2000-074 'ertif" U Occu panov n 'own of Queensbury Warren County, New York Date March 13 , 2000 2000074 This is to certify that work regested to be done as shown by hermit No, has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a CERT"ICATE OF, OCCUPANCY ONLY Location 4 SUITE 1 WESTERN AVE. SOUTH TAX MAP NO. 117 o -11-2 By Order Town Beard 'ram OF QUBB x . Y ,r Director ofBd ing Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT Town of Queensbury,742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY- 12804 County of Warren (518)761-8256 VALUE $ 0 Building Permit No. 9 0 00 m i d TAX MAP NO. 117 . -11-2 Permission is hereby granted to POMEROY PUB LLC Owner of property located at 4 uTTF, 1 WESTERN AVE. SOUTH in the Town of Queensbury,to constructor place a rrERT 1 V TrATE OF OC4UP unlr.Y ONLY at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Owner's Address: BERRY MILL PLACE SUITE 1 4 SOUTH WESTERN AVENUE UEENSBURY,- NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name: Contractor or Builder's Address: Electrical Inspection Agency: Type of Construction: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ONLY Plans and Specifications: ERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ONLY. NO STRUCTUAL' WORK TO BE DONE Proposed Use: ERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ONLY $ PEMT:FEE PAID—TMS PERMIT EXPIRES March 8 2002 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 8 Day-of March 2000 SIGNED BY S �Gc.t ke for the Tows.of Queensbury Code Enforcement Officer BP File# '` M-- Dept. of Community Development `�el' 1f140ate Of Town of Queensbury 430 742,Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 , (518) 761-8256 For occupancy only, with no work requiring Building permit.- no fee required for this permit. LIAR 0 8 2000 BIURY Name of Business: PA III mm—, conE Address: ��,�1.5�� �1�- Qa� I "►/. Person in Charge or,Manager: Business Phone Number: cz m-- _0(03 Type of Business: (i.e„mercantile,restaurant,hobby shop,plumbing store): Owner of Property: . Address: Phone Number: t �-- Please provide a layout of your store showing all walls,,exits, stockrooms, rest rooms, counters and fixture layout on a separate sheet of paper. I G Signature: Date: �(Q of person submi ft s orm: Property Tax Map No. Notes/Comments: THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE ' .I MEPWRITERS 4001,442 BUREAU OF 9L­ECTRICITY ° "T 40 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, NY 1.0038 Date I" r Application No,Qh `�f61 ` ` t: THIS CERTIFIES THAT1 � 99 " only the electrical equipment as described below and introduced by t�i'e � nt on the above application number is in the premises of jb in the following location; Basement Xst Fl. 0 2nd Fl. GAR ;,Section Block Lot 86 was examined on INCH 31 r 2M and found to be in compliance with the-Na.tional Electrical Code., .. FIXTURE FIXTURES RANGES COOKING DECKS OVENS DISH WASHERS EXHAUST FANS RECEPTACLES SWITCHES OUTLETS INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT OTHER AMT. K.W. AMT. K.W. AMT I K.W. AMT. K.W. AMT. H.P. DRYERS FURNACE MOTORS FUTURE APPLIANCE FEEDERS SPECIAL REC'PT, TIME CLOCKS BELL UNIT HEATERS MULTI-OUTLET DIMMERS SYSTEMS AMT. K.W. OIL H.P, GAS H.P. AMT, NO, A.W.G. AMT. AMP. AMT. AMPS. TRANS., AMT. H.P. NO.OF FEET AMT. WATTS SERVICE DISCONNECT NO-OF .... . . y. _ ,.g.�_.. . E..r-_. -R V - I C -E METER No.OF CC COND, A,W.G: AMT AMP. TYPE EQUIP. 10 2W 10 3W 30 3W 30 dW PER 0 OF CC.COND. NO.OF HIAEG OF HIAEG N0.OF NEUTRALS OF NEUTRAL a OTHER APPARATUS: E18Cn R ER Ef$Yr GxeF4M1'"7 24 POTTER HILL RD GENERAL MANAGER BOLTON WDINGr HY'r 1, U1,4-3;1 7 Per This certificate must not be altered in any manner;return to the office of the Board it Incorrect.Inspectors may be identified by their credentials. COPY FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT, THIS COPY OF CERTIFICATE MUST NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY MANNER, FIRE 1�lIARS{-1lAL -rc:>VVN CIF (:::oU;EENtSElUR_lNr*' NY. 12804 (518) 761 -8205 FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT REQUES- .E EIVED NAME LOCATION' SCHEDULE INSPECTION ON KAM') PM APPROVED N/A ES NO EXITS AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS -EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTIIN(3 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE SPRINKLER SY EM Y 3 S LIGHTING SYSTEM H E TIN M G/ SPRINKLER Sy FIRE SUPPRESSIO SYST7M HOOD INSTALLATITI N 2nrlrki INTERIOR FINIS ES STORAGE: CLEA NOE TO SPRINKLERS CL:�tNCE TO HEATING UNITS REQUIRED SIGNAGE CHIMNEY WOOD STOVE FIREPLACE = MASONRY = FACTORY BLT. ROUGH-IN oT FINAL REMARKS: M"OK TO THIS DATE C f<� C: lk % INSPSLIP.PUB lN,4EC&(2(R 2 EXIT SIGNS MUST BE OF THE BATTERY BACKUP TYPE NYS CODE SECTION IOU 32 REQUIRES - � "POWER FOR ELECTRICALLY ILLUMINATED EXIT AND DIRECTIONAL SIGNS BE SUPPLIED FROM A SEPARATE CIRCUIT, OR CIRCUITS, WHICH SUPPLIES NO OTHER OUTLETS ANO IS _ LOCAnOCONTROLLED FROM A CENTRAL' tr r - O Q I fl;P . 7o /° f i a e. Cooler Ciao/Lr Vl� 7-o i i 0w,q-�-ct ClO� co/uil � I 9�L 000oooofo LA c r� �I 1 1A 0 n SO