2002-1004 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&-Codes (518)761-8256 . ..-.--._ _. CERTIFICATE OF-'.00C PANC,Y Perm�it,Number. ,-T20021004 Date Issued; Monday,June 30,2003 x 6 Thi, is:to certify:thatwork`requested to._be done as shown�by,I'ermit Number ry P2oo21004 ..,has,beewcompleted: - tax Map,Number; :. 523400-2961-005-0001-026-000.0000 Location:: 4 UGBPOM Dr Owner: GUIDO PASSARELLI Applicant:. TERRE MAJESTIC,INC. This structure may be occupied as a: By Order of Town Board Garage-2 Cars Attached TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Single Family Dwelling Di ector of Building ode k ot=eat TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20021004 Application Number: A20021004 Tax Map No: 523400-296-005-0001-026-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: TFRRF MA.TFSTTC- TNC. For property located at: HIG11POINTE Dr in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: GUIDO PASSARELLI Garage-2 Cars Attached 465 LAKE Ave Single Family Dwelling 180,000.00 LAKE LUZERNE,NY 12846-0000 Total Value 180,000.00 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency LAMOTT- MICHAFT, Plans&Specifications 2002-1004 Lot 19, House No. 4 Highpointe Road (comer lot)Birdsall Road and Highpointe Road: architectural front faces Highpointe Road and driveway is on Birdsall Road Paradise Lake- Guido Passarelli Subdivision No. 4-1993 Construction of a 1,536 sq ft single family dwelling with a 432 sq ft attachelt4w�`06Qcar garage and one fireplace per plot plan and specifications. $227.52 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday December 13,2003 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the TTwn-ek'Queen bury; Fri ay,December 13,2002 SIGNED BY C, for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building Code nforcement B*Uilding 1'ernut Applieatioll Town of Qucensbury—Dept of Colulutlttily Developntcnt, 7e12 Bay Road, Quccnsbury, NY (518)761-8256 l O� A permit must be obtained bClUre beginning construction. Permit File No. No inspection will be made until applicant has received a Paid valid building per mit. All applicants' spaces oil tlxis Fee G applicatiot must be completed and must appear oft the Rec. lice Paid $ application Harm. Reviewed B � .% ? Applicant: 'lino Owner-. Cs8 Address: _ % q J?T 9 c�Tyayr; L, Address: �� Phone ll {_)Tt15' 1 6ta L Phone# Property Location: Lot Nttu36er: _ f �j J house Number J ,4pg Subdivision Tax Map Nunibcr: Ir or- New Building: residence colun,crciat Lstimated Market Value of Cotxslruction: $ Z to Addition: residence/ commercial lJ Alteration: residence l commercial - 1f an Addition,what will use of new addition be? • u Cl No change to exterior size: residence/cuux'1 Ct Other work(describe —) — _ te=Sillglc lul'orntaliou 1'" Floor - -- 2"'t Moor--- - Other floor Total Below sq.ft. sq. R. set. 11. Square Neel dwelling ru Two family dwelling 1 �� a "Townhouse d Multifamily dwelling; It of units o _Office ❑ Mcrcantile ❑ ManuFtcturing ❑ I car(lel(tched garage - 0 2 car(lefached garage 0 3 car del(iched garage Q I car attaciied garage 1� 2 car attached garage a' C] 3 C1Y a1t:1CI1 CCI gaF't7gC t:l Storage building- Comliicrcial u Storage building- residcntial ct Other Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be uscd7.If so, for what? Type of Heating System: electric/ oil ga wood / oYc ,i hot ail I baseboard/otlicr: Nuuxbcr oi•Tirephlees to be installed _ Number of ti'(mrivioves to be installed List ticloiv'tiic licrson(s)responsible for supervision of work as regards to building codes: Name Address Phone Number Builder Mason slab /t'�y2 "7"/tesn�_x ��a )✓Icctrician »� Declaration: please sign below alter you have Carettllly read the statement: To the best of guy knowledge tale statements contained in this application, together sp with the plans and ecilIcations submitted,are a true and complete statement of all liroposcd work to be donc on the described I>reniises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance and all otlier laws pertailting to file proposed work shall be compli'cd with, whether specified or noted,and that such work is authorized by the owner. Purther, it is understood (hat I/we shall submit,prior to a Certificate ofoccupancy or Ccrtificate of Compliance being issued,as requested by llte Zoning Adtmtnsh'alor or Director of t3ililding and Codes,all Its fluid Stirrer by a licensed surveyor':drawn to scale,showing actual location(:f all new constrructiotx. Signature: - t fF .'n ,— owner,(�cvner's agent,arcltilcci,contractor Fire Marshal's Office