2000-939 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 128045904 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number; P20000939-29D6 Date Issued: This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20000939=22276 has been completed, Tax Map Number: 303.19-1-71 Location: 308 DIX AVE Owner: K-Mart Applicant: K-Mart This structure may be occupied as a. By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property Owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the p;, oFBuild;ng&C Enforcement Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building Sa Codes (518) 76111118256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20000939 .Application Number: A20000939 Tax Map No: 523400- 110-000-0001 -002-008-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: WIRELESS RETAIL For property located at: 49 DIX Ave in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application togetlxer with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Value Ordinance. 'Type o£ instruction Owner Address: K-MART HEADQUARTERS STORE Commercial Alteration 100000.00 CIO BURR WOLFF, L.F. Total Value 10,000.00 PO BOX 560907 DiAIII TX 75356-0907 Contractor or Builder's Name / Address Electrical Inspection Agency M & J CONSTRUCTION 584-7240 NY Plans Ss Specifications r2000-939 OMMERCIAL ALTERATION AS PER APPLICATION $32.50 PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES; 'Thursday, January 09, 2003 (Ifa longer period is required, an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Towx?~ Queens ry; Tues a , January 09, 2001 SIGNED j for the Town of Queensbury. �. .. Director of Building °& ode forcement 'i, BP File ....... IW4blwsr mom �J LAept_ of`Commz"iy Dew1o►pment +�,.`*�-► �ti -Fi �, ► O► Town of Q?uee7wbury �aC i7.pa. � a errs i-t, 742 Bay Road Q5reenshury, NY 12804 ``s [ (518) 761-8256 For occ*qxwmqy only, with no wovrk requiring buiAtMW pen"it: no fee quired fair this permit Name of Business: Sazi n [.Ac � Address F ��Ivj d T) � L r J / Person in �C or Manager: (r* 5 5 Business Phone Numb Type of Business: (i. ., mercant taurant, hobby s p, plumbing store): WI- t Owner of Property; Gr yr cx 7 i �- Address: Phone Number- W I-7- 't, i •� 5� - C7 �+ Please provide a layout of your store show i g all walls, exits, stockrooms, rest rooms, raters card fixture layout o separate sheet of r. Signature: Date: of4e � mimng this forn_ p'erty Tax. Map No. NoteslComments: FILE No . A 12 14z18 ' 4() AM 09 : 39 I D : TO Nd OF QUEENS"Y FAX :518 24k 443 j� PAGE (2}'� Built mpr Permit Application ocr ; $ Town of QLGE'e17sbury - Depx. r f Cr,,,rrruutfty Drvrinlarxscrsr, 742 Rev Rrxerl, Q1(eeP,.rhurv, NY 12804�,gZ5�j BUILDING & CODE CNAFORC +E' MENT L�TIC Requirements prior to issuance ---�._ - A permit rnu�b+ainerd before of this permit: ----- 1 f"RMf7" Fli.� N[). beginning ccx►atruction. No inspections P Y ] Zardn Board, Action PEW FEE 4FEE $ will 6e merle until applicant has received � $ " a 'VALJD BUILDING PERMIT. All AMR K Use RECREATIONapplicantse xpaam an thus applicationMUST be ccssmpleted acid the a4mcture Q Plnaa big B�^d Action REVIEWED ITof the applicant moat appear an the spit 1 %uhdivinkin / Othcr +"w T. rrr,ppIlcation harm. n...k ,+ Recreaticai Foe Paymant Applicant: � J � C�� C� f_�f 1 Owner: Address;: 10 121 `1 0 _ Address: TrJLrI'^ r LC)f� � Phone # ( 5l$ �) � _ - Z LJO Phone ProNrty Location : frax M i,p Numbc r Jto Subdivision Name: Suction liirIck I ot NATURE OF 1?1tOPOSEI! WORK * ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE New Building ; CONSTRUCTION ! $ jC`�. , Dodo residence / commercial Addition to Building : residence / commercial OCCUFA1l CY INfFOMATIONS Alteration to Suildin ; Primary Building - residence / rce La-L -� Single F'ami ), y Dwelling Residence / Commercial Two Family Dwelling no change to exterior size re,mily pwel. lirig office Other Work ( describe below ) _ Mercant, i ,10 Manufacturing other GROSS AREA of PROPOSED STRUCTURE c If ADDITION , what will use let F :l.00r . . . . 