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Office Use Only Permit#: P�,MO -o2`�'b- ?�22 DEMOLITION APPLICATION Permit Fee: $ I Town of Queensbury Invoice#: Al So 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.gueensbury.net Flood Zone? Y I N1 Reviewed By: Demolition Location: 10 1eJ Tax Map ID #: 25 >- 7—J—20 **AN ASBESTOS REPORT IS REQUIRED WITH ALL DEMOLITION APPLICATION SUBMISSIONS** DEMOLITION INFORMATION: 1. Where will demolition material be disposed? LP-- E>F►LL i".A 2. Type of structure to be demolished: a. Residence_ d. Storage Building b. Garage e. Other: ✓' c. Business hE � fop 3. What type of utilities are connected to the structure: a. Gas f. Well-Water PumpV b. Fuel Oil g. Public Sewer MAY c. Propane h. Other 2Q22 d. Electric ✓ i. None e. Public Water TOWN S DING&ECODES / ODES 4. Have ALL utilities (water, electric, etc.) been disconnected? Yes ✓ No ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Two inspections are required: an inspection to determine that utilities are disconnected, and a final inspection after the structure is removed and the site is cleaned up and graded. 2. Twenty-four (24) hour notification is required for inspections. 3. Workers' Comp insurance information is required to be submitted with this application. Declaration: I acknowledge that no structure(s)will be removed from the parcel until the demolition application has been reviewed and approved by the Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement and Zoning Departments and a permit has been issued. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: 'V /I DATE:. LZ Demolition Application Revised February 2022 *4� i CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): CIS'I ELL A Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Z - uS V Mz �^ Cell Phone: N - 2,P91 - 5 9 Land Line: - "7 - �l�o Email: At iV i1C—L1-Ac2R '/�uSr�tit?� •c'�M • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): W JCS C IV ij]Q _L-A Mailing Address, C/S/Z: �SAmc-: As Ar t Cell Phone: SI E - F Land Line: S/ -- 3S •f"-- 61002 Email: I Q 9 �- Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor: (List all additional contractors on the back of this form) Contact Name(s): I?JcIA McUui2>r L.LCI, Contractor Trade: Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cp-3 P6LfT—[F v,&o Fo,t-T r-i r�l ��I �0 12g27 Cell Phone: (�ia) '71>[.p -- 1'73o Land Line: (�18)7©j�b 2,La Email: M���r�r F lGG���T►�G� `(�-t�oc��cs-�r-� "Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application" Contact Person for any questions regarding this project: Cell Phone: (6I g) 3Co l- 12,Gza. Land Line: Email: A=014) BJI'LX-> 6-2_VW CADM Demolition Application Revised February 2022 � F•' f� N EC EOVE O �X — V MAY 12 2022 5 x n o n'� oo TOWN OF QUEENSBURY -- BUILDING&CODES o• 0 0 =3 M °1 3 70 N �L'E A� OVO N N V U i8.83�.9e"1s I _�s� c.:.ruirspeetians.tc_T, J 1B z�o�k6c:f Laie,Gk�cen::,�ry,`,fY'le"8�74 Asbestos Clearance May 5,2022 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Antonia Civitella BUILDING & COD aS EPT. S yL2 3218 E LNd Reviewed By; ius 5t l Schenectady,i`Il`12303 Date: J aciviteilaP�otran=finder corn 518,281,5498 Multiple flooring materials located on the first floor sampled during the Asbestos Surrey U performed on December 9,2021 of the single family horse located at 104 Knox Road, Queensbury.NY 12804,homogenous areas 010,011,013 and 014,are deemed to be asbestos `en o containing building material. These are is slated to be disturbed during the demolition process of >'i- O c o v the home- Since the Asbestos Survey the homeowner(second home)has removed the asbestos Xz coo»-. Z:)W c o U 0) containing materials and has thoroughly cleaned the work area(s). coo-0!=22 _tD V L j c nom5 In accordance with ICR 56-9.I(d),5G-9.2{ej{21 and ASTht Ell 368:ClearVU Inspections certifies Ryan cur X ti 0 V.0d has visually inspected the work area and all surfaces. These surfaces include but are not �� 5i ccoo— limited to pipes,beams,ledges,walls,ceiling and floor. Ryan Wild,accompanied by the OZ.