Town of"Queensbury,742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY (518)761-8.20? r. Application for Fuel Burning Appliances 8c Chimneys applicable to solid fuel & vented gas,appliance' s Da c 20 Permit No. Application is hereby made to the Building& Codes Office for the issuance of a Building and Use Perinit pursuant to the New York StateTire Prevention and Building Code. The applicant or,owner agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and all conditions that are part Of these requireinents and also will allow all inspectors to enter preinises to per form required inspections. NOTE.to applicant: Rough-in and Final Inspections are required. Applicant Information Fuel Burning Appliance Information (circle appropriate words) Name: _r Stove: wood coal pellet gas Fireplace insert T' (7 ' ifepac61-factory-Built. a6r I Address: Fireplace; y-built: wood Lks" Fireplace,-masonry: wood gas Furnace: wood gas oil Phone: If non-masonary applicance, please provide Owner: Manufacturer Name: i;, Model Number: Address: Chimney Information Phone: (circle appropriate words) Masonry block brick stone Flue tile steel_ size: v inches Exact Address: L-,T J f 77,,, of construction ar installation Factory-Built Manufacturer name: A Model Number: Note.- Listed By: Number: Construction lInstallation inust conform to NYS Fire'Prevention &Building Indicate(circle) chimney material: Code. Consult available Town of Queensbury Handouts regarding required inspections. Double wall;./ Triple wall Insulated Direct venting Cli.inine),Liner , Fire Mar Received shal Code fi S Collected $Refunded Reivedfi ,fl-efunded to): A i a iZdF rsk ,4 173 3389 (190) Public Scikiy A 233 2655 (230)Minor Sales DATE: 40 f I White(Applicant) Green(Fire Marshal) l Yellow(Bldg.Dept.) Pink&Goldenrod(Cashier's Dept.) APplication for Permit—Septic Disposal Sys' tel" 7bWn of Queensbi"y 742 Bay Road Queelisl)wj NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 1. OWNER INFORMATION: ........... ..................... .......... .......... Location of installation: Office Use File Permit ffo- Tax Map No. 6 7 4 V Owner's Name:. 72� Z Fe I e Paid ...................................­­..............­............. ............................. Address: THY ST !71V L5 ye-- Id jj a TOWN OF QUED-jSSURY A 111JILDING,1_4640(2515C 2. INSTALLER'S NAME /�Ag yyj 5-Tc, V — PHONE NO. 3. RESIDENCE INFORMATION: (circle year of dwelling, indicate#bedrooin(v) and multiply It of bedrooms with applicable gallons per bedrooin to equal total daily flow) Year of House: No. of Bedrooms x Computation = Total Daily Flow 1980 or older x 150 gal/bdrni = 1980- 1991 x 130 gal/bdriii = 1991 —present. C-3 x 110gal/bdrin = CM30 Garbage Grinder Installed yes / no Spa or Whirlpool Installed yes no 4. PARCEL INFORMATION: (circle applicable information &indicate measurements) TovQgraplly Soil Natyrn Ground Water Bedrock or Iinpervious Material Domestic Water Su pi sand at what depth at what depth ntuzfcipa 0--ing oani feet if Steep slope clay if well; water supply Yo slope other ftonz any septic-system depth: absorption is_J1. other Percolation Test: (To be completed by licensed professional engineer or architect) Rate: _minute per inch S. PROPOSED SYSTEM: For New Construction: All individual sewage disposal systems inust be designed by a licensed professional engineer or architcet (unless installed in Planning Board approved subdivision). Add 250 gallons to the size of the septic tank and Icach field for each Garbage Grinder, Spa or Whirlpool rub. Septic Tank: (min.OD 0 gallon in. size 1,000 gal.) Tile Field: each trench Total System Length 'Q Seepage Pit(s): nuinber of size oj*each: —ft. by Size of Stone to be used: It depth our thickness feet Bed System Size:. X Alternative System: length andlor size 6. HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: Size of each: gallons /TOTAL Capacity: _gallons Note: Alann System and associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency. 7. SIGNATURE &INFORMATION FOR RESPONSIBLE PERSON(please read) For your protection,please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queensbury, any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of all applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations with respect to this application and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. Z® Jag Signature df(pbsponsible person Date Project Name: BP# Address: Lot ILI q Building Pen it Submission Sirol fanny dulling Tuofian7dy dwelling Checklist All items below must be checked either yes,no or not applicable prior to submission of any building permit to the Town of Queensbury Building Department. If any of the below items are lacking,the permit will not be accepted until such time as the application is deemed complete for submission. 