PARILLO, FRANK J/199 Corinth Rd DISTRIBUTION OF APPROVED SUBDIVISION MAPS [12:* SETS TO BE SUBMITTED W/COUNTY STAMP] kiojeci Name/Address: Frank Parillo/ 199 Corinth Road 12 A Prioject Number: Subdivision Final 7-2022 Z va , a '� °`��Gco� 2. Highway Department 3. Water Department d ZV 4. Assessor's Department 5. Building & Codes (for Subdivision Filing Cabinet) 6. VanDusen & Steves 7. Verizon— 314 Glen Street, OSP Design, Glens Falls, NY 12801 8. National Grid— 1 Apollo Drive, Glens Falls, NY 12801 9. Glens Falls Post Office — 16 Hudson Avenue, Glens Falls, NY 12801 10. Subdivision File 11. Bruce Frank (for SWPPP tracking) 12. Fire Department (See Below): North Queensbury Fire Company 2663 State Route 9L., PO Box 61, Cleverdale,, NY 12820 Bay Ridge Fire Company 1080 Bay Road Lake George, NY 12845 Queensbury Central Fire Company 17 Lafayette Street Queensbury, NY 12804 West Glens Falls Fire Company 33 Luzerne Road Queensbury, NY 12804 13. One extra set to be provided if an area variance was part of the project Revised January 3,2022 C-5 TF=384.64 TC50 MH MH ZI X _ 77• Q z 0 z ��v w co < � 0 � 1+ 0 CB CB S087-77�e 46 30NE 345.001 9!E`r TACO BELL RESTAURANT w y i c+1 ° n FORMER TAX PARCEL 309. 13-2-3 GONC�E SU�AGi Os "i4 . co y 5TMfD P1Pr5 Ia MEitR O Os sp METER 18a.5± •S-Aw PIPES ® co'cgrie wwx j Proposed Lot 1 58, 193.24 sq. ft. 1.29 acres 2 360.97t n ° Ar, 130_ ACCESS EASEMENT 9,900 sq, ft. p�pHAIT DR1vE 381.97 N08°d8 30"W i Town of Queensbury Community Development Office 742 Day Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Town of Queensbury Planning Board SEQR RESOLUTION - Grant Negative Declaration SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY (6)-2022 FRANK PARILLO Tax Map ID: 309.13-2-2 / Property Address: 199 Corinth Road ( Zoning: CIA 8 The applicant proposes a 2 lot commercial subdivision of a 439 acre parcel. The new pamob will be 119 acres with the existing Taco Bell and a 3.1 acre coma lot that will be vacant. The 1.29 are pared is developed for Taco Bell with one exit point to Corinth Road Waivers are requested for landscaping, ckariag, grading, and erosion control and stonnwater smoe no new development is proposed at this time. The Taeo Bell building of 2,863 sq. ft. and site remain as is. Pursuant to chapter 183, projects subject to subdivision for 2 lots shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. The Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review.Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part I of the Long EAF has been completed by the applicant; part 2 of the Long EAF has been reviewed by the Planning Board; Upon review of the information recorded on this F.AF, it is the conclusion of the Town of Queensbury Planning Board as lead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment, and, therefore; an environmental impact statement need not be prepared Accordingly, this negative declaration is issued. f,(nTlnE TO GRANT A NEEGATIIrE DECLARATION FQR SUBALVJSLo>!t PREf�1ARY 6.3i22 ANg p�iitd I O }ahuduced by MiC11161 Dixon Who mewed for its adopcoa, reenacted by Wades i; As per the resolution prepared by staff. 1. Part IT of the Long EAF has been reviewed and completed by tlwPlanning Board. 2. Part III of the Long EAF' is not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate to large impacts. Duly adopted this 26' day of July 2022 by the following vote: AYES: I& LaSarso, Mr. Deeb, Mr. Dixon, Ma Longaeker, Mr. Static, Mr. Magowatn, W. Traver NOES: NONE. Phone: 5 ts.761.8220 ! Fax: 51 V45.44371742 Bay Road, Queensbary, NY 12804 j www.queeastmry.net FORMER TAX PARCEL 309. ! 3-2-4 � j FORMER TAX PARCEL 309. 1 3-2-5 r- i. Q � SD SS ,G�Pv O� CB 90 O TCBa GB to I MH LANDS NIF OF BANTA REALTY GLENS FALLS, LLC TAX PARCEL 309.13-2-1 5U1LD!NG -IA51 tNC'O-- _-o CoNr-'1E ,. cPP�/' AML Town of Queensbury laCommunity Development Office 742 Nay Road, Quoeasbury, NY 12804 Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION -Approve Subdivision Preliminary Stage 6.2022 FRANK PARILLO Subdivision Tax Map ID:109.13-2-2 ( Property Address: 199 Corinth Road/ Zoning: CI-i 9 A subdivision application lies been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes a 2 lot commercial subdivision of a 4.39 acre parcel. The new parcels will be 1.29 acres with the existing Taco Bell and it 3.1 acre corner lot that will be vacam. The 1.29 acre parcel is developed for Taco Bell with