2000-674 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbwy, NY 12844-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 161-8256 CERTIFICATE ur OCCUPANCY Pernut Number, P20000674 Date Issued; Tuesday, May 14, 2002 This is to certify that worm requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20000674 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523404-296-008-0001-003-000-0000 Location: 39 LONGVIEW Dr Owner: BEECHWOOD INC Applicant: GLEN AT HILAND MEADOWS, THE This structure may be occupied as a. By Order of Town Board Duplex TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Fireplace Garage - I Car Attached Director of Building & Code Enforcement TOWN OF +QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761 -8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20000674 Application. Number: A20000674 Tax Map No: 523400-046-000-0002-002-002-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: GLEN AT HILAND MEADOWS, THE Owner of property located at: 45 TALL MEADOW Rd in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place a Duplex at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto tiled and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning. Ordinance. Owner Address: BEECHWOOD, INC. DIBIA EDDY PROPERTY SER. & THE G.F. HOME, INC. 2212 BURDETT Ave HOME,INC. TROY, NY 12180 Contractor or Builder's Name 1 Address Electrical Inspection Agency A.O.W. ASSOCIATES INSPECTOR, THE 543 EASTLINE Rd 185 JORDAN ROAR BALLSTON SPA, NY, NY 12020 TROY, NY Type of Construction: Duplex Value : $ 1149983a00 Plans & Specifications 2000-674 UNiT 7 - BURDOCK LANE $277.00 PVRMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday, September 06, 2002 (if a longer period is required, an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town or Queens bury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town o uee bury Wednesd y, September 06, 2000 SIGNER BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building & Co e En cement Town of QIleensbur'yr - vispr. rf onni rr+rrrry DevektiHFrr•rrr, 742 11av l+Ttnsd, (hreerr.+h+rr.y. NY 12t5 " 1761-825451 BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEAfEN7' NOTICERegtlirenients prior to issuance - A permit moat be obiwinrcl lx£vro of this perinit: PERANT FILE NO* � 0©� beginning construction. No inspections PERA11T rEG P,11A f4-0t 1r will be made until applicant has received Cl Zo+tl►Ig Board Acdon a VA1,1D BUILDING FERMI-1'. All Area / Use nto:cucATIoN FEE P A npplicnnts' ape�c.e:rr on 131i4 appliclltion MUST be completed and ilia signature �] Planning Doard Acdort HEVIETYEIU I3Y,w � of the applicant must appear an the SITE / stpwlvisiml / o[I1Cf +lr.rF o,r !nv/ rr,nr �Amlication form. trr..ty� Recreation Fee payment f " ' Applicant: _ t� . I S©C�a, G8 Owner: 1P� �J ivy ok ffila0i oC MeA&PvS Address: V�'G�l�v� p ; `Ti�a.�' N .Address: 2212 RV✓ ,vaCV�° , T✓Uv N f AtA--h, 1l w, Uv vtit v A� -Y% . Dol-% ilcl We.Nd+k Phone # � fl'_hu [Tc # � +_) i _I.L - _5a2' Property Location : ��mt � [-rr rr .[7G � t. ytvt 4 (Wq) 1 �'�t�1 d_ +1��'! �bW!5 fax Mall Nu �ubcr . ----� Subdivision Name: �{ 1 section 131t1rtk 1 +11 NATURE OF PROPOSED HORK : ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE New Btl j ldi. n CONSTRUCTION : $_ res Bence / commercial Addition to Hullding : residence / commercial OCCUPANCY Building INF nN11TION : Alteration to Building : Fri .sin oFnl residence / commercial single rpmi3y Dwelling Residence / Commercial Two Family Dwelling no change to exterior size Family Dwelling office other Work ( deecfibe below ) Mercantile Manufactur r'itg- " other GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE : AUG 2 J 2000 if ADDITION , *hat will u13e sq . ft * of new. addition ,be_? s 2nd .Fi'oor . . ..�°s . . . sq . ft • other sq . ft . ( not unfinished cellar or basement ) ACCESSORY BUILDINaS ! Poti " ex:� 'Edo Detached Garage 2 car TOTAL FLOOR AREA : 5Q . FT . Attached Garage 2 car private - Storage Building SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE : Commercial Storage Building Other FEET x FEET Foundation Type : LowJ FonTjNEa "TAUS Will any second - hand or ungraded Number of Stories * i lumber be used ? 1f SO , for what. ? ( habitable space 0f iY ) L u hlp 11elg1Tt ( grade to rsdge ) l� - a!a feet Txt* s: OF 111;ATx :zG SYSTEM : Number of fireplaceu and / or'w+o stave ( circle all w1ic1T a lies ) to be installed :_ I Electric / [] il / as d Forced llot Air / Baseboar / other vvc. E© A.112. GvND QV Person responsible for supervision of work as reigarda to building codes i s : l.i✓yr fP.tZD Alv 6 RAM6 t�[k tTEi'."[ 3(e F0jty RD Ot,© C.FEA 1 NANI NY. 1213 "�► Name A dresss Plto a luaw - SB53 Builder : [7 W 45%oc4a.�' IGA Im g Rr3i� ►'LN__.�D Ti '�rY NY �''fa plumbers rc.Ia1 C ;. tinTK N "f O ra r .".5 2 - (alZlo Mason : IUl fh 111 120 �' F=O sc.Ht> N t AO Electrician : 5c.IJ0*X .T .AjZ( It t�Jl'Lke ELEc.7l�lG Sr� llEr+}Er. ADY �yl' j' DECLARA770N.