1. Building Permit Application Completed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 0 no [-] n/a 2. Energy Form or CheckMate Energy Code Compliance Forms Complete.. Cyes R no R n/a 3. Energy Code Inspector's Report from CheckMate Program... ... ... ... ... .. yes 0 no 0 n/a X! 4. Septic application completely filled out(if applicable)... ... ... ... ...... ... ... yes yes 0 no 0 n/a 5. Solid Fuel Burning or Gas Appliance Form... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .WS Rno, On/a 1 6. Electrical Inspection Form... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. yes Ono F-In/a 7. Two (2) complete sets of structural drawings... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . s Rno F-In/a a) floor plan;b) foundation plan;c) cross sections:d) elevations; e) window and door schedule 8. Two (2) site plans showing location of the structure to be built. ... ... ... ... [-]yes Ono On/a location of well or water lines,location of septic system or sewer line. 9. Setbacks from property lines to new structure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. s Ono FWa 10. Setbacks to neighboring wells and septic systems,including onsite well... . ' yes Mno Rn/a and septic systems (if applicable) 11. DrivewayPermit... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... s f-Ino FWa Date: Staff Initial:' L:\Sucliemingway\Bui ding.Pennit.FOFIZ\Generic Cheddist.doc CEIVED Numb L16R 6L Pe Num ber er DEC 1 0 2DO2 11 urnt U 1 U luu 4 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Z * BUILDING AND CODE d I MECcheck Compliance Report Checked Date Proposed New York State Energy Conservation Const ction Code NIECcheck Software Version 3.3 Release lb Data filename:Untitled TITLE:PARADISE LAKE COUNTY:Warren STATE:New York HDD:7635 CONSTRUCTION TYPE:Detached 1 or 2 Family BEATING TYPE:Non-Electric DATE: 12/03/02 DATE OF PLANS: 11/29/02 PROJECT INFORMATION, LOT 19 COMPANY INFORMATION: TERRA MAJESTIC COMPLIANCE:Passes Maximum UA=328 Your Home=290 11.6%Better Than Code Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or Door Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1116 38.0 0.0 33 Ceiling 2:Cathedral Ceiling(no attic) 438 38.0 0.0 12 Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 1665 19.0 0.0 87 Window 1:Vinyl Frame,Double Pane with Low 156 0.370 58 Door 1:Solid 42 0.100 4 Door 2:Glass 20 0.500 10 Basement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry,7.6'ht/6.8bg/7.6'insul 1373 11.0 0.0 86 Furnace 1:Forced Hot Air,78 AFUE Air Conditioner I:Electric Central Air, 10 SEER COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,-specifications,dnd other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed systems have been designed to meet the Proposed New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements. Builder/Designer '��avv A"VAI/ Date J' MECcheck Inspection Checklist Proposed New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code MECcheck Software Version 3.3 Release lb DATE: 12/03/02 TITLE:PARADISE LAKE Bldg. I Dept. I Use I I I Ceilings: [ ] I 1. Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss,R-38.0 cavity insulation I Comments: [ ] I 2. Ceiling 2:Cathedral Ceiling(no attic),R 38.0 cavity insulation Comments: I Above-Grade Walls: [ ] I 1. Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"o.c.,R 19.0 cavity insulation I Comments: I Basement Wails: [ ] I 1. Basement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry,7.6'ht/6.8'bg/7.6'insul, I R-11 A cavity insulation I Comments: I I Windows: [ ] I 1. Window 1:Vinyl Frame,Double Pane with Low-E,U-factor:0.370 I For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? [ ]Yes [ ]No Comments: I Doors: [ ] I 1. Door 1: Solid,U-factor: 0.100 I Comments: [ ] I 2. Door 2:Glass,U-factor: 0.500 #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? [ ]Yes[ ]No Comments: I I Heating and Cooling Equipment: [ ] I 1. Furnace 1:Forced Hot Air,78 AFUE or higher I Make and Model Number [ ] I 2. Air Conditioner 1:Electric Central Air, 10 SEER or higher I Make and Model Number I I Air Leakage: [ ] I Joints,penetrations,and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage must be sealed. [ ] I Recessed lights must be Type IC rated and installed with no penetrations,or Type IC or non-IC rated installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5"clearance from combustible materials and 3"clearance from insulation. I I Vapor Retarder: [ ] I Required on the warm-in-winter side of all non-vented framed ceilings,walls,and floors. I e` Materials Identification: [ ] Materials and equipment must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. [ ] Materials and equipment must be identified so that compliance can be determined. { ] Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment must be provided. [ ] ( Insulation R-values and glazing U-factors must be clearly marked on the building plans or specifications. Duct Insulation: [ ] ( Supply ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building must be insulated to R-11. [ ] Return ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building must be insulated to R-6. [ ] Supply ducts in unconditioned spaces must be insulated to R-11. [ ] ( Return ducts in unconditioned spaces(except basements)must be insulated to R-2. Insulation is not required on return ducts in basements. Duct Construction: [ ] I All joints,seams,and connections must be securely fastened with welds,gaskets,mastics ( (adhesives),mastic-plus-embedded-fabric,or tapes. Duct tape is not permitted. ( Exception:Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at less than 2 in.w.g.(500 Pa). [ ] J Ducts shall be supported every 10 feet or in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. [ ] Cooling ducts with exterior insulation must be covered with a vapor retarder. [ ] ( Air filters are required in the return air system. [ ] ( The HVAC system must provide a means for balancing air and water systems. Temperature Controls: [ ] Each dwelling unit has at lesat one thermostat capable of automatically adjusting the space temperature set point of the largest zone. Electric Systems: [ ] Separate electric meters are required for each dwelling unit. Fireplaces: [ ] Fireplaces must be installed with tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doors. [ ] Fireplaces must be provided with a source of combustion air,as required by the Fireplace construction provisions of the Building Code of New York State,the Residential Code of New York State or the New York City Building Code,as applicable. Service Water Heating: [ ] Water heaters with vertical pipe risers must have a heat trap on both the inlet and outlet unless the water heater has an integral heat trap or is part of a circulating system. [ ] ( Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. L Circulating Hot Water Systems: [ ] Insulate circulating hot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. Swimming Pools: [ ] All heated swimming pools must have an on/off heater switch and require a cover unless over 20% of the heating energy is from non-depletable sources. Pool pumps require a time clock. Heating and Cooling Piping Insulation: [ ] HVAC piping conveying fluids above 105°F or chilled fluids below 55 OF must be insulated to the levels in Table 2. A -1� r .w c r Table 1: Minimum Insulation: Thickness far Circulating Hot Water Pipes. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Heated Water Non-Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains and Runouts Temperature(F) Up to 1" Up to 1.25 1.5"to 2.0" Over 2" 170-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140-160 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 100-130 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2: Minimum Insulation Thickness for HVAC Pipes. Fluid Temp. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Piping System Types Range(F) 2"Runouts 1" and Less 1.25"to 2" 2.5"to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature 201-250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 Low Temperature 120-200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Steam Condensate(for feed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2:0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water,Refrigerant, 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 and Brine Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD(Building Department Use Only) 1.,:rlEllux CODE COMPLIANCE 4PPLICIITIOII ' .0VIO OF QUEENSBURy, WARREN COUtITY 9000 IIEI\TING I DEGREES RE-Cevst COILIPlialiCe- fll 0 2002 Acceptable 'PracEiCe IIeLh (only)- oil ly) U�GV,1&2 Family Dwellijigs r ' LL)JI1,/kIzT 6* Thermal Ratillg - C01"pollent -Y"EENSSURY CODE 1&2 E'dillily 'Dwellijigs; 1-julti-FaIllily Dwellings- ( 3 stories or less) PAPIT 4* Design by Coinponelit, perfor,11allce C01luilercial Buildi"Igs-11i Itist-1 Resideiitial *Requires submissiol, of worksheets 11 P P-LI C JIU I_Ir I* PROPERTY LOCATIOLI: t LS 4, 14ET1101) OF COMPLIIUICE By ACCEPTABLE PRACTICE: Cross Fluo-: scluare feet . 