one exit point to Corinth Roast. Waivers are requested for landscaping, clearing, grading, and erosion control and stormwater since no new development is proposed at this time. Tine 1'aco Bell building of 2,863 sq. R and site remain as is. Pursuant to chapter 183, projects subject to subdivision for 2 lots shall be subject to Planning Board review acid approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code -Chapter A- 183, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal sadaties the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act Have been considered and the Planning Board has adopted a SJiQRA l`!tt t PatiYlvr4 Declaration This application is supported with all documentation, public comment, and application material in the file of record; MOTIf1N TO APPROVg SUBDIVISION PR R"*ARY STAGE &2022 FRANK PARILLO, Introduced by hdichant Dvton who moved for its adoption. Motion seconded by Brady Stark. Duly adopted this 261 dray of July 2022 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Deeb; Mr. Dixon, Mr. Longackerr, Mr. Stark, Mr, Magowan, Mr. lasarso, Mr. Traver NOES: NONE Phone: 5l:&761.8220i Fax: 51$.745.44371742 Bay Road, Quo .Awry, NY 12SU I-quaimbmy.ner IS El to C ` �PP PP MAP REFERENCES: DEED REFERENCES: o o Q 3 1 309.13-2-2 o a o n _o MAP OF LANDS OF LEO J. TRAVERS & JEAN TRA BERNICE BAKER TO Q Q a O BY: COULTER & McCORMACK FRANK J. PARILLO o o Z 0. DATED: AUGUST 29, 1979 DATED: OCTOBER 30, 1984 Q W --� V) LAST REVISED: SEPTEMBER 5, 1979 BOOK: 665 PAGE: 970 0 o o v cU L,1 3 I ,,i vi `' 2 FRANK J. PARILLO Z Q o Q Q MAP OF LANDS OF TO z o lµ EDWARD PROLIX FRANK J. PARILLO Q W o o BCL ME MEYER, BOWERS & ASHLEY DATED: OCTOBER 30, 1996 -J o o - 0,10 DATED: MAY 26, 1934 BOOK: 998 PAGE 274 Q a: " .. a� 3 309.13-2-3 N N N SITE PLAN FOR LEO J. TRAVERS & JEAN TRAVERS \ \ CURTIS LUMBER COMPANY TO 00o BY- ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN PARTNERSHIP FRANK J. PARILLO o (0 o coo 00 DATED: AUGUST 5, 1996 DATED: APRIL 5, 1990 LAST REVISED: AUGUST 29, 1996 BOOK 789 PAGE 7 309.13-2-4 FLORENCE H. JOSLYN TO C')� r3 FRANK J. PARILLO .- a DATED: DECEMBER 13, 1995 ° �- BOOK 966 PAGE 43 co c z 309.13-2-5 .. _ ..: _ .. ..:.; JOSEPH P. MEALDINO c TO $4 ?4 JOHN LIAPES it Town of Queensbury DATED: DULY 11, 1983 ,� 0 z 411111Wt:omnrunity Developme{tt Ow -- e BOOK 692 PAGE 420 0 ri 742 Bay Road, Quz ensbuxy, NY i2804 7. The applicant must maintain on theirprojeu site, for review by staff: a) The approved final that have been stamped by the 'lawn 7x)ning Admis inna[or. These plans must include the project S WPPP (Storm Water Pollution vrevcntion Plan) when such a plan was prepared 309. 13-2-6 & 7 rown of Queensberry Planning Board and approved; and ARTHUR HAMMOND C9 b) The project NOI and proof of coverage under the cinrent NYSDEC SPDES General Permit, or an C Sil SOLUTION-gnaruve r divtdt al SFDGS permit issued for the project TO �w U Subdivision Final Stage 7-2022 FRANK PARILLO FRANK J. PARILLO Tax Map ID: 309.13.2-2 / Property address: 199 Corinth Road r"Zonmg: C1-18 8. Final approved plans, in compliance with the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any ftvther, review by the 7onung Administrator or Building mid Codes r� A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant Ix:raonnel, DATED: APR/L 5,1990 00 $4 1 proposes a 2 lot commercial subdivision of a 4.39 acre parcel. The new parcels will be 1.29 Beres with the BOOK 789 PAGE 19 I1 • � 1-4 30 , 00 existing Taco Bell aril a 3.1 acre corner lot that will be vaeaut. The 1.29 acre Parcel is developed for Taco 9. The applicant must meet whit Staff after approval and ptor to issuance of Building Permit and(or the 172 Bell with one exit point to Corinth Road, Waivers are requested for landscaping, clearing. grading, and beginning of any site work. 