2000-219 TOWN OF OUEENSBURY 742 Bav haul,Quecnsburv,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761.8256 IA R IF E OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: 2000219 Date Issued: Tuesday, May 15,2001 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number 2000219 has been completed, Tax Map Number, 523400.051.000-0001.030-000-0000 - - -- Location: 20 BEAR BROOK Rd Owner: WALTER&MARGARET MEINECKE Applicant: MEINECKE,WALTER This structure may be occupied as a: Porch By Order of Tom Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Bud&ng&Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT Town of Queensbury, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 County of Warren (518) 761-8256 VALUE $ 10000 Building Permit No. 2000219 TAX MAP NO. 51 . -1-30 Permission is hereby granted to MEINECKE, WALTER Owner of property located at 20 BEAR BROOK RD. in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place a RESIDENTIAL ALTERATION at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Owner's Address: 20 BEAR BROOK RD. -LAKE GEORGE, NY 12845 Contractor or Builder's Name: MEINECKE, WALTER Contractor or Builder's Address: Electrical Inspection Agency: COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL AGENCY PO BOX 706 HAGUE, NY 12836 Type of Construction: RESIDENTIAL ALTERATIONS Plans and Specifications: 866 SQ FT RESIDENTIAL ALTERATION AS PER, APPLICATION, Proposed Use: RESIDENTIAL ALTERATION .36, May,"l 2002--1 $ PERMIT FEE PAID-TIRS PERM EXPIRES (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) 1 , May 2000 Dated at the To Queensbury this Day of SIGNEQ3Y___ \ _��6 for the Town of Queensbury_..I D111-2 Co db Enforcement Officer .tunic ing- .permit Application �,�TOWIZ ofQueenshury - Dept. of CIIlAtlitattt •UBVelo ment, 7�l2 Bet y }' ! } Road, Queett•rbury, NY 12804 1761-82561 NOTE BUILDING _& - CODE ENFORCLAIENT Requirements prior to issuance A porznit must lx�obtained before of this permit: t ERMI7'I7GE 1V0. - - I>c+ginnitig conrilruction. No insircc lie>nrt _ will be made until applicant Iris received U Zolttltg .Board Acnolt !'ls�t/tfl"I'!•Lli PAID$ a VALID BUILDINQ PERMIT. All, Area /Use applicants` spaces on this application RECREATION PEE A-ID$ MUST be completed nhd•ilia signature [� PIallszltlg t3aatzl rlclioll of the applicant•must appear oaf tho REVIEWED uiI- plieation form. 1t A,,�,4 SIM / Subdivision /Othcr ttnudt.eh L..Je fw. Recreation Fee Payment ' Applicant: e ' e .. . Owner: Address: Address: /Z--o'. Pholle # { S'-/L} P110110 irk Properly Location: 5`7i/-.5326 • _ `�-••-1--��___�..1 Subdivision Nante:_�Jr _e_4VX_ I'ax Map Number_ Section Block [Ail NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OE TII New Building: CONSTRUCTION: 1SK1 residence j commercial < 5 Addition to Building: residence / commercial OCCUPANCY INFORMATION. A1t.evation to. Building: Primary Building - residence / commeicial Single Family Dw�etl==1l�i��ng �f' , es i.dence / Commercial .Two F amily Dwell �n�g�' —� - no change, to exterior size Family Dwel i Office 72000 Other, Work (describe below) Mercantile Manufacturin gT`JVv Oi Gi 9S�'tlFtt/ other Etllirt}II1tU A2 'Sp- GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: lst floor. . . . . . . . sq. ft• If ADDITION, what will use 2nd .floor.•. . . . . . . sq. ft:. of new ,addition ion be? : Other Floors . . . sq. ft. (not unfinished cellar or' basentent) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS: Detached Garage 1, 2 car TOTAL FLOOR' AREA: $�C� SQ. FT. Attached Garage 1, 2 car Private storage Building SI-ZE OF NEW STRUCTURE: Commercial Storage Building FEET X �F Other "EET . Foundation Type: 04 Will any second-hand or ungraded . Number of Stories : 'Z lumber be ,used? If so, for what? (habitable. space only) height- (grade to ridge) feet TYPE OF IIEATING SYSTEM: Number of fireplaces and/or woo shove (circle• all which lies) to be installed: Electric / Oil / G Forced Hot: Air / aseboard / Other Person responsible for supervision of work as regards to building codes is: Builder: Nafne Addres s s Phone Plumber: Mason: Electrician: DECLARATION.