0 . 0 * sq . ft@ of new addit - n be ? 2nd ,Floor . , .,.. . . . sq . ft . _ i +f2 �E' S � as ; other Flours . . sq . ft . ( not unfinished cellar or basement ) ACCESSORY BIXILDINGSt Detachod Garage 1e 2 car TOTAL FLOOR AREA : SQ . FT . Attacho6d Garage 1 , 2 car privratln Storages Building SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURSt Commercial Storage Building other FEET X "FEET Foundations Type : will any second- hand or ungraded Number of Stories : d lumber be used? if so , for what ? ( habitable space OF Height ( grade to ridge ) : feet TYPE OF HEAVING SYSTEN & Number of fireplacet and /tar w000dstove ( circle all which applies ) to lie installed :.- Electric / Clil / Gas / wood Forced Hot 141r / Basesbcard ! at;jjer. PerBon reepo able f su erviexon of w a regar a to building codes is : �# 5l` Sys{ r Z2c`^ Naikne Addreses Phone DEGT.ARA3TON; Please sign brelow after you have cruelly read the statement To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further, it is understood that I/we shall submit prior to a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Compliance being issued, an AS SUTL.T PLOT PLAN by a licensed survey�w; drawn to scale, showing actual location of project on premises. k Signature: z fr Yl b��-- (owner, owner's agent, architect, contractor) W .- COMMERCL4LL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Building & Code Enforcement Date inspection request received: Office No, (518) 761-8256 Dept. of Community Development Town of Queensbury � C v trt3rl/pm D;r.3 742 Bay Road lnsTx' W'Queensbury, NY 128d4NAME +�� � f cFERMITf. OCATIONTYPE OP STRUCTURE DATE0- 4 I N/A YES NO COMMENTS Chiimey/"B" Vent/Direct vent location [ � - {T Plumbing vent � Roof Cotrilele Exterior finish grade ooroplete < - .. ....._.. L��. c. I y interior/exterior guardrails 42 in. platform/docks htt�iorlexteiar ballasters 4 in_ spacing,pletform/dedcs. C07u. Stair handrail 34 in. - 38 in. Sleep risers 7 V4 in. Main door 44 in. .all others 36 in. Lever handles Ezou at grade or platf+ar't'n Canopy to oove- req. exit doors cress valve shut-offexposod & regulator (18 in.) hove Roor bathroom.,a+R,r — waolertigbt Other floors okay Hot water relief valve Boiler/furnace enclosure <250,000 BTU N/R 250.000 BTU to 1,000.000 13 1 h > 1.000,000 BTU's (2 hour) -� Cras furnace shut ofi'wiw n 30 fl. or within line of ' c Oil furnace shut off at entrance to furnace area Stockroom enclosure (1 hour), 3/4 hour door Storage/recaiving/shipping room (2 hour), 1 'A 1 ,.2 'hour doors and closers 2 . hour corridor doors and donors Firewalls/fire separation, 2 hour, 3 hour complete Fire dampers, 2 hour fire wall/separation or greater Fire door/shutters 1 '/2 how, 3 hour Ceiling fire stopping 3,000/5,000 sq. tt.� Fan shutdown, smoke vents or fan - E!tit door/panic bars assembly hardware Elevators Elevator signage Handicapped bathroom grab hars/sinks4o;lets Handicapped bath/parking lot sigpage Handicapped service counters 34 in., checkout 36 in. Handicapped ramp/handrails continuous/ 12 in. beyond .active listening system and signage assembly space_ Final Electrical --- ��F Sire l Survey. new required_ Final Survey» new structures layout � built septic system layotu required �^�-- Okay to issue temp. C/O (Certif. of C►xupancy) tv/1 �`�--'k OkC*Iay to issue permanent CIO (Certif of fhxnnpancy) ► ` ��T^ ~x � Okav to issue CIC (Certif. of Compliance) FIRE MARSHAL TOWN OF QUEENSBURY QUEiENSBURY, NY 12804 (518) 761-6205 FIRE MARSHAL INS ECTION REPORT REQUEST RECEIVED 03-j NAME - LOCATIO PERMIT #�.