2000-038 y' ulc.-rtl i. cate f f Town of Queensbury Warren County, New York }yid May 31 2000 /r GV�R/i4m3t7 This is to certify tbtit work regiested to be done as shown by Pemr t No. has been completed, COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS (DAYCARE CENTER) This stracture may be occupied as a AVIATION RD m Location . Owner WORLD CLASS KIDS DAYCARE CENT TAX MAP NO. 91 m -l- m 3 By Order Town Board T- F QU r Director of Building& Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT Town of Queensbury, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 County of Warren (518) 761-8256 VALUE $ 65000 Building Permit No. 000038 TAX MAP NO. 91 . -1-2 . 3 Permission is hereby granted to WORLD CLASS KIDS DAYCARE CFIJTR Owner of property located at AVIATION E D. in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place a o ONg jDI&YWA�E CENTER) at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and cr ormatiol ere o an approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Owner's Address: AVIATION ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name: BREDA, MICHAEL Contractor or Builder's Address` Electrical Inspection Agency: COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL AGENCY PO BOX 706 HAGUE, NY 12836 Type of Construction: COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS Plans and Specifications: 4560 SQ FT COMMERCIAL INTERIOR ALTERATIONS AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS Proposed Use: COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS (DAYCARE CENTER) $ 2 PkRNflT FEE PAID-'.THIS PER.N HT EXPIRES February 25 2002 (if a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 2 SDay of SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Code Enforcement Officer LIuildtng P,e!rmit AppUcation T?wn of QueellsbUry - Dept. of Connnrtnity Developitteiu, 742 l3ay Road, Queensbury, NJ, 12804 1761-8256J NOTICE BUILDING & - CODE,, EUN. OR RAIENT Requirements prior to issuance A permit misfit bo obtained Ucforc of this permit: � � FC7ru,-,,,= MIT FILE NO. I)ogincxitxg conrilruetion. Into inrilmcflotis ��C{7 � Will lxs.nuulc until xtpplicant Tuts received [� 7..oning Board Action � t! '1•Yi%s PAID$ a'VAI,,ID BUILDING I'I;RMIT. All Acre /Use FEB applicants" spaces on tliis application ® IZEATION I GE PAID$ MUST be completed and.the signatures Tom,�„ , of the applicant must appear aax the Q �'lanrtlrtg l3autd AC on. t»:.Ct`pIHWE.D DY.-Subdivision /Othorfll b}Npliciitimi form. z�,.„,. m ji nirf/rlin�Iraslrtc rnr Recreation Cee Payment - Applicant: ���i�- q� Q tf .,✓se� Alec Fl Owner: _ ttsr tom' tScrl.c/t3 �2 .41f� ' Address: Iq Address I bane ir#. _� ? I'llouc # ( ) _ Property Localian:_�11t,P�•rLt:�,�! �'�t-R2�J .. ... .. ----- ----- ------- / _�Subdivisioli Name: lax Mslp Nutixbcr ,�- Section Block T.ot NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: MA ESTIMAT • MA IC•IU" VI1LU OF I . New Building: CONSTR '"U residence. / commercial $—�/-� Addition to Building: residence / commercial OCCUP CY INFORMATION: Alteration to Bu1°1d_Lng4______ Primary residence commercial Single family Dwelling Residence / Commercial Two FamilyDwellt nR r— no change to exterior size " ri''gl� "g Family Dwelling Office , FEB 0 9 2000 Other Work (describe below) Mercantile Manufacturin gT1,r0q bF�'"vt fir' Other DA-ti Cr9r •"` OC&tj.+."7 O►�GROSS AREA OF-_PROP,OSED. STRUCTURE: f - - 1st Floor. . . . . . . . ` v 60 sq. ft. If ADDITION;, what will use 2nd ,Floor..•. . . . . . sq. ft. of new, addition be? : Other Floors . . . sq. ft. (not unfinished cellar or basement) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS: Detached Garage 1, 2 car TOTAL FLOOR AREA: p SQ. FT. Attached Garage 1, .2 car Private Storage Building SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE: Commercial Storage Building FEET X FEET other Foundation Type: Will any second-hand or ungraded Number of Stories : lumber be used? if so, for what-? (habitable space. only) IleigtiL (grade to ridge) : feet TYPE Or HEATING SYSTEM: Number of fireplaces and/or •woo stove (circle' all which applies) to be installed: Electric / Oil / Gas / Wood Forced Hot Air '/ Baseboard / Other Person resp�oynsible for supervision of work as to building codes is: �1 JCJi '2 LICC-06 /-� Vr�.�a�+s7� cam,- '7al 2 6-7 Name Addresss Phone Builder: Plumber: C4A _s Mason: .I1e� Electrician:- X�Aoli_ t?iCou'actZG — f�f3f �N'7. t✓ e�zr DECLARAHOM Please sigh belaiv af?er yotr Ilnve carefully.read the stafenteht. To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and,specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the dcscribcd premises and th;tt all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work sliall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further, it is undcrstocxl that I/we shall submit prior to a Certificate of Occupancy'or Certificate of Compliance bcirig issued, an AS BUILT PLOT PLAN by a licensed surveyor; drawn to scale, showing actual location of project on premises. Signature: ��� (owner, owner's agent, architect, contractor) Application for Permit—Septic Disposal System Ybwn of Queensbwy 74213(7 y I?oad Queellsburv, NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 1. OWNER INFORMATION: Office Use Location of installation: Evergreen Plaza, Avlatlon Rd Tax Map No. 9 1 /-1 / 2.3 File Permit No. Owner's Name: Don Sokol Fee Paid ..........­............................................. ............. Address:- 340 Avlatlon Road 2. INSTALLER'S NAME Breda Construction &.Masonary PHONE NO. 792-6784 3. RESIDENCE INFORMATION: (circle year of dwelling, indicate#bedroom(v)and,inultiply It of bedrooms with applicable gallons per bedroom to equal total daily flow) Year of House: No. of Bedrooms x Computation = Total Daily Flow 800 gal. 1980 or older x 150 gal/brinn = 1980- 1991 x 130 gal/bdrin = 1991 -present x 110 gal/bdrin = -Garbage Grinder Installed yes no Spa or Whirlpool Installed yes no 4. PARCEL INFORMATION: (circle applicable information &indicate measurements) Tr I I it NaNaturp or ia I Doingstic Water StIppi I+Ya ern at IV17"71 depth at sphal depth Rolling loam feet feet well Steep slope clay See Plan if well; water supply —%slope other from any septic-system depth: absotywion is other Percolation Test: (To be completed by licensed professional engineer or architect) Rate: ininute per inch See Plan 5. PROPOSED SYSTEM: For-New Construction: All individual sewage dispbsal systems must be designed by a licensed professional engineer or architect(unless installed irta Planning 13oardapproved subdivision). Add 250 gallons to the size of the septic tank and leach field for each Garbage Grinder,Spa or Whirlpool Tub. Septic Tank: 1500 gallon(Tin. size ],000 gal.) 2 Beds 56-.587 Tile Field: each trench ­ I � X 10 each bed JI. Total System Length: —fl. Seepage Pit(s): number of__ N/A size ofeach: ft. by ft. Size of Stone to be used: ff N/A depth or thickness feet Bed System Size: X Alternative System: length and/or size 6. HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) N/A Number of tanks: 1 Size of each: _gallons /TOTAL Capacity: gallons Note: Alarm System and associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspec"tion agency. 