PARILLO, FRANK J/1011 State Route 9 DISTRIBUTION OF APPROVED SUBDIVISION MAPS [12' SETS TO BE SUBMITTED'W/COUNTY STAMP] Project Name/Address: Frank Parillo/ 1011 State Route 9 Project Number: Subdivision Final 9-2022 995222 ; U��NS OFFICE a � GOER Tomn-Cl r-W 2. Highway Department 3. Water Department 4. Assessor's Department 5. Building & Codes (for Subdivision Filing Cabinet) 6. VanDusen & Steves 7. Verizon—314 Glen Street, OSP Design, Glens Falls,NY 12801 8. National Grid— 1 Apollo Drive, Glens Falls, NY 12801 9. Glens Falls Post Office — 16 Hudson Avenue, Glens Falls, NY 12801 10. Subdivision File 11. Bruce Frank (for SWPPP tracking) 12. Fire Department (See Below): North Queensbury Fire Company 2663 State Route 9L, PO Box 61, Cleverdale, NY 12820 Bay Ridge Fire Company 1080 Bay Road Lake George, NY 12845 Queensbury Central Fire Company 17 Lafayette Street Queensbury,NY 12804 West Glens Falls Fire Company 33 Luzerne Road Queensbury, NY 12804 13. One extra set to be provided if an area variance was part of the project Revised January 3,2022 CIR5 MAP REFERENCE: MAP OF LANDS OF RONALD N. JECKEL DATED: AUGUST 13, 19:90 LAST AMENDED: DECEMBER 11, 1990 BY: COULTER & McCORMACK Lands N/F of Lake George Campsites, LLC B:1479 P:316 295. 1 2-1 -G Lands N/F of Turnpike Ent, Inc. & Grand Land B:1198 P:188 29G, 13-1 -20 LEGEND- 0 CI'RS = CAPPED IRON ROD SET x = WiRE FENCE LINE = UTILITY POLE # = LIGHT POLE FENCE P05T Lands N/F of UFF I, LLC B:1081 P:263 29G.9-1 -1 NOTES: I ,) TH15 MAP WA5 PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF AN A55TRACT OF TITLE OR AN UP TO DATE TITLE REPORT AND 15 THEREFORE SUBJECT TO ANY 5TATEMENT OF FACT5 5HOWN THEREON. 2.) NO PROPERTY CORNER5 WERE 5ET A5 PART OF TH15 5URVEY. 3.) PARCEL 15 5U5JECT TO ANY EA5EMENT5 OF RECORD. 4.) THl5 MAP WA5 PREPARED FROM AN ACTUAL FfELD SURVEY MADE iN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK 5TATE A550CIATION OF PROFE55IONAL LAND 5URVEYOR5. 5.) TH15 MAP 15 COPYRIGHT 0 2022 VAN DU5EN * 5TEVE5 LAND 5URVEYOR5, UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO TH15 DOCUMENT 15 VIOLATION OF 5ECTION 7209, 5U5DIV1510N 2, OF NEW YORK 5TATE EDUCATION LAW. G.) DIMEN51ON5 BETWEEN PROPERTY LINE5 AND 5TRUCTUKE5 ARE TO THE NEARE5T HALF FOOT AND ARE FOR THE 50LE PURP05E OF INTERPRETING THEIR CONFORMANCE WITH ZONING AND NOT INTENDED TO AID IN THE E5TABL15HMENT OR RE T RACEMENT OF PROPERTY UNE5. 7.) UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, IF ANY, ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON. 5.) THE SURVEYED PARCEL 15 SUBJECT TO WHATEVER RIGHT5, TITLE OR INTEREST THE TOWN OF CIUEEN55URY AND THE PEOPLE OF THE 5TATE OF NEW YORK MAY HAVE TO MAINTAIN THE ROADS AND TO WHATEVER RIGHT5, TrTic v(99 i"rT-rI THE LING PUBLIC MAY HAVE 70 THE BED Of THE Lands NIF of Five Star Golf Management, LLC B:6074 P:129 29G. 1 3- 1 -22.2 Zoned CI - Commercial Intensive Setbacks Front - 75' Side - Minimum 20' Total 50' Rear - 25' Minimum Lot Width - 150' Required goad Frontage - 50' -7 S 20021'05" E 50,00, r s STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WARREN } 1,Nollew,lilIlL6,00Treasurer of State of New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that, in my office, the taxes on the property sho paid for the years levied to 20Io 20,�t ; 1 -. AmikA gt a : ` Fun spol a G. e SATE .` & *v ale ? F '�•. �� .f r,>t,.a_i �p Ft �a'�A?� A S ;'t r.` .. T4 �y}yya Town of t}tteenslinan Cammunity Deraiapn"t Oftke 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION -Approve Subdivision Preliminary Stage 8-2022 FRANK PARILLO Subdivision Tax Map ID: 296.13-1-23 % Property .Address: 1011 State Route 9/ Zoning: CI A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes a 3 lot subdivision. Lot l will be a 6.33 acre vacant parcel, lot 2 to be 3.15 acres with no changes to the 2 existing buildingst and lot 3 to be 4.94 acres with no changes to the current existing building. The site has been used in die past for auto sales and service, boat storage and most recently for auto carts. There are no plans at this time for the vacant lot. The applicant request waivers for comsnuiction plan, landscaping, clearm,gruding, erosion control and sttxmwator. Additionally, a waiver is requested for driveway separation less than 100 ft. per access management. Pursuant