- Please sigh below after you have carefully read the.statentent. To the best of fny knowledge the statements contained in this application, together with the plans. and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described pretises and that all provisions of the Building'.Code, the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further, it is understood.that Ihve shall submit prior to a Certificate*of Occupancy'or Certificate of Compliance being issued, an AS BUILT PLOT PLAN by a licensed surveyor; drawn to scale, showing, actual location of project on premises. Signatur (owner, owner's agent, architect, contractor) ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE .APPLICAT14 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, - WARREN" COUNTY 9000 HEATING DECREE DAYS , Comnl iarice Methods: PART 5 - Acceptable Practice Method - 1&2 Family Dwellings (only) PART 6* - Thermal Rating Component Trade Offs 1&2 Family Dwellings; Multi-Fam- ily Dwellings (3 stories or less) PART 4* Design by Component Performance Commercial Buildings-Hi Rise Residential *Reo�uies submission of worksheets APPLIC AUNT' S NA!XE: PROPERTY LOCATION: PART 5 I THOD OF 'COMPLIANCE BY ACCEPTABLE P.R.�CTICE: 1 . G--oss Floor Area - S66 scn:are feet 2 . T-,,=e of Heat - Electric Oil Gas Ot-er 3 . Is building mec=anically cooled? Yes t/ No. 4 . Percentage of area of, windows and doors Ove ,i% Under. 17% 5 . R-V_ JES FOR INS i_.aTIOV GIVEN B E LO'vji MiTST CORRESPOND ^0 R-7_=_,uS AS S_O"r+ti. ON PLAINS Sj-ZuI i_3D. a . Foor R b . Exterior walls R a2la-/} C . Glazed areas R d . .Exteri or doors R e . Floors over u^uea�e spaces R _ . Idge of slah on c_a- (heated building) R C. Basement/cellar walls (above g=ade) R ?. . Basement/cellar walls (belo.%r grade) R _ . .eating/coc__ g-cLct..-pipi g in unheated space R 6 . Se.-rice (domes.'-) hot water heat-oc device conforms to m- -: c::n eff-eiency pe.r code Yes No T=MP=RATURE CON-'ROL M_lAXIMUM SETTING. 1400 - WILL NCI BE EXCEEDED An =-= ' s S.gala eD P`c-e Nu:�Wer 22- GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT (518) 761-8256 Town of Queensbury Dept of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building&Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804. Arrive am/pm. Depart Inspector's Initials NAME: 4"' PERMIT K LOCATION: DATE: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Pelt: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers tI I Monolithic Pour Form Pour Form Reinforcement in Pla The contractor is re nsible for r tjo�f_ x0ij providing protection from i[re f U th ezlig for 48 hours follo * the place ent \t of the concrete. j ro e Materials for t4hispurpo the st Foundation/WaIl Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Danipproofin `p po I P p Backfill Approval P"_u mbin Under Slab llueng VenV_Vents— in Pla rIn A< 0 F�� eft 1A) ting Ro gh.In t oun tion Walls Interior R­ Foundation Walls Exterio R.- Floors Walls ce)�) Ceiling Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Vent..Attic vent Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers /2� Jack Posts/Main Beam E -foe 41) Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2,3,hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2,3,4 hour Firestoppi RESIDENTIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Office No.