02 Description DRIVE THRU ATM ROOF UNDER EPDM-FIBERBOARD 032108353-0002 Homogeneity Homogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable 05/21/2021 Brown/Black 85.00%Cellulose 15.00% Non-fibrous(other) None Detected PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB Not Analyzed TEM NYS 198.4 NOB Not Analyzed Sample ID 2-01 Description ROOF OVER DRIVE THRU CASHIERS-FOAM BOARD ADHESIVE 032108353-0003 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Pink 100.00% Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Pink 100.00% Other None Detected Sample ID 2-02 Description ROOF OVER DRIVE THRU CASHIERS-FOAM BOARD ADHESIVE 032108353-0004 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Pink 100.00% Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Pink 100.00% Other None Detected Sample ID 3-01 Description ROOF OVER DRIVE THRU CASHIERS-TAR ON CONCRETE ROOF DECK 032108353-0005 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Black <1.00%Glass 100.00% Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Black 100.00% Other None Detected Initial report from:05/21/2021 21:05:43 ASB_198x 0009 0001 Printed 5/21/2021 10:18:09PM Page 1 of 5 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 032108353 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 Customer ID: ALP150 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: http://www.EMSL.com/manhattanlab@emsl.com Project ID: Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Material Non-Asbestos Analyzed Test Date Color Fibrous Non-Fibrous Asbestos Sample ID 3-02 Description ROOF OVER DRIVE THRU CASHIERS-TAR ON CONCRETE ROOF DECK 032108353-0006 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Black <1.00%Fibrous(other) 100.00% Other Inconclusive:None Detected <1.00%Glass TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Black 100.00% Other None Detected Sample ID 4-01 Description ROOF OVER DRIVE THRU CASHIERS AT METAL COUNTER FLASHING-FLASHING TAR 032108353-0007 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Black None 95.00% Other 5.00% Chrysotile TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Positive Stop(Not Analyzed) Sample ID 4-02 Description ROOF OVER DRIVE THRU CASHIERS AT METAL COUNTER FLASHING-FLASHING TAR 032108353-0008 Homogeneity PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Positive Stop(Not Analyzed) TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Positive Stop(Not Analyzed) Sample ID 5-01 Description ROOF OVER DRIVE THRU CASHIERS AT METAL COUNTER FLASHING-FLASHING CAULK 032108353-0009 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Silver 100.00% Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Silver 100.00% Other None Detected Sample ID 5-02 Description ROOF OVER DRIVE THRU CASHIERSAT METAL COUNTER FLASHING-FLASHING CAULK 032108353-0010 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Silver 100.00% Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Silver 100.00% Other None Detected Sample ID 6-01 Description DRIVE THRU STONE BALLAST ROOF LAYER A BOTTOM-ROOFING 0 3 210 83 5 3-0011 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Black None 100.00% Other Inconclusive:<1% Chrysotile TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Black None 100.00% Other <1%Chrysotile Initial report from:05/21/2021 21:05:43 ASB_198x 0009_0001 Printed 5/21/2021 10:18:09PM Page 2 of 5 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSL Order: 032108353 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 