1999-137 (2)LEFT ELEVATION i - �F SIAONE oEt�leAtI�11�uN1� MlEpIlO�S, AD FLOOR IN(�.UDING CEIIAR � MSEMENf. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE MftERppNNECTED ON ALL LEVELS. 1' 6 FILE COPY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on our limited examination, compliance with our comments shall not be constn,ed as indicating the Mans and specifications are in fun compliance with the code. TOWN OF QUE URY BUILDING & EPT. REVIEWED BY DATE NOTICE FOAM INSULATION MUST BE COVERED BY A 15 MINUTE THERMAL BARRIER it is a Violation of the law for any Person, Unless Acting Under the Directions of a Licensed Architect, to Aiter any Portion,of This Document in any way. if any Portion M this Q�EaED AqC� Document is So Altered, the Altering architect Shalt Affix to the POrti^n so Altered his Seal and �� the Notation "Aite�sd fay" Followed by his Sigmture and the Date of Such Alteration, VW BE a Spec oic Description of the Alteration. COVERE B BARRI 807.{ -k- H1(1'7-GS �GRAYFORD Fa It 0 MR$`MRS, JOHN DURKI N PLAN 0PAW N DATL5 54CALE BY 99-03U! MAR 9'� 4 = ►} 4 99-137 RECEIVED APR 14 1999 TOWN OF OUEENSBUAY BUILDING qND CODE C HOUR RATED CLOSURE It IS a Violation of the Law for any Person. Unless Acting Under the Direction of a Licensed Architect, to Ater any Portion of This Documen' in a ,y A ly. If any Pomon of this Document is so Aiti�rga, the A;terinq Architect ShaNAffix to the Powon so A{te{c(' h,;s Seat and `,`OPEt) AgC'S'i the Notation "Altered By, Followed by his ��; .QtgE6iJE,y� � Signature and ttie t}aie of Such Alteration, and � Cr � a ;?� peCitiC Description of the Alteration. it A .rA��,. ,fix f V H fGGS t GRAY FORD MR� MRS. JOHN DURKI N REAR ELE\,/ATI oN K I GH ► � , 1 . . _ t RZ, 6-,o -L x 4- P 4 H EA FD r- R 2 - ?_X 12 rj)7_ L I v I r­,G R, 00 M CATHEDRAL CEILING H EADFJR - 3 --ZX 12. F EA K FA::. T_ Ia =0 4X8 BEAT 4 X4 COLU C) _U') 0 0 I 1P A4�A _7 t OVER (FLUSH) — L--4X4 COLUMN _j 9 tv Q FAN-"_ KiTcHEN T L -T E B A:, H Ci d7 " (D 14 i i C_' 0,0 0 0 W n 4W W cr_ 60 x el 8e _T 0 DININ[G_ Rno nl SMOKE DETECTOR 0 01 SMOKE DE-r J iz" k� I N%z 3411* R, 0, 2 O 4- RA, 2-'1i ^=_ 6XI2 5EAMI X 6 COLUMN • GARAGE 1. E:XTEF-!ID AND INTERIOR .-OAD BEAFit-,P� HF_A0F*F<-' SHALL 6E ?-PC- ?-XI?_ UNLESS NOTED 0THE:HW#5E 2. DOUBLE JACK ALL OPEN! NGC, 4'-0 AND WIDER I leqtED Aqc q ar cr -P ti o.? a 0 2 + 06 RE* �) 1 (11 AT " It Is a Violation of the Law for ony Person, Unless Acting Under the Direction of a Licensed Architect, to Alter any Portion of This Ii Docurnew in any way. If any Portion of INS Document is so Altered, the Altering Arcniled Shall Affix to the Portion so Altered his Seal the Notation "Altered By" Followed �y h Signature and the Date of Such Alteration, all i • Specilic Description of the Alteration. H IGGS-'CRAYFORD , FOR MRiMRS JOHN DURKIN! FLA rq E, NIA R I? q 310�- O 2 t5. i# f t ti. C9 O :f �l X 11 � O I • • n 0 1 /1,rr�pEO ARCEA h'� ar CY L \r1 TF t%- —e.li it Is a Violation of the Law for any PersM Unless Acting Under the Direction of ?a Licensed Architect, to Alter any Portion of This Documen! in any way. if any Portion, of this Document is so Altered, the Altering Architedt Shag Affix to the Porti9r, so Altered his Seal and the Notation "Attamd By" Followed by his Sipatwe and the Date of Such Alteration Md a Description of the AReratkMo . HIGGS,e (CR HYPO O Rio R IMR� MRS, JdHN pURK4 AW IN >QA7r" E SCALE NsY t 71v F§ W 49; ,Q N k4'—O 8"POUIREE0 WALL W*xa'o Foom r4a i ! ' 0 s i i ! 7 T7 SLAB OVER f 2817 26 V7 ALL POU REDW I N .5 u LA, 1 1 ►"(2 wok Ll� N CANTILEVER JOIST SLA5 OVER 1--t © -IN 1t 1� z 7 FROST WALL L UNDER BUILT UP l5EAM(4-?_X1?_) ?-4"X ?WX I Z' F00 (0 COLUMN 8VAM POOKIE'r H-- --_ ___, __ __._—_ -�_--------��_��= _.. — t BEAM FtrK ET + 3 9? r 'I 0 L L Z 4- 0 O 00 U) 0 r BE AM POCK ET IRED WALL 0,0 —3 vs SLAM FOCAET A Q L. Uh BUILT UP 15F-A" (4-p-xl?-) UIL COLUMN R 4 "X ?-4'X I NG 12"0 PIF-R &X& 151FAM 12,-0 .3 (a 0- C> FOUNDATION PLAN 11 4 a I v I ED ARC+ oZzo 0 It Is a Violation of the Law for any Persok Wass Acting Under the Direction of a Licen"d ArcNtoct, to Alter any Porlion of this Docurnew in any way. If any F)briion of this Document is so Altered. the Atterin� Aichilect Shall Affix to the Ponjo n so Altered ;i1r, Seat VW the Nota I tion Wlefed By" Foilow4d by his ftrtattue, and the Cale 0#1 Such ,AfteratioftxsnO Ak Speck Description of the Afteration. H I GGS CRAY FOR,r) MR,0Mn`*_ JOHN OUR" PLA4 DATA SCA.Lit a12 � .1 FLASHING s - 2x 12 NAILER 1 2X(- RAFTERS 6 OSe SHF-ATHING ►2 Q 5 ' ZX(o 5Uf3FA5CjA « - ALUMINUM FASCIA PLYWOOD PERFORATED ALUMINUM SOFFIT c6S 16"O,C , SOX I E BEAM )IST HANG to X (;, COLUMN «o NAI LER OS$ SH EA I NG YVEK HO E qp bX8 BEAM 4,X ec COLUMN 12"0 PIER TO MIN 4 BELOW GRADE 1517UMI N OUS DAM pM(:>oF 1 NG A,