PT-0869-2021 Property Transfer Sewage Disposal_Information Form Town ofQueensb Queensbury Date:, aJ 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www-gueensbury.net QU112 96=441rqU-'-AV81 P� I (Name of Owner/Applicant) Re: Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Inspection Information Request for:- (Site Address for'lnspection) Thank you for requesting an inspection for the onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) located-on the property referenced above. We look forward to completing a thorough inspection for you. You can help us do the best job possible by providing-some advanced.information about the site.Prior to our inspection,we request this.completed application, a site map indicating the location of the septic components and confirmation the pre-inspection preparation (see the last page of this packet)will be completed prior to our arrival. Enclosed is a Septic System Inspection Information form, which must be completed, signed and returned to this office, With the appropriate fee(s) and documentation, prior to scheduling an inspection. Please note the Town of Queensbury's fee for this service is$275. Be advised that.all fees must be paid prior to scheduling the inspection. We require 48 hours notification prior to scheduling the inspection. If the purchaser is requesting an exemption,please submit this application along with a notarized letter stating the septic system will be, inspected or repaired/replaced within 6 months from the date of the Property Conveyance. or June 1st of the current, or following year (whichever comes first); a map locating the septic system and payment totaling$2275 ($2000 refundable deposit plus$275 permit fee). The deposit is forfeited if the owner fails to complete the repairs or installation as stated above. If you have any questions, please call. Phone: (518) 761-8256 Email: kated@queensbury.net Thank you. Sincerely, DE E E DEC 0 g 2021 T BU LDING&OF ECODESRY David Hatin; Director Building and.Code Enforcement Town of Queensbury Property Transfer Packet Revised April 2021 Office Use.OnIY Permit#: Morn or(Ltrcct,shUp Fee:_$ Z Z j 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8206 or 518-761-8205 Invoice#: d www.gueensbury.net SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION INFORMATION Individual Residential Wastewater Treatment System CONTACT INFORMATION (please print legibly or type and include an email address) Property and Owner Information: (Please attach property survey or tax parcel map) Property address for inspection:. 97 C1 r Vja4 jgLp_ Tax map number: ,(;., — Property owner: Z"- A) S_ ,MAR&ARX:r `vtAl=jl«IQ, J— Mailing Address (c/s/z): I�—,—_ AUAG .A"y k l iVIV "P) IVT P'1 yP-S_ Cell #:q�d� fpq—.�c?-7 y Land Line #:_ g73-, 3g--►f.�D Email: 1 . n t-t �n e ET01WN0FQUE=HENSB3U Applicant(if.di.fferent than above): 2021Mailing Address (c/s/z): Ry Cell #: Land Line#: ODES -----E Email: ❑ Proposed Owner ❑ Realtor ❑ Attorney ❑ Other (explain: ) Septic Contractor: Mailing Address (c/s/z): Cell #: Land Line#: Email: . Reason for Inspection Request: ❑On the market ❑ Future listing. Sale Pending ❑ Deed Transfer ❑ Other: Property Transfer Packet Revised April 2021 HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION "PLEASE SEE SEPARATE PAGE FOR EXEMPTIONS" Bathroomsr# Kitchens Jacuzzi tub(s) `Garbage grinder Onsite Wastewater Treatment System: How many systems are on the property? Year system(s) installed:Tank Size of Septic Tank Type of Absorption System: ' Are all system components wholly within the property boundaries? M Yes ❑ No Are system plans available? ❑ Yes No Does the system(s) serve multiple properties? ❑ Yes P No If yes, describe Maintenance: Service agreement? ❑ Yes �j] No; If yes, business' name Date of last inspection N/A❑ Date tank last pumped_ N/A ❑ Frequency of pumping N/A ❑ List known repairs/replacements, with dates: Date Type of.Repair/Replacement Operation: System problems? ❑Yes FA No Sewage odors? ❑ Yes No Direct surface discharge(s)? El Yes [ No Back-up of toilets? ❑Yes " No Back-up of any other fixtures? (e.g. slow drains) El Yes No Seasonal ponding or breakout of leach field? ❑ Yes No Property Transfer Packet Revised April 2021 Statement of Acceptance of Conditions: I agree to: O Ensure that the septic tank(s), distribution box.