• Please slget below q iter you helve carefully read the staleMelrf. ,ro the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this applicaliOn , 109011cr with the plaits and 5}1CClf4L a[l()[l5 sLrtxmitled , are a true and cotnlllcte statement of :Ell prolxlsct! work to he done rlll the described premises and that all provisions of the 13uilclinl; C'Lxle, the 7[ming C3rclinancc and n!1 ether laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with , wltelher sl>cciried or noted , ancf that Stich work is authorized tly the owner. Fakirther, it is Understood that 1/we shall suhrT"it prior to a Certificate of Occutplancy or Certificate of Comtlliance being issticd , an A5 1313fLI PLOT PLAN by a licensed curve T to sc showing actu l I/ A LA) oc0lion of project an premises , � Signature-. XWDV (owner, owTlerys agent , arc}ltlect , contractor) ,t+ n) rl At H i i 1 as c; +I t if 'tt {i+ U -1� •t! ii b rit � _ tt � � 1` � -- I�i 11 I d1 , l Z I u1 n1 t I`1 e1 t1 (` di d! • • ! I ,� it it 1l no n U it; tl) lei ri If it, -- I I U O n; titn; ,"; r+: offof' n: n; n 4+E lt� t F+ 1 in n! dt 1 t it 1 NJ I ui I litt i rl Ia oil :�t 1111 dt ( t -AU ,r I t tst nrC� t1 •-1 tl •-irl 1i I'llr, 1•• 11 — .fl it at it] 111 111 tt. 11 It , I 1 i + I1 to v 11 ;'. Ir 11 -I to it, p T ew1 IJ it i I ,•i 41 ...r tl U of ;t! of tI t1 it III :rr lit it •. fit 1 41 lit 11) 111 IV 41 E 1 In It to rn to A Xt 1-1 tV ' Ill rit r f 0 tit 4f I I tit vi to , i) t) trT ti iI U I •+ } ti i} .y# 1 1 f it 1 i i i U :.r • I + I �I ll d1 . I Ii t ► Er 1.1 itt ,.t rl; t1 -i I �I ti li 'tI U rrir! ) t+, 41 Atl -- fil 4! "� it U i U 1+t 41 �! u -'tI' 11 I I iil i+� n1 N tl+ 1U in }ip, p U 'i t 41 it oil •11 04 itl i+l I I it I. J Ii 1. t_1 U h+ t t } m u rti i+I (it h. ri I1 r�1 tl to Q rt; 41 in in 'tl .. ^.+ i 4f 41' tl lei r4 lit, 11 U r~+ it r—i tl 1 • 14t d! it TO Ail •r t1 �� t"i 4i ;tr41 'Prt rl Uti b+ tsl I U 'l iII rI tI-I Of vI-i In lit i of 0 P1 iQ r1 O tl : 1 nl 111 tit tI d1 t - Ci t • ti+,[t •rt '• i l+} .13 �)' v j: 11 li I iI 1 ' t} 11 1-1141 n� �� riit.� it 11 in iSl " tr1 to �1 �ff.. 1 .rI iI t! 1ti ty9 11 n} n} '� •• i t t i to 0 U "tl 1 t 'U t 1 4l i i i.l lit ;7 t t1tltl 1? [if rl t di Ill Di � TT +'' t1 i+t 41 it ? tlt 41 01 If �: r1I r , 41 1 i r-1 ,r 1 11 } r11 t+� t} Pj ill U► 11 Fr t1 1 t 41 t 1 tltot + Ur141N 41 W [ 1t do di Oil UrrAli t , ;•, itl IJ F, rr; I) tN .il in 'l 41 o ,•1 • I In '~ U 41 .Q 41 il, ti In III lei r1; +-1 1. 1 , 1 1`1 11 t) ur 111 11 Sl ? .+ ! [if .11 , 1 I r 1l Ill I•I 'I: I S} Il a 1l• }• t7, 4t 41 to tl t t U 11 I iri . i l r 1I t 1 [7 U n1 U 11 1 I t? ' • 41 at ,n ill to 11 ' tl C+ F t I ti 'r, 411 (i if •tl ,- 1 .. i 11 :t . I 1 t , r_, Irr tin r 1 I,. 41 1 ?k J; 11 tit 411•1 •• I it ', l 1� + tJ �• 'I tl i i t.1 1 l 1 i ,V 4 tit 11 to } t tit Ill 1+1 lit 1r1 to it n' d1 C1 'ii © it I I dt 1 Ail I+1 �> ,i� .+� .r� nt U ••1 r++ ;!� it t ; it Ii to It , 1 I Cl fit it, fit it i+1 1 i n1 11 111 +n 1 l Il Al III f I t+l to EI n� 41 17 II •-i II :1 I r I IF I a1 i I I I In 0 • i 'if it t) ••i .•r I I 1 41I i A x m ll N � N �11i1ltnnlaitl rift '�, + I 1ri in 1 I i d1 r 1 U1 ,t if `tl • • i11 r1, Ii 'll rf iI r' 111 'k •^v t} 41 l' 11 I,I it" if It nl 11 tl 11 11 4, i' ti+ Q i-i it I to 11 tl 111 0 11 it� t, I t Of 11 t1 41 11 41 Ill Ill •l l 'kl •t l 1n tl 4t 41 1 } t1 1 1 4, t>j t1 11l I tit 11 41 1 r t I I ? t' •' i ,. t 1 tt+ : t], .- 1 'tl n1 In 'r 111 Ill t 14r Il dl 41 4! i I lit t i t/1 1+, III ••i It +l U U 11 nl I tl 1), tri UI nl 41 i 11 in trt 41 if � I tr, lit' 1+l 0 i+i 141 11t III in 111 1 11 Id I+ i1 r tri 4E Il tl rh ,z ; '11 lt1 1 tl V1 fit Ii I:t 111i + I + `. 1 i) i 1 ,'1 in 41 i Ill rr i F n; !n ftl ,tt tl ' 1 • 1 Ur t) tI I lei lit N Irl Ni' in lt} rr, 1•I I - I[ im lisss sls a!'s C?ll;cc Town of Quk6k^n Bayshtir . 742 Bay Ro.td , Qk1Cl'!ttilltl3"%, NY Application for Fuel Burning Appliances & Chimneys hj applicable to solid fuel & vented gas appliancesi-,ermit No . 1 I?ttte — -- I r,r MCI issirurrc'e o cr Builclirr rare! 11,c> �3ppficcrticrra is lre+'elaf' rurrrle ttr the Building & �'rarfu.t C�IJic �• ,1 f perartft pur;t•atarat to the 14'o Pork Srure lire 1'reverrtr'vrr urrrf 13krifrfirrs{ Code, The applic. all t rzr uts=rrer 1 a�rc'es to c or+apaly with cell applicable Ices+ s, trr'dbltltr<:es, rc l rrltrtrvrt.t, and rrl] c,rrrrrlitions that are hurt of tftc.+e rer{uirerrrurrs and also sa r`If rrllr�3t ctf! irasprccrnrs to teeter lei rrzi e,%i try prer-fr vm reep uretl irr.sp>ecrir�rr.1. NOTE to applicant: Dough-in and Finai Inspections are required . Applicant Inforrnatir3lz Fuel Bus- sting ,A ppliance I1tfct1-z1latioll ( e r: c IC appropi-tate *,vords) i s ttrraocd coed pellet gas � --•--� Fireplace insert / Fireplace, factorY-bLlilt : Wood ' .address: i /!Q/ � t,rood fireplace. n7asonry: Fumacc; wood gets o?il C � < s - fi if no appIicance, please ravide Phone: , j ,�+�e `, i1'� ► 1� fauufactkiier ? iaartert /lX�trlt5 Cf. • k Owner i ':'v`Iodei Chimney InfOrrnation e- I� (circle appropriate words) Phone : 1 Masonry block k Stolle kr ,r Flue tile , steel sire: _ itaclres `i Exact Address:__ �t ` nfcnrrsrrttcrr`ure trrltrsurtturiarr Factory-BUilt Manufacturer nanw : k Model Number: Listed BY".. hluntber: 1 : .tore: f Construction IInstallariorr must k Conform to tvys Fire Pr-eventiorr &- Building Indicate (circle ) Chilliney material ; Code. Considt available Towii o.,f"QzteerasbztrT porrtrlc IN 'a17 Triy!cs +s rril l lr;sultrtcici ! L3ircc't s c'rrlirrt flctrrdouts regczr[llrzg r etjzriretl insBecriorrs. Clrirrrrre} Lirac•r � , a .r..r-r.