09-25-2012 <7r"O", Queensbury Planning Board Agenda Second Regular Meeting–Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - REVISED Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road 1.0 PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS TO ZBA: Applicant(s) CURTIS&TAMARA Application Type Site Plan 58-2012 CARSTENSEN Owner(s) I Same as applicant SEAR Type I II Agent(s) I Jarrett Engineers I Lot size 1 0.17 acres Location I 18 Holly Lane I Zoning Classification I WR Tax ID No. li 239.12-2-60 I Ordinance Reference I 179-9 Cross Reference AV 49-12 I Warren Co. Referral Yes Public Hearing I Not required I APA, CEA, Other I L G CEA Protect Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes to remove existing concrete walk and stairs and replace with new patio, stairs, and dry laid stone wall resulting in +/-564 sq. ft. of total impervious surface. Removal of vegetation within 35 feet of shoreline and hard surfacing within 50' of shoreline requires Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Shoreline setback and permeability relief. The Planning Board shall make a recommendation to the ZBA. Applicant(s) LEGACY LAND HOLDINGSJ Application Type Site Plan 59-2012 LLC L7 Freshwater Wetlands 4-2012 Owner(s) I Same as applicant SEQR Type I Unlisted Agent(s) I H. Thomas Jarrett, P.C. —IrLot size 1 28.1 acres Location Gentry Lane Extensi Zoning Classification I+ 0-Office Tax ID No. 296.15-1-2 Lordinance Reference 179-9; Chapter 94 Cross Reference AV 43-12 f Warren Co. Referral Yes Public Hearing I Not required �APA, CEA, Other I DEC Wetlands, NWI Wetlands Protect Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes construction of 176 apartment units in 29 buildings. Multi-family construction in an Office zone and hard surfacing with 50 feet of a shoreline requires Planning Board review and approval. Freshwater Wetlands: Disturbance within 100' feet of a regulated wetland requires Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Shoreline setback relief. The Planning Board shall make a recommendation to the ZBA. 2.0 EXPEDITED REVIEW: Applicant(s) KENNETH WHITE Application Type Site Plan 53-2012 HEIDI TAFLAN Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEQR Type f II Agent(s) Same as applicant I� Lot size 0.53 acres Location 150 Russell Harris Road I Zoning Classification I WR Tax ID No. I F240.5-1-5 I Ordinance Reference I� 179-5-060 Cross Reference BP 2012-336 Warren Co. Referral I Yes Public Hearing _ �F9125112012 APA, CEA, Other J L G CEA Protect Description: Applicant proposes a like-kind replacement of a 546 sq. ft. dock with a 510 sq. ft. sundeck. Boathouse in a WR zone requires Planning Board review and approval. 3.0 TABLED ITEMS: Applicant(s) GREGG BROWN& Application Type Site Plan 40-2012 LIZABETH BITNER Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEAR Type II Agent(s) Bartlett Pontiff Stewart& Lot size 0.63 acres Rhodes; Michael Bird, Adirondack Design Location 31 Knox Road I Zoning Classification I WR Tax ID No. 239.7-1-7 I Ordinance Reference J 179-9 Cross Reference AV 33-12,AV 9-08, SP 14-07, Warren Co. Referral July 2012 AV 59-96, SP 44-92 Public Hearing /24/12;Tabled to 912512012 I� APA, CEA, Other I APA, LGPC, LG CEA Protect Description: Applicant proposes renovation to existing 1,076 sq. ft. one bedroom boathouse to include installation of hip roof and reconfiguration of living space resulting in a +/-786 sq. ft. studio with +/-290 sq. ft. sundeck. Boathouse in the WR zone requires PB review and approval. Applicant(s) VMJR COMPANIES Application Type Subdivision 1-2011 & FWW 1-2011 Preliminary Stage Owner(s) �� Forest Enterprise Mgmt. I SEAR Type le Type I Agent(s) FMJ Engineering I Lot size 1 6.39 &84+/-acres Location Quaker Rd./Queensbury Ave I Zoning Classification I CLI-Comm. Light Ind. Tax ID No. 303.11-1-4,303.15-1-25.2 I Ordinance Reference I Chapter A-183 Cross Reference SP 65-10, SP 49-10 Public Hearing r 4/26,5/31, 7/26, 9/20 11/15/11; APA, CEA, Other DEC,ACOE 1/17/12, 3/20, 4/17, 6/21, 8/21 Tabled to 9/25/2012 Project Description: Subdivision: Applicant proposes subdivision of an 84 +/-acre parcel into five (5) commercial lots ranging in size from 6.50 acres to 30.10 acres with 10.36 +/-acres proposed as open space. Further, extension of Quaker Ridge Boulevard to access main parcel proposed. Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval. Freshwater Wetlands: Proposed construction within 100 feet of wetlands[Big Cedar Swamp] requires Planning Board review and approval. 4.0 OLD BUSINESS REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARING Applicant(s) I NSB HOSPITALITY I Application Type I Site Plan 54-2012 Owner(s) I Aftab Bhatti-Quality Inn I SEQR Type I II Agent(s) Gary Hughes I Lot size ' 1.01 acres Location 1449 St. Rte. 9-Rodeway Inn Zoning Classification I CI rTax ID No. IF88-1-56 I Ordinance Reference I 179-9 Cross Reference AV 48-12, SP 33-11,AV 24- Warren Co. Referral Yes 11 Public Hearing 912512012 i Project Description: Applicant proposes a 942 +/-sq.ft. expansion to existing office/lobby to include a 164 +/-sq.ft. handicapped ramp and 80 +/-sq.ft. canopy. Further, applicant proposes 2,062+/-sq.ft. of decks and landings to existing motel building. Expansion of a Motel in the Cl zone requires Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) THOMAS& MARY BETH Application Type Site Plan 55-2012 BABCOCK Owner(s) I Same as applicant I SEAR Type I II f Agent(s) I Robert Napoli Lot size 1 0.17 acres Location I 15 Chestnut Road � Zoning Classification I WR Tax ID No. 1 289.13-1-12 [Ordinance Reference I 179-9 Cross Reference AV 45-12,AV 73-90, SP 35-88A, ] Warren Co. Referral N/A AV 1415; BP 91-379,88-832 Public Hearing JI 9/25/2012 ]� APA, CEA, Other Glen Lake CEA, NWI Wetlands Protect Description: Applicant proposes 168 sq. ft. addition to existing single family home. Expansion of a non-conforming structure in a CEA requires Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) THOMAS VALENTINE; Application Type Site Plan 56-2012 JOHN CELESTE Owner(s) Same as applicant I SEQR Type I II Agent(s) Michael J. O'Connor, Esq. FLot size I 0.66 acres Location 83C Pilot Knob Road �Zoning Classification I WR-Waterfront Residential Tax ID No. 227.18-1-12 I Ordinance Reference I 179-9 Cross Reference AV 44-12, BP 12-279, BP 93- Warren Co. Referral Yes 170 FPublic Hearing 1 9/25/2012 I APA, CEA, Other I L G CEA,APA Wetlands Project Description: Applicant has renovated and vertically expanded a +/- 852 sq. ft. existing residential structure. Expansion of a non-conforming structure in a CEA requires Planning Board review and approval. 5.0 NEW BUSINESS: Applicant(s) JAMES VALASTRO D/B/A Application Type Site Plan 60-2012 ADIRONDACK BAR&GRILL Owner(s) Same as applicant I SEAR Type II Agent(s) I Same as applicant Lot size 2.74 acres Location I 982 State Route 149 Zoning Classification I NC-Neighborhood Commercial Tax ID No. l+ 279.-1-9 Ordinance Reference I 179-9 Cross Reference I BP 03-971, 02-048 Warren Co. Referral Yes Public Hearing F 9/25/2012 Protect Description: Applicant proposes to enlarge a 567 sq. ft. existing deck by 1,002 sq. ft. resulting in an overall outdoor seatin91 deck of 1,569 sq.ft. Commercial expansion in the NC zone requires Planning Board review and approval. Applicant(s) MIKE BARBONE Application Type I Special Use Permit 72-2012 Owner(s) II East Slope Holding, L.P. I SEAR Type Unlisted Agent(s) Ski West Mountain I Lot size 365.43 acres Location f 59 West Mountain Road Zoning I Tax ID No. �307.-1-29 I Ordinance Reference I 179-10 Cross Reference _I SP 34-11 I Warren Co. Referral I Yes Public Hearing ]'912512012 Project Description: Applicant proposes a multi-day music festival outdoor concert, foot & merchandise, vendors and camping. An Outdoor Concert event in the RC zone requires Planning Board review and approval. Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board