(es), and/or seepage pit(s), if any, will be uncovered prior to the requested inspection time; • Have a septage hauler on site (to pump the tank after*-the inspector verifies flow from fixtures); ➢ Tank must be pumped in presence of inspector • Have an authorized representative present at the site; • Allow the inspector to verify information provided above, and to conduct an inspection of the indicated onsite wastewater treatment system(s), including all. system components and interior plumbing in crawl spaces and basements. To the best of my knowledge, the information provided above is accurate and I acknowledge the following: After 1 year from date of submission and there is no activity on this permit, the permit will expire and will be subject to submission of a renewal application and payment of the renewal fee based on the current fee schedule. All fees must be paid PRIOR TO SCHEDULING any inspections. In addition, if the permit is withdrawn 20% of the fee is retained by the Town of Queensbury. Signature of property owner or authorized agent: Affiliation: ['owner ❑agent ❑other: Please print name: iV 'CA0L f fflgR��F-9T Signature:- Date: G Prior to scheduling with the Town of Queensbury, you MUST: 1. Schedule.a sewage hauler to.be on site to pump tank while inspector is on site. Hauler should arrive 3045 minutes after scheduled time with the Town of Queensbury's Code Enforcement Officer. 2. Expose inlet and outlet of septic tank, and/or pump station, expose d-box, expose any seepage pit covers. 3. Excavate test We in leach field if there is no d-box. Property Transfer Packet Revised April 2021 EXEMPTION CONDITION OPTIONS Due to one of the conditions,listed below, I am requesting an exemption from the Septic Inspection Upon Property Transfer by the Town of Queensbuiy: PLEASE CHOOSE ONLY ONE CONDITION BELOW IF YOU ARE REQUESTING A WAIVER ❑ The'property to be sold or transferred will not be inhabited, and the new owner plans to demolish the existing structure. In order to qualify for the exemption, a notarized affidavit must be submitted to the Building and,Codes Enforcement Office stating that the dwelling will not be inhabited and that it will be demolished with no immediate plans to rebuild or the dwelling will not be inhabited, it will be demolished and rebuilt, in which case the affidavit shall be accompanied by a site plan, including adequate detail to demonstrate a lawful OWTS,together with.a check payable to the Town of Queensbury in the amount of$2,000. Such funds will be held in.anon-interest-bearing escrow account and will be released, in the former case, upon issuance of a demolition permit and,.in the latter case, upon issuance of a certificate of compliance from the Building and Codes Enforcement Office. If the Property Transfer inspection is not completed within that 6 (six) month timeframe, the $2000 will be forfeited. ❑ An OWTS inspection was not able to be completed prior to the conveyance of real property due to inclement weather.In order to qualify for the exemption, a notarized affidavit from the new property owner to complete the requisite OWTS inspection within six months of the date of the conveyance of real property, or June 1, whichever comes first,must be filed with the Building and Codes Enforcement Office. A check payable to the Town of Queensbury in the amount of$2;000 will be held in a non- interest-bearing escrow account and shall be released upon the counpletion.of a satisfactory OWTS inspection from.the Building and Codes Enforcement Office. If the Property Transfer inspection is not completed within that 6 (six) month or June Pt timeframe, the $2000 will be forfeited. The property to be sold or transferred