(518)761-8256 Date inspection request received: Building&Code Enforcement , Dept.of Community Development Artive9' hai Depart m Town of Queensbury Inspector's Initial 742 Bay Road Queensbury,New York•12904 NAME ` r,41l 1 PERMIT r'006— 1 LOCATION DATE TYPE OF STMICTURE N/A YES NO COMMENTS Chimney Height/"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent through roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railings 30"to 36" Exterior Handrails,balconies,I 18 in.or more Interior Handrails stairs both sid s 3 0 ore risers Grade 2%away from foundation 8"clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regul for 18 above grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 f or thin line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to ace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater opera Relief Valve(s)installed Headroom,6 ft.6 in.on stairs Basement stairs,6 ft.4 in. Handrail exterior stairs both sides in re than 3 risers Interior privacy/trim/doors/main en cc 36" Floor Finish Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Interior Handrails Balconies/Landing 8 in.or more Railing across window in stairwells Smoke Detectors: every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom fans Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation 3/4 hour fire door/door closer Garage fireproofing Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room protected(in garage) Light ventilation per room Safety glazing 18"or less from floor Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System layout required Okay to issue C/C(Certif.of Compliance) Okay to issue temp.C/O(Certif.of Occupancy)_ Okay to issue permanent C/O(Certif.of Occupancy) RESIDENTIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT n Office No.(518)761-8256 Date inspection request received: Building&Code Enforcement Dept.of Community Development Arrive Depart Town of Queensbury ector's Ir►iti is 742 Bay Road Queensbury,New York 12804 NAME PE� LOCATION DATE -c 1 TYPE OF STRUCTURE N/A YES NO COMMENTS Chimney HeightfV'Vent/Meet Vent Location Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent through roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railings 30"to 36' Exterior Handrails,balconies,lan ' g 18 in.t!r more Interior Handrails stairs both sides 3 kr moresers Grade 2%away from foundation ! 8"clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator Thin above grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to a area Furnace/Hot Water Heater opera Relief Valve(s)installed Headroom,6 ft.6 in.on stairs Basement stairs,6 ff.4 in. Handrail exterior stairs both sides more th 3 risers____ Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 3 " Floor Finish Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Interior Handrails Balconies/Landing 18 in.of more Railing across window in stairwells Smoke Detectors: every level 1 every bedroom { outside every bedroom II inter connected Bathroom fans 1 Plumbing fixtures # Foundation insulation 1/4 hour fire doorldoor closer Garage fireproofing Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room protected(in garage) Light ventilation per room Safety glazing 18"or less from floor Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System layout required Okay to issue C/C(Certif,of Compliance) Okay to issue temp.C/O(Certif.of Occupancy) Okay to issue permanent C/O(Certif:of Occupancy) GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT (518)761-8256 Town of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building&Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Arrive JOIJ am/pm Depart am/pm Inspector's Initials A NAME: PERMIT# LOCATION:- DATE 6 A TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezi for 48 hours following the plat �� � of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on si C-- Foundatio�Mallpour v7li- Reinfbrcen�Snt* Place Found o proofing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under b Sl,Plumbing VendT=ts in P ace Rough Plumbin Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls tenor R- Foundation Walls xt xtenor R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent,Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers L_ Jack Posts/Main Beam Air hifiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2,3,hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping_ COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC, Main Office 176 Doe Run Road- Manheim, PA 17545 ;a6o -- Iy MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL ((C((� � -' and NoWut ��panel hoard No# rtt7H86Mffi 114!llffll 4 Ilfgif#fi1Y##YfYtti##ifMNi 0 fooe AJ wnerfiffii•U ofi ii ofii#tRfNR4#M•###MMI#4f##if #If##0401 Nit iif#i MNMRYIMfMfM#fiif too i Otto IIof*41###1######*## feet 4##M off Ioff MMi•f IIMif#M# L i Lo atlon iRHf1441f11444lff44M#f Niffifii+off}11#46111 off ltlf•I11041f#f}#iffififf#fffffflffifl114#ff4►!f#!