to chapter 183. subdivision for the creation of three dos shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queer abury Zoning Code -Chapter A483, the Planning Baud has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements at stated in the Zoning Code; The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Positive Declaration A public hearing was scheduled and held on 7112W2022: This application is supported with all documentation, public comment, and application material in the file of recrord: MOTION 10 APPROVAE SI RDIVIS ON PRY! INUN.ARY STAGE &202Z FRANK PARILLO Introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption. Motion wcwided by Jackson LaSarso. Duly adopted this 28s day of July 2022 by the following vote AYLS: Mr. Stark. Mr. Magowan, Mr. LaSarso, Mr. Dccb, Mr. Dixon, Mr. Longackcr, Mr. Traver NOES: NONE Viv, .. s.k, x:I.tJn'. fa. S;h'I53J ,', ?Ra�R,.ed.thA"ensLc- .. ..xtu ..v .. :t;sx.rt•f,,,r.:..xs l an of Owe, bur C r r nit; T>t inpr e.n ('llu -42 slay R lad Queers bur•. >;v ;.2894 Toum of Queensbury Planning Board 'Aymfovu Subdivision Final Stage 9-2022 FRANK PA.RILLO Tax Map ID: 296.13-1-23 ' Property address: III State Route 917.oning: CI A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proptim a 3 lot subdivision. Lot I will be a 6.33 acre vacant parcel, lot 2 to be 3.15 acres with no changes to the 2 existing budding. and lot 3 to be 4.94 acres wilt no changes to the current existing building. The site has been used in the pest for auto sales and service, boat storage and most recently for auto cans. There are no plans at this time for the vacant lot, The applicant request waiver for construction plan, landscaping, clearing. grading. erosion control and storlawater. Additionally, a waiver is requested for driveway separation less aunt 111 ti, per access management- Purses. to chapter 111, wbdrv�,ion for the creation of three loix shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections (if the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code -Chapter A-I83, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal utisfes the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code•, This application is supported with all docamemati on, public comment, and application material in the ride cd' uecotd, MIMION TO APPROVE SUBDIVISION FINAL STAGE PRELIMINARY 9-2022 .FRANK PARILLO. Introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption. I. the requirements Of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negwive Declaration. and if the application is a modification, the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Re new Act havro been considered and the proposed mof ificadon[s] do not result in any new or mgn ificantly diflerem environmental impacts, and, therefore. no further SEQRA review is necessary: 2. Waiver requeslt grained: Topography plan. Landscape plan, Clearing plan, grading erosion control A ormvaicr plans, and the proposed curb cut for Lot Ito the existing curbeuu where file driveway spacing (179-19.010 Driveway Standards): 3. The approval is valid for one (1) year from the date of approcal..Applicant is responsible for raquesting an extension of approval before the one (1) year time frame has expired if you hate not yet applied for a building permit or commenced significant site work- 4. The limits of clearing will constitute a no -cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed a —ad these areas and field verified by Community Development stair 5, 'Engineering sign -off requirod prior to signature of Planning Board Chairman. 6. The applicant must submit a copy of the following to the Town: a) The project NOI (Notice of intent) ter cm emge tinder the content NYSDFC SPDES General Permit or for coverage under an individual SPDES prior to the start ofDL site work. lit The project NOT (Notice of Termination) upon completion of the project; and : Page t of 2 Ph<>re 1.:s..soj FsK, S 8%45•a43;;r,2 Bay Road, v;.ee.t5bu!y, NY iaBo.,,wx„v.q;rcensb;,,ry net V of w rertr to the re ort5 S; E yS tt p, P 'i •t�' fig} u T 'rowrrof Queeinbwy Community LN-,clo9mtnt fIiiicc 742 flay trad- Queeusbiivy. NY 12904 Town of Qutensbut Planning Board SEAR RESOLUTION -Grant Negative Declaration SUBDMSJON PRELIr1INARY 8-2022 FRANK PARILLO Tax