98-157 CERTIFICNrE OF COMPLIANCES TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK 1 Date July 27 19 5..8_. _ This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No . has been completed . This structure may be used as a ABOVE GROUND POOL Location 112 FOURTH ST . EXT . Owner NORMAN , CHARLES & CONNIE By Order of Town Board TAX MAP NO . 1 31 . - 7 - 1 7 TOWN OF QUUE EN SBURY Director of Building & Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 0 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 98157 TAX mAP No . 131 . - 7 - 17 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to NORHAN r CHARRLES & CONNIE OWNER of property located at 112 FOURTH ST . EXT . Street. Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a ABOVE GROUND POOL at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t. OWNERS Address is 112 5 FOURTH ST . EXT . QUEENSBURYr NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or 84JltOERS Name ADIRONDACK POOLS 3. CONTRACTOR or 811ILDER'S Address 5 BOULEVARD QLIEF.NSBURY r NY 12804 A_ ARCHITECT'S Name COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL AGENCY S. ARCHITECTS Address PO BOX 706 HAGUEr NY 12836 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) FOOL f ? Wood Frame 11 Masonry I I Steel f } 7. PLANS and Specifications ABA GROUND POOL AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS 8. Proposed Use ABOVE GROUND POOL 25 April 17 2000 $ _ PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 (if a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the $wilding erd Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.l 17 April 19 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this flay of 19 SIGNED B for the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zan iry Inepactor TOWN OF QUEENSBURY B_y at HaglUand Focd, Owee^Sot)ury, NY 12804-972a-37 $-792-EAR 4EX SWIMMING POOL PERMIT APPLICATION � N, U�RY TD1lii,v . ) U ! 8t..l1LfJ1NG r�+`,i1 Gf.:rDE F: _ PA I D_sx � PER ; vP� R=SPOT SILL= FCR CODE REUiR =?1F `I T S : (+" [�[� T Y? E r. F POOL - - in- alroirrid ebov; ground S I -_ _ L, nMth f Width f t . f O i ameter f Depth^� t . AP , ' = :f:'.T_ rir.TE = CA ==.CiTY callous . =. ' ` 5 USEO it; CONSTRUCTION : ( C3 � ^ 1e c7z � e ,'. n _J1 '� C �"y /'��5 $ 'G:.'?�� i (.._� - - o �'�Y'� ` }C�^i n 'G Y'� - �J � � c CL,' '; `. _ . TuRfii; Si L - - �.c1L�-), [ �! >YV�-b! �� � T C�z) L T 1 `- r.D A.)V IMPCR z ANT INSTRUCTIONS : On _ c. =,z = rate p cf paper , s .rbr i t a drawn to shcx : PROPERTY LINES - EXISTING STRUCTURES - PROPOSED OR EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM - LOCA T ION OF PROPOSED SWIMMING POOL - Show all distances from lot lines to both the pool and the structures , as well as separations between . AP' P ? IC.ATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION IS NEC ESEz RY . A COPY OF THE APPL1CATION IS TO BE FILED W+' Th THIS OFFICE . THIS OFFICE IS To aE „OTIFIED UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTMIA ; INCLUDING INSE T.=, LLATION OF F. ICI ,G . A FI12AL INSPECTION WILL BE MADE BEFORE USE OF THE PULL IS AUTHORIZED . � 7 ter OVER Section 7 . 074 Accessory Structures and Uses . 4 _ Private Sw i „mii ng Pools . Private swimming pools , permanent and portable , which shall be accessory to a principal , non - commercial dwelling use shall be regulated as follows : except that these regulations shall not apply to portable swimming pools which shall be not more than three ( 3 ) feet in height nor more than fifteen ( 15 ) feet in length . a ) May be erected only on the same lot as the principal structure . b ) May be erected only in the rear yerd of such structure and shell be of a distance not less than twenty ( 20 ) feet from the rear lot lines or buffer zone where appropriate nor less than ten ( 10 ) feet frolm the side lot line , or buffer zone where appropriate principal structure or attached or detached accessory structure . c ) Such use shall not adversely affect the character of the neighborhood . d ) All private swimming pools shall be enclosed by a permanent fence of durable material at least four ( 4 ) feel in height . e ) In the case where a lot >= ronts on tvio ( 2 ) or more public rights - of-way , a private swims-I ng pool shall be erected cnly on that port ion of the said lot = hat i s di rectly adjacent to that side of the principal building wh ; ch is directly opposite the architectural main entrance of said bui ldinc and the nei ghbor; ng side l of 1 i ne . In no case shal 1 the pool be any nearer to the lot ] i nes abutting any publ i c r i ch t- of- way than the required 'rant setbackw for the pri nci pal bui l ding of the zoning district in which it is looted , Furthermiore , the pool shall be screened from the view of the public right- of-way and the neighboring property by means of landscaping . ( See " Landscaping " ) FEES : $ 25 Fee for Above Ground Swimming Pool $ 35 Fee for In- Ground Swimming Pool NOTE : ALL P00L PER,tI T APPLICATIONS MUST STATE WkTERIAL TO BE USED , TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 BAY ROAD +QUEENSSURY NY 12004 ( ` (518) 761-8256 [/ ARRIVE : DEPART' : �� INSP : FINAL INSP'E+CTION REPORT - RE S ENTIRE DATE INSPEC ON REQUEST REC I ED ! NAME LOCATION ^� DATE - .�. '•' `�. -- 'PERMIT * � � TYPE OF STRUCTURE - [ FOOTINGS FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAMING ROUGH PLUMBING SEWOODSTOVE IORULATION FIREPLACE FINAL ELECTRICAL�. N A ES NO QLLH H B VEN H IG T ROOFING ER N H ST P Li RELIEF V VES A W T O ERATI G INTStlog TRjM/E!apIVpLCyfl ORS N S ' WATE T OTHER O 3 NWE A E OJHEK FjQQP.SCARPET STAIR LE RA CE LINGS SMOKES PLU G T R S U A U ON G RA E FIE 00 NG i FINAL ELECTRIC L SITE PLAN /VARIANCE RED . FINAL SURVEY T L N O ISS E Cip OR C COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE. INC. Main Office 357 Elwyn Terrace — Manheitn. PA 17545 '? 8 f'j,97 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Panel Board No. ......... . , Cert- 52867 Cut-in Card No. .. ......... . . Owner ....... ..... 111q.`......./..!'..a.!..�r . ... .. ................. . ... .. . . . . .. ..... ........................ . .. . . . . . . . . . . Occupant -------------------- ... .. . _.... . . . . . . . . . ..... .,-. ,,,,, !/ ... Location --- / 2-- -....71. . W. f ST... .. �� .._. ._..---••--•-•--..... Installation Consisting of . . . . . . �� -----•-�.. . . . ! ��� Mt . � r�*It'� r 'F ^ �.•�' N L yr ,... ... . . . .. . . . I.. .I.. . . . . ... .... ..........- ----- - -. .... .. ...................... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . .,.,... .......... ........................... . InstalledBy ......... ........ ......_. . . .-- -- --. . . . ................... Lic. are., . . . . ..---- . The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate, and any certificate preciously issued is cancelled; — This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall he promptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege of ma 'ng ins io s at any time, and if m% rules are {}'�violated, (be C9/f��'' an evy shall have the right to r ke cer - Ilate ..7....l. .[......d . .. . .. . . .. INSPECTOV Memher N.F.P.A.4 I.A.E.1.