`-`'2�5 homeowner,observed the contaminated areas and deems it to be complete with no visible dust, OQm debris,or residue apparent on any surface within the'rrork area. O� =E 'ucm t-m o o�-cn65 c o a�n Signed: CU z Ryan Wild ClearVU Inspections Asbestos Handling License-282890 Asbestos Building inspector-879660 Project A4onitor&Air Sampling-883631 I,Antonio Civitella,hereby agree the above information is correct and that I,as the homeowner,am 18 Blackberry Lane CLEARVU Queensbury, NY 12804 ryan(cDclearvuinspections.com INSPECTIONS 518.832.9213 Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey a i a.` t .k 3j9 PROJECT NUMBER PREPARED FOR 10051 Antonio Civitella 3218 East Lydius SITE LOCATION Schenectady,Schenectady 12303 Antonio Civitella 104 Knox Road PREPARED BY Queensbury, New York 12804 Ryan Wild 18 Blackberry Lane Queensbury, New York 12804 i Antonio Civitella,104 Knox Road,Queensbury,New York,12804 12.30.2021 Executive Summary Asbestos-Containing Material Field Survey Antonio Civitella 104 Knox Road Queensbury,New York 12804 I. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS On December 12, 2021,an asbestos-containing material (ACM)field survey was conducted at 104 Knox Road located in Queensbury, New York(Site).The site was inspected to determine the presence of ACM in preparation for demolition.The ACM survey was performed at the request of the homeowner. A summary of asbestos-containing materials is provided in the following table. However,this report should be read in its entirety,including detailed information that is contained in other sections and appendices.A total of 38 samples were collected from 17 suspect homogenous materials. Summary Table of Regulated Asbestos-Containing Materials }.N$ a, 'Fs':"^} :�ie;h'i:,%.rfis';„.,l.,i.q.%�`.F'`}9' ....a.}�,,'�, a.z3.:.".c.:i!.�'Fd.a:l..:. 'IX :em4•R. ],!ti'?,—ei�l^'C.Ir:. ':7 'i �.i�Y t'!L�,^:'S�..y.' i) ,t�o-,�u fi`:',i..S.Lx:..I.:,a'l:.::}::o�i,j•.,„:�j S':{�'' r �r �i v�y .sk...:.Y,:==...H,a,...Jw.7M ..�. S Wh 5!ef.... "}?'S..}a ia1,Fl.. {:!ts'!i•45'.,.' S ts14' ..},t.::..,.,:tu'r6 .57 .�FE" s.,..,..,,<,..:�:..rs`r_.... ;:��[tRf,!�al.+ i. 010-Blue Floor Tile rt� Main Area Miscellaneous Greater Than 1%Asbestos by Lab(ACM) 200 sq.ft. 011-Red Floor Tile Main Area&Storage Miscellaneous Greater Than 1%Asbestos by Lab(ACM) 250 sq.ft. 013-Blue Floor Tile* Bathroom Miscellaneous Greater Than 1%Asbestos by Lab(ACM) 90 sq.ft. 014-Yellow Floor Tile* Bathroom Miscellaneous Greater Than 1%Asbestos by Lab(ACM) 90 sq.ft. *This material is part of a multi-layer sample group. A table of ACM grouped by homogeneous areas is included in Appendix A of this report.A table presenting those materials sampled which did not contain asbestos can be found in Appendix B of this report.A complete listing of all suspect materials sampled is provided in Appendix C of this report.The original laboratory analytical report and chain of custody are located in Appendix D of this report. Page 2 of 9 ' 1 Antonio Civitella,104 Knox Road,Queensbury,New York,12804 12.30.2021 INTRODUCTION GENERAL INFORMATION ClearVU Inspections was retained by the property owner(s)to conduct a Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey.All methods and procedures employed in this survey were done in accordance with NYSDOL(New York State Department of Labor), OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Administration),and USEPA(United States Environmental Protection Agency) regulations and protocol. The information contained in this report has been collected in accordance with existing regulations. If this document is to be utilized for bidding quotations, it cannot be held binding and must be field verified by those contractors submitting bids. PURPOSE The purpose of this survey was to identify,document,and measure specified asbestos-containing materials in this building,which may be disturbed during renovation/demolition/rehabilitation activities.Samples were collected of suspect accessible asbestos-containing building materials.Should any materials be encountered that are not identified in this report,they should be assumed asbestos containing until a representative number of samples are collected to document these materials as non-asbestos containing. SCOPE OF SERVICES Provide a visual inspection of all accessible building components to determine the presence of suspect materials.The inspector physically assessed, quantified and conducted bulk sampling as required of suspect ACM (Asbestos Containing Materials)which were accessible or exposed.This report represents the locations and quantities of ACM (Asbestos