Final As Built Plan Stamped Survey Plan-Hardware WQL. Office Use Only ADDITION/ALTERATION.PERMIT Permit#:.: CAPPLICATIONPTo . Permit Fee $. . 742:Bay Road,Queensbu_M NY 12804 Invoice#: G P:518-761-8256. www:aueensburv.net y� 1 Flood Zone? Y Reviewed By.. Project'Location: 43 Everts.Avenue Q V D _ .Tax Map ID#: 302.12A645 Subdivision Na MAY. Z:O .ZO22 TOWN OF.QUEENSBURY • BUILDING& CODES PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE: Residential X Commercial, Proposed Use: Single-Family :: _Two-Family.-.. Multi. (#of-units . . ) . - Townhouse. Business.Office Retail . X -Industrial/Warehouse. Garage of cars_) Other.(describe . ADDITION SQUARE FOOTAGE: ALTERATION SQUARE FOOTAGE: .1st floor: 3.000 1st floor:. : . . .. 2 "d floor::: 2nd floor:, . 3rd floor: V floor:. . ,: Basement(habitable space): ': Basement (habitable space): Totals ft 3000: Total s q.. q ft:. . A. .Scope of-work to be'-done- Pre=engineered building storage addition.50'x60'. -Addition/Alteration Application' Revised January 2021 ADDITIONAL,PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of.Construction:$ 220;000 I Source of:Heat (circle one): X .Gas : . .. Oil Propane Solar . Other Fireplaces/inserts need a separate:Fuel Burning Appliances, &.Chimney.Application 3. Are there any structures not shown onthe.plot plan?. ._YES X NO Explain::: 4. Are.there:any.easements:on the property? _YES X- :NO. SITE INFORMATION: • Is:this a corner lot? : YES X-NO: Will the'grade'be changed as a.result of the construction? YES.. X .NO. 0 What.is the:water sourceT X-PUBLIC: . :. : PRIVATE WELL .� : What type,of wastewater.system.is on the.pa.rcel? X . SEWER __ PRIVATE SEPTIC DECLARATION: i. 1 acknowledge that rio.construction shall be-commenced prior to the issuance of a valid permit.and will be completed within a-12 month:period..Any changes to the approved plans prior to/during construction will require . ....the submittal.of amended.plans,additional reviews.and re=approval.. 2. If,for any reason,the building permit application is withdrawn,30%of the:fee is retained-by the Town of Queensbury-After 1 yearfrom the initial application date, 100%ofthe.fee is.retained: 3. :if the work is:not:completed by the:1 year: expiration -date:the permit rnay. be renewed, subject.to fees and department approval. ..' 4.::I certify that the application,'plans,and supporting.materials area true and a complete statement and/or.descfl' ion ofthe Work:proposed.-that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS.Building Codes,.local building.laws and ordinances; and in conformance.With local "zoning regulations: 5. I' acknowledge that prior to. occupying the.facilities.proposed I; or,my agents, will obtain a .certificate of .occupancy., . . . 6. :I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey:by a licensed land surveyor.ofall.newly constructed:facilities prior to issuance of acertificate.ofoccupancy: have.read and agree to the.above: . PRINT NAME::: . :Tim Barber. SIGNATURE:: 2DATE:. 5/20/22 . .. .. Addition/Alteration Application Revised January 2021. CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN. EMAIL "Applicant::. . . JAG I LLC Mailing Ad.dress;:C/s/Z:_ 8-Blue Lupine Lane,Wilton:NY"12831 Cell Phone: ) Land:Line: 518 - ) 812-0808 Email:_ .timWa99roupllc:com Primary:Owner(s): . Name(s): Fenssgen.Hardware Mailin Address "C S Z 43 everts.Ave Queensbury.NY 12804 Cell_Phone.: :(. ) Land-Line:: Email: mattna henssgenhaidware.com 0. Check if:all work will be performed:by.property owner.or�ly. �. Contractor(s): (List all additional.contractors onthe back of."this,form) Contact.Names) JAG I LLG Contractor.Trade: : General coritractor " Mailing Address;"C/S/Z:. 8 Blue Lupine Lane, Wilton NY 12831 Cell:Phone: ._) Land. Line: 518 :.) 812=0808" : Email:." ** . Workers' Comp documdritation must be.subm-fitted with this application**: • "-Architect(s)/En�ineer(s): BusinessName :_MRH.en4ineerin4 P:C:" - Contact:Name s : Michael Hutsenpiller.P.E. Mai ing Address,C/S/Z:' ._Bay"berry drive Que'ensbury'NY"12804 Cell Phone: ( ) hand.Line.: 518.: ) 7924042 Email:. mrhengiaaiol.com. Contact"Person.foe Compliance,in regard's to_this project Tim barber. . Cell Phone: ( 5.10 ) :361=1254 Land Line:".' . 518: ) 812=0808 x-8 Email:_. aim iaaoiouallc.com Addition/Alteration Application' . Revised January.2021 . FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Town of Queensburyj 742 Bay Road, Queensburyy, NY 12804 "Horne of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " PLAN REVIEW Henssgen Hardware 43 Everts Avenue CC-0309- 2022 FILE CO PY 6/2/2022 New Warehouse The following comments are based on review of drawings: • Verify fire extinguisher location, Fire extinguishers will be install as required and verified on walkthrough. • Verify storage at time of CO walk through No storage racking to be installed. • Exit and Emergency lighting will be verified, including exterior emergency lighting. All breakers clearly marked for function test of the fixtures. will