contains an existing OWTS that does not comply with the provisions-of this article, and the prospective purchasers and/or the Seller wish to forgo an inspection in favor of installing an approved OWTS within six months of the transfer of property. In order to qualify for the exemption, a notarized affidavit must be submitted to the Building and.Codes Enforcement Office stating that the.existing OWTS will be replaced within six months from transfer of property. The affidavit must be accompanied by a site plan, including adequate detail to demonstrate that the replacement OWTS will comply with this article,together with a check payable to the Town of Queensbury in the amount of-$2,000. Such funds will be held in a non-interest-bearing escrow account and will be released upon issuance of a certificate of compliance from the Building and Codes Enforcement Office. If the Property Transfer inspection is not completed within that.6 (six) month timeframe, the $2000 will be forfeited. Property Transfer Packet Revised April 2021 ❑ Writig the Mrs'inspecliou,a fiilltire of the seine systeili svos determined.Dtic to 11•inter and frozen condltitilis,the repair to.ilii ezistiiig OWI'S coald not occur or a rich•0WTS could not he installed before the e6tiveyimee of real.peoli&iy, In order to qualily (br the exulptioll,a 11otarl'led affidavit trout the naw Iiroperty owiler to coiiipletc the installation or repair of the septic s5stelil% ithin Six IllontI18 fl'olll the(late of rite coaveyatice of rent tiro jxxty,or June I, whichever conies first,must be - filed with tilt Building acid Codes Lnforedtli it Office;A check payable to tlle'fomi of Queusbury in (lie atuount of$2,000 will be held in a non-inlcrest-ktting escrOW account and shall be released upon the couipletiou of the repair or itislallation of tt new septic sysicili and a satisfactory OVITS inspection . from the Building and Codes 1311forccnlent Office. If the Property Transfer inspection is not completed Within that G (six)ntoiith or Jiiste Ist tirnete,111le, the$2000'Will be forfeited. ❑ There is a record of a septic systegi inspection upon.property transfer permit and inspection completed and passed within the last three yejrs. Please provide a copy of this record. 1 PLEASE READ NOTICE THOROUGHLY: Failure to complete the inspection,obtain the neriiiit or complete all reliairs%irisfallations identifted in the preceding subsecfious of this sectiop'-w'vithill the time provided,or any subsequent deadline established by the Bttildiig.and Codes Cnforeeineitt Office will 1-6sult.in forfeiture of the moneys held in escrow,and the Town niay use stick funds toward abating the conditions caiised by each such violation of this article. Inspections must take place within one(1)_year of-suutn,ission.of a completed application. Inspections scheduled to take place after the one year period ivill be subject to submission of a renewal application-and paytiient of the retielval fee based on the current fee schedule, ***ONLY SIGN THIS PAGE IF YOU ARE.OPTING FOR A:WAIVER RE,pUESTH""' I have read and understand'the.above notice.regarding the-expectations and possible forfeiture of moneys submitted to the Town of Queensbury for an exetnptioiz request. Seller: ./ OH.r/ JMARKIffR7T Print Name: M4RCrj'tR 1-�K RT Sign Name:_ Date: Buyer: It51n�eV� Io le Print Name: �- Sign Name: Date: tz g lz©z\ I VI Property Transrer Packet Revised:lptil 2021 jz g �Z0z1 F , 1pl e m m d0,1l fpy fl./ 1I to �J f� COD►r 1 Gi LI iq G( �f' Awl 221 behile Lo I-vr 0P1 �oL� DENISE FELTES NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF.NEW YORK No.UlFE6359756 Qualified in Saratoga County My Commission Explres U6-05-2025 c PROPOSED WASTEWATER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE �' �.,:!s LAKE GEORGE `t: \� •b:J i m�l� MARKERT RESIDENCE a\ 'Als AME`{°"� APPLICANT: f�- � '���"'� ^,•��'..