7. SIGNATURE &INFORMATION FOR RESPONSIBLE PERSON(please read) For your protection, please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queerisbury, any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations witli respect to this application and agree toabide by these and all requirements of the Town of Qqeensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. N;��AS41ggn�-a&ure Of responsible person ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE APPLICATION TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY�C,,&- 9000 HEATING DEGREE DAYS TEB 0 9 2000 Compliance Methods : PART 5 - Acceptable Practice Me-YYddG.:--C 1&2 Family Dwellings (jpj:,Ij)� N3AN�QCO0E • PART 6* - Thermal Rating - Component Trade offs 1&2 Fdmily Dwellings; Multi-Family Dwellings ( 3 stories or less) PART 4* - Design by Component Performance Commercial Buildings-Hi Rise Residential *Requires submission of worksheets APPLTCA.NT' S NAME: PROPERTY LOCATION: PART 5 METHOD OF COMPLIANCE BY ACCEPTABLE PRACTICE: 1 . Gross Floor Area ±2(a0 sauare feet 2 . Tv-o e of Heat Electric Oil Gas Other 3 . Is building mechanidally cooled? V-1,_ Y e s No 4 . Percentage of area of windows and doors / Over 17% Under 17% 5 . Ri -VA-LUES FOR INSULATION GIVEN BELOW MUST CORRESPOND TO R-VALUES AS S-HEOWTIN ON PLANS SUBMITTED: a . Roof R b . -Exterior walls R C . Glazed areas R d. Exterior doors R e Floors over unheated spaces R Edge of slab on grade (heated building) R cr Basement/cellar walls (above grade) R Zi Basement/cellar walls (below grade) R heating/cooling-ducts-piping in unheated space R 6 . Service (domestic) hot water heating device Conforms to mini-mum efficiency per code Yes No TEMPERATURE CONTROL MAXIMUM SETTING 1400 WILL NOT BE EXCEEDED Applici.ntls Sign tur Date Phone Number !NSPECTO-R' S REMARKS : " 23 Child Day Care Center."Plan Review Chart er/Operator/Name of Day Care Center lNn�lt# C f6 0 Address ✓r ;e� City,State,Zip aPw bJs+f� Phone Q❑0 00❑ - ❑0 00 17 Type of work: Existing Bldg.(Part 1231) Historic Bldg(Part 1233) ❑ New Construction.(Part 760) Fire Limits: Yes(Part 770.2c) F-1 No(Part 771.2d) M M Q 0 Y Y �'�� Designed,Seal&Signature by: ir, �l TOPIC CODE SECTION ; REQUIRED/ALLOWED- APPLICABLE CODE- occupancy Classfication . 701n03 1. . Children 3 years df age and over C6.1 Coo . Children less than 3 years C6.2 Mixed Occupancy . Refer to Table(s)I1-771,1439,.1417 771.4(a)(6), Al/A2 allowed in Type 5 771.6(a) CI,C2,C3.1,C4.1,C5 SEE 771.6 FOR DAY CARE IN MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY BUII,DING Fue Hazard Classification702 Low Type of Construction Table III-704 Height and Fire Area Part 709 Table VIU-704 q 0- Basic Area/Height Table VIII-705 Types 5&4b see Footnote 2 Sprinkler or Exits&Detection "Types 5&4b see Footnote 3 2nd Story? Increase for Accessibility 705.5b Increase for Sprinklers 705.5c No increase for C6.. SpacePart 162 g' Ceiling Height d� 762,3 4I8 rea Vght and-Ventilation Part 763 Light 763.1(a) Artificial Ok Ventilation 763.1(e) Natural.(4%)or Mechanical Exits Part 765 -Mrnrmu _ Number 765.8(a) m of 2 .3_"'^�'?,T mac'_ •c rr-- T".":�,.""_.410.0(�i� :. z' .z's'� a 'cx� ,n .��._......... ..< (Une cuit04 "p`6mM from a space) -�TabTeX�7G5' .__,.__. .. m Distance of Travel 765.7 Independent&Remote Table VI-765 Dead end corridor 765.10) 20 feet maximum Minimum Exit width 765.1(1) p 9a Doors 765.5,Table V-765 Stairs 765.1() 4 C,36'(bldg 2 stairs or less) Aisles Table 1-765d1 J` TOPIC CODE SECTION REQUIREDIALLOWED . APPLICABLE 000 of - - Y ' Door Swing 765.5(a)(I) Smoke Stops 765.2(a) C6.1 -300',C6.2"150 N Automatic Doors 1060.9(a)' Enclosure Rating Table III-704 Enclosures Separated -165.6 No Openings,Stair 765.6(d)' . Enclosure Exceptions 771A(h) Basement/Cellar Stairs 771.4(h)(6) Opening Protectives 771.40),Table III-771 Obstruction,Discharge 765.1(b)'.. Panic hardware 765.5(a)(4)' Required,except main entrance (J'� Stairs: General 765.4(a) uI Dimensions Table IV-765 Stairs to Roof 765,4(a) Handrails 765_4(a)(11) Interior Stairs 765.4(b). Exterior Stairs 764 4(c) _ &tb) '-Rated enc- • Insure o —Mixed Occupancy Building At least 2 exit 771.6(a)(3) Directly to grade OR Stair with no other openings `�r`� °� 2nd to corridor Physically Disabled ANSI 117.1-1986 Applicability 1102.1 Yes Acc Route&Facilities 1100.1:- 1100.9 Required et Useable Spaces 1102.3' - Parlang Spaces Table 1-'1102 : Loading Zone 1102.5 . fety-Glazing . Part 766 64 •-- 1 S . Azlb /�tis� b l� F0 i••T Garages/Parking t t, Location of open parking, 767.1(a) Attached garage separation 771 A(k) �J Extiioc Fire Spread Part 770 Distance separation Table 1-770 Exterior facings 770.8 ,�11 Party walls 770.E Interim Fire,Spread . Part 771 Fire walls 771.2 .�I�ll r+�tL bt Occupancy separation Table II-771 1 �rI Mixed use,types 7,71.4(a)(6) Only wi Al/A2 Enclosure,store/sery . 771.4(g) Enclosure of kitchens 771-7/1064.2(b) Required 1 hour or 2 hour Fur stopping 771.5(c) Finishes Part 772 In exits 772.2(b)(3) Class *_ Exception for Sprinkler 772 2(b)(8) Touc paints and finishes 418 5(i Y - � Praha Plastic Materials Part 773 25. . TOPIC CODE SECTION REQUIRED/ALLOWED APPLICABLE CODE protection Equipment .. ,Part 774 774.1 b C6.2 _ Fire station connection ( ) All C6. Fire alarm system 774 2(f) 1060.2 c Smoke de ting 771:6(a)(4 t . ) (for mixed occupancy) -u u,o& tec Table VIII-7051060.3 7•r s Y- xr Y Oil ISaZaIa011$SpaC�Sw :u `Au�omaticn,_ Ate . .4188C) _,.._ . h - Y Sprinkler system 774.4 ✓ , For C6.2 see... . 774(a)(8) For multiple use.building see... 771.6(b) 1060.4 Standpipe system 774.5 1066.5 Yard hydrants 774.6 1060.6 Watchman system 774.7 75 or more occupants OR 1060.8 Fire and smoke detection system provided Automatic vents 774.8 1060.0 Coordinated fire safety 774 9/106I More than 70' higher _ ' gyp. n° } r y414. G Y',c tYt is. ?' � { w t ......