Containing Materials) present as well as all sampled materials that tested negative for the presence of asbestos and their locations. Bulk sample analysis was performed by a participating New York State Department of Health Environmental Approval Program (NYSDOH-ELAP)certified laboratory. SAMPLING METHODOLOGY During the visual inspection process, an inventory of suspect materials similar in appearance and composition was created and grouped into homogeneous sampling areas.A homogeneous area is defined as a surfacing,thermal or miscellaneous material that is uniform in texture, age,and appearance.A representative bulk sampling plan was created in accordance with current USEPA(United States Environmental Protection Agency) requirements and guidelines. Bulk samples were then collected of suspect ACM (Asbestos Containing Materials)to identify the presence of asbestos. There are a number of materials,which rarely contain asbestos and are not specifically addressed in this report.Such materials include but are not limited to metal,glass, rubber,cinderblock and mortar. Page 3 of 9 Antonio Civitella,104 Knox Road,Queensbury,New York,12804 12.30.2021 LABORATORY METHODOLOGY The friable bulk samples were analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy(EPA Interim Method:Appendix A to Subpart F 40CFR Part 763)at magnifications ranging from 10x to 400x,and New York State Department of Health ELAP Item Number 198.1(Polarized Light Microscopy Methods for Identifying and Quantitating Asbestos in Bulk Samples).The estimated phase abundances are provided in weight percent and are accurate to within 10 to 15 percent of the amount reported.These methods are sensitive to the detection of asbestos to less than one percent. All non-friable organically bound (vinyl flooring,caulking,etc.) bulk samples were analyzed by New York State Department of Health ELAP Item Number 198.4(Transmission Electron Microscopy Method for Identifying and Quantitating Asbestos in Non-Friable Organically_Bound Bulk Samples). NOB samples were first reduced by the Gravimetric Matrix Reduction Method to determine if greater than one percent of material remained. If greater than one percent of the NOB material remained by weight,the sample was analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy by New York State Department of Health ELAP Item Number 198.6 to determine if it contained greater than one percent asbestos. In accordance with New York State Department of Health regulations, Polarized Light Microscopy is not consistently reliable in detecting asbestos in non-friable organically bound materials,and in cases of a negative result TEM analysis is performed.This method is sensitive to the detection of asbestos to less than one percent by weight.A material is considered asbestos containing if it contains more than 1%asbestos. NYSDOL and USEPA regulations define asbestos containing material as containing greater than one percent(1%). Materials found to contain asbestos at concentrations of less than one percent(<1%) by weight are classified as containing trace amounts of asbestos. It should be noted, OSHA's definition of"asbestos containing"does not have a one percent(1%)cut-off,therefore,asbestos that is present in percentages less than one percent(< %)continues to be covered by OSHA Construction Standard 29 CFR 1926.1101. Hayes microbial&Amerisci-Lab ID#10984,completed the analysis. WARRANTY The field and laboratory results reported are considered sufficient in detail and scope to determine the presence of accessible and/or exposed asbestos-containing building materials.The findings contained within this report have been gathered in accordance with existing regulations and industry protocol. This survey and analytical methods have been used to provide information regarding the presence of suspect interior asbestos-containing building materials existing at the time of the inspection.This report is limited to the information available from the client at the time it was prepared. It is possible that conditions may exist which could not be identified within the scope of the survey or which were not apparent during the site visit. Page 4 of 9 Antonio Civitella,104 Knox Road,Queensbury,New York,12804 12.30.2021 Appendix A: ACM Homogenous Area Table H" R N-W i".Kes'u ao Miscellaneous 013-Blue