� SIIE PARCEL Z F e~ OHN MARKERT 390 CLEVERDALE ROAD W ` TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 0 m N •Ysrm im SATION MAP W cA� __ SITE VICINITY MAP P 'w 1' awn 1'-ZOC Z r a W m NOOK ALL PROPENM MOM N RR ZONE Ill U Q!L 6 �W o W ZN O W N N a Q U � � a Ua W W i L tl > S W 0 w �/� yl U) O N }3 M WO:z r DRAWING INDEX jN a w W C?Z v° SHEET NO. DRAWING TITLE 0 ILI 1 COVER SHEET 0 Q �z it N 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS a CIO . L 3 WASTEWATER PLAN RECORD OF WORK DATE BY e 4 WASTEWATER VARIANCE PLAN Q X 5 WASTEWATER DETAILS W J 6 A K SCALE: > TOWN OF OUEENSBURY NOT TO SCALE SHEET TITLE: y COVERSHEET w 0 Z SHEET NO. 1 3 d D 2 n CLEVERDALE ROAD m Vo;,.Z E II m m rri �!I O 14 a� z oz 'o 0 o$ I x I Z z � T N M I InA�� 11� i n s o II O OV O T I I 1 STTNE RETAINING WALL SOD'03'00'W 59.42 rn O m m m n o PROPOSED WASTEWATER IMPROVEMENTS FOR ,ram i ii�i' n z z x d o MARKERT RESIDENCE N � � � m II 0 O Z - o EN,,VlRl0NMlNET/(j j� ES)'VN Z > Lold A390CLEVERDALE ROADTOWN OF QUEENSBURY TAX MAP.No.226.E-1-7 0 Route 146 Cilnodpaik;NewXnFli-72115 F -mt WARREN COUNTY EWPORK SEPTEMBER 1 2021 l.371-;621,%'j R-\WARREN\OUEENSDURY\CLEVERDALE ROAD\Markert\05-dxg\Detailed\Sheets\01-EC-Markert.dwg Oct 25,2021 10-53,37AM, a� r TWO (2) 2.000 GALLON l PRECAST CONCRETE HEAVY RETAJNING WALL AS NEEDED /i \r`Y',,.�5.zc. DUTY(H 20) HOLDING TANKS =Z y ------- --qol--- L ---------- I ! LAKE ....�..., .. ._.:"`=:.�;a- ,o' x 30' PARKING AREA j j AREA= 4,875tSF 1 GEORGE W..- O ONO Ol �N i n N -- -------�L----- J I LL NK i W 4" PVC SDR-35 I ♦ U) a m BUILDING SEWER AT I Ih W Z2 N of(I }"/FT. MIN.SLOPE I Z 0.W o W V a N Z WN WOOD DECK WN I O F v N LLIY i I I IL Q C] P IL I LL 0 I I UPPER DECK Y q R ! 1i STORY 3 C O H ui W BEDROOM HOUSE ? F LAKE WA TER SUPPLY I 3 a a W O N W v q nvry f i ~ IIt Ao ua >� �W K .� lit: m- w�n O _ Qw 1) � O o WpO 0otiaa 2 i H Q >L.Z i fry``1 C \l Z ALO FIELD I O U (Y o `V`lI C'�QY I RECORD OF WORK DATE BY e N8877'00'W 66.00' w ro�n ,anenl w a 0 TANK CLEANOUT. TO BE REMOVED W NOTE: ¢ ALL NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES a ON LAKE WATER SUPPLY SCALE: > 1"=10' Ij SHEET TITLE: GRAPHIC SCALE PROJECT DESCRTPnON I WASTEWATER W THE PROPOSED WASTEWATER SYSTEM FOR THE MARKERT RESIDENCE CONSISTS OF TWO(2)ZOOO PLAN p GALLON PRECAST'CONCRETE HEAW DUTY(H 20)HOLDING TANKS Z IO S e 4 2 0 10 20 4o SHEET NO. (IN FEET) T INCH =',O FT. 3 3 d X tiw Ll S8877.00£ 78.00' 0 2' i LAKE -----j j------ AREA 4,875tS.F GEORGE O °-T O u O El O N I m N II L--------j L------ J ; i O 16 r w Wq v—s i I uu) Imo-' W Z 19 oil i Z aF o I w U <u- ! ( WOOD DECK W Z rn N I � o W P J EL 0 i n p I 1 3 UPPER DECK � � v q R m 1j STORY 3 H i Z I w W BEDROOM HOUSE I Q Q I� LAKE WATER SUPPLY ; ti Ij Y 3 0. OmZ Z . Jlu o n l O i O suro.r wu w W W z a a i I M co clz)7 O I ID O W�0 m >V W o I WOW o Z a m�3 a N8827'00'W RECORD OF WORK DATE BY L 86.00' taFie�zt w x a a 0 o: W NOTE: ALL NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES VARIANCE REQUEST- ON LAKE WATER SUPPLY w THE PROPOSED WASTEWATER SYSTEM FOR THE MARKERT RESIDENCE IS A NONCONFORMING SYSTEM WITH SCALE: > I DI£USE OF TWO HOLDING TANKS, KITH RELIEF REQUIRED TO PROPERTY LINES 1"=10' i V-1: USE HOLDING TANKS } V-2:HOLDING TANK TO PROPERTY LINE-2'REQUESTED VS THE IO'REQUIRED SHEET TITLE: V-J.HOLDING TANK TO PROPERTY LINE-4'REQUESTED VS THE 10'REQUIRED GRAPHIC SCALE V-4: HOLDING TANK TO FOUNDATION-6'REQUESTED VS THE 4'REWIRED WASTEWATER z w VARIANCE PLAN to a 6 4 2 0 to 20 40 SHEET NO. (IN FEET) A 1 INCH = 10 FT. 4 3 rx i TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TOWN CODE CHAPTER 136-11 HOLDING TANKS r� A. HOLDING TANKS ARE PROHIBITED UNLESS A VARIANCE IS GRANTED FOR A HOLDING TANK BY THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH (9)THE ALARM SYSTEM SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS IS AS FOLLOWS: WHEN THE LEVEL-OF THE HOLDING TANK REACHES 50%OF �` \ -�.,,•tn�1.t`,rta THE USABLE LEVEL IN THE TANK.THE YELLOW LIGHT WILL INDICATE*TANK HIGH LEVEL'WHEN THE LEVEL OF THE HOLDING PURSUANT TO THE VARIANCE PROVISIONS AT§§136-18 TO 136-20 Of THIS CHAPTER.