- ,• 1 � Fats shutdown 1004.2(e)• _ +y,.os }'....�R3Y" a,�'s8���£ t• } S_ x .,a �t4 M1 Yq �`��'"�`�'�jY'3!z $e�.".>' ' x -.,. x y�,r3y... . FK9 ` ,,,,,..,,,�^{,,33 ••,'z`* } 'urw.^'S '^w, E�.sa = ykr. MyS.� t Ctttlwlm" l'"" �x aM t sz 3 a k a x Plunbtng Re Iated by Gvv'-t.Agency,-;_See Part 418 Futures 1 cluldcen P) W C:andl / 4 $p Y ` 4185(m 5 s X w SoparatezPA 5 or snare children'. Enclosed,selfelosmg doors 14-1142 r - Tvletooms { noted beverage g 14-1 140 s Caci�o w Q 33audwashmgF,actht�y►3 0.N 141$143 . z �; ^ or toFlGt �trooyym��s' :' ; • . ; o Ice tnachme,llosb btb (.Ii)SSOnneCtianS ?a.M _a•. _ ._ " a1S : 904.E Heat producing Equipment Enclosure 7714{} {4}/41$ 12{mac} r^."'^E".wX" <Y •» ✓ ) Y £CRx. f.,, # •Cc ` x .,:✓ ... .. ...c..c.k..G.•..w ... s12(c� he f - ex.}. _..,.Y�.1._... . "....a . ......, ._.x.. s~".,.. 1000.2{g Air Supply ) ChimneM Flues,Gas Vents Part 1005 , Prohibited use -1005.2(a) Outlet locations 1005.6 Table I-1005 26' TOPIC CODE SECTION REQUIREDIALL®WED APPLICABLE COD " Electrical Part 1030 r Metal veneers 1030.1(g) fj Emergency power 1032.2(a). Emergency light 1032:3(a)/Table I-1032 All Each sins 1033.1(a)/Table I I033 All a v . . . .> Electncal outlets �.. , . .><.�.� .._NF418,.12(r)- _, . .. ,rProtectiyeTcovets m chi Id' Signage Fire alarm 1163.13(g)(4) For Local system It' •Q, Elevators 1194.1(a) Incinerator 1194.1(a) Evacuation route 1195.1(c) Posted Insulation NYS Energy Code. Regntred` =g Structural Requirements Part 800 s, Snow load 803.3 �q+��/h Table IV-803 �J Floor load 803.2(b) Table 1II-803 Wind load;,walls,,eaves 803.4 Table V-803 Wind load;roofs 803.4 Table:VI-$03 Foundation 800.3 ,c NOTES: Most Code Sections refer to the NYSUFPBC. Shaded areas may refer to Social Services Regulation Part 418 or to Department of Health standards for Food Service Establishments. The Food Service code is required by Social Services Part 418 for daycare establishments that prepare food on site. -Standards for Water Supply and for Sewage Disposal'are referenced in the NYS[IFPBC. COIinffRCIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Building& Code Enforcement Date inspection request received: �- Office No. (518)761-8256 Dept. of Community Development Town of Queen§bury Arrive 31A am/= Depart pm 742 Bay Road Inspector's Initials' Queensbury,NY 12804 _ NAME too C,-t�(a 4 S S. *�, PERMIT# IV LOCATION i _ DATE 5 TYPE OF STRUCTURE N/A YES NO COMMENTS) Chimneyr'B"vent/Direct vent locati Plumbing vent Roof Complete EAcrior fr sh grade complete hicriorlexterior guardrails 42 in.pl orm/dedcs Interior/exterior ballas1ets 4 in.spa g Platform/ Stair handrail 34 in.-38 in. Step risers 7%in. Main door 44 in. ,ill others 36 in. Lever handles Edts at grade or pl orm Canopy to cover req.a�Tdo�m' Gras valve shut-off exp or in.)above gra Floor bathroom watertight Other floors okay Hot water relief valve Boilerlfumaee enclosure <250.000 BTU N/R 250.000 BTU to 1,000,000 B 's(I hour) >1,000,000 BTU's(2 hour) Gas fiunace shut off within 30 ft within line of site Oil furnace shut off at entrance to mace area Stockroom enclosure(I hour),3/aour door Storage/receivingtshipping room( hour), 1 '/x doors 1 1/2 hour doors and closers ?.hour corridor doors and closers Firewalls/fire separation,2 hour, hour complete Fire dampers,2 hour fire wall/ aration or greater Fire door/shutters 1 '/2 hour,3 our Ceiling fire stopping 3,000/5, 0 sq.ft. Fan shutdown,smoke vents fan Exit door/panic bars assembly hardware Elevators Elevator signage Handicapped bathroom grab bars/sinks/toilets Handicapped bath/parking lot sigrage Handicapped service counters 34 in.,checkout 36 in. Handicapped ramp/handrails continuous/12 in.beyond Active listening system and signage assembly space Final Electrical Site P1anNariance required Final Survey,new structures .�-built septic system layout required Okay to issue temp.C/O(Certif of Occupancy) Okay to issue permanent C/O(Certif:of Occupancy) Okay to issue C/C(Certif.of Compliance) F=11Fla MARSHAL -rC:)VVN C>F= C:7fLJIEIENSF3UR-'N' ClUIEF-=NSE3UF2'*e, NY 128,04 (518) 761 -8205 FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST RECEIVED ii NAME 5- ; D oe LOCATION �V (CXA- I 611 PERMIT SCHEDULE INSPECTION ONjp AM APPROVED N/A YES NO EXITS AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SiONS EMERGENCY 1-101-ITINO FIRE EXTINOUISHI� S --INA FIRE ALARM SYSTE , FIRE SPRINKLER SYST FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM HOOD INSTALLATION INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE: CLEARANCE TO SPRINKL S CLEARANCE TO HEATING NITS REQUIRED SIC3NA(3E CHIMNEY WOOD STOVE FIREPLACE F--1 MASONRY E-1 FACTORY BLT. ROUGH-IN FINAL REMARKS: My,-4-(:)K TO THIS DATE INSPSLIP.PUB ItVSPEUOF4/ FIRE MARS 1--ls�►L -r(::)\AfN (DF= C;7tUF—=aMSE3UF;Z'Y, NY 12804 (518) 761 -8205 FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST RECEIVED NAME LOCATIO ;o�\ PERMIT # '�CD SCHEDULE INSPECTION ON JQ Z;? fl-to Am(,O!!�-M APPROVED N/A YES NO EXITS AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS EMER ENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTE FIRE SUPQRESSION SYS EM HOOD INS TION R K E Sy SPR INKLER S F S T'C T S SYSTEM N Y M S N TE SYS INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE: CLEARANCE SPRINKLERS 0 CLEARANCE 0 HEATING UNITS REQUIRED SIC3+NAC3E CHIMNEY WOOD STOVE FIREPLACE [=]MAS RY [--] FACTORY BLT. ROUGH-IN FINAL REMARKS: INSPSLIP.PUB #N Slf CT C i. y COMMERCIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Building& Code Enforcement Date inspection request received: " Office No. (518)761-8255 ` Dept. of Community Development Town of Queensbury Arrive 30 am/pm Depart am/pm 742 Bay Road Inspector's Initial �k Queensbury,NY 12804 p NAME \ - ' ` V PERMIT j O LOCATION DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE N/A YES NO CONRvfF'NTS Chimney/"B"Vent/Direct Vent location Plumbing Vent Roof Complete Exterior finish grade complete Interior/exterior guardrails 42 in.platform/decks hutesior/exterior ballasters 4 in.spacing platform/decks Stair handrail 34 in.