Floor Bathroom First Category 11 N/A Greater Than 1% 90 sq.ft. Tile Floor Nonfriable Asbestos by Lab (ACM) Miscellaneous 014-Yellow Floor Bathroom First Category ll N/A Greater Than 1% 90 sq.ft. Tile Floor Nonfriable Asbestos by Lab (ACM) Miscellaneous 010-Blue Floor Main Area First Category 11 N/A Greater Than 1% 200sq. Tile Floor Nonfriable Asbestos by Lab ft. (ACM) Miscellaneous 011-Red Floor Main Area& First Category ll N/A Greater Than 1% 250 sq. Tile Storage Floor Nonfriable Asbestos by Lab ft. (ACM) Miscellaneous 008-Black Shed Second Unclassified N/A Assumed Positive N/A Roofing, Floor (Not Tested by Composite Shingle Lab) Page 5 of 9 Antonio Civitelia,104 Knox Road,Queensbury,New York,12804 12.30.2021 Appendix B: Tested Negative Homogenous Material Table 9" Miscellaneous 004-Gray Masonry Block Exterior Exterior Unclassified Tested Negative by Lab Mortar (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 003-Gray Masonry Block Exterior Exterior Unclassified Tested Negative by Lab (CMU) (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 009-Gray mortar chimney Exterior Exterior Unclassified Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 001-White Parge Exterior Exterior Unclassified Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 006-Black Roofing Exterior Exterior Unclassified Tested Negative by Lab Paper/Felt (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 005-Gray Roofing, Exterior Exterior Unclassified Tested Negative by Lab Composite Shingle (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 007-Gray Roofing, Exterior Exterior Category 11 Tested Negative by Lab Composite Shingle Bottom Nonfriable (No Asbestos Layer with felt Detected) Miscellaneous 002-White Sealant, Exterior Exterior Unclassified Tested Negative by Lab Window Pane Glazing (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 001-White Parge Kitchen Exterior Unclassified Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 007-Gray Roofing, Kitchen Exterior Unclassified Tested Negative by Lab Composite Shingle Bottom (No Asbestos Layer with felt Detected) Miscellaneous 012-Black Floor Tile Mastic Foyer First Floor Unclassified Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 016-Blue Floor,Sheet Vinyl Bedroom Second Unclassified Tested Negative by Lab Paper Backing North Floor (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 017-Multiple Floor,Sheet Bedroom Second Unclassified Tested Negative by Lab Vinyl Paper Backing South Floor (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 015-White Cork Ceiling Tile Stairwell Second Unclassified Tested Negative by Lab Floor (No Asbestos Detected) Page 6 of 9 , | Antonio Civitella,104 Knox Road,Queensbury,New York,12804 12.10 1 Appendix C: All Suspect Materials Sampled iA Tl 001A Kitchen Exterior 001-White Parge 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No Asbestos Detected) 001B Exterior Exterior 001-White Parge 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No' I Asbestos Detected) 002A Exterior Exterior 002-White Sealant,Window 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No' Pane Glazing Asbesto Detected) 002B Exterior Exterior 002-White Sealant,Window 0% Tested Negative by Lab(N Pane Glazing Asbestos Detected) 003A Exterior Exterior 003-Gray Masonry Block(CMU) 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No Asbestos Detected) 003B Exterior Exterior 003-Gray Masonry Block(CMU) 0% Tested Negative by Lab(Nol Asbestos Detected) 004A Exterior Exterior 004-Gray Masonry Block 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No! Mortar Asbestos Detected) i 004B Exterior Exterior 004-Gray Masonry Block 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No: Mortar Asbestos Detected) 005A Exterior Exterior 005-Gray Roofing,Composite 0% Tested-Negative by Lab(NI Shingle Asbestos Detected) 005B Exterior Exterior 005-Gray Roofing,Composite 0% Tested Negative by.Lab(No Shingle Asbestos Detected) 1_ 006A Exterior Exterior 006-Black Roofing Pap�r/Felt 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No Asbestos Detected) 006B Exterior Exterior 006-Black Roofing Paper/Felt 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No Asbestos Detected) 007A Kitchen Exterior 007-Gray Roofing,Composite 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No Shingle Bottom Layer