[AMENOEO 5-5-1997 BY ILL.NO.4-1997] y TANK REACHES I009.OF THE USABLE LEVEL IN THE TANK,THE BUZZER WILL SQUND,THE RED TIGHT WILL FLASH TO 1j.:J`:• ;`i` B. IN THE THE DESIGN AND INDICATE'TANK SHUTOFF LEVEL,'AND THE SOLENOID VALVE IN THE MAIN WATER LINE ENERGIZE AND CLOSE TO IN E EVENT THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH GRANTS A VARIANCE AUTHORIZING USE OF A HOLDING TANK WILL STALLATION OF THE HOLDING TANK AND ALARM SYSTEM SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICA110NS:[AMENOEO PREVENT ANY MORE WATER FROM ENTERING THE RESIDENCE.THE PUSHBUTTON WILL BE USED TO SILENCE THE BUZZER.THE 5-5-1997 BY L.L.NO.4-19971 SYSTEM WILL RESET AFTER THE HOLDING TANK IS PUMPED DOWN TO BELOW THE ACTUATION LEVEL OF THE LEVEL SWITCHES. (10I FLOAT SWITCHES SHALL BE DIRECT ACTING,NORMALLY OPEN,SUSPENDED,WITH BUILT-IN WEIGHT YMICH ACTUATES YMEN THE LONGITUDINAL AXIS OF THE FLOAT IS HORIZONTAL AND DEACTUATES WHEN THE LIQUID LEVEL FALLS ONE INCH BELOW \Z�(n,'ham (1)THE HOLDING TANK SHALL BE A WATERTIGHT PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK,WITHOUT OUTLETS,WITH A WATERTIGHT l SEALANT MATERIAL FOR JOINTS BELOW THE MAXIMUM WATER LEVEL THE TANK SHALL ALSO BE EQUIPPED WITH A THE ACTUATION LEVEL THE FLOAT SWATCH SHALL OPERATE AT 120 VOLTS ALTERNATING CURRENT WITH A PILOT DUTY OF j, TWO-PHASE ALARM SYSTEM.REFER TO FIGURES 2 AND 3 FOR THE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS REQUIRED.EDITOR'S NOTE: 4.5 AMPERES MINIMUM.THE CONTACT SHALL BE NORMALLY OPEN,I.E.,IT SHALL CLOSE WHEN THE FLOAT RISES ABOVE THE ACTUATION LEVEL THE FLOAT SHALL BE CHEMICAL-RESISTANT POLYPROPYLENE CASING WITH A FIRMLY BONDED ELECTRICAL FIGURES 2 AND 3 ARE INCLUDED AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER. 2 CABLE PROTRUDING.ONE END OF THE CABLE SHALL BE PERMANENTLY CONNECTED TO THE ENCLOSED MERCURY SWITCH, AND THE ENTIRE ASSEMBLY ENCAPSULATED TO FORM A COMPLETELY WATERTIGHT AND IMPACT-RESISTANT UNIT,GOULD (21 THE HOLDING TANK CAPACITY MUST BE EQUAL TO AT LEAST TWICE THE VOLUME Of WASTE GENERATED BETWEEN TYPE A2-3 OR EQUIVALENT. "�,Q'Q •� ANTICIPATED REMOVAL DATES.THE FOLLOWING TABLE GIVES THE MINIMUM SIZE OF HOLDING TANK REQUIRED AND IS BASED (11)THE FLOAT SWITCH WIRING SHALL BE TERMINATED IN A NEMA 4X JUNCTION BOX MOUNTED INSIDE THE HOLDING TANK.ALL r� ON SEVEN DAYS BETWEEN ANTICIPATED REMOVAL DATES: WI ,..,..,, --I,�.•'a' n RING FROM THE FLOAT SWITCH JUNCTION BOX TO THE LEVEL ALARM SYSTEM PANEL SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDERGROUND y" C REQUIRED MINIMUM HOLDING TANK CAPACITIES IN ACCORDANCE N17Ti THE LATEST EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE AND ALL STATE AND LOCAL CODES.WIRING t �!✓"'" YO SHALL BE 3812AWG,TYPE THW OR THWN,CONDUCTORS IN A ONE HALF-INCH PVC CONDUIT.ONE LEVEL SWITCH SHALL BE i'W"•" .mom NUMBER OF BEDROOMS HOLDING TANK CAPACITY REQUIRED ACTUATED WHEN THE TANK IS AT 50%OF THE USABLE CAPACITY TO INDICATE A HIGH LEVEL THE SECOND LEVEL SMTCH r� (GALLONS) SHALL BE ACTUATED WHEN THE TANK IS AT 100%OF THE USABLE CAPACITY TO INDICATE A SHUT OFF LEVEL. (12)THE CONTROL RELAYS SHALL BE GENERAL PURPOSE,120 VOLTS ALTERNATING CURRENT,WITH CONTACTS RATED FOR FIVE 1 2,000 AMPERES CONTINUOUS.THE NUMBER AND TYPE OF CONTACTS SHALL BE AS SHOWN,SQUARE'D'8501.TYPE RS-14,OR O �N 2 3.000 EQUIVALENT.A RELAY SOCKET TO MATCH THE CONTROL RELAY FURNISHED SHALL BE PROVIDED. LL N 3 3.500 (13)THE ALARM LIGHTS SHALL BE 120 VOLTS ALTERNATING CURRENT PILOT LIGHTS WITH A DOMED PLASTIC LENS.THE'TANK N D' 4 4.000 HIGH LEVEL'LIGHT LENS SHALL BE YELLOW,SQUARE V KP1Y9 TYPE K OR EQUIVALENT.THE'TANK SHUTOFF LEVEL'UGHT U) 0 W N SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH A FLASHER AND A RED LENS,SQUARE'D'KPF1R9 TYPE K OR EQUIVALENT. F.. 1 1 I Z cc 5 4,500 (14)THE BUZZER SHALL BE 120 VOLTS ALTERNATING CURRENT,HEAVY DUTY,ADJUSTABLE VOLUME EDWARDS ADAPTABUZZER, W TYPE 34OA-N5 OR EQUIVALENT. Z a Ill o (1) THE HOLDING TANK MAY BE SUBJECT 70 SEVERE FLOTATION FORCES IN AREAS OF HIGH GROUNDWATER.THUS,HIGH I 1 Q I- (15)ANORMALLY OPEN,120 VOLTS