__ _= C SCHEDULE INSPECTION ON <„ ► AM PM APPR ED EXITS NIA Y NO AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS EMERGENCY LIGHTING ` FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE. ALARM SYSTEM ; FIRE SPRINKLED SYSTEM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM HOOD INSTALLATION INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE: CLEARANCE TO SPR NKLERS CLEARANCE TO HEANG UNITS REQUIRED SIGNAGE CHIMNEY WOOD STOVE FIREPLACE ❑ MASONRY ❑ FACTORY BLT, "�---. ❑ ROUGH-IN fJ FINAL REMARKS: ❑ OK TO THIS DATE fie TJL,5 (xc-}rax) Akrrm � p fvel"mll " " I P OR Rnvt Rfcxvs my TEUNT SIIP MiI ITSPECWICATIONS Q�NIlERhi.: The h'abdc under they Bare Bid of the Cori W fqr Construction shall include all work indicated or speu:iad ~ #e CAX*l Dorunlidi #ts Unto" the wfxrk is specifl u dIC111ted 88 `Not In CAR (iN.I.C.)' Also mdlxad is ell work which may be necessary to provide el+t'icat. ¢ t Wsp one, relict related services to the gait space: * AN warts shaft be done in strict cornlworrnance any and all local and federal governing agencies havft MWWi including but 4 limited to, the latest amendments Of ail codas and regulations and staff f also conform to "Suer Kurt Standards for Tertartt Space Fit - Outs". Plane must be submitted to and approved by the local Department of Building and Sebty and Krnart Corporation before the work is done. The Contractor shall inform the Tenant and Owner if conditions represented in these drawings ddfor from Rat any building deficiency or unsafe condition of any kMd to the Owner. Due to the nature of rem projects, not every condition can be addressed. The Contractor shall obtain approval from the Tenant and the Owner before any additional work is commenced. No attempt has been made in these Construction Documents to define or separate areas of resporis ity between the convector, Subcaatraasctors, Tenant, or Owner. It shelf be to responsibility of these parties to coordinate their respective portions of the work with all others to avoid duplications. omissions, and sdwxk le problems. Verify all dimensions awed conditions in the field prior to ordering, fabricating, or conshx ting materials and asserithes. Dimeno ins as shown in the Drawings are to finish face of odor► unless speci1fically noted otherwise. Provide adequate concealed blocking end anchoring for ceiling and wail mounted fixdures, equipment, accessories, and millwork Coordinate with all trades and vendors the need for blocking, sleeves, structural support, or other preset accessories. The Work shall be done wth the lowest practicable level of noise, dust, and disturbance to the adiacent Kmart stone and other retail business. DEMOLiTIONIClNaINECTIONS TO EXISTING WORK: ( bmw rules and regulations governing the respective utilities in executing all Work under this heading. The Contractor shall be responsible for demolition and removal of existing work (if any) as required to complete these tenant improvements. Make proper and approved connections of new work to existing work and all necessary a c ustments of eitherlox both as required to prodwrce a complete and proper job. The disassembling, disconnecting, cutting, removal or altering in any way of existing work shall be carried on in a manner as to prevent W#Ky or damage to all portions of the existing work. Alt portions of the existing work which have boon cut, damaged, or altered in any way shall be replaced by the Contractor. VPM BASE: Provide and install vinyl coved base on existing 1 Tx17 vinyl the floor on the all walls of the retail space. The existing tine shall be thoroughly cleaned before base installation. Vinyl base