comply. • Carbon Monoxide detection required Detectors will be installed. No resubmittal required per Mike P. • Locks /latches on egress doors to be compliant with Chapter 10 of the IFC. Key locks and thumb turns are not accepted. Lever locks will be used to comply with this. • Knox Box needs to be provided, with an entry key for FD access Knox box will be ordered and installed. Michael J Palmer Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 firemarshal@queensbury.net Fi r e M a r s It a I 's Off i c e • P It o it e: 518-761-8206 • F a s: 518-745-4437 flrerttarshal@gueensbitni.net - 7MMqueensbunlmet I Project Job Ref. ANY Teklao I T eddy Henssgen Hardware-17'76"Eave Metal Building 22-07 Section Sheet no./rev.. MRH Engineering, P.C. . Design Calculations 20 Bayberry Drive 1: Queensbury,New York Calc.by Date Chk'd:by' . Date App'd by Date.. 12804 MRH 1/1722. . MRH 1/1722 MRH 1/1722 . : Fourdation Design • Code Load Combineations (ASD) _ Ic L5 1. Dead+Coll-+ Live 2. . Dead.+Coll+.Show MAY 2 0 2022 I Dead+Coll'+.75Snow+.45Wind 4. Dead+Coll+.75Snow-..45Wind W{�I OF QUEEN BURY. 5. Dead+Coll_+.75Snow+.53EQ TOBUILDING&CODF8 6. Dead+Coll+'.75Snow-.53EQ 7: :6Dead+.Coll+.:6Wind 8. :6Dead_+Coll--.6Wnd 9: . ..6Dead+Coll+.7EQ FILE 10 :6Dead+Coll-.7EQ Foundation A/Al Design (See.Nucor foundation.load,printout at Col Line A/1,A/3 and foundation plan drawing) 1. Dead:+Coll+Live=; 1+ 1 +2=4.000;kips 2. Dead:+Coll+Snow=;.1-+.1 +3=5.000; kips 3. Dead+Coll+.75Snow+::45Wind 1 +_1 +.75,*,3+.45*-3 2.900; kips. 4: ,Dead+:Coll:+..75Snow--.45Wind=; 1 + 1 +:.751*3-.45*-3 5:600- kips Governs 5. :Dead:+Coll+.75Snow+.53EQ=; 1 + 1:+:75'*3+.53*'0.:=4;250;.kips 6. bead+Coll+'.75Snow-.53EQ 1 +1 +.75*3-.53*0. =4.250; kips 7. .6(Dead+Coll)+'.6Wnd=; .6«(1+ 1)'+.6*.-3 . 0:600;'.kips .8.- ;.6(Dead+Coll)-.6Wind:=;:6`(1.+ 1)-.6*.-3. =3.000;kips;: 9.. .6(Dead+Coll)+:7EQ=; .6*(1 + 1):+:7*0 =.:1.200;kips . . 10. '.6(Dead+Coll):-.7EQ=; .6".(1 +.l)-:.7*-0 =.1.200;kips - Load has.a net uplift:The weight of:the.footer, pier and soil over the footer,will be dsed.to resist the uplift.The total footer and soil weight is=.footer.weight+pier Weight+soil weight 3:33*3.0:*1.0*A5.+1:33* 1.17*3.5*.15+(3.33*3:00.-1.33*1.17)*3.5*.110=5.563; kips>.-.600kips OK Foundation'B/B1 Design .(See Nucor foundation load printout:at Col Line A/2 arid D/.2.and foundation plan drawing). 1. 'Dead:+Coll 4-'Live=; 5+5+ 12=22.000;:kips . 2. . :Dead.+Coll+Snow=;5+5+30=40.000; kips 3. Dead+Coll+.75Snow+ .45Wind=; 5+5+.75*30+.45*_=19 23.950;kips 4. Dead+Coll+.:75Snow=.45Wind=;.5+5+.75*,30-..4.5*=.19 =:41.050;kips.Governs 5. -Dead:+.Coll+..75Snow+.53EQ=; '5'+5+.75-*.30+:53*1 =33.030;kips- . . . .6.; . Dead:+Coll+.75Snow:-.53EQ=;.5.+54.75*30+:53*-1 =31.970; kips 7.. .6(Dead+Coll)+:.6Wind=; .6*.(5+5)+..6*-19.'_-5.400; kips. 8. ..6(Dead+Coll)-..6Wind=; .6" (5+5).-.6*-19 =17.400;kips 9.„ .6(Dead+.Coll)+.7EQ .6*.(5-+5)+.7* 1 =6.700;kips 10 .6(Dead+.Coll)-.7EQ=; .6*(5+5),-.7*1 =5.300; kips 302.12-1-45 CC-0309-2022 Henssgen Hardware 43 Everts Ave. Commercial Addition - Storage Bldg. Project Job Ref. .� TeklamTedds Henssgen Hardware- -6"Eave Metal Building 22-07 MRH Engineering; P.C. Section Sheet no./rev. zo Bayberry Drive Design:Calculations 2: Queensbury,New York- .: Calc.by. Date Cfik'd.by Date App'd by Date.. 12ao4 MRH 1/1722. MRH 1/1722 MRH 1/1722 Load 7 has:a net uplift.The weight of the footer;:pier.and soil over the.footer will:be used to resist the uplift.The total footer and soil weight is=footer weight+pier weight•+:soil weight 4:00*.4.00* 1.0*.15+1.17.*_1.33*3.5*-_15+.(4.0*4.0-.1.17* 1.33)*3.5*.:110=9.778-kips>5.46 kips . . OK Foundation C/C1 Design-.(See Nuoor.foundation load printout at Col 13/.1;C/1, B/3 and/3 and foundation plan drawing) 1. Roof Dead+.Coll+Live=;2+2+6=10.000;kips 2. . Roof Dead+Coll+Snow=;2+2+.1.0=:14.000;kips 3: Dead+•Coll+.75Snow+.45Wind=;:2+2+.75.*10+.45*-1.0:=7.000; kips 4: Dead+Coll+.75Snow =.45Wnd=;2+2+:75 10 -:45*.-io =,.16.600; kips Governs 5: Dead+Coll+.75Snow+.53EQ=;.2+2+ .75*10,+:53* 1..=12.030;kips 6. Dead+.Coll+.75Snow- ':53EQ 24 2+.75* 10.+:53*.-1 =:10.970; kips. 7. 6(Dead+Coll)+.6W nd._; .6.*. (2+,2):+.6*-10 -3.600; kips 8. : ..6(Dead+Coll)_.6Wrid:=; .6*(2+.2)-.6*-10. 8:400;kips 9: :6(D'ead+Coll)+:7EQ=;:6,*•(2+2):+.7*:T =3..100; kips. .10. :6(Dead+Coll)-.7EQ .6*(2:+2)-:7.* 1.=1.700;:kips Foundation D 7 D1 Design (Use.the same loads as Foundation A/A1) Hairpin Deslari at Column Linen/D Horizontal load=_Dead+Coll.+:Snow=;3+3+.17=23.600; kips . Use 1 did. hairpins. Hairpin tension load;'23/.