-38 in. Step risers 7 3/4 nn. Main door 44 in. All otbes 36 in. Lever handles 7�16r� +•'� � 5����' Exits at grade or platform ���/�� �/ �ht el� (/ Canopy to cover req.exit doors Gas valve shut-off exposod&regulator(18 in.)above gradA Floor bathroom watetight Other floors okay Hat water relief valve Boiler/furnace enclosure <250,000 BTU N/R 250,000 BTU to 1,000,000 BTU's(1 hour) >1,000,000 BTU's(2 hour) Gas furnace shut o$'within 30 ft.or within line of site Oil fumace shut off at entrance to furnace area Stockroom enclosure(I hour),3/4 hour door Storage!receiving/shipping room(2 hour),1 %Z doors 1 14 hour doors and closers ?4 hour corridor doors and closers Firewalls/fnre separation,2 hour,3 hour complete Fire dampers,2 hour fire wall/scparation or greater Fire door/shutters 1 '/z hour,3 hour Ceiling fire stopping 3,000/5,000 sq.ft. Fan shutdown,smoke vents or fan I Exit door/panic bars assembly hardware Elevators Elevator signage Handicapped bathroom grab bars/sinks/toilets Handicapped bath/parking lot signage Handicapped service counters 34 in.,checkout 36 in. Handicapped ramp/handrails continuous/12 in.beyond Active listening system and sigaage assembly space Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey,new structures As-built septic system layout required Okay to issue temp.C/O(Certif.of Occupancy) Okay to issue permanent C/O(Certif.of Occupan(y) Okay to issue C/C(Certif.of Compliance) Pf COIVIMERCUL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Building c& Code Enforcement Date inspection request received: Office No. (518)761-8256 Dept. of Community Development Town of Queensbury Arriveg?, rO) am/pm Depart am/pm 742 Ray Road Inspector's Initial�U:� Queensbury,NY 12804 NAME PERMIT&200 - 8 LOCATION Z DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE CA l N/A YES NO C01VWEN'TS ChinmeyP'B"Vent/Direct Vent location f Plumbing Vert Roof Complete Exterior finish grade complete Dior/exterior guardrails 42 in.platform//decks 1ffierior/exterior ballasts s 4 in.spacing platform/ Stair handrail 34 in.-38 in. Step risers 7 3/t in. Main door 44 in. All others 36 in. Lever handles Exits at grade or platformrt} Canopy to cover req.exit doors ✓,�/�644 ' of Gas valve shut-off exposed&reg�18m.)aboy6gra ✓ Floor bathroom watertight Other floors okay. f Hot water relief valve rr �� t /�C V-414-"X Boiler/furnace enclosure <250,000 BTU N/R / 250.000 BTU to 1,000,000 B 's(1 hour) 1,000,000 BTU's 12 hour) Gas furnace shut off within 30 fl within line of site Oil furnace shut off at entrance to mace area Stockroom enclosure(1 hour),3/hour door �� j jf� / Storagelreceiving/shipping r (2 hour), 1 '/z doors_ t' '�/`�Gf/C�l 1 i hour doors and closers f 1 - '<hour corridor doors and closbrs Fitewalls/fire separation,2 hour,3 hour complete Fire dampers,2 hour fire wall/separation or greater Fire door/shutters 1 1/2 hour,3 hour Ceilingfire'stopping3,000/5,040 sq.$, to I` 01 fwr Fan shutdown,smoke vents or fan `/ lj c� Exit door/panic bars assembly hardware Elevators Elevator signage r Handicapped bathroom grab bars/sinksttoilets L/ U�� �r Handicapped bath/parking lot signage Handicapped service counters 34 in.,checkout 36 in. Handicapped ramp/handrails continuous/12 in.beyond :fictive listening system and signage assembly space Final Electrical Site l Survey, nee required Final Survey,new structures As-built septic system layout required Okav to issue temp.C/O(Certif.of Oocupancy) Okay to issue permanent C/O(Certif.of Occupancy) �'�`"r5�'iJ��'� yte �Okav to issue C1C(Certif.of Compliance) / fJ l t COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC Main Office 176 Doe Run Road Is Manheim PA 17545 IAPPROVAL � . M V NICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL � Panel Board j' R fit► ! N! 6 13 7 5 Cut-in Card No.01/1149 R /.A. R Rr�Rf.flft,firNilflfiRlffR1 Ii `�,� ■'•! `if/iiR111N 11Nf/-'11 }i. }Yf}I�r ifi iillfflRf i111 r1Rj i RY rYrr RYN11641140M41#4104R}ili.irlMi.Y.friifl Hifirifi}frIRIR oYl iif11.111f lif Rip•4•R YIiH �y � ))hh�` R� /� (j� i �y Location,M, rifiR. i i l i ifiNi. iii/ r1,l1.'�fllli11i.1/Hiiilt#ViffiRil} 4Y.fY1 fY Rf.IAt.Yf flffrHRfR11fr14#r YYi i 1 1 1• ••l+f i�Yr Consisting Vf jJ}�jJ� �(/� Y' ai�NY.YY•YirriY�/i ff�f 1 1Y'•I/i�rffifr}y�f Rl�rq 1.11R Yii Installation Iili YfR 11!'I I11�117f . R4 Rii �}�j . ff ffrIMH41 .•441.Rr .....1•�IHl1ll Yirli.r If11 ir.♦ •1 ••rr/ ulu.nui,i4iiil•.ff ief}iii/Yf RRff}/06R1 i}•r ifif. . •.Ni1TilF.1 fi1f4R II rgi.rr01l,lf.Iillprf.ill41ll I11I40001to III..I..IRf.fIIIIs##I III I Ito IIR41.N..1iU.r♦/If.ififlffiNlfNl4f lrr}.MrR.R}Y•RrlrirR}fflHflifiliNfllY r.rrirll.l r Ni1111}}•R.Hi.Y.II InstalledAA//yI/j Co RR / r� riYlf 14,iY 1 el;Most •�Y.�.I ��if Y.}�.riifrlf ifN1i11���r No. !f!}fffNiri4.r.lY.iff}if#IYIi•Ii11 r.IYliif Y/iiiY The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate, and any certificate previously issued is. cancelled: - , This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date, Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall be promptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Cote any shall have the privilege of making inspections at any tune, and if it; p p rules are violated, the Company shall have the right to revoke this certificate, tfi.aff11/1 41!H. I}I rRyllir. .I11ff1Yil4 INPT • f.Iif .1... •.. 4.r 4rdfffRflff}RRII.RIr.lff r,rr if l•r R4r Y....I..r.i.. Uamhar M D D A 1 A F 1 ,MAIM ETV - MARTIN, LLP: Professional Engineering ;� 1 dQ uc:d to ;April'19,2000 Mike'Breda '�14 Veranda Laney . _ Queensbury, NY 12-804 APR Re _ ,Dixan`Road Property }.' n s i Queensbury; NY -,TOWN.OF:QUEENSBURY t' ' Job:# 99,-100 �' , PLANNING-OFFICE Dear Mike On V1%ednesday Ap.r'il<19, 2000 staff from this.,office'.observed the'existing wastewater :disposal system serving;the former Samantha's Cafein Sdkol's-,Plaza. ' 'e�,understand -. tha yo'u pianAo incorporate thisspace'into tf a new 1Norld Class Kids.;Daycare cerrter'as an_after schoo] play;area,for-,up to 20 children plus staff.' y ".`The existing wastewater disposal ystem consists,of-a 1500 gallon grease trap and pesumed;leaching,system The:grease trap structure was observed'-and fourrd'to be in ,,.good Odhditioh For the intended lase of a`daycare:facil ity.it is recommended that':th6, r deep'PVC outlet tee in the.grease trap be cut off'18" below the.outlet pipe invert so that , th6-ta"nkwill-funciion as'a septic tank. •We-also recomniend-that an A1801.-HIP-model Zal3el Filter{See detail attache°d.for i'nstallatiori details) be'installed id,the,outlet;,tee.:to 46 ther`.protect the:aeachirig facility from the:'passing.of;suspended solids through We ; :septic,tank. ; It was noted that the;leach4'acility�pppears tb,'stilitbe-operational: Prior to.our• .