with felt Asbestos Detected) 007B Exterior Exterior 007-Gray Roofing,Composite 0% Tested Negative by Lab(Nol Shingle Bottom Layer with felt Asbestos Detected) 008A Shed Second 008-Black Roofing,Composite Chrysatile(Serpentine Assumed Positive(Not Floor Shingle group) Tested by Lab) 008B Shed Second 008-Black Roofing,Composite Chrysotile(Serpentine Assumed Positive(Not Floor Shingle group) Tested by Lab) 009A Exterior Exterior 009-Gray mortar chimney 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No Asbestos Detected) 009B Exterior Exterior 009-Gray mortar chimney 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No Asbestos Detected) 010A Foyer First Floor 010-Blue Floor Tile 9.3%Chrysotile Greater Than 1%Asbestos (Serpentine group) by Lab(ACM) OIOB Foyer First Floor 010-Blue Floor Tile N/A Assumed Positive(Not Tested by Lab) 011A Foyer First Floor 011-Red Floor Tile 5.5%Chrysotile Greater Than 1%Asbestos (Serpentine group) by Lab(ACM) OIIB Foyer First Floor 011-Red Floor Tile N/A Assumed Positive(Not Tested by Lab) 012A Foyer First Floor 012-Black Floor Tile Mastic 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No Asbestos Detected) 012B Foyer First Floor 012-Black Floor Tile Mastic 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No Asbestos Detected) 013A Bathroom First Floor Multi-layer Parent:Material Page vofy Antonio Civitella,104 Knox Road,Queensbury,New York,12804 12.30.2021 T IN . TIRE 013A- Bathroom First Floor 013-Blue Floor Tile 1.6%Chrysotile Greater Than 1%Asbestos Black (Serpentine group) by Lab(ACM) 013A- Bathroom First Floor 013-Blue Floor Tile 7.9%Chrysotile Greater Than 1%Asbestos Blue (Serpentine group) by Lab(ACM) 013B Bathroom First Floor Multi-layer Parent Material 013B- Bathroom First Floor 013-Blue Floor Tile Chrysotile(Serpentine Assumed Positive(Not Black group) Tested by Lab) 013B- Bathroom First Floor - 013-Blue Floor Tile Chrysotile(Serpentine Assumed Positive(Not Blue group) Tested by Lab) 014A Bathroom First Floor Multi-layer Parent Material 014A- Bathroom First Floor 014-Yellow Floor Tile 1.3%Chrysotile Greater Than 1%Asbestos Black (Serpentine group) by Lab(ACM) . 014A- Bathroom First Floor 014-Yellow Floor Tile 11.7%Chrysotile Greater Than 1%Asbestos Tan (Serpentine group) by Lab(ACM) 014B Bathroom First Floor Multi-layer Parent Material 014B- Bathroom First Floor 014-Yellow Floor Tile Chrysotile(Serpentine Assumed Positive(Not Black group) Tested by Lab) 014B Bathroom First Floor 014-Yellow Floor Tile Chrysotile(Serpentine Assumed Positive(Not Tan group) Tested by Lab) 015A Stairwell Second 015-White Cork Ceiling Tile 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No Floor Asbestos Detected) 015B Stairwell Second 015-White Cork Ceiling Tile 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No Floor Asbestos Detected) 016A Bedroom Second 016-Blue Floor,Sheet Vinyl 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No North Floor Paper Backing Asbestos Detected) 016B Bedroom Second 016-Blue Floor,Sheet Vinyl 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No North Floor Paper Backing Asbestos Detected) 017A Bedroom Second 017-Multiple Floor,Sheet Vinyl 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No South Floor Paper Backing Asbestos Detected) 017B Bedroom Second 017-Multiple Floor,Sheet Vinyl 0% Tested Negative by Lab(No South Floor Paper Backing Asbestos Detected) Page 8 of 9 Antonio Civitella,104 Knox Road,Queensbury,New York,12804 12 30.2021 Appendix D_: Laboratory Report&Chain of Custody Page 9 of 9 SkIP, BOX SO: ASdt5S205 DATE,* ... ... ......... ... ........ �IIII ........... .. .. .. E � .. .. .. .. .. ... . ..... STH891 ::of CustodV- ................... .. ... ...... ......... ........................ ................. ............ . ... ................................................... ....... ............... .............. ... .......... ........................ . e-WOW lftpectliOns- Lane, "0n'ShufY,.W6w..Y6&12804 8lteL0catlon::A*r-d.o Ohd011a 104.:Kno.x Road &W- t Queensbu ' � y,N Mork-42904, Sam Sy: kyarMild(". '0 1— -Com Pled I n clearvuln 01 ''ons Reporting py.. Ruyan.Wild.:(Wn@cliaar.vuirkgpeefions:com) Plop"%Pre-Demolition Laboratory. Notes T.-Ilm' '0' A, ... . . ... eques. ..Vx AY "A stowdftar fkpt posItive for'each HM 5 Day :Samples ............ .... ... ............. .. ....................... ........ .. ... Sample 10 Material: Flbor/Section, Space Analysis .............. ............ ...... .... ... .... WE LAP 1 001A 001-WbitePlarge, Exterior Kitqhoo '1:98<-4.PUN&TEM ........... .... ...... .................. ................ Y-N ELAP 198.1 & 001:13: 0.0:1-White Parcie, Exterior 5)dorldr. 4 '64-PLM&TEM: .98, T ............... ..... ...... -NY ELAP 199.1 .:002A 002 w White Sealant,WlindqW-P9m..GI8Ahg EftnOr E)derlor -1:98APLM&T-EM. wherp..pipplicobla ......... ............ ..... .. ...... ..... ................. NY FLAP' I ga.1 & .......... 00213 002.=White.Sealant;:Windm Pane.Glazing Exterior �Xteoor 19841 PLM&TEM whaleAp .... ........................................................ . ................... ....... ........... . .... ..... NYELAF 198.1 & .003A. 003-GrayiMasonry glock:(C-Mt)) :Opplir ble .... .. .... .. ....... ..... .. .. ..... ..... ...... ......................................... ...... ......... dle6i.VU:116sp*piptlons m Phoin of.Cusl.qdV'F.br,Antq.nio-C-ivitells Antonio 10051 1 of 4 -..Sectlon:Sam .111 Floor/ Andlysit: 'Pie Space . ......... ..... ......................................................... . ... .................. ......... ............ ............ ... ... . ..... ...... ......... ... ........ ...... ......... ...... .......... ............. . ......................... .............. W tLAP-106A & ::00. Gray McIs j3lock,:(Q.MU .04A.PWA, M NYELAP-198.1 & ........... ft......... ........... ............... 98* 404 j4,0 ......*,404�:G���a- ...... ii�L- A . .................. whereapplicable. .0048 -BlockNortar :E).k"or 19840ILMAi TEM . .4pplicable, ..................... ..... . ......... . ........................................... .......... .... .............. .. ... .............. ...... ... ... WELAP-1981 & :005A: PbOb,Shi., or- :E j-4enor :19"FWA VEN where-appilicable WELAP-198.1 & .0068 '005-Gray-koofing,,Coffioosite.Shingle E)dedor 1.98APM&TEM E)dedor where-ap.P-li*cabld- WELAP f0a.,I MAt 006--131ack Roofirtg Paper/Fait Exterior1 98AK... 'EM where qppjfqpbjq ......... ....... ....... . .......... ............ ................. ....... .....-........... . ............ ................ ....... .............. . ............. .. .... 0.0,613 Extenor ii :F)dedot I'D 8 k PL M:'I-TTEN ....... . . ..... WhOM 4pplipable: 007: G myR.Offn -Com006 0 N,V , OOO- WEL. P 1 98.4 ( .O7A Layer'wittl felt Exterior .:,Kitchen Where 1001idAble- 007B 007-Gray Roofing,Composite Shingle:Bottom NY ELAP 1:98.1 & Lay6rWith felt. Ddenor E)dedor I984PLM: TEM where.applicable: ....................................... ........ .............. .... . ............................. .................... Ny:08ELAP Iml. 008A 008 11bek kbollogi CO ifo.sw91n 6 Second Plodr Stied 1A PLM.&J5M: Where Olica le ....... . . . ...... Opp YNYtLAP 10.8: -A 00 . .1 .000:: si .::Shed -1 OOAPLMA�-TiW:: .k*Rcio�nO,OOMP.O.'te.Shingle Setond Floor where a1 'P . ..... ap licable INY-ELAP 1981 009A 009:--Gray mortar chimney EAOior- :Exterior 198A PLM-.&TEM: ....... ............. .. ..........I....... ..................... ............... wI*O.?!ppjjOabl ........... .. ......... DAM- 12=x -CIe.OrVU-InspoeWns-.0hain of Custody For Antonio Civitefia AhIdhjdCiVftjt6 1.0 11 Wz i i J,J Sample Ill I Material fborf:Section ':$pace: AAp4lysis ... .......... ........ NYELAP 1:98,1 009i3. Qt)9-Gray.mortarctmileY Exterior Exterior 198.4 RIM&.TEM where applicable: _-..., _ ..... ._............. .. 010':� ... r, ,,...._,_..,:.-.:�u.�...�✓..:,_wA..,,>.._,...,.;�.mww<r; :.: :..:_:..:.:P'498.1.�...... ...,............... fit P�do Tie Fisi l taar. ..w................_.. . .. ..... :Foyer._..;:.:...,::.......: .........:::: ,.;:.>.: . 988:?�PkM w>: whe rw applicable: `N�')wL.AP 1 98 A 1:010B :010-B[.tle Floor.Tile First-Floor payer 198.E PL M&TEM ..... . . ... v±A re: p lfcabla FLAP 1:98,1 & 0.11.A 011.-Red Floor Tle FirstFioor foyer 198A";PLM&TEM uYiare:applcable: 'NY ELAF'1:98..1_& 01:1 B :Q:11-Red Floor Tile First-Floor Foyer 198.4:pLM&TEM 'where applicable E{AP''196A . 