�. r�x:t -- T'�a�,-�,.-- �►�P Qx.7c.�ss.r3..��azac.�r-,y'. �".�acrsr" Y+o.r.�r 1'rrc .11r+rslrrrl ^�' Cade # 5 Colle(. 1eel ti Hr.'fimrlNrl 1tNc'c>it'cr! lrvlr77 tr'c°lrrrrrl4rf rrr1 : / _ � dty,-, � � ' �Ir•T• � •t� .-i 17. 3389 (190) Piebiw Safets' 4 .4 233 655 (230) M1'linor• Srrlr+,s I �• �I 0 Y/' �-twj IYM cYL6 / C]W!Y r.+ �" �'Z- •L/(fJNS�^j. White {Aixplicattt) Gr.cn tf ire ` tarshat] 1'rilott' tt3lcig. Delxt. ) 1) iitk & Gotde oil Od (CJ$hier's Dellt.) RESMENTZAL FINAL yNsPECTION REPORT J Office No. (518) 76141256 late irtspcc:tion request received. Bullding & Code Enforcement Arrive am/Pm Depa Dept, of Community Development tor,S Ini s Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 128" dLFU - NAME DATE LOCATIOl3 TYPE OF S"FRi 7CTUR NIA YES NO Ct7MMENTS Chimney Height/"Q" VentlDutect Vent Location Fresh Air Intake Plumb vent through roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete Iuterior/Exterior Railings 30" to 36" Exterior Handrails, balconies, landing 18 in. or more Interior llandrads stairs both. sides 3 or more risers Grade 2% away front foundation 8" clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposedlregulator IS" above - Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within l' of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace ar _ Furnace/Hot Water Heater operatm Relief Valve(s) installed Headroom, 6 ft.- 6 in, on stairs Basement stairs, 6 ft 4 W. Handrail exterior stairs both sides more than 3 ri s Interior privacyltxixn/doorahnarn entrance 36", Floor Finish Bathroorn/Kitchen watertight �;n� 1S e�_ Interior }Iandrails Balconie Railing across window in stairwells Smoke Detectors; every level every 1>edroorn outside every bedraam inter connected Bathroom fans Plumbing fvttures Foundation insulation 3/4 hour fire door/door closer Garage freprooFin Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room ptotec:ted (in garage) Light ventilation per room` Safety glazing 18" or less frcnu floor final Electrical Site plan/Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System layout Okay to issue C/C (Certif. of Compliance) Okay to issue temp. C/O (Certif. of Occupancy), Okay to issue permanent C/O (Certif. of C7ccupuuCY)_.�-- TOW of ,pueensbury Fire Marshal's c]MfilCO 742 Say Road "w Queensbury, NY 12804 Fax (518) 745-4437 Phone (518) 761-8205 Fire Marshal'S Inspection Report 8CHEDLILE Request /n c7''r Permit # y '7 INSPECTION ON: Received: M PM ANYTIME Name- �i�-- Location: APPRt7NED CC34rAMENTS N /A YES NO EXITS AISLE WIDTHS [/ EXrr SIGNS - oRMAL _ BATTERY EMERGENCY UGHTINCs FIRP EXTING"k," 4iERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM HOOD INSTALLATION INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE . [ � 5 COMPRESSED `P � + �' Y .�j `I CL>~ARANCE TO SPRINKLERS ►u ll CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS ' CLEARANCE TO ELECTRICAL REQUIRED SIGNAGE EMERGENCY PLAN MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY SIGN CHIMNEY ROUGH IN MASONRY FINAL CHIMNEY FACTORY BUILT ROUGH IN FINAL INAL- WOOD STOVE ROUGH IN FINAL VENTED GAS ROUGH IN APPLIANCE -- - FINAL - -_... :... . ....._... .. FIREPLACE OK FOR C4 NOT OK MASONRY ROUGH IN OK THIS DATiE FINAL FIREPLACE GH IN INSP D BY ROU FACTORY BUILT OU FINAL CC?MDEVPCHRISJMfORDILE I T!=RS20Qti1FIR ,ARStALINSpeey,ONRFpoR YELLOW2200i - OCCUPANT COPY WHITE - BUILDING DEPARTMENT COPY FIRE MARSHAL. TOWN OF QUEENSSu804 QUEE iggalm 5Sg�76I 8205 FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT gUEST RECEIVED -- NAME ilk ERMIT # rol LOCATION - _G rfl - SCHEDULE INSPECTION ON AM PM - -^ APPROVED Ci � NIA YES NO EXITS AISLE WIDTHS -- EXIT SIGNS EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEMTEM FIRE SPRINKLER _ FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM ---- HOOD INSTALLATi0N INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE: CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS NITS CLEARANCE TO HEATING REQUIRED SIGMAGE --- CHIMNEY f WOOD STOVE ACTORY BLT. FIR CE OMASOriIRY pUGH-IN INAL "" y- OK TO THIS DATE REMARKS: ASIpR 1NSPSLIP.PUB oo VtA tA I 'C, a REPOR GENERAE IN PECTI N T t 518 ) 7 61. 8256 Town of Queensbur9 Irate inspection request r� Dept of Community Development Building & Code Enforcement 4 mart 742 Bay P ix� Arrive _.3.O`-� wts Snit' Queensbury, 4 ff � BATE NAME uOCAT ION : TYPE OF STRucri3l�: I�cMEGK GC3 xNTS NIA "�—� Footi-affiMem monolithic Pour Form 'Reinforcement in Place ._— for 'The contractor is respo providing protec on from Ficezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. , site Materials for this purpose FoundationlWa"Potu Reinformnient in Place Foundation/DanIPpPrOofin -- -- ---- Backfill Ap 'al Plumbing jjnder Slab abs in Place Plumbing ---- Rough Plumbing. -T"eating Raugh-In___ --- ,/' Insulation i_� pg�t-, an Walls r Foutmdasc Foundation Walls ExterioRr,� R' ----' Floors R- Walls R_ Ceiling Duct work or Pptng to R- unheated