(2-*.707)_16.266;kips Allowable#8 hairpin tension load .79*24 18.960;kips>:16.266 kips•OK ' Page 1/2 Concrete Footing Design Job: Jag-Henssgen Hardware Designed By: MRH JR Description: Fdn AM Checked By: Time: 9:07 PM 1/17/2022 Program: Spread Footing Design 0.2 Code:ACI 2008 SOIL DATA CONCRETE DATA COLUMN DATA Max. Vert Press. = 3.000 K /Ft ^2 Flo = 3.000 K /In ^2 Fla = 3.000 K /In ^2 Max. Flexural Press. = 3.000 K /Ft ^2 Density = 150.000 Lb/Ft ^3 X Dim. = 16.000 In Density = 110.000 Lb/Ft ^3 Fy = 60.000 K /In ^2 Z Dim. = 14.000 In Phi Angle = 30.000 Deg X Offset = 0.000 Ft Coeff. of Friction = 0.330 Z Offset = 0.000 Ft Cohesion = 0.000 Lb/Ft ^2 SURCHARGE DATA Ftg. Depth = 4.500 Ft +X,+Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 FS Uplift = 1.500 +X,-Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 BASE PLATE DATA FS Overturning = 1.500 -X,-Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 X Dim. = 0.000 In FS Sliding = 1.500 -X,+Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 Z Dim. = 0.000 In C 0 L U M N L 0 A D D E S C R I P T I O N S COLUMN LOAD DESCRIPTION 1 Al/A3 L 0 A D C 0 M B I N A T I 0 N S LOAD COMBINATION DESCRIPTION 1 1.4D 2 1.2D + 1.61, + 0.5R 3 1.2D + L + 1.6R 4 1.2D + 0.6W + 1.6R 5 1.2D + L + 1.6W + 0.5R 6 1.2D + L + 1.4E + 0.2R 7 0.9D + 1.6W 8 0.9D + 1.4E 9 1.2D - 0.8W + 1.6R 10 1.2D + L - 1.6W + 0.5R 11 1.2D + L - 1.4E + 0.2R 12 0.9D - 1.6W 13 0.9D - 1.4E U N F A C T O R E D L O A D S I N P U T COLUMN LOAD No. 1 DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD WIND LOAD EARTHQUAKE LOAD ROOF LOAD Vertical = -2.000 K' 0.000 K 0.000 K 0.000 K -4.000 K Moment X = 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K Moment Z = 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K Horizontal X = 0.000 K Z = 0.000 K F O O T I N G 0 U T P U T FOOTING CHECK SHEAR STRESSES (ONE WAY) SHEAR STRESSES (TWO WAY) X Dimension = 3.330 Ft +X Area = 0.002 K /In ^2 +X Area = 0.006 K /In ^2 Z Dimension = 3.000 Ft -X Area = 0.002 K /In ^2 -X Area = 0.006 K /In ^2 Thickness = 12.000 In +Z Area = 0.001 K /In ^2 +Z Area = 0.006 K /In ^2 Max. Press. = 0.641 K /Ft ^2 -Z Area = 0.001 K /In ^2 -Z Area = 0.006 K /In ^2 Allow. = 0.082 K /In ^2 Allow. = 0.164 K /In ^2 Max. Pressure Governing Column = 1, Combination = 2 Footing is Adequate BOTTOM STEEL DESIGN (Parallel to X Axis) BOTTOM STEEL DESIGN (Parallel to Z Axis) Governing Column = Temp/Shrink Minimum Governing Column = Temp/Shrink Minimum Moment (+X Area) = 1.317 Ft-K Moment (+Z Area) = 1.232 Ft-K (-X Area) = 1.317 Ft-K (-Z Area) = 1.232 Ft-K Steel Required = 0.778 In^2 (Min) Steel Required = 0.863 In^2 (Min) C:22HardwareA 1/17/2022 s Page 2/2 Dist. to Centroid = 3.000 In Dist. to Centroid = 3.000 In Typical Spacings Typical Spacings 8 #3 Bars at 4.286 In. Centers (Anchor) 8 #3 Bars at 4.851 In. Centers (Anchor) 4 #4 Bars at 10.000 In. Centers (Anchor) 5 #4 Bars at 8.490 In. Centers (Anchor) 3 #5 Bars at 15.000 In. Centers (Anchor) 3 #5 Bars at 16.980 In. Centers (Anchor) Steel Distribution in the Short Dim. is Governed by ACI and Spacings Should be Modified Accordingly. QUANTITIES 14.831 Lbs of Steel'and 9.990 Ft^3 of Concrete. C:22HardwareA 1/17/2022 Page 1/2 Concrete Footing Design Job: Jag Hennsgen Hardware Designed By: NIM JR Description: Fdn B/B1 Checked By: Time: 8:54 PM 1/17/2022 Program: Spread Footing Design 0.2 Code:ACI 2008 SOIL DATA CONCRETE DATA COLUMN DATA Max. Vert Press. = 3.000 K /Ft ^2 PIC = 3.000 K /In ^2 F'c = 3.000 K /In ^2 Max. Flexural Press. = 3.000 K /Ft ^2 Density = 150.000 Lb/Ft ^3 X Dim. = 12.000 In Density = 110.000 Lb/Ft ^3 Fy = 60.000 K /In ^2 Z Dim. = 24.000 In Phi Angle = 30.000 Deg X Offset = 0.000 Ft Coeff. of Friction = 0.330 Z Offset = 0.000 Ft Cohesion = 0.000 Lb/Ft ^2 SURCHARGE DATA Ftg. Depth = 4.500 Ft +X,+Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 FS Uplift = 1.500 +X,-Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 BASE PLATE DATA FS Overturning = 1.500 -X,-Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 X Dim. = 0.000 In FS Sliding = 1.500 -X,+Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 Z Dim. = 0.000 In C O L U M N L O A D D E S C R I P T I O N S COLUMN LOAD DESCRIPTION 1 Dead + Collateral + Snow LOAD COMBINATIONS LOAD COMBINATION DESCRIPTION 1 1.4D 2 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5R 3 1.2D + L + 1.6R 4 1.2D + 0.8W + 1.6R 5 1.2D + L + 1.6W + 0.5R 6 1.2D + L + 1.4E + 0.2R 7 0.9D + 1.6W 8 0.9D + 1.4E 9 1.2D - O.8W + 1.6R 10 1.2D + L - 1.6W + 0.5R it 1.2D + L - 1.4E + 0.2R 12 0.9D - 1.6W 13 0.9D - 1.4E U N F A C T O R E D L O A D S I N P U T COLUMN LOAD No. 1 DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD WIND LOAD EARTHQUAKE LOAD ROOF LOAD Vertical = -10.000 K 0.000 K 0.000 K 0.000 K -30.000 K Moment X = 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K Moment Z = 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K Horizontal X = 0.000 K Z = 0.000 K F O O T I N G O U T P U T FOOTING CHECK SHEAR STRESSES (ONE WAY) SHEAR STRESSES (TWO WAY) X Dimension = 4.000 Ft +X Area = 0.026 K /In ^2 +X Area = 0.043 K /In ^2 Z Dimension = 4.000 Ft -X Area = 0.026 K /In ^2 -X Area = 0.043 K /In ^2 Thickness = 12.000 In +Z Area = 0.009 K /In ^2 +Z Area = 0.043 K /In ^2 Max. Press. = 2.540 K /Ft ^2 -Z Area = 0.009 K /In ^2 -Z Area = 0.043 K /In ^2 Allow. = 0.082 K /In ^2 Allow. = 0.164 K /In ^2 Max. Pressure Governing Column = 1, Combination = 2 Footing is Adequate BOTTOM STEEL DESIGN (Parallel to X Axis) BOTTOM STEEL DESIGN (Parallel to Z Axis) Governing Column = Temp/Shrink Minimum Governing Column = Temp/Shrink Minimum Moment (+X Area) = 16.875 Ft-K Moment (+Z Area) = 7.500 Ft-K (-X Area) = 16.875 Ft-K (-Z Area) = 7.500 Ft-K Steel Required = 1.037 In^2 (Min) Steel Required = 1.037 In^2 (Min) C:22HardwareB 1/17/2022 ' Page 2/2 Dist. to Centroid = 3.000 In Dist. to Centroid = 3.000 In Typical Spacings Typical Spacings 10 #3 Bars at 4.667 In. Centers 10 #3 Bars at 4.667 In. Centers 6 #4 Bars at 8.400 In. Centers 6 #4 Bars at 8.400 In. Centers (Anchor) 4 #5 Bars at 14.000 In. Centers 4 #5 Bars at 14.000 In. Centers (Anchor) QUANTITIES 24.696 Lbs of Steel and 16.000 Ft^3 of Concrete. C:22HardwareB 1/17/2022 Page 1/2 Concrete Footing Design Job: Jag-Henssgen Hardware Designed By: MRH JR Description: Footing Design C/Cl Checked By: Time: 9:24 PM 1/17/2022 Program: Spread Footing Design v3.2 Code:ACI 2008 SOIL DATA CONCRETE DATA COLUMN DATA Max. Vert Press. = 3.000 K /Ft ^2 Flo = 3.000 K /In ^2 Flo = 3.000 K /In ^2 Max. Flexural Press. = 3.000 K /Ft ^2 Density = 150.000 Lb/Ft ^3 X Dim. = 17.000 In Density = 110.000 Lb/Ft ^3 Fy = 60.000 K /In ^2 Z Dim. = 14.000 In Phi Angle = 30.000 Deg X Offset = 0.000 Ft Coeff. of Friction = 0.330 Z Offset = 0.000 Ft Cohesion = 0.000 Lb/Ft ^2 SURCHARGE DATA Ftg. Depth = 4.500 Ft +X,+Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 FS Uplift = 1.500 +X,-Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 BASE PLATE DATA FS Overturning = 1.500 -X,-Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 X Dim. = 0.000 In FS Sliding = 1.500 -X,+Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 Z Dim. = 0.000 In C O L U M N L O A D D E S C R I P T I O N S COLUMN LOAD DESCRIPTION 1 Dead + Snow LOAD COMBINATIONS LOAD COMBINATION DESCRIPTION 1 1.4D 2 1.2D + 1.61, + 0.5R 3 1.2D + L + 1.6R 4 1.2D + 0.8W + 1.6R 5 1.2D + L + 1.6W + 0.5R 6 1.2D + L + 1.4E + 0.2R 7 0.9D + 1.6W 8 0.9D + 1.4E 9 1.2D - O.SW + 1.6R 10 1.2D + L - 1.6W + 0.5R 11 1.2D + L - 1.4E + 0.2R 12 0.9D - 1.6W 13 0.9D - 1.4E U N F A C T O R E D L O A D S I N P U T COLUMN LOAD No. 1 DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD WIND LOAD EARTHQUAKE LOAD ROOF LOAD Vertical = -4.000 K 0.000 K 0.000 K 0.000 K -10.000 K Moment X = 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K Moment Z = 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K Horizontal X = 0.000 K Z = 0.000 K F O O T I N G O U T P U T FOOTING CHECK SHEAR STRESSES (ONE WAY) SHEAR STRESSES (TWO WAY) X Dimension = 3.330 Ft +X Area = 0.004 K /In ^2 +X Area = 0.014 K /In ^2 Z Dimension = 3.000 Ft -X Area = 0.004 K /In ^2 -X Area = 0.014 K /In ^2 Thickness = 12.000 In +Z Area = 0.003 K /In ^2 +Z Area = 0.014 K /In ^2 Max. Press. = 1.441 K /Ft ^2 -Z Area = 0.003 K /In ^2 -Z Area = 0.014 K /In ^2 Allow. = 0.082 K /In ^2 Allow. = 0.164 K /In ^2 Max. Pressure Governing Column = 1, Combination = 2 Footing is Adequate BOTTOM STEEL DESIGN (Parallel to X Axis) BOTTOM STEEL DESIGN (Parallel to Z Axis) Governing Column = Temp/Shrink Minimum Governing Column = Temp/Shrink Minimum Moment (+X Area) = 2.858 Ft-K Moment (+Z Area) = 2.913 Ft-K (-X Area) = 2.858 Ft-K (-Z Area) = 2.913 Ft-K Steel Required = 0.778 In^2 (Min) Steel Required = 0.863 In^2 (Min) C:22HardwareC-Cl 1/17/2022 Page 2/2 Dist. to Centroid = 3.000 In Dist. to Centroid = 3.000 In Typical Spacings Typical Spacings 8 #3 Bars at 4.286 In. Centers (Anchor) 8 #3 Bars at 4.851 In. Centers (Anchor) 4 #4 Bars at 10.000 In. Centers (Anchor) 5 #4 Bars at 8.490 In. Centers (Anchor) 3 #5 Bars at 15.000 In. Centers (Anchor) 3 #5 Bars at 16.980 In. Centers (Anchor) Steel Distribution in the Short Dim. is Governed by ACI and Spacings Should be Modified Accordingly. QUANTITIES 14.831 Lbs of Steel and 9.990 Ft^3 of Concrete. C:22HardwareC-Cl 1/17/2022 Page 1/2 Concrete Footing Design Job: Jag-Henssgen Hardware Designed By: MRH JR Description: Fdn D Checked By: Time: 9:36 PM 1/17/2022 Program: Spread Footing Design v3.2 Code:ACI 2008 SOIL DATA CONCRETE DATA COLUMN DATA Max. Vert Press. = 3.000 K /Ft ^2 F'C = 3.000 K /In ^2 F'c = 3.000 K /In ^2 Max. Flexural Press. = 3.000 K /Ft ^2 Density = 150.000 Lb/Ft ^3 X Dim. = 16.000 In Density = 110.000 Lb/Ft ^3 Fy = 60.000 K /In ^2 Z Dim. = 15.000 In Phi Angle = 30.000 Deg X Offset = 0.000 Ft Coeff. of Friction = 0.330 Z Offset = 0.000 Ft Cohesion = 0.000 Lb/Ft "2 SURCHARGE DATA Ftg. Depth = 4.500 Ft +X,+Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 FS Uplift = 1.500 +X,-Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 BASE PLATE DATA FS Overturning = 1.500 -X,-Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 X Dim. = 0.000 In FS Sliding = 1.500 -X,+Z Quadrant = 0.000 K /Ft ^2 Z Dim. = 0.000 In C O L U M N L O A D D E S C R I P T I O N S COLUMN LOAD DESCRIPTION 1 Dead + Snow LOAD COMBINATIONS LOAD COMBINATION DESCRIPTION 1 1.4D 2 1.2D + 1.61, + 0.5R 3 1.2D + L + 1.6R 4 1.2D + O.8W + 1.6R 5 1.2D + L + 1.6W + O.5R 6 1.2D + L + 1.4E + 0.2R 7 0.9D + 1.6W 8 0.9D + 1.4E 9 1.2D - O.8W + 1.6R 