shall be'BkWGray" 014616 as manufactured by Armstrong. LIGHTGAUGE FRAMING: Metal studs shall be rolled formed channel type studs, 20 gauge or 25 gauge electrogalvanized steel, -sizes aae irxkwed, conlorming to ASTM C-645. Attach steel runner's at boor and ceiling to structural elements with suitable fasteners located 2" from each end and spaced 16" o.c. Provide any required iron -combustible blocky within Demising Wall, and interior surfacing c q Tenant side of wall to ceiling line as necessary. GYPSUM WALL130ARD: Wall finish shall be one (1) layer of IN gypsum wallboard (5/8' or 51W Type X if required by code). Apply wallboard to metal studs or 2" X 2" wood furring using screws spaced a maximum of 12' o.c. in the field of the board, and 12 " o.c. along the abutting end joints. Apply wallboard to furring on 4" X 4' structural steel columns supporting the overhead rolling security gate. The wallboard shall be taped, spackled and sanded ready for finish. All storefront finishes shall have a Class If flame spread and smoke density rating. SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL TILE CEILING: Accessible acoustical Ile ceiling and light troffers are existing and shall remain. Cot, reconfigure and modify the acoustical tile and suspension system as necessary to accommodate the overhead rolling security gate. Obtain instructions from Dynamic Closures referenced below for specific detail. Repair and replace any and all ceiling components damaged by construction related activities. 00111*11411111 S1i+iiiiRlTY GRlW.a AND GPIMATORr An eleameatly operated ovei*ad rolling Wille shell be installed as indicated on the drayarings and as specified herein. The coifing grille shell be manufactured and installed by Dynamic Closures, telephone 800-66.3-4599; fax 800-205-6665. Security grille contractor shall provide shop drawings detailing type, style, size, operator, installation, anchors, connections and all other related components to Contractor prior to construction. Grille opening structural or finish work and all electrical is in the scope of other trades. Schlott and convene a pre-ihsWila9tion conference just prior to oomrnencement of field operations to esta9btish procedures to maintain optimum working conditions and to coordinate this work with related and adincent work. Test operation of closure and adjust as necessary to provide smooth and proper operation. Instruct Tenant in proper operating and maintenance procedures. CAMNETRY AND ARCWTECTUPAL WOODWORK FIXTURES: Pre -manufactured casework, countertops and taxer architectural woodwork shall be installed as indicated on the drawings and se specified herein. All casework, countertops and other architectural woodwork shall be as manufactured by Professional installation Network, Inc., telephone; (972) 621-1200, fax; (972) 621-2543. Casework shall include the following fixtures: 1. 48' base cabinet with plastic lamblvie finish and countertop with plastic laminate finish. 2. ZC "Kio;lik' base cabinet with plastic laminate finish and couritertop with plastic laminate finish, 3. 'Spanner'; 196 3a"32" box header with plastic laminate finish. 4. Support post; 4 11ar32' square poet I$01' long with plastic laminate finish. 5. Wire chase header;, 95 'W long **t, plastic laminate finish. 6. 48' X 95 %* sletwelf panel with plat laminate finish. 7. Poster display; 23 W X 38" poster display panel with pWs is laminate finish. 8. 