spaces PropeT Vent, Attic V t___� — --__— Fratni Jack S Bracingl8ridgmn Joist Iiaxye Jack. Posts/Main Beata Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed ,I'�Ftre Wall 2, 3, 4 Dour irestopSrin GENERAL INSPEC7'IU1V REPORT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Queensbury Date inspection request received: 17rept. of Community Development Building & Code ignforeement 742 Bay Road Arrive Depart'L Queensbury, NY 12804 pector's Init4 N DATE : l LOCATION: TYPE OF STRI(C p;ECHEGK NIA YES NO COMNIENTS 1 FootingslPiers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place o The contractor is responsible rin providing protection from for 48 hours following, the t of the concrete- Materials for this purposc on s Foundation/W01pour Reinforcement i lace Foun,dationfDarnM Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbin Heating; Rough- rl Insulation Foundation is Interior RR= Foundation Walls Exteri Floors R- Walls Ceiling Vo tr- 10 Duct work or piping in ted spaces R- Proper Vent, ttic Vent raznin Jack StuaslFleaciers - Br•acingtBridginn Joist Haac�Sers Jack PostsfMain Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 21 3, 4 hour FirestollPn �,E�VERAL IN PEClEaN.R.EPORT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Qu,eensbury Date iuspecewin a'I reocived: .�-�-- Dept. of Community Deveiopnzent Building & +Code Enf mement Depart 742 say Roan .Arrive = � Queensbury, NY 12.804 Inspp;tor's Initi PERMPT ## NAME: DATE LOCATION: TYPE OF STRITCTURE. RECHECK NIA YES NO COMMENTS 1 Footirw/NeTs Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place f The contractor is responsibleag providing protection from t for 48 hours following the of the concrete- Materials for this purpose On s� Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundanon/DarapP`100 flug— Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent(V n P Rough Plumbi Healing, Rough In �C>r_ .insulai-on Foundation Walls IntcnG R- Foundation Walls Exteno R- Floors R Walls Ceiling �a L Duct work or piping in R- unhealed spy proper Vent, Attic Vent Frami Jack Braciag/Bridgi joist Bangers Jack amain Bearn Air Inflltration Barrier hour Fire Separation 1, 2, 3.Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour �y,xirestoppin GENERAL INSPECT7DN ,REPORT ( 518 ) 761. - 8256 Town of Queensbury Date inspection request received: _ ��- Dept. of Community Development Building & Code Enforcement 742 Ray Road DepA m Queensbury, NY 12804 Arr7lve�w. Iiispector's In PEPIVII T i NAME: DATE LOCATION: TYPE OF STRUCTT .]1LE: RECHECK NIA YES NO ,COMMENTS l Fooxings/!'iers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place 1e or The contractor is respo providing protection fro g for 48 hours following th t of the concrete- Materiais for this purpose o site Foundation/Walllour Reinforcement. in Place Four%dati0n/37arnppr00fm Backfill Approval Plumbing Linder Slab unxbing e Rough Plurnbin lc fi��l cam+ Heating Rough-In -- Insulation Foundation Walls Interio R- Foundation Walls ExtCTiG R.- C::) Floors —� Walls R Ceiling R` Duct work or piping, in unheated spaces R' per Vent. Attic Vent Frami Jack S rs BracinglBridSin$ joist ",angers Jack Po/M in Beam Air hl"Itration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour__ __—. Penetration Sealed our ��rrire Wail 21 3, 4 hour VVjrestoppin C:EIYER.4L IRVSPEC7''IC7N REPORT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town or Queengbury Date inspection request received: Dept, of Community Development Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay jihad Arrive2.., &�-- Depart m Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Inits pERNITT 4 NAME: DATE LOCATION+ TYPE OF STRUC TMURE: RECI3ECK — N/A YES NA comMENTS i Foati.ngSlP'iers Mnnoiithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible r providing protection from ing for 48 hours following the pl ent of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on si Foundatiou/Wallpour Reinforcement in Pace Foundation/DanTPP fin Bac1clill Approval plumbing tinder Slab plumbing vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbi Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation 'Walls Interior Foundation Walls Exterior R Floors R Walls R- Ceiling, R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- "j�'y�. sr3 H AVVE e .._ proper Vent, Attic Vent �,�-� Framing V:> NW7 lack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridgin joist Hangers lack posts/lvlain m Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour.. __--•----- Penetration Sealed h Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 bout Firestoppin cRN�R �.► R �Ec��rvry rUPORT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Queensbory Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Ei nforcenwdt 742 Ray Road eensbu '' NY 12804 Arrive � Depart In tor's Ini I MANE: FARWT # C.; "+j►-! LOCATION: ATE : �t -..1i0_Ccc TYPE OF STiRU RECHECK �I N/A YE f7 CON20ENTS Eralorcentent tings/Piers olithic our Farm in Place _4 The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freeziug for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete- Niaterisls for this purpose on site FoundationlWallpaur Reinforcement in Place FoundationlDarapprooftr a� Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbi Keating R.ough471 Insulation Foundation Walls interior R.