'b e7 309.13-2-8 n erosion.ft.controland st em in as since rs new development apter183is proposed at ct time. ivi Two Bell is shall of g perm is is dependent on compliance vnur this TRUMAN GLEASON 0 S 0;g0 4_S 1 30 2,863 sq. 8. and site remain as is. Pursuant to chapter t83, projects subject to subdivision for 2 lots shrill be L0. Subsequent issuance of further permits, including buitdino subject to Planning Board review and approval. and all other conditions of this resolution; JULIANNE GL EASON 0 Pursuant to reievam sections of the Town of 11. As -built plans to testify that the subdivision is developed according to the approved plans to be provided Queembn,ry Zoning Code -Chapter A-183, the Pimutiag Board O W determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; r o to issuance of the certificate of occupancy; TO Fy This application is s,ppored with all documentation, public comment, and application material in the file of 12. Resolutions must be included ou Final Subdivision mylar; FRANK J. PARILLO Q t word' 13. Site Plan review must take place upon, development of the site. LANDS N/F OF DATED: OCTOBER 21 1999 Iy Cr MOTION TO APPROVE SUSDIVL%ON- FINAL STAGE, 7-2022 FPANK PAI"LO. Introduced by CURTiS BOOK 1141 PAGE 41 0 3 Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption. W Motion seconded by Jackson .l aSarso. Duly adopted this 26" day of July 2022 by the following vow. a 0 i, The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning FRANK J. PA RILL O Cd C Board has adopted a SFQRA 1egative Declaration; and if the application is a modification, the AYES: Mr. Dixon, hit. Loagacker, fir. Stark Mr. Mrgowan, Mr. Warso, Mr, Deeb, Mr. Traver J. (� requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered, and the proposed NOES_ NONE i modification(sj do not result in say new or significantly different enviroamentat impacts, and. tltcrofore, O no f,>,rdref sEtsRA review is necessary; COUNTY OF DATED: FEB'RUAR WARREN 7E 2008 r 0 2. Wsiver requests muted Topography plan, Landscape plan, Clearing plan, grading erosion control and BOOK:EBR PAGE. 12 r - storruwater plans; N 3. The approval is val id for one (1) year from the date of approval. Applicant is responsible for requesting an extension of approval before the one (1) year time flame has expired if you have not yet applied fora JOHN L iAPES iruildingpermit or commenced significant site work. 4. The limits of clearing will constitute a nowt buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installer) TO around these ames.and Geld verified by Community Developrrterd staid COUNTY OF WARREN 5. Engineering sign-offroquired prior t°siguature of Planning Board Cbeirmaa DATED: JULY 1, 2008 6. Ile applicant must submit a copy of following to the Town: BOOK 3616 PAGE 242 a) preleet NO ktvv uce of Intent) for coverage und" the current N YSDEC SPDES General Permit Page 2 of 2 or foreoverage under an individual SPIJF.S prior to the start of §gy site work. b) The project NOT (Notice of Termination) upon completion of the project, end H 3 i v9 g o < < Proposed lot 2 p S ""'� Palo 1 ot2 134539.1 Sq. Feet - 911 1r p Phone: 5:t&76i.822°j Fax. 5Y8.745.44371742 Bay Road; Queensbury, NY i28o4 j www.queensbury.net Phone: 528.76a,822o I Fax: 5i6.745.4437I 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 22ge41 www.queensbury.net 3.1 Acres o _!- 5 m 3 4 x ig< 3 d � 3 6 �l$Yn` r- M - O O 04 aJ - Lands of w ---^- yyFg�: Will�2 al�a �O4 M �� Frank J. Parllo = _-----��#�> p � 1,C -�- Z w TAX PARCEL 309. 13 - 2 - 9 �---f ZONING INFORMATION � 8dt y _� z • !ogle 3 ZONED CI-18 � FORMER TAX PARCEL FORMER TAX PARCEL 309. 13-2-5 309. 13-2-7 FORMER TAX PARCEL W 309. 13-2-G 333,10` N _ 080 46 , 3,0„ W XY NA)F,0 B BIG z a. nu t- 3 in 046 n E S 08 60. 00 x FORMER TAX PAf 309. 13-2-9 87.341 000-00 32n W N 09° LOT WIDTH = 150' �y ES ROAD FRONTAGE = 50' LOT DEPTH = 200' O ci �* SETBACKS FRONT = 50' uJ SIDES = 20' MINIMUM TOTAL OF 50' REAR = 25' till, PERMEABLE = 30% HEIGHT = 40' LANDSCAPED = 30•16 z 4-1 a � N z 20z2562174 Instr # 2022-3000058 (w �h i 08/23/2022 10:58:22 AM Q 1 Pages t*� MAP N Pamela J. Vogel, Warren Co Clerk FILED O 0 ti U') 1 o 00 rn U-_ U Lo STATE OF Ng.L�f43R(4"' , F WARREN } I, tytic.t fs �>at-0, Treasurer of the County of W< St; .P of New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that, acc ng t in nay office, the taxes on the property shown. off td s a have paid for the years levied to 20 ��to 20 LI �'-larder ' C3ti1t5f sure PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL Approved Under Authority of a Resolution Adopted 3- 2022 by the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury, New York. i Chairman Date Signed LEGEND GiRF Q = CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND CIR5 O = CAPPED IRON ROD 5ET IPP Q = !RON PIPE FOUND = HYDRANT WV = WATER VALVE D4 = LAMP P05T = UTILITY POLE co CQ M .� 1C z to W Gr V1 0 >b �r I tv � x to to kn Date- JULY 3, 2015 Scale 11-30' S-1 SHEET 1 OF t PARILLO D I G80 DVJG. NO. 11019-MOORE