ALTERNATING CURRENT,NONILLUMINATED PUSHBUTTON SHALL BE PROVIDED.THE W v GROUNDWATER DETERMINATION,AS PROVIDED FOR IN APPENDIX F.T L WHERE NOTE: APPENDIX F IS INCLUDED AT THE END D.N OF THIS CHAPTER.IS REWIRED WEN EACH APPLICATION SUBMITTAL WHERE HIGH GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS EXIST PUSHBUTTON SHALL HAVE A FULL GUARD.SQUARE'D'KRtUHS TYPE�K OR EQUIVALENT. N N CALCULATIONS BY A REGISTERED ENGINEER ADDRESSING TANK FLOATATION AND MITIGATING MEASURES ARE REQUIRED. (16)THE RELAYS AND RELAY SOCKETS SHALL T MOUNTED IN A GENERAL PURPOSE NEMA 1 ENCLOSURE.THE ALARM LIGHTS, BUZZER AND THE BUZZER SILENCE PUSHBUTTON SHALL BE MOUNTED ON THE FRONT OF THE ENCLOSURE.ALL NECESSARY W (51 HOLDING TANKS SHALL BE LOCATED ABOVE THE ONE-HUNDRED-YEAR FLOOD LEVEL MATERIALS SHALL BE PROVIDED,I.E.,TERMINAL BLOCKS,CONNECTORS,ETC.,TO MOUNT AND CONNECT ALL DEVICES.THIS > ~ a (51 HORIZONTAL SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WASTEWATER SOURCES,AS PROVIDED FOR IN APPENDIX A.TABLE I,MUST BE ENCLOSURE SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A NAMEPLATE WITH THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION'HOLDING TANK LEVEL ALARM Lu r MET.EDITOR'S NOTE APPENDIX A,TABLE I,IS INCLUDED AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER.THE SEPARATION DISTANCE O REWIRED FOR HOLDING TANKS SHALL BE THE SANE AS REWIRED FOR SEPTIC TANKS. SYSTEM.'PLASTIC LAMINATED NAMEPLATES,WHITE THROUGH TO BLACK CORE,SHALL BE PROVIDED OVER EACH DEVICE.THE N p (61 HOLDING TANKS TO BE LOCATED UNDER DRIVEWAYS,ROADS,PARKING AREAS OR AREAS SUB IN SUBJECT TO HEAVY LOADING SHALL NAMEPLATE DESCRIPTION SHALL BE INDICATED ON THE SCHEMATIC.ALL WIRING THE HOLDING TANK LEVEL ALARM LL BE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND H-20 HIGHWAY LOADS.CERTIFICATION OF LOAD CAPACITY SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY THE TANK SYSTEM CONTROL PANEL SHALL BE IN INDICATED IN A NEAT AND WORKMANLIKE MANNEE R.A COPY OF THE SCHEMATIC AND a a SEQUENCE OF OPERATION SHALL REMAIN WITH CONTROL PANEL THE ENCLOSURE SHALL BE MOUNTED IN A SUITABLE MANUFACTURER. a LOCATION N THE RESIDENCE. (7)THE HOLDING TANK SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE FOR A PUMPING VEHICLE.EVIDENCE OF AGREEMENT WITH A LICENSED _ '^ v PROFESSIONAL HAULER FOR PUMP OUT AND DISPOSAL IS NECESSARY PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF INSTALLATION. 1171 THE SOLENOID VALVE SMALL E A NORMALLY INCOMING OPEN MAN UNE.CLOSE)VALVE,H2O VOLTS ALTERNATING CURRENT AND U) (el THE HOLDING TANK SHALL BE REMOVED OR FILLED WITH AN INERT MATERIAL IF ABANDONED OR WHEN PUBLIC SEWERS ARE SHALL BE IT:STALLED IN THE RESIDENCE INCOMING MAIN WATER LINE.THE SIZE OF THE VALVE ORIFICE SHALL CORRESPOND w INSTALLED. WITH THE PIPE DIAMETER OF THE WATERLINE.WIRING TO THE SOLENOID SHALL BE SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST W EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. W � (18)ALL HOLDING TANKS MUST BE INSTALLED BELOW FINISHED GRADE OF THE SITE WITHIN A FIFTY-FOOT RADIUS OF THE I••' I INSTALLATION.THIS SECTION IS INTENDED TO PREVENT THE OCCURRENCE OF MOUNDING IN THE AREA OF THE z TANK[AMENDED 7-6-1998 BY LL NO.4-19981 j s C. OTHER APPLICABLE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN THIS PART T SHALL APPLY IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE > Y W O NI i Q Q2W CAT B SPGLnOK QN MO C-AL�� � � Of�Z� HOLDING TANK ALARM SYSTEM: Y J W Z TALK ALERT/ALARM PANEL WITH ALS-1100 SERIES LEVEL SENSOR AmHALnc �+ 'r�lLS�LAAD'�inc�}1°� W O j 7 SPECIFICATIONS: ALARM PLACEMENT: YAL €iI°s" USER O ALIT w U 0 a illy U i ALARMS AVAILABLE FOR HIGH OR LOW UOUID LEVEL WARNING WATERPROOF,UL LISTED ONE ALARM PER HOLDING TANK.ALARMS TO BE LOCATED WITHIN BUILDING G'�T LocAnoN a.anrnaN ecx d >LL Z s CABLE SPLICE KIT INCLUDED. INTERIOR PER ARCHITECT. d-:T LGC NOTE n w 0 W a VOLTAGE: PRIMARY 120V 60 Hz WITH 6 FT.LINE �A CORD.SECONDARY 12V 60 Hz. NOTES MOAT vrOrF w S o� WATTS: 6.5 WATT ALARM CONDITION. 