2 . T-J-je of He ElecLric Oil y� Gras Oth6i: 3 . Is buiidiiiq IM-2challiCall y cooled?- Y e s 4 . Percentage of a._'­c,:I of windows and. doors Over 17% _,I�Under 17% 5 . f -VALUES FOR IIISUFATIOH GIVEN BELOW MUST CORRESPOUD TO R-VALUES AS SH-OViN ON PLAITS SjUB1.11TTED: E . Roof b . ExLerjor w,-11,9 C . Glc-u;ed areas , d . Exterior do.)I:s IZ �_ e . Floors over uillicated spaces Et -liel,�J dye of slab Oil grade Oleated building) R 9. Basement/cellar walls (above grade). h . F30sement/cellar walls (below grade) i . 11' a ting/cooliii(j-duc Ls-piping in unheated space It G . Se,vjce (duw(-,,sL_J6 hot water Ileating device (:Q_qf_oI:HjS to jjjjjjijtjUjtt effiC* Lency per code es TEM)-IL­.IkTUIu;', C011TIM, J-JAXJ IUM SETTING 1400 WILL IIOT 13E EXCEEDED e D-1Z Pholie Humber TA IbISPECT OR' S REIIAJZJCS . Residential Final Inspection -8256 q Office No. (518)761 Date Inspection re ue eceived: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: al' p De a reque ece'ved a e D I742 Bay Rd., Queehsbu NY 1280.4 Inspector's Initial NAME: PE IT#: LOCATION: q--)Y- DIE: ^C2 —30— TYPE OF STRUCTURPE: Comments, Y . N N/A Chimney Ht./"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake 3 inch Plumb Vent through roof Roof Complete Guard 30 in.or-more @ stairs,decks,patios Guard at stairwell at 34 in.or more Guard at deck,porches 36 in.or more Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railings 34 in.to 38 in. Platform at all exterior doors Interior Handrails stairs 2 or more risers Grade away from foundation 44X^iAxjVt. Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall 8 inch clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18"above grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 ft. or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating Low.water shut-off boiler Relief Valve(i)installed Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36 in. Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safety glazing Window in stairwells safety glazing Interior Smoke De lectors: Every level: %/ / Every Bedroom: I/ Outside every bedroo area: _ Inter Connected: 7 / Battery backup: ✓ Bathroom Fans,if no window V4— Carbon Monoxide detector Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation Floor truss,draft'stop in finished basement 1,000 sf Emergency egress below grade Basement stairs closed rise>4 inches %hour fire door/door closer Garage fireproofing Duct work Scaled properly Attic access 30 in.x 24 in.x 30 in.(ht.)In accessible area Crawl§paces 18"x 24"access, I sq,ft.-150 sq.ft.vents Building No./Address visible from road Final Electrical Site Plan /Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic Systern /Sewer Dept.Inspection Sticker Flood Plain Certification, if required Okay to issue C/C(Cert. Of Compliance) Okay to issue Temporary C 10(Cert. Of Occ­bpancy) Okay to issue Permanent C/0(Cert. Of Occupancy) L:\SueHemingway\Btiilding.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Res,Final Insp.farm 2.dor, edited January 28,2003 Residential Final Inspection Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received, Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: a n art: C)a M. 742 Bay Rd., Qu bury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials NAME: -01_� P T M C9 00 Lf LOCATION: TYPE OF STRUCTURE. Comments N N/A Chimney Ht./"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location V,0 Fresh Air Intake 3 inch Plumb Vent through roof Roof Complete Guard 30 in.or more @ stairs,decks,patios Guard at stairwell at 34 in. or more Guard at deck,porches 36 in. or more 01 Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railings 34 in.to 38 in. Platform at all exterior doors Interior Handrails stairs 2 or more risers Grade away from foundation 6jV.—widrl'". Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall IT 8 inch clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18"above grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 ft. or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating V -Low water shut-off boiler Relief Valve(s)installed Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36 in. Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safety glazing Window in stairwells safety glazing Interior Smoke Dep6ctors: Every level: \/ / Every Bedroom \j Outside every bedro ea: I/ Inter Connected: op / Battery backup: Bathroom Fans,if no window Carbon Monoxide detector Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation Floor truss,draft stopping finished basement 1,000 sf Ep_Lrgency eEess below grade Basement stairs closed rise>4 inches %hour fire door/door closer Garage fireproofmg Duct work Sealed properly Attic access 30 in.x 24 in.x 30 in.(ht.)In accessible area Crawl Spaces 18"x 24"access, I sq, ft.-150 sq.ft.vents Building No./Address visible from road Final Electrical Site Plan /Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System/Sewer Dept. ection Sticker Flood Plain Certification, if required Okay to issue C/C(Cert. Of Compliance) Okay to issue Temporary C 0(Cert. Of Occupancy) Okay to issue Permanent C i 0(Cert. Of Occupancy) L:\SueHenn npvay\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Res.Final Insp.foam 2.dac e itedTa—nuary 28,2003 U0003-01 MjEUMjMIMjMjMjgjjgfflFL3 rd3 @rr3PLrd3 [M BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTMCITY 40 FULTON STREET — NEW YORK, NY 10038 CERTIFIES THAT Upon the application of upon premises owned by TERRE MAJESTIC INC., .TERRE MAJESTIC INC. 82 NICOLE DRIVE 4 HIGH POINT DR QUEENSBURY, NY 12804, QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Located at 4 HIGH POINT DR QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Application Number: 1116450 Certificate Number: 1116450 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: BDC:A239, 2002-1004 Described as a Residential occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: Basement,Outside, was inspected in accordance with the National Electrical Code and the detail of the installation,as set forth below,was found to be in compliance therewith on the 25th Day of June,2003. Name QTY Rate Bling Circuit Type Outlet 4 0 CATV Paddle Fan 2 0 Residential Pole/Post Lighting Standard 1 0 Residential Service I Phase 3W Service Rating 150 Amperes Service Disconnect: 1 150 cb Meters: I seal 2 of 2 This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. 1 -3 i f fflfflffir MPLPCJMPLrL3rL3rL3j"L3�l�l�'���:�'� Mfflffl M 10112�]1!11' 10t : 11", 0[1 _3'E,11:' I MPLr@ffl3j-L3 rd3MIffljM I�!� 6 1 Town of Queensbury I / Ice Fire Marshal s Off 742 Bay Road -Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone (518)761-8205 Fax(518) 745-4437 Fire Marshal's Inspection Report Request SCHEDULE Received: Permit a INSPECTION ON: Name: XQ rl A MPM ANYTIME Location: li 4 1`ac,_PkA�. APPROVED N/A YES NO, COMMENTS EXITS AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS-NORMAL - BATTERY EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM HOOD INSTALLATION INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE COMPRESSED GAS CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS CLEARANCE TO ELECTRICAL REQUIRED SIGNAGE _ EMERGENCY PLAN MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY SIGN CHIMNEY MASONRY ROUGHIN FINAL CHIMNEY FACTORY BUILT ROUGH IN FINAL WOOD STOVE ROUGHIN FINAL VENTED GAS APPLIANCE ROUGH IN FINAL FIREPLACE MASONRY ROUGHIN OK THIS E C NOT OK FINAL FIREPLACE �,�r FACTORY BUILT' OUGH IN INS FINAL ' 7f I 1 77 COMDEV/CHRISJANORDILETTERS2001/FIREM HALINSPECTIONREP T11022001 WHITE-BUILDING DEPARTMENT COPY YELLOW-OCCUPANT COPY Qro x xro , m I M Ht Hacrza X 8 H H H a. z o 0 r cy�� a o r x z 0 4 > o y> > hx z z z z z H H {� a 0 r rk © ' C H o ro n wx a p a c c a a a m m z 0 w a m ro 3 ca m m > n t H O r r H H H w x c m H w z C H �? n n 0 0 c Zc c H > N m z H z H m >z 0 H H w N C m a 0 0 0 � m o o a 0 0 n ►� an "1 z N G r ro ro ro 0 0 ' ro H C n HN z N N z m ro roS, H b H Z 4 x { N ro cc 0mmmmx NHmN Nz r01 ct� z �; m IC a H M _ A ►� m n c N z H m z, z C 0 ac xn row .n � � n � 00 0r � q 'na N r0Nc a Iz nc zo m 0z0xwm0 m0 rN r m Ha 01 C M ro Gl H ro m w H C t� C c 0z C n r m r o r r c r 0 ro m e m r > m Ha n z a z N z z0 a` a I a ^ N nz 1 z '• w1 z H m p dN 0 H mo n. kxoo z a � >Cc H ozz roz H N>1N arm. z Nc0m 0 ro a op r m k7 z H a MAP REFERENCE: MAP ENTITLED "MAP OF A PROPOSED SUBDIVISION MADE FOR GUIDO PASSERELLI, ROUND POND SUBDIVISION SITE PLAN" PREPARED BY VANDUSEN do STEVES, L.L.S. DATED JUNE 24, 1993 LAST REVISED SEPTEMBER 29, 1993 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK PLAT CABINET B. SLIDE 51, MAP No. 86 NOTES: 1) THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED WM40UT BOWOF :+. OF AND THEREFORE bANY a COVENANTS OR RESTRICTONS OF RECORD ANY STAIDAW OF DOCUMENT WOULD DISCLOSE. LEGEND � 0 ..AM ^C' a cn to%/r"v ncc i n r i In CWU IRIf1 OfIkKin CI 1Qf%ttr14-ftlf%hJ Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement 'Arrive: am/p Depart: am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: PERMIT NO.: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: C2 RECHECK: Comments and/or diagram Soil Typc( Saild,<Jmx-&lay Type of W—ater.Q-�A�unici Well Water Waterline separation distance /flu-1 ft. Well separation distance Other wells: Absorption Field: Total length Length of each trench Depth of trenches ft* Size of Stone Seepage Pits: Number Size: Stone Size: Piping Si7,e Typef Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box t1v Distribution Box t66Tield Pit K (A Opening Sealed:X/kLl Partial Location/Separations Foundation to tank ft Foundation to absorption ft, Separation of Pits ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan VY N Location of Sy t on Property: Front (Rear Left Side Right Side Middle Front Middle Rear System Use Stat -aApproved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected,please call the Building&Codes Office Disapproved L:'SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Septic Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 V� t + i f l ; Rough Plumbing Insulation Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: m/nin art: am/pm 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: PERMIT#: ]LOCATION: M INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: t Y N N/A PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R-4 Drain Vents Cast Iron,Copper Drain/Vent Comm. Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing/Nail Plates Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 ft.above highest Connection for 15 minutes Water Supply Piping Copper Commercial Copper, CPVC,Pex One&Two Family Insulation/Residential Check/Commercial Check Proper Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If reg uired unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct Work Sealed Properly COMMENTS: LAPamW\Wbiting\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal's Office 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone (518) 761-8205 Fax(518) 745i]-4437 Fire Marshal's Inspection Report Request SCHEDULE 6 Received: Permit# dQ INSPECTION ON: Name: AM PM ANYTIME Location: APPROVED N/A YES NO COMMENTS EXITS AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS-NORMAL - BATTERY EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM HOOD INSTALLATION INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE COMPRESSED GAS CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS CLEARANCE TO ELECTRICAL REQUIRED SIGNAGE EMERGENCY PLAN MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY SIGN CHIMNEYMASONRY ROUGH IN FINAI OZ) CHIMNEY FACTORY BUILT ROUGH IN 0 7 V6-Nr1'FINAL WOOD STOVE ROUGHIN FINAL VENTED GAS APPLIANCE ROUGH IN FINAL FIREPLACE MASONRY ROUGH IN :OK THIS DAT OK FOR CO NOT OK FINAL /F(REPLACE FACTORY BUILT ROUGH IN INSPECTED BY FINAL COMDEV/CHFUSJNVORDILETTER5200I/FIREMARSHALINSPECTIONREPORT11022001 WHITE-BUILDING DEPARTMENT COPY YELLOW-OCCUPANT COPY 1C1-4 Rough Plumbing/ Insulation Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: 03 Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: Dep t: pm 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: 4 PERMIT#: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: <71C-zh - Y N N/A PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R-4 Drain Vents Cast Iron,Copper Drain/Vent Comm. Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place gh PlunJ i all Plates Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 ft. above highest Connection for 15 minutes Water Supply Piping Copper Commercial Copper,CPVC,Pex One&Two Family Insulation/Residential Check/Commercial Check -Proper Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct Work Sealed Properly COMNMNTS: ,L:\SucHemingwiy\Building.Codes.Inspec.tion.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc January 28,2003 Framing [Firestopp ng Inspection Report , Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/pin Departl *`arrepm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 1280 Ihspe tor's Initials:,' } �.`. . (h 1603 NAME: '� L n PERMIT#: LOCATION: pr.. INSPECT ON: a Q TYPE OF•STRUCTURE: Ali . Y N`. N/A COMMENTS IPT �n�1. Jac StRIds/Headers Br cI /Bridging _ Joist hangers Jack Po `�` Iain beams / Exterior sli ting nailed'properly I NSj;¢t�t- j S`�'U 5 12"O.C. .�. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. GL Stairwells 36 in. or more �� 1 5 Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. _Notches/Holes!Bearing Walls -Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 '/z(w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses '.Anchor Bolts 6 ft, or less on center Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1,2,3 hour wall 2, 3,4 hour i s p 'ng.. Pen Y 'I n sL- °led 16 inch msulan in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side ''/z inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W). 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade L:\SueHemingway\Buitding.Codes.Inspection.rORMS\Framing Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal's Office 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone (518)761-8205 Fax(518) 745-4437 Fire Marshal's Inspection Report Request SCHEDULE Received: Permit# 10 INSPECTION ON: Name: A"1l'f4—yge--(,C, t - AM PM ANYTIME Location: 1-110a A'r- lox? - APPROVED N/A YES NO COMMENTS EXITS AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS-NORMAL - BATTERY EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM HOOD INSTALLATION INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE COMPRESSED GAS CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS CLEARANCE TO ELECTRICAL REQUIRED SIGNAGE EMERGENCY PLAN MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY SIGN CHIM EY MAr0NRY- ROUGHIN CHIMNEY FACTORY BUILT ROUGH IN FINAL WOOD STOVE ROUGH IN FINAL VENTED GAS APPLIANCE ROUGH IN FINAL FIREPLACE MASONRY ROUGH IN OK THIS DATE OK FOR CO NOT FIREPLACE FINAL llj/p<�,-- FACTORY BUILT. ROUGH IN INSPECTED BY FINAL COMDEVICHRISJMORD/LETTERS20011FIREMARSHALINSPECTIONREPORT11022001 WHITE-BUILDING DEPARTMENT COPY YELLOW-OCCUPANT COPY Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspection Report Office.No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: 11, /A) Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/pm De art: c anVpm 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: fc, NAME: IPA PERMIT#: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: 6 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: r` Y N N/A PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R-4 Drain/Vents Cast Iron,Copper Drain/Vent/Comm. Plumbing Vent 1 Vents in Place Rough Plumbing/Nail Plates Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents ��Ci� 5 PSI or 10 ft.above highest Connection for 15 minutes Water Supply Piping Copper,. opper Commercial CPVC,Pex One&Two FamilyQ Insulation/Residential Cheek/Commercial Check Proper Vent,Attic Vent IL f� Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation �`- If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct Work Sealed Properly J�L z_ V COMMENTS: (fe, '` - L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doa January 28,2003 Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (51S)761-8256 Date Inspection reque ec ive Queensbury Building&Cade Enforcement Arrive: a pm D art: a m . 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initia r NAME: ERMIT#: � LOCATION: INSPECT ON: f TYPE OF STRUC . - ! Rn Comments Y N N/A ootings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in-Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place t Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval f Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\.Sueklemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Foundation Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Foundation Inspection Report - Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection reque eiv Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: a pm Depart: ; a m 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initia NAME: �'� M '"' ERMIT#: LOCATION: INSPECT TYPE OF STRUC f�GT1 A16, "�' - /j Comments Y N N/A � � ` Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofmg/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing for wet areas under slab ackfill7Pijiprova _ Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. Foundation Inspection ReportY Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/pm Depart: / am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: PERMIT#: � LOCATION: ' �. INSPECT ON: — TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Pace / e con actor i e or providing prote tion from freezing for 48 hours fo owing the placement of the concr e. Mated or this p purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Damppi ofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. RECEIVED DEC 1 0 201 Cc 0 3i TOWN OF(UIC-�.��'SC'+i t' New," BUILDING M:%�c�OI�E 4au� s saues�p aq p sip u urv,uys .� uo mes 10 �;2Paasq � ti u 10 a2 LA QQr�i� d Zr� •� a r� V�\ /-�Z1