•}#.4#i4#.44##itfiftf•##f#if4{f•fil#f liffll#I# i#Yf#R##IYR#INf1fl InstallationConsisting ofi#####H}#pY###if#It#'#•i#N#1#tii►Ni ff11Ni#t#H/Yftt Yltf off off}##Y##4f# #NiitY#t►f#ies�siNYYi4#iff Yfl#gififfll�f4f#44#44Ht1 � f-fR r ��# #tlf f444f#4444 eff"Go#Rff 444f 44444fIMi1lMiifi11114flti4#ff 44 III 4Rl4f4il #4f#t#!!fl#4#•14#i11f4ifffillil4#t#ii{i�•if4lMif#III IIIIMIMf#ffM##MYf#M#Mif MI##fl !�4Mi�44.144 MIRY#M#•f##########oft#R#fff•ff1t4f•IMItNY11M/fNM44ff##########1#i#fMM MfffH###i#t�f#H4M4N#f#litiffHM��#Y#MHRYIM#HiM4441RfR4Mi#f#�#4iM##f 9411441fffl InstalledBytt000Mfiffell 4MfR#44ii#►#Ifii4R14414ftMM##4M,MNM#ft#HIM144ff44.4#i;t#//#tiff Lie. No. #IM44#N4MItfMRfMfiffRflM#MM♦•1411MMf14f1 t The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate, and any certificate previously issued is cancelled, . This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date} Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall be promptly trade for inspection. Inspectors of thisCompanyshall have the rivile a of makin # ections at any time, and ifits p privilege � rules are violated, the Company shall have the right to v ke thi rtif i ate# y p y l� wel 6 FPO Date ####to feet/41061jimli ii#i INSPECTOR 4RMMMM#f#f4ft##M t••###t####Mi#MYiffiff✓tMMt4#Met 44#4f4Yf4f two N•.g4 keel#4}Matt GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT ( 518 ) 761-8256 Town of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building&Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 arrive &31 am/pm Depart 'Am/pm Initials Inspector's Initi S NAME: PERMIT# LOCATION: DATE: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers —( I Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from frecrin t�f! rY for 48 hours following the place lent J of the concrete. ,V ®'(r, Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wal 1pour_ Reinforcement in PI"Cc Foundation/Dampproofi ng Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing VentlVents in Pla e Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interi r R- Foundation Walls Extc ar R- Floors R- Walls - Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent__ Framing- — Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging — Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation I,2, 3,hour Penetration Sealcd Fire Wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping !---- MEINECKE, WALTER .....fI T.D. 1` 20 BEAR BROOK RD. SHEET OF C I RESIDENTIAL P;TSAL A;,,EtiAtION JOB k I � _- __._ -- __. r _ ._ __ C_ __ _ _ _�__ __ __ __ ___ _ __ __ _11 _ _ _ ___ _[__ f__-_ _____- __4 - _ - - --i-— ----i - ------- --- — -1-- -�- -- -44 I -- : ' aPIP - l � . _ -- _!____ __!-__L -------1 _ -- - __:---i - --- - ----�- - ( _ __ __ —� --- --f— --= � � a Di CT4RTC S AR EQ I E IN B DRDG S_-.-_._ p'ACEN _ q — -- I T BfD�OIM ,pNDO�f EAC F1C6(R IN t Of G�CE�C R }tBA$ElEF1T LLSM�EE__L._. 1....._ _ --...-I -._ -- -,- - - - -, i ! I I _ DT CTR S AiL E NT R DNN CTED NALL fi .,. ---� L__. I _ .-.. __... - ....__.- __-... LEVELS __. .------._.. -- ----! 1 -i1- � I-�-- i � � ( '.__.-- -L _i __.._- 1-_- _- � -- - I a _ _ _C- ----- -- -1 --- -- -� -----I— _-'. �--- --��- - -- - - - _.._.__._. _ _:. - _ .. _- _I �.. _.- N �6li I ;. e- lotrnr ia! +F M KE D}TTE RRSiA € EUU. LU.a --- -... mnstr t1 i ! trr �Fr:. '- lam. ��Iwl - - - a j 0 E Cf4, - ° rns n7 AGENTI� �..� N f� 1 �! - --I-- - _ - ---. _-..._.._ - _....._._. _ 4r } _� I CttlDttVGIC L RpR A E E T. ------ - I _ - TED 0 AIL IIEV - _ -_.� - ----� ET_ D_ _j HA E�INIERCU N C �.. e'L - I 1 f I I .! _.I_ f �- 1 _�_ r_� fi _ __. -I -- -- -! !- i-- - -a -