Customer ID: ALP150 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: W4 http://www.EMSL.com/manhattanlab@emsl.com Project ID: Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Material Non-Asbestos Analyzed Test Date Color Fibrous Non-Fibrous Asbestos Sample ID 6-02 Description DRIVE THRU STONE BALLAST ROOF LAYER B-ROOFING 032108353-0012 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Black <1.00%Fibrous(other) 98.40% Other Inconclusive:None Detected 1.60%Glass TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Black 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 6-03 Description DRIVE THRU STONE BALLAST ROOF LAYER C-ROOFING 032108353-0013 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Black 5.20%Glass 94.80% Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Black 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID 6-04 Description DRIVE THRU STONE BALLAST ROOF LAYER D TOP-ROOFING 032108353-0014 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Black <1.00%Fibrous(other) 96.30% Other Inconclusive:None Detected 3.70%Glass TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Black 100.00% Other None Detected Sample ID 7-01 Description DRIVE THRU STONE BALLAST ROOF LAYER A,BOTTOM,ROOF EDGE-FLASHING 032108353-0015 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Black <1.00%Fibrous(other) 98.60%Other Inconclusive:None Detected 1.40%Glass TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Black 100.00% Other None Detected Sample ID 7-02 Description DRIVE THRU STONE BALLAST ROOF LAYER B, ROOF EDGE-FLASHING 032108353-0016 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Black <1.00%Fibrous(other) 98.30%Other Inconclusive:None Detected 1.70%Glass TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Black <1.00%Fibrous(other) 100.00% Other <1% Chrysotile Sample ID 7-03 Description DRIVE THRU STONE BALLAST ROOF LAYER C, ROOF EDGE-FLASHING 032108353-0017 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Black <1.00%Glass 100.00% Other Inconclusive:<1% Chrysotile TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Black <1.00%Fibrous(other) 100.00% Other <1% Chrysotile Initial report from:05/21/2021 21:05:43 ASB_198x 0009_0001 Printed 5/21/2021 10:18:09PM Page 3 of 5 EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSLOrder: 032108353 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 Customer ID: ALP150 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: http://www.EMSL.com/manhattanlab@emsl.com Project ID: Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Material Non-Asbestos Analyzed Test Date Color Fibrous Non-Fibrous Asbestos Sample ID 7-04 Description DRIVE THRU STONE BALLAST ROOF LAYER D,TOP, ROOF EDGE-FLASHING 032108353-0018 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Black <1.00%Glass 100.00%Other Inconclusive:<1% Chrysotile TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Black <1.00%Fibrous(other) 100.00%Other <1% Chrysotile Sample ID 8-01 Description DRIVE THRU STONE BALLAST ROOF-ROOF TAR DEBRIS 032108353-0019 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Black None 100.00% Other Inconclusive:<1% Chrysotile Final Residue<1%of original subsample TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Positive Stop(Not Analyzed) Sample ID 8-02 Description DRIVE THRU STONE BALLAST ROOF-ROOF TAR DEBRIS 032108353-0020 Homogeneity Heterogeneous PLM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 05/21/2021 Black None 89.00% Other 11.00%Chrysotile TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 05/21/2021 Positive Stop(Not Analyzed) Initial report from:05/21/2021 21:05:43 ASB_198x 0009_0001 Printed 5/21/2021 10:18:09PM Page 4 of 5 E EMSL Order: 032108353 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 307 West 38th Street New York,NY 10018 Customer ID: ALP150 Tel/Fax:(212)290-0051/(212)290-0058 Customer PO: http://www.EMSL.com/manhattanlab@emsl.com Project ID: Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Material The samples in this report were submitted to EMSL for analysis by Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Materials via NYS ELAP Approved Methods.The reference number for these samples is the EMSL Order ID above. Please use this reference number when calling about these samples. Report Comments: Sample Receipt Date: 5/18/2021 Sample Receipt Time: 10:36 AM Analysis Completed Date: 5/21/2021 Analysis Completed Time: 5:24 PM Analyst(s): Johannes Breckheimer PLM NYS 198.1 Friable(1) Migena Shehu PLM NYS 198.1 Friable,(1) _ - Johannes Breckheimer PLM NYS 198.6 NOB(17) Steven DutterTEM NYS 198.4 NOB(14) Samples reviewed and approved by: James Hall,Laboratory Manager or Other Approved Signatory NOB=Non Friable Organically Bound N/A=Not Applicable VCM=Vermiculite Containing Material -In New York State,TEM is currently the only method that can be used to determine if NOB materials can be considered or treated as non-asbestos containing. All samples examined for the presence of vermiculite when analyzed via NYS 198.1. -NYS Guidelines for Vermiculite containing samples are available at http://www.wadsworth.orggabcerUelapcert/forms/VermiculitelnteNmGuidance_Rev07O913.pdf EMSL maintains liability limited to cost of analysis.This report relates only to the samples reported above and may not be reproduced,except in full,without written approval by EMSL.EMSL bears no responsibility for sample collection activities or analytical method limitations.Interpretation and use of test results are the responsibility of the client. Samples were received in good condition unless otherwise noted. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification,approval,or endorsement by NVLAP,NIST,or any agency of the federal government.This report may contain data that is not covered by the NVLAP accreditation. Samples analyzed by EMSLAnalylical,Inc.New York,NY NYS ELAP 11506,NVLAP Lab Code 101048-9 Initial report from:05/21/2021 21:05:43 ASB_198x 0009_0001 Printed 5/21/2021 10:18:09PM Page 5 of 5 OrderID: 032108353 rayc i vL ­e ENuIR �NNENI,* S:<ERV'.IG'�'s _ . GHAIN.':OF:GIJSTODY' 1Qll l� li 1:�31I0�°fib. Clieiit; :Alp iie':Enyironmen al I'ro�ject:> 62t.LJ�ipzr,Glen''Stieei --- Albany..N.Y ;t 20S --- _ P,iojecl,Nun f?e_r;-21=261.Q6=A' Goniacfr Brian Giiuld- - - - 'Sfliniled B`yi Bi iaii:Goiild-__ E lvlail ' AriaiiG AlpiireHiw_cn»i--- - -- - Dine'I''.Time,Goalected`. 5-_1:7'?02] %g 30'9 00 : - - Shipper'1'racking.Numb_er:- Z561_;:1.08I 173-2'-_.lkdexh_ 1.0g No: San p1 - :Sapiple Locaiioii - --5anipli'Mat�tial' :Analvsi's - - Resiilfs. F;iiieib.,a it l" h'ti!S=El~AP:` -"St p'a-= ,'.lJiidei~E'PD11%1 S Protocols. Firs[ Positive; _:. 