10 1.2D + L - 1.6W + 0.5R 11 1.2D + L - 1.4E + 0.2R 12 0.9D - 1.6W 13 0.9D - 1.4E UNFACTORED LOADS INPUT COLUMN LOAD No. 1 DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD WIND LOAD EARTHQUAKE LOAD ROOF LOAD Vertical = -2.000 K 0.000 K 0.000 K 0.000 K -3.000 K Moment X = 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K Moment Z = 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K 0.000 Ft-K Horizontal X = 0.000 K Z = 0.000 K F O O T I N G O U T P U T FOOTING CHECK SHEAR STRESSES (ONE WAY) SHEAR STRESSES (TWO WAY) X Dimension = 3.330 Ft +X Area = 0.001 K /In ^2 +X Area = 0.005 K /In ^2 Z Dimension = 3.330 Ft -X Area = 0.001 K /In ^2 -X Area = 0.005 K /In ^2 Thickness = 12.000 In +Z Area = 0.002 K /In ^2 +Z Area = 0.005 K /In ^2 Max. Press. = 0.491 K /Ft ^2 -Z Area = 0.002 K /In ^2 -Z Area = 0.005 K /In ^2 Allow. = 0.082 K /In ^2 Allow. = 0.164 K /In ^2 Max. Pressure Governing Column = 1, Combination = 2 Footing is Adequate BOTTOM STEEL DESIGN (Parallel to X Axis) BOTTOM STEEL DESIGN (Parallel to Z Axis) Governing Column = Temp/Shrink Minimum Governing Column = Temp/Shrink Minimum Moment (+X Area) = 1.077 Ft-K Moment (+Z Area) = 1.169 Ft-K (-X Area) = 1.077 Ft-K (-Z Area) = 1.169 Ft-K Steel Required = 0.863 In^2 (Min) Steel Required = 0.863 In^2 (Min) C:22HardwareD 1/17/2022 ' Page 2/2 Dist. to Centroid = 3.000 In Dist. to Centroid = 3.000 In Typical Spacings Typical Spacings 8 #3 Bars at 4.851 In. Centers (Anchor) 8 #3 Bars at 4.851 In. Centers 5 #4 Bars at 8.490 In. Centers (Anchor) 5 #4 Bars at 8.490 In. Centers (Anchor) 3 #5 Bars at 16.980 in. Centers (Anchor) 3 #5 Bars at 16.980 In. Centers (Anchor) QUANTITIES 16.624 Ibs of Steel and 11.089 Ft^3 of Concrete. C:22HardwareD 1/17/2022 COMcheck Software Version" ' Envelope. -Cormp ian. Certificate Project Information D .E C E 0 V -E Energy:Code: 2018 IECC Project.Title: Henssgen Hardware " MAY 2.0 2022 Location: Glens Falls;:New York' . : • Climate Zone:. : 6a TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Project.TYpe; Addition BUILDING &CODES Vertical Glazing/Wall-Area: 8%, REVIEWED FOR construction Site:. : --ENERGY � QMPLIANCE Des�gnericontraotor:.: 43.Everts:Avenue g6eensbury, NY 12804 Building Area . : Floor Area 1-Wareh6use:'Nonresidential. 3000 Envelope Assembliesopy LbFyt Asse Gross Area: Cavity Cont. Proposed : Budget U- ' or R-Value' .R-Value - actor , . Factor�a> Perimeter Roof 1:Other Metal:Building Roof,[Bldg.Use.1 -Warehouse].(b) 3000 =- 6.035 0.0 f Floor 1:Slab-OrnGrade:Unheated,.Vertical 4 ft:,[Bldg.Use.1-. 170 - 10.0 0.480 0.540 Warehouse],(c) EAST. Exterior Wall.1:Other Metal Building Wall,[Bldg:Use.1 904 - -- 0.052- - 0.052 ',Warehouse],(b : . .. Door 1:Insulated Metal;Garage door 14%glazing,[Bldg:Use:1-. 100 - —. 0.210 0.310 Warehouse] Door 2:Insulated Metal,Garage door 14%glazing,[Bldg.Use 1.­­ 100 — == 0..210 0:310 Warehouse]. . . _ Door4:Insulated,Metal,Swinging,[Bldg..Use 1-Warehouse] 21 =° .:, — 0.140. . 0.370 SOUTH: Exterior Wall 3:Other Metal BuildingWall; Bld Use.1:-. [ 9 0.052 . Warehouse](b) D I e Me aI Swin in Bld :Use:1 -Warehouse z I :+ —_Door 3: nsulat d t g .g;[ g ] `•2 :" 0.140 0.370 r- "Exterior Wall 2:Other Metal Building.Wall,[Bldg.Use'1_- :1125 -- 0.052 0.052 Warehouse](b) (a)Budget U-factors are used for software baseline calculations ONLY,and are not code requirements. (b)-'Other:coinponents require supporting documentation for -factors. (c)-Slab-On-Grade proposed and budget U-factors shown in table are. F-factors. 302.12-1-45 CC-0309-2022 Henssgen Hardware 43 Everts Ave. Commercial Addition - Storage Bldg. Project Title: Henssgen Hardware Report date: 03/28%22 Data filename: C:\Users\Larry\Documents\COMcheck\henssgen.cck Page_ 1 of 10 op ' ' better than code Envelope.Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed envelope design represented.in this document is consistent with the building.plans,. .,specifications, and other.talcUlations.submitted.with:this permit application.The proposed envelope systems have been designed to meet,the 2018 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version and to comply with any applicable mandatory .requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist:: . Name-Title Signature Date. Project Title: Henssgen Hardware . Report date: 03/28/22 Data filename:. C:\Users\Larry\Documents\COMcheck\henssgen.cck Page. .2 of 10 CO.Mcheck Software Version 4 J.5.3 - Inspection ec ist - . Energy Code: 2018:IECC. Requirements:.0.0%o were addressed directly in the-COMch-eck software Text in the ''Corrlments/Assumptions":column i•s provided by the user in.the COMcheck Requirements screen..For each requirement;the:user.certifies that a.code requiremerit will be met and how that isAdcumented, or that:an exception is being claimed._Where compliance is itemized,in a 'separate table, a reference to that table is provided. . Section # Plan Review- Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C103:2 ;Plans and/or specifications provide all .;❑Complies• [PR1]l. . iinformation