2000-703 TOWN OF OUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 7614256 CERTIFICATE CIF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: P20000703 Date Issued: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20000703 has been completed. a� t � �� Tax Map Number, 6 523 0.063-000-0001-441-003-0000 Location. 63 QUAKER Rd Owner. OREST & MARIA BOYCHUK Applicant: CELL ONE This structure may be occupied as a: By Order of Town Board Commercial Alteration TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ( )j APPOW Director of Building & Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSE3URY 742 Bay road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761 -8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20000703 Application Number• A20000703 Tax Map No : 523400-063-000-0001 -001 -003-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: CELL ONE i Owner of property located at: 63 QUAKER Rd in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place a Commercial Alteration at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury ,Zoning Ordinance. Owner Address: OREST & M.ARIA BOYCHUK 35 ORCHARD Dr QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Contractor or Buit,d is Name / Address Electrical Inspection Agency MIDSTATE COMMUNICATIONS & ELEC NY Type of Construction: Commercial Alteration Value : S 10,000600 Plans & Specifications 2000-703 CELLULAR "MICROCELL" BASE STATION WITH 3 ROOF MOUNTED ANTENNAS & MICROCELL CABINET ON NEW LOADING DOCK $25400 PERMIT FEE PAIR - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Sunday, September 15, 2002 (1 f a longer period is required, an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of QueeTsbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Friday, September 1.5, 2000 SIGNED BY for the 'rown of Queensbury. Director of Building & rcement FILE No . 227 08r28 ' 00 PM 02 :23 I D : TOWN OF f]UEENSBURY FAX : SI S 745 4437 PAGE 2 Town of Queensbury - Detm. u,f Ge»i111104,jrry flrrrlalb►+care. ,742 &,w ft AeNl, f�rrr rrRrl� r v. NY 12&J4 1701-81561 0UILDING & CODE & NF (> RCGeWEN7• .F- AVAWD ,3,3L � C-> _._.lillr� Requirements prior to issuance '�]� n •�•+it r,>,aet be .-b._:•,e , t)erore +� this rlxiie: T FILE No. a+G�4U_ 6oghtniAg aoenatruction, No inrpeetima will be nude until spplirant ham tweived ] 2.e rlfr S ,Braezrtd 1lclio►s r• 41FM Ir t ID a auit artrrci marewwlrr. Ru ,�,�„ / u�ee�tliciutfa• .p.oer Hirt Utia +tpfslictrtiun 'r177t�1V !r'!rE I S MUST' be coempiweted and,am aiignature � PaActionWhD BY.of the alplicant moot appaer an the Spit I Subclivieli)et 1 t1tltarllaation form. m ssdy, Re�crantttitt l'iae F'wyrtteglt . .._.. — ..._.— Appiiaan t: LF3R?u �% FY"! �4?F ------- Owner, Adtiresa: WA, 414r- �� Addreesa: Phone # (5_Il , 5, Z' ` ty 2! i SI g Proporty Locution: _ � 3 ooer ker- RO4 "Mcs r• rI: Subdivision Name: Tax Mal) Nurubwr • Nociiiin lUtwir licit NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: ESTZil111TED iMARKBCT VALI,t bF� >fi$ - - New Building . CONSTRUCTION : $ l &AJ` - residence / commercial Addition to Building : reasidence ,/ commercial 1OCCU>P"IcY YF rost"ATZONr Alteration to Building : Primary 8uil. din it residence ofcommercial Single tramlq y-Dwall .i.ng Residence / Commercial Two Famll. y r)wcl .ling no change to exterior slue . Ftmily Dwelling t7t1= mc0 X Other Work ( describe below ) 0a0VfWV6V Meraesntilea CEt�-v ten. E-4t4." 94CE STi%M, 0iU wit e)LWrC0 Manufacturing Other h A p►tc eS .►~ rvt tt Ro cf 44 C noJx1@-i o xi t L a+SOrI�'G p,tC. wc. t!7C 096 AREA OF PROPORRD BWRUCTURM t left r1cor . . . . . . . w sq . ft , If ADDITION , what will use 2nd .F1'ogr . . ..!� . . ,sqw ft of navx addition be ? : Other V1tso ts . . . . . v Sq . ft . ( not unfinished call r or basement ) wecBssaRr sV2LQztsos : t3tste_� E �stNE► b `t : �. �oavr►t6 ,< Detached Garage 1r 2 car TOTAL FLOOR AREA ! SQ FT . Attached Garage 1 , 2 car Private . stora a Buildin SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE : 7 . �✓ 5 , v t=Qpr Commercial. Storage Building 3 ' C Other fit+ FEET x - I•ft:sT () its ti-t6S Founclatlan Type : Will any second- hand or ungraded Number of Stories : Lumber he used ? If so , for what ? ( habitftble apace dryly Haight ( grade to rjr.dge ) : feet- TYPS or NBATXNG SISTEN r Number o rireplacetp acid/ or woo stove ( ca. rcle all which appline ) to be inset ailed :, 0Electric / Oil 1 Gas / wood Forced Hot Air / Baseboard / Other Person responsible for supervision of work as regards } ,+to building �codes is : Nis►eIt.,+_. t _.1tiL�1eGF•=�e ►ur '�",a__ :a !Y CO '-) 7.4- 1AS-D Maine Addreass ono Builder : c trYeu a i � c t:a� [ r ) - 3ot;i Plumber : ,V/d Mason. : rs F 4' -, . Idrr E,lectriciatn : F r DECL ARA77ON.• Pkase sips below after you have ~**My read dw stmeynent. To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application , together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to lee done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building 0xic, the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whellter specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner, Further, it is understood that Uwe shall submit prior to a Certificate of Occupancy"or Certificate or Compliance being issued, tin AS BUILT PL(Yr PEAK by a licaanaetl staveyor;;5lcxtq y trx"sjcWe, showing actual location or project oet prerttises. Signature: (ow , ow r s agent, architect, contractor) COMMERCIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Building & Code Enforcement Date motion request received- Office No. (518) 761-8256 Dept. of Community Development �� Town of Queensbury Arrive part 742 Bay Road tor's Initial Queensbury, NY 12804 NAME y � �_ J � > ,PERMIT LOCATION DATE TYPE of STR � ry N/A YES No Corers C hunneyl"B" VoWDirect Vert locabon Phrnnbing Vert Roof Complete Exurtor fmish grade con>lticte hteaior/e terior guardrails 42 in. platform/decks leterivrlexterioar ballast.e�rs 4 in. spacin latfrma/decks Stair handrail 34 in, - 38 in_ Step risers 7 3i/4 in. 'Main door 44 in. A11 others 36 in. Lever handles Emits at grade or platform Canopy to cover req_ exit. doors Cress valve shut-off exposed & regulator C 8 in.) a ve gra m Fir bathroom watertight Either floors okay Hot water relief valve Boiler rn a/fuace nc.3osure <250.000 BTU N/R 250.000 BTU to 1,000,000 is (1 our) 71.000,000 BTU's (2 hour) — Gas furnace shut off within 30 fL or within lme of site Oil furnace shut off at entrance to furnace tea Stockroom enclosure (1 hour), r/4 hour d Suwagrireceivinglshipping room (2 hourl 'h doors 1 °, hour doors and closers a / hour corridor doors. and closers FRewalls/fire separation, 2 hour, 3 hour lete Fire dangaess, 2 hour fire walllseparation or eater Fire doorlshtttters 1 '/: hour, 3 hour Ceiling fire stopping 3,000/5,000 sq. ft.� — Fan shutdown, smoke vents or fan Esit door/panic bars assembly hardware Elevators Elevator sigpage Handicapped bathroom grab bars/sinks/toilets handicappedbathiparking lot signage Handicapped service counters 34 in., checkotd 36 in. Handicapped ratnp/handrails continuous/ 12 in. beyond .active listening system and signage assembly space_ Final Electrical_ Site Plan/Variance required-- Final Survey, new structures— N .As-buih septic system layout required _ okay to issue temp- C/O (Oxtif of C}oatpancy) Okay to issue permanent CIO (Certif: of OccWa 4cy) Okay to issue CIC (Ccrtif. of Compliance) NIIDDLF DE:PARTME NT INSPFCTIONN' AGENCY, INC. 1 Date Nov . 29P 2000 LerttfieS that the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed below has been examined and is approved as being in accord with the National Electrical Cade, applicable governmental, utility and Agency rules in effect•an the date Tfote[f abate �rrd is issued subject to the following conditions. Owner-GCellulaz' one Occupancy: Ccimmercial . C Location: 6Quaker Rd This cefbficsiv applies on ly to the otect ri" wu ing to the electrical eq Uiprtient Iistoo bebw and the installation Inspected as Irlt above noted dale based on a vrsuat inspecuorl. No warranty is Q u e e n s b u r y ! N * V . expr ossod pr irnpYed as to the lneeha n ical safely, ONIcrency Or tliness Of M4 eO1.�pmorii IOf any�ti IV yy LY 2 panicularpurpuser.. This certlflcate&Kali Oevandtor apeviod al oneyear lremlheabove noted�date Equipment. Should the froth" sv stem to which this can ii icate applies be allered in any way. including but 100 Am Service u 1 �7 yIIf Copper i he i nmed to, brie bet r Oductton of additional Wool("90UP rent and/or the replaOl ment of any of �+ p . #2 C o p p e oamponenls Installed as of rho above noted daft, Chia cenificale shall be irrlrnaelalety nuif and void_ This certrtrc ate applies only 10In"use, OCCIlpancS'and owners hp as indicated herein. Upon A change to The use, Occupancy Ot Owners hp of.the Proi0ony indicalod above, this Osrlificale shag bo i1­1111"Wiatoty null and vOd. in Irmo event that this cerlficafa tt$C es Invalid based Upon the above cdndniOns this certificate rTay be revalldared upon ra inspecliOn by Middle Depanment Itf Applicant: �Gco _ T . martin sonS te, ` soocCion Agency, Ind, An appficatien (Or inspecliOn must be submitted to Middle DefMxtrnem y pBCtidfl AgerrCtr, tnc. To Inegate the in SPectron and revalidation Process. A tee will be charged S 2 Cooper Ave , for this &ervice. Rensselaer . NY 12144 No. 14- 97305 I`1 Qlo, fi !+ arm .a hsLlrrl, a[ � arA, •. y .[ ,LtiliG 7. „ ft Form No, 703 EL 7-94 `�. �' GE1 VER4�_ IN 'PECTICIIY REPORT � I ( 518 ) "76Z -8256 Town or Queensbory Dept. of Community Development Da#e inspection request received: Building. & Code Enforcement 742 Say Road Queensbury, NY 12804 A.rrive� Ifep _ nspector's Init' r- NAME: , L PERMIT C� LOCATION: DATE TYPE OF STRUC 1JRE: fuL.c` rr3a . 0 �' '�- A f� c7F'cs-� RECHECK f.� 1�F *,��.�''� � rN IA YE NO COMMENTS FootingslPi , e4z.at-._e,%-p }�E' Ono ithic Pour Form Reinforcement in P The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezin for 48 hours following tkre nt of the concrete. li Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour t -- Reinforcement in Place.:_,,.,,,,__ Foundation/Dainpprooftn&............_ f Backfill Approval Plumbing Linder Slam Plumbing Vent/Vents in PlacIeL. Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation. Walls Interior R- Foundati.on Walls Extonor R- Floors R.- Walls R- Ceilin.g R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging, joist Hanigers Jack Post&%4am Bearn Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Scaled Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour. Firestoppi