1=02--- - -- ri�ye Thru ATM_'R' of' -- - -- f iberli-oard:. -- - NYS FLAP --- - _ Und4i,°EPDMIC Pro_tocnls, - - 2161 R6of;Ouer Dr:ive'Tfiiv.Casshiers- Fdi m,l3:o:ard`.Adlid. ve; I' NYS ELAP =Analyie:.Pink- - Protocols: Mhesiv�-;©nly :Roof°Aver Drz e'.I7 ru':Casliier§: i oarii-Board,l. -Adliesive' it '.S FLAP. ' :P. aticols - - - - - 3 O:1 Roof ewer D'i ive Tfini Cashiers Tnr`ofi';Coi Crete Roof�' NY'S:ELAP Aiialy e'Iw. Decl j P Oiocols, Only! Rflof:O�-er'Drive-t=tiro-Ca`sliiers, ! -Ar oa'Co�icre_ie_ Rolf' _ ;YS:EL" = Decl ( protocols, - - -- �e:.IhTiiiCasliizrs - 1= ->- -- ---_ - - 4-U'l K��of(7 zi'Dii: I =I-Ps"I-7 fIIr• ?NYS FLAP +Sfo nt: i Ivletal.C'oiint'er Flash 'nb: t Piofo�ols:. Tiisi'Posit'ive; 4=Q2' Roof::Ovei Dime Tlirii Casliii r_s .1=lasliiii ,Tar :NYS'EL, -_ j AtNIetl:C;ounter ;lashing: I'roigcols 'S=U:1 Roof.O; erDr ve-Tlii'u`Gasl iers -"' ':Fl_IIshu) Gatilk; NYS.1~I A'F? Sti p'at' At Meia Counter-zlasliing �; }? otocols. :FirsiS!'osit've' =02 Roof`OverDri�e Tliru+Cashiers Flasli ng,C;aulk :N'Y-:,ELAP At.ti1'etalieounterE'lasli'in€: I�' ;�i Protocols: C `:1 Dra:�Te_T}iru,Stone'BA sr;'Rpof` ', R��;of n�- ?NYS,ELAP Stop''at L"r A,,BMbiii Protocols 1=irst 1?os'iti:ve. ;G=02' I)rive,Tlir..u'.Stoi>e:B_alla_st`Roof' :_Ro_o'.l.nl; N s. LAP ' Pik If. -Samples; .- Gomments:. IteliggUished`B��: :_ -" Received 13"y:. :' - - Date;; - --` iilic - - - S .R 4' .. C'a ZZ - - i • 438'Netiy in' d'•!Al&any.„New=York;122O5;•:phpne: 51;8`250=4.09;7�'•'.Fax: 5,1ai'25D 4353 ",.einail!.crai al een` Co- _ _..., -.:. t { - ..) 1.; 9PL .P.m t+ OrderID: 032108353 ra�{c vi mamma ';N s. T I�"t S Eif�'V�1':C F'. ('. .0 11AINT oI+"G:LI,STOD3i' Cliei�i _Alpine.Ent�ieonmentRI:Serv.�ces._Inc: 1'rojeet;'GIG U per G.len:'Street. 3.8'Iitev Kaiiier`lZond __ . 'E�iieeristiiry;Nei York' Albany:N�' 1-205 Primject - -- :Gonta4t.:Drian:+Gouli3: E=Miti1: BfiaiiGO'AlnineEiuI:ci iii. _ _ _ ,Datz_T`T me Cb9lecfe3 =t7=2U21'a-;8 3(1'�9:00:'__ Tiirn'around Tiiue 7?lioiii"s, iP 'fa " w6d S " rt ,Nii .. . Aedormcii?'. 6-Q - D"rive'Tliru Sfone:I3allast Roof- --Rooting'- - � a_a��er:�Ca Pr�tif�eols� __ Drive Ti rii SJ i Ba.flast Rdi f; - Rotiiang -NYS''ELAIP LayerD ,Tei�i fProfocalsti 7=01 Dri.v__e=Tliru StoiBallast Rio'f FJ1'sliiir ]�7;YS ELAYr , L� er�A;,�T3ottom�Koa'f�d'e� `- - :Protocols� i - -- - - 7402 Dri �e'TIiEu.S:toii:B:allast Roofs Flas�iin —NYSl-E.-A- - - __Layec B ,ltoof�Etl;ee; ;Protocols= 7-Us_: Dr've'Tliru Stoncaiallast Roof, Tias}iiig NY-S?ELM '- � - 'layerC,a�oof�d�e� - '1' ofacols 7=04' - 'Drive`Tliru,Sto a Ballast-Roof. - E.lasl ii g;-- -- -NY;S L AEI' - - ;liaytr D;'Top..�toof'Eilic i'Yrofiico'Is _ 1 - ? --- --- B=Ul-- -,Drive` li i_StoieBalla'stRoof Roof=1'ai>llebris —j N1'SIELAP ^St&Va- �`Protoctils��: . fir�ti Fosiive ' 3U? Drie` Iiizi Stoiie`liallas Roof - -- RoofTai DeUris NYS.FLAP J - Pro[o�oCs i ,Dis"tsitioi -of..Sari ,IeaAceept____.__ - Reject: -_�.Elilain = -- -- - p P - - ::Comnients: Reliiiquislied::l3y` i Rece'ived'k3.jl";: �; 'Date: If - �• :438'Ne►v'Kamer Road•;Alban ;.New:Y,ork':12205• Flione:•.�a B 425_4047':=Fax (5 :8 '250=4353• email cra_ igp@alp neenv:com, ... _.._ ?-!1`,�'.- ... -.0 � -''New Yor abor k State De artment=of L -- Division oflSafety,9nd�e'alth License and Gertifcate/U`nit State Campus�Bj' n�12 Albany„-NY 12240` ASBESTOS HANDLING LICENSE-,,_� AI ine-Environmental`Services, Inc. "� E NUMBER: 0-'0320, 111 fp LICENSE NUMBER\\' #95 /438-New K nra er"Road LICENSE CLASS: RESTRICTED,-- ;�° DATE OF ISSUE: 07/06/2020 �' - Alliariy;=NY 12205 nj EXPIRATIQ- DATE: 07/3112021 Duly Authorized Representative ,a Craig Pe111111tre' i -- .' ;;,,. IV , °This hcense-has been issued in ac'ordanrc��bvith p iicabl� o�isionso Arf�c e¢0'bf fhb or Law of New or State and of the N,ew Yolk=State Codes,Rules and`�eguiatiO i12_NY;�RR Fart5:6).'Ttis bject to su pension or revocation for a(1) serous violation o�`f state federal or,oRca'h la�s wit0.ha egard to the conduc, of a a besto4 pr��ect or(2)demonstratedaa� ck of t 5 NS-.Cs t s ' 5,.;:'ir.;! S� y4f ���au .vr• ' responsibility� m the conduct of anyjpb i ,,9lving. sbestos or sliestos rnat�a w t • `� ../-''��� ���� � r •- �, � :•....