- Foundation Walls Exterior R,+ Floors R. Walls R- _.._�.-� Ceiling R-i - Duct work or piping in unheated spades - Proper Vent, Altic 'Venk Franu Jack studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack PoststMain Beaml Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 21 3, or Penetration Sealed Fire Wall. 27 3, 4 hour ` 4 Firestoppin GENERAL INSPECTIl7N REPORT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Queensberry Pl Dept. of Community Development ate inspection request received: Building 1'Six Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Depart wpm Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive � Ile anilptu p f' Inspector's Initials � _� 1 �. fry PERMIT NAME: LATE Li7CATION " '�i c �• TYPE OF SITR.UCTUI k ; "w RECHECK N/A YE w Q COMMENTS Footing er5� + �. 40S Monolithic Pour Form ` 4, Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing . for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/WalEpour Reinforcement in Place FoundationlMampproofing f' Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbin Heating Rau A4 Insulation Foundation Walls interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Y Floors R- 0 Walls R- Ceiling R' Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Frarni .lack Studs/Headers BracingMridgin Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping +GENE INSPE 7:10N REP0RT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received; Building & Code Enforcement 742 Hay Road q� �-- Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive ►- in Depart Inspector's Initi NAME: PERMIT # I.00ATTON ,Kj DATE : TYPE OF STRUCTURE: C' L7TTJ�� RECHECK. NIA YES NO COMMENTS FootingsfPiers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place ; The contractor is reslionsible for providing protection fly To freezing, for 48 hours following a placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on `te Foundation/Wallpaur Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Darnpproa Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing VcntlVents in Place Rough Plumbing. Heating Rough-In Insulation 't Foundation Walls interior R- i Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- 1 Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces l2- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Frantin Jack St,.d��tears BracingfBridgin Joist Hangers Jack PostslMain Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour. Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2. 3, 4 hour, Firming l ' czy4c " GENERAL IN,SPECTI NN RSPO3RT ( 518 ) 761 -8256 - Town of Queenshury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queenshury, NY 12SQ4 Arrive 2" a Depart InsppeCWr9s Initial NAME; PERMIT # 'tP7q LOCATION: DATE * TYPE OF STRU TURF. _ RECHECK NIA 5. S NO COMMENTS \YAKOM QA L A KY _ I Monolithic Pour Form _ Reinforcement in Place _ The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofing. Backfilt Approval Plumbing Linder Slab Plumbing Vent(Vents in Place Rough Plumbing, Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Wails R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing, Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack PosWMain Beam Air Infiltration Barrier. Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firkin GENERAL REPORT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive o�., � Depart ` is initia NAME: PERM1`T' # LOCATION: 1IE-I3ATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YES AO COUNTS Footings/Piers�- i Monolithic four Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsi providing protection from in for 48 hours following the cemen of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofin Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing 'V'ent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duet. work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging, Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation I, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fine Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firest+oppin �%' " �*wnr �.� '�L.3e "'`w- ]. NOTE: ALL SLOPES 3:1 OR GREATER SHALL RELIEVE BIODEGRADABLE FABRIC OR APPROVED EQUAL FOR EROSION CONTROL. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN OR DIRECTED BYT THE RESIDENT ENGINEER. O� � ti' � — — - _____ -- � - W'V i h..� i - � _ � HAYBALE - - - - ' - -- ---------- -- - - — \N�'f�f�tSTb� -� -t-- -- --- / WETLAND . SILT 4 ��� FENCE L-12 __-- r '� V �, � � � � _ �_ _ -- -� �\ � �e t) �� PROTECTION __._--r i F NCE L-I � , i � \ � - �--�` � � � � � i ' � �; � .' � �, �- `�, 313. f �� � � � 3w.50 -� +33tT.i �i A ��` .� / / ��ti l 2 ��' � ' � �1�4YBALE i �, �\ INTER �PTOR L•I ' 13 A � � ��� �� DELUXE ''�� `?`t .-��� '� � � !UNITS � � � �,� � A V �V • � ! � � Il r UNIT'& W� \ � `� � � � : � � � `u* 1 i 1 � � f 14� ..