98-034 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date dune 4 19 98 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No, 98034 has been completed. This structure may bme occupied as a COMMERCIAL INTERIOR ALTERATIONS Lacatian 731 UPPER GLEN STREET Owner NEW WAY LUNCH TAX MAP Now 10 2 . - 1 - 5 13Y Order Town Board .'TOM1'YN OF QU$ENS URY Director of Bldg, & Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE s 10%QYVN OF QUEENSBURY No. � 980134 TAX MAP NO , 102 . - 1 - `'WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to NEW WAY LUNCH OWNER of property located at 692 UPPER GLEN STREET Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Oueensttury. To Construct or place a C9M19ERi^1 AE INTERIOR AT.TtlRg+'t�T MS at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t. OWNE11100.1n PER GLEN STREET QUEENSHURY , NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or OL"LOERS Name DUVAL CONSTRUCTION a CONTRWOf�l,Q1 g Address GLENS FALLS ,, NY 12801 At. ARCHITECTS Name S. ARCHITECT^S Address 6. 'TYPE of Construction — fPtease indent. by X) COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS I ) Wood Frame I I masortry [ ) Steel I 1 7. PLANS and Specifications 1755 Sq tt COMMERCIAL INTERIOR. ALTERATIONS AS PER APPLICATIO No, 8. Proposed Use COMMERCIAL INTERIOR ALTERATIONS 90 February 12 2000 PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 (it a longer Period is required on application far an eKtanaion muse be ,,polo to the Smiling and Zoning inspector of the town or Ouaensbury before the expiration doteA 12 February 19 Dated at the To eensbury this Day of 19 SIGNED SY for the Town of Oueensbury ui ire and toning inapeatcr Building PerMit ApliCation 701 V11 of Queensbw y - JJr f r Cirrrrrrrru+iJ Ur+r . B U I L b I N Y cfulrrrrcrrJ, 742 'rk" Ixu,rref, Ofe•e nvbru_y, NY 12804 1761 �tOT��� � do CODE 1sNFoItCE• A4EN7 -82SfiJ Requirentenis prior to issuance _ A perlllit must be obtained before of this perirlil: PERA117' FILE NO. be8inuirtg curtstrucRiuu. No illspoctions will be made until applicnnk has received n VALIt7 nU[[ laINJQ PtiRPvit'1'. All .Zonlrrg lks artl Action PE01IN1T F'GE P,41U $ allplicanls' spaces on if At"nplrlienkion At" J line t►t UST be Compleled and- Ille signalure RECREATION FET Pr11fJ ){ of Ille appficanl Must npl"r oil Rllo d I'ltfrfrrirrg 11001- l Action kT lllllicnlion flarnt. rr . l y, St'lt ! Stdxlivialon J Onlcr REVIEWED Jl}'- RectelllNoll Iveae. raylocllR Drrllrriir,q rrr.[�nrrYrrr- --.—�_ Owrler: Address: 11 ? Y f �! Fir s.. T�:� -------.-_ A d dress: �jy„ ^-. Thane # ( f _) 1�1$_ ' ES I'ruprriy ( .ncrt TOWN: Cyr GrRvST1HATE:t0) } •J0C-l�r+iri:+t3URY litlhdivlr+iutl Nallivi nil Nimilior' 8 2 dt-D1 G AN CODE Ne+ullrin tlllx.lk 1 ell NATURE or PROPOSED "ORK t Now Building : MARLCExrAi,u OF. xit residence / commercialONaAddition t- o Bu .i. ldirty ;residence / commercial Alteratiorl to Duild .irt X "FonMATION 't — � Primary suildo - residence cotnmerc -1aI Residence uj merca. a� --- -~ SZ1lgl a Family Dwelling no 'change to e- era. r size Two Family owellilzg I^arrtlly Dwelling Other work ( describe below ) Office Mercantile 1"t8nufacturing GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTULLE : x Other t lat Floor , . a , a , , If AD I "rION what will use 2nd - loor , . . . . . . . -��- - sq . rt . oC ne , ddiL .i.cxit bo1 : other Floore . . . . . � sq . ft . ( not. unfillislted cell-'� ar `sir basement ) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS : TOTAL FLOOR AREA • . s' Det:a hed Garage 1 , 2 car 45 4s SQ , FT Att cited Garage 11 2 car SIZE. OF NEW STRUCTURE * � Pr , ate Storage nuilding CO ercial Storage Building FEET X FERT Ot to Foundation yri Will any second - hand or ungraded Number of Pries : lu:nxaer be used ? ( habitable pace only ) If so , for what ?6 )_ Ileight ( gr a to ridge ) • feet TYPE: OF' ' IIEAxIF[G SISxENI : Number of replaces and/or woo stove ( circlea1 .1 which li s ) 4a be ens ailed : El / Ca n / Zood orced t[at / / Other Person rea onsible Tor supervision of wo k an regards to building codes is : Builder Narlle Addreean ~ 's c_ Yftone P lumber : Mason : 2 Electr-1Cin _ Agpi. . a 17CC'l rdfi'.1T701V. Please sign below afler ynfa !lave carefully read the staterfie►u. 