10 18 2022 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda First Regular Meeting: Tuesday, October 18, 2022 / Time 7 – 11 pm Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road Approval of Minutes Dates- August 16, 2022 and August 25, 2022 Administrative Item: Site Plan PZ 230-2016 Legacy Land Holdings request for a one year extension Tabled Items Applicant(s) 333 CLEVERDALE, LLC / SAN SOUCI Application Type Site Plan 33-2021 Special Use Permit 2-2021 Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Type II Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering – Tom Center Lot size .27 acre Location 333 Cleverdale Road Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR Tax ID No. 226.12-1-43 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-4-090, 179.10 Cross Reference AV 38-2009, SUP 45-2009,SUP 9-2012, AV 28- 2012, AV 28-2021, AV 32-2021 Warren Co. Referral May 2021 Public Hearing May 20, 2021, October 18, 2022 Site Information LGPC, APA, CEA Project Description: (Revised) Applicant requests approval of outdoor seating of 12 seats for three tables. Project includes installation of turf area and permeable pavers. The outdoor eating area also includes a 4 ft privacy fence. The lower floor remains as a waiting area with the main floor and outdoor seating being used for dining. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-010, 179-4-090 & 179.10, food service in a WR zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) SOUTHERN GATEWAY RENEWABLES Application Type Site Plan 55-2022 Special Use Permit 4-2022 Owner (s) County of Warren DPW SEQR Type Type I Agent(s) EDP (Travis Mitchell) Lot size 54.37 acres, 25.24 acres Location West Side of Qsby Ave, South of Airport Ward: 2 Zoning Classification: CLI Tax ID No. 303.8-1-1, 303.12-1-3 Ordinance Reference 179-5-140, 179-10-040, 179-3-040 Cross Reference Warren Co. Referral August 2022 Public Hearing August 16, 2022, October 18, 2022 Site Information Airport Project Description: Applicant proposes to utilize 27+ acres of an 80 acre parcel for a 5.0MW solar farm of 8.25 acres of land at the Warren County Airport. Project work includes fencing, stormwater management, and equipment areas. The hard surfacing total with existing and proposed is 1.07 acres with equipment pads. Panel height is 16.5 to 19.5 ft. Pursuant to chapter 179-5-140, 179-10-040, 179-3-040, site plan and special use permit shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) NORTHERN GATEWAY RENEWABLES Application Type Site Plan 56-2022 Freshwater Wetlands 11-2022 Special Use Permit 5-2022 Owner (s) County of Warren DPW SEQR Type Type I Agent(s) EDP (Travis Mitchell) Lot size 510.06 acres Location 443 Queensbury Avenue Ward: 2 Zoning Classification: CLI Tax ID No. 297.15-1-1 Ordinance Reference 179-5-140, 179-10-040, 179-3-040, 94 Cross Reference Warren Co. Referral August 2022 Public Hearing August 16, 2022, October 18, 2022 Site Information Airport, wetlands Project Description: Applicant proposes to utilize 31 acres of a 510 acre parcel for a 5.0MW solar farm of 8.3 acres on the Warren County Airport land. Project site work is within 100 ft of designated wetland and there will be disturbance of existing wetland areas for the placement of solar panels. Project work includes fencing, stormwater management and equipment areas. The increase in hard surfacing is 0.86 acre with equipment pads. Site work proposed in the wetland is in three specific areas and other site work is adjacent. Total site disturbance is 34.10 acres. Panel height is 16.5 to 19.5 ft. Pursuant to chapter 179-5-140, 179-10-040, 179-3-040, 94, site plan and special use permit, freshwater wetlands permit, and work on slopes greater than 15% shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Town Board Referral: Applicant(s) DAN HUNT Application Type Site Plan 52-2022 Petition of Zone Change 3-2022 Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Type I Agent(s) n/a Lot size .8 acres Location 3 Pinello Road Ward: 4 Zoning Classification: MDR Tax ID No. 308.15-1-58 Ordinance Reference 179-9-040, 113-17 Cross Reference Warren Co. Referral August 2022 Public Hearing August 25, 2022, September 27, 2022, October 18, 2022 Site Information Project Description: Applicant proposes to operate a 6 unit manufactured home park. The project proposes 4 new units to be installed with associated grass, plantings, blacktop roadway and new underground utilities. Two units were approved for the existing site; the park would contain 6 total. The project is part of rezoning where the mobile home overlay zone is proposed for this parcel pursuant to Chapter 179-9-040 referral from the Town Board where the Planning Board is to complete SEQR and provide recommendation to the Town Board. Pursuant to Chapter 113-17, 179-3-040, site plan for manufactured homes shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval upon completion of rezoning. Applicant(s) GARDEN WORLD ASSOCIATES Application Type Site Plan 69-2022 Petition for Zone Change 5-2022 Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Type I Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering Lot size .32 acres, .76 acres Location 2 Carlton Drive/537 Aviation Road Ward: 2 Zoning Classification: MDR, CI Tax ID No. 302.5-1-49, 302.5-1-50 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-15-040 Cross Reference SP 49-2017, AV 44-2017, AV 50-2022 Warren Co. Referral October 2022 Public Hearing n/a for recommendation Site Information Travel Corridor Overlay Project Description: Applicant proposes a change of zone for a 0.32 acre parcel at 2 Carlton Dive identified as Parcel # 302.5-1-49 from Moderate Density Residential to Commercial Intensive. The project also includes a parking lot expansion of a 0.76 acre parcel at 537 Aviation Road with the 0.32 acre parcel. The project includes associated site work to increase parking to 86 spaces. The project also includes a parcel merge. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040, 179-15-040, petition of zone change, Town Board referral, SEQR for petition of zone change and parking expansion, Zoning Board of Appeals for variance relief and Planning Board recommendation shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. The Planning Board will request to be Lead Agency. Variance: Relief is sought for permeability. Recommendations: Applicant(s) FADEN ENTERPRISES Application Type Site Plan 68-2022 Freshwater Wetlands 13-2022 Special Use Permit 6-2022 Owner (s) Saratoga Primes Properties, LLC. SEQR Type Type II Agent(s) Lansing Engineering Lot size 1.99 acres Location 1471 State Route 9 Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: CI Tax ID No. 288.