with-which compliance:. ❑Does Not'.:- can be determined for the building: _ IDN,ot Observable; envelope and document where. exceptions to the standard are ❑Not Applicable. ;claimed. C402.4.1 .;The vertical fenestration area<= 30 ❑Complies, . [PR10]l i percent of the gross above-grade wall �❑Does Not urea.. . ❑Not Obseniable I❑Not Applicable:.; C402A.1 The skylight area <_3.percent of the .I❑Complies- [PR1111 gross roof area: UDoes NoY... I E]Not Observable;. : .;❑Not Applicable C406:: {Plans;specifications;and/or ;❑Complies [PR9]1 . calculations provide all information ❑Does Not . with which compliance can be.; INNof Observa ble' determined for the additional energy, .. efficiency package options: I❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions:' 1 High Impact(Ties•1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact Peojectjitle: Henssgen Hardware Report date:- 03/28/22 . Data filenarm, C:\Users\Larry\Documents\COMcheck\henssgen.cck Page. 3 of 10 Section # Footing/Foundation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C303.2 'Slab edge insulation installed per.w El Complies [F04] manufacturer.'s mstcuctions._I. : :❑Does Not. ❑Not Observable_; I❑Not Applicable-.;. C303:2.1 Exterior insulation protected against ;❑Complies [1706]1 ':damage,sunlight, moisture,wind; ❑hoes Not,' ;landscaping.and equipment '❑Not Observable ;maintenance activities. :❑Not.Applicable, ;. C105 I Installed slab-on-grade insulation.type,;❑Corplies. J,See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. [F03]2 `and,R-value.consistent.with insulation ❑Does Not ;specificat'ionsreported in:planssand : . : - COMcheck.reports. 1❑.Not Observable, I ;ONot Applicable C402.2.4 ;Slab edge insulation depth/length. ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. [F07]2 iSlab insulation extending awa from I❑ I. Y Does Not !building is covered by pavement or pNot Observable >=.10 inches of soil.. . :❑Not Applicable .I. 121�42 ,Radiant heating systems panels ;❑Complies ;See,the EnvelopeAssernblies table for.values.9insulated.'to>=R-3:5 on face o ❑ o� PRosite l Des Notspace being.heated. :❑Not Observable ; ❑Not Applicable..; Additional Comments/Assumptions: :1. Hi h.lm act Ti&1 p g p ( ) 2 Medium Im act(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact Project Title: Henssgen Hardware Report date: 03/28/22 Data filename: C:\Users\Larry\Documents\COMcheck\henssgen.cck. Page 4 of 10 Section # Framing/Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & RegAD C303.1.3 Fenestration products rated in ❑Complies [FR12]2 accordance:with NFRC.; ,0Does Not []Not Observable Observable .. 1❑Not Applicable. C303.1:3 Fenestration products are certified as ❑Complies [FR13j1 (to performance labels.or certificates 10Does Not provided. I ,❑Not Observable, ❑Not Applicable..: C402.4.3.. Vertical fenestration.SH.GC.value. ❑Complies. ;See the Envelope Assemblies table for values. [FR1011 ❑Does Not. U e,. . Not Observabl �. . 1E1Not Applicable C402.4.31 Vertical fenestration U-Factor: ElComplies ;See the Envelope Assemblies table forvalues. C402.4.3. 1❑Does Not I-. . 4: [FR8]1 . i❑Not Observable: . 1❑Not Applicable 1 � C402.4.4 U-factor of opaque doors associated : ;❑Complies (Seethe Envelope Assemblies table for values. . [FR14]1 (with the building thermal envelope I ,Does Not I. I meets requiremerits. ;❑Not Observable; : I . 1�.Not Applicable 1: . Vestibules are installed oh•all building ❑Complies. ; [FR17]3 entrances. Doors have self-closing ❑Does.Not 1 devices. zi. . i❑Not Observable 1. - r 1❑Not Applicable 1. •Additional Comments/Assumptions, ,1 High.lmpact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Henssgen Hardware Report date: 03/28/22 Data filename: C:\Users\Larry\Documents\COMcheck\henssgen.cck Page _ 5 of 10 Section # Mechanical Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID tC402.5.5 r�Stair and elevator shaft vents have ;Elcomplies C�40 lmototized dampers that automatically iODoes Not. close; Refernece section C4033.7 for . IpNot Observable.: [ME3+]3'.��'•;;ioperaEional details. • m. :E N able..; of Applic Additional Comments/Assumptions:. 1 High.lmpact(Tier l) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project.Title: Henssgen Hardware Report date: 03/28/22 Data filename: C:\Users\Larry\Documents\COMcheck\henssgen.cck Page_ - 6 of •10 Section # Rough-In Electrical Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions &Req.ID C405.6 Low-voltage dry-type distribution jElcornplies. [EL26]2 I electric transformers meet the ❑Does Not. Iminimum efficiency requirements of ; ,Table C405.6. ,❑Not Observable, ❑Not,APPlicable.. C405.7 Electric rhotors.meet the rhini,mum ❑Complies [EL27]2 efficiency.requirements:of Tables _ ❑Does Not. . C405,7(1)through C405:7(4).. : IEfficiency'verified through certification;ONot Observable;under an approved certification jE1Nqt Applicable program or the equipment.efficiency ;. ratings shall be provided by motor Imanufacturer(where certification. I ;programs do not exist);. + C405.8.2, Escalators.and moving walks comply. ❑complies C405.8.2. .with ASME A17.1/CSA B44 and have.; ❑Does Not 1 automatic.controls configured to.. [EL28]2 reduce speed to the minimum I❑Not Observable ipermitted.speed in accordance with ONot Applicable - IASME A17.,1/CSA B44 or applicable" local code when not conveying passengers. C405.9 :Total voltage drop across the ;❑Complies ; [EL29]2 !'combination of feeders and branch. E ,Does Not.'