- "` observationryou setup aFgarden hose"thatrandirectly into the outlet pipe acid the. leaching systern,accepted'vuater.for"1hours., p,uring that time:no liquid backed.up.in.to . the septic,,tank From'thiswe`can sarmise`tf at no pipe,:blockag`e existsand that,some` type•'of:leaching:systems.is apparently,funct onal at.leasf on a-limite'. NO A new wastewater system.to serve use of is magnitude would`require a minimum 1000 gal.'septic tank,.follawed"byt 4eachihg system sized for: : 20 children 4' 2 staff ,22 persons 22 persons x 10 GPD/pe'rson 220 GPD ; }tjs this office's understanding, iat the former Samantha's Cafe area';is to be used for only 2±,hourslday(after school care 330 pm t6"530 pm'): The`10 GPD/personflow'is ;.based,on-a hour`business day, practically`this area is to be used only '/of thaf;tinie: .; 220�GPD x;°/a 55�GPD�'(dally flow),. "in soil'c'onditioris evidenced dithis site it<is reasonable to conjecture:,that the existi"ng ;system should be able-to handle`55,.GPD. 12- East V Al hin ton Set •: Glens5Fa11s,;NY 12801 - 2 g 51$=792=2907./' 518-792 2996 FaX` ,i Pr��ied on Recy��ed Paper. qwj� 21 t­ ry+ r )r J r Breda Dixon Road Property Page 2 V .7 1 `. ' 1 �, , � LiVVnJ'�lAl y�•�- r' 1 jp lit' t ,+ 1 4 r N" An 7-140. nN, M1 Y Jrr K S o pf WQ ;1f you.have :any g`uestions or'•,comments, please=contact Bob Holmes or;me, at,792 2907 .a 7, 4 1 a•',.. FAA Sincerely H Thom sJarrettP E Partner C Y Qj t _ �. .4 r \ 1 r r n l 11 o ON t' t h SAYS: J,' Own AS Sp a2ow;2 00 0 mod t CrAof 4 OA /00 .AM aClA"onul c.tPq 4a deA Y Cc,(1L capave4AZ) rp RE }'TO TOWN O 11gFRY a EXISTING WHITE PINE-- COATEDCHAIN LIW FENCE - EXISTING WHITE PINE. PLAY AREA I I PROPOSED EMPLOYEE PARKING SPACES RAILS DIXON ROAD CAPE PLANTERS o [PRAY s ° EA LOO C if ICON Scale: 1 "=40'-O" FIRE HYDRANT SEE DETAIL ABOVE — - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - DIXON ROAD N3f-04'W 1J82 ' EXISTING DRIVEWAY ISTI G SEPTIC_,z E ISTING SHED T0. BE MOVED DROP INLET �� ` t ELECTRICAL SERVICE ENTRANCE ti SYSTEM DOOR _ _6_ —_ NATURAL GAS SERVICE ENTRANCE ROPOSED RLD I I PROPOSED 3' DOOR & 5'x5' CONCRETE SLAB 6' DOOR COVERED SIDEWALK EXISTING PLAZA SCHEDULE HANDICAP ACCESS RAMP O - DROP INLETS 1. HAIR SALON I 7 / 2. VACANT SITE 3. PROPOSED DAY CARE t.7 O 4. AMORE PIZZA AOF PROPOSED _ DAYCAR CENTER 5. EVERGREEN BANK SEWAGEp�pO „ y- -H = 6. LIQUOR STORE (APPROXIMATE UMff S) I 7. SOh:OLS MARKET EXISTING PARKING / w o ' I (80 SPACES) Z' I EOP EXISTING LAWN AREA I j I t ROWS TO I 13E DESM-NATO . FtR DAY GORE D LANDSCAPE PLANTER q FF dt PICK ROpO EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM ! •�0 LANDSCAPE PLANTER l / ' UTILITY POLE ' WITH LIGHT f (TYP.) i 09TE PUa Scale: 1 "=40' • • .• :• s��� �� 1i r -P 'N 4J 0 Ql O W U 4L N � wW C s s W ¢ .,` N 0 CO I i14. N ;1i4 Yip V i 11 V r 0 W 1 0 1 4J fi S. 4 J y1 '� .r 0 0 U ' " �' to Q) Wv � "°� 0 t- �� (A � X � � 0 rnr 4- b W M o 1 0 � W Q) '►- 1A `-' U^ i o .0 7- 4- 0 0 N• ro A 'r 0r- WW U C QJ LL 0 p ~ 4 0 04- a '° W 0 �- cnvac � � roC� c410 W o aW 0 4- W 1) LL E w � � wC� t � 4� avcl� rn. +� cccro � ciW w > 0 ,- 1V) c aNW N 0L *0 n NU 0. CU '1. Ob Ilm �4tUQ1rW �r- � � r- � �rao00 (U00US. rQ ls, U.. 2: U i 'yAJ f 66' .. 4' PVC DISTRIBLMON PIPING; SLOPE 0w57. MP.) D1 ISTRIBUnON 8DX 1 -*-�-SLOPE BED 0.5%.( 9)" 1 co ywIMIMM11M1iwwiMMMMIt\y.yyww�ywyw.wYywy°MMMy,yyYMM.lywyFwwlywYw.ywwFiYM��YwyyMrM.MwyyMyyllW.yyy.yMY•1MMIwYy�.Yw.•M.ww.M.Yy I Y�� S ♦yn/ ii U V - f j co .YJ y�l!YywlMwlyw,wYM,M yW4WMy11111w yy�ylwYMMMY..�yYyy.yy MMy.wywywyyYMwywhly.IwylMwyWw-Yww.++y+MMMMNMMyM.MMMylyy+� /�, EWEN IN,DRAIN to, MIN. SA E RFLUENT �� � LATERALS ('tYP,) EMIC TANK i , (MIN,) BUILDING SO 1% (MIN.) ' z HAIR SAtDN. 1tAC'ANt ( "WORLD Cl z ` . r COQRDiri U-871�l PLAN'Lij coeAl�or a Ell Sale. 1 1 0 LD o TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUIEDIkG & CODE ENFORCEMENT 1 _74_2 Bay Ptc3ad Quef!!nsbuir_y MY X2804 SEPTIC DISPOSAU SYSTEM INSPECTION Name Lac a'1-i an C-_p r-M-1 -t D a-t e- ��/ 2, —( SOIU -TYPE: Sand-- Loam 4E: _a - Rasul is of Par-cal a-tp on -Ta -t- ( 1 -F applicable ) Ra-tto-Minu�a/Inch -TYPE OF SYSI-EF4: ABSORP-1-1 -O IL -t N FIED : 40al U4-ng7th Length o-F each --tr-afich " - Depth of trenches Size 0 s-tone SEEPAGE e r,- Size - V, X S7tana sime. y PIPING : Size Type Bldg - to Tank !!!5C_A-v qu-3 -rank -to Dlst _ OX C, Dis-t - Box -to e-1 (J/p Openings Se-al d ? Yes No Part al UOCA-FI ONE'S EPA -rio Fe->unda-tion -t -rank e--t- Fo,unda-ti on -t -Absoi-p -ti on JSZ:2L� -rae-t- Sapara7t-! on p! -ts, — -F e Conformsas per, P1 at-- PI an y 6_s 'LOCATION 0 -SYS-TE-H ON PROPER-rY : ( ci -rcle ory Front - Rear - Left Side - Right Side Middle Fy-ont - Middl e Rea r- COMMENTS SYSYSTEMUSE APPROVED -- YES No A r-v-i v*!!d GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT ( 518 ) 761-8256 Town of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building&Code Enforcement 742 Bay Load 1 +�s Queensbury,NY 12804 Arrive /�fG+am/pm Depart am/pm Inspector's Initials NAME: �^ PERMIT# LOCATION: DATE : TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMIVENTS Footings/Piers 7 _1 Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is resAlree, providing protection for 4f3 hours followin of the concrete. Materials for this purpoFoundation/WallpoitReinforcement in Place Foundation/DampprooG Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Flac Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing_ _ .___ Jack Studs/Headers Bracinb/Bridging__ Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air,,lnfiltration Barrier_ ire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3,4 hour Firestopping GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT ( 518 ) 761-8256 Town of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building&c Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Quecnsbury, NY 12804 Arrive am/pm Depart am/pm Inspector's Initials NAME: PERMIT# ' C LOCATION: ` DATE : TYPE OF STRUCTURE: l�p�� � RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Plac The contractor is res risible for providing protection ram freezing for 48 hours followin the placement of the concrete. ' Materials for this purpose n site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofi ng Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Plac Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R Walls R- Ceiling R _ Duct work or piping in unheated spaces Proper Vcnt, Attic Vent_ _ Framing— _ __ Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging—_y Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier_ Fire Separation 