Map ID: 296.13 L 23 Property .Address: 101 I State Route 9 / Zoning: (,I The applicant proposes a a lot subdivision. Lot I will boa 633 acre vacant parcel. tut 2 to be 3.15 acres with no changes to the 2 existing buildings, and lot 3 to he 4.94 acres with no changes to die current existing building. The site has been used in the past for auto sales and service. boat storage and most recently for auto carts. Thcre are no plans at this time for the vacant lot. The applicant request waivers for construction plan. landscaping, clearing, grading. erosion control and stmanwater. Additionally, a waiver is mquested for driveway separation less than 100 ft. per access management. Pursuant to chapter 183, subdivision for the creation of three lots ,shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. The Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the, State Environmental Quality Review Act. The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Reelations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury: No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part 1 of the Long EAF has been completed by the applicauu Part 2 of ate Long EAF has been reviewed by the Planning Board; Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF. it is the conclusion of the Town of Queamsbmy Plioring Board as lead agency that this project will mutt in no significant adverse impacts on the environment, and, therefore. an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly, dots negative declaradAh is issued. 1iCt"I'IN TO -- GR W A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY 4,192 FRANH-YARILLO, introduced by Michael Dixon who moved for its adoption, As per the resolution prepared by staff. 1. Part 11 of the Long EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. ^_. Part Bf of the Long EAr is not necessary because the Planning Board dad not. identify potentially moderate to large impacts. Motion seconded by Jackson LaSarso. Duly adopted this 26" day of July 2022 by the following vote: AYES. Mr. Longacker. Mr. Sunk. Mr Magowan, Mr, LaSarso, Mr Deeb. Mr. Dixon. Mr Ttavcr NOES: NONE, a,t'.atx761a1_n`rv. 7. The applicant must maintainon theirproiect site, for review by craft` at The approved final dual have been stamped by the Town Zcm.ng Administrator. These plans must include the pmiect SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) when such a plan was prepared and approved; and h) ,� project NOI and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit. or on individual SPDES permit issued for the project. S. Final approved plans, in compliance with the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Commurl Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes Personal 9. The applicam must meet with Stab' afler approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or tare beginning of any site work. M. Subsequent issuance of furthet pemmits, including building permit:, is dependent oil compliance with 111K and allother conditions of this resolution; 11. As -bah plans to certify, that the subdivision is developed according to tt,e approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy: 12. Resolutions most be included on Final Subdivision mylar: 13. Site Plan Review required prior to any development on the lots. Motion seconded by Jack -son LaSaNu. Duly adopted this 2e day of July 2022 by die following vote; .AYES: Mr. Magowan, Mr, LaSarso. Mr. Deeb, Mr. Dixon, Mr. Longacker Mr, Stark. ?sir. Traver NOES; NONE Y1;ottc.:;.876_.u:.t lts:.: is8'.-5ob;r';'S:tiayRocd,-1,�<.,:msbu^.,f iFv*w•vw.quee�usltr.rr-:met aro1 O 3 N m � m PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL Approved Under Authority of a Resolution Adopted2022- by the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury, New York. Chairman _---__ Date Signed N (00 Y U Q � O O � Z C3 w 0 0 0 V z CL O In o 4 CQ PZ PZ Lf) 0 Cn O F— CL O LL U3 a- p U U U V U? w z Z Z 2 Z LLI 5 v v O O O O LU U U U W V N N N N N op In 00 N N N N N MU j � o\p co N 00 N N N 0 0 0 0 Q n I- O C0 O 20M®©©®E19 14 II• b z C A a � q 'd 0 a Ilk V m m J 0 O �I � 04 44 0 Cr At 4,01 C O E+ E�2 -4 Vt � ko �1 V1 i-t 0' z A� or V L 17 t 0 q act l Ct Dates DECEMBER 29, 2005 Scale 11-601 S- ,1 SHMT 1 OF 1 PAKILLO D 1 1 % DWG. NO, 05279 296.13-1-23