Rist Frost Engineering.04.24.1998: 21.98 14:15 =518 793 4148 tt151 rxuSE RFA R IST-FROST ASSOCIATES, P.C. TEL S18J93-4!sl CC NSOLTING ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS rA% 518-793-4'44 April 24,1998 RFA #89-5000.012 RCus Mr. Chris Round fown of Queensbr ay Office Building 142 Bay Road Quccnsbury, NY 12804 Re: Site Plan 1, o. 12-98 Jewel's Dc nuts, Inc. Dear Mr. Round, We have reviewe i the documents sent with the above referenced application and have the following conunen ts: 1 Entrance and exit details are subject to the approval of the Warren County and To";: Highway Depa rtntents. 2. The grading p an should he revised or clarified to clearly collect and contain all pavemeni drainage and d ;liver it to the proposed catch basins and drywells. The drainage should also Le diverted from i he sewage disposal field 3 Information or the determination of the level or absence of seasonal high ground watcr as iv relates to the d rywells should be submitted. Please call if you h ave any questions. Very truly yours, RIST-FROST AS: �OCIATES, P.C. William J. cvand4 �wski, P.E. Senior Vice President WfLftl cc R- Jones (lax 793-2221) 313 GUN STREET - PO 80x 838 • GLFNS FALLS, NY IZ801 aO IU:J4 -p-orc iNJ 4140 Kl Ji rKuJl _ RFAIIST-FROST ASSOCIATES, P.C. C ONSULTING ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS TEL 518 793-4: <'. FAX 518-793-4':4i April 27, 1998 RFA #89-5000.012 RUS Mr Chris Round Town of Queensb try Office Building 742 Bay Road Queensbury, ATY 12804 Re: Site Plan P o. 12-98 Jewel's Dc nuts, Inc. Dear Mr. Round We have an additional contaient relative to the above referenced application that we omitted from our April 24, 1995 letter. The calculi tions for the length of sewage laterals required, appear to be incorrect and 420 square feet are required instead of 400. Individual lateral lengths should not exceed sixTv (60) feet fr r gravity distribution. Please call if you I ive any questions. Very truly yours, RIST-FROST ASSOCIATES, P.C. 1 � n William J. 1- vandowski, P-E. Senior Vice Presid -nt WJL/tl cc R. Jones (f ax 793-2223) 333 GLEN STREE • P.O. 30X 838 • GLENS fArrS, NY 72807