1,2, 3,hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3,4 hour Firestopping GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT (518) 761-8256 Town of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building 1-&Code Enforcement Ba y ay Road Arrive i 742 Roo NY 12$04. : am/pm Depart am/pm Inspector's Initials IJ / NAME: K,�{S PERMIT# J LOCATION: DATE: 1117 it1 TYPE OF S UCTURE: / RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsibl or providing protection frofre, I for 48 hours following tm t of the concrete. Materials for this urpose ite Foundation/Wall ur Reinforcement in P ce Foundation/Dampproo g Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbix� ;�lVents in Place ough Plumbin eating Rough-h. Insulation Foundation Walls Interior Foundation Walls Exterior - Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation I,2,3,hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT ( 518 ) 761-8256 Town of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: CxXS Building&Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Arrive Ila am/pm Depart apVpm Inspector's Initials�k NAME: 6'( - PERMIT# LOCATION: DATE: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK Ti N/A YES' NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezingC> Cie' , �^ ' �J�r�t�rC✓ far 48 hours following the places nt /^ , of the concrete.. Materials Tor this purpose on s' c � Foundation/Wallpour �'�> GAS r Reinforcement 'n Place FoundationlDam�pOe Backfill Approval_ Plumbing Under SlabJsyyff+�i�; Plumbing VenUVents ' Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-in Insulation02F� Foundation W lls Interior R- f Foundation T lls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing ��— Jack Studs/Headers- Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier_ Fire Separation 1, 2, 3,hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping A-Ij GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT ( 518 ) 761-8256 Town of Queensbury // � Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: 4c� Building& Cade Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive��m Depart �M a Inspector's Initial NAME: 00rd S$ S PERMIT# LOCATION: s M In,�,��ATE : J� TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK •{J N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placent it of the concrete, Materialsfor this purpose on c Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcemen(in Place Foundation/DamppFoof g Backfill Approval_ Plumbing Under SIab Plumbing Vent/Vent in Place ough Plumbing NL �� Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Wa s Interior R- Foundation W Iis Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing_­ Jack ._ _ Jack Studs/Headers— Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2,31 hour Penetration Scaled Fire Wall 2, 3,4 hour Firestopping GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT ( 518 ) 761-8256 Town of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building& Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road k Queensbury, NY 12804 Arriv� p Depar�' � ' a spectar's Initials NAME: ~ �" r PERMIT# ( � r7 LOCATION: DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible f providing protection from fr eying for 48 hours following the Iaccment of the concrete. Materials for this purpose i site Foundati /Wallpour— Reinforcem n-P Foundation/Dampproof ng Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Sh Plum -ng Vent/V is in Place l gh Pfumbin= Heating Raugh n Insulation C Foun Walls Interior R- —� Foun tion Walls Exterior R- \F> \''z Floors R- Walls R- . Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing_ Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier_ Fire Separation 1,2, 3, our Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3,4 hour Fi restopping GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT ( 518) 761-8256 Town of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building& Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Quecnsbury,NY 12804 Arrive _ s nspm Depart Q zri ector's Initia NAME:,_ F�� PERMIT# 0 3 a LOCATION: DATE : TYPE OF ST TURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers —F 1 Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is respozis' le for providing protection fro frce ing for 4 hours following e placeme t of the oncrete. Materials r this purpo on site Foundation/ ',ti'pour Reinforcement in Rl` Foundation/Damppr ing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under SI Plumbing Vent/Ve is in Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-[ Insulation Foundation ills Interior R- Foundatio Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct ork or piping in rieatcd spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent ramingZS Jack Studs/Headers PALL Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Bcam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation I,2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3,4 hour Firestopping GENERAL INSPECTION Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building&Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Arrive-2:3u anVpm Depart pin Inspector's Initialls-��L NAME.: VI) C7. J �i`� PERMIT# C)C)Q :L)3 LOCATION: DATE : �� S�eP a �L TYPE OF STRUCTURE: ��PAC 1`csv � c��o� 1m4 RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS' Footings/Piers I Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on FoundationlWallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofing Backfill Approval Plumbi g Under Slab Plumn Vent/Vents in {j `r g G/ /f ugh Plumbing s,,�,n6 G G Heating Rough- Insulation r�,`� C 1�� Ow� Ar �� c FoundationLnR- r R- 11 BB Foundation R- Floors - Walls - CeilingR- s work unheated - Proper Vent, AFramingJack Stu Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT ['own of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: _ Building& Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Arrive v�`��am/pm � Depart am/pm 14? Insctor'pe s Initials NAME: kwzZ ✓; PERMIT# LOCATION: lipY DATE 2 G?! t TYPE OF STRUCTURE: j� RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers I Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place �' s�lf ,� �.