1D=I�TPIGAL) d G 8).3 L 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LINE VOLTAGE AT SITE. w •I' NLL q !NE SLME fc 1H£INLET PIPE IraosuRe a in.x a In.x 2.5 in.(t 5.24cm. m uMiNous GE HElN THE REs oExnAL RECORD OF WORK DATE BY 10.16cm x 6.35c )NEMA 1 METAL 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK TO BE DONE IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THE ^waN UN/i AND THE NONINO TANK a ENCLOSURE ELECTRICAL KNOCKOUTS CURRENT EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. KDP soau TANK wcN To 9E r/4•PER n m eon Io/]6/S7 ou FOR DIRECT WIRE OPTIONS ARE OR EQUAL LEVEL TLOAT F STANDARD ON THE ENCLOSURE. 3, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING ALL APPLICABLE o ELECTRIC AND PLUMBING CODES AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. """"""" "' 6'TO...................... ER ALARM SWITCH CONNECTION TERMINAL 1 AMP,24 VAC. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS,GRADES,PIPE INVERTS "•" PEA GRAWLL OR w AN D ELEVATIONS AND REVIEW WITH ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CRUSHI STONE J MAFM HORN: 87 DECIBELS AT 10 FT. SECTION VIEW eEDDING LAYER �¢ S. CONTRACTOR TO COMPLY WITH ALL OSHA AND OTHER STATE AND LOCAL. � ALARM FLOAT: S.J.ELECTRO SYSTEMS,INC. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION. SCALE: j ( ) NOT TO SCALE w ALS-80IM SERIES MULTI LEVEL SWITCH LEVEL SENSOR BUILT TO ORDER QUr_.E J 1/2'NPT STEM TANK SIZE MAX DWIO TIEPIN•A'TANK DIMENSIONS•B•%•C• •Q• HEIGHT j STAINLESS STEEL FLOATS(2)PART NUMBER A14569 zcoD ow a-�- e•-e•x,z•-o• r-e• r s'-^• SHEET TITLE: ' J-BOX,TO FIT 1/2"NPT MOUNTING STEM n OPTIONS:AUXILIARY DRY CONTACTS FOR REMOTE ALARM HOOK-UP. HOLDING TANK WASTEWATER w NOT TO SCALE DETAILS o i SHEET NO. 5 f i RESOLUTION APPROVING JOHN AND MARGARET MARKERT'S APPLICATION FOR SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCES RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 74,2421 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHEREAS, John and Margaret Ma.rkert (Applicants) filed an application for variances from provisions of the Town of Queensbury On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance, Chapter 136, §136-11 which requires applicants to obtain a variance.for holding tanks as the Applicants wish to install a holding tank system consisting of two (2) heavy duty 2,000 gallon capacity holding tanks, for a total capacity of 4,000 gallons, and WHEREAS, the Applicants have also applied for additional variances from Chapter 136 to allow placement of the holding tank(s): 1. 2' from the property line instead of the required 10' setback; 2. 4' from the property line instead of the required 10' setback; and 3. 6' from the foundation instead of the required 10' setback; on property located at 390 Cleverdale Road in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office published the Notice of Public Hearing in the Town's official newspaper and the Local Board of Health duly conducted a public hearing concerning the variance requests on Monday, November 15"', 2021, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office has advised that it duly notified all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property, 9 - j F NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that 1. due to the nature of the variances, the Local Board of Health determines that the variances would not be materially detrimental to the purposes and objectives of this Ordinance or other adjoining properties nor otherwise conflict with the purpose and objectives of any Town plan or policy; and 2. the Local Board of Health finds that the granting of the variances is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and are the minimum variances which would alleviate the specific unnecessary hardship found by the Local Board of Health to affect the Applicants; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health hereby approves the application of John and Margaret Markert for variances from the Sewage Disposal Ordinance to allow installation of a holding tank system consisting of two (2) heavy duty 2,000 gallon capacity holding tanks, for a total capacity of 4,000 gallons with placement of the holding tank(s) to be located: 1. 