�, ,° Tlu s1'icgse ikZalid only,for e contracto�name_;abo e and' license o hotgeop_y must be ently displayed at�the asbestos project worksite.•Th .license verifies thodll persons-employ�dbyathe li'- ee on a asbestos project in New York State have Ue missued an Asbestos Certificate a Rio ria a for the t e�of�vo°zk th ye perform,by the New York S t� � al , pp op Department of Labor. � �� ( f \�\ - �� mod•'/� '- •`^�1t y " ~� �...----Eileen M Franko, Director SH 432(8/12) For the Commissioner of Labor NE1N_ YORKSTATE:DEPARTMENT-OF HEALTH f _ - WA®SV110RYH CENTER' - - Expires:1'2:01`.AM April 61,2022 Issued; April 01.,.2U21 `CERTIFICATE-OF•=APPROVAL'FOR L A` BORATORY SERVICE "tssued.in accordance wfNi and.pursuan['to sectfon.502_Pudlic'Heattl-Law of_New;-York state - MR.,;JAMES HALL _ - NY.Lab Jd,No.ova, _ kMSL ANALYTICAL; INC 307 WEST-38TH_',STREET - NElN:YORK;:NY' 10018 - _is'hereby.APPROVED as an EnVir9nmehtal;Laboratory for, the,-category - ENVIRONMENT-AL,RNALYSES.SOLID ANO HAZARDOUS WASTE- =All°appr6ved Wbcategpdbs.andlor aaely0sya.0.4isted:below:: =_ Miscellaneous i Asbestos irrFriable-Material' Item 1981 of.Manual - t0A 6WM4/821020 _ = Asbestos in,Non-Frable Material-PLM ltdni-198Z of Marival;(NOB by.PLM).. _ Asbestos`in:Non-Friable-M0teriai TEM, .Item 19.8.4•of Manual Asbestos=Vermiculite Containing Material Item:19_88.of tilanuai j i Serial No:- 63_ 009 = --- - --_ Pfcip03y_of tfte Nsw,York,atate Depaomoot of:Heatth.,Certilicater.ardValid:only-at 0"Odr aps, shown,m_ktW nsplcuou posfed,boil"are piloted on secure paper_ Continued accted)tatlon,depends; - _ on suceessfuLongoing participation UiaherFrogram;.Consumers•aie'urged.to call(5-18).A85 5570 io - _- _ = - verify6i laboratorys accreditatlori:slatus.- -- STATE.OF`NEW YoRk :DEPARTMEN"'Or LABOR' I ASBESTQ-9 nFICATE-, �BRIAN 1H::GO.ULD�.' C°ATEC(0`i%27)`D IINSP(01,/22j (0`11�2�i'I MUSTIFCARRIED'ON::AS9MOSTROJECTS _ _ __ ___ .� �'ilIII1111g111111�1IIIN I New York State—Department of Labor Division of Safety and Health License and Certificate Unit State Campus,Building 12 Albany,NY 12240 ASBESTOS HANDLING LICENSE C&C Unlimited, Inc. FILE NUMBER: 08-41805 LICENSE NUMBER: 41805 P.O. Box 1151 LICENSE CLASS: FULL DATE OF ISSUE: 11/30/2020 Latham, NY 12110 EXPIRATION DATE: 11/30/2021 Duly Authorized Representative—Chris A Macdonald: This license has been issued in accordance with applicable provisions of Article 30 of the Labor Law of New York State and of the New York State Codes,Rules and Regulations(12 NYCRR Part 56). It iS'subject to suspension or revocation for a(1) serious violation of state,federal or local laws with regard to the conduct of an asbestos project,or(2)demonstrated lack of responsibility in the conduct of any job involving asbestos or asbestos material. This license is valid only for the contractor named above and this license or a photocopy must be prominently displayed at the asbestos project worksite. This license verifies that all persons employed by the licensee on an asbestos project in New York State have been issued an Asbestos Certificate,appropriate for the type of work they perform,by the New York State Department of Labor. r-A:� LJ Eileen M.Franko. Director SH 