. circuits < . 5%: 'I❑Not Observable.;: ❑Not Applicable Additional.Comments/Assumptions: I.'I HighArnpact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier?) 3 Low Impact(Tier - Project.Title: Henssgen Hardware Report date:. 03/28/22 . Data filename: C:\Users\Larry\Documents\COMcheck\henssgen.cck Page: .7 of 10 Section # Insulation Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Reg.lD C303.1 'Roof insulation installed per I❑Complies: [I1\13,]? riianufacturer's,instructions.,Blown or ❑Does Not. ;poured loose-fill insulation'is installed ; ,only where.the roof slope is.<=3 in ,❑Not Observable, .12.. ❑Not Applicable C402.2'.1 Ilnsulation installed on a.suspended _ . p'❑Com lies , [IN20]1 ceiling having ceiling tiles is not being Does Not. Ispecifietl for roor/ceiling assemblies Obs . ; ; ;Continuous insulation board installed ❑Not ervable, in 2 or more layers with edge joints. . IDNot Applicable offset between layers: C303.1 l Buildi,ng envelope insulation is labeled I❑Complies I [IN10]2 with R-value or insulation certificate ❑Does-Not providing R-value and other relevant: data. :❑Not Observable-, . . �. . ❑Not Applicable C303.2 lAbove-grade wall insulation installed I❑Complies [IN7]1 per manufacturer's instructions. 1ODoes Not 1. . ❑Not Observable lONotApplicable.•; C303.2.1 i Exterior insulation is protected from .-;❑Com p'lies - [IN14]z damage with a.protective material. ❑Does Not Verification for exposed foundation ,insulation may need to occur during : ;❑Not Observable;, Foundation Inspection. I❑Not Applicable C105 Installed above-grade wall insulation .I❑Complies, ;See the Envelope Assemblies table forvalues. [I1\161?. l tYp e and R-Value.cohsistent with :. Iboes NoY. . ,O ; . . Imsulationspecifications reported.in plans and COMcheck reports._ ;❑Not.Observable l I' .'El Applicable;'. C402.2.3 Installed floor insulation type and•R- i❑Complies. lSee-the Envelope Assemblies table for values.. [IN8]2 Ivalue-consistent_with insulation 1❑Does Not .. ;specifications .reported in plans;and . COMcheck reports: . 'IE]NotObservable I ;❑Not Applicable l.. . ,C402.26 Radiant panels-and associated I❑Complies [IN1817 components,designed for heat. UDoes Not. transfer from the panel surfaces to the; ; s ❑Not Observable, }occupants or indoor space are ❑NotA licable insulated with a minimum of R-3.5. . , I PP . I. C105: : EInstalled roof.insulation type and R- ❑Complies I See the,Envelope Ass emblie stable forvalues. [IN2]1 Ivalue consistent with insulation :❑Does Not ;specifications'reported in:plans and. . ICOMcheck reports.For some ceiling I❑Not Observable, . systems,verification may need to . lE]Not Applicable ooccur during Framing Inspection. I I C402.5:1. IAll sources of:air leakage in the I Complies ; 1 building thermal-envelope are sealed, 'E]Do6s No l ppe[IN1]? caulked,gsKeted, eathestrdw Not Observable;:orwrapped with moisture vapor- 1 permeable wrapping material to ❑Not Applicable. minimize air leakage. I -Additional Comments/Assumptions:,. 1:11 High Impact(Tier 1) 1 2 IMedium Impact(Tier 2) 1 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) . Henss en Hardware 03/28/22 .Project Title: g Report date: Data filename:. C:\Users\Larry\Documents\COMcheck\henssgen.cck Page 8 of. 10_. Section # Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID C402.5 Building envelope contains.a IOCoffiplies " [F155]1 �continuous:air barrier that has been !❑Does Not. ;tested and deemed:to limit air leakage: Observable; <=0.40 cfm/ft2. ❑Not_A licable ' I PP, C402.5:6 (Weatherseals installed on all loading ❑Complies ; [FI37.]1 dock cargo door openings and provide ElDoes Not :direct contact along the top and sides ,❑Not Observable, !of vehicles parked in the doorway:, ❑Not Applicable..; C402.5.6. ,Weatherseals installed on all loading IDCorhplies ; [F137]1 !dock cargo door openings and provide:❑Does Not I direct contact along.the top and sides_ ; ;of vehicles parked in,the doorway. - ❑Not Qbservable ;❑Not Applicable C402.5;6 (Weatherseals installed on all loading 11❑Complies ; tH3711 Idock cargo'dooropenings and provide•.❑Does Not,' direct:contact along the top and.sides ; of vehicles arked in the doorway. 1❑Not observable, . P . y ;❑Not Applicable. C402.5:6 'Weatherseals-installed on all loading.-',QComplies' [F137]1 dock cargo door openings and provide l❑Does Not. direct contact along the top and sides ,❑Not Observable ,of Vehicles parked in'the doorway. I❑Not Applicable..;- C408..1.1 1Building operations.and maintenance Complies [F157]1 jdocuments will be provided.to the :❑Does Not loaner:Documents will cover: manufacturers'.information, Not Observable;. .- -ispecifications, programming ❑Not'Applicable Iprocedures and means,of illustrating, • IIto owner how build!ng,.equipment and; . !systems are intended to be installed,. :.;maintained,and.operated.: Additional Comments/Assumptions:. 1 JHighAmpact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2)' 1 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) . 771. Project Title: Henssgen Hardware Report date:_ 03/28/22 . Data filename:. C:\Users\Larry\Documents\COMcheck\henss,gen.cck. Page 9 of lb - • te: p3128122 Repot da 1p of 1Q • Page. e check\\?e�ssge�cck t\e• Nepsse s\� o�Umel, ts\��M Pao\e�tT� e C,,\U5 pata��\exam Mark Smith From: Larry <larry@jaggroupllc.com> Sent: Thursday,June 9, 2022 9:58 AM To: Mark Smith Cc: Kate Deck;Tim Barber, Maryssa Couse -JagGroup LLC Subject: 43 Everts Ave-additional information and responses Attachments: W22KO161A- STAMPED CALCS - 6.8.22.pdf; Fire marshal plan review-responses.pdf Good morning Mark. Please see the responses to your questions below in red. 1. Who will be doing the 3 d party special inspections for concrete and the steel structure. Construction technology for concrete testing and MRH engineering for steel inspection. 2. Please provide the structural calculations for the addition.The.calculations are attached. 3. Provide a plan for the shelving/storage racks that will be installed.There is no racking intended to be installed in this addition. 4. Review and respond to the fire marshals items, attached. Please see notes on attached fire marshals review. Lowily J.JP,�Il Estimator JAG I, LLC FIVL E C®PY 8 Blue Lupine Lane Wilton, NY 12831 (518)812-0808 x-5 Web www.jaaaroupllc.com ENGINEERS, LLP. n 411 Union Strect PART ERS n Schenectady,NY 12305 JOSEPIfJ �FfINE,P.E. /! 518-377-0315 Fox 518-377-0379 DEDICATED RESPONSIVE WIOIA.PALLESCHI.P.E. j�1 ROSERT D.DAVIS,JR,P.L.S. 6�'1VV1.a17C1Cng.001]1 PROFESSIONAL RECE6 December 19,2022 DEC 2 0 202.2 TOWN OF OUEENSBURY PE: Henssgen Hardware,Inc. PLAN1�IING OFFICE Town of Queensbury Proiect#5416A Bruce Frank,Code Enforcement Officer Planning and Zoning Department Town of Queensbury 702 2-- 742 Bay Rd. Queensbury,NY 12831 I Dear Bruce: Please be advised that the site work for Henssgen Hardware, Inc. at 43 Everts Avenue has been inspected by our firm, and we certify that the work to date has been completed in general accordance with the plans and specifications. Please note the + dumpster pad was relocated to better suit the tenant needs, and all meet the original design intent. Also, attached is an as-built survey. i Should you have any questions or need anything further,please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, AB4A. Palles..*, EERS,LLP Lu' P.E. Partner LAP:cly cc: Tun Barber w/encl, (via email) 5416A-12192022 Jan, 9, 2023-11 : 11A MDIA No. 0720 P. 2/2 MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY INC. eyl that the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed•below has been.examined and is approved as being in accord with the National Electrical Code, applicable governmental, utility and Agency rules in effect on the date noted below and is issued subject to the following conditions. Owner: Wenssgen Hardward Date- 12/20/2022 Occupant: Warehouse Addition Location- Occupan 43 Everts Ave. cy Non-Residential Queensbury, Warren Co. NY Applicant F- � Electric Concepts PO Box 5473 Clifton Park, NY 12065 Joseph A.Holmes. No. 141387174211 EL .••., Equipment: 1 -Switch; 5-Receptacles; 8- Fixtures;1 - Burner, Wiring &Controls for Gas;2-Emergency Lights;2- Exit/Emergency Combos.; 1 -100 Amp,Sub Panel This certificate applies to the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed immedlawy nu11 and void. This cartificate applies only to the use,occupancy and above and the installaton Inspected as of the above noted date based on a visual ownership as indicated hereln, Upon a change in the use,occupancy or ownership inspection, No warranty is expressed or Implied as to the mechanical safety,am- of the pfopery Indicated above,this cerdRcate shall be immediately null end void. clency or fitness of the equipment for any particular purpose. This certificate shall In the event that this certificate becomes invalid based upon the above conditions, be velid for a period of one year from the above noted date. Should the electrical this certificate may be revalidated upon relnspection by Middle Department system to which this certificate applies be altered in any way,including but not limit- Inspection Agency,Inc. An application for inspaCGGn must be submitted to Middle ed to,the introduction of t ddhone]electrical eCuiprnent and/or the replacement of Department Inspection Agency, Inc.to initiate the inspection and revalidation eny of the canpogents instilled as of the above noted date,ihls certl6cate ahall be process. A fee will ba charged for this service_ D � CE0WE JAN 09 2023 10 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING& CODES .