1999-444 - • • CERTIFICATEQF COMPLIANC1 - - • •:TOWN .or QUEENSBURY> , • . . -WARREN COUNTY,- NEW :PORK: , Date Au ust - 12' 19 93 .E .This, 'is to certify that -work requested to be .done, as shown by' Permit No. has been completed. • :, . SEPTIC• ALTERATION . . . : .. ' ,This structure: may be 'used as •a > Location 66. W1NCREST 'DR . - Owner SCELLEI ,> PHYLLIS .. i • - - • TAg, MAP NO ;66. -1-1:3 .5 ,By Order. of Town ',Board .. ' : TOWN .OF QUEEN.SBURY . . . • - . ' . . . . , 'Director of Building. & Code Enforcement,, ' .. BUILDING PERMIT VALUE.:....,.$;,0_.,_ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No._ 99444 TAX MAP NO. 66. —1-13 . 5 - WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK • PERMISSION''is'hereby-granted to • SCELLEN, PHYLLI_S. OWNER of property located at 60 WINCREST DR. Street.Road or Ave. in the Town o_f Queensbury,To Construct:or place a SEPTTC ALTERATION at the above location in accordance to.application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the.Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is 60 WINCREST DR. QUEENSBURY, ..NY. 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name • QUEENSBURY SEWER 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address JAY SWEET..:. 4. ARCHITECTS Name . 5. ARCHITECTS Address 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) SEPTIC ( )Wood Frame ( )Masonry ( )Steel ( 7. PLANS and Specifications SEPT1 . ALTERATION..AS PER PLOT SPECIFICATIONS 8. Proposed Use SEPTIC, ALTERATION 25 : - •July.'1:9.. ...:. :,..,'19 2001 $ PERMIT FEE -PAID THIS PERMIT EXPIRES (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) 19 1999,. Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of SIGNE D BY ,`Th7t, • for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Inspector - Application for SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT Town of Queensbury Permit No. 1%. j((I i 'Dept. of Community Development `(` Building &Codes Office " 742 Bay Road Fee Paid $ � Qu-ensbury, NY 12804 Location of property for installation:1. 99444 66 =1-13 . 5 '.. SCELLEN; ' PHYLLhS kk 60 WINCREST DR:' Property Owner's Name: f . -56PTIG A1,T6AATIOH -_...- Property Owner's Mailing Address: Cc kn• Installer's Name: e.e't- ccv. & jc _ Phone # 7910126yd' -7 Number of bedrooms (if residential): .' Total daily flow: (residential - compute @ 150 gal./bdrm.) Topography: flat, rolling, steep slope 90 of slope • Soil Nature: sand, loam, clay, other I depth: • Ground water: at what depth? feet / Bedrock or Impervious Material: at what depth? feet Percolation test: Y not required, required [rate min. per inch] Domestic water supply: municipal, well, other If domestic water supply is a WFT.T, water supply from any septic absorption is feet. PROPOSED SYSTEM Septic tanlc%rdd gallon (minimum ` m;,,,,-,um sir.,. 