432(8112) For the Commissioner of Labor New York State—Department of Labor FILE �`®p� Division of Safety and Health License and Certificate Unit State Cainpus,Building 12 Albany,NY12240 ASBESTOS HANDLING LICENSE C&C Unlimited, Inc. FILE NUMBER: 08-41805 LICENSE NUMBER: 41805 P.O.Box 1151 LICENSE CLASS: FULL DATE OF ISSUE: 11/30/2020 Latham, NY '12110 EXPIRATION DATE: 11/30/2021 Duly Authorized Representative—,Chris A Macdonald: This license has been issued in accordance with applicable provisions of.Article 30 of the Labor Law of New Yorlc State and of the New York State Codes,Rules'and Regulations(12 NYCRR Part 56). It i 'subject to suspension or revocation afor a(1) serious violation of state,federal or local laws with regard to the condtict of an asbestos project,or(2)demonstrated lack of responsibility in the conduct of any job involving asbestos or asbestos haterial. This license is valid only for the contractor named above and this license or a photocopy must be prominently displayed'at the asbestos projectworksite. This license verifies that all persons employed by the licensee on an asbestos project in New York State have been issued an Asbestos Certificate,appropriate for the type of work they perform,by the New York State Department of Labor. Eileen M.Franko, Director SH 432(8/12) For the Commissioner of Labor '.Glens Falls National Barik Addendum #2 Roof Restoration. May.27, 2021 ADDENDUM#2 . TO THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR ROOF RESTORATION - AT GLENS.FALLS NATIONAL BANK QUEENSBURY BRANCH The following changes, additions, and/or deletions.are hereby made..part of the construction documents of the above project;fully and completely,as if contained in the documents:All other conditions of.the.original Invitation to Bid and bid set remain unchanged. This Addendum must be acknowledged on the Bid Form. The Bid submittal date and time are not changed by.this Addendum. Information,Attached:. Report by Alpine Environmental Services for lower and drive-through roofs, dated May . 2021: Report by Alpine.Environmental Services for the main roof dated.July28, 2020 showing no asbestos materials on the main roof. Addendum Items: l.: The lower setback roof and the drive-through canopy roof.have been tested and found to contain.asbestos. Include hazardous material abatement of the lower roof and the-drive=through.canopy in the cost of the project: • Indicate the-approximate impact on the project schedule. . 2: Provide new metal soffit at the.drive=through canopy.Scope.of Work: a. Remove existing metal soffit and trim and..attachment hardware.: b. Remove light fixtures and cameras,.preserve all service for new.fixtures. C. New soffit system; Atas."Design Wall".model"DWF" thickness:,0:32";color:-white, smooth.texture; install.flat and true per manufacturer's recommendation on ceiling grid attached to..existing.framing, d. Provide matching perimeter trim,trim at new fixtures, trim around perimeter of ATM kiosk. .e:. ,Provide.one access panel_: f. See attached 2101.2.SK=01. g. See attached canopy light fixture. 3. . TBS has determined that-the gross weight of-the condensers on the roof are 900.pounds each. Per earlier.agreement the.contractor will. a crane to remove eequ_ipmeht.over 7.00 . pounds.. ( I1 E 0 IE -. lJ END OF ADDENDUM JUN- 2 8: 2021 302.7-1-21 CC-0491-2021 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING&.CODES Glens Falls National Bank �- 696 Glen St Page I of I Commercial Alterations (drive through)