012A. Q12=Black.Floor.Tile Mastic First F.fiior :P()Ycr 198A PL,M ATE +were.applicable ELA 8:: & 01.2B OT2 BIaCk Floor Tile liAaStic: F rsf Flour .Foyer 198A.pi, &TEM: where:applicable NY ELAP 198,1:& 013A 01:3-Bute Floor-Tile First.Floor Bathroom 198,4 t'LM&TElyl whe ffiaoapofirable . Y N ELAiI'1981; t)138 01;3-Blue FloorTle First Floor Bathroom 198:4.P.LM&7EM: Where applicable .............. . NYE P 1 . LA. 01:4A 04 Yellow Floor-Tile fiisf Floor Ba((11am 1 g$:4 l?LflA&T1=11A: uuheri�;a�iplica�le N-Y ELAP 1913:1 & .01.48 014-Y611ow Floor lle- l=irstFlorar Bathroom 198:4 PLa'U':&TEp. tJI w}ere..applioable NY ELAP 198.1 & 015A 015-White.Cork;Ceiling Tile >Second Ffoor Stairwell: 19$:4 PLM:&TEM . .......... . ....... ..... . 1S3S , Ica le ........ ...... .....:..:........ SHIP:. RECEX 90x so... . . ... p l t3Af�:; 1Z=YA�-2i921: dearvu inspections--chain,bf Cusioq:Pdr.tlntonio Antanio VvItella-10051 f eTsa 45.1O (. �tlll�l�ltltilE111�fIiIIItCElt1A 7`1:AlC17.97 Sample:ID -Material t=taor f$ectio ':Space: :Analysis ....... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .... ... .. ............ ... ..... . NY EIrAP 198.1.cYE. 0158 0.15-Whit Cork:Ceiling Tile Second t=toor. :Stairwell 198.4 PI:[V1�.'1°EIVI :where.appli catiie M w.._.. . NY FLAP 1.98.:1A. 11 lttaefkir`Shse a! `Swot 1 r Beets . _�.._....— .ape .._.... ..r+g d rtc3ttei t1 .:...:...:... 'FHB... F�LPt NI :. 3; _w ;where.applicable. I NY ELAP-198.1'& 016B .01:6-Blue.Floo(Sheet Vinyl,Paper Sacking :Second floor :Bedroom North 1:98A PLM&TEM ... ...... where applicable ........ . NYELAP WA 017A Q17;Multiple Floor;Sheet'`.V'itM Paper Backing: Secci id Fioar Bedr¢am SoitAh 19.8.A-P1»M�TEM +tvhete.applicable: WFLAP 10.8.1:& 0178. Q17-Mu{tiple:Flrrpr;:Street 11iny!I per ackit g Second ftaar. Sed..rooni SotAh 196.4.PLM.,&'i'EM where applicable 111:2.2021 11 AM. Sampae0:By t?ate Tme ................ . ........... .............. .... ......................................... .......... ....... ...................... . Rat;eiYed Sy Date: Time f eceive.d:By Daze: time k0ceived By Date. ?role ✓` 11°.1121 3PM Relinquished:By Date Tme RelingtAshed By Date: Time Relinqu shed:8y Date: Time SHIP: FEDEX;- :8.0 x, *a0 f PATE!: 12-I!t^202]: ASBES�O Analysis By Date Time 81-40 4910:34es is l� tt l�tt 11��ff f 2'11�S1:7�2:7 .......... .................. ... ....... CI6arVU Inspegtions-Chain of Custody For Antonio Civitella Antonia Civitella-10051. 4 of 4 HAYES #21051727 MICROBIAL CONSULTING Analysis Report prepared for We would like to thank you for trusting Hayes Microbial for your analytical needs! We received 34 samples by FedEx in good condition for this project on December 14th,2021. CiearVu Inspections The results in this analysis pertain only to this job,collected on the stated date,and should not be used in the interpretation of any other job.This report may not be duplicated,except in full,without the written 18 Blackberry Lane consent of Hayes Microbial Consulting, LLC.. Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: (518) 832-9213 This laboratory bears no responsibility for sample collection activities,analytical method limitations,or your use of the test results. Interpretation and use of test results are your responsibility.Any reference to health effects or interpretation of mold levels is strictly the opinion of Hayes Microbial. In no event,shall Hayes Microbial or any of its employees be liable for lost profits or any special,incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of these test results. 10051 Antonio Civitella 104 Knox Road Queensbury, NY, 12804 Collected: December 13, 2021 Received: December 14, 2021 Reported: December 22, 2021 Steve Hayes,BSMT(ASCP) Laboratory Director i Hayes Microbial Consulting,LLC. i J��TflD S7q,T t'[jnYtO(9fiU:dipulhMiiYh F�T'9t PROZ�Glc` of PuhflCHwhh: EPA Laboratory ID: VA01419 Lab ID: #188863 DPH License: #PH-0198 Hayes Microbial Consulting,LLC. 3005 East Boundary Terrace,Suite F.Midlothian,VA.23112 (804)562-3435 contact@hayesmicrobial.com Page:1 of 7 Ryan Wild 10051 _ - #21051727 ClearVu Inspections Antonio Civitella 18 Blackberry Lane 104 Knox Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Queensbury,NY,12804 Asbestos 198.1 (518)832-9213 Subcontracted 1:Amerisci-Lab ID#10984 ,... _ .. .., "<_ .,,,..�, ,n-..-..... ..,ra _.. ,.n::r:.«z.... .� ,,:..,,...,,-m..,.,:;, ;.:,.:r....A;:•...-.. :'s3;:�a' ;'°7=.,, �:�.�'.,:�'X'`.' y'�.i:�^,7,..:ram.,^^.r-�,;a","" :":✓'Y:>^•. 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MICROBIAL.CONSULTING � .......:...:: �- ...,....,.......b.....,.-.:..................:........_...�_._....._._..�,..._.......�,. 