1,000 sal.) Tile field: each trench SO feet / Total system length: �0-7) feet Seepage pit(s):•number of / size each: . ft. by ft. Size of stone to be used: # Z / depth or thickness / feet • HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: Size of each: gallons CAlarni system and associated electrical work to be inspected by a certified agency. For y otu protection, please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queensbury, any permit, or approval graced which is based upon or is ranted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a rnqterial fact or circumstance known by or on behA1f of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations with respect to this application and agsee to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury SanitAty Sewage Disposal • • • >. Sib ature of responsible person: \s,,,S424 Lp.2-2frDate: 7 / . � \ ' - ` ' | ` � ' ' � The Nev/ York Board ofFin= \ Underwriters \ain the process bf issuing a certificate cf compliance for the electrical installation as covered in on epp|\ned\on noted below. The certificate will 1prov of the items inspected on and certified tobein compliance with the National Electrical Code aeof that date. (Application Number) _ (Location) (Inspector) � |BD(Rev 01/30 � , S)_._-2,12 J_21.!l JAC l.- ltg.Ati' .l' v ti•A'_l')_.l' _l'r-09: l 1_l'Jlc:"::.t_�k.v—InJ_n_U_f_lJ0. -T.,g')A.. l.1:',. 's...lJ_�alJ_lcl "_l'A,_l':l•12!),"_l'J_° e_l:l!l'J_1.l'1_�J_.AllJ_4_lve_l'',1,S!').V)_l"In O :I IF :Ai THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS - PAGE 1 WI Fre79259' BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY IA {, 111 WASHINGTON AVE., SUITE 704, ALBANY, NY 12210 } =c1 AUGUST 13 1999 45636299/99 H 455617 r)' !(1 Date r Application No. a IA ji THIS CERTIFIES THAT q'ot- ,r only the electrical equipment as described below and introduced by the licant on the above application number is in the premises of T =4 IY- !p 1j! ifkl PH7L.I'S scow.Riv, Ge WI/WREST, QUE NSEURYy NY j ilj in the following location; ❑ Basement ❑ 1st Fl. ❑ 2nd Fl. OUT Section Block Lot r fi was examined on AUGUST 09 1999 and found to be in compliance with the National Electrical Code. =G IY !ti 1A0 FIXTURE RECEPTACLES SWITCHES FIXTURES RANGES COOKING DECKS OVENS DISH WASHERS EXHAUST FANS i} -C' OUTLETS INCANDESCENT FLUORESCENT OTHER AMT. K.W. AMT. K.W. AMT. K.W. AMT. K.W. AMT. H.P. r}.. LI DRYERS FURNACE MOTORS FUTURE APPLIANCE FEEDERS SPECIAL REC'PT. TIME CLOCKS BELL UNIT HEATERS MULTI-OUTLET DIMMERS I> G rr 11 AMT. K.W. OIL H.P. GAS H.P. AMT. NO. A.W.G. AMT. AMP. AMT. AMPS. TRANS. cm H.P. NO.OF^FEET AMT. WATTS 1} •i �- TI._.SERVICEDISCONNECT� . No.PE _ V I - -..C-_ _ E- _ - _ '� )_ �I EQUER NO.OF CC COND. A. . G. A.W.G. A.W.G. 1 -C1 AMT. AMP. TYPE EQUIP, 1 0 2WMCI 3 0 3W 3 0 4W PER 0 OF CC.COND. NO.OF HI-LEG OF HI-LEG NO.OF NEUTRALS OF NEUTRAL r . • 11:„ -s OTHER APPARATUS: 1y 4A1 SEPTIC ALARM SYSTEM-1 =CI r}' !CI 1} • WI Ai _<1 Ir :11 rY (i Ir -G r)= !(1 1 -G !(1 5 I * 1 if 11:1,ti: fs'`1Lk-A 1 I V '°9'\. .1 i !(1 \1e. d4.,.` 4P I' 1 N Ir 1 QL EENSBURY SEPTIC . .. 1 v a®q r yyy•7 d:' . }. 1 QUEENSBURYR NY,, 128C4 u Yed;;;`.'!• i,^�M1F, GENERAL MANAGER it �1 ie:J {te?.