2' from the property line instead of the required 10' setback; 2. 4' from the property line instead of the required 10' setback; and 3. 6' from the foundation instead of the required 10' setback; on property located at 390 Cleverdale Road in the Town of Queensbury and bearing Tax Map No: 226.8-1-7, and BE IT FURTHER, r RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs.the Town Clerk to forward by certified mail a certified copy of this Resolution to the Adirondack Park Agency for its review, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that this approval Resolution shall not be effective until 30 days after such notice to the Adirondack Park Agency and shall be subject to review by the Adirondack Park Agency during such period. Duly adopted this 15e'day of November, 2021, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Freer, Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough,Mr. Metivier , 1 NOES None ABSENT: None i,Colleen Rathbun,Deputy Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury,Warren County, New York,do hereby certify that I hm compared the foregoing with the original resolution as listed above adopted at a ( meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Queea*q held on the )S"' day of is ov e�. r 20 a\,at which a quorum was present and that the same is a correcttrarrscdpt therefrom and of the whole original thered to date, IN WITNESS THEREOF,I have hereto set my hand and the SEAL of said Town of Queensbury,this pl-� day of tJpYe„l Q 20 c} EAL sIGNM. �- S Collin Rathbun Deputy Town Clerk Town of Quembury Dec. 6,2021 David Hatin, Director Building and Code Enforcement Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Re: Exemption from Septic Inspection, 390 Cleverdale Road Enclosed, please find 2 checks, one in the amount of$2,000.00 representing the$2,000.00 refundable deposit and the other in the amount of$275.00 representing the permit fee for our property at 390 Cleverdale Road, Cleverdale, NY 12820.Also enclosed is a copy of the approval resolution from the town (Resolution No: BOH 74, 2021)which was approved at the BOH hearing on Nov. 15th, 2021, along with a copy of the site plan that was presented to and approved by the BOH on Nov. 15th, 2021. As we discussed,the Property Transfer Sewage Disposal Information Form and the Exemption Waiver Request form will be signed by the buyers who will send it, along with their notarized note stating that they will complete installation of the system within 6 months of closing, directly to you.Therefore,this entire package for this property will be coming to you in 2 separate deliveries. Peg Markert - 14 Joanna Way Kinnelon, NJ 07405 (973) 809-6974 MM pegmarkert@optonline.net D (r O L Enc: Property Transfer Sewage disposal form/ Proposed Wastewater Improvements Plan DEC 09 2021 TOWN OF QUEENSSU • 1 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM EXEMPTION COMPLIANCE LETTER Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.gueensbury.net Date: 9 December 2021 To: Margaret and John Markert(sellers) and Ashley and Jeffrey Hole (buyers) (Requestor) Re: System Inspection Site Report for: 390 Cleverdale Rd, Town of Queensbury,.NY (Site Address) The buyers of the above-referenced parcel has submitted to the Town of Queensbury an exemption request which includes a notarized letter stating the existing septic system within 6 months of 28 December 2021 or before 1 June 2022,whichever is sooner. The seller has submitted a waiver deposit of$2000.00. If, however, the new OWTS has not been installed with passing septic inspections within 6 months of 28 December 2021 or before 1 June 2022, whichever is sooner, the $2000.00 waiver deposit will be forfeited. Sincerely, David A. Hatin, Director Building& Code Enforcement Town of Queensbury /kd Building&Codes Enforcement