72' desk, desk return, desk file pedeantal, and return file pedestal with plastic laminate, e, finish. Celsework contractor "if provide snot d<<awlings detailing type, style, size, materials, finishes, and other related wylponentalo Contractor prior to c�tstr�iction. All COMM* shall be. installed in strict ccnfcxrma rim with man ulecturer's instruction. ' Off Eltift PAINTING: The Comer t psht as irft wweft f' prodUlft ShO be ae riatanoil 1 111 i�!11 by 8W Proniutn Plus. Gym weillboilu^d flash is , a�r�aet undercoat sealer and two coats flat Cops t °lea,`� +A rut;$* be � loft wails that have fbdures. Ths t ehaell bs-a t4 the `surfaoasa�k" the tarp of them! sletwali fixture to the ceiling, runrOV i c Ware that, too sh are fturlrs rrnEaa ftd. Acacent oolor shall to 'Hi-gli Rad"'i11w1 48' ftrage base cabinet With p1>9tstic laminate cotmtisrtop. PtOvJded by Professions Installation Network, Inc and installed by Contractor. 24" Kiosk base cabinet Unit with plastm mate countertop. Provided by Professional installation Network, Inc. and installed ' by Contractor. Line of spanner above. 195 3132* box header with plash laminate to finish spanning from wall to column. Provided by Professional Installation Network, Inc. and installed by Contractor. a Support post. 4 11/32' square post W"with pleads laminate finish• Provide by Professional Installation Network, Inc, and installed by Contractor. O Wire chase header above slatwalall, 95'>a: long with plastic laminate header. Provided by Professional installation Network, Inc. and installed by Contractor. Q 4W X 95 %" sletwell panel with plastic laa;trl ninate finish. Provided by Professional Installation Network, Inc. ai'd installed by Contractor. 1 Poster display. 23 %` X 36 " poster display panel with plastic laminate finish. Provided by Professional Installation Network, Inc. and installed by Contractor. 0 72" desk, desk return, desk file pedestal, and return file pedestal with plastic laminate finish. Provided by Professional Installation Network, Inc, and installed by Contractor. Line of lighting track above. See lighting plan. 0" Line of existing overhead rolling security grille. It Table and chairs. N.I.C. l2 Chairs. N.I.C. 0140-0- VATAIA-a lrat15U�E .I jI LEW . 1, wk� yP,ht All , h g. ' ,. j ,e ... � . t�•y, � r!'.h�, i`•tr 1 �"� 4.,4wrN .♦ '. �' � .1"A 1� �A ., ,,t, ,µ' . _ � flt'� � i�G`�� 6fine LAf Our _ aMm hF�-ae. .r.w.�...... �i�. �•r•r.....-.•r..►. +-�... w•n.• �•!� ���r•r.... �.. ,r..r.r.��. r..r. r.r.�, .•,-.•„; ..-�. r.n..r. r.�. •.... �.+. .- ....,,.. rnr�••�• l i i i � +p:TE: • 0lf r 0111E4iON ei Ik I I t 1 ( STORE PLAMIWu rlxTIA . - FOR 'Slum ><'tAii i 1 t �' i l AVD .�7�� ` 'i�•.A• . �f'•�• l-•it..In,-fill♦ N1— _. L.L.. la-42 Existing 8' c. m. u. rear wall: If wall finish is a block install 2 X2 assure treated furri n'}�� wrath %' gypsum wallboard to ceiling. Existing 8' c.m.u. side well window units: If wall finish is exposed install a X 2 N 0 ,T , I . C E .. • treat furs at 16' o.c. and finish with %" gypsum rd to window sill and wrap comer and terminate finish at window !EVER HANDILtS R E I R E unit. ON SAGE D RS �- Existing metal stud wall at 16' o.c.: IMMETHM, UTtERIO OR ~ Finish with 'A' gypsum wallboard to ceiling. EXTERIOR D00 � lira �- w PROJECT STATISTICS: " RE Y ADDRESS: a d SUPER KMART 3 49 D!X AVENUE �. QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Ji z rm M TENANT: WIRELESS RETAIL -' c) 3005 S. 48Tm STREET � ►-► m TEMPE, AZ 85282 z VAm M C NATURE OF CONSTRUCTION: TENANT IMPROVEMENTS o I'TI a�a USE GROUP CLASSIFICATION: MERCANTILE SQUARE FEET: 622 SQUARE FEET SHEET INDEX: SHEET *1 KEY PLAN "K'AW N T. I. FLOOR PLAN TOWN U QUEENSBt�t`l B�NtJI�IG DRR1UENi Based on our lill exanenalim, C H E C K i O INTERIOR ELEVATION comoiancevM sour comments shall SPECIFICATIONS not be construed as ini the flans and specificatiatt are DAVIS SHEET*2 POWER ANDSlGNA1 PLAN sonatas"w`�hthe ECaiss LIGHTING PLAN Joe ril TOWN OF QU BU Y lHEE'T BUILDING O Ts. � .!,rutF REVIEWED BYIr`'T 4 DATE .:. Uo aF I - s♦ Ffs sir o � -