'ro the hest of my knowledge the Vaternenls contained in this application, a together with the plans acid siteciCcalions sttbmiilcci, are a true and cotnpletc slat-crllent of all proposed work to be done on llic described premises and [hat all provisions of the Building Code, [lie Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to [lie proposed work shall be omplied with, wlletiler specified or noted, and lhal such work is alrlllorized by the owner. E rrrlfreit is understocxJ Rllat llwc shall suttmi[ tarter to a Certificate of Oce:rllrancy'or Certificate of ompri411,llc being issued , an AS 13ULLT PLOT PLAN by a licensed surveyor; drawn t.� sea e, sl;o i g actu' lrxaliorr of project on premises. Signature: (owner, owner s . gent, architect, contractor) w COl1"WERCIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Clf` Building & Code Enforcement Date inspection request received: V�'0 OMce No. (518) 'T61-8256 Dept. of Community Development Town of Queenshury Arriv� pA 742 .Bay Road Inspector's Initi Qiueenshury, NY 12804 NAME # IACATIC3N DA TYPF, OF STRUCTURE NIA YES NO 1WMENTS ChtnineyP713'" VenVINrect Vent location Plumbing Vent Roof Complete Exterior finrsh grade complete Imerior/exta-ior guardrails 42 in. platform/decks Interior/exterior ballxsters 4 in. spacing platform/ Stair handrail 34 in. - 38 in, Sup risers 7 -1/4 nl. Main door 44 in. All others .36 nL l-4ver handles Exits at grade or platform_ Canopy to cover req- exit doom Gas valve Shut-off exposed 8c regulator ( 1 8 in.) above Floor bathroom watertight Other floors okay Hot water relief valve Boiler/fumace enclosure ' 250,000 BTU N/R 250.000 BTU to I,000,000 1371J's (I hour) > I,000,000 BTU's (2 hour) Cias furnace shut off within 30 fl. or within line ofske C}il furnace shut Off at entrance to furnace area Stockroom enclosure ( 1 hour), 'K hour door_ _ Storageereoaiving/shipping room (2 hour), 1 a/s boors 1 ` a hour doors and closers_ . hour corridor doors and closers Firewalls/Rre separation„ 2 hour, 3 hour complete Fire dampers, 2 hour fire wall separation or greater_ Fire door/shun rs 1 1/2 hour, 3 hour Ceiling fire stopping 3.000/5,000 sq. Fan shutdown. smoke vents or fan Exit dooripanic bars assembly hardware iF Eievators _- Elevator signage Handicapped bathroom grab bars/sinktdto lets=- (t K Handicapped hathiparking lot signage , Handicapped service counters 34 in., checkout 36 in_ Handicapped ranlpJhandrails continuous/ I2 iq- beyond F' 1L^ 1`� ■ �^' V-��`�^ AAAive listening system and signage assembly space ! f] Electr Final lan/V ria Site Plan/Variance required___ _ �� ���-' C�� '►��,„_ � ^ Final Survey, new structures .As-built septic system layout required Id Okav to issue temp. C/O (Certif. of Occupancy) Okay to issue permanent C/o (Ceitif' of Occupancy) Okay to issue C/C (Certif of Compliance)_. i it I � y t a - v - L. r� r c b c nt� v1 O a � I L ti it i E .. t L i L � COMWMRCL&JL FINAL INSPECTION IMPORT Date inspeaction irequest received: �— ]Building & Code Enforcement 0Mce No, (518) '761-$256 Dept. of Commu»ity Development Arrive ' fa rnlpm I] S In t nitial Town of QFueenshury ins-pwtor' -� 742 Bay Road 12M" Queensbury. NAME -- DA'� LOCATION TypE OF STRUC n-YRE car�NTS NSA YES NOCONVAENTS Chiaa�eYf'B„ Vent/llirext Vent location f ,7 / 47 " r c"� f A / pluntbarg Vast 7' / I� d' Roof Carnpf . F-xt�ior Fssris.