Engineering responses900 Route 146 Clifton Park, NY 12065 (P) 518.371.7621 (F) 518.371.9540 edpllp.com Date: July 5, 2022 To: Mr. Craig Brown Zoning Administrator and Code Compliance Officer Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Re: West Residence – Main House Queensbury Ref #SP51-2021 Dear Mr. Brown: The Environmental Design Partnership, LLP (EDP) is providing you this letter in response to review comments provided by the LaBella dated May 26, 2022. On behalf of the applicant Brett West, we offer the following response to comments and additional infor mation: 1. In response to comment 2 of LaBella’s March 29, 2022 comment letter regarding vertical separation distances, the Applicant provided a table presenting the vertical separation distances based on the closest test pit and stated that additional test pits may be performed prior to construction. LaBella does not take exception to further soil tests and infiltration tests being performed at the time of construction, so long as the Town does not take exception. The Applicant shall notify the Town prior to performing the tests such that the town can witness if they so choose. Response: Additional test pits and perc tests will be performed prior to construction and the Town will be notified beforehand. 2. In response to comment 6 of LaBella’s March 29, 2022 comment letter regarding the drainage/wetland feature along the eastern adjoining parcel, the Applicant explained the current process determining the AHJ and any permitting impacts of the drainage/wetland feature. If the feature is determined to be a protected stream or wetland than section 147-11.I(3)(c)[4] would apply and states: “Infiltration devices for major projects hall be located a minimum of 100 feet from Lake George and any down-gradient drinking water supply, lake, river, protected stream, water well, pond, wetland…” It appears that infiltration practices SMA 1, 4, 6, 8, and 14 are within 100 feet of the drainage/wetland feature. Once the feature is classified conformance to 147-11.I(3)(c)[4] will be reviewed. Also, the Applicant could seek a variance from 147-11.I(3)(c)[4]. Response: The wetland was determined to be a wetland and not a protected stream. Both Army Corps of Engineers and APA were contacted to see if permits would be required, both stated that no permits would be required. It is known that several infiltration practices do not confirm with 147-11.I(3)(c)[4] and variance are currently being applied for. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact our office at your convenience. Very truly yours, 2 900 Route 146 Clifton Park, NY 12065 (P) 518.371.7621 (F) 518.371.9540 edpllp.com Mr. Craig Brown July 5, 2022 Page 2 Gavin Vuillaume, R.L.A. 106 BAY PARKWAYTOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORKWEST RESIDENCE APPLICANT/OWNER:BRETT AND PAMELA WESTJANUARY 18, 2022MAIN HOUSEPLANS PREPARED BY :900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065edpllp.com(518) 371-7621ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGNPARTNERSHIP, LLP.1 of 8AS NOTEDCOVER SHEET900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP, LLP.106 BAY PARKWAY MAIN HOUSE WEST RESIDENCE OWNER/APPLICANT: BRETT AND PAMELA WEST TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP ID NO. 226.15-1-17 JANUARY 5, 2022SHEET INDEX:SHEETNUMBERSHEET TITLE1COVER SHEET2EXISTING CONDITIONS3REMOVALS PLAN4SITE PLAN5GRADING AND UTILITY PLAN6PLANTING PLAN7EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN8SITE DETAILS LANDS N/F OFO'KEEFESTEPSS22°50'00"W163.34'22 9 . 