� � � I � ] � ' ' � " - � � i � �, � i � � i �� � � � ��. � i� � � ��a ��, ��G 1 �, � ' � '� •� �� \ � HAYBAL � �V �; �� ` � STD. INTERCE`PTC1 L•I � •`• �,� �,, �' UNITS �,, �. J� , , 16 �V � `� ��J / ,_ 330.4 - � - ----�-+ 32o.s � �� � � � � ��' ����� TYPIC74L DELUXE IS ,�`, � •� � 17 COTTAGE UNITS � SILT � �_ FENCE L- � '� � t3 ST � � � �� �_ ,� '' ` •` • `J \ � � ..:- �' �. -� �� DELUXE � � ,1 •�,� �- _\. � \ UNITS �;�• � ��.�, � 3 �� � _ � , is 'y*-,'' �-- _, � i � _� :� �4 4 STDa � '' \ ---- 1 UNITS 3 HAYBALE •�• \ \ � SILT \\i INTERCEPTOR L-12 _ -- ��� � FENCE L-12 III \ ` � ��� \ � `•`. �� -. •'� C� ,- �� _2w _ �:�sv � SITE PREPARTAION LEGEND: M���. - � - � � WETLAND PROTECTION FENCE L �i O q DRAINAGE STRUCTURES tSEE GRADING PLAN) •�. . n Q � r 0 !i1 - •� � -SILT FENCE L4f 32 PROPOSED CONTOUR � , , A r: c ��. t e c t s, .. C.... ,. � � HAYBALE INTERCEPTOR/DIKE L_I - - - - EXISTING CONTOUR � , . `■ j INLET PROTECTION e ArChi �C{ure , LI Planning - - - - -WETLAND Interitx Qtsgn k NOTE: WETLAND LIMITS TO BE STAKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION H Y D �.� . - ______ _-..— — WV 11M _ _ _ �. — — � — — �� — — — — � --- — —'"--�.3—WV .80 � �'---_ - -ACC OS ARY C I�1S�RUCTION LS J' � 7 . G 1t, M ��q•. 45 , UM \, ; - / ` I � DELUXE 2 tN11T� �- _ \ � _ _ _ � � _ WETLAND , � �� � �`' � .- FENCE L-I '` --- - \ ` ,HAYBALE 6 � � � ' � � ���� - INTERCEPTOR L-12 ~�' ,� `�` �_ � � ' � � MATCH. UNE tSEE`•, SHEET SP-,�)` � e �.�^. �� ��� ���� .��.:.�. - ��.. _ � . \'. /�, - ' 336.50 + ,� � �� % \ �= � � � }' 336.50 \ � \ �` � � � 43ti Ford Road .. ' � '� Old Chathom � � - \ � �\ New York 1213ti-18t)8 1 � P 5t8 766 5853 - � ,: ' � F 518 7fi5 6275 . 1 � ' E IaoD7Bool.coln � ,,II �l i / I ._« � TOPSOIL � ` % STOCKPILE � t3fO JeCt AREA ' t / - � :.� �` i / ' � � I � �� � � � i INLET, %��� �� , � i PROTE�GTION ts� j , �\ / � � tTYP.) �.�/ I � 1 �, �i �, � � / � � `,\ � � / , _�, ` \,\ � � '�, � ♦` � � � � i �. � i � � j N � �� \ '' ,' / ' !� � HAVILANQ READ � � � � �" � � � � j' � � QU�E[�S$URY, �tY � � ,� i / t HAYBALE �\ 6 �� � _ `- _ ____ _, _ ___" __._ 7 FENCE. L_! � � / �� � GIVI) CI�C� LclndsGc�G: INTERCEPTOR, e � - � �.,:A. �'GUp ,� tTYP.) c �\ EXTEND WETLAND PROTECTION FENCE ' � � ' � � � � ,� � � � '� � �"� �I� ���� "'t" � � �� '���° ALONG WETLAND TOP / /�� - - � Php�►: 't`SIbJ �8'!-bl�TO I'+�: >�1�b`� 7-�'?ii�! �',�'�; � / • �� _- ''--_ ' jh j { � j � = j � �; '� � / � � echctn IGc,� l - _ v v � / IN BEDROOMS t�<a�Uld 5Cu'1C�Cr�, t°.t: �. �` a \ � � �- � � - DJA �0 B ' � � ��100R LEV L r�.c+. �i�, �t �eM, - rt�r, tit s 2z � tmhone� t'Stb) �t4-4bZ2 �c� f5 � r�;� , UDING �R , ENY ALL SMOK�t °° RS-SNA � NHEC DON ALL k�V LS. electrical: :�,.� �� � � � � MAC En ir)G�r iri ' � / ., ' 960 Gca�it� Rdcadl, Gltfton 4warlc, MY � �,. ��� /� /� j ii L � l� � Phone: (518) 8"i'"I �'S40 Fdx: t�5J8�•" �. '' SITE �REf�. F�� � � �� F1Y 0 wE Y � � �E �. SCALE: 1" _ 50' `3 NOTICE ;�. ' .NORTH FOAM INSULATION MUST BE COVERED scALE: t• • � BY A 15 MINUTE THERMAL BARRIER � � ,� �� TOUfii �^� �UEENSBURY BUILDING DEPRRTMENT � � ' �'�_: Lased on our �mited exartbnatiorl, u: aeewawl :. +: « �. n� compliancewith our comments shall a�„��pi �o � r: c, �,�- not be construued as indicating the , � r» « � '�" `� plans and spectifrcat�ts are � ftdl °' +'� � : 9.rwha .�o.l ,.+�. a....� er Via•• compliance with the ode. � . p. G �' NOTI CE � ' Droving Number KRAFT PAPER INSULATION MUST BE TOWN OF QUEEN URY - Y �� COVERED 6YNDN-COMBUSTIBLE BARRIER ` � r Mill BUILDING & S PT. �" � } � . �`� REVIEWED BY �"� t . �., �� � oata:. Apr i 11, 20�© � '�� .�� r _ - �� v. , ,� ,,, . � -� � � � .,.:.. .. 1 00 R_ BEPCHMAR�; LAYOUT LEGEND: Li ? 6� H Q r `; PC POINT OF CURVATURE A 6 9 e r 0 m e M1 0 ST 10, R T H F_ 1� i- { PT POINT OF TANGENCY A r c h i t e c t s, P. r A R F� 1)'A PRC POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE �- R RADIUS Architecture L LENGTH OF CURVE Planning i Interior Design TAN TANGENT LENGTH O UM MEADOWBROOK ROAD HYD �� WV . M U 3—WV ,,, ; �J R40 R40' _ 3-WV STOP SIGN - - - - - - --r— - - - - - o ' 299.43 N C, l M ' 165.65 157.57 �ti�� 147.69��,� ; W 307.61 374.45 PIER FACE U M T„� H T P✓' STONE ENTRY WALL, 3 4 5 25 15'-0' PIER B PLAOUE NI.C. 4 12' 12' BITUMINOUS 50 R.O.W. o CONCRETE BERM L-II �, i ■ . 10P 27.3 STA: 6.61.42 436 Ford Rood SET: 59.00 R 12 Old Chatham R=45.00 13 STA: 5.92.62 New York 12136-1808 / DELUXE L=113.81 °o OFFSET: TO'-0R , P 518 766 5853 UNITS Ton=142.34 Delto=144'54'44" DELUXE F 51$ 766 6275 II — UNITS \' R=250.00 E Ioa070oot.com \ \ `. L=167.02 14 \O Tam=86.76 \ -Aso \ Delta-38*16*45* ject / \ Pro' SO' R.O.W. EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. i CC BITUMINOUS 5 THE DIVIDER WALL BETWEEN CONCRETE BERM L-li COTTAGE UNITS IS PERPENDICULAR OR RADIAL TO ROAD B CENTERLINE- ti •s PRC ' 5.56.88 1 10 STA: 4.13.59 50' R.O.W. / FUTURE DEVELOPMENT PC 4.97. I OFFSET: TO'-0" R STD. UNITS _ 8•00 MAIL BOX 15 o �� �� J• LUSTER ��, STD. UNITS -I STA: 1.96.25 \ \ \ 9 PRC T•84.00 \ \ / 16 OFFSET: 70'-O' R A Do � �� �� �p PRIMARY ROARSTA 3.83.05 ■ _ STA: T•19.42 CULDESAC :� DELUXE 18 OFFSET: 68'-0' R • TYPICAL WEST END ' IT COTTAGE UNITS ,p \� �, UL W 0 00 , STA 8.43.0T \PT 3.96.06 / II o R25' TYP.. \ R= 250.00 i a ` Tan=207.23 I Z�Hilan lmw"8 \ \ 8 