�b gradeksgradeaon�rie � r /'�i IU lnteriorlexter'ior Snrar drails platform/ lrterior1cAenor balLesters 4 sPacinnplstair handrail 34 in. - 3$ in- r �"- / y.y S S:' risers 7 4/4 in !.fain door 44 in.— All others 36 in. l.evex hamdle s Ex" Al owp canopy gver laattrf[titdt�oor-s �- -1 .) above if ,f ✓/"/ .✓ ve sh = pos4d & regulator , Fioor ,�- other floors okay`----- Hot water relief"I've f/!� Bailerlfurnace Estcloaure�-- - - — <'250.000 BTU NNIR� 000 8- -BTUs 1( hazer^ J ) 250,000 13TUtO >1,000,000 BTU's (2 hour) o'>, �^ --- as firrrtace shut off within 3Ufto �� of site (yit furnace shut off at entrance c at SUx 'morn onelosure (l hour), V,+hour swraneiraceivin`g+'s'"�g room (2 hour), 1 ' x doors 1 12 hour doors and caosers } 4 hour corridor doors and closers Fire vallslfire separation, 2 hour, 3 hextr oomph-.-- - Fire danVem 2 hour fire walUseParation or meter Fire docw)shutters 1 1/2 hour, 3 hour�- Ceiling fire stopping 3,000/5,000 sq. fl.-- _ _ - ----.--- - -- fan SbUidoWn. tanrakc vents or fart E,at doorlpanic bars assembly hardware_ Eievatorsig�ager--- - 1c hnilea Handic aWcd bathroom grab bard Handicappod batlrlpadcmg lot srgtage liarxdi.atwed Service eouruers 34 in., check-out 36 in. H2ardieapped rarn �P�hanils oorrtinuous! 12 in. beyond 3cxive jig Xmin€,sysum and signage assembly spaec F inal Eicarical Site Plan/variance resquired-. Final Survey, new structures-�.�-.----- As-built septic system layout required - C*av to issuc temp. C/O (C ertif. of Occupancy) CMcav to issue pe'rrnanem' CIO {Cent& of 00CLrpane5 ) Okay to issue C/C (Certif. of Complianee)_.--.- RQ REOMARSIE V L,rRY EENSSR Y IN f R FIRE MARSHAL (518)U ,761� �2804 EQUEST F INSPECTI NAME OR INSPECrIOIv EC OM REpoRT 61 VEf] LOCATION �+ DATE PERMIT # EXITSdd ! AISLEE yyldT APPROVED EXIT sII,Is HS N/A YES NO IGFITINO EME�'GENCY L Free AuTp kTIhICUISHE,RS ;, HOOD �kTIHIGU'SHIN ./ ALrTO0 S AL1 �4Tlp ALARM SYSTEM ER SY Te�`'�- STOR GEE FINISHES --._ CLEARANCE 7 .'. CL E q RAN o SPRINK LE1�S REQUIRED S, CE"r �EATING UNITS CHIMNEY FIREPLACE VE FIREPL,c�CE ` MASONRY 'gRKS: FACTORY $UILT RE'1'f OK T,C THIS DATE IIVSPSG7P p�� �T COMMERCIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Building Br Code Enforcement Dale Office No. (518) 0761-8256 inspection request received: Dept_ of Commtiriity Development Town of Queenslrury Arrive ain/ptn ]Depart 742 Bay Road Z.sx mi Queensbury, NY 12804 itisp�ctar's Initials MAIAE PERMIT # LOCATION -TYPE OF S DATE V TRUJ ' NIA YES NO COMME34T'S Chmitey/13" Venta3u czt Vent locationPlumbing Vctn__ / �� j Roof Complete •,� � f o. +'�,�" aUxor l" Exterior rmirb grade etc -+•'� f brrterior/pornaor guardrails in. platfom/ciedcs r `/ Interior/exteyor ba1L ksters 4 in. acing ptatf Stair handrail 34 in, - 38 inn` Sup risers '7 '1. irt. 'Quin door 44 in. All ethers 36 in. Lever handles F.ails at grade or plat Form Canopy to cover req. exit Gas valve shut-off 8c regulator ( 18 in.) above Ora Floor bathroom watertight— Other floors okay_ Hot water relief valve Boiler/furnace enclosure .:250.000 BTU N/R - — 750,000 BTU to 1 ,000,o0o F3T ,s (1 hat) I,0007000 BTU's (2 hour) Cress fumaoe shut Off within 30 it. or within line of site Oil furnace shut off at entrance to furnace area Swclrroom enclosure (1 hour), '14 hour door Sumagelreceiving/shtpping room (2 hour), 1 i1m doors 1 1,2 hour doors and closers � . hour corridor doors and C osers_ Ftrewalls/ftre separation, 2 hour, 3 hour complete. Fire dampers, 2 hour fire wall/separation or greater Fire door/shutters 1 Sh hour, 3 hour_ Ceiling fire stopping 3,00015.000 sq. it._.. .