�, �cc fr4,j aP'" The contractor is responsible for eJ providing protection from freezing � �o�P sf l r 74y/- for 48 hours following the placement / of the concrete. IAJ GG*e Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofing Backfill Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent[Vents in Place _ C,/� e �`Y �� ` Rough Plumbing !Heating Rough-In x,, v e 1,41�V/1 Insulation / Foundation Walls Interior R Foundation Walls Exterior R- ?' Floors R- r, Walls R- Ceiling R- tr Duct work or piping in � 4 unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent t Framing ... Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour _ Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3,4 hour Firestoppmg GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Town of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building& Code Enforcement 742 Ray Road Qreensbury,NY 12804 Arrive =3s am/pm Depart am/pm Inspector's Initials {�— NAME: �o-/ ' a, PERMIT# LOCATION: DATE : TYPE OF STRUCTURE: t RECHECK N/A YES NO CONMIENTS FootingsMers ' Monolithic Pour Form `' a; Reinforcement in Place , , The contractor is responsible for �k . providing protection from freezing , for 48 hours following the placement V � of the concrete. r Materials for this purpose on site �t° Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place ' Foundation/Dampproofing , Backfill Approval t 4` Plumbing Under Slab " Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing P Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers V�// \/� 4 Jack Posts/Main Beam �(/eAir Infiltration Barrier .ZZs,, Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour • Penetration Sealed _ Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping 'N FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING PLAZA SCHEDULE 1. HAIR SALON 2. VACANT SITE 3. PROPOSED DAY CARE 4. AMORE PIZZA 5. EVERGREEN BANK 6. LIQUOR STORE 7. SOKOLS MARKET UTII WI LEGEND: EXISTING / BY OTHERS: NEW / PROPOSED IN THIS DESIGN: PROPERTY LINE: TEST HOLE: PERCOLATION TEST: DETAIL DETAIL REFERENCE TAG:WSEE DRAWING #FOR DETAIL SECTION CUT DIRECTION SECTION REFERENCE TAG: SECTION LETTER SEE DRAWING f FOR SECTION ELJEN IN —DRAIN LATEIZAS (YYP.) Ak DIXON ROAD n NNE PUN Scale: 1 "=40' 66' dD—SLOPE: , . OWNER PLAN Scale: 1" = 10' 10' (MIN.) HAIR SALON 4" PVC DISTRIBUTION PIPING; SLOPE 0.5% (TYP.) 4" PVC; SEPTIC TANK EFFLUENT LINE SLOPE 1 % (MIN.) VACANT 10' (MIN.) BOX J GENERAL NOTES: 1) PLAN BASED ON MAP PROVIDED BY OWNER AND LIMITED FIELD MEASUREMENTS. 2) CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION; CONTACT UFPO AND RECORD FILE. VERIFY BUILDING CONNECTIONS, LOCATION AND ELEVATION, PRIOR TO INITIATING CONSTRUCTION; CONFLICTS OR DISCREPANCIES SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER OR ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY. NOTIFY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF SITE CONDITIONS ARE NOT AS INDICATED. 3) CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY THE OWNER WITH A RECORD COPY OF THESE PLANS AS THE SYSTEM WAS CONSTRUCTED (NO DESIGN CHANGES PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF ENGINEER AND APPROVAL AGENCY). 4) ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CONDITION UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED ON THESE PLANS OR BY OWNER. 5) ALL EARTHWORK SHALL BE CONTROLLED TO PREVENT EROSION & SEDIMENTATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS AND/OR THE NEW YORK GUIDELINES FOR URBAN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL", USDA—NRCS, AND THE URBAN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE, LATEST EDITION. 6) CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY CONSISTENT SOIL CONDITIONS IN AREA OF LEACHING AREA PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION: ENGINEER AND/OR OWNER TO BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY OF INCONSISTENCIES. 7) CONSTRUCTION OF NEW PIPING, TANKS AND LEACHING SYSTEM TO BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, ON —SITE WASTEWATER STANDARDS. 8) CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT EXISTING STRUCTURES & PERSONAL PROPERTY DURING WORK. WHERE POSSIBLE, ROUTE PIPING OUTSIDE OF ROOT ZONES OF MAJOR TREES, AS DIRECTED BY OWNER. 9) ESTABLISH VEGETATIVE COVER OVER LEACHING SYSTEM TO PROMOTE TRANSPIRATION AND EVAPORATION. CONTACT SARATOGA COUNTY SCS OFFICE FOR PROPER SEED MIXTURE AND APPLICATION RATE. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION .-A 0 — 10" TOPSOIL 10" — 20" SAND 20" — 29" ORIGINAL TOPSOIL LAYER (BLACK ORGANIC MATERIAL) 29" — 66" UNIFORM MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND W/ SOME FINES NO EVIDENCE OF WATER OR MOTTLING ig TEST PIT i2 SIMILAR TO TEST PIT 11 ig TEST PIT 43 (PERCOLATION TEST #2) 0 — 8" LOAMY TOPSOIL 8" — 108" REDDISH MEDIUM SAND 108" — 120" GRAY MEDIUM SAND 120" BOTTOM OF HOLE NO EVIDENCE OF WATER OR MOTTLING TEST PR J4 SIMILAR TO TEST PIT #3 BOTTOM OF HOLE 90" PERCOLATION TEST #1 DEPTH: 34" SOIL:- REDDISH BROWN MEDIUM SAND 20 SEC. STABILIZED PERCOLATION RATE PERCOLATION TEST #2 DEPTH: 120" SOIL' GRAY MEDIUM SAND 27 SEC. STABILIZED PERCOLATION RATE 3 tj MAR 1 6 2000 1 1250 GAL D 1 SEPTIC TANK BUILDING SEWER LINE; SLOPE 2R (MIN.) 14 "WORLD CLASS KIDS" DAYCARE 3MOW M1 REVISED LEACHING SYSTEM 2rAw - ISSUED FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT �_ COORDINATE BUILDING SEWER DATE REV # ISSUED / REVISIONS LOCATION WITH OWNER BY SITE PLAN 1 0 T "WORLD CLASS KIDS' DAYCARE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM: MICHAEL & CHRISTINA BREDA t EVERGREEN PLAZA AVIATION FAD QUEENMIRY, NEW YORK •4 _' JARRETT O MARTHN, C�J �J PROFESSZONAL ENGZNEERZNG iTHokwJARRE T 12 EAST WASHINGTON STREET PHONE: (518) 792 2907 P.E. # 57509 GLENS FALLS, N.Y. FAX: (518) 792 2996 MN UI IS DOCM DEGB�RI 199A w100 SHEET 1 OF 2 BY A LICENSED PFgF 3610NAL 3i 6 UNLAWFUL RLE: F -\9100122286Bneda WW Site Plan C1.dwg PLOTTED/ REVISED:3/15= 11,45 AM DETAIL NOTES R EXISTING SOIL BACKFILL W/ NATIVE SOIL MINUS COBBLES 3" DIA. AND LARGER ELJEN IN —DRAIN LATERALS (2) (TYP.) "Al PIPE (IYP.) %1 L.I. L_L.,u. j OMEN o9cygow SCALE: N.T.S. PERMANENT MARKER OVER COVER WATERTIGHT MANHOLE FRAME & COVER; SYRACUSE CASTINGS #1502 OR EQUIVALENT, WATERTIGHT SEALED PLUG GRADE TO DRAIN AWAY FROM COVER OVER JOINT (TYP. 24" NISHED GRADE RECAST CONCRETE RISER AS REQUIRED 12 MIN. 24" MIN. INSTALL A100 ZABEL FILTER ° N SANITARY TEE; (SEE DETAIL #2 SOIL LINE FROM HOUSE TO BE - a ° °v ° °' THIS PAGE) INSTALLED O 2% SLOPE MIN. " FFLUENT LINE E150 12fI N LET OUTLET WATERTIGHT SLEEVE AND SEAL_/.. (SEE NOTE5) 18' INSTALL NEW INLET AND OUTLET a 4" SANITARY TEE v PIPING AS SHOWN O 1R SLOPE (MIN.) INLET & OUTLET EXISTING SEPTIC TANK TO BE REUSED ° 4 v ° ° a ° l ° � a r d • J SCALE: N.T.S. INLET OUTLETS — 4" KNOCKOUTS MIN. TREATED LUMBER MARKER ABOVE ALL BURIED COVERS; SET 1/2" ABOVE GRADE 12- + �— EMOVABLE COVER PROVIDE ADJUSTABLE LEVELING DEVICE ON EACH OUTLET 4" GRAVITY SEWER 0.5% MIN. SLOPE ' r _ �... 