Delto=7918'42' 1 \ STDA . �� �� ' UNITS 7 `\ •� :tAd711NxNnllwdl►Jem ft t► $" � ME,dje s4M~of0la'WAalltkMMkl � 9a9570- \/ 3.p,, STOP -yti� \ NAWLAN GOAD %\ 'PO / i SIGN .A F. STA: 7.70.15 _ 2,p�p _ iY , t` �. \ QUEENSBURY, NY OFFSET: 92'-0* R (�J O fl�f � i \ p 6 i �C \ Cot+sx4tants � �( DELUXE L-II ic PVMT.tPARKiNG) UNITS TYP. �•=� > o° 6 I '� Givl( and LandGc++�: 20 WIDE I ELUXE IC CONCRETE EJ 1 L.A. 6roVp , �-J - SANITARY i 2 UNITS L-II WALK L-il �� SEWER I 4ii Long AI QOCd`, NY 1 x \ � `� _ - - - - - �� , EASEMENT 4 STD. oo EJ i phona: (516) 1-6100 Fax: MW -0 (f / \ UNITS 3 STA: I.23.23 V STA: 3.55.81 ' _ ■ I ' \ OFFSET: TO 0 L I; OFFSET: TO'- 0" L EJ ! i /e.91"UGt:UrQI: ,z \ oo R=200.00 L=335.46 STA: 2.39.67 Tan=222.52 i �°� ' PRIMARY ROAD STA 6.61.4 - \ OFFSET: 70 -0" L DNto=96'06'07' EJ ' FU UPRIMARY ROAD STA 32#38.4 / EXCEPT WHERE NOTED, L-II EXJTNTYPN i/ / �• DAvtG1 �.,r'nd Ger5, THE DIVIDER WALL BETWEEN SIOa �. P.O. Box 514 t OreNY 1 1 / , Ecali nbt►sh, 2Q$ �\ \ COTTAGE UNITS IS PERPENDICULAR i , R'300'00 FUTURE / „ f�hcx►m= (51Lt►) 4'741-4622 FOX. (516) 4 M � OR RADIAL TO ROAD 'S' CENTERLINE 4 L=109.23 ; ROADWAY i 3 Ton=55.22 ►Qi�CGf iGA s \ X �✓ / f Op Delta- ■ Y / \ \ SANITARY - - - _ MAC Ent�inGarin SEWER ' - - 'O� 00 _ a % 160 Ur lton *400 �1lft4on Park, NY 1,7060' A EASEMENT _ — \ •,� F✓ �l ,i / V �� _ _ 31-00 I°h0 (51�5) .�b?`f�'IS G Faac: t�S0 � 1?9 F PT 30. 7.52 0 Regions X, , �oeo�ue= t � � \ �� � � ��o �� � a� �� ���� ` : � �� �� � � �� �� �+■� � �e� ��� ref • SHEET L-3) \ MATCH LINE (SEE S14EET !-3), MATCH LINE (SEE / / / \ `�B ; 1 EJ .0 'p CONCRETE 11 f WALK LAYOUT PLAN WEST SCALE: 1 " 50' NORTH SCALE: 1' 50 @o eaf seeN �'M = uet dYon+oion •few. �a+h' ! di�eneiwio eo �Re tlna�ieM illrlluoi R N/IiMn 19 �`'A ; Mi dne wd a a *ku" of Ssc. 7= G _ � U. 3 of OwW S EresVm to.f' r*PW � #Ac0" h 0wek P. C. N nNerowf ik ur a ntMebKlia� 4m of on a m" 0 Pw+o lMl low Ise _ .r `. "rm WAN oeowo of,f4ve - rMe�r Drawing Number - a Ls TYP. PAVEMENT LAYOUTS SCALE: 1 •=30-0• f� Date: pt^ i ! �, 2C�0�J FOR COTTAGES _ jll BENCHARK GRADING LEGEND: M O C I��i �� R R WETLAND PROTECTION FENCE STORM DRAIN PIPE WlFLARED END SECTION ._ 7 N j� SEE SITE ARRGVl' •." _ SILT FENCE PREPERATION PLAN fF FINISH FLUOR ELEVATION . r .0 : m e j�� . T - _ VA I;��`J- woman womanHAYB'ALE INTERCEPTORMIKE PROPOSED CONTOUR R rc h i t a c t P. LE i o CB CATCH BASIN AND INLET PROTECTION L_11 e - - - - EXISTING CONTOUR Architecture (aDMH DRAIN MANHOLE L_II Planning Interior Design UM HYD - - - OR) 3-WV _ - '� HjYVu . , UM 330 _ � - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - VW 140. �----- __ 15 .5 - u ^� - - _ - - - - - - 307.61 0 t , ( TE ORARY C 1STRUCTION 5 - i j U M --37 cJ -� ACC S L-I - \ �n I \ / UM 330.80 �� T _J� \ Av eat, �+ \ - I 336.50 335 + .00 \ � x irT ' 0 �O \ 13 Old Chafh FL.ENq \ \ I\\ d Rood / INV. 3fD6.10 I ,y�°�. I \ �,.�\ °° c�m \\ NOW York 12136-1 F ENDiB 1 AA / _ CB#8 i o \ , , / 518 766 \ % OTT OF P 5153 IN 306.00 t• j A I �� ! ��, � \ F 518 766, 6275 DET TION� \ e� \ �� u�j E 1o7Oad.com 1 A ELEV � i % 14` � \ iy ` 1 `` N � W �i � \ cD .00 I I TOP OF ._ �• / \ �a6` \ \ \ I i / I I ELEV. / FL.END;76 _„' 'V! ` A j / - / Project \ 340.00 \ V. CBOT i ISO 516.30 1 db CBil ALL -LKS SHALL HAND IC CESSIBCgEDGE dQ WALK BE .10 \ \ \ 9 HIGHER THAN EDGE OF' IT MI \ FL�NO+ \ .` U \ �, J j \` i \ \ / 16 #2 ERM (TYP.) U \ INV . 306.�0 oo \ TOPSOIL ' FF \ Is STOCKPILE \ INV 10 •� , ��- \\ j 17 1.50 \ \ \\ AREA ( i A X,The' at \ F 315. \ \ � � � � � � / / ate � _ 00 \ r \\/ FAVILAND ROAD B RM . `,QUEENSOURY; NY swam woo \ BOTTOM of : _ \� . V \ , DETENTION •`'� , �' �, '�� J fF \ \`\ _ _- _ __ _ -- /, 1 \ BASIN ELEV. .- _ �;` , Civil C1'ICI 1.dn 306.00 3 i' �/ , 4Wp \/ / V ,Z 4 31�F 3 o� \ r� �' �� 40 �+l1 �,�'IF, atoga 5I $,- t - �- �7 :; ;\ �So I \ i , ; •/ �t / tile) s8,_ �loo Farx- ct�) 1 5trvaturoI: i - M�Chanlc.Il: �4m.' \ FL.ENDiS \ \ P.O. $cox 514, I!ost tpr'eeinbugh w 1206t j _i , ./ / �� Phone: Nb) 4M-4627 Fox: (t►i8) 4'i l \ ', `\ j I� ,l \ \.\\Y \ �- _ _ � \ / �.�� •` I \ �_ ..� NDi2 FLNDi4 � d. -•. ' EleGtrlGAl: INV. Veer InES 00 NYFL.END#3 31• '760 COrlt�DOd �ltFtOM POrV. 310.W I � � Phone: (516) 6-M-1 / OOTT OF DIETE BA OF SIN ELEV. 310.00 ELEV. Revisions %313.00 Poo* INOW MATCH LINE (SE�` SHEET L- / \ \\ ' ' �\ ' �� � `� ! �!!�.. ammonium '��•- , A v. / CH LINE (SEE S L-S) DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLE PIPES (NOTE: ALL PIPES TO BE HDPE) STRUCTURE RIM ELEV. INV.(S) IN INV. OUT PIPE RUN LENGTH NOM. SIZE SLOPE CB#I 324.00 - 320.50 CB#I - CB#2 14 LF 18" 0.5% CB#2 324.12 320.43 320.33 CB#2 - CB#3 32 LF 18" 0.5% C8#3 323.97 320.41 320.04 CB#3 - FE#I 84 LF 18" 0.5% C8#4. 316.56 - 313.56 CB#4 - CB#5 24 LF 12" 0.5% C9#5 316.56 313.40 313.30 CB#5 - CB#6 299 LF 12" 1.T6% C8#6 311.60 307.76 307.26 CB#6 - FE#6 113 LF 24" 0.5% CB#T 311.88 - 308.88 CB#7 - CB#8 95 LF 12" 0.5% C808 311.40 308.40 308.15 CB08 - CB#6 79 LF 15" 0.5% C9#9 320.61 - 317.36 CB#9 - CB#10 24 LF 15" 0.5% CB#10 320.61 317.24 316.99 CB#10 - FE#2 23 LF 18" 0.5% C8011 322.60 - 319.50 CB#II - CB#12 24 LF 12" 0.5% CB#12 322.35 319.38 319.28 CB#12 - CB#13 129 LF 12" 0.5% CB#13 321.65 318.63 318.53 CB#13 - CB#14 200 LF 12" 3.77% CB#14 1 314.35 310.99 310.49 CB#14 - DMH#I 54 LF 18' 0.5% C9#15 314.01 - 311.01 CB#15 - CB*16 24 LF 12' 1 0.5% C8#I6 314.01 310.89 310.64 CB#16 - DMH#I 21 LF 150 0.51L DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLE (CONTINUED) PIPES (NOTE: ALL PIPES TO BE HDPE) STRUCTURE RIM ELEV. INV.