3005 East Boundary Terrace, Uite F.Midlothian,VA.23112 (804) 562-3435 contact@hayesmicrobial.com Page:2 of 7 Ryan wild 10051 #21051727 ClearVu Inspections Antonio Civitella 18 Blackberry Lane 104 Knox Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Queensbury,NY,12804 Asbestos 198.4 (518)832-9213 Subcontracted 1:Arne risci-Lab ID#10984 _. ..... .,,._. _. .-«,._"_-:u..,. .. .... .,.�,•,.:,«_,.»....,»,,.....,a„".�„�,,.r: ,-.. .,�.•....:•.<�>x«..> «a••.,7:_,-...._,;. r x,� :.•a,. �-•:�._ „a,. ,y,., :ram.. .,--...- «,.�.. „>.,..,-,«.,,.-».k ..-a.»-.: , ,> ,<q,+^.s.: .�:sr., < ..,..,.,v ......>,. .�c�. ..r` :'sS, a'�. 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Bulk Material/Black None Detected 00713-007-Gray Roofing,Composite Shingle Bottom Dyer with Felt Exteri.". Bulk Material/Black None Detected 1 008A-008-Black Roofing,Composite Shingle Second Floor Shed Bulk Material/Black <[ Ghiysoti e ... ........... Collected:Dec 13,2021 Received: Dec 14,2021 Reported:Dec 22,2021 .. ,.•.:, Asa:"•.;.- .. t.:_°..< . -✓ r na Bate,° `Fi8t1"N7 d:B" '•Date:'=<P,.o ect A sty' 14.53 c r" k F , a:9a R is D a es. Gee h cob er kto k 2 ,•22i=" 0 "1'`;;�:: MICROBIAL CONSULTING3. 3005 East Boundary errace, uite F.Midlothian,VA.23112 � (804)562-3435 w contact@hayesmicrobial.com Page:3 of 7 Ryan Wild 10051 *21051727 ClearVu Inspections Antonio Civitella 18 Blackberry Lane 104 Knox Road ' Queensbury,NY 12804 Queensbury,NY,12804 Asbestos 198.4 (518)832-9213 Subcontracted 1:Amerisci-Lab ID#10984 i'xF"'^'`n S?. :.JYE:-•,.'F': _ �:. ,n�'.S"":rc''P"+.>4Y9 .'a"'!:-S:�•nl.,;^',•w� 'Kim'„>*Ys. �:Y.C,.�';.+„?S•:'•;:3�.S�n '�Y,� e`.`.•Y°- "^i.4Y.,{a,, x,a..-., ^;. mod. �:^ .�^' r< �`;4,:,r ,.v"".;%.'.� ny-.. ,r5"�<. '.;Y. ;S 7,t`:`?`'' .z:i7•,� a"'=;„.,:�-";?,;;'^C"'n:T-cE -^^>"$Lr"..5.'v..:. :+'a^Y�z.`n Y=,:^^- ��x,:�;£� ,�<, ."5.�" ;':^ �`,'�-� -�� -..v.� >•r� ?:�<. E {� ,,;s.. „'"mow E^ •,n- , ', ,.t z .�'�, �... c- sus U i.. p "Al - ,�„�iS:, .h y,„5.;:; .�,�.,,,;�%r�.�` �•,.�. y.�,.: .>�- y:r3* .�eac,"?_.'r.,.tw .F�%��'�,�, �,...,,..,- " i. 'o a111C> •�ACI(.1�. a,.�. 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AM rew 008E-008-Black Roofing,Composite Shingle Second Floor Shed Bulk Material/Black 41 Chrysotile ;9 01 OA-010-Blue Floor Tile First Floor-Foyer Bulk Material/Black 9.3%Chrysotile 01 OB-010-Blue Floor Tile First Floor-Foyer Positive Stop 011 A-011 -Red Floor Tile First Floor-Foyer Bulk Material/Blue 5.5%Chrysotile 22;; 011 B-011 -Red Floor Tile First Floor-Foyer Positive Stop 23j : 012A-012-Black Floor Tile Mastic First Floor-Foyer Bulk Material/Black None Detected ".'24V 012B-012-Black Floor Tile Mastic First Floor-Foyer Bulk Material/Black None Detected 25 013A-013-Blue Floor Tile First Floor-Bathroom Bulk Material/Blue 7.9%Chrysotile Collected:Dec 13,2021 Received: Dec 14,2021 Reported:Dec 22,2021 b..y- ,r, :.'�1^Y,�at;�.�- :'w`�"-•.,�k�X�; r .�s'�"��,,� g' ti<"�;�: .�^4: ',::x�` M,o^��rc cwF:. `T'�'��=�k,�:�:`%,� u7�%�'?,'.::s; e�?*.r�;%€�a' "`t Pr eclAna s �.,. ;w,- 4l. 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Bulk Material/Blue None Detected 017A-017-Multiple Floor,Sheet Vinyl Paper Backing Second Floor-Bedr... Bulk Material Blue None Detected 34. 017B-017-Multiple Floor,Sheet Vinyl Paper Backing Second Floor-Bedro... Bulk Material/Blue None Detected Collected:Dee 13,2021 Received:Dec 14,2021 Reported:Dec 22,2021 �r"•- axe.: �,-:;���„ ._��::� -:� -�" -;-,;., :�:'-�'._ ..�<,�-,.�.- -.�;-�;-,--'-.•.�,�^ :r--:--< --;5;,�.�..-,,.,, ierrare, HE AY E S &0ate: SRe «,m. 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G z m �p� o it DEMOLITION AND EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN r m m z Q AgR �o r 3 WVON BY: Nff D -BY: NN CNEMDBT: NC/SJAMN m oy x O m m O m Z A� m m O Co Z m D Jc m O O o� A m g0 A A Dm� no X 0 1M.11" ",I-' !� zr�Y O.Ce��e Line i 75 mo (b / \ -� Z n m v � / �1.5 :. .. l££ a PREPARED FOR ANTONIO & MARIA CIVITELLA 104 KNOX ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 - ° mm m� �AD p{ On C Z- m~ om- ,� O / O �m 3 / m O \ ~ I c� rn 'y 2 I° (D fNN ° ° m 0 V m O m� i III r- r r l mz, om' I " z N N,n N i M l� ''s'��R '�Ir���--•'ccam -1 ;b'S1,,,Y,' I',, '• I c yI I JJ \ v O A 711 c� r' ,O O a � i y' ti nm I� REVISIONS VSE To P.B. COMMENTS NA PER CLIENT RESOLUTIONS aDED K ecE^Fx'P�� � E� N IVY ego 'qo-+hail lwo,o s°£ a