12" MIN. OF CLEAN SAND �•: -z ` :•..�—OR PEA GRAVEL FOUNDATION FORT MILLER DISTRIBUTION BOX OR EQUIVALENT D3 TEX o MON BOX DETAIL SCJILE: N.T.S. v REPLACE EXISTING SOIL W/ 1 — 5 MINUTE/INCH PERCOLATION RATE FILL MATERIAL PIPE TO LEACHING SYSTEM— MODEL A100 COMMER( 6ZABEL' FILI ZMGd RLTER 024AM SCALE: N.T.S. 4.;5'-".1'?+.�i'1`-:Sxt.l�..�".:::Iw rhr.��:.''".,1/_'3.:'`�I�tS�/�•1�••.'.�;w'11-C•`L')..tiw1.:1�"-'14.Y �ltl:r..:�-.il'4.�...L�or }�ii�;l,:"�.<In:��`,i:-i:,�:El; 3r',.�=��:.1�,��•.��1::,� �:I :�.�,+�lir�1 �+'.��1�=.�'k�l�.`�►.1=���.��1 zfr�'+,.� n.:_» I;.S: r...l_..:�1•._i,1 :a.. � .�: +► LAYIEFAL DD IETAa d SCALE: N.T.S. R `TL IN —DRAIN LATERAL 1. ALL GRAVITY SEWER SHALL BE PVC SDR 35, ASTM D3034, INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D2321. ALL GRAVITY SEWER SHALL BE LEAKAGE TESTED BY A METHOD APPROVED BY ENGINEER. 2. PRECAST STRUCTURES SHALL BE AS SUPPLIED BY FORT MILLER CO., INC., OR EQUIVALENT. 3. THE LOCATIONS OF ALL BURIED STRUCTURES SHALL BE DOCUMENTED BY INSTALLATION OF PERMANENT MARKER(S) OVER COVER(S), AND MEASUREMENT 'LIES" TO PERMANENT STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THE "RECORD DRAWINGS" (SEE GENERAL NOTES). 4. ALL TANKS SET BELOW SEASONALLY HIGH GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS SHALL BE ANCHORED AGAINST POSSIBLE FLOTATION, BY A METHOD APPROVED BY ENGINEER. 5. TANKS/STRUCTURES SHALL BE SEAMLESS CONSTRUCTION OR SHALL HAVE WATERTIGHT JOINTS. WALL PENETRATIONS SHALL BE SLEEVED; SLEEVE TO BE SEALED TO THE WALL WITH NON —SHRINK GROUT. AND THE PIPE SEALED TO THE SLEEVE WITH WATERTIGHT ELASTOMERIC MATERIAL TANKS TO BE TESTED TO DOCUMENT WATER TIGHTNESS BY METHOD APPROVED BY ENGINEER. 6. TANKS/STRUCTURES INSTALLED IN TRAFFIC AREAS SHALL BE EXTRA HEAVY CONSTRUCTION DESIGNED FOR H-20 (MINIMUM) WHEEL LOADING. 7. ALL PIPING TO BE INSTALLED AT CONTINUOUS GRADE BETWEEN STRUCTURES, I.E.: NO LOW POINTS OR HIGH POINTS. 8. PVC OR PE PIPING MAY BE ROUTED AROUND OBSTRUCTIONS BY BENDING PIPE ON A SMOOTH CURVE; RADIUS OF BEND TO BE AS DIRECTED BY THE MANUFACTURER. 9. FILL MATERIAL FOR LEACH FIELD/BED SYSTEMS SHALL BE CLEAN GRANULAR SOIL (SAND OR LOAMY SAND) FREE OF CLAY, ORGANIC MATERIAL AND NON —SOIL COMPONENTS (DEBRIS, ETC.). MATERIAL SHALL MEET PERCOLATION RATE(S) INDICATED ON DRAWING. PERCOLATION RATE(S) TO BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR IN BORROW PIT PRIOR TO EXCAVATION, AND IN PLACE IN LEACH FIELD/BED FOLLOWING COMPACTION. SUBMIT WRITTEN RESULTS TO OWNER AND/OR ENGINEER. 10. LEACH FIELD/BED SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F481 UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED HEREON. 11. INSTALL INFILTRATORS PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED HEREON. 12. TOPSOIL, SEED AND MULCH LEACH FIELD/BED AREA TO ESTABLISH GRASS GROWTH; CONTACT LOCAL SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE FOR RECOMMENDED MATERIALS AND APPLICATION. 13. SURFACE DRAINAGE SHALL BE DIVERTED AROUND LEACH FIELD/BED AREA BY CONSTRUCTING SHALLOW SWALE AROUND THE HIGH SIDE OF THE SYSTEM AND DAY LIGHTING THE DRAINAGE IN AN AREA DOWNSTREAM THAT WILL NOT AFFECT THE SYSTEM OR OTHER PERSONAL PROPERTY. 14. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL SYSTEM/STRUCTURES TO (RELATIVE) ELEVATIONS SHOWN; DOCUMENT ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING FEATURES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. DESIGN INFORMATION DESIGN BASIS TOWN OF QUEENSBURY DESIGN FLOW TOTAL NUMBER OF STAFF AND CHILDREN 11 STAFF AND 66 CHILDREN — 77 PERSON TOTAL DESIGN FOR 80 PERSONS (NYSDEC REQUIRED FLOW FOR SCHOOLS(DAY) = 10 GPD/STUDENT SCHOOL W/ CAFETERIA = ADD 5 GPD/STUDENT "PERSON = STUDENT" FACILITY TO HAVE A KITCHENETTE AND APARTMENT SIZE WASHING MACHINE AND DRYER KITCHENETTE TO BE USED FOR STAFF BREAK ROOM AND SNACK PREPERATION, KITCHENETTE IS NOT TO BE USED FOR MEAL PREPARATION WASHING MACHINE TO BE USED IN A LIMITED CAPACITY ONLY. TOTAL FLOW: 80 PERSONS X 10 GPD/PERSON = 800 GPD ALLOW 1.25 GPD/PERSON FOR KITCHENETTE USE 80 PERSONS x 1.25 GPD/PERSON = 100 GPD ALLOW 1.25 GPD/PERSON FOR LAUNDRY USE 80 PERSONS x 1.25 GPD/PERSON = 100 GPD (NOTE: 50% REDUCTION BASED ON CAFETERIA USE, FOR KITCHENETTE AND LAUNDRY USE (5 GPD x 507. = 2.5 GPD/PERSON) 800 GPD + 100 GPD + 100 GPD = 1000 GPD TOTAL ALLOW 209. REDUCTION IN DESIGN FLOW FOR USE OF LOW FLOW FIXTURES 1000 GPD X 80% (20% REDUCTION) = 800 GPD EQUATES TO 10 GPD/PERSON ® SEPTIC TANK PER NYSDEC FOR SYSTEMS < 5000 GPD DAILY FLOW(Q) TANK VOLUME = 1.5 (Q) = 1.5 (800 GPD) = 1200 GAL CAPACITY REQUIRED. PROVIDE 1250 GAL CAPACITY SEPTIC TANK ® LEACHING SYSTEM (CUT AND FILL / -ELJEN IN —DRAIN" ABSORPTION BED) 800 GPD + 0.9 GPD/SQ. FT. (FOR 1-5 MINUTE/INCH PERCOLATION RATE REPLACEMENT FILL) — 888.89 SQ. FT. 888.89 + 7' ("ELJEN" EQUIVALENT WIDTH) = 126.98' OF ELJEN IN —DRAIN UNITS REQUIRED 126.98' + 2 LATERALS = 63.49' OF ELJEN IN —DRAIN PER LATERAL PROVIDE (2) ELJEN IN —DRAIN LATERALS EACH 64' LONG ARRANGE IN ABSORPTION BED CONFIGURATION PROVIDED BED DIMENSION 66' x 10' TOTAL OF 660 SQ. FT. OF EVEN IN —DRAIN ABSORPTION BED AREA TO BE PROVIDED LATERALS TO BE SPACED 5' o.c.; LATERALS EACH TO BE (16) EWEN IN —DRAIN UNITS LONG EFFLUENT DISTRIBUTION GRAVITY DISTRIBUTION VIA DISTRIBUTION BOX FROM SEPTIC TANK. PROVIDE MODEL A100 SEPTIC TANK EFFLUENT FILTER BY ZABEL ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY OR EQUIVALENT ON SEPTIC TANK OUTLET AND TUFF —TITS, INC. SPEED LEVELERS OR EQUIVALENT ON EACH DISTRIBUTION BOX OUTLET TO EQUALIZE FLOW TO EACH LATERAL 3I15100 LE REVISED LEACHING SYSTEM ?J24/00 - ISSUED FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT DATE REV * ISSUED /REVISIONS Y DETAILS I U) T "WORLD CLASS KIDS' DAYCARE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM: MICHAEL & CHRISTINA BREDA EVERGREEN PL.AZ& AVIAMON ROAD QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK JARRETT o MARTHN, LLP 12 EAST WASHINGTON STREET PHONE: (518) 792 2907 .E. 509 GLENS FALLS N.Y. FAX: (518) 792 2996 AL769 7M OF TM DOCUMENT NARY 2000 90-100 SHEET 2 OF 2 EXCEff BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGREE i IS UNLAWFUL RLE: FA9100022300 Breda WW Details D1.dwg PLOTTED / REVISEDAM 5 00 12:10 PM I