(S) IN INV. OUT PIPE RUN LENGTH NOM. SIZE SLOPE CB#17 319.98 - 316.98 CB0I7 - C i18 34 LF 12" 0.5% CB#18 319.77 316.81 316.56 C8918 - D H#2 129 LF 15" 0.5% CB#19 322.65 - 319.65 CB#19 - C90201 25 LF 12" 0.5% CB#20 322.65 319.52 319.42 CB#20 - D H*21 163 LF 12" 0.5% CB#21 322.31 313.06 313.06 CB#21 - QMH*21 67 LF 24" 0.4% CB#22 321.70 - 318.70 C #22 - #13 80 LF 12" 0.5% CB#23 322.00 - 319.00 CB#23 - C #25 57 LF 12" 0.5% CB#24 322.50 - 319.50 C #24 - C1111025 42 LF 12" 0.5% CB#25 323.48 318.71/319.29 318.61 CB#25 - C i2T 107 LF 12" 0.5% CB#26 321.60 314.67/317.67 313.92 CB#26 - DMH#3 117 LF 24" 0.4% CB#27 321.30 318.07 317.82 C #27- 26 31 LF 15" 0.5% CB#28 320.10 315.60 315.35 CB#28 - C # 6 134 LF 18" 0.5% CB#29 319.29 - 316.29 CB#29 - C #30 45 LF 12" 0.5% CB#30 319.00 316.00/316.06 315.81 C8030 - C •28 42 LIF 15" 0.5% C8#31 319.18 - 316.18 C •31 - C 30 36 L 10.5% CB#32 329.50 - 326.50 C8032 - D H#4 234 LF 12" CB#33 324.10 - 320.60 C8033 - D!JH#51 177 LF 18" 0.5% DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABU (CONTINUED) PIPES (NOTE: ALL PIPES TO BE HDPE EXCEPT WHERE NOTED) STRUCTURE RIM ELEV. INVAS) IN INV. OUT PIPE RUN LENGTH NOM. SIZE SLOPE C8#34 323.20 - 320.20 CB#34 - CB#35 47 LF 12" .5% CB#35 322.60 N9.97 319.8T C #35 - DAYLIGHT 2 LF 1 0.5% CORRR GATI DMH#I v3k.R 310.53/310.22 309.94 DMH#1 - F # .. 300 LF Z411 0.4% DMH#2 322.10 8.6/312.T9l315. 312.79 DMH#2 -FfA DMH#3 - CB*- F 24" 0.49E DMH#3 323.g2 313.45 313.45 24" 0.4% MH#4 1 _ 2.10 3i8.60J318.85 318.50 DMH#4 - F # fib F ISO ,5% HOS 324.00 319,71` 319.61 MH#5 - fl H# 123 LF .- �,• 0" - , A )� . Drawing b,: ... L=4 4 0 ® m x 4m� LAWN \ ao 12 13 \ DELUXE �' o UNITS �.. DELUXE y' UNITS MEADOW 14 GRASS \ LAWN ' AS %�� AS m i LAWN 10 `\ V � STD. >o UNITS yi /! a k LAWN LAWN \ a STD. r. LAWN UNITS 7 MEADOW \ GRASS LAWN 6 DELUXE —'�-- UNITS 6 MEADOW GRASS MEADOW GRASS SEE ENLARGED COTTAGE PLANTING PLANS BELOW La o WIN w io 1i1y (m�k._� i y DELUXE 2 UNITS MEADOW GRASS I - N 3 MEADOW GRASS MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET L-10) �' \ /1 TYP. PLANTING, FOR DELUXE COTTAGES LAWN LAWN TYP, PLANTING FOR STAN \ SEE SHEET L-IO \ FOR PLANTING SCHEDULE ]l s: I ' lr►d TH1 tit � RMptr�►oINOr�7uw!liMrN AR i HAVILAND ROAD LAWN�iUEENSBIJRY NY 4 / PNI I Consultonts OR / 2 1 vii and Londscope I % L.A. Croup s 40 Long Atleg SW 5pr , W 1 phone: (5Ib) 56-7-Yblw Fox.. No) W-o MEADOW - _ trUGlr,Al GRASS MEADOW _ GRASS MEADOW GRASS i"IGG%1QI'tlGQl; LAWN H I `-i Potvid Sdnde�rs," P.C. tAM�., P.O. � 514, Fit (9r, ril7joh, 1`Y ICJ �.: Phmw NO) 4101-4622 Fax- `546), 4?01' , Eleatricol: i MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET_ L-K?►AC'!'lti tGr inG� MEADOW 'Il50 Garttcx► #mad. lfWn P�crk, MY IZt". PI OMO: (50) bll-1500 Fax. Nb)o' vlw" , LL LAWN I ARI t r 1 MEADOW % Tht GRASS X f / NOTES- • TREE SHALL BEAR SAME RELATIONSHIP NOTES • \V TO FLASH GRADE AS IN THE NURSERY. ° -> - TREE SHALL tEAR SAME RELATKWV :! 'T . THIN BRANCHES A FOLIAGE AS DIRECTED " `� Q TO FUSH GRADE AS IN THE NURSERY. WHILE RETAIWNG NORMAL SHAPE OF *NEVER CUT A LEADER. Revisions TREE. NEVER CUT A LEADER. 0TREE SHILL BE PLUMB t STtL TREE SHALL BE PLUMS dt STRAIGHT. �a- INSTALL 3 GUYS PER NEE EQUALLY �� ATTACH I/W GALV. STEEL CABLE ti��% SPACED AiuJM NOOTiA )- ATTACH TO STAKE. NOTCH STAKE TO RECEIVE />d`` H CALV SUL CAKES i 2,%S HIQGHT _ CABLE. ENCASE MARE AROUND TRUNK `, . OF TREE. FOOMOE FAWWO NOW 1RRJW IN REINFORCED RUBBER HOSE ABOVE HOSE 70 ENCASE CABLE AWJW y� FIRST BRANCH. SECURE Au ENDS OF ;> SECURE ALL ENDS OF CABLE . W/'' CALV. Title CABLE MATH GALV. CLAMPS, CLAW r 4' GALV. TURNBUCKLE EA. CABLE '< r GALV. 7UNOUCKLE EA. CABLE PLANTING PLAN ro x V CEDAR STAKES. 3 PER 1; f ' X jl TREE. STAKES TO BE SAME HEK�HT, _ �� 2 -0 DRIVEN P ON AN SUGHT ANGLE. i ' STAKES TO BE OUTSIDE Of ROOT BALL. G _ �' 3' • X 2'-O� CEDAR STMfES► 3 P0! SCALE': �" 50' NEATLY WRAP ALL DECIDUOUS TRUNKS TREE, DRIVEN M AT A 2s ANGLE: G. ! TO A HEIGHT OF THE SECOND LOWEST STAKES TO BE OUTSKJE OF 'CAFE PR. x BRANCH (FALL PLANIIMG ONLY) r\ 3" HT. 'lJ1NTBr1G Mq( SAUCER Do lot rare o.o.or - wr er..Mi.nr - - f l 3* HT. PLANTING trflX SAUCER Y DEPTH PBE BW MNJLCH: +liar 0 0 0 a GO Mns 1e ` 3" DEPTH PINE SARI( MULCH: PULL MULCH AWAY MW TRVM, lair eee.,.wMt it N M t o TA01' PULL MULCH AWAY FROM TRUNK. -RtImnm rX = PAGIifl t SO►. _ AMEND PLANTING WY, COMPACTED SAVARMIll 10 10TrAiMi OF 7M II _ CUT ROPE SURROUNDING BOTTOM OF TREEWTU Bt> MULCHM DD NOT «�rwr rN�w, a�rMu ` t TRUNK AFTER BACKFILUNG BUT BEFORE MULCI*C DO NOT RDWA B)N O. #Ai1W 501l. DRAMKA►BE MOUND, SM DRAINAGE MOUND. 00110A9 ED TO !2!iNATIVE Qrgi�ring Hui >er COMPACTED TO 9= UNDIISTURSED SUBGRADE UNOASTURi�D SUB(BtADE - x �� "'H: DARD COTTAGES0 3 DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING 4 EVERGREEN TREE PLANTING. Date: Agri "I, 2000