7 5 ' (T I E L I N E )39,487± sq. ft.0.91± acresAREAIPF465'± ALONG THE SHORE7'±MEAN HIGH WATERELEVATION 320.20MEAN LOW WATERELEVATION OF 317.74 X X X X X X X X X X XXDECKGarageShedS H E D 2 STORY LOG HOMEDock DOCKCOVEREDBOAT LIFTPATIOG A Z E B O FF=324.45 30.0'METALCOVERINV. 4" PVC=321.66INV. 4" PVC=321.62Shed18" Beech14" Tree14" Spruce14" Spruce14" Spruce14" Cedar14" Spruce12" Spruce20" Cherry26" Ash16" Spruce8" Spruce10" Spruce16" Pine38" Pine14" Spruce14" S p r u c e12" S p r u c e14" S p r u c e 6" SpruceSp r u c e RowCeda r S h r ub RowIRFIPFCIRSCIRSS 41°38'00" E151.71'149.70'N 69°40'00" W125.45'N 47°03'00" E14600.5± Sq. Feet0.34± AcresArea(Tie Line)Lands N/F ofPamela GoldeB:1306 P218226.15-5-15Lands N/F ofBrett West & Pamela WestB:3009 P:38226.15-1-17DockLandingUtility Pole 135'± Along Shore Line10'± to Shore9'± to ShoreDockDeckIPFR = 124.59'L = 58.06'S 65°13'46" WCh = 57.53'Ced a r S h r u b Row Wood Fence Bench MarkRR Spike InUP NG 3Elev. = 328.74'32732732632632632632532532532532432432332332232232132132032032032 8 327UPSteps Edge PlanterEdge PlanterEdge P l an te rEdge PlanterEdge PlanterSteps Typ.320325 3 2 3 324326322 322325R 1 2 3 . 8 0 ' L 6 3 . 9 7 '2345678910MEAN H IGH WA TERELEVAT ION 320 .201900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP, LLP.106 BAY PARKWAY MAIN HOUSE WEST RESIDENCE OWNER/APPLICANT: BRETT AND PAMELA WEST TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP ID NO. 226.15-1-17 JANUARY 5, 20222 of 81" = 20'EXISTINGCONDITIONS LANDS N/F OFO'KEEFESTEPSIPF465'± ALONG THE SHOREMEAN HIGH WATERELEVATION 320.20MEAN LOW WATERELEVATION OF 317.74 X X X X X X X X X X XXDECKGarageShedS H E D 2 STORY LOG HOMEDock DOCKCOVEREDBOAT LIFTPATIOG A Z E B O FF=324.45 30.0'METALCOVERINV. 4" PVC=321.66INV. 4" PVC=321.62Shed18" Beech14" Tree14" Spruce14" Spruce14" Spruce14" Cedar14" Spruce12" Spruce20" Cherry26" Ash16" Spruce8" Spruce10" Spruce16" Pine38" Pine14" Spruce14" S p r u c e12" S p r u c e14" S p r u c e 6" SpruceSp r u c e RowCeda r S h r ub RowIRFIPFCIRSCIRS14600.5± Sq. Feet0.34± AcresAreaLands N/F ofPamela GoldeB:1306 P218226.15-5-15Lands N/F ofBrett West & Pamela WestB:3009 P:38226.15-1-17DockLandingUtility Pole 135'± Along Shore Line10'± to Shore9'± to ShoreDockDeckIPFCed a r S h r u b Row Wood Fence Bench MarkRR Spike InUP NG 3Elev. = 328.74'32732732632632632632532532532532432432332332232232132132032032032 8 327UPSteps Edge PlanterEdge PlanterEdge P l an te rEdge PlanterEdge PlanterSteps Typ.320325 3 2 3 324326322 3223252345678910MEAN H IGH WA TERELEVAT ION 320 .201900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP, LLP.106 BAY PARKWAY MAIN HOUSE WEST RESIDENCE OWNER/APPLICANT: BRETT AND PAMELA WEST TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP ID NO. 226.15-1-17 JANUARY 5, 20223 of 81" = 20'REMOVALS PLANREMOVALS PLAN LEGEND: LANDS N/F OFO'KEEFESTEPSIPF465'± ALONG THE SHOREMEAN HIGH WATERELEVATION 320.20MEAN LOW WATERELEVATION OF 317.74 X X X X X X X X X XDockDOCKCOVEREDBOAT LIFT18" Beech14" Tree14" Spruce14" Spruce14" Spruce14" Cedar14" Spruce12" Spruce20" Cherry26" Ash16" Spruce8" Spruce10" Spruce16" Pine38" Pine14" Spruce14" S p r u c e12" S p r u c e14" S p r u c e 6" SpruceSpr u c e R owCedar Sh r ub RowIRFIPFCIRSCIRS14600.5± Sq. Feet0.34± AcresAreaLands N/F ofPamela GoldeB:1306 P218226.15-5-15DockLandingUtility Pole 135'± Along Shore Line10'± to Shore9'± to ShoreDockDeckIPFCed a r S h r u b Row Wood Fence Bench MarkRR Spike InUP NG 3Elev. = 328.74'327327326326326326325325325325324324323323322322321321320320320328327 UPSteps Edge PlanterSteps Typ.320325 323 324326322 3223252345678910MEAN H IGH WA TERELEVA T ION 320 .2014 of 81" = 20'SITE PLAN900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP, LLP.106 BAY PARKWAY MAIN HOUSE WEST RESIDENCE OWNER/APPLICANT: BRETT AND PAMELA WEST TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP ID NO. 226.15-1-17 JANUARY 5, 2022 LANDS N/F OFO'KEEFESTEPSIPF465'± ALONG THE SHOREMEAN HIGH WATERELEVATION 320.20MEAN LOW WATERELEVATION OF 317.74 X X X X X X X X X XDockDOCKCOVEREDBOAT LIFT18" Beech14" Tree14" Spruce14" Spruce14" Spruce14" Cedar14" Spruce12" Spruce20" Cherry26" Ash16" Spruce8" Spruce10" Spruce16" Pine38" Pine14" Spruce14" S p r u c e12" S p r u c e14" S p r u c e 6" SpruceSp r u c e RowCedar Sh r ub RowIRFIPFCIRSCIRS14600.5± Sq. Feet0.34± AcresAreaLands N/F ofPamela GoldeB:1306 P218226.15-5-15DockLandingUtility Pole 135'± Along Shore Line10'± to Shore9'± to ShoreDockDeckIPFCed a r S h r u b Row Wood Fence Bench MarkRR Spike InUP NG 3Elev. = 328.74'32732732632632632632532532532532432432332332232232132132032032032 8 327UPSteps Edge PlanterSteps Typ.320325 3 2 3 324326322 322325MEAN H IGH WA TERELEVAT ION 320 .20 900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP, LLP.106 BAY PARKWAY MAIN HOUSE WEST RESIDENCE OWNER/APPLICANT: BRETT AND PAMELA WEST TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP ID NO. 226.15-1-17 JANUARY 5, 20225 of 81" = 20'GRADING ANDUTILITY PLAN LANDS N/F OFO'KEEFESTEPSIPF465'± ALONG THE SHOREMEAN HIGH WATERELEVATION 320.20MEAN LOW WATERELEVATION OF 317.74 X X X X X X X X X X XXDockDOCKCOVEREDBOAT LIFT18" Beech14" Tree14" Spruce14" Spruce14" Spruce14" Cedar14" Spruce12" Spruce20" Cherry26" Ash16" Spruce8" Spruce10" Spruce16" Pine38" Pine14" Spruce14" S p r u c e12" S p r u c e14" S p r u c e 6" SpruceSp r u c e RowCedar Sh r ub RowIRFIPFCIRSCIRS14600.5± Sq. Feet0.34± AcresAreaLands N/F ofPamela GoldeB:1306 P218226.15-5-15DockLandingUtility Pole 135'± Along Shore Line10'± to Shore9'± to ShoreDockDeckIPFCed a r S h r u b Row Wood Fence Bench MarkRR Spike InUP NG 3Elev. = 328.74'32732732632632632632532532532532432432332332232232132132032032032 8 327UPSteps Edge PlanterSteps Typ.320325 323 324326322 3223252345678910MEAN H IGH WA TERELEVAT ION 320 .201900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP, LLP.106 BAY PARKWAY MAIN HOUSE WEST RESIDENCE OWNER/APPLICANT: BRETT AND PAMELA WEST TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP ID NO. 226.15-1-17 JANUARY 5, 20226 of 81" = 20'PLANTING PLAN1525CONIFEROUS_TREEDECIDUOUS_TREE LANDS N/F OFO'KEEFESTEPSIPF465'± ALONG THE SHOREMEAN HIGH WATERELEVATION 320.20MEAN LOW WATERELEVATION OF 317.74 X X X X X X X X X X XXDockDOCKCOVEREDBOAT LIFT18" Beech14" Tree14" Spruce14" Spruce14" Spruce14" Cedar14" Spruce12" Spruce20" Cherry26" Ash16" Spruce8" Spruce10" Spruce16" Pine38" Pine14" Spruce14" S p r u c e12" S p r u c e14" S p r u c e 6" SpruceSp r u c e RowCeda r S h r ub RowIRFIPFCIRSCIRS14600.5± Sq. Feet0.34± AcresAreaLands N/F ofPamela GoldeB:1306 P218226.15-5-15DockLandingUtility Pole 135'± Along Shore Line10'± to Shore9'± to ShoreDockDeckIPFCed a r S h r u b R ow Wood Fence Bench MarkRR Spike InUP NG 3Elev. = 328.74'327327326326326326325325325325324324323323322322321321320320320328327 UPSteps Edge PlanterSteps Typ.320325 3 2 3 324326322 322325MEAN H IGH WA TERELEVAT ION 320 .207 of 81" = 20'EROSION ANDSEDIMENTCONTROL PLAN900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP, LLP.106 BAY PARKWAY MAIN HOUSE WEST RESIDENCE OWNER/APPLICANT: BRETT AND PAMELA WEST TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP ID NO. 226.15-1-17 JANUARY 5, 20221" = 20' ·····900 Route 146 Clifton Park, New York 12065 edpllp.com(518) 371-7621 ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP, LLP.106 BAY PARKWAY MAIN HOUSE WEST RESIDENCE OWNER/APPLICANT: BRETT AND PAMELA WEST TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK TAX MAP ID NO. 226.15-1-17 JANUARY 5, 20228 of 8AS NOTEDSITE DETAILS§§