-1-58 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-10-040, 94 Cross Reference SP 43-2002, SP 34-2004, SP 8-2006, SP 52-2011, SP 59-2014, SP 45-2015, SV 48-2014, DISC 1- 2022, AV 49-2022 Warren Co. Referral October 2022 Public Hearing n/a for recommendation Site Information Travel Corridor Overlay Project Description: Applicant proposes removal of an existing building on the site to construct 3 new buildings and associated site work. The project includes one building of 8,950 sq ft that is designated as 3 tenant spaces: 2,000 sq ft for a drive-thru, 2,500 sq ft for a restaurant, and 8,355 sq ft for retail space. The second and third buildings will contain a total of 24 units of self-storage in 3,480 sq ft. Each building will be 1,740 sq ft and have 12 units. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040, 179-10-040, & 94, site plan for new commercial development and self-storage facility, hard surfacing within 50 ft of a shoreline/wetlands, freshwater wetlands permit, and special use permit for self-storage facility shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for setbacks. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Applicant(s) DON BERNARD Application Type Site Plan 64-2022 Freshwater Wetlands 12-2022 Owner (s) 20 Brayton LLC SEQR Type Type II Agent(s) Lot size .28 acres Location 20 Brayton Lane Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR Tax ID No. 239.8-1-15 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-6-065, Chapter 94 Cross Reference AV 61-2019, SP 79-2019, FWW 8-2019, AV 47-2022 Warren Co. Referral October 2022 Public Hearing n/a for recommendation Site Information CEA, APA, LGPC Project Description: Applicant proposes to construct a new single family home of 730 sq ft with a deck/porch area of 885 sq ft. The new floor area to be 2,643 sq ft. The applicant’s previous home has been demolished as per original approval that expired in June 2022. The applicant proposes the same project with the construction of a new home and maintaining the existing outbuildings. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040, 179-6-065 & 9, site plan for a new floor area in a CEA, hard surfacing within 50 ft of the shoreline and work within 100 feet of wetlands shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for setbacks. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of appeals. Applicant(s) WILLIAM MASON/ROBERT & RUTH FINEGOLD Application Type Site Plan 67-2022 Owner (s) Robert & Ruth Finegold SEQR Type Type II Agent(s) Lot size .05 acre Location 4 Onondaga Drive Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR Tax ID No. 239.8-1-49 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-6-065 Cross Reference AV 48-2022 Warren Co. Referral October 2022 Public Hearing n/a for recommendation Site Information CEA, Takundewide, APA, LGPC Project Description: Applicant proposes removal of existing 768 sq ft home to construct a new home of the same footprint with a second story and basement. The new floor area will be 2,354 sq ft. The project is located in the Takundewide development. The project includes a 32 sq ft new porch and an 18 ft smaller access landing to the existing porch. The project is connected to the Takundewide community septic and water supply from the lake. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040 & 179-6-065, site plan for new floor area in a CEA and hard surfacing shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for floor area, setbacks and permeability. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Applicant(s) RENEE & TOM WEST Application Type Site Plan 70-2022 Freshwater Wetlands 14-2022 Owner (s) Renee Desormeau West SEQR Type Type II Agent(s) EDP Lot size 1.22 acres Location 79 Knox Road Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR Tax ID No. 239.7-1-16 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-6-065, 94, 147 Cross Reference AV 52-2022 Warren Co. Referral October 2022 Public Hearing n/a for recommendation Site Information APA, LGPC, CEA, Wetlands Project Description: Applicant proposes to demolish an existing home to construct a new 4,652 sq ft footprint home with attached garage. The floor area is to be 6,500 sq ft. The home height will be 27 ft, 11.5 inches on a 1.22 acre parcel. The project includes new septic system, stormwater controls, and permeable driveway areas. The project will be 100 feet of the wetland. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040, 179-6-065, 94 and 147, site plan for new floor area, hard surfacing witin 50 ft of the shoreline, site work within 100 ft of wetlands and stormwater control device shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for stormwater control device setback. Planning Board shall make a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Applicant(s) RENEE & TOM WEST Application Type Site Plan 71-2022 Freshwater Wetlands 15-2022 Owner (s) Renee Desormeau West SEQR Type Type II Agent(s) EDP Lot size 1.22 acres Location 79 Knox Road Ward: 1 Zoning Classification: WR Tax ID No. 239.7-1-16 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040, 179-6-065, 94, 147 Cross Reference AV 53-2022 Warren Co. Referral October 2022 Public Hearing n/a for recommendation Site Information APA, LGPC, CEA, Wetlands Project Description: Applicant proposes to demolish an existing home to construct a new 3,315 sq ft footprint home with detached 1,100 sq ft garage. The floor area is to be 7,000 sq ft total. The home will have a height of 27 ft, 8 inches, the garage height will be 27 ft, 11.5 inches on a parcel of 1.22 acres. The project includes a new septic system, stormwater controls, permeable driveway areas and landscaping. The project work will be within 100 ft of the wetland. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040, 179-6-065, 94 and 147, site plan for new floor area, hard surfacing within 50 ft of the shoreline, site work within 100 ft of wetlands and stormwater control device shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for stormwater control device setback and garage height. Planning Board shall make a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. - Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -