2000-858 TOWN VF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761=8256 ERTIFI ATE F COMPLIANCE Permit Number. P20000858 Date Issued: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20000858 has been completed. ]) { Tax Map Number, 523400-121-000-0012-016-001-0000 Location: 22 QUEEN MARY Dr Owner, MELANIE A HASTINGS This structure may be used as a: Shed / Storage Sheds By order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEEN5BURY Director of Building & Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761 -8201 Community Development - Building ,& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILD►IN+G PERMIT Permit Number: P20000858 Application Number: A20000858 Tax Nlap No: 523400-1 2 1 -000-00 1 2-0 1 C-001 - 0000 Permission is hereby granted to: MELANIE A HASTINGS For property located at: 22 QUEEN MARY Dr in the 'Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: . , MELANIE A HASTINGS Shed 1 Storage Sheds 2,000.00 22 QUEEN MARY Dr Total Value 2,000.00 QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name / .Address Electrical Inspection Agency 4.. Plans & Specifications 2000-858 140 SO FT STORAGE SHED AS PER. PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS $15,00 PERMIT FEE PAIR - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday, November 15, 2002 (Ifa longer period is required, an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) ti Dated at the To nsb ,�'V;d , Novemberl5, 2000 SIGNED BY �r0'I for the Town of Queenshury. Director of Building & Code E, nforcement Building Permit Application Town of Queensbury - Dent. of Community Develojwneort, 742 Bay Roml, Queensrbury, NY 12804 176I-82561 NP5 BUILDING �1$ C' ODE ENFORCEMENT Requirements prior to issuance A pebtainer# before of this permit: PERMIT FILE Nt7 beginning construction. No inspections PERMIT FEE PAID ,$ will be made until applicant has received Zoning Board Actiona •VAI,Il7 BUILDING PERMIT. All Area / Use REC'REA77ON FEE�"AID ,$ applicants" spiaaea on this application MUST be completed a6d• the aignature 0 Planning Board Action REVIEWED BY, of the applicant must appear ion the SPR / Subdivision / other Building Impecror hcation forth. nwxa j " Recreation Fee Payment Applicant: I, MAte LiS�i V � C� '� Owner: Address: Vk64 CV Address: Phone # _) - U Phone # -____-- Property Location: - `1' ' y � Tax Map Number Subdivision Name: . ci`l kr-et r w . .s Section 131<rck l c,t NATURE OF PROPOSED WORKS ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE ___.. ,New Building : CONSTRUCTION : $ 44 of o residence / commercial Addition to Building : residence / commercial OCCUPANCY INFORMATION : Alteration to Building : Primary Building - residence / commercial Single Family Dwelling Residence / Commercial Two Family Dwelling �s � change to exterior size Family Dwelli g f��.1s Office Other Work ( describe below ) Mercantile NOV © 7 2000 tFtC manufacturing OWN OF l<other QUEl`lSSURY GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE : ,�' %9C•-�C"' BUILDING A F lst Eloor . . . sq . ft . IfADDITION , what will use 2nd .Fl�ogr .. . . !�l+' . . s ft . rie�� additi n be ? Other FluuY s . . sq . ft . ( not unfinished cellar or basement ) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS : ./ mot Detached Garage 1 , 2 car TOTAL FLOUR AREAS �`tt- _ _ _ SQ . FT . Attached Garage 1 . 2 car Private - Storage Building SIZE OF NEW STRUCTi3RF� : Commercial Storage Building ! F{ Other� FEET X � � FEET Foundation Type : /j Will any second- hand or ungraded Number of Storles : � I lumber be used? If so , for what ( habitable space or yly) Height ( grade to rxdge ) : ' feet TYPE OF HEATING SYSTEM : Number of fireplacet a d / or woo stove ( circle all which applies ) to be installed :, Electric / Oil / Gas / Wood. Forced Hot Air / Baseboard / Other Person resspon i le for sups vision of w rk as a ar s to bu ' in codes is * IA RS v� vU Name Addresss Phone Builder : Plumber : Mason : Electrician : DECZARA7TON. Please sign below after you have carefully read the statement. To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application, together with the plants and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the wrier. Further, it is understood that Uwe shall submit prior to a Certificate of Occupancy or Certi to of Compliance being issued, an AS BUILT Fi.Ctl PLAN by a licensed survey dr k sca s ing actual location of project on premises. Signature: If ( , er's agent, t, contractor) `) . L) TowN OF QUEENssuRY gUILAIN z COVE AY UVORCFMENT OAD oUERNggURY NY I2804 � . ARRIV R : ---�--- ' EQL.lRT RE,$IU8'R`IIAL IFIr AI. I"s pscTlom 'R ICON REQUEST RECEIVED % DATE IN5PEG i 4�4 `Cs� 3 '�-'Z- ,r... 3,,C)CATI©N 1, ti PC rr swrR , TURE FRAMING TYPE OF 13Acv%7ILL FOUNDATJON INSULNTI N FOOTINGS__.__A SEPTIC FIRE ROUG" PLUt�SRWQOA3Ti7'ds OR 8 ry FINAL U.LECT V N 1izIG H V N unjolIOR ^p�y S S RA NG E T A V ApOR 0 nrI /KI 0 li R FL R5 C RP CE RA ,ING e.TA_._�p_m'ei.G1�E A S y,TION__,.__ FC7U T R ING -F - ➢y170R C. CAL --- — E VAR ANC R gIK� v Y s uE O C 'C TD TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE gNFC}RCEMENT 742 BAY ROAD {2UEEotBURY NY 12804 (519) 761-8256 7 C/ - -- ARRIVE : - -- .. DEPART : I "7 INSP : ` - rl"AL INSPECTION AEPOR1' - RElSIpL*I�T IAL DATE INSPECTION nEQUEST RECEIVED : NAME 5F41 - t' AN I LOCATION .4Cy� -E-'1j DATE PERMIT N r TYPE OF STRUCTURE FOOTINGS� FOUNDATION $ACKFILL F RA4E I NG INSULATION ROUGH PLUMBING SEPTIC FINAL ELEC'f.'ECTRIRICAL � WOODSTOVB OR FIREPLACE y HO Y Et'GI._�fB VENTfH PLUMING VFNT ROc�F x NG x x R I H ngggia C S G kk Lr A V - O I rnRrpR TRXMJP._ , YAir FIN 'FsaTH/ T"r !iE A' I T H L WE P 0 HRR FLOORS CA PE3 M S. TR CLEARANCE/RA' N S pT fMA1T,NG FIXTUI'Z ---'--'�'! FOUL40AT;ON N U T O G F ING SEER F� NA C. CAL SI AN V C E FIN VE P O P General Information Application No. ([)mce use only) Project Location: ,, -y Tax Map ID: Jai — / toe � Zone Classification: Detailed Description Of Project (include current & proposed use): C—:.f ec.�k w>V%e. ; �• ►c�c C +' - '�s►rc � Applicant: Address* r SOL! Home Phone: Work Phone/Fax: Por nt's Agent: : hone/Fax: Property (honer: Address. Phone: Work Phone[Fax: Directions to Site: .,L :area Variance Last Revised. 03/07/2000 Site Development Data Area/Type Existing (sq. ft.) Propossed (Addition Total (dfftt.)A. Building Footprint oIQ -1C7 B. Detached Garage C. Accessory Structure (s) Qp 4 D. Paved, gravel or other hard S surfaced areas E. Porches/Decks F. Other Total Non-Permeable (Sum A throe F Parcel Area U J 1 Percent Non-Permeable (Total Non-Pcrmeable/Parcel :ea) Setback Requirements Location Required Existin Proposed Front ( 1 ) Front (2) Shoreline Side 'Yard ( 1 ) Side Yard. (2) k mew Rear Yard ( 1 ) . Rear Yard (2) Buffer/Travel Corridor Area Vo ariance Last Revised: 03/0712000 AREA yARIANCE APPL -ICATION (Must be accompanied by site information pages. ) TOWN OF QUEENSEURY 742 Bay Road ©ueensbury , New York 12804 Applicant: 1Le Parcel No. Imo/ ►' / 1 f4'o J_ IN ORDER TO COMPLETE IIII T 11,HIS IIII A III PPL[CATION , YOU WILL FIRST NEED. 1 . A map of your property , to scale, showing the location of any existing buildings, septic systems, and wells. ( Remember to indicate North and the scale. ) 2. A definite idea of where, and what size, you would like your house, addition, pool „ etc . , to be. 3. The setback requirements for the zone (available from the Zoning Department: 761 - s238 ) COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING ORDINANCE: Section (s) Require(s) ��setbac ks r"I lot width r- -I buffer zone r-'I other that cannot be met by the project as proposed. a Specific setback requirements should be provided on Page 2 of the Project Information n-s pages. a USING THE MAP OF THE PROPERTY , SHOW : C 1 . All proposed new buildings, etc. , in relation to existing . Show dimensions clearly . 2. All setbacks affected by the project, existing and proposed . Z c� 3. Distances to adjacent owner' s septic and well , if application involves ,n installation or modification to septic or well , or if it could affect adjacent systems. 4. Other items appearing on checklist with Project information pages, as appropriate. (If in doubt, inquire. ) ELEVATIONS: Some projects are understood better if a drawing of the what the project will look like is provided , in addition to the map /plan. The fallowing questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance* Please complete them, using additional sheets if needed. 1. How Would you benefit from the ranting of this Area Variance? T --� (('LJ r 2. 'What effect would this variance have on the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the co rn nity? e �u � � 3, Are here feasible alternatives to this variance? i e ure ' t uAl 4 4. Is the amount of relief substantial relief relative to the Ordinance' V-D Cr g, Will the variance have an adverse effect or impact on the phys caI or environmenal conditions in th neighborhood or district? "y � `� € '�� Area Variance Last Revised: 0310+)k.2000 Checklist Please prepare a map depicting existing and proposed conditions. Failure to complete the following checklist or include all the required information on your plot plan will result in a determination of incompleteness and a ,delay in the processing of your application. Checltl"tnitial The Applicable Boa Address Each Item cable Provided Not Apph Waiver i' GENERALRe sled 1 A. Title, name, address of applicant and person responsible for VIIIIIIIIIIII' renarationofdraw' . B. Noah arrow, "Fax Map ID, date prepared and scale (minimum we,� 1 in. = 40 ft.). C. Boundaries of the property plotted toscale, coning boundary. D_ Location of principal structures and accessory structures with /' exterior dimensions- e outdoor storage E. Location of site improvements including g areas. driveways existin and sed), arian areas. etc. F. Setbacks for all structures and improvements. II. WAITER & 5E"1'4'ER A. Location of on-site sewage disposal facilities, design details, construction details, flow rates, and number of bedrooms served. B. Location of water supply, (i.e., well) and septic on adjoining V lots with separation distances to existing or proposed on-site water suppi and s tic. C. Separation distances for proposed sewage disposal system to well and waterbodies- D. Location and description of existing public or rprivate water ovate supply (~yell, lake, etc.). Method of securing public p water, location, design, and construction of water supply includinu daily wa#er usa e. E. percolation test location and results. III. P i►I2KITIGIPERPrIEABLE AREAS A. Number of spaces required for project including c a lculatio ae``ustific ation B. Number of existing parking spaces, number to be removed number to remain. and type of surfacing material (e.g_, gravel, aved). C. Provision for pedestrian and handicap access and parking. D. Location and design details of ingress, egress, loading areas, and curbine- Area Variance Last Revised: 03f0 i 12000 Provided Not Applicable Waiver Address Each Item Re nested 1 green areas and proposed), E. Location and charac eas buffer zone to remain modification to greenare undisturbed. F. Lighting: 11 loc 11 ation and design of all existing or proposed outdoor li tin . Tv. ADIlITIONAL SITE DEVELOPiV1EiVT & MISCELLANEOUS A. Location of on-site and adjacent watercourses: streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands. 13. Location of proposed and existing: utilitylenergy distn"bution s Sterns (gas. electric, 54)1ar, tel !)hone). C. Location., design and construction of all existing and proposed site improvements including: drains, culverts, retaining walls, fences, fire &c emer en zones and h drams. D. Location and arnount'portion of building area proposed for office, manufacturing, retail sales, or other comrriercial activities. E, Signage: location, size, type, design and setbacks. ADDI`17IOt3AL RLQ[J1REIMENTS 1) * �Taive��r Request — Provide a letter to the Zoning Board and/or Planning Board requesting the waivers indicated on the checklist. 2) n the checklist. l Development Activities will require submission of a Landscaping Plan, Storrrnvater Management Flan and a Grading Plan. 3) Other elements integral to the proposed development as considered necessary by the reviewing board• 4) Identify any Federal, State or County permits required for the project's schedule. 5) Please submit record of application for approval status of all necessary permits from Federal, State and County officials. 6) ,Other Fees may apply — Engincerimg Fees, Recreation Fees For Offfee Use Only - Reviewed by Application fee received Original and 14 copies of Application and Plot Plan submitted Required Signatures Other: Area Variance Last Revised: 03/07/2000 Signature Page This Page includes the Authorization to Act as Agent Form, Engineering Fee Disclosure, Other Permit Responsibilities, and Agreement to provide documentation required. Complete the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant Onvner's Agent Form (print Owner Name) Owner t A licant/Agent Name) Designates: CF'nn vision Variance site plan Subdivision As agent regarding: Block Lot Tax Map No.: Section Deed Reference: Book Page Date SIGNATLJRE: (Owner) Date f the ALPPLIC AN1' is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by Complete the following i another party: Applicant's Agent Form (Print Applicant Name) Applicant: (Print Agent Name) Designates: As agent regarding: Variance Site flan Subdivision For Tax Map No.: Section Block Lot SIGNATURE'. (Applicant) Date l—� lications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of Enaineerin Fee Disclosur� App i Y g g artrnent. Fees for septic design, storm draina e, etc. as determined b the zoning or Planning Dep engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant_ Fees for engineering review will not exceed 51 ,000 without notification to the applicant please ote: other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent o approval by Nti the Zoning Board and/or Planning Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. Official Meet! 'Minutes Disclosure: It is the practice of Communiy Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record rite proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and that minutes transcribed from those tapes constitute the official record of all proceedings. if there is a discrepancy beh�•een such record and the handwritten minutes taken by the designated stenographer, the handwritten minutes shall be deemed the official record. 1, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission, agree to the submission requirements and c mpieted the h c st. � �� , `17rxte E) �,,�^'��7 /�y/y pticanea Date ap p ejrxute,s> agent j fgnat1Lye Area Variance Last Revised: 03l0+1?000 r. V t 4.1 f, ' �n i � : t+e ' t .� ♦ 3 ,' " "P its t . " r ' { 6 F I 1 : ' . .yv� k t Fr p y�t j Vsa :°�\ Yh?,>.)�Jr +s ' rl } r4{tr } 4 ,1 +�" .i v'}4 ` 1,Y t ' J .rr S •'•i x} S 1- p C r 3 h ^ It •l +i C 5 • it Pf• { 'r ' y'7� Tile .�� s r �.1R• rF 4s: ca .i , S ,� flt It +4' K ' . .. t t � �k t I { t )`Art YIf '« ; '{� 4 .41•. �,t r, '{' . Is ri IIIIIF • S tx. �i ) + ii , yyf .zl J tpif rr 7. . �"y #� .- a a .�{ iJt .. r:k ° , 5 ,,.. . ' �7�i.: gtpe nit .�5� � y�, ��'S S{ � t :F� �t••� ..x�d is i�✓ 4 �f 1 j fr P' y .. � � t b' �x .rV.L^' Y .4 •'F '.�5� G'fy trt � �=�4ik, * t � f . t { r n i F q nt S5 SJ.?yjr, µ �IrC ..TSS •V *t. 1. M`k # ' V - " i . �£f.•:�Fr! ,�ji+E. �, :� r •• s. `.. M1t s r . 1.7 °r2vf:' : r1"i• 'v �f "r 4 Fy •�17 L _ rod yIt gig r It rr. r as tom, y ;. • �L Ltd ' y �3 rV !� 'i" I. ` « It. i } rtIFJP i 1 ��,,¢¢ a , ` t- '{ 1 $ Y z f ` q'�u •}! } lhSfi .'•>� x . t � . .ie t� J - v +> y xt e r lY y.> lt{?{ice rjh ,i tt a �vx irr :. I • ' .,.y5 J >f .. 7 .•� f lr'k 7: 016 `P•i °i 1 '..:� :,� }t} }{�. •- Y �• -'( t I '. V J t �'I p'C}1}r��, F•` f f !.� +R• � 1I. ; I r� { LI , --