09-21-2022 (REVISED ON 9.20.22)Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda
Meeting: September 21, 2022 Time: 7:00- 11:00 pm
Queensbury Activities Center – 742 Bay Road
Agenda subject to change and may be found at: www.queensbury.net
Administrative Items: Approval of Meeting Minutes for August 24, 2022
Applicant(s) Brett & Pamela West Area Variance No. AV 38-2022
Owner(s) Brett & Pamela West SEQRA Type Type II
Agent(s) Environmental Design Partners (Gavin Vuillaume) Lot Size 0.96 ac
Location & Ward 106 Bay Parkway Ward 1 Zoning WR
Tax Id No 226.15-1-17 Section 179-3-040; Chapter 94;
Chapter 147
Cross Ref FWW 10-2022; AV 38-2022; AV 57-2021; SP 51-
2021; PZ 210-2016; PZ 95-2016; PZ 89-2016; SP
37-2009; AV 47-2007; SP 39-2007
Warren County Planning July 2022
Public Hearing July 20, 2022; August 24, 2022; September 21,
Adirondack Park Agency ALD
Project Description: Applicant proposes to demo existing home plus shed and construct a new 2 story home with a 5,436 sq. ft.
footprint with a garage. Also included is installation of permeable pavers for patio and driveway areas and a covered walkway between
the two properties. The new floor area will be 8,670 sq. ft. where the maximum allowed is 8,687 sq. ft. The project includes site work
for new landscaping shoreline and residential house, septic, and stormwater management. Lot line adjustm ent but no change to lot size.
Area variance granted 3/23/2022 for setbacks, number of garages, and stormwater device setbacks. Revision to Site Plan to inc lude
Freshwater wetlands work within 100 ft. of a designated wetland. Relief requested for wetland s etback.
Applicant(s) Reds LG,LLC Area Variance No. AV 21-2022
Owner(s) Reds LG, LLC SEQRA Type Type II
Agent(s) Nicholas Zeglen (Environmental Design Partner) Lot Size 0.53 acres
Location & Ward 7, 9, 13 Nutley Lane Ward 1
Zoning WR
Tax Id No 239.17-1-15 Section 179-3-040; 147; 179-13-010
Cross Ref SEP 37-2021, SP 29-2022 Warren County Planning May 2022
Public Hearing May 18, 2022; July 20, 2022; September 21, 2022 Adirondack Park Agency ALD
Project Description: (Revised) Applicant proposes to complete alterations to two existing dwelling units on the site and complete
construction of a bunkroom with no kitchen on the site. Alterations include 7 Nutley Lane new building reduced to 330 sq. ft. which
includes one bedroom, 184 sq. ft. open porch, and 24 sq. ft. covered entry area; alterations to 9 Nutley Lane 704 sq. ft. foo tprint with
two bedrooms and kitchen (floor area of 1,408 sq. ft.), new open deck of 440 sq. ft. with walkout area below; al terations to 13 Nutley
Lane include interior alterations (existing floor area of 2,053 sq. ft. with four bedrooms). Total floor area 3,791 sq. ft. Project includes
grass depression areas for stormwater management, shoreline plantings, construction of a ret aining wall, and reduction in hard
surfacing. Site plan for new floor area for 7 Nutley Lane, expansion of nonconforming structure for 9 Nutley Lane, and hard surfacing
within 50 ft. of the shoreline. Relief requested for setbacks, expansion of nonconform ing, and height for 7 Nutley Lane.
Applicant(s) Gianni Simone Area Variance No. AV 39-2022
Owner(s) Gianni Simone SEQRA Type Type II
Agent(s) Daniel W. Ryan P.E. Lot Size 1.16 acres
Location & Ward 20 Apres Circle Ward 4 Zoning MDR
Tax Id No 315.10-1-59 Section 179-5-020
Cross Ref SUB 12-2018 Warren County Planning July 2022
Public Hearing July 27, 2022; August 24, 2022; September
21, 2022
Adirondack Park Agency n/a
Project Description: (Revised – additional garage details) Applicant proposes to construct a 702 sq. ft. detached garage on a site
that has an existing home with a garage. The house footprint is 2,182 sq, ft, with the attached garage footprint of 600 sq. f t. No changes
to the existing home. Relief requested for second garage.
Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda
Meeting: September 21, 2022 Time: 7:00- 11:00 pm
Queensbury Activities Center – 742 Bay Road
Agenda subject to change and may be found at: www.queensbury.net
Applicant(s) Rebecca Gearwar Area Variance No. AV 35-2022
Owner(s) Rebecca Gearwar SEQRA Type Type II
Agent(s) n/a Lot Size 0.39 acres
Location & Ward 10 Applehouse Lane Ward 3 Zoning MDR
Tax Id No 301.9-1-14 Section 179-5-020
Cross Ref n/a Warren County Planning July 2022
Public Hearing July 27, 2022; August 24, 2022; September
21, 2022
Adirondack Park Agency n/a
Project Description: (Revised – additional fence site details) Applicant proposes to install an eight-foot-high fence on the northwest
side of the property because of slope of property. Fence to be a privacy fence. The existing home of 1,867 sq. ft. which incl udes garage
and porch will remain with no changes. Relief requested for height of fence type.
Applicant(s) Jeffrey Randles Area Variance No AV 46-2022
Owner(s) Jeffrey Randles SEQRA Type Type II
Agent(s) Environmental Design Partnership Lot Size 0.83 acres
Location & Ward 42 Old Assembly Point Rd. Ward 1 Zoning WR
Tax Id No 239.12-2-11 Section 179-3-040
Cross Ref AV 36-2022; SP 51-2022 Warren County Planning September 2022
Public Hearing September 21, 2022 Adirondack Park Agency ALD
Project Description: Applicant proposes alterations to an existing single family home with removing the first story down to the first
floor and to reconstruct the first floor with a second story, additional basement area and an attached garage using the exist ing
foundation. New floor area to be 6,968 sq. ft. and the total footprint of the new house to be 3,348 sq. ft. The main floor wo uld alter the
north side with a new dining area and a new garage. The south side bedroom areas to be added to the footprint of the structure. The
second floor would include additional living space and storage. The project includes stormwater management and shoreline plantings.
Site plan review for a new floor area and alterations to the existing home shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.
Relief requested for setbacks.
Applicant(s) Thomas & Marybeth Babcock Area Variance No. AV 42-2022
Owner(s) Thomas & Marybeth Babcock SEQRA Type Type II
Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering PLLC Lot Size 0.17 acres
Location & Ward 15 Chestnut Road Ward 1 Zoning WR
Tax Id No 289.13-1-12 Section 179-3-040; 179-5-020; 179-13-010
Cross Ref SP 57-2022; AV 45-2012; AV 46-
2012; SP 55-2012; AV 73-1990; AV
1415; SP 35-88A
Warren County Planning September 2022
Public Hearing September 21, 2022 Adirondack Park Agency ALD
Project Description: Applicant proposes to construct a 2-story addition to the south side of the existing home. The existing home is
1,079.2 sq. ft. with 357 sq. ft. porch area (footprint); the existing floor area is 2,230 sq. ft. The new garage to be 554 sq. ft.; total new
floor area is 2,569 sq. ft. Site plan for new floor area in a CEA and expansion of a nonconforming structure. Relief is requ ested for
setbacks, floor area, and height.
Any further business that the Chairman determines may be properly brought before the Zoning Board of Appeals
L:\Karen Dwyre - Zoning Office\ZBA Monthly 2022\September 21, 2022\ZBA Final Agenda September 21, 2022.docx