— Fan shutdown, smok a vents or fan -.. -- — E," door/panic bars assembly hardware Elevators_ — Elevator signagc —" Handicapped bathroom grab bars/sinksltoilets Handicapped bath/parking lot signage Handicapped service counters 34 in„ chcc out 36 in. Handicapped rarnp/h andra i is oontirnu4 12 in- beyond .wive listening system and sigpage assr�ntbty space Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required__ Final Survey, new structures A&-built septic system layout required Okay to issue temp, CIO (Certif of ocoupancy) Okay to issue permanent C/O (Certif. of Occupancy) Okay to issue C/C (Cac .. of cornplianee)_._� TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FIRE MARSHAL QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 (518) 761 -8205 FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT L REQUEST FOR (INSPECTION RECEIVED .1� NAME ' ` -� a �J LOCATION DATE PERMIT # i ��_ f (j APPROVED N/A YES NO EXITS AISLE WIDTHS { EXIT SIGNS EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AUTO, EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM HOOD INSTALLATION AUTO. SPRINKLER SYSTE ALARM SYSTEM INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE.: CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS REQUIRED SIGNAGE CHIMNEY WOODSTOVE FIREPLACE - MASONRY FIREPLACE - FACTORY BUILT REMARKS: OK TO THIS DATE INSPECT R INSPSLIP.PLIB i GENERAL INSPECTIQN REPORT Town of (�!ueensbury : Date ins Dept. of Community Development inspection request received Building & +Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Arrive � ,, . an,/pm Depart wpm Queensbury, KY 12804 ]nspeewr's IInniflial r + _ PERMIT # ^iC1—C) NAME: DATE LOCATION* TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA 'YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place V a1 The contractor is re asible or providing protection from Ing / J for 48 hours following th placement 2 � �•p4i,� � i,� of the concrete. �r' Materials for this purpo on site Foundation/W allpour L�r Reinforcement in P // Foundation/Da roofing -- Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab — Plumbing VentlVents in Place Rough Plumbing_ Beating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- W al is R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in u,ihcated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framin g .lack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers lack f osts/Main Beam Air infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1 . 2. 3_ hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2. 3, 4 hour. Firestopping (5i8) 761-8256 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY UILDING & CODE ENFORC B f:MENT BAY RD . r 4t]LEN98URY NY 12604 7 SNSPECTOR ' S REPORT : ARR �1 '�DEPART INT_ -• ION RECEIVED : REQUEST FOR INS" NAME LOCATION 1. PERMIT 1 DhTE �— TYPE L7F 'STRUCTU E : V R.ECi;ECK '- N S PI S t4{}NOLITB IC RH: S NFO CE P A NTRACTOR 25 R86RONSIBLS FOR trim CO PR,pylpxN[3 oLlso pROTE ^LION !'SOFT FRSECE_ FOR 46 C HOLAES04CA WING THE ---- FiBNT OF ITE T R LS FOR TH S I' -- �t��xCEMENT O NDATION P R F NG 3 JMS NG VENTl VEIN .se. Su E'I.ACE ROUGII PLUMBING p UMBING UND R SLR J� RAMING t 0 nCK STUDS H IDE S 15 cl GIB I ...--- ---- R GERS 3O S n rNN BEAD AR ER AI N F I LT T I � EATINGRC7UGH- 1 IN5ULATION : ,-�� RIOR - FOUNT) ON WALLS xTERIOR R- FavNn Tea-�-N—_wr,zT-s V OORS R- W 5 C IL NG - DUCT WORK ORCESPIPING IN R- UNHE TED S ---------------- op s eo le� CLt +GEIVER.4L INSPECTICIN REPORT Town at Queensbury Hate inspection request received: �—� Dept,. of Community Development Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Arrive -�'' Pm Depart � .� , IPm Queensbury, NY 12804 insp,ector's Initials '�, - 14 PERMIT # Q NAME: AT"E LOCAT TYPE OF STRUM)RE: RECHECK N/A YES NO cOM[ 'TENTS 1 Footings/Piers. Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Plane The contractor is responsible for providing p tection from freezing for 48 hours Ilo lacement of the concrete. Materials for thi u on si FoundationlW pour Reinforcem t in Place Foundati tnpproofing Hackffill Approval Plumbing Under Slab phpi 'iBing VentlVents in Place Hugh Plumbing Heating Rough-in, Insulation Foundation Walls interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceil ing R- Duct work or piping in unhealed spaces R- proper Vent, Attic Vent Framin jack StudSll-i.eaders Bracing/Bridging joist Rangers Sack Posis/Main Beam Air infiltration Harrier Fire Separation 1 , 2, 3_ hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2. 3, 4 hour Firestopping G ENERA.L IN,SPECT10N REPORT Town of Qaeensbury Date inspection request reeeivedt �— Dept. of Community Developrsnent Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road arrive J� lam[pm Depart amlpm Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector°s Inithda � l PER1vIIT # t NAME: — "' Y �, DATE : - LOCATION: __- TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK. NIA ,YES NO COMMENTS I FootingsfPiers` Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor Is respo ble or providing protection fro ing for 48 hours following pi ment of the concrete. Materials for this purpose n Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement i n Place Foundation[Dampproofing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Stab Ptutnbing Vent[V=As in Place Rough Plumbing, HeatingRougb4r insulation.. Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- W alls R- Ceiling R` Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Vent, Attic Vent naming lack Studs/Header's BracinglBridging ,foist Hangers. .lack Posts/Ma in Beam Air Infiltration er Fire Separatio I 3, hour Penetration Sealed Ire Wall 2. 3 . 4 hour Firestopping GENERAL INSPECTION REPQRT Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive - 1AJ am/pm Depart W pm 64 LL__ Inspector's Initials rl NAME: IL� �' 1. ,� PERMIT # LOCATION! DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE: ° RECHECK NIA YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing For 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site FoundauonfWallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproof"ing, Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab` Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place ugh Plumbing Heating Rough-in Insulation_ Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundalion Wails Exterior R- _ Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent. Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging_.. Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1 , 2. 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3. 4 hour. Firestopping OOL C,�j 0 i M EN Wom�N UI1t.1ry j�m- 3 00000000 0 000 _ LSNe- o4? 2'cc-rw,y I Apam+ 4um P�t2ci wn� s.s. SSNk wr�� if- - MI�K6 / A� a' fm9�a 2-DC.R 3-noon I (2r1N[�� {kzi. i-AQ OVGN I OD N CeoS S SE.Ctsoc,t CerLwq A p eoq ICI �-Zw- ! I d I FRy MATEIti II LL .1 �L FI BY DATE OF QUEENSBURY ARS / AL'S- OFFICE 12'4,1►s COMMENl'r iq I� ..aw.r.ri.�i�arw+..r.. ...+•��..r TDVJN OF QUEEN— ` .�'�?SHAL Based on our ii 6;Kami 1 compliance with our commer1a ;,all t be construed as mtlicatinn, �' L..Jplans and S�ar ti, u;QnS %i is In i!J+; , 6Viance wiu0 the code. _._ Fr M 4Z' 36m4v Wtrr-a�Os�` 'ICE GN MUST BE QED fm cm Soft 101,UilE ' - THERMAL BARRIER .POWER IN EXIT AND CiRICAILY iLLtJbNNATEO r �? I /'� E FROM A SEPARATE CIRCCUIT, ORORIML SIGNS CIV WHICH SUPPLIES NO OTHER OUTLETSCIRCUITS.� (J LATI4N MUST BE LOCATION."ONTROLLED FROM A CENTRAL r 9MBUSTIBLE BARRI �6 i IGxr+ a emetanteyC3 I I SU W' f NOTICE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on our limited examination. LEVER HANDLES REQUIRE compliance with out comments shall not be construed as indicating the ON ALL PASSAGE DOORS plans and speci#icatians are in fral WHETHER INTERIOR OR compliance with the code. PTERIOR DOORS IV 12'NsW ' IZ law W ,J RECEIVED FEE 101998 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY IA�dttit- �oS�C>I' _ 8—._...ILDlNq A,ND CODE Fwr DRAWING NUMBER