•E.._ 239 r �I - M-• Per 1 :(I 1)!. This certificate must not be altered in any manner;return to the office of the Board if incorrect. Inspectors may be identified by their credentials. '/,YiYYiY47a7iiYiiiiiiYeY;iiTADW41Y;iiiil7iYYiYYii147a4YYiYYDYYA;YeYY%YiiieYVr•,,-"WriY Y,-.4Y4YYiii-,YiYYiY4Y-iiiiiYiYYiYYiiY;VilYiY5-iY4YYiYYiYYii.;Yii;YiY;iiii1YiYYiY COPY FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT. THIS COPY OF CERTIFICATE MUST NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY MANNER. TOWN OF QUEEWSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Name Location GL�rv� � -57- r/.e Date � fz/Ti Permit # 96/ SOIL T E: Sand-Loam-Cl .y- Results of Percolation est- (if applicable) Rate-M nute/Inch TYPE OF SYSTEM: ABSORPT .1 FIELD: Total Length Length o each trenc Depth of trenches Size of s ,one SEEPAGE PI1S: Numier- Size - ft. x ft. Stone size PIPING: Size Type Bldg. to Tan Tank to Dist. :ox Dist. Box to Feld/Pit Openings Seal ".? Yes No Partial LOCATION/SEP=RA IONS: Foundation 'o Tail( feet Foundation o Abs•rption feet Separation of Pit feet Conforms „s per Plot Plan Yes No LOCATION IF SYSTEM *1 PROPERTY: (circle •ne) Front - Rear - Left ide - Right Side Middle ront - Middle Rear COMMEN S: FJ:i4 E- o - ; 15'9 • SYSTEM USE APPROVED: Y63 NO Arrived: „ $ Departed: pp eG Building Inspector TOWN t0F I�'UEEWSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Name (C_6 CCe/1/7 Location ( j,,lJeo2F3j a2 ; Date 8 a° Permit # 79, #./ SOIL TY : Sand-L.oam ay- Results of Percolation est- (if applicable) Rat_-Mi ute/Inch TYPE OF SYSTEM: ABSORPTION FIELD: To, a/ eng f f h Length of each ren 1 ( l Depth of trenches ! Size of stone a SEEPAGE PITS: Numbe - Size - ft. x ft. Stone size PIPING: Size Type Bldg. to Tank Tank to Dist. Box 4" �� �6 Dist. Box to Field/Pi sJ w Openings Sealed? i''- No Partial LOCATION/SEPARATION Foundation to Tank _ feet Foundation to Absorption feet Separation of Pits _ tip,feet .Conforms as per Plot PlanNo LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON PROPERT . (circle one) Front - Rear - Left Side - Right Side Middle Front - Middle Rear COMMENTS: • :S -_,.. -- ,// - LOIC/1 AJ('3 j Allt-L &/2C: ©C� ) O 6-7-dU64 SYSTEM USE APPROVED: YES (NO Arrived: Departed: Building Inspector TOWN OF QUEENS1 U RY IIV MING DEPARTMENT 11, ' . ' (7 , , `' ,• Based on our limited axarmna:_;an, compliance wits our comma t: not ba construed as indicating the plans and s��-. rations are in cull compliance V. !ie cod:). C (1,r-a 7 0 (.-. .:.... .111 o fi D Ti r , t-- 4Ia S t F I, ,/ — ` 3 `—S 1 ' 0 0 -;44.- ) -I, - "I have seen'or observed, or believe I saw evidence sib --- all objects such as houses,wells,trees,fences,etc. shown on this document. I also represent**Ikww per onally measured the distances set hati lat dielale 2iff c ao sf ~ ' 0 SIGNATURE DATE , 1,9 41°)a—449 PPS° D TOWN ate. k--e:-."- � %.-4" BUILDING & c i PT. JUL 1 9 199g 1 "' REVIEWED B77 FtLE COPY OWN OF QUEr:NSBURY BUILDING AND CODE ®Al :..� • an L It l ' -4 . 0,, -� e P.(-- < Li-z) - _____, • 117''' ..0,..) - - 1 ,, „ )\ ,, J r A - 0(( -r 5-ce77(_ / 1/3-ii-) 4 o a 1 a __ „,___%() —t-o--&-L •-74 . .. ® � '(t \\. (9-1A ‘S —e___ AUGO 199g TOWN OE QUEEf`d�BURY h� BUILDir_G APJb CODE d .V ! - , f • t— 1 il 11 q :, �d 'I ha,: seen or observed, or 'eve I saw evidence of, • all objects h as houses, wel , trees, fences, etc., - shown on this-document. I also represent that I have personally measured the d' ces se forth on the diagram." SIGNATURE DATE -1 f' ) I (A /' 1r'n C o 1 7 ,_