Debriefing Notes for 12/15/2022PLANNING BOARD DEBRIEFING NOTES December 15, 2022 Members Present- Traver, Dixon, Deeb, Stark, Etu, Magowan, Longacker, Alternate Members Present- Stefanzik, McDevitt Administrative Items: Training 5pm – 6:30pm Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals with Mark Schachner from Election of Officers 7:02 Steve Traver as Chair, David Deeb as Vice Chair and Michael Dixon as Secretary SP 68-2022, FWW 13-2022 & SUP 6-2022 FADEN ENTERPRISES, 1471 State Route 9 7:03 Ward 1. Applicant proposes removal of an existing building on the site to construct 3 new buildings and associated site work. The project includes one building of 8,355 sq ft that is designated as 3 tenant spaces: 2,000 sq ft for a drive-thru, 2,500 sq ft for a restaurant, and 3,855 sq ft for retail space. The second and third buildings will contain a total of 24 units of self-storage in 3,480 sq ft. Each building will be 1,740 sq ft and have 12 units. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040, 179-10-040, & 94, site plan for new commercial development and self-storage facility, hard surfacing within 50 ft of a shoreline/wetlands, freshwater wetlands permit, and special use permit for self-storage facility shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Table until January 24, 2023. Status: Application tabled to January 24, 2023. Tabled 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant is working with Army Corp for wetland location confirmation SPDES: Y / N Old Business: SP 76-2022 3 SONS AND HOLLY LLC, 28 Holly Lane 7:04 Ward 1. (Revised) Applicant proposes alterations to an existing home and site. The project includes a 416 sq ft addition to an existing home with a 1,275 sq ft footprint. There is to be a new 72 sq ft porch and a new 200 sq ft porch with a new floor area of 3,225 sq ft. Site work includes installation of an on-grade paver patio area with stone slab path enlarging the fire pit area and reduction of hard surface is also proposed. Additionally, there is to be a rain garden and shoreline plantings added to the site. There is no change to the existing 1,152 sq ft floor area of the garage and living space. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040, 179-6-065, 147, and 179-4-080, site plan for new floor area in a CEA, expansion of a non-conforming structure, and hard surfacing within 50 ft of the shoreline shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Status: Application tabled to January 24, 2023. Tabled 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit revised information by December 19, 2022. SPDES: N SP 75-2022 LOREEN HARVEY/KASSELMAN SOLAR, 1516 Ridge Road 7:05 Ward 1. Applicant and agent have withdrawn this project. Follow Up: No further action necessary. SUB (P) 12-2022 & FWW 17-2022 Paul Nasrani, 790 Bay Road 7:06-7:24 Ward 1. Applicant proposes a 3 lot subdivision of a 6.29 acre parcel. Lot 1 will be 2.13 acres with house, lot 2 will be 2.08 acres and lot 3 would be 2.27 acres. Two new houses to be constructed on the remaining lots. The project includes a new shared driveway for the second and third lots. The new sites will have onsite septic and connect to the existing municipal water. Pursuant to chapter 183, 179-3-040 and 94, subdivision of 3 lots and site work within 100 ft of freshwater wetlands shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Status: Application approved with the final plans to note the conditions of the Zoning Board for County review of the driveway and Fire Marshal review of the driveways for emergency access. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit plans for engineering review then future Final Plan stage. SPDES: N SP 77-2022 ADIRONDACK RETIREMENT SPECIALISTS, 310 Bay Road 7:25-7:31 Ward 2. Applicant proposes to complete access renovations and other alterations to an existing two story building. The plans indicate that there are two South side entry porches to be renovated, a new entryway to be created on the North side and a renovation of the West side first story area. The building will maintain a 3,215 sq ft footprint. The existing porch areas to be improved with 360 sq ft of new porch areas. Pursuant to chapter 179-3-040, site plan for alterations and new construction to a building in the CI zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Status: Application approved with applicant noting the light fixtures to be down cast. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature. SPDES: N New Business: SUB (P) 4-2022, SUB (F) 15-2022 & FWW 6-2022 JEFFREY & JOANNE MANN 3 LOT, 76 Pickle Hill Rd, Ward 1. 7:32-7:40 Applicant proposes a 3 lot residential subdivision of a 17.1 acre parcel for preliminary and final stage. The lot sizes are: Lot 6 to be 3.84 acres, lot 7 to be 4.1 acres, and lot 8 to be 9.2 acres. Lot 8 contains access to Pickle Hill Road including easements for shared access to Pickle Hill Road for lots 6 and 7. The project site contains APA wetlands, stream, and slopes greater than 20%. Pursuant to chapter 183 and chapter 94, subdivision for 3 lots, wetland permit and work within 100 ft of wetlands shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit information for engineering review then mylars for signature. SPDES: Y- major stormwater SUB (P) 5-2022, SUB (F) 14-2022, & FWW 7-2022 JEFFREY & JOANNE MANN 95 LOT), Bay Road & Pickle Hill Road, Ward 1. 7:41-7:46 Applicant proposes a 5 lot residential subdivision of a 35.23 acre parcel for preliminary and final stage. The lots would be divided as follows: Lot 1 to be 6.37 acres, lot 2 at 5.96 acres, lot 3 to be 7.21 acres, lot 4 to be 3.63 acres with access to Bay Road not Pickle Hill, and lot 5 at 11.57 acres. Lot 4 contains an existing barn and shed that will remain. Project site work contains APA wetland areas. Pursuant to Chapter 183 and Chapter 94, subdivision of 5 lots, and wetlands permit for site work within 100 ft of wetlands shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Status: Application approved noting lot 4 will have access to Bay Road not through Lot 3